All the ways to clean a washing machine: heating element, drum, powder compartment, exhaust filter. How to descale a washing machine with citric acid

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid?

It's time to clean it, but you either can't afford or are afraid to buy store-bought products? Ordinary citric acid will save the situation: it will quickly cope with any plaque. You just need to use the product correctly. Next, we tell you how: how much to sprinkle “lemons”, in what sequence to clean and what precautions to follow.

Benefits of cleaning with lemon

Before you get acquainted with the intricacies of cleaning washing machine Using lemon powder, let's figure out why this particular remedy is used and why it deserves such wide distribution. So, the advantages of lemon juice:

  • Affordability – acid is the cheapest means for servicing washing equipment.
  • High efficiency - acid quickly removes scale and solid deposits. By entering into various kinds of reactions with water, it oxidizes better than lemon juice and vinegar, therefore more effectively destroys dirt on the drum, walls, blades and heating elements.

Citric acid is a safe and affordable remedy

  • Safety for humans - unlike special means, “lemon” does not have a strong specific odor and is harmless to household members.
  • Versatility - lemon powder is suitable for all types of cars.
  • Relatively harmless to equipment - citric acid has a gentler effect on the internal parts of the machine than vinegar and store-bought cleaning compounds.

Important! To avoid damaging your equipment, use citric acid no more than once every 3-4 months.

  • Ease of use - the procedure for cleaning the machine with lemon does not involve any complex manipulations.

Cleaning technology and rules

Sequence of servicing the washing machine:

  • Check the drum and compartment - they should be completely empty, without any small items, buttons or parts.
  • Pour the “lemon” into the powder compartment: for a washing machine designed for 3-4 kg of laundry, you will need 60 g of powder - approximately 2-3 tablespoons. If you have an activator type machine, 40-50 g of lemon juice is enough for the same volume.

Important! Maximum amount citric acid even for large washing machines - 200 g. With an increase in the permissible volume, the risk of deformation of plastic and rubber parts of the equipment increases.

  • Turn on the machine in full mode: wash, rinse + spin. The first cleaning must be performed at a maximum temperature of 90 degrees, and all subsequent cleanings at 60 degrees.
  • When the wash cycle is complete, check the inside of the machine and dry it with a soft cloth.

Clean with citric acid at high temperatures

When cleaning your washing machine for the first time, listen to the sounds that accompany this process. If you hear grinding and whistling, it is better to pause the equipment - most likely a large piece of scale has entered the drain, which is blocking the flow of water. After stopping the machine, check the drain and remove any foreign particles from it, and then start the equipment again.

Thus, if you do not trust store-bought washing machine cleaning products, you can easily replace them with regular citric acid. The main thing is to adhere to the rules for using the powder so that cleaning is as effective as possible, but does not harm the equipment.

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid: video

Limescale is a serious enemy of a washing machine; this is not an invention of marketers. In most cases, it is sufficient to carry out regular cleaning with citric acid - an affordable and cheap product. It saves the drum, heating element, and rubber cuff of the device. The acid solution effectively cleans, prevents mold from forming, and gives a fresh aroma. However, you need to use the lemon juice in compliance with safety precautions, otherwise the device can easily be damaged.

Contaminants that citric acid fights

Even with proper use there is big risk failure of important working elements of the machine due to the build-up of dirt and scale, and fungal colonies. Therefore, regular preventative cleaning is necessary.


On all parts of the machine in contact with water (in the hoses, water tank, on the drum and heating element), a layer of calcium, magnesium and other metal salts gradually builds up. Where water stagnates, as well as when water is boiled or heated, the process intensifies. Excessive doses of washing powder also contribute to plaque formation. This does not make things cleaner, but problems may arise.

Advice! Already at 75° C crystallization and scale formation occurs. Therefore, unless necessary, you should not often turn on the “Cotton” and “Boiling” modes.

A solution of citric acid completely dissolves these salts if the growths are not too large. Regular cleaning with lemon juice is recommended to avoid problems.

To get rid of thick scale deposits, a high concentration of acid is required, which is dangerous for rubber and plastic parts.

Dirt and blockages

Over time, textile lint, hair, wool, and other debris that is washed out of clothing settles and accumulates on the drum and other working parts of the device. Citric acid is not able to dissolve such contaminants, but with regular use it does not allow them to stick and accumulate. As a result, the debris is washed into the lower filter, from where it is easily removed during periodic cleaning.

Slowly, but still, dirty deposits and residues accumulate in the drain hose. detergents, a slimy layer accumulates in the air conditioner compartment and on adjacent surfaces. When used regularly, lemon juice solution copes perfectly with this problem. If the compartment is washed rarely, you will have to remove the tray and wipe it with a sponge.

Fungus and bacteria

If most washes are carried out in gentle modes, then bacteria begin to multiply in the machine, mold starts to grow on the cuff and other parts, and over time this leads to unpleasant smell and corrosion.

Citric acid disinfects the car from the inside; with regular use, you can forget about fungus and musty smell.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

  • safety for humans and household appliances(with the correct dosage);
  • maximum budget;
  • availability in any grocery store;
  • quick action, while lemon dissolves metal salts and destroys fungus;
  • complete removal: citric acid is washed out without a trace, unlike special cleaners, which can then end up on washed clothes;
  • Easy to use, saving time and nerves.

However, citric acid also has its downsides as a cleaning agent. Its disadvantages:

  • in case of overdose (especially with simultaneous exposure hot water) hoses and rubber cuffs are damaged;
  • is not effective enough against strong old stains - a stronger agent is required.

Advice! Lemon juice cannot fully replace citric acid; cleansing with it will not be effective.

Cleaning Features

Only the correct implementation of the procedure allows you to effectively clean the machine without damaging the device itself. First of all, you need to follow several safety precautions:

  • carefully measure the crystals - if the concentration of lemon juice is insufficient, there will be no complete cleaning; with an increased dosage, working elements made of rubber and plastic are damaged;
  • set the optimal temperature regime (up to 60 degrees) - a higher temperature is used in rare cases and requires a reduction in the period of exposure.

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of treatment depends on the temperature and dosage of citric acid. In a regular machine, the timer is set for 30-60 minutes; in an automatic machine, the time is set by a program; for standard cleaning, the “Cotton” mode is set. If the concentration of citric acid is high or the water temperature is 90 degrees, the duration should be reduced to 15 minutes.

How much citric acid is needed?

The proportions of how much to pour this substance depend on the volume of the washing tank and the degree of contamination. If the maximum load is up to 4 kg, then for normal preventive cleaning you will need about 50 g of lemon juice.

For a machine with a volume of up to 7 kg, you will need to take about 100 g of crystals. In some cases, for example, in case of severe contamination, it is possible to increase the consumption of citric acid once, but for regular cleaning this should not be done so as not to damage the working elements.

Cleaning sequence

First you need to check the device for dirt and scale. In most machines, the easiest way to see scale on the heating element is through the holes in the washing tank. If it’s hard to see, you need to shine a flashlight and turn in different sides drum. Depending on the degree of contamination, the dose of lemon juice and the washing mode are selected.

Important! When cleaning heavy deposits, they can come off in fairly large fragments that can clog the drain. At the same time, the machine begins to work poorly, vibrate, and make noise. It is necessary to stop the process, remove the blockage from the drain hose and resume operation of the device.


  1. Remove things from the tank, if they are there - you will need to turn on an unloaded device, because the acid can damage the tissue.
  2. Clean the rubber cuff of the washing machine with a dry cloth to remove moisture and dirt.
  3. Pour citric acid into the powder compartment.
  4. Choose a suitable program - the optimal water temperature is about 60 degrees, if there is a lot of plaque and dirt, then you will need 90 degrees.
  5. Close the door and start the wash cycle with an empty tank.
  6. After completion, you can rinse everything again by turning on the rinse cycle.
  7. After opening the car, wipe the drum and rubber cuff with a dry cloth.
  8. Leave the door and powder compartment open until completely dry.

Such cleaning for prevention should be carried out on average 2-3 times a year. You should not abuse even this gentle method - it is better to comply with all necessary measures in a timely manner. preventive measures care, use water softeners, if possible, do not wash old and fluffy items in the machine, do not use boiling often, wipe the drum cuff dry after each wash.

If the drum is heavily soiled and has an unpleasant odor

In this situation, the usual method will most likely not help. It is better to pour a standard amount of citric acid directly into the drum, turn on the appropriate mode, and after 15 minutes stop the process by pressing pause (if such a function is available) or unplugging it for 1 hour, so that the product is not washed off quickly, but has time to react with sediments. Then you should continue the selected cycle.

Cleaning the heating element

A heavily contaminated heating element can be washed only if you remove it and boil it separately, adding 1 tablespoon of citric acid per liter of water. Then you need to dry the heating element and install it in place. It is important to be careful not to damage the part.

What other home remedies can you use?

If you don’t have citric acid on hand, you can replace it with the following household products:

  1. Vinegar. A 9% composition is used (on average 0.5 cups), which is poured into the powder compartment. Cleaning is carried out according to the same scheme as with citric acid.
  2. Soda. It is recommended to use less aggressive varieties: household and food grade. Soda is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio, and then this slurry is applied with a rag to the contaminated areas of the drum, hatch cuffs, and powder tray. After half an hour, clean everything with a damp cloth, then turn on the rinse mode.
  3. A mixture of baking soda and citric acid. This product is too aggressive! Perfectly removes complex old stains. It is used in extreme cases; it cannot be used constantly, because deformation of the rubber gaskets may occur, especially in case of overdose.

If you follow all precautions, citric acid will easily and carefully clean your washing machine. The product has many advantages and a minimum of disadvantages, has been tested in practice and has many positive feedback. The main thing is to choose the optimal concentration and the right mode.


Citric acid is a popular “folk” remedy for getting rid of. Its cost is low, especially in comparison with specialized means for removing lime deposits. And, unlike other “acids” (such as vinegar), it does not have a distinct odor of its own. In addition, when processing lemon, traces of the cleaning agent are completely “washed out” from the washing machine when it enters the rinse mode (which is especially important if there are small children or people with allergies in the family). At the same time, citric acid effectively reacts with carbonate deposits accumulated on heating elements and other parts of the washing machine - and successfully dissolves them.

Before you start cleaning, check to see if small items have escaped under the rubber elements of the washing machine - handkerchiefs, socks, items of laundry, and so on. The drum should be without laundry, because cleaning can only be done in idle mode.

Pour 60-100 grams of citric acid into the main powder compartment or place directly into the drum. As a rule, it is sold packaged in bags of 20 or 25 grams. The volume of the “portion” depends on the capacity of the machine: if it is designed for 3-4 kilograms of laundry, the contents of three bags will be enough for high-quality cleaning; for models with a large drum, the dose should be increased to 4-5 sachets. You should not exceed the concentration of the cleaning agent: at high water temperatures, the reaction with lime deposits will already be quite active. And an excessively acidic environment can have a detrimental effect on the metal and plastic parts of the washing machine.

Set the machine switch to the longest washing mode (as a rule, it is intended for washing heavily soiled cotton fabrics). If cleaning is carried out quite regularly, in a “preventative” mode, you can choose a temperature of 60 degrees, this will be enough to get rid of deposits that have arisen over several months. If washing machine has not been cleaned for a long time, or the water is very hard - choose the maximum temperature (90-95 degrees). The spin mode can be turned off, but if the machine settings allow you to program an additional rinse cycle, be sure to use this method to “rinse” the equipment after cleaning. Click the "start" button.

Watch the machine while washing. After all, if a thick “crust” of scale has managed to grow on the heating element, it will not only dissolve, but also fall off in rather large pieces. As a result, undissolved sediment fragments may end up in the drain of the machine during rinsing. If this happens, you will hear a characteristic humming or rattling sound as the water drains. In this case, you need to pause or turn it off and manually clean the drain.

In order to clean the washing machine drain filter, remove the cover of the panel behind which it is located (it is located at the bottom of the facade) and drain the water from the drain hose into a deep bowl or basin. Place a cloth under the corner of the machine to absorb splashes of moisture. After this, pull out the filter and remove any pieces of scale from it, as well as any other dirt that has accumulated there. After this, return the filter to its place, close the panel, turn on the machine again and let it complete the program.

Wait until the wash is completed, open the drum and bend the rubber elements - scale may accumulate under them in the form of small pieces. Wipe under the elastic with a soft cloth. Treat the surface of the drum itself - small fragments of deposits, more like dirt, may also remain there. By the way, a thin layer of plaque usually also forms on the drum - and after cleaning with citric acid, you will see that the metal shines again.

Then open the machine drain and see if there are any pieces of scale left there. If there are, remove them and throw them away. Small fragments of deposits can be removed with a sponge, large pieces - directly (it is better to do this with rubber gloves).

If you wish, you can additionally “rinse” the machine from small particles of scale that remain after cleaning by turning on the “idle” rinse mode or short wash mode. This time there is no need for high temperatures; for “rinsing” you can select programs with a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Wipe the drum and rubber seals again with a dry cloth. After this, leave the machine with the door ajar to let it dry. Now she is ready to go again.

A layer of scale that forms on the heating element not only increases the risk of failure of the washing machine, but also impairs the quality of the wash and leads to increased energy consumption. To avoid this, clean with citric acid regularly, once every 3-4 months. If the water is hard, “prevention” can be carried out even more often, 5-6 times a year.

In order to prevent the appearance of scale, use detergents with softening additives (usually information about this is contained on the packaging of detergents) and do not overuse washing at high temperatures - scale deposits begin to form at a water temperature of 75 degrees. And the hotter the water, the more intense this process is. Washing at 50-60 degrees will leave the heating elements clean, and the laundry will last much longer in this case.

Related article

The washing machine relieves the owner from the tedious household chore of manually washing clothes. Both the unit itself and its repair are very expensive, so it would be wiser to take care of proper care behind the car.

Today every home has an automatic washing machine. It’s hard to imagine your life without her. For any housewife, such an assistant is simply necessary. Therefore, it is important to try and clean regularly to extend the life of your washing machine.

One of the common reasons for early breakdown of a household automatic machine is the lack of periodic cleaning and improper maintenance. Scale on equipment parts can quickly damage it.

So why create such a situation, because cleaning a washing machine at home is not difficult. There is one good way. Even ordinary citric acid can work wonders if used correctly.

The meaning of cleansing with lemon

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to clean a machine with lemon juice, the answer is of course you can.

But how much substance do you need to sprinkle in order not to damage the machine with citric acid?

How to determine the required amount of product

To begin with, it is worth partially dispelling the myth about the dangers of citric acid in relation to washing machines. Yes, lemongrass is still an aggressive product, as it is an acid. But it can harm rubber parts of equipment only if it is used incorrectly.

This means that to clean the washing machine you need to use acid in the optimal dosage. And set the water temperature and duration of the procedure correctly, then there will be no negative consequences will not be.

That is why we are sharing with you all the nuances and proportions of citric acid that can be used to clean an automatic washing machine yourself.

How much acid is needed to remove salt deposits?

It is important to always take into account that how much lemon juice needs to be poured is determined by the capacity of the drum.

Here's a simple recipe. If the machine is designed for 3-4 kg of laundry, then you will need 3-4 tbsp. spoons of the product (you can add a small pile). Accordingly, if the drum volume is 5 or 6 kg, we take 5-6 tbsp. spoons

As for the water temperature during purification, 60 degrees is suitable for the preventive procedure. This will be quite enough to clean the washing machine.

If for a long time the drum and internal parts were not cleaned, then you need to set the washing machine to 80-90 degrees.

Well, now let’s take a closer look at how to clean a washing machine with citric acid.

How the procedure is performed

How to descale a washing machine with citric acid? In fact, this process is not difficult at all. It can be done at any time, since it is practically no different from regular washing.

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid:

  1. First, pour a suitable amount of lemon into the washing powder reservoir. You can, of course, pour the product directly into the drum of the washing machine, but then the procedure will be less effective.
  2. Next, you need to choose the correct temperature mode. As already mentioned, it is either 60 or 90 degrees. There is not much difference whether it is an intensive, delicate or some other wash program. Usually the “Cotton” program is set.
  3. Now we just start the washing process and wait for it to finish completely. Rinsing and spinning should also be included in the program.
  4. When you have finished using the machine, you should wash the rubber drum gasket with a damp cloth. Leave the door open and wait until the drum is completely dry.
  5. We remove all dirt from the lower compartment, which is usually located at the bottom of the front panel of the machine. It has accumulated during operation.

With these simple manipulations you can achieve cleanliness of the automatic machine and ensure proper care. Lemon will help not only remove scale from internal parts, but also clean the drum.

Well, now you know how to wash a washing machine yourself. Ideally, acid cleaning should be carried out every 2 months. Then the equipment will work properly long years, electricity consumption will be reduced to the optimum, and the washed laundry will become clean and smelling good.

Preventing scale formation

It is best, of course, to try to prevent the appearance of deposits on the heating element altogether. However, this cannot be done completely. But it is still possible to reduce pollution.

What can be done:

  1. Purchase a special filter that will soften the water entering the washing unit.
  2. Use washing powders or gels that additionally protect the machine from scale formation. You can dilute such products a little with soda to soften the water. There are also special powders that remove scale that has already formed.
  3. Operate the equipment correctly, that is, only as indicated in the instructions attached to it.
  4. Washing at temperatures above 60 degrees leads to increased scale deposits. That's why high temperature It’s better to exhibit less often.
  5. If fabric softener is used, the rinse should be intense. Otherwise, particles of substances or detergents that have not been rinsed will settle on the parts and attract dirt.
  6. After each wash, as well as when the unit is not used for a long time, the drum door should be left ajar.

Agree, keeping your washing machine clean is not that difficult. There is no need to perform any complex manipulations. But the machine will last a long time, and the washing will always be of high quality.

Citric acid is inexpensive in the store, so every housewife can afford such regular home cleaning of the automatic machine.

The main reason why an automatic washing machine breaks down is the use of hard water when washing clothes. In order for the machine to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to clean it from time to time. One of the cheapest and most common methods of cleaning a washing machine is to use food-grade citric acid to remove unnecessary limescale on the metal parts of the device.

An indispensable assistant in the fight against scale

Citric acid is a substance that has a crystalline structure similar to granulated sugar, White color and sour taste, has long been familiar to housewives as excellent remedy for descaling kettles, irons and other household appliances. Citric acid is also widely used in cleaning washing machines. This is not surprising, because all of the listed household appliances accumulate scale on the heating elements during operation due to the water used during operation.

What to do for cleaning:

  • take 3 packs of citric acid weighing 20 grams each;
  • make sure that the washing machine drum is empty, otherwise the laundry in it may be discolored by acid;
  • pour this acid into the compartment of the washing machine intended for powder;
  • set the idle washing mode, you can select the so-called quick wash, which lasts 30-40 minutes depending on the model of the device;
  • start cleaning.
  • inspect the rubber band of the drum after cleaning; if there are pieces of scale on it, they are removed with a moistened cloth;
  • The machine drum and gaskets are also wiped with a napkin;
  • after cleaning, the powder compartment is dried;
  • Water must be removed from the drain (if any);
  • the presence of scale pieces in the drum indicates high-quality cleaning of the machine with citric acid.

It should be borne in mind that choosing the gentle mode that was indicated (quick wash) is effective when there is a slight accumulation of scale on the heating elements. If you need a more radical cleaning of the machine, then you should choose the idle wash mode with the highest possible temperature. This way, citric acid can act on thicker and older layers of accumulated plaque.

When choosing a mode for cleaning, it is important to set a mode that includes washing, rinsing and spinning. In the washing mode, scale is broken down under the influence of the substance, and in the rinsing mode, citric acid is completely washed out of the drum. This is necessary so that during subsequent washes after cleaning, the acid is not absorbed into the clothes being washed. Although it should be noted here that in small quantities this substance is absolutely harmless to the human body.

  • start the longest mode of the washing machine;
  • after 10 minutes of idling the device, it is necessary to stop the selected mode for 10 minutes to allow dissolved citric acid to react with scale deposits;
  • After 10 minutes, continue washing;
  • the appearance of a hum in the machine means that the process itself is successful, crushed lime particles are falling into the drain;
  • After the end of the program, you need to turn on an additional rinse to wash the device.

Referring to expert advice, it is important to clean your automatic washing machine once every five months. If the water in your region of residence is particularly hard, more frequent cleaning is possible.


What are the advantages of cleaning a washing machine with citric acid:

  1. Reasonable price for cleanser. Citric acid is sold in stores at prices ranging from 15 to 30 rubles per bag. If you buy special household products, their cost will cost the buyer much more.
  2. Harmlessness of citric acid for humans.
  3. Easy leaching of acid from washed clothes, in case citric acid still remains in the machine drum after cleaning.
  4. Highly effective in the fight against hard, rather outdated limescale.


Damage caused by limescale deposits formed on metal parts washing machine, very serious.

Any water consists of a certain amount of salts, which, when brought to a hot state, begin to form sediment. Over time, scale is created from it.

With absence necessary care behind the washing machine, the formation of scale on the heating elements will initially increase energy consumption. Subsequently, the heating element can easily fail.

After all, accumulated scale has poor thermal conductivity. Accordingly, when heated, an uncleaned heating element transfers heat poorly. Heat is transferred to water worse and worse, but the element itself heats up more and more, which ultimately leads to its complete breakdown.

Also, accumulated limescale on the metal parts of the washing machine contributes to the formation of a fungal environment, which is quite difficult to remove.

That is why it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of household appliances approximately once every six months in order to protect them from premature breakdown due to unacceptable hard scale that forms during the operation of the device.


What precautions should be taken when cleaning the machine with citric acid:

  1. When using citric acid to clean the machine, the specified proportions must be strictly observed. If excess amounts of acid are added, it can adversely affect the functioning of some machine components.
  2. The machine's idle washing temperature should not exceed 90°. If the amount of product is not observed and temperature regime, citric acid can corrode certain machine parts made of plastic and rubber.
  3. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure too often. And you need to keep in mind that citric acid is a strong agent that fights accumulated scale even before heating. The process of its influence only accelerates when heated. Therefore, it is important to use the optimal volume of acid for cleaning.


Which alternative ways Is there a way to descale your washing machine?

As mentioned earlier, scale on the metal parts of the washing machine is formed under the influence of hard water saturated with salts. To prevent the appearance of scale, it is possible to use special products that soften water during washing. They are quite effective to use, but are not cheap. One of the disadvantages of these products is the settling of residual particles after washing in the seams of washed products. This means that special means may not always be harmless to humans.

There are special services whose employees provide descaling services for your machine. Their services also cost much more than the price of three packs of citric acid, which you need to buy every five or six months.

Thus, cleaning an automatic washing machine using food-grade citric acid is the simplest, most effective and affordable method that exists today.