What should men be wary of when they have chest pain? Why can a man's chest hurt? Causes of breast pain in men

Men's nipples don't perform as well important functions, like the mammary glands in women. And yet they can make themselves felt. There are unpleasant symptoms that in most cases indicate various pathologies.

Normally, the mammary glands in men should have minimal size and normal shape, and should also be absolutely painless. But with various disorders, the following symptoms may occur:

  • In some cases, swollen nipples are observed, that is, they increase in size. They stand out against the background of the chest, the swelling often causes discomfort.
  • Big breasts. It can increase in size, sometimes significantly.
  • Red spots on the chest, hyperemia. Inflammation of the nipple in a man or the entire gland is in most cases accompanied by hyperemia - a rush of blood to the tissues. And in such cases, redness may be observed, as well as a local increase in body temperature (the skin in the lesion will be hot to the touch).
  • Changes in the condition of the skin, for example, excessive dryness, roughness, wrinkling.
  • Changing the shape of the mammary gland.
  • Soreness. It often occurs due to mechanical stress on the breast, such as pressure or friction, but sometimes it can be almost permanent.
  • Upon palpation, a compaction or several dense areas may be detected (in some cases there are many of them).
  • Sometimes enlargement of the mammary glands in men is accompanied by pathological discharge. The nipple area becomes wet and becomes covered with plaque or crusts.

The localization of symptoms can be unilateral or bilateral, that is, both the left nipple (or the entire breast), and the right, and both at once can hurt. The intensity varies from weak to significant: in some cases, manifestations do not just cause discomfort, but interfere with life normal life and cause suffering. In addition, a man can have complexes; many experience instability of psychological and emotional state(breast problems are considered to be purely female).

Reasons for violations

Why are there red spots on the chest, enlarged mammary glands in men and other symptoms? The causes of violations can be very diverse:

  • Bruise, injury. Mechanical damage will provoke a violation of the integrity of tissues and, as a result, their swelling. In this case, the gland can become sick, and with significant exposure, hematomas are formed.
  • The reasons for breast growth in men can be hormonal disorders caused by malfunctions of the reproductive system or other concomitant diseases.
  • Large nipples, as well as other unpleasant manifestations, may be a consequence of taking certain medications such as anabolic steroids, hormonal drugs, certain antidepressants.
  • Mastitis can also be a cause of nipple inflammation in men. This disease is considered predominantly female and most often develops in nursing mothers, since pathogenic microorganisms can easily penetrate through milk duct or an injured area of ​​the nipple or areola. But why does the disease occur in the stronger sex? Bacteria usually enter the male mammary gland through wounds, abrasions and other injuries. The venerable area becomes painful, swollen, and may swell. With this disease, red spots often appear on the chest.
  • Gynecomastia is a condition in which growth of the mammary glands in men is observed, caused by hypertrophy of fatty and glandular tissues. Manifestations are often observed in young men, but can occur at almost any age.
  • If the chest hurts in adult men, this may indicate endocrine diseases, which include diabetes, hypothyroidism. Such diseases provoke disruptions in the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and other glands responsible for the synthesis of hormones.
  • Atheroma or cyst of the sebaceous gland.
  • Fibroma is a benign neoplasm formed from connective tissue.
  • Fibroadenoma is another type benign tumors, which can also occur in males.
  • Liver diseases. This organ has a direct impact on hormonal levels, as it is responsible for the utilization of hormones (including sex hormones), as well as for fat metabolism.
  • Mondor's disease is a rather rare disease, which is thrombophlebitis of the veins localized on the anterior or lateral surface of the abdominal or chest wall.
  • The lump may be a manifestation of breast cancer. Although the disease develops extremely rarely in men, it is still possible.

What to do

What to do if pain in the nipples in men and other manifestations bother you? Of course, consult a doctor. Visit a therapist and tell us about your problems so that he can refer you to specialized specialists such as an andrologist, endocrinologist, or traumatologist. Making an accurate diagnosis and finding out the causes of pathologies will allow diagnostic procedures: ultrasonography, radiography, blood tests (biochemical, hormones, etc.), biopsy.

Further actions and measures aimed at eliminating the symptoms and their causes should be described in detail by the doctor. If the pain was caused by a bruise, then it may be useful application local funds, for example, ointments or creams that eliminate hematomas and pain. In case of hormonal imbalances, it is recommended to take hormonal medications. Endocrine diseases or liver problems require individual treatment, and some tumors are removed surgically.

If a man's breasts begin to grow or increase in size, this is not normal and requires contacting a specialist. And the sooner you start acting, the greater the chances of avoiding serious consequences.

Pain in the mammary glands in men varies in nature and has its own causes, some of which are quite serious. To eliminate discomfort It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, on its basis the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.


The mammary glands of men and women have an almost similar structure. During puberty female breast Due to the influence of hormones, it begins to grow, but the male one remains in its infancy.

Causes painful sensations there is quite a lot in the chest, these are:

Painful sensations and areas of compaction often occur in adolescents. Usually, when palpating the chest in young men, one can feel dense single or multiple balls located asymmetrically and mainly near the nipples.

In boys, the mammary glands swell and pain occurs - this condition is called physiological gynecomastia.

If there are no other signs of a change in well-being and the symptom goes away on its own no later than 20 years, there is no need to worry. In severe cases, adolescent gynecomastia requires medication or surgical treatment(read more about this in this article). The clinical examination should include a consultation with a urologist to exclude non-physiological causes, such as Reifenstein syndrome, in which there is a defect in the synthesis of testosterone in the body. This disease may be accompanied by atrophy of the genital organs or hermaphroditism.

For more information about this, watch the video consultation with a mammologist:

Types of pain

Pain and discomfort in the mammary glands can vary in intensity, periodic, constant, or detected only by palpation.

Pain can occur at any age; often painful sensations in the mammary glands occur due to diseases internal organs and at endocrine disorders. Assessing the totality of all manifestations in changes in the patient’s well-being helps the doctor establish a preliminary diagnosis.

The pain may be:

  • One-sided (with left or right side). In this case, trauma, the development of atheroma, fibroma, and cancer should be excluded.
  • Double-sided. Pain on both sides and simultaneous enlargement or thickening is characteristic of gynecomastia.
  • In the nipples, in the aureole, inside the nipples. This change also occurs with gynecomastia, a hormonal imbalance. If discharge from the nipples appears, tumors must be excluded.

Discomfortable sensations are recorded both constantly and when pressing or after physical activity.

Further actions

If painful sensations appear, it is necessary to be examined as soon as possible. Diseases are treated by endocrinologists, mammologists, and surgeons.

Most changes in the mammary glands are benign, but if they are not eliminated in time, a malignant process may develop.

Pathologies such as atheroma and fibroma are often removed in one visit to the surgeon, and after that, after a few days, all changes disappear.

To clarify the preliminary diagnosis, doctors prescribe:

Treatment depends on the cause of the breast pain. And it is always better to carry it out early stages, since in advanced cases it is often not possible to return the mammary gland to its usual size, shape and health.

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As you know, mammary glands are present not only in females, but also in men, in whom they are called mammary glands. Their formation occurs under the influence of hormonal components. Failures in this body system should be considered main reason enlargement and formation of pain in the mammary glands in a man. In this case, you need to start treatment with an endocrinologist.

Causes of pain

The most common reason that a man has pain breast, should be considered hormonal disorders. In this case, we are talking about gynecomastia, which is a benign enlargement that is characteristic mainly of the ducts. However, the presented disease, in addition to hormonal dysfunction, must be preceded by the presence of some serious pathological conditions, in particular:

  • mastitis;
  • abscess;
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis.

In the vast majority of cases, gynecomastia develops with age, while experts note a significant hereditary factor, influencing the development of the disease. Pathological condition identified in an advanced form, when it develops rapidly cancer, the risk of formation of which increases significantly in men with the disease.

Other, no less significant factors why the mammary gland hurts include: various diseases and syndromes, namely Mondor's disease (a fairly rare disease), Paget's cancer, nipple adenoma and much more, for example, trauma.

In order to understand this condition in more detail and determine the degree of its severity, it is necessary to approach the definition of symptoms and diagnosis with all responsibility.

Symptoms of the condition

The leading manifestation that characterizes gynecomastia should be considered painful sensations of varying degrees of severity. In this case, a man may develop additional symptoms, for example, in case of injury, these are bruises or other signals of damage to the upper layer of skin. If we talk about other hormonal disorders, then, in the vast majority of cases, the manifestations are accompanied by a deterioration in general health, loss or sudden weight gain.

Speaking of more serious problems, for example, cancer or a precancerous form, a man may experience a change skin, a sharp increase in the size of the mammary gland. In general, the symptoms of breast pain can be very different. This is explained by the fact that they depend entirely on the characteristics of the organism, general condition health. In particular, if a male representative has any chronic or inflammatory diseases breasts, the manifestations will be much more serious, prolonged and painful.

When pain occurs, the first thing every man should do is consult a doctor, in particular an endocrinologist. It is he who will indicate exactly what diagnostic examinations a man needs to undergo in order to subsequently prescribe a rehabilitation course.

Diagnostic measures

It is necessary to begin diagnosis by taking tests, but this process is preceded by such steps as studying the medical history and visual inspection, palpation of the problem area. Further, to make a diagnosis, it becomes necessary to:

  1. donating blood to identify the presence of tumor markers, certain hormonal disorders;
  2. undergoing an ultrasound if certain neoplasms were detected in the breast area;
  3. additional examinations, in particular, a biopsy, which is performed to pump out fluid and determine the molecular composition.

MRI should be considered an equally necessary stage of diagnosis, because these results will give the specialist the opportunity to decide on more detailed clinical picture and, accordingly, the nuances of treatment.

Treatment and prevention

Therapy, if the mammary gland hurts, consists of using a variety of medicines.

For both men and women, these can be hormonal components, analgesics, as well as other drugs that can reduce pain and other negative symptoms.

If a neoplasm is identified in a man, which turns out to be the cause of pain in the mammary gland, it may be necessary to surgery or biopsy. This will allow you to remove the formation and pump out all the negative liquid from it. As is known, in addition to the therapeutic effect, a biopsy is also characterized by a diagnostic effect, because it makes it possible to determine how negative the processes in the breast are.

An additional stage of treatment when the mammary gland hurts should be considered general strengthening of the body. It involves the use of vitamin components and mineral elements. It is important to ensure that the dosages of the drugs used remain acceptable and do not exceed the permissible ones - only in this case can one count on the fastest possible recovery of the body. It is recommended to start using certain products with minimal dosages. In this article.

In order for therapy to have an effect when a man’s mammary gland hurts, it is necessary not to forget about preventive measures. They consist in the absolute exclusion of exposure to any bad habits, in particular, nicotine addiction, alcohol components and narcotic substances. You should also constantly monitor your hormonal levels to eliminate the possibility of developing similar diseases.

An equally important stage of prevention is constant physical activity.

This is what speeds up metabolism, improves the overall functioning of the body, and also normalizes the degree of body resistance and its protective characteristics. Endocrinologists and specialists draw attention to the fact that eliminating the formation of painful sensations in the chest in men is not a serious or problematic undertaking. To do this, you just need to remember to comply with certain preventive measures and basic rules of caution.

The development of mammary glands under the influence of hormones can occur not only in women, but also in men. Usually when hormonal imbalance Various changes may occur associated with tissue enlargement and pain. When the first signs of disturbances appear, a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. It will help determine why a man’s chest hurts and what changes are occurring in it.

Causes of pain in the chest

With the onset of adolescence, changes occur in the body. At this time, girls begin to actively grow glandular tissue, which leads to breast enlargement. This process is not observed in young men. Minor changes in the form of itching and increased sensitivity of the nipples can be considered normal. Usually such symptoms go away on their own.

If a man glandular tissue is replaced by fibrous and fatty glands, the mammary gland may become denser, rounded, and the nipples become swollen. In this case, the gland hurts greatly. The breasts can increase by 10 cm. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia.

Pain syndrome appears as a result of various hormonal imbalances. A man can feel it with the development of gynecomastia, which is accompanied by:

The doctor can find out why this condition occurred during an examination, during instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Symptoms of gynecomastia

With gynecomastia, as with mastopathy in women, diffuse and nodular changes occur.

With diffuse formations, the ducts are clogged evenly over the entire surface of the gland. As a result of this process, small cysts are formed. The disease begins with a thickening in the area behind the nipple, its areola, which is characterized by pain. If you feel the breast, you will notice blurred contours and a granular structure. There are no external changes noted: the nipple and the mammary gland itself move freely. Sometimes there is a retraction of the nipple and the appearance of discharge (in some cases bloody).

If nodular gynecomastia is noted, the nodes become dense. They are localized mainly on one side of the gland. Often the affected area hurts. With this form of the disease, the condition of the nipple does not change, and there is no discharge from the breast. In this case, nodular gynecomastia requires mandatory diagnosis. After all, such symptoms often occur with malignant tumors.

Non-dangerous and serious diseases

With pain in the mammary glands, a man can be diagnosed with various diseases. Some of them do not pose a serious danger to male body. However, they need to be diagnosed only in a medical facility.

When compactions occur, it may not be observed pain. But such formations may be the first sign cancerous tumors. Pathological changes occur in epithelial and glandular tissues. They are difficult to palpate because they are deep.

The gland hurts when sarcoma occurs. In this case, large lumpy oncological formations appear with clear edges. They are characterized by the rapidity of their emergence and development.

Dangerous and non-dangerous diseases when they occur discomfort require diagnostics.

Diagnosis of diseases

You can determine why the mammary gland hurts in men using various methods. Diagnosis of diseases is carried out after a doctor prescribes one or another type of examination.

  • The condition of the mammary glands can be assessed using ultrasound or radiography.
  • During ductography, a contrast agent is injected into the ducts. With its help, the presence of formations in the ducts is noted.
  • A biopsy can identify cysts, mastopathy or malignant tumors. It can be carried out surgically. Stereotactic, ultrasonic and aspiration forms are also distinguished.
  • For a detailed study of the structures of the neoplasm, a puncture is taken. To carry it out, you need a thick needle or a biopsy gun.

Actions to take if pain occurs

If there is pain in the mammary glands, the man needs to be examined by an endocrinologist. For diseases of the pituitary gland, testicles or adrenal glands, the doctor prescribes treatment for disorders in the functioning of the relevant organs.

In the absence of results and characteristic pain syndrome Treatment with male sex hormones may be necessary. During therapy, their dosage is small. However, treatment is carried out over a long period of time. This therapy is indicated when other organs are functioning normally. Gynecomastia is then associated with sexual dysfunction.

In some cases, to eliminate visible signs gynecomastia, necessary surgical intervention. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the mammary gland along with the nipple. If surgical therapy is refused, the man will have to be constantly monitored by a mammologist.

When pain occurs in the mammary glands, dire diagnoses are not always made. But gynecomastia requires increased attention, as it is associated with hormonal disorders. And they can lead to serious consequences.

Chest pain in men - video

Home > Other diseases > Gynecomastia > Chest pain in men: description of gynecomastia, mastitis and mastopathy

Chest pain in men can be associated with many diseases that are inflammatory in nature.

In addition, there are frequent cases of the formation of cysts and neoplasms of various nature.

That is why the success of treatment always depends on early consultation with a doctor, timely diagnosis and correctly chosen treatment.

  • Causes of pain
  • Gynecomastia
  • Mastitis
  • Mastopathy
  • Mammary cancer
  • Nervous causes

Causes of pain

During puberty, adolescents experience hormonal changes for the first time, which in most cases occur without any symptoms.

At certain points, redness or burning sensations and pain may occur for a short period. If the symptoms do not go away, but only increase and are complemented by the growth of the mammary glands in a teenager, you should consult a doctor.

These signs may indicate teenage gynecomastia.

Please note: if pain of any intensity occurs in the chest area, it is recommended not to postpone a visit to the doctor, since many serious processes occur long time without external manifestations or with periodic pain and tingling, which the majority of the male population does not attach much importance to.

Some causes of pain, regardless of age:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • necrosis of fatty tissue in the mammary glands or their replacement with glandular cells;
  • formation of compactions of various types, including cyst-like ones;
  • inflammation of unknown etiology;
  • mastitis;
  • oncological formations.


The main symptom is enlargement of the mammary glands. The process can be painless, as well as with accompanying pain in the chest area, as in calm state, and upon palpation.

With the manual method of examination, some formations in a single or multiple cluster can be palpated. These compactions are clots of glandular tissue that are prone to proliferation, which leads to an increase in the volume of the mammary glands.

An additional symptom of gynecomastia is the presence of discharge from the nipples. The liquid is usually light or slightly cloudy in color, similar to milk. Discharge occurs both independently and with pressure on the nipple.

Good to know: if nipple discharge is mixed with blood, this may indicate cancer. You should consult a doctor immediately.

The main danger is considered to be the transition of benign formations to malignant ones, when the process can no longer be dealt with conservative methods.


Mostly female disease, however, in some cases, men are also susceptible to it. Risk factors are considered:

  • injuries to the chest and mammary glands;
  • infection different ways, including from cuts;
  • Nipple piercing is one of the common causes of mastitis;
  • gynecomastia - especially in the phase of discharge from the nipples, since infection is possible through an open canal.


Another female disease that can occur in men.

Its main symptom is pain in the mammary glands and the presence of lumps.

A predisposition to mastopathy exists in men who have or have had gynecomastia, as well as those suffering from hereditary diseases of the endocrine system.

Mammary cancer

The pathology may be a consequence of diseases of the mammary glands, especially if they occur without symptoms, or be an independent disease.

At risk are people who have a tendency towards an unhealthy lifestyle and have cancer in their male line.

For any disease, treatment is prescribed only after full examination and making an accurate diagnosis. It is not recommended to use any medications on your own to eliminate chest pain, because this cannot affect the real reason.

Nervous causes

Quite often, pathology can develop from overstrain of the nervous system. This comes from excessive stress at work and at home, as well as increased excitability.

Nervous system, being subjected to constant stimulation, depletes the body with the same force, depriving it of energy and strength. Along with this, it weakens the immune system which is unable to resist serious illnesses.

Pathologies can be brought in both from outside and for a long time stay in the body, waiting for the right moment for development. The occurrence of pain can be symmetrical, when symptoms are present in the right and left glands at the same time, and asymmetrical - in any one gland.

The right way to determine the cause of the disease is timely diagnosis. That is why doctors recommend annual examination of the body in full, which helps to identify the disease in the early stages and successfully fight it.

If the first pain appears, you must contact your local physician, who, after examination and tests, will issue a referral to the appropriate specialist whose profile will include the pathology.

About diseases of the mammary glands in men, watch the following video:


Diagnosis and treatment for chest pain in men

As you know, mammary glands are present not only in females, but also in men, in whom they are called mammary glands. Their formation occurs under the influence of hormonal components. Failures in this body system should be considered the main cause of enlargement and formation of pain in the mammary glands in men. In this case, you need to start treatment with an endocrinologist.

Causes of pain

The most common reason that a man has breast pain is hormonal disorders. In this case, we are talking about gynecomastia, which is a benign enlargement that is characteristic mainly of the ducts. However, the presented disease, in addition to hormonal dysfunction, must be preceded by the presence of some serious pathological conditions, in particular:

  • mastitis;
  • abscess;
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis.

In the vast majority of cases, gynecomastia develops with age, and experts note a significant hereditary factor that influences the development of the disease. The pathological condition is identified in an advanced form, when an oncological disease develops rapidly, the risk of its formation in a man with the disease increases significantly.

Other, no less significant factors for why the mammary gland hurts include various diseases and syndromes, namely Mondor's disease (a fairly rare disease), Paget's cancer, nipple adenoma and much more, for example, trauma.

In order to understand this condition in more detail and determine the degree of its severity, it is necessary to approach the definition of symptoms and diagnosis with all responsibility.

Symptoms of the condition

The leading manifestation that characterizes gynecomastia should be considered painful sensations of varying degrees of severity. In this case, a man may develop additional symptoms, for example, in case of injury - these are bruises or other signals of damage to the upper layer of skin. If we talk about other hormonal disorders, then, in the vast majority of cases, the manifestations are accompanied by a deterioration in general health, loss or sudden weight gain.

Speaking about more serious problems, for example, cancer or a precancerous form, a man may experience changes in the skin and a sharp increase in the size of the mammary gland. In general, the symptoms of breast pain can be very different. This is explained by the fact that they depend entirely on the characteristics of the body and the general state of health. In particular, if a male representative has any chronic or inflammatory breast diseases, the manifestations will be much more serious, prolonged and painful.

When pain occurs, the first thing every man should do is consult a doctor, in particular an endocrinologist. It is he who will indicate exactly what diagnostic examinations a man needs to undergo in order to subsequently prescribe a rehabilitation course.

Diagnostic measures

It is necessary to begin diagnosis by taking tests, but this process is preceded by such steps as studying the medical history and visual examination, palpation of the problem area. Further, to make a diagnosis, it becomes necessary to:

  1. donating blood to identify the presence of tumor markers and certain hormonal disorders;
  2. undergoing an ultrasound if certain neoplasms were detected in the breast area;
  3. additional examinations, in particular, a biopsy, which is carried out to pump out fluid and determine the molecular composition.

MRI should be considered an equally necessary stage of diagnosis, because these results will give the specialist the opportunity to determine a more detailed clinical picture and, accordingly, the nuances of treatment.

Treatment and prevention

Therapy for breast pain involves the use of a variety of medications.

For both men and women, these can be hormonal components, analgesics, as well as other drugs that can reduce pain and other negative symptoms.

If a man has a tumor identified as the cause of his breast pain, surgery or a biopsy may be required. This will allow you to remove the formation and pump out all the negative liquid from it. As is known, in addition to the therapeutic effect, a biopsy is also characterized by a diagnostic effect, because it makes it possible to determine how negative the processes in the breast are.

An additional stage of treatment when the mammary gland hurts should be considered general strengthening of the body. It involves the use of vitamin components and mineral elements. It is important to ensure that the dosages of the drugs used remain acceptable and do not exceed the permissible ones - only in this case can one count on the fastest possible recovery of the body. It is recommended to start using certain products with minimal dosages. About aching pain in this article.

In order for therapy to have an effect when a man’s mammary gland hurts, it is necessary not to forget about preventive measures. They consist in the absolute exclusion of exposure to any bad habits, in particular, nicotine addiction, alcohol components and narcotic substances. You should also constantly monitor your hormonal levels to eliminate the possibility of developing similar diseases.

An equally important stage of prevention is constant physical activity.

This is what speeds up metabolism, improves the overall functioning of the body, and also normalizes the degree of body resistance and its protective characteristics. Endocrinologists and specialists draw attention to the fact that eliminating the formation of painful sensations in the chest in men is not a serious or problematic undertaking. To do this, you just need to remember to follow certain preventive measures and basic rules of caution.



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    Do not forget to periodically see a mammologist! These visits will help YOU prevent the risk of cancer!

    Determining your risk of breast cancer

    This test retains the reliability of calculations for a woman of the Caucasian race, without identified hereditary genes for breast cancer, without a previously established diagnosis of this disease, and subject to an annual examination by a mammologist.

    Test result

    The risk of developing breast cancer over 10, 20 and 30 years is -0.1%, 1.1%, 3.2% respectively.

    The probability of not getting sick within 10, 20 and 30 years is 100.1%, 98.9%, 96.8% respectively.

    This test is not entirely suitable for girls under 20 years of age and women over 50 years of age (there may be slight errors). We advise you to read the materials we have prepared about the structure of the breast, risk factors for breast cancer and breast self-examination skills that every adult woman should know.


Pain in the mammary glands in men

Pain in the mammary glands in men varies in nature and has its own causes, some of which are quite serious. To eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, based on which the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.


The mammary glands of men and women have an almost similar structure. During puberty, female breasts begin to grow due to the influence of hormones, while male breasts remain in their infancy.

There are many causes of pain in the chest, these are:

Painful sensations and areas of compaction often occur in adolescents. Usually, when palpating the chest in young men, one can feel dense single or multiple balls located asymmetrically and mainly near the nipples.

In boys, the mammary glands swell and pain occurs - this condition is called physiological gynecomastia.

If there are no other signs of a change in well-being and the symptom goes away on its own no later than 20 years, there is no need to worry. In severe cases, adolescent gynecomastia requires medical or surgical treatment (read more about this in this article). The clinical examination should include a consultation with a urologist to exclude non-physiological causes, such as Reifenstein syndrome, in which there is a defect in the synthesis of testosterone in the body. This disease may be accompanied by atrophy of the genital organs or hermaphroditism.

For more information about this, watch the video consultation with a mammologist:

Types of pain

Pain and discomfort in the mammary glands can vary in intensity, periodic, constant, or detected only by palpation.

Pain can occur at any age; often painful sensations in the mammary glands occur due to diseases of the internal organs and endocrine disorders. Assessing the totality of all manifestations in changes in the patient’s well-being helps the doctor establish a preliminary diagnosis.

The pain may be:

  • One-sided (left or right side). In this case, trauma, the development of atheroma, fibroma, and cancer should be excluded.
  • Double-sided. Pain on both sides and simultaneous enlargement or thickening is characteristic of gynecomastia.
  • In the nipples, in the aureole, inside the nipples. This change also occurs with gynecomastia, a hormonal imbalance. If discharge from the nipples appears, tumors must be excluded.

Discomfortable sensations are recorded both constantly and when pressed or after physical activity.

Further actions

If painful sensations appear, it is necessary to be examined as soon as possible. Diseases are treated by endocrinologists, mammologists, and surgeons.

Most changes in the mammary glands are benign, but if they are not eliminated in time, a malignant process may develop.

Pathologies such as atheroma and fibroma are often removed in one visit to the surgeon, and after that, after a few days, all changes disappear.

To clarify the preliminary diagnosis, doctors prescribe:

Treatment depends on the cause of the breast pain. And it is always better to carry it out in the early stages, since in advanced cases it is often not possible to return the mammary gland to its usual size, shape and health.


Chest pain in men: causes, treatment

The development of mammary glands under the influence of hormones can occur not only in women, but also in men. Usually, with hormonal imbalance, various changes may occur associated with tissue enlargement and painful sensations. When the first signs of disturbances appear, a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. It will help determine why a man’s chest hurts and what changes are occurring in it.

Causes of pain in the chest

With the onset of adolescence, changes occur in the body. At this time, girls begin to actively grow glandular tissue, which leads to breast enlargement. This process is not observed in young men. Minor changes in the form of itching and increased sensitivity of the nipples can be considered normal. Usually such symptoms go away on their own.

If a man's glandular tissue is replaced by fibrous and fatty tissue, then the mammary gland can become denser, rounded, and the nipples become swollen. In this case, the gland hurts greatly. The breasts can increase by 10 cm. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia.

Pain syndrome appears as a result of various hormonal imbalances. A man can feel it with the development of gynecomastia, which is accompanied by:

The doctor can find out why this condition occurred during an examination, during instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Symptoms of gynecomastia

With gynecomastia, as with mastopathy in women, diffuse and nodular changes occur.

With diffuse formations, the ducts are clogged evenly over the entire surface of the gland. As a result of this process, small cysts are formed. The disease begins with a thickening in the area behind the nipple, its areola, which is characterized by pain. If you feel the breast, you will notice blurred contours and a granular structure. There are no external changes noted: the nipple and the mammary gland itself move freely. Sometimes there is a retraction of the nipple and the appearance of discharge (in some cases bloody).

If nodular gynecomastia is noted, the nodes become dense. They are localized mainly on one side of the gland. Often the affected area hurts. With this form of the disease, the condition of the nipple does not change, and there is no discharge from the breast. In this case, nodular gynecomastia requires mandatory diagnosis. After all, such symptoms often occur with malignant tumors.

Non-dangerous and serious diseases

With pain in the mammary glands, a man can be diagnosed with various diseases. Some of them do not pose a serious danger to the male body. However, they need to be diagnosed only in a medical facility.