Military ranks by seniority. Who is higher: major general or lieutenant general? History of military ranks

Ranks in the Russian army is a topic that I was able to understand only thanks to my service in the army. I remember how in life safety lessons the teacher forced all the guys to learn them by heart, but even after long cramming, only empty sounds were stored in my head.

Now I have the opportunity to compare these words with real people people I meet around. Thanks to this, I was able to structure this knowledge very simply and clearly so that each of you, dear readers, could easily and for a long time remember what soldiers sometimes take a whole week to remember...

What are the ranks in the Russian army?

As you already understood, before joining the army I had almost no understanding of military ranks. I only knew the basics. The service forced me to memorize them so that I could easily determine who I was addressing or, conversely, who was addressing me.

As always in such articles, I want to start by defining the basic concept. Let's figure out what ranks there are in the Russian army.

In our country there are two types military ranks military personnel - military And ship.

Ship military ranks are assigned to sailors:

  • surface and submarine forces of the Navy;
  • naval military units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Coast Guard Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

Military ranks are assigned to other military personnel undergoing military service V:

  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Foreign Intelligence Service;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • other troops, military formations and bodies.

Great. We understand the concepts. Now let's go upward. From lower rank to higher. What is their hierarchy?

Non-officer ranks in the army

  1. Private ~ Sailor.
  2. Corporal ~ Senior sailor.
  3. Junior sergeant ~ Sergeant major of the second class.
  4. Sergeant ~ Foreman of the first article.
  5. Senior Sergeant ~ Chief Petty Officer.
  6. Petty Officer ~ Chief petty officer.
  7. Ensign ~ Midshipman.
  8. Senior Warrant Officer ~ Senior Midshipman.

What did everyone think? What are all these ranks in our army? No, my friends. The most interesting thing is ahead - the officer corps. It is divided into several parts:

  • Junior officers.
  • Senior officers.
  • Senior officers.

Officer ranks in the army

Military rank ~ Ship rank.

  1. Junior Lieutenant ~ Junior Lieutenant.
  2. Lieutenant ~ Lieutenant.
  3. Senior Lieutenant ~ Senior Lieutenant.
  4. Captain ~ Lieutenant Captain.

These were junior officers. Now let's move on to the older one.

  1. Major ~ Captain 3rd rank.
  2. Lieutenant Colonel ~ Captain 2nd rank.
  3. Colonel ~ Captain 1st rank.

And finally, the senior officers.

  1. Major General ~ Rear Admiral.
  2. Lieutenant General ~ Vice Admiral.
  3. Colonel General ~ Admiral.
  4. General of the Army ~ Admiral of the Fleet.
  5. Marshal Russian Federation~ There are no analogues.

As you can see, the number of ship ranks is exactly one less than the number of military ranks. But what kind!

OK then. We figured out the ranks and their order. How can we now distinguish them from each other? And for this, dear readers, people came up with shoulder straps and sleeve insignia (the latter only for ship ranks).

It is them that we will now analyze. First - in words, then - graphically.

Shoulder straps

  • Soldiers and sailors

They do not have any insignia on their shoulder straps.

  • Sergeants and petty officers

They have insignia in the form of fabric braids - stripes. In the army these stripes are called “snot”.

  • Ensigns and midshipmen

They have insignia in the form of small stars located vertically. The shoulder straps are similar to the officer's, but without gaps and may have edgings (for more details, see the pictures below).

  • Junior officers

One vertical stripe is a gap. The sprockets are metal, small (13 mm).

  • Senior officers

Two clearances and large metal sprockets (20 mm).

  • Senior officers

Vertical embroidered stars big size(22 mm), no gaps.

  • General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet

One large embroidered star with a diameter of 40 mm.

  • Marshal of the Russian Federation

It has one very large embroidered star (40 mm) against a background of radiating silver rays forming a pentagon, and the coat of arms of Russia (without the heraldic shield).

For those who find it difficult to perceive the text and just to consolidate the information received, I suggest you look at the pictures corresponding to the above.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Officer's shoulder straps

Russian Army Command

The next point of our analysis is faces. Those people who lead our army.

First of all, of course, I want to name the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of the Russian Federation

Supreme Commander-in-Chief is not a rank, but a position. The only position that allows you to manage the Marshal of the Russian Federation.
Interesting fact that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin finished his service in the FSB with the rank of colonel, and his current position allows him to lead representatives of the highest officer ranks.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Please note that Sergei Kuzhugetovich bears the rank and shoulder straps of an army general.

The Minister of Defense is the commander of both the ground forces and the navy. This is why there is no rank higher than fleet admiral in the navy.

By the way. Which of you, friends, noticed that I began to write such high ranks as admiral and marshal in small letters? Do you think this is a mistake? I have to disappoint you. No! Why? Read the next part of the article.

Interesting facts about ranks in the army

  • The prefix “guard” (for example, “guard major”) is applied to the military ranks of military personnel of guards units.
  • In relation to military personnel of the legal and medical services, the words “justice”, “ medical service».
  • For military personnel who are in reserve or retired, the words “reserve” and “retired” are added, respectively.
  • Military personnel studying at a military educational institution vocational education, are called: those who do not have a military rank of officers are called cadets, and those who have a military rank are called students.
  • Citizens who did not have a military rank before entering the military educational institution or who had the military rank of sailor or soldier, upon admission to study, they are awarded the military rank of cadet. Other military ranks awarded before entering a military educational institution of vocational education are retained.
  • Military ranks are given after the required length of service and for personal merit. If everything is clear with merits, then let’s figure out how long it is necessary to serve in order to reach the desired rank. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 22 “Regulations on the procedure for military service” the following deadlines are established for military service in military ranks:
    - private, sailor - five months;
    - junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles - one year;
    - sergeant, foreman 1st article - two years;
    - senior sergeant, chief petty officer - three years;
    - ensign, midshipman - three years;
    - junior lieutenant - two years;
    - lieutenant - three years;
    - senior lieutenant - three years;
    - captain, captain-lieutenant - four years;
    - major, captain 3rd rank - four years;
    - lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years.
    Next - 5 years.

Important point. The title can only be obtained if there is a suitable position in the unit. About positions and what ranks you can reach in a particular position in the next article.

  • The ranks of petty officer and chief petty officer have not been awarded since 2012. They still exist in documents.
  • All military ranks - from private to marshal of the Russian Federation - are written with a small letter.
  • The rank of major is higher than the rank of lieutenant, but major general< генерал-лейтенант.
  • The highest rank that can be achieved in a year of military service is now sergeant.

Dear readers. I hope that while reading this small but very important article, you have formed an understanding of what ranks there are in our army, and in what order they are located.

Military ranks

Comparison of military ranks

Each army has its own system of military ranks. Moreover, rank systems are not something frozen, established once and for all. Some titles are abolished, others are introduced.

Those who are at all seriously interested in the art of war and science need to know not only the entire system of military ranks of a particular army, but also to know how the ranks of different armies relate, what ranks of one army correspond to the ranks of another army. IN existing literature There is a lot of confusion, errors, and simply absurdities on these issues. Meanwhile, it is very difficult to compare ranks not only between different armies, but often also between different armed formations within the same country. If we take, for example, Germany in 1935-45, it is difficult to compare ranks Ground Forces, Luftwaffe and SS troops.

Many authors approach this issue very simply. For example, they take a table of ranks for army A and a table of ranks for army B, look for ranks in both tables that sound the same and, ready to go, there is a comparative table. Typically, such points of comparison are the ranks “private”, “major” (a very convenient rank - it is written and read almost the same in many languages) and “major general” (this rank in almost all armies is the first among the general ranks). Moreover, from lieutenant to colonel, the number of ranks in most armies is the same.

But let's try to create a comparative table of the ranks of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht. Let's not pay attention to the fact that in the German army there is no rank of "private". In any case, he is a soldier. So, the Red Army is a Red Army soldier, the Wehrmacht is a soldier. But then we stumble. In the Red Army - corporal, In the Wehrmacht - oversoldat, In the Red Army - junior sergeant, in the Wehrmacht - corporal, in the Red Army sergeant, in the Wehrmacht - overfreiter, in the Red Army senior sergeant, in the Wehrmacht - staff sergeant, in the Red Army - sergeant major, in the Wehrmacht - non-commissioned officer, in Red Army junior lieutenant, in the Wehrmacht - non-commissioned officer. Stop! This will not work. How then can we compare further if both the Red Army and the Wehrmacht have the rank of lieutenant. Yes, here the Luftwaffe throws up a problem: there is the rank of Hauptefreiter. Yes, it turns out that in the SS troops there are not three corporals, but only two (navigator and rotenführer).

If we look at the US Army, it is difficult to compare here either. For example, in the Marine Corps there is a rank below private - recruit, and between colonel and major general wedge the rank of brigadier general. And with whom in the American army can a marshal of armored forces be compared, if they have the highest rank of general of the army?

You can, of course, do as Messrs. Yegers E.V. and Tereshchenko D.G. did. in the book "SA Soldiers" publishing house "Tornado" 1997. I can’t resist and give this example of a crazy comparison of titles:

Titles of SA members
SA Sturmann private
S.A. Obersturmann senior soldier
S.A. Rottenfuehrer lance corporal
SA Shariuehrer corporal
S.A. Oberscharfuehrer sergeant
S.A. Truppfuehrer staff sergeant
SA Obertruppfuehrer staff Sergeant
SA Haupttmppfuehrer ensign
SA Sturmfuehrer lieutenant
SA Obersturmftiehrer Oberleutnant
SA Sturmhauptfuehrer captain
SA Stunnbannfuehrer major
SAObersturmbannfuehrer lieutenant colonel
SA Standartenfuehrer Colonel
S.A. Oberfuehrer no match
SA Brigadefuehrer Brigadier General
SA Gruppenfuehrer major general
SA Obergmppenfuehre Colonel General
SA Stabschef chief of staff

Curious, with which army do the authors compare the ranks of SA members? Or is this a free translation into Russian of German titles? Well, then it is necessary to translate brigadenführer not as brigadier general, but as brigade leader or brigade leader, and Standartenführer as leader of the standard.

I would like to propose introducing into use such a concept as “rank encoding”. If each rank has a code, then to compare ranks it is enough to look at the rank code of one army and find the same code in the table of ranks of another army. Everything will become clear then.

As a criterion for compiling a coding of titles, I proceed from the principle that titles are not titles, but are an abstract expression of very specific positions. Simply put, each military rank corresponds to a specific command position.

First, let's look at the hierarchy of military units, units, and formations.

The smallest unit with a full-time commander is department. That's what they call it in the infantry. In other branches of the military, it corresponds to the gun crew (in artillery) and the crew (in tank forces).

Two to four branches make up platoon. Usually in all branches of the military this unit is called that way. Two to four platoons are company. Two to four (or more) mouths make up battalion. In artillery this is called division. Several battalions make up regiment. Several regiments make up division. Several divisions make up frame. Several buildings make up army(we will not go into detail about the fact that an army can consist of divisions, bypassing corps). Several armies make up district(front, army group). Thus, we get the following ladder:

- platoon
- company
- battalion
- regiment
- division
- frame
- army

Considering that in the US Army and some other armies, a squad in battle is usually divided into two groups (maneuver group and weapons group), and in many armies (including the Russian Army) there is often an intermediate unit “brigade” between a regiment and a division (the formation is larger and stronger than a regiment, but clearly smaller and weaker than a division) we will make amendments to our hierarchy. Then the ladder will look like this:

- department
- platoon
- company
- battalion
- regiment
- brigade
- division
- frame
- army
- district (front, army group).

Based on this hierarchy of units, we will try to create a hierarchy of military positions, immediately entering the code. Let's take into account the existence of a rank below private.

There is a rather strange category of military personnel, which I called “sub-officers”. In the Russian Army, these include warrant officers and senior warrant officers. It is difficult to explain what caused the emergence of this category of military personnel. Typically, warrant officers occupy the positions of warehouse chiefs, company foremen, rear platoon commanders, i.e. partly as non-commissioned officers, partly as officers. But a fact is a fact. Moreover, a number of armies have a similar category. In the US Army they are called "warrant officers", in the Romanian Army they are called "sub-officers". So:

Rank coding system (according to Veremeev)
Code Job title
0 Recruit, untrained soldier
1 Trained soldier (gunner, driver, machine gunner, etc.)
3 Part-commander
4 Deputy Platoon Leader
5 Foreman of company, battalion
6 Sub-officers (in the Russian Army warrant officers)
7 Platoon commander
8 Deputy company commander, separate platoon commander
9 Company commander
10 Deputy battalion commander
11 Battalion commander, deputy. regiment commander
12 Regiment commander, deputy. brigade commander, deputy com. divisions
13 Brigade commander
14 Division commander, deputy. corps commander
15 Corps commander, deputy com. army
16 Army Commander, Deputy com. districts (army groups)
17 Commander of a district (front, army group)
18 Commander-in-Chief, Commander of the Armed Forces, honorary titles

Having such a coding, it is enough to pick up the staffing lists of units and subunits of the desired army and enter the codes by position. Then all ranks will be automatically distributed according to codes. Each position corresponds to certain titles.

You can add letters to digital codes if necessary. For example, let's take code 2. In the Russian army it will correspond to the rank of corporal. And in the Wehrmacht, since there are several corporal ranks, you can encode it like this:

2a - corporal,

Of course, not everyone has access to the staffing lists of units, units and formations, especially foreign ones. For clarity, we provide an approximate table of correspondence between positions and ranks of the Russian Army:

Correspondence of positions and titles in Russian Army
Rank Job title
Private All newly drafted into the army, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver mechanic, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
Corporal There are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is assigned to highly qualified soldiers in lower positions.
Junior Sergeant, Sergeant Squad, tank, gun commander
Staff Sergeant Deputy Platoon Leader
Sergeant Major Company Sergeant Major
Ensign, senior ensign Material support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high qualifications. Can occupy lower officer positions if there is a shortage of officers
Ensign Platoon commander. Usually this rank is awarded in conditions of acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer courses
Lieutenant, senior lieutenant Platoon commander, deputy company commander.
Captain Company commander, training platoon commander
Major Deputy battalion commander. Training company commander
Lieutenant colonel Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander
Colonel Regiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
Major General Division commander, deputy corps commander
Lieutenant General Corps commander, deputy army commander
Colonel General Army Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
Army General District (front) commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions
Marshal of the Russian Federation Honorary title given for special merits

Please note that this is an approximate correspondence of positions and titles. It should be borne in mind that a soldier holding this position cannot receive a rank higher than the corresponding one. But it can be lower. Thus, a division commander cannot receive the rank of lieutenant general, but a division commander can be a colonel. Usually a colonel is appointed to the position of division commander, and when they are convinced that he can cope with the position, they are awarded the rank of major general. It should also be borne in mind that under certain conditions (small number of units, insignificance of tasks performed) for a particular position the corresponding rank may be set higher or lower than usual. For example, for the position of a company commander, the rank of captain is established, but if the company is a training company, then the company commander may be a major; the position of the division commander is that of a general, but if the division is reduced in strength, then his position will be that of a colonel.

Strict correspondence between rank and position is established only in the US Army. There, simultaneously with appointment to a position, a corresponding title is temporarily assigned. For example, a sergeant in a combat situation was appointed company commander and is immediately given the temporary rank of captain, and when he is returned to his previous position, he again becomes a sergeant.

In a similar way, you can set the encoding of naval ranks:

Naval rank coding system (according to Kramnik)
Code Job title
0 Untrained sailor
1 Sailor specialist. (motor operator, helmsman-signalman, radio technician, etc.)
2 Group commander, assistant squad leader
3 Part-commander
4 Deputy platoon commander (combat post), boatswain on a ship of 4th rank
5 Foreman of a combat unit (company) on a ship of rank 2-1, boatswain on a ship of rank 3-2
6 Commander of a combat post (platoon) (in wartime), chief boatswain on a ship of rank 2-1
7 Combat post (platoon) commander
8 Deputy commander of a combat unit (company) on a ship of rank 2-1, senior assistant commander of a ship of rank 4
9 Commander of a combat unit (company) on a ship of rank 2 or higher, commander of a ship of rank 4, senior assistant commander of a ship of rank 3
10 Commander of a 3rd rank ship, senior assistant commander of a 2nd rank ship
11 Commander of a ship of 2nd rank, senior assistant commander of a ship of 1st rank, commander of a detachment of ships of 4th rank
12 Commander of a ship of 1st rank, commander of a detachment of ships of 3rd rank, deputy commander of a brigade of ships of 2-1st rank
13 Brigade commander of ships of rank 2-1, deputy squadron (division) commander
14 Squadron (division) commander, deputy commander of a flotilla, operational squadron (army)
15 Commander of a flotilla, operational squadron (army), deputy commander of a fleet
16 Fleet Commander, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy
17 Commander-in-Chief of the Navy

Military service implies the presence of military ranks among citizens who have made it their profession. The titles are the same for the entire Russian territory and are awarded in accordance with the legislation of the country.

The purpose of this form of distinction for military personnel is to ensure their subordination in relation to each other. The presence of a certain rank in a military man affects the conditions under which he serves.

In Russia, military ranks are divided into 2 types and can be military and naval. That is, the first are assigned to military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, and the second to employees of the Navy.

More specifically, military ranks indicate belonging to a certain specialty by adding a prefix or corresponding word to them. For example, for a military medic the prefix “medical service” is added to the rank, for a military lawyer - “justice”.

The words “retired, in reserve,” etc. clarify the current status of a serviceman. If a serviceman serves in a guards unit (ship), then the word “guards” is added before his rank.

Since 1993, in armed forces oh our country experimented with appearance shoulder straps reflecting the rank of a serviceman. There were quite a lot of intermediate projects until we settled on the design option that still exists today.

Acquainted with full list existing military ranks can be found in Federal Law No. 53 “On Military Duty” of 1998. The law makes a distinction between military service and conscription. If they talk about military service, then they mean the presence of citizens on special form civil services, and when the second is mentioned, they mean army recruits with their subsequent stay in the reserves. But their ranks are called military in any case.

In the Federal Law (Article 46), ranks are listed in ascending order, which determines their seniority. Military ranks are conventionally divided according to to the following groups for the armed forces and navy respectively:

Title group Military rank / Ship rank
Non-officer ranks
(Conscripted and contract personnel)
  • Private/Sailor;
  • Corporal / Senior Seaman;
  • Junior Sergeant / Sergeant Major of the second class;
  • Sergeant / Petty Officer First Class;
  • Senior Sergeant/Chief Petty Officer;
  • Petty Officer/Chief Petty Officer;
  • Ensign/Midshipman;
  • Senior Warrant Officer / Senior Midshipman.
Junior officers
  • Second Lieutenant/Second Lieutenant;
  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant;
  • First Lieutenant/First Lieutenant;
  • Captain/Lieutenant Commander.
Senior officers
  • Major / Captain 3rd rank;
  • Lieutenant Colonel/Captain 2nd Rank;
  • Colonel/Captain 1st Rank.
Senior officers
  • Major General / Rear Admiral;
  • Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral;
  • Colonel General/Admiral;
  • General of the Army/Admiral of the Fleet;
  • Marshal of the Russian Federation / no analogue.

The supreme commander of the armed forces of the state in Russia is considered the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (usually in war time), this is the Russian President.

For the training of officers, there are higher military institutions, where during the period of study, citizens are called cadets, if before that they did not have any ranks or were in the rank of private/sailor. Persons who have other titles at the time of admission are listed as students.

Upon graduation from military schools, those who have completed training there receive the rank of “lieutenant.” The same name will be given to citizens who studied at a civilian university where there was a military department after passing exams and training camps. Upon receipt of their diploma, they are awarded the rank of “reserve lieutenant.”

What insignia for military personnel look like

The military rank of a serviceman is indicated, first of all, by his shoulder straps and chevrons.

  • Private soldiers and sailors on field uniforms and everyday uniforms do not have any distinctive insignia. And on the shoulder straps of the exit and dress uniforms there are golden metal letters, which indicate belonging to the type of service or training. For example, the letter “F” is the fleet, “KK” is the cadet corps, etc.
  • For sergeants and foremen, shoulder straps are distinguished by the presence of metal corners (straps) that are directed upward, and warrant officers and midshipmen can be identified by small stars that are located vertically. Junior officers are provided with shoulder straps with vertical stripes and small stars.
  • Senior officers can be identified by two gaps and large stars on their shoulder straps. Representatives of senior officers wear shoulder straps with large vertical stars that have no gaps.
  • Marshals' shoulder straps are decorated with a very large one star, and they also have the Russian coat of arms.

For military personnel, there is a certain order in which they receive ranks. They are assigned personally to each military person.

They are assigned a subsequent rank only when the previous one expires. Duration of service refers to the period a person must remain in the previous rank to be eligible for promotion.

The countdown of the period required to obtain a higher rank starts from the date of publication of the order on conferring the rank. It includes interruptions due to the illegal conviction or dismissal of a military personnel, suspension of service. An exception to the rules is the time spent under arrest and serving a sentence, which do not count towards this period.

Receiving titles is first and foremost. The law provides for their assignment earlier than the due date if a military person has special services to the Motherland. Such a position becomes possible if that applicant holds a position in which his present rank is lower than the highest distinction provided for herein. Early assignment of ranks is carried out by an authorized official.

The procedure for deprivation and restoration of ranks

Only the judicial authorities have the right to deprive a military man of his rank. This happens by court decision in connection with the crime he has committed, which can be serious or especially serious. According to the law, the court has the right to do this, regardless of who awarded the title. This judgment entails the removal from the serviceman of all benefits and social privileges that he had due to his military status.

A citizen has the right to be reinstated in rank after expunging a criminal record. To do this, you will need to obtain the consent of the authorized body and positive feedback military commissar. The order of his actions should look like this:

1) The citizen must submit an application to the commissariat regarding reinstatement of rank. It must be reviewed within 30 days.

2) If there are grounds for restoration (illegal court verdict), the commissariat employees prepare a presentation, and the authorized official issues an order to return the rank to the applicant.

For sergeants and foremen, the law provides for disciplinary punishment for a specific offense. It consists of demoting him in rank by one step by order of the head of the institution, who holds the position of regiment commander or higher. After this, the serviceman is obliged to change his shoulder straps in accordance with the new rank.

This decision is made after an objective investigation to determine the causes of the incident. The penalty can be lifted after the incident for at least 3 months, after which the military rank is returned to the serviceman.

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--> On the same topic


Recruits come to serve in the army as ordinary privates. But over time, subject to impeccable performance of service, the military receives new ranks. In order to receive shoulder straps as soon as possible during your service, try to serve with dignity and follow the regulations. When assigning military ranks, attention is paid not only to personal qualities, but also to impeccable knowledge of the regulations of the Russian Armed Forces. The potential must know how to use military weapons, have strong leadership qualities, and be able to lead other soldiers. In addition, the physical as well as tactical training of the soldier. The sergeant must be able to quickly navigate difficult conditions and find a way out non-standard situations.

To obtain the rank of sergeant, a number of conditions must be met: experience in military service, complete secondary education, no criminal record, good health. In addition, the potential sergeant must have leadership qualities and be aware of the degree of responsibility that is assigned to him.

To obtain rank Sergeant, first undergo training in the training unit. Cadets who complete their studies in a special sergeant training program with excellent marks receive rank Sgt. It is also awarded to those deemed worthy of receiving another rank and for those positions where provided rank Staff Sgt.

Sergeant's rank assigned to those military personnel who have already served a certain period in the ranks army. In some cases, you can become a sergeant early as a reward for certain merits. To do this, you need to have an impressive track record and be noted for special actions.

If you have been teaching at a university or in the departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a long time, have written a textbook, or have served as a rector or vice-rector for some time, then you can apply for an academic title rank associate professor by department or associate professor by specialty.

You will need

  • - personal sheet for personnel records;
  • - extract from work book about scientific and pedagogical experience;
  • - extracts from orders on the conduct of teaching activities;
  • - an extract with the voting results of the Academic Council;
  • - list of published scientific works.


Check if you meet the requirements for applicants for rank associate professor by department: whether you are a doctor or science, at a high level professional level teaching at a university, do you have scientific and educational works, are you the author or co-author of a textbook. Candidate for rank associate professor must have worked in the department for at least a year as a substitute professor, vice-rector, rector, etc. If he has teaching experience, a laureate of international and regional festivals, exhibitions, competitions, a holder of an honorary title of the Russian Federation or other republics (People's Artist, People's Artist, Honored Artist, etc.).
To rank associate professor according to, it is necessary, in addition to scientific work experience, to perform according to employment contract functions of a senior, leading or chief researcher, deputy director of a scientific organization or university department. The applicant for this scientific rank At least 10 scientific papers or inventions must be published.

The decision to nominate an academic title is made by secret ballot at the Academic Council. If the board makes a decision, prepare the necessary documents. In addition, bring notarized copies of documents about and a document of a candidate or doctor of science, a copy of the certificate of a state educational institution.
Specify full list all necessary documents at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Submit the documents to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry and wait for a decision. Your documents will be reviewed within 6 months. You will be informed about the result of the examination of certification documents. If the decision is positive, you will be issued a certificate associate professor.


  • Institute of applicant for academic degree and academic title

The armies of many countries are similar in structure and the procedure for recruiting young men. This is especially true for countries former USSR, however, some states abandoned the generally accepted service period of 2 years, and a number even drafted girls into the ranks of the armed forces.

Most states of the once Soviet space abandoned the two-year period. Not only Russia, but also Belarus have reduced the length of service in the armed forces to 1 year or one and a half years. Today in the Republic of Belarus, young conscripts must serve from six months to one and a half years, depending on the availability of higher education.

For young men who have successfully completed their studies at one of the higher educational institutions, a service period of 12 months is provided, and citizens who have not received a diploma of higher education are required to serve for a period of 18 months.

For conscripts with higher education who have graduated from universities with a military department, the period of service in the army of Belarus will be only 6 months.

Graduates in the ranks of the troops

However, some people of military age are trying with all their might to “” from. On this moment In the entire Republic of Belarus there are only 65 thousand personnel, which is a rather small number. The government of the country is trying its best possible ways attract into your ranks.

At the beginning of 2014, the head of state Alexander Lukashenko introduced an amendment to the law on military service in Belarus. It states that citizens with three or more will be excluded from military duties in peacetime, but are also subject to military duty in wartime. The amendment came into force on January 21, 2014.

Alternative military service

In addition, in 2013, the Law “On Alternative Service” was agreed upon and adopted. It gives the right to those people who shirk military duties to work in unpopular positions, thereby also trying to serve their homeland in a similar way.

Citizens of military age are offered work in the form of helping the elderly, children in shelters, organizing humanitarian aid for disaster victims and other work in the most different areas activities.

The term of alternative service is slightly longer than fixed-term service: with a higher education you will have to “work out” 20 months instead of one year; citizens without a higher education diploma will need to work in a similar position for all 30 months.

The period of alternative service does not take into account:
- leave of citizens in connection with the acquisition of higher education,
- time of arrest of a conscript serving in alternative service,
- the period during which a person liable for military service in alternative service did not fulfill the tasks assigned to him in connection with administrative penalties against him,
- calendar days, during which the young men were absent from their work for more than three without indicating valid reasons.

In the armies of some countries there are ranks that do not exist in other armies. The lowest rank in the army is private. The highest is the marshal. But it will take a lifetime to reach it.


The lowest level in the hierarchy is. As soon as a person becomes a military man, he is immediately assigned this rank. There are the most of them in the armed forces of any country. A private is a soldier, infantryman, rifleman, driver, driver-mechanic. Also the number of the gun crew, scout, sapper, radio operator and much more.

Next comes the corporal. This title is given either for excellence in studies, combat, special training, or in connection with the position held. Corporals are senior drivers, gunners of armored personnel carriers, clerks at headquarters and other military personnel. In some they can command entire ones. The most famous corporal was Hitler.

Next comes the rank of junior sergeant. You can receive this title only after completing a special training school. Juniors command squads, but can even become deputy platoon commanders. The next level is the rank of sergeant. This is already a full-fledged commander of a squad, crew, tank, gun or crew. It is the sergeants who lead the formation, conduct training, and supervise the work.

Staff Sergeant. This rank is usually assigned to the deputy platoon commander. This is the most responsible position among soldiers. And the junior rank of sergeant completes the hierarchical ladder. However, rank and position should not be confused. A senior officer may also be.

Warrant officer and senior warrant officer. This is the platoon commander. He can be a company sergeant major, a warehouse manager, or a radio station manager. That is, to occupy a position where high qualifications are not required and higher education, however, leadership over the soldiers is required. You can become a warrant officer only after special training.

A person becomes a junior lieutenant automatically after graduating military department civil university. He has a platoon under his command - that is, about thirty people. By the way, a warrant officer can also receive the rank of junior if he also acquires a higher education. Typically, officers serve in this rank for only one year, after which they become lieutenants.

The rank of lieutenant is found in many armies of the world. It is assigned to those military personnel who have graduated from higher military education. educational institution. The lieutenant also commands a platoon, but sometimes they may be given command of a company. This was the case, for example, during the Great Patriotic War.

The rank of senior lieutenant is awarded to those officers who are deputy company commanders, deputy commanders for work with personnel, deputy commanders for equipment, and for combat. Senior lieutenants can also become company commanders. Their responsibilities include many powers.

The next rank is captain. They command companies, may be deputy battalion commanders, and hold other positions. This rank also exists in many armies of the world, but it should not be confused with a naval rank. Next comes the major. This is already the first rank of senior officers. A major is the head of a service, battalion headquarters, commandant of a military commandant's office, and much more.

Lieutenant colonel. This title is not available everywhere. Usually, these are deputy regiment commanders, regiment chief of staff or commanders. The next step is colonel. This rank exists in almost all armies of the world. Usually, these are unit commanders, regiment chiefs of staff, and you can also meet them at division headquarters or district headquarters.

Major General. Oddly enough, this is the lowest general rank. Next comes the lieutenant general, and then the colonel general. They command divisions, districts and even entire branches of the military. The next rank is army general. This is the highest general rank. Not everyone can reach it.

The penultimate level is the rank of marshal. This title is found in almost all armies of the world, but it is very difficult to earn it in peacetime. By the way, the legendary musketeer D’Artagnan once received the marshal’s baton, but he worked towards this all his life. Even earlier there was the title of Generalissimo. It was received by Suvorov, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Alfredo Stroessner and many others. Now in many armies of the world it has been abolished, and the hierarchy of military ranks is completed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, named after the country. It is noteworthy that a person who has not served in the army at all can become president, but it is he who will decide the fate of his country.


The military rank of “private” is established in the armed forces of many states. In the Russian army, it was first introduced by the Table of Ranks (1722), according to which privates were included in the group of soldiers. After the establishment of universal military service in Russia (1874), privates were classified as “lower ranks.” In the Soviet Republic, with the creation of the Red Army in 1918, ordinary soldiers were called Red Army soldiers. The rank of “private” in the Armed Forces of the USSR was introduced in July 1946. It has also been preserved in the Russian Army. Assigned to persons called up for active military service simultaneously with their enrollment in the lists of a military unit.


This military rank is assigned to the senior and best soldiers, who replace them during the absence of squad commanders. In Russia, it was introduced under Peter I by the Military Regulations of 1716 in the infantry, cavalry and engineering troops. In the artillery of the Russian army, the corporal corresponded to the bombardier, in the Cossack troops - the orderly. In the Armed Forces of the USSR, the soldier's military rank of “corporal” was introduced in November 1940. With the formation of the Russian Army, it retained its importance. In the Navy, he corresponds to the rank of “senior sailor.”

Awarded for exemplary performance of official duties and exemplary military discipline.


It first appeared as a military rank in the 15th century. in the French, and then in the German and English armies. In the Russian regular army this rank existed from 1716 to 1798. Introduced in the Soviet Army by order of the People's Commissar of Defense dated November 2, 1940. Retained in the Russian Army. Sergeant ranks include: junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant and sergeant major. In the navy they correspond to: foreman of the 2nd article, foreman of the 1st article, chief foreman, chief foreman.

Sergeant Major

This word is Russian. Until the end of the 17th century. foremen were the persons who held positions (ranks) of the hetman, in regiments and hundreds. Hence the general, regimental, and hundredth sergeants.

WITH early XVII V. this was the name given to officials, as well as people who had ever occupied ranks and received estates from the authorities. In the Russian Army, the word “sergeant major” has 2 meanings: an official in a company (battery), responsible for the correct performance of service by personnel, order in the unit; a military rank senior to other sergeant ranks.


Comes from the ancient Greek “ensign” - banner. It was first established by Peter I when creating the regular army and was the first junior officer rank. Later it was preserved only for reserve officers and was assigned to persons who graduated from ensign schools in wartime. Restored to the Soviet Army on January 1, 1972. It is also assigned to the Russian Armed Forces. He has two degrees: warrant officer and senior warrant officer.


Introduced by Peter I at the dawn of the Russian fleet. The word “midshipman” translated into Russian means ship’s man. This was the first officer rank in the Russian Navy. It was assigned to midshipmen who successfully graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 18, 1971, the institute of midshipmen, like the institute of warrant officers, was introduced in the Soviet Armed Forces on January 1, 1972. This title has been retained to this day. It is also of two ranks: midshipman and senior midshipman.


The term is of French origin. Literally, this word means “an officer who replaces his superior.” Hence the double ranks: captain-lieutenant, lieutenant general. The rank of “lieutenant” was first established in the 15th century. in France, first in the navy, then in the ground forces. Lieutenants were the closest deputies and assistants to company and squadron commanders. In the Russian army this rank corresponded to the title “lieutenant”. The ranks of “lieutenant” and “senior lieutenant” were introduced in the Red Army in 1935, and “junior lieutenant” in 1937. These ranks are also established in the Russian Army.


Military rank of officers in the armed forces of many states. The title “captain” first appeared in the Middle Ages in France, where the heads of individual military districts were called this name. Since 1558, company commanders began to be called captains, and the heads of military districts began to be called captains general. In Russia, the title “captain” appeared in the 16th century. for foreign officers. In the 17th century established for company commanders in the “new order” regiments, and at the beginning of the 18th century. - for company commanders throughout the regular army.

In our Armed Forces, this rank was established by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the SNKSSSR dated September 22, 1935 for the command staff of the Ground Forces, Air Force and coastal units of the Navy. The same decree introduced the ranks of “captain 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank” and “lieutenant captain” for the naval personnel of the Navy. The rank of “captain” and its equivalent for the Navy, “captain-lieutenant,” are also retained in the Russian Armed Forces.


A word of Latin origin meaning “large, elder.” It appeared as a military rank more than 400 years ago in the Spanish army. In Russia - since 1711. Introduced into the Red Army on September 22, 1935. Remains in the Russian Army. In the Navy, he is equal to the rank of “Captain 3rd Rank.”

Lieutenant colonel

At first this was the name of the position of assistant regiment commander, and then this word began to denote a military rank. In our army, the rank of “lieutenant colonel” was established shortly before the Great Patriotic War - September 1, 1939.

Preserved in the Russian Army. His equal in the Navy is “Captain 2nd Rank.”


This was the name given to the person who commanded the regiment. He was either appointed or chosen (among the Cossacks) to lead the regiment during a campaign. Over time, the job title evolved into a military rank. In 1631, it replaced the titles of “voivode” and “regimental head”. At first, only hired officers who were appointed to the position of regiment commander were called colonels.

Since 1632, this rank was assigned to all commanders who led regiments of the so-called “new order”. In the Red Army, the rank of “colonel” was established by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated September 22, 1935. It is also awarded in the Russian Army. In the Navy it corresponds to “captain 1st rank”.


Military rank or rank of senior officers of the armed forces. The rank of general appeared in France in the 16th century. In Russia it was first mentioned in 1657 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In our Armed Forces, the ranks of general were introduced by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 7, 1940. Also preserved in the Russian Army. There are several degrees: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general. In the navy they correspond to: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, admiral of the fleet.


Translated from Arabic it means “ruler of the sea.” In its modern meaning, this term came into use in the 12th century. In Russia, the military rank “admiral” in the meaning of admiral general, admiral, vice admiral, rear admiral was introduced by Peter I. On May 7, 1940, it was restored in the Navy. Admiral ranks are also awarded in the Russian Armed Forces.


This term has been known in military history since time immemorial, although its meaning has not always been the same. In the Middle Ages in France and other countries this was the name of the position. The person assigned to it was responsible for the formation of troops for the campaign - march and battle, monitored the performance of guard duty, was in charge of the economic part of the army, and also commanded the avant-garde, chose a place for the camp, etc. In Russia, installers, Starozhestavs, and parcel workers were engaged in similar matters voivodes. At first, marshals were appointed only for the duration of campaigns, but gradually the temporary position turned into a permanent rank, higher than other ranks. During the Great French Bourgeois Revolution, the title of “marshal” was abolished, but Napoleon reintroduced it. In the USSR, the military rank is “Marshal” Soviet Union” was established in 1935.

The first Soviet marshals were K. Voroshilov, S. Budyonny, V. Blucher, A. Egorov and M. Tukhachevsky. The title “Marshal of the Russian Federation” was awarded to the Minister of Defense of Russia I. Sergeev.


Generalissimo (from the Latin “most important”) is the highest military rank in the armed forces of a number of countries. It was assigned to generals who commanded several, often allied, armies during the war, as well as sometimes to persons from the families of the reigning dynasties and statesmen as an honorary title.

In Russia, the first generalissimo was governor A. Shein. This title was granted to him by Peter I at the end of the 17th century. for successful fighting near Azov. But officially the title of “Generalissimo” in Russia was introduced by the Military Regulations in 1716. In the USSR, the title of “Generalissimo of the Soviet Union” was approved by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 26, 1945.

It was assigned to I. Stalin. Not provided for in the Russian Army.

Why is a lieutenant general older than a major general?

Previously, ranks only denoted responsibilities that were assigned to commanders.

Major translated from Latin as big, he commanded a battalion. Lieutenant, translated as assistant, he helped the captain.

Now the generals. The highest rank was field marshal general, who was entitled to an assistant, that is, lieutenant. Therefore, the rank was lieutenant general.

In the Russian army there was the position of brigade commander, which included from 2 to 4 regiments. Well, such a large army should have been commanded by a major, namely a major general. But he was still younger than the general’s assistant.

Overall material rating: 5


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