Taste preferences: why can they change? Taste preferences and character

Taste preferences and character- the influence of a person’s character on his tastes in food.


It's no secret that we don't just eat food: each of us has our own “favorite dishes” that we happily “eat” with all our senses.

Yes, yes, that’s true... The process of eating begins with eye contact, then the sense of smell and touch are connected, and only then the taste buds “work.” We care about the color, shape, smell and, of course, the taste of the dish.

How else can we explain that, for example, having seen our favorite grilled chicken, we, barely smelling it and seeing the fried, so harmful (according to nutritionists), but so aromatic “baked crust”, already begin to swallow saliva and imagine the delicate and juicy taste of chicken meat in the mouth.

How can we explain the fact that, having eaten our “favorite” product, we become a little happier, and even the tragedies in life fade into the background?

Many people eat simply because it is a physiological need, without which normal functioning of the body is impossible, and many become directly dependent on food. They try to eat away all their problems with food “antidepressants”, filling their dissatisfaction with life with tasty and favorite food.

Based on which foods are a person’s taste “favorites,” it is quite easy to determine the person’s character and needs.

Basic “taste” characteristics of people

Based on the main indicators of nutritionists and psychologists, several “taste” characteristics of people can be identified.

"Meat Eaters"- These are lovers of protein foods of animal origin. Many people of this type- these are adherents of the Dukan diet, “sausage souls”, fans of barbecue in nature or steak in a good restaurant.

These people tend to have an aggressive and sometimes stubborn character. People who put meat first in their diet are very often categorical and selfish in relation to the desires of other people. Often, even in their careers, they go straight ahead and over their heads. It is difficult to be with them, but if you find the right approach and understanding towards them, you will receive true friend. "Meat Eaters" are wonderful parents who will help their children in many situations, but at the same time can tightly control them throughout their lives.

There are many “star examples” of this group: David Beckham cannot live without meat for a day, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and George Clooney are ardent meat eaters.

"Milk type"- these are lovers of cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir and everything that contains milk.

These are calm on the outside, but very sensitive and vulnerable on the inside, people who sincerely value family and family values. They are sincere, honest about their feelings and expect the same from others. They surround their chosen one with warmth and care and suffer greatly if they are not paid in kind.

TO milk type include: Juliette Binoche, Nastassja Kinski, Monica Bellucci.

"Fish Eaters"- these are lovers of fish and any seafood. The character of this category of people is extremely flexible; they are real diplomats in relationships and work. In their profession, these people often achieve success knowing the value of themselves and their talents. These people avoid conflicts and often deserve the opinion of “easy” people.

This group includes: Valeria, Michael Douglas, Julio Iglesias, Slava Zaitsev.

"Sweet People"- these are lovers of unhealthy carbohydrate foods. Their daily diet includes a sweet bun, a chocolate bar, a cake, or more and more of all of them. These are most often people who require protection from the outside world; they are prone to soul-searching. Fine organization inner world“sweet” often suffers from cruel attacks from others against them and then the “sweet pill” comes to the rescue. These people are very sensitive and open to strong feelings.

Celebrity sweet tooths include: Katie Holmes, Britney Spears, Denise Richards, Victoria Daineko.

"Vegetable eaters"- these are people who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. This is the correct, balanced type. Typical excellent students in everything. They know what is right and what is right. They are diligent and pragmatic in their careers.

Personally, they are sometimes boring, but with the right approach they become harmonious partners.

This group includes: Jared Leto, Nelly Furtado, Leonardo DiCaprio and many other stars.

"Spicy Lovers"- this includes lovers of hot spices, marinades, and sauces.

These are most often people of explosive temperament who take “the wrong place” in this life - they lack adrenaline, travel, and adventures. They are trying to diversify the dullness of the world with a variety of new tastes.

In life, these are “workhorses” that carry the “home-family-work” burden.

If people manage to occupy their “niche,” then people of this type become bright seducers or real “lovers of life” with all possible extreme and risk.

Such “hot” lovers include: Scarlett Johansson, Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz.

"Sour Lovers"- these are lovers of sour, pickled, salty foods. They are prone to cruelty and are sometimes called “tyrants.” For the sake of their goals, people do not spare anyone, they stop at nothing. But at the same time, they are distinguished by their directness and amazing vitality. These are people who tend to predict the situation as a whole.

There are a number of historical examples: Peter the Great (the First) loved foods with a sour taste and often drank spoiled milk, Stalin often ate lemons and drank young sour wine.

Many scientists are inclined to believe that even when adhering to one diet or another, people will still sooner or later come to their food “type.”

And in order for taste habits not to cause harm to the body and the person as a whole, it is necessary not only to adhere to your desires, but to select the right analogues in food.

For example, those who have a sweet tooth can replace chocolate with a cup of coffee and dried fruit. The effect is the same, but there is more health.

Love yourself, listen to yourself and this will allow you to achieve harmony with yourself and the outside world.

Sakulina Ulyana, Sakulin Timofey

Study of taste preferences of boys and girls.



Department of General and Professional Education

administration of the Chaikovsky municipal district

IX Municipal Conference research work students

institutions of general and additional education

"I am a researcher"

Direction: human science


Taste preferences

The work was completed by:

Pupils of 3 “B” class MAOU Secondary School No. 10

Sakulina Ulyana

Sakulin Timofey

Head: Yurkova G.A.

Teacher beginning classes of MAOU Secondary School No. 10

Tchaikovsky, 2015

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ........................3

Chapter I…………………………………………………………………………………..…………5

  1. Secrets of opposite-sex twins.................................................... ...............................5
  2. Nutrition secrets................................................... ........................................................ .....5
  3. Taste preferences of men and women, boys and girls.................................6

Chapter II …………………………………………………………………………………8

2.1 Comparative diagnostics................................................................. ......................................8

2.2 Taste preferences of our peers …………………………………9

2.3 Opinion of experts................................................... ..............................................eleven

Conclusions................................................. ........................................................ ........................14

Bibliography................................................................ ..........................................15



Everyone knows that twins are siblings born at the same time to the same mother; they are similar in many ways. We, opposite-sex twins Ulyana and Timofey, are studying in the 3rd grade. We have a lot in common, but at the same time there are differences (Appendix 2. Photos 1,2,3,4). Previous studies on our development have shown that we develop both physiologically and mentally in approximately the same way. Of course, we have somewhat different interests, because we are a boy and a girl. We heard from my mother that it is not always so easy for her to prepare food for us, since our taste preferences are different. And at the same time, she really wants us to eat right. We were interested in these questions, and we decided to look into them.

We are faced with a problem: our tastes do not coincide, despite the fact that we are twins. Are the taste preferences of boys and girls always different?

The purpose of our research:identifying the taste preferences of boys and girls of our age and comparing them with the tastes of other twins studying at our school.


1. Study the literature on this issue.

2. Conduct a survey of our peers.

3. Find out the taste preferences of other twins studying at our school.

4. Consult a gastroenterologist about proper nutrition.

5. Summarize the results of the study and draw conclusions.

Hypothesis: We assume that boys and girls, even if they are twins, have different taste preferences, and that proper nutrition means eating food that you like.

Object of study:twins Timofey and Ulyana.

Subject of study:food preferences of twins.

Research methods:

1. Study and analysis of literature

2. Observation

3. Comparison

4. Consultation

5. Analysis

6. Questionnaire

Chapter I.

1.1.Secrets of opposite-sex twins

Opposite twins are boys and girls born to a mother as a result of a multiple pregnancy.

Opposite-sex twins are always fraternal twins. They share 40 to 60% of their genes, just like normal siblings. The external similarity of opposite-sex twins can be striking (“like two peas in a pod”). It also happens that twins are completely different from each other. Opposite-sex twins grow up in unique conditions. They develop together in utero, are born on the same day, grow together after birth, spend a lot of time with each other and have a strong influence on each other.

Twins of opposite sexes seem to learn from each other - the boy takes over from the girl the ability to be softer and more gentle, and the girl learns from the boy to be more courageous, decisive, and strong. A common family atmosphere, common interests, activities, the same friends - all that usually accompanies the development and formation of the personality of twins - all this brings together, unites the partners in a twin pair, makes them similar to each other.

Among other things, opposite-sex twins - boys and girls - differ in their performance at school, in their interests (boys have more “masculine” interests, girls have more “feminine” ones); they often have different social circles and different friends.

The main thing and the most important rule– twins should be perceived as independent and different individuals who have their own interests, their own affairs, their own secrets, their own assignments.

What is the situation regarding the taste preferences of twins?

1.2.Nutritional secrets

Let's trace food traditions starting from ancient times. In those distant times, our ancestors ate very little food. Eating edible roots, raw fruits, seeds, raw meat And raw fish, ancient people could go for a long time without food at all. Firstly, it was not in abundance, and secondly, the entire diet consisted of complete natural products, which were digested slowly and saturated the body with everything it needed. Having learned to use fire in the cooking process, a person unwittingly increased his diet by about two times. Baked meat became much tastier, it was easier and faster to digest, and you could eat much more of it at one time. Using in the process of cooking meat aromatic herbs, roots, salt, man managed to increase his food ration. As a result, people began to eat regularly several times a day, regardless of hunger, on a schedule. Creating all sorts of culinary recipes, man has learned to cram much more food of all kinds into himself than our distant ancestors managed. High technologies and rapid development of food and chemical industry made a real revolution by replacing natural products with refined ones. High quality cleaning results in natural product gets rid of everything that was useful in it. Thanks to the use of flavoring additives and high-tech production, ready-made meals from refined products look and smell quite appetizing. In one meal you can eat so much food that our ancestors would have had enough for a week.

1.3.Taste preferences of men and women, boys and girls

Men and women have different taste preferences in food, as scientific research has proven. They found that there are differences in diet between men and women. Research American Society microbiology on the example of 14 thousand people demonstrated that: men prefer meat products, and women more often eat fruits and vegetables.
Also, women, compared to men, more often enrich their diet with nuts, eggs and dairy products (yogurt, cheese).

Scientists have found that boys and girls perceive taste differently and have different taste preferences. Scientists at the University of Copenhagen conducted a study among Danish schoolchildren. About 8-9 thousand children were recruited to participate in the experiment. The test system (each child was given a set of substances to test the sense of taste) made it possible to highly accurately assess the children’s ability to distinguish between the intensity of sweet and sour taste, as well as count the number of receptors on the tongue. According to the test result, the ability to recognize taste in girls is more pronounced than in boys: the sensitivity threshold in boys is 10% higher when it comes to sour taste, and 20% higher when it comes to sweet taste. In addition, boys like strong taste sensations, while girls prefer a “softer” taste. Girls also show less interest in sweets and sours than boys. Moreover, according to the results of the study, the number of taste buds in boys and girls is equal, so the differences in the perception of taste are apparently explained by some features of the “processing” of information.

As observations have shown, the foods that children most often refuse are foods from the healthy food category!
The survey results revealed10 foods kids don't like. These are carrots, eggs, beans, asparagus, cheese, onions, rice, minced meat, cauliflower, cabbage.

Chapter II

2.1. Comparative analysis

We became interested in finding out whether boys and girls really have different taste preferences, and what the term “proper nutrition” means. And since we are twins - a boy and a girl, we decided to explore our tastes.

We took as a basis our mother’s stories about what kind of food we preferred in early childhood, the portfolios that were given to us in kindergarten No. 20 and our own observations.

Mom told us that Timofey refused breast milk at 3 months, and Ulyana was weaned off it with difficulty at 1.5 years. When complementary feeding was allowed, Timofey happily ate porridge, and Ulyana preferred fruit purees.

That is, even in infancy our tastes were different.

In the portfolio in the “I love” section we found information that:

at 3 years:

Tima loves porridge (any kind), glazed cheese curds “Toptyzhka”;

Ulya – bananas, oatmeal cookies;

At 5 years old:

Tima - dumplings, cutlets;

Ulya – tangerines, cottage cheese;

At 7 years old:

Tim - oatmeal, Apple juice;

Ulya - cheesecakes, salad fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

Having analyzed the portfolio, we came to the conclusion that Tim, from three to seven years old, preferred more “substantial” food - porridge, dumplings, and Ulya - fruits, vegetables and cottage cheese.

Now we are 9 years old, but Ulyana’s favorite foods are still vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, and Timofey is ready to eat only pasta. (Appendix 2. Photos 5,6,7)

But at the same time, we equally love ice cream, cakes, carbonated drinks, candies that grandma bakes for us, pizza, borscht, meat baked with cheese, cocoa, and, of course, candies and chocolate. This list can be continued by the so-called “fast food” - “fast food” - hamburgers, tortillas, French fries, etc. (Appendix 2. Photo 8,9)

2.2. Taste preferences of our peers

We wondered what the taste preferences of our classmates and twins like us studying at our school were. We conducted a survey among them.

Survey questions:

1) Your food preferences: soups, cereals, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, pasta, dumplings, dairy products (underline);

2) Your favorite dish.

After analyzing the questionnaires of our classmates (Appendix 1. Diagram 1) (the questionnaires were filled out by 25 people), we found out that both boys and girls equally love:

  • fruits (100%),
  • dairy products (boys-98%, girls-100%),
  • dumplings (boys-87%, girls-90%),

with a slight difference in percentage:

  • meat (boys-93%, girls-80%),
  • pasta (boys - 73%, girls - 80).

Soups (boys - 73%, girls - 40%), porridge (boys - 47%, girls - 20%), fish (boys - 53%, girls - 30%) are preferred by boys, and vegetables (boys - 50%, girls-70%) - girls.

The majority of boys and girls named pizza, sushi, chicken, and pancakes as their favorite dishes.

To consolidate the result, we decided to conduct a survey among children from parallel classes (Appendix 1. Diagram 2). 80 people took part in the survey - 49 girls and 31 boys. It turned out that the preferences are the same:

  • fruits (boys-90%, girls-92%),
  • meat (boys-82%, girls-85%),
  • dumplings (boys-45%, girls-50%),
  • Pasta (boys - 63%, girls - 58%) is loved equally by both boys and girls.

Boys prefer soups (boys - 75%, girls - 33%), porridge (boys - 40%, girls - 31%), girls prefer vegetables (boys - 30%, girls - 47%).

And only fish was equally preferred by a minimum number of children (boys - 25%, girls - 22%).

Among the most favorite dishes, pizza also came in first place, followed by sushi, pasta, chicken, and French fries.

We also conducted a survey among twins studying at our school (Appendix 2. Photo 10). It turned out that the tastes of the twin brothers coincided - both chose meat and fruits, the tastes of the twin sisters coincided, they prefer vegetables, pasta and dumplings. But everyone’s favorite dishes are different: one of the boys loves ice cream, another loves pizza, one of the girls loves porridge, and the second loves dumplings.

That is, we can conclude that the tastes of children of our age largely coincide, but if we consider boys and girls separately, then our taste preferences are really different. Our hypothesis was confirmed.

2.3. Experts' opinion

During the research process, we consulted a gastroenterologist and pediatrician. (Appendix 2. Photo 12)

Our first question: What does the term “proper nutrition” mean?

Nutrition is the basis of health, it must be balanced. What a person eats is how he is formed. A person must receive 5 classes nutrients For normal functioning all body systems

1st class – carbohydrates. This is a source of energy for a person to simply live, move, work, study.

2nd grade - squirrels. Our muscles and internal organs are built from them, and protective substances are produced.

3rd class – fats. They serve as a source of energy, and are more irreplaceable fatty acid(omega-3, omega-6) reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

4th grade – vitamins. Our body needs them, like water and air; our health and the quality of our life directly depend on them. They play a vital role in metabolism and the development of the body.

5th class - minerals and microelements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and others. They are extremely important in the regulation of metabolic processes.

A pyramid can be used to organize proper nutrition healthy eating(Appendix 3. Figure). It is based on foods containing carbohydrates. This bakery products, porridge. These foods should make up 40% of your daily diet. At the second level - vegetables of 3-5 different types, fruits of 3-4 types. This will be 30% daily diet. At the third level - protein products: dairy (kefir, yoghurt, milk, cheese), meat and fish dishes, beans, nuts, seeds. And at the top of the pyramid are products containing vegetable and animal fat (vegetable oil, butter), as well as sweets. They will make up 10% of the daily diet. Thus, in order for a child to grow and develop normally, he needs to receive daily:

  • dairy products once a day
  • meat or fish dishes once a day (preferably 1 time meat and 1 time fish), as well as an egg
  • Vegetables and fruits 4 times a day
  • 4 times a day whole grain meals

It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day. You cannot talk while eating; you must chew your food thoroughly. You can't eat after physical activity. It is not advisable to drink immediately after eating; this should be done after 30 minutes. Food should not be too hot or cold.

In the morning it is better to eat oatmeal, a piece of bread with butter or buckwheat porridge with milk.

11 o'clock - meat or fish.

Lunch - broth, vegetables, meat.

Dinner – more vegetables.

In between main meals - fruits.

At night - fermented milk products.

Proper nutrition is a necessary condition physical, neuropsychic development, health maintenance, effective education of schoolchildren.

Our second question:What is your attitude towards so-called “fast food” – “fast food”?

The harm of “fast food” is very high; it contains a lot of fat and sugar and little useful substances and vitamins. This enemy digestive system, as it refers to unhealthy food. Of course, if you eat one hamburger or pizza a month, it won’t do much harm to your body. But if you eat “fast food” regularly, then obesity and other problems cannot be avoided.

The conversation turned out to be very instructive.

We have found that proper nutrition is a balanced diet, when the body receives nutrients in the required quantities - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition can give us health, intelligence and beauty.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with pizza, French fries, hamburgers and similar “delicacies”, as they can be harmful to your health.

As a result of our research, we found out that it is pizza, pancakes, French fries, etc. are the most favorite food among children.

Our second hypothesis, that eating right means eating only the food you like, was not confirmed.


After conducting our research and listening to the doctor’s recommendations, we came to the following conclusions:

1. The tastes of children of the same age are largely similar.

2. If we consider the taste preferences of boys and girls separately, they are different. The same situation applies to twins.

3. Nutrition should be balanced, that is, one in which the body receives nutrients in the required quantities - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

4. “Fast food” is considered unhealthy food and can be eaten no more than once a month.

5. Food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Thus, our first hypothesis was confirmed, we refuted the second hypothesis.

Also, as a result of our research, we were once again convinced that twins, although they have a lot in common, also have many differences. This is also evidenced by the fact that we have different taste preferences.


1. http://portal-woman.ru "Calorie content of food"

2. http://twins/popular.ru/twins/items/st53.html “Development of twins”

3. http://mpdm.ru Magazine "Mom Dad Children". Article “Food Traditions from Antiquity to the Present Day”

4. http://ourboys.ru “Boys prefer brighter tastes”

Taste preferences
If you want sweets - lack of magnesium. chromium picolinate

If you want herring, there is a lack of the right fats (herring and other fatty sea fish contain a lot of healthy Omega 6).

If you want bread - again there is not enough fat (the body knows that you usually spread something on the bread - and it craves: spread it!!).

In the evening, I’m tempted to drink tea with some biscuits – I didn’t get the right carbohydrates during the day (lack of B vitamins, etc.)

I want dried apricots - lack of vitamin A

If you want bananas - lack of potassium. Or you drink a lot of coffee, hence the lack of potassium.

Craving chocolate: Lack of magnesium. Contained in: unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes.

I want bread: Lack of nitrogen. Contained in: products with high content protein (fish, meat, nuts, beans).

I want to bite ice: Lack of iron. Contained in: meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, cherries.

I want something sweet:

1. Lack of chromium. Found in: broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, veal liver

2. Lack of carbon. Contained in fresh fruits.

3. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes.

4. Lack of sulfur. Contained in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables ( White cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale.

5. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids). Contained in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.

I want to fatty foods: Lack of calcium. Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame.

Would you like coffee or tea?

1. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes.

2. Lack of sulfur. Contained in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale.

3. Lack of sodium (salt). Contained in: sea ​​salt, apple cider vinegar(dress the salad with this).

4. Lack of iron. Contained in: red meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, green vegetables, cherries.

Craving burnt food: Carbon deficiency. Found in: Fresh fruits.

Craving carbonated drinks: Lack of calcium. Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame.

I want something salty: Lack of chlorides. Contained in: unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt.

Craving something sour: Lack of magnesium. Contained in: unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes.

Craving liquid food: Lack of water. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice.

Craving solid food: Lack of water. The body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirst. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice.

Craving cold drinks: Lack of manganese. Contained in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries

Zhor on the eve of critical days:
Deficiency: zinc.

Contained in: red meat (especially organ meat), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables.

The general invincible zhor attacked:
1. Lack of silicon.

2. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids).

Contained in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.

3. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).

My appetite is completely gone:
1. Lack of vitamin B1.

Contained in: nuts, seeds, legumes, liver and others internal organs animals.

2. Lack of vitamin B2.

Found in: tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes

3. Lack of manganese.

Contained in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries.

I want to smoke:
1.Silicon shortage.

Contained in: nuts, seeds; Avoid refined starchy foods.

2. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).

Found in: Vitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables.

I want something...
Peanuts, peanut butter.

The desire to chew peanuts, according to scientists, is inherent primarily in residents of megacities. If you have a passion for peanuts and legumes, it means your body is not receiving enough B vitamins.

If the smell of ripe bananas makes you dizzy, then you need potassium. Banana lovers are usually found among those who take diuretics or cortisone drugs, which “eat up” potassium. A banana contains about 600 mg of potassium, which is a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult. However, these fruits are very high in calories. If you are afraid of gaining weight, replace bananas with tomatoes, white beans or figs.

A passion for bacon and other smoked meats usually overcomes people on a diet. Limiting fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood, and smoked meats are precisely the product that contains the most saturated fat. If you don’t want to negate the effect of the diet, don’t give in to temptation.

Melons contain a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C. People with weak nervous and nervous systems have a special need for them. cardiovascular system. By the way, half an average melon contains no more than 100 kcal, so overweight you are not afraid.

Sour fruits and berries.

Cravings for lemons, cranberries, etc. observed during colds when a weakened body experiences an increased need for vitamin C and potassium salts. Those who have problems with the liver and gall bladder are also drawn to sour things.

Paints, plaster, earth, chalk.

The desire to chew all this usually occurs in children, teenagers and pregnant women. It indicates a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, which occurs during the period of intensive growth in children and formation skeletal system fetus during pregnancy. Add dairy products, eggs, butter and fish to your diet - this can easily correct the situation.

Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings.

As a rule, people with respiratory problems experience an urgent need for spices. If a person is craving garlic and onions and spreads mustard on his bread instead of jam, he may have some kind of respiratory disease on his nose. Apparently, in this way - with the help of phytoncides - the body tries to protect itself from infection.

Milk and dairy products.

Lovers fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese, are most often people in need of calcium. A sudden love for milk can also arise due to a lack of essential amino acids - tryptophan, lysine and leucine.

Ice cream.

Ice cream, like other dairy products, - good source calcium. But people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, suffering from hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus. Psychologists see love for ice cream as a manifestation of longing for childhood.


A constant craving for seafood, especially mussels and seaweed, is observed with iodine deficiency. such people need to buy iodized salt.

Olives and olives.

The love for olives and olives (as well as pickles and marinades) arises due to a lack of sodium salts. In addition, addiction to salty foods occurs in people with thyroid dysfunction.

It is loved by those who need calcium and phosphorus. Try replacing cheese with cabbage and broccoli - it contains much more of these substances and almost no calories.


A craving for it is observed among vegetarians, whose diet is low in fat, and among residents of the North who lack vitamin D.

Sunflower seeds.

The desire to chew the seeds most often arises among smokers who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins, which sunflower seeds are rich in.


The love for chocolate is a universal phenomenon. However, caffeine addicts and those whose brains especially need glucose love chocolate more than others.


SWEET. Perhaps you are working your butt off and have already gotten on your nerves. Glucose is actively involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline. Therefore, with nervous and mental overstrain, sugar is consumed faster, and the body constantly requires new portions.

In such a situation, treating yourself to sweets is not a sin. But it’s better not to gobble up pieces of rich cakes (they contain a lot of heavy carbohydrates), but limit yourself to chocolate or marshmallows.

SALT. If you attack pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and herring like a beast, if the food always seems under-salted, we may be talking about an exacerbation of old inflammation or the emergence of a new source of infection in the body.

Practice shows that most often these problems are associated with genitourinary system– cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc.

SOUR. This is often a signal of low stomach acidity. This happens with gastritis with insufficient secretory function, when little is produced. gastric juice. This can be checked using gastroscopy.

Also, foods with a sour taste have cooling, astringent properties, help relieve symptoms of colds and elevated temperature, stimulates appetite.

BITTER. Perhaps this is a signal of intoxication of the body after an untreated disease or slagging of the digestive system.

If you often want something with a bitter taste, it makes sense to arrange fasting days and engage in cleansing procedures.

BURNING. The dish seems bland until you throw half a pepper shaker into it, but your feet lead you to a Mexican restaurant? This may mean that you have a “lazy” stomach; it digests food slowly and needs a stimulus to do so. And hot spices and spices stimulate digestion.

Also, the need for spicy food may signal a violation of lipid metabolism and an increase in the amount of “bad” cholesterol. Spicy food thins the blood, promotes the removal of fats, and “cleanses” blood vessels. But at the same time it irritates the mucous membrane. So don't load up on chili and salsa on an empty stomach.

Astringent. If you suddenly have an unbearable desire to put a handful of bird cherry berries in your mouth or you can’t calmly pass by persimmons, your defenses are weakening and urgently need replenishment.

Products with an astringent taste promote the division of skin cells (help heal wounds) and improve complexion. They help stop bleeding (for example, with fibroids), remove phlegm in case of bronchopulmonary problems.

But astringent foods thicken the blood - this can be dangerous for people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots (varicose veins, hypertension, some heart diseases).

FRESH. The need for such food often arises with gastritis or stomach ulcers with high acidity, constipation, as well as problems with the liver and gall bladder.

Fresh food weakens, helps relieve cramping pain, and soothes the stomach.

Chocolate-sweet passion
More often than others, caffeine fans and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction.” This also applies to other sweets. If you eat an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose - as the fastest source of energy. Namely, chocolate copes with this task perfectly. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure.

*** Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich in complex carbohydrates. And for dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount of nuts.

Cheese passion
Spicy, salty, with or without spices... You cannot live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you are ready to consume kilograms of it (in any case, you eat at least 100 g per day). Nutritionists claim that cheese is loved by those who have an urgent need for calcium and phosphorus. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much needed and extremely useful to the body substances, but fats...

*** Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, but almost no calories. If your body accepts milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat cheese little by little (no more than 50 g per day) and together with raw vegetables.

Passion sour lemon
Perhaps your diet is dominated by difficult-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase the acidity of gastric juice to make its work easier. When you have a cold, you may also be drawn to sour fruits and berries - an excellent source of vitamin C.

*** Choose meals with moderate fat content and do not mix many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, overly salted and overly spicy foods, as well as those that have been subjected to excessive heat treatment. If you notice problems with digestion (especially in the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Smoked passion
A passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are on an overly strict diet. Long-term restriction of fat-containing foods in the diet leads to a decrease in the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, and smoked foods contain a sufficient amount of saturated fat.

*** Don't get carried away with low-fat foods - choose one that still contains a little fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat content. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable and a teaspoon butter per day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have experimentally proven that those who consume a sufficient amount of fat lose weight faster.

Food passions and diseases
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An urgent need for these foods and spices usually indicates problems with the respiratory system.

Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible due to a disorder of the thyroid gland.

Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for it.

Bananas. If the smell of ripe bananas makes you dizzy, pay attention to the state of your heart.

Sunflower seeds. The desire to chew seeds most often occurs among those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that there are a lot of free radicals in your body - the main provocateurs of premature aging.

Actually, these are not such secrets. Men often declare their desires, only in the manner of presenting the material they sometimes differ little from women, managing to veil their preferences in a very intricate way. For women, male tricks are not a problem. Another thing is that sometimes it is much more convenient to remain in ignorance. And then all the power of the male temperament falls on the pages of the Internet. Looking into them, we can draw some conclusions.

Leading position

As virtual surveys show, Most men are turned on by latex lingerie, striptease, slow petting and women's gasps during sex. Quite a normal set for the average man, nothing extraordinary, super extravagant or extreme. And most importantly, their preferences fully correspond to women’s desires, perhaps with the exception of latex lingerie. This “luxury” is not present in every woman’s wardrobe. And it's okay. White lace panties, it turns out, also “go” well, yielding several positions to the shine of latex.

As for striptease, there are no discoveries; it is in demand in a huge number of strip clubs spread across the vast expanses of our homeland. And since men like to watch us undress so much, why not give them this opportunity? The main thing is to learn how to do it correctly.

Men also refute the established myth about male egoism and inattention. They say that the main thing for them is to satisfy themselves, and as quickly as possible. Nothing like this! Men, it turns out, also love to amuse themselves with competent foreplay of love and are ready to devote half an hour or more to it. All this time they prefer to undress their partner with kisses and caresses, slowly bringing her to ecstasy.

As it turned out, there are not so many lovers of quick sex - only 7%. It is not clear why there are so many women’s complaints, interspersed next to men’s assurances of their “responsiveness.”

Men consider “moans of passion” to be the main indicator of female sexuality. The strength of the decibels, in their opinion, indicates male viability. But “guerrilla valor” during sex is not welcome. For male conceit, it is much preferable to listen to all sorts of obscenities than to watch complete silence partners. Some experts even believe that every woman expresses her exaltation in her own way; no two “moans” are identical.

Middle management

The “this way and that” section includes kisses, porn films, poses when a woman is on top or on the side and - attention! - oral sex. We women know that men do not give kisses the attention they deserve. Men, in turn, do not understand our attachment to this type of pleasure. After all, for many representatives of the fairer sex, kissing is sometimes much more important than sexual intercourse, and this, according to men’s standards, is completely “out of the question.” In order to respect our affection, they, it turns out, are not averse to pampering their mistresses with their ability to kiss, but they really ask us not to exclude sexual intercourse.

In the abundance of sexual positions, everyone undoubtedly has their own preferences. And the puritanical integrity of the “missionary classics” is far from being in the forefront. Men like the position when they are from behind (30%). The cowgirl position is not far behind. And it’s not bad for men if all this “disgrace” is illuminated by the soft light of candles or a night light. Sex in pitch darkness, as in full light, is equally discouraged.

67% versus 33% preferred traditional sexual intercourse to the detriment of oral sex, stipulating the indispensable presence of oral sex as a separate condition.


The list is rounded off by cool scenes from erotic movies, conversations during intercourse, daytime sex and excessive shyness of the partner.

The fact that most men cannot stand tear-sweet erotic stories is no secret to the bigwigs of the film business. They do not hide the fact that caramel movie fairy tales with a small dose of “strawberry” are intended for female “use.” For men, there is a separate industry of porn cinema. However, this genre has many fans among ladies.

A woman’s ability to ruin the “high” during love intercourse with extraneous conversations drives men into a frenzy. In fact, only a woman can, in a moment of exaltation, suddenly inform her partner that her mother is coming to visit tomorrow (with whom he is in a perpendicular relationship), or that she bought new shoes with the money she saved for a car. In principle, men don’t mind listening to our news and discussions, but only after sex.

Sexologists believe that the best time for “sexual activity” is 3-4 pm. However, it is difficult to “promote” sex at this time not only for women, but, as it turns out, for men as well. Leading positions, and with by a large margin- 60%, holds evening sex, morning sex - 30%, There are very few people who want to make love during the day. Moreover, the majority normal people at this time he is at work, which technically makes it extremely difficult to implement the recommendations of sexologists.

Men are not against satisfying women's desires, but we need to make them understand what we want. Considering women's modesty, they agree to be content with hints, and not complicated ones. You just need to take his hand and direct it to " Right place“, and he himself will figure out what needs to be done. Women's modesty satisfies only 3% of respondents, who believe that they know how to please a lady even without additional hints.

In a fantasy world

It wouldn’t hurt to find out what our men dream about and what their sexual fantasies revolve around. Yes around threesome (64%)! Options vary only regarding the candidacy of a third party. Some see this role as a friend of their beloved woman, others as a dancer from a strip bar, and still others as a casual acquaintance. 26% dream of being tied up at least once in their life (handcuffed) and given over to the will of a woman's fantasy. A slightly smaller number of gentlemen would like to tie their girlfriend. And almost everything (85%) they want to one day hear from a woman’s lips some deliciously obscene proposal to have sex.

Review prepared by Joanna BENEVETSKAYA

It turns out that every emotion has a certain taste or aroma, and therefore, by eating certain foods, you can influence your psycho-emotional state

Modern doctors have noticed that psychological factors diseases are so strong that they often dominate the treatment over physiological factors. It has also been noted that a person’s taste needs depend and are determined by his mental and emotional state, and not from reasonable expediency. And this is due to the fact that food is a source of not only nutrients For physical organism of a person, but also shapes his emotional potential of the psyche. Simply put, it gives power to emotions.

The taste of food is an emotion

According to Ayurveda, there are 6 tastes:

  • sweet
  • sour
  • salty
  • bitter
  • tart
  • astringent

And if all these tastes are present in a balanced state, then food gives a person health and happiness. If this harmony is disturbed, which often depends on shortcomings of character and behavior, then illnesses occur.

So, for example, being in a state of laziness, a person wants a sweet taste. Sweet taste is useful, but from its excess, i.e. Excess sugar in the body reduces the defenses, the metabolism and function of the liver, pancreas, and small blood vessels are disrupted, and vision suffers. It has been noticed that a lot of sweets, especially in the evening, are consumed by those who try not to solve their problems.

When experiencing grief, a person unconsciously seeks to diversify his diet with such bitter foods as: mustard, rye bread, coffee. As a result, there is a high probability of occurrence chronic infections, diseases of the blood and skeletal system. Pessimistic, touchy person constantly strives to eat sour things. And sour in excessive quantities harms the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, joints, and disrupts the internal environment of the body.

A fussy, tense person simply loves salty food. He loves her so much that he is ready to eat even sweets and salt. And too much salty food is an enemy of the blood vessels of the whole body, bronchi, kidneys, and joints. Stubborn, assertive, unrestrained people love things that are overly tart. Such food leads to diseases of the hormonal organs, bronchi, spine, joints, and bones.

Angry, overly temperamental people have an addiction to spicy food, which results in inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas, stomach, heart, genitals. The need for fried food in a person arises when there is rudeness in the character, a feeling of fatigue and an aversion to work. And this leads to overload of the blood vessels of the brain, liver, stomach, and hormonal and immune functions are disrupted.

Greedy people love excessively fatty foods, which leads to diseases of the stomach, liver, skeletal system, and metabolic disorders.

Food taste and stress

People who are under constant mental stress, do not know how to distract themselves from problems, prefer to tone the body with tea, coffee, St. John's wort, and oregano.

Being in this state, a person, as a rule, begins to smoke, drink alcohol and other means of poisoning.

One way or another, but at the physiological level the result of such habits is damage to the blood vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. Moreover, the functions of the gonads decrease and the circulatory system begins to suffer.

Irritable, stubborn, greedy, fussy people like to eat a lot, they are in a hurry while eating - appears excess weight, violations blood pressure, hormonal disorders, disorders in the spine, the body's defenses decrease.

Food and the modern world

With callousness, greed, bad attitude towards people, cruelty, excessive attachment to things, a craving for meat appears. And cruelty and straightforwardness causes a huge need for fish products. The result is pessimism, constant irritability, malignant tumors, accidents.

In addition, these meats and fish require a lot of energy to digest, which as a result leads to a weakening of all other functions of the body, including the natural desire for self-healing. Diseases become chronic.

So, what emotions are associated with food? Let's summarize:

    grief - bitter emotions,

    fear has an astringent character.

These two emotions aggravate the psycho-energetic flows in the human body, called “vata” in Ayurveda.

    envy is a sour emotion,

    anger is a caustic emotion.

These two emotions aggravate pitta.

    desire and passion are sweet emotions,

    greed is a salty emotion.

These two increase kapha.

A person who is passionate about what he loves, who treats people kindly, is not inclined to pervert his taste qualities, and thereby increases the opportunity to be healthy and happy.

Thus, indulging your negative traits character, we acquire violations of harmonious taste sensations, which, in turn, forces you to eat meat, fish products, fried, tea, cocoa, coffee. Excessively - sweet, - sour, - salty, - tart, - bitter, - fatty, - spicy. And when poor nutrition diseases develop. This is how the mechanism of punishing a person for negative character traits works. Therefore, eat harmoniously and balanced, exclude meat, fish, coffee from your diet, reduce the amount of fried foods, and then you will help your body get rid of many diseases. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet