Lesson "reflexive and non-reflexive verbs". Reflexive form of verbs

Project of a research lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.” (Program and teaching materials of S.I. Lvova, V.V. Lvova)

Lesson objectives: give general idea about the concept of “Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs”; organize research activities schoolchildren when mastering this educational topic.

Lesson objectives:

Develop the ability to find and differentiate reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in the text;

Learn to distinguish between a variety of shades of lexical meaning reflexive verbs and use them correctly in speech;

Develop skills research work;

Work on improving monologue speech;

Cultivate a love and interest in words.

Lesson equipment:

Portraits of V. Dahl, M. Prishvin;

V. Dahl's Dictionary (vol. 4)

Cards for individual tasks;

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Entering a new topic.(The teacher shows a portrait of V. Dahl and asks questions:

Do you know this person? What do you know about him? What memory of himself did he leave for people?).

After the children’s answers, the teacher makes a generalization and moves on to learning something new: V. Dahl is a writer, scientist and lexicographer who devoted his entire life to the word. He collected and studied the words of his native language, admiring their beauty and wisdom. Today we will also begin to understand the mysteries hidden in everyday words. And the topic of the lesson will be the problem of our research.

3. Making notes in a notebook.

4. Work with keyword lesson research: students must determine the part of speech, the form of the verb and prove the correctness of the judgment; choose synonyms; find and explain spellings.

Conclusion-installation of the teacher: your answers indicate that you are ready to immerse yourself in the word, that is, to explore its properties.

5. Drawing up a research plan. The notebook page is divided into three columns.

I know I want to know I found out

In them, the guys write down the information corresponding to the column.

In our case, in the graph "I know" children wrote down:

recurrence-irrevocability is a constant feature of the verb; Reflexive verbs have the suffix – sya; The suffix – sya – is also called a postfix.

In the column "I want to know":

Why are these verbs called reflexive? What do they mean? How to distinguish between reflexive and non-reflexive verbs?

Count "Found out" filled in during the lesson.

6.Working with the textbook. Paragraph No. 70, p. 139. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs(theoretical material):

Refundable verbs with a reflexive suffix are called-sya (s) at the end: enjoy, stock up. Verbs without-sya (s) are always callednon-refundable.

Suffix-sya (s) always comes after the ending and is preserved in all forms of the reflexive verb:

cut Xia- I cut my hair sya- you cut your hair Xia- getting a haircut Xia- haircut sya etc.

Student assignment: Read the contents of the paragraph yourself and mark + the questions to which you received an answer.

(After independently analyzing the topic, students tell what they now know about reflexive and non-reflexive verbs).

7.Primary fixation: in the text of exercise No. 902, students must find and write down five reflexive and non-reflexive verbs, and then add 3-5 of their own examples.

The work is carried out according to options and subsequent verification.

Exercise No. 902, page 130:

1) And the girl is breaking through the window, wants to peck at the bacon and dreams of finding out with whom she should spend the winter today (V. Berestov). 2) Rye, like waves, beats (swells, swells), bends (swells, swells) from the field and rushes (swells, swells) somewhere. The torn leaf is circling (tsya, tsya) and is carried away (tsya, tsya) and rushes (tsya, tsya). (N. Ogarev). 3) And new friends (?) I hug (tsya, tsya, well kiss (tsya, tsya), (do not) know with joy to whom they equate (tsya, tsya) (I. Krylov).

8.Collective work to study the meaning of return verbs(exercise no. 924).

Exercise assignment: based on the photo collage, make sentences with verbs comb - comb, wash - wash, dress - get dressed.

Work is carried out in pairs. By clarifying the meaning of the verbs (comb - comb yourself, wash - wash yourself, dress up - dress yourself up), children come to the conclusion that reflexive verbs, thanks to the suffix -sya (-s), acquire the meaning of actions directed towards oneself.

Then the student, who received the task in advance, talks about the origin of the suffix -sya (-s) from short form pronouns themselves. (See Potiha “Historical commentary on Russian language lessons”).

9. Continued research(as part of home independent research): is our conclusion always valid? Let's take a closer look at the words bites, pricks, smiles, fights. Who are these actions aimed at? It is clear that not on yourself. This means that the reflexive suffix has other meanings.

Let's listen to the guys who conducted independent observations on this problem at home.

(Presentations by students presenting the results of their research. See the assignments and the results of their completion in the appendix to the lesson).

After listening to the speeches of their classmates, children, under the guidance of the teacher, draw a conclusion about the ambiguity of the reflexive suffix.

9. Collective analysis of M. Prishvin’s miniature “Word-star”.

The teacher explains the “secret” of the birth of today’s lesson: its content is suggested by material from Dahl’s dictionary ( shows volume 4 and reads an excerpt from there, also written on the flap of the board: “The living mobility of Russian verbs does not lend itself to ... school fetters.”). The teacher focuses on the fact that Dahl’s work is a guiding star in understanding the secrets of the native word. M. Prishvin has a miniature “Word-star”. The teacher suggests paying attention to the portrait of the writer and thinking about the meaning of what he wrote. ( First, a trained student reads the miniature by heart, then the guys themselves read and think about its content and answer the question for exercise No. 923).

Exercise 923. (This is a miniature essay).


In every soul the word lives, burns, shines like a star in the sky, and, like a star, goes out when it has finished its life path, falls from our lips. Then the power of this word, like the light of an extinguished star, flies to a person, on his paths in space and time. It happens that an extinguished star burns for thousands of years for people on earth. That person is gone, but the word remains and flows from generation to generation, like the light of a faded star in the Universe.(M. Prishvin) .

10.Summarizing the lesson: Did you learn what you wanted in the lesson? Have you completed your research plan?

Giving grades for work in class.

11.Homework to choose from:

Exercise No. 923 ( 1. Students copy the text and insert the missing letters. Conduct a morphological analysis of reflexive verbs. 2). They explain in writing how they understand the meaning of the name of this miniature).

Exercise No. 925 – research on the topic “Why is -sya written in some words, and s’ in others?”

Exercise No. 925. Form phrases with the meaning “action - object” using the questions in brackets. Determine the case of nouns, transitivity/intransitivity of verbs.

Offend(whom?) , be offended(on whom ); admit(What?) , admit(in what?) ; decide(What?) , decide(for what?) ; throw(who? what?) , rush up(on whom?).

Applications to the lesson.

Results of studies of the meanings of the reflexive suffix.

Work by Rita Chistyakova:

I compared the meaning of the phrases: pouring cereal-cereal pours, pours water - water pours, broke cup-cup I was broken and realized that the verbs in the first case denote actions that someone performs, and in the second case these actions occur on their own. The new meaning appears with the suffix -sya.

Artwork by Christina Furazhnikova.

I observed the verbs included in the phrases: iron is forged, bread is threshed, clothes are sewn, soup is cooked, a sweater is knitted - and I saw that general meaning of these verbs is that they denote actions that someone performs. For example, iron is forged by a blacksmith, clothes are sewn by a mother, soup is cooked by a housewife, a sweater is knitted by a grandmother. The suffix -sya gives this meaning to verbs.

Work by Lena Konstantinova.

I researched the verbs fight, kiss, hug, make friends and found out that they are special. One person cannot perform these actions, but several can. This means that these verbs denote actions that are performed by several persons. I think this brings meaning to the word

suffix -sya.

Work by Lena Grishina.

We all know that -sya is a suffix, which means it should add a new shade of meaning to the word. But is this always the case? After my observations, I was convinced that this is not always the case.

For example, he begs and prays, scolds and scolds. In these words, the suffix does not change the meaning of the word.

And in others it changes. Let's compare: I tear and tear, I write and write. With the addition of a reflexive suffix, the meaning “the action occurs on its own” appears.

Sometimes this value may change completely. For example, to cry is to shed tears, and to cry is to complain. Or to sell is to sell a product, but dreams can come true.

Didactic support of the lesson

Read and compare word combinations

I pour in the cereal - the cereal falls out

pour water - water pours

broke a cup - the cup broke

Think and answer the questions:

what is the difference between the actions indicated by the verbs of the first

column from actions expressed by verbs of the second column?

What morpheme gives this meaning?

Is it possible to find more similar examples?

Read the phrases, answer the questions and draw a conclusion.

What do the meanings of the verbs included in these phrases have in common?

What morpheme brings this meaning to words?

iron is forged, bread is threshed, clothes are sewn, soup is boiled, a sweater is knitted

Read the verbs and determine what is special about the actions they denote?

What morpheme brings this meaning to words? Prove your point.

fight, kiss, hug, make friends

SY – This is a suffix, which means it should add a new shade of meaning to the word. Is this always the case? Compare pairs of verbs and draw a conclusion.

prays - prays, scolds - scolds

I'm tearing - it's tearing, I'm writing - it's being written

cry - cry, come true - come true

REFLECTIVE FORM OF VERBS . Verb form, formed using the ending -s or -xia. Verbs with this ending can be divided into 1. verbs for which there are no correlative forms without -xia: to be afraid, to laugh, etc.; however, some of them have verbs without -xia from the same basics, but with different prefixes: ridicule, etc.; 2. verbs that have correlative verbs without -xia, but with such a difference in meaning that cannot be attributed to the ending -xia, eg. fight, cf. tear; 3. verbs that have forms without -xia with such a difference in meaning as may be considered to be due solely to the presence or absence of this ending. The first 2 cases do not allow us to determine the functions of formations with -xia, since the meaning of intransitivity that unites them all is usually common in many verbs without -xia. In the latter case, we can talk about the difference between pledges, which can be called returnable and non-refundable (see Pledges and Refundable pledge). The main meanings (functions) of V.F. for verbs that have both non-reflexive and V.F. are the following: 1. own returnable: the actor does to himself what, in the irrevocable form, he does to the person or object indicated by the VIN. pad. noun: wash, rejoice, etc.; 2. mutual: several characters do to each other what, in the non-reflexive form, the character does to other persons or objects designated as vinit. pad. noun: fight, meet, etc.; 3. passive: the object of the action of the verb in the non-reflexive form here (with V.F. with a passive meaning) becomes the subject of speech, although its real (ungrammatical) relationship to the action of the verb remains the same, i.e. is denoted by a noun in nominative, case, and the subject of the action is either not denoted, or is denoted as an instrument of action, creates, by the case of the noun: a house is being built by a carpenter; more often without creativity. pad., indicating the producer of the action: the floors in the house are washed weekly; at the same time, V.F. with a passive meaning is used mainly with names, pad. nouns that do not denote a person; 4. indirect return: the actor does something for himself, in his own interests; V.F. has such a meaning relatively rarely and, moreover, mainly from intransitive verbs: knock, i.e. knock for oneself in order to make oneself known, to make a promise, i.e. promise for yourself, etc.; 5. intransitive: action is considered independently of the object of action, sometimes as an ability, property: to scold, bite, etc.; 6. intensification or concentration of intransitive meaning(from verbs having a non-reflexive form with an intransitive meaning): blush, cf. blush, smoke - “blow smoke around oneself”, cf. smoke; 7. impersonal(from verbs that have an intransitive meaning in the non-reflexive form): the action is considered without relation not only to the object (which does not exist even in the non-reflexive form), but also to the subject of the action, as something that happens by itself: sleeping, breathing, believing, wanting, etc.; in this case, the person who is the subject of the action in the non-reflexive form of these verbs is designated by a noun in the date. pad.: he can’t sit well. See Pledges and titles. there is an article by Fortunatov.

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  • - 1...

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"Reflexive form of verbs" in books

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XII. Spelling verbs

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XII. Spelling of verbs § 48. Personal endings of verbs 1. The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present and future simple tense differs: a) in the first conjugation: -eat, -et, -em, -ete, -ut or -yut; b) in the second conjugation: -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at or -yat. The II conjugation includes (from among

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author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XII. SPELLING OF VERBS § 48. Personal endings of verbs The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present or future simple tense differs: a) in the I conjugation: - eat, - et, -em, - ete-, -ut or - yut; b) in the II conjugation : - ish, - it, -im, - ite, - at or - yat. For verbs with

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VERB TENSE The present tense of a verb is often used to convey a past or future action. In the first case, when an event from the past is spoken of as if it were happening at the present moment, the author's purpose is usually to give the narrative

Reflexive verbs are called verbs that have a postfix xia (s): to return, to dream, to dream, to start. The remaining verbs are called irrevocable: watch, read, eat, run.

Transitive and intransitive verbs.

Transitive verbs are verbs that indicate an action that passes to another object or person. This object or person can be expressed:

Noun in genitive case without an excuse: cut off the sausages, drink compote.

A noun (or pronoun) in the accusative case with a prepositional connection: read a book, see the sun, count sheep.

By a noun or pronoun in the genitive case with negation, but also without a preposition: not to have the right .

The remaining verbs are considered intransitive: lie on the bed, look into the darkness, sunbathe under the sun.

Perfect verbs and imperfect form.

Perfect Verbs indicate the completion, effectiveness, end of an action or its beginning and answer the question “what to do?”: run, run away, sing, sing, gallop, gallop away. Perfective verbs have two tense forms: past (what did you do? - galloped up) And future simple (what will they do? - they'll gallop). Perfect Verbs Dont Have present tense forms.

Imperfect verbs indicate the course of an action, but do not indicate its completion, result, beginning or end and answer the question “what to do?”: run, jump, sing. Imperfective verbs have three tense forms:

Past (what they were doing? - watched, listened);

The present (what are they doing? - look, listen);

The future is complicated (what will they do? - they will read, they will watch).

Syntactic role of the verb.

The verb in a sentence most often performs the role of the predicate. But verb infinitive can act as different members of a sentence:

Subject: Live- means to breathe;

Compound predicate: I I'm going to enroll to the Faculty of Philology;
Definition: I have a burning desire go out to the air;
Addition: Mother asked me come up closer.
Purpose circumstance: Grandma sat down take a break.

Define an application.

Application- this is the definition, expressed by a noun, consistent with the word being defined in the case, for example: A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant rock. Applications may indicate different qualities subject, indicate age, nationality, profession and other signs, for example: An old grandmother looks out of the window. If next to the application - a common noun - there is a defined word, which is also a common noun, they are usually combined with a hyphen: flying carpet, ascetic monk.

When a common noun is followed by a proper name, a hyphen is not placed (boxer Ivanov), but there are combinations in which the common noun follows a proper noun, then there is a hyphen between them: Mother Volga, Moscow River, Ivan the Fool, Nightingale the Robber. The application, as a rule, is case coordinated with the word being defined. There are exceptions in which the application can be placed in a case different from the word being defined: these are names - proper names and nicknames. If the application before the main word can be replaced with a single-root adjective, then a hyphen is not placed after the application. For example: “old man watchman” (application - old man, the main word is watchman, old man can be replaced with “old” - old watchman), and watchman-old man (a hyphen is placed because the application and the main word are common nouns). Examples of typical applications (in italics): Volodya, an excellent student, was the first to raise his hand. Ivan the shepherd was driving the cows across the field.

Examples of exceptions:

Names are proper names, usually separated by quotation marks. Here it is used Nominative case regardless of the form of the word being defined.

Names of press organs, literary works. In the Kommersant newspaper. In the novel "The Young Guard".

Names of enterprises. At the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. Seizure of the Yukos enterprise.

Nicknames. Charges have been brought against Misha Two Percent. Vsevolod the Big Nest had eight sons.

A hyphen is not placed after words that are generally accepted addresses: Citizen Financial Inspector! I'm sorry to trouble you.

Schoolchildren and linguistic students need to be able to correctly determine the reflexivity of verbs. This is required to complete morphological analysis, competent presentation of thoughts. There are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when determining the reflexivity of a verb. It is not enough to simply remember that the reflexive verb ends in –sya or –sya: this method of analysis causes regular errors. It is important to understand the uniqueness of this morphological category of the verb.

Reflexivity as a verb category
To correctly determine the reflexivity of a verb, you need to know exactly the features of the category under study.

Reflexive verbs are specific type intransitive verbs. They denote an action directed by the subject towards himself and have a postfix – xia. The postfix –sya is part of a word that reflects historical changes in the Russian language. IN Old Slavonic language the postfix denoted the word “oneself”, performing the functions of a pronoun.

You definitely need to know that the reflexivity of a verb is directly related to the morphological category of transitivity. First, find out whether the verb is transitive. You need to remember: determining the reflexivity of a verb takes time and should be based on an analysis of the word. The presence of the postfix –sya does not guarantee that there is a reflexive verb before you.

Algorithm for determining verb reflexivity
It is advisable to determine the reflexivity of a verb according to a specific scheme, then the likelihood of errors will noticeably decrease. You will need to be familiar with the basic terms used in the Russian language course.

  1. First, determine the transitivity category of the verb. Remember the signs of transitivity and intransitivity of a verb:
    • A transitive verb denotes an action directed at oneself (the subject). It can be freely combined with a noun that is in the accusative case, without a preposition. For example, do (what?) a task. To do is a transitive verb because it is combined with a noun without a preposition, and the noun is in the accusative case. To determine transitivity, simply model a phrase where there is a noun in the accusative case dependent on the verb being analyzed.
    • Intransitive verbs denote actions that do not transfer to an object. Nouns cannot be combined with such verbs in the accusative case without a preposition.
  2. If the verb is transitive, it is not reflexive. The repayment category for him is at at this stage has already been determined.
  3. If the verb is intransitive, you need to continue analyzing it.
  4. Pay attention to the postfix. The postfix –sya is a mandatory sign of a reflexive verb.
  5. All reflexive verbs are divided into 5 types.
    • Reflexive verbs are needed to express changes emotional state subject, his physical actions. For example, rejoice, hurry.
    • Verbs from the group of proper reflexives denote an action directed at the subject. Thus, one person becomes object and subject. For example, dressing up means dressing yourself up.
    • Reciprocal verbs denote actions performed between several subjects. Each subject is simultaneously an object of action, that is, the action is transferred to each other. For example, to meet - to meet each other.
    • Verbs from the group of objectless-reflexive verbs denote actions that are constantly inherent in the subject. For example, metal melts.
    • Indirect reflexive verbs imply actions performed by the subject in his own interests, for himself. For example, stocking up on things.
    Try to determine what type the verb is. The reflexive verb must be included in one of the groups.
  6. Please note: the postfix -sya is not always a sign of a reflexive verb. Check if the verb belongs to one of the groups:
    • Transitive verbs reflecting the intensity of the action. For example, knocking. Postfix increases intensity.
    • Verbs with impersonal meaning. For example, I can’t sleep.
If a verb is included in one of the groups, it is not reflexive.

If a verb does not fit into any type from paragraph 6, but clearly belongs to one of the groups in paragraph 5, it has a reflexivity category.

Non-refundable verbs are verbs without the postfix –sya; returnable– verbs with the postfix –sya. Historically, the formation of reflexive verbs is associated with the pronoun Xia, which was originally attached only to transitive verbs (wash + xia (“yourself”) = wash).

All verbs in Russian can be divided into several groups:

irreflexive verbs,

from which returns are formed



a) wash + wash

build + xia education return

different forms

meet + xia

b) turn white + xia

darken + xia – morphological synonyms

c) look - look enough verbs

work - get enough SD

d) write - impersonal is not written

sleep - can't sleep verbs






Thus, we can conclude that the postfix –sya in the Russian language can perform several functions:

Form reflexive forms of verbs ( wash, whiten);

Form reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs lexical meaning (forgive - say goodbye, finish - achieve).

It should be noted that some verbs in –sya have a synonymous reflexive combination ( to deprive - to deprive oneself, to cover oneself - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive was established in the Russian language without regard to the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix –sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and voice correlation is provided only by the reflexive forms of the verb.

Pledge category

The category of voice is one of the most difficult problems of Russian grammar. Linguistic scientists define the content of this category differently, and therefore resolve the issue of the number of voices differently: some count up to 17 voices, others deny the presence of voices altogether.

In Russian linguistics there are the following definitions of voice:

1) pledge means “an act that passes from one thing to another, and an act that does not pass from one thing to another” (Lomonosov);

2) voices are those verbal forms that denote a difference in the relationship of the verbal action to its subject. On this basis, a refundable deposit can be allocated ( the book is being read) and non-refundable deposit ( read a book) – Aksakov, Fortunatov;

3) pledge is the relation of action to object (Buslaev, Shapiro);

4) pledge is an expression of the asset and liability of the subject (Isachenko, AG-70);

5) deposit – is the relation of action to subject and object(Vinogradov, Golovin, Gvozdev, Shansky).

In all the above definitions of collateral there is general criterion– the relationship of action to subject and object. This feature is, indeed, important in voice content, since voice, like other verbal categories, manifests itself primarily as a certain grammatical relation - the relation of an action to its source and to the object. The category of pledge reflects objectively occurring processes, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of an actor and an object of action.

The mother (subject) washes (action) the child (object).

The child (subject, object) washes himself (action).

But in the Russian language there are verbs that name such actions, for the implementation of which only the doer, the subject of the action is needed:

Clouds (subject) float quietly across the sky.

Thus, all verbs in Russian can be divided into two groups:

1) verbs capable of conveying voice relations (voice verbs);

2) verbs that do not convey voice relations (non-voice verbs).