Talent for moving objects with your eyes. How to move objects with your mind

Many Magic Teachers claim that one can master telekinesis only through certain secret techniques. And then only to those people who have the ability to do this. And parapsychological centers even provide expensive training for those interested. But in fact, almost anyone can learn telekinesis quickly and independently! Even many respected scientists agree with this, for example, Robert Jahn from Princeton University. There is no secret knowledge for teaching telekinesis. People who know how to influence things with the power of thought (willpower) have long shared their knowledge.

What does it take to master telekinesis?

You will need to train hard every day and, depending on the strength of your abilities, you will achieve success in a fairly short time. For particularly gifted people this may take a few days, while for someone less gifted it may take a month or more. But if you are lazy and train only from time to time, “for show,” don’t expect success! The same applies to and in general to.

First of all, answer the question for yourself - why do you need to learn telekinesis? Many people expect real miracles, but in fact, with the help of telekinesis, you can only move small, lightweight things. In order to move very heavy things, you need a huge supply of energy, which ordinary person No. This energy can only be accumulated by engaging in energy practices for many years: yoga or qigong. But if you are satisfied with quite modest successes in the form of moving matches, pencils, feathers, then start training!

To work you will need:

  • lightweight plastic cup
  • thin thread, pencil, feather, large glass container, for example, a liter jar.

Exercises for quickly learning telekinesis

  1. Place the cup on a completely flat, smooth surface. Now close your eyes for a minute and relax. Throw away all extraneous thoughts, and now open your eyes, focusing all your attention on the glass. Mentally imagine him starting to move. Point your palms at the glass and feel how the energy wave from your hands moves the object. Now you have one desire - to move the thing. You need to present all this very actively and energetically! If you do everything right, you will feel really tired by the end! Didn't work the first time? Don’t lose heart, almost everyone’s first experience of telekinesis is unsuccessful. Exercise every day for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Tie a feather to one end of the thread and the other end to a pencil. Place the pencil on the neck of the jar so that the feather hangs freely on the thread inside. This way you will be sure that the feather moves from telekinetic efforts, and not from your breathing or draft. Now begin the same energetic impact on the feather as in the first exercise with the glass. Don't be afraid that the walls of the jar may hinder your energy. This is not so - glass is not a hindrance for her!

These seemingly simple exercises can take a lot of your energy. Therefore, they are contraindicated for those who...

A lot has been said about telekinesis. Someone completely denies even the very possibility that a person can awaken special abilities. Some people are skeptical about this issue, but leave room for them to be convinced if there is some pretty solid evidence. Some people certainly believe that people may have special psychic abilities that allow them to do things that most cannot do. One way or another, there was talk about telekinesis and other similar abilities ten, a hundred, and a thousand years ago. But what is generally known about this skill? What it is? Telekinesis can be perceived as fiction or as reality, but it is definitely worth knowing about. That is why you should read this article. Here you will learn the main points regarding telekinesis, what it is, and also how you can try to learn it.

What it is?

The first question that is worth answering in case any of the readers have no idea about such a phenomenon: what is it? Telekinesis is a supernatural ability that can supposedly awaken in certain people. It represents the ability to move objects in space solely through the power of thought. This means that the process does not use any muscles in the body, meaning you cannot physically contact the object you are trying to move. Many books have been written about telekinesis, scientists talk about it, it appears especially often in science fiction books, films and TV series, so it is unlikely that you have never heard of it at all. However, there are some details that are rarely discussed openly. Now that you know what it is, telekinesis is a more interesting subject for you that deserves further research, is not it?

Where does telekinesis come from?

As you already understand, telekinesis is the ability to move objects solely through the power of thought. However this definition is extremely superficial because it is not clear what the power of thought is. Scientists have been trying for years to explain what actually moves objects that are influenced by people who have telekinesis. Some people think they are powerful physical fields, which some people can emit, allows them to lift objects into the air or dislodge them on a plane. Other scientists claim electromagnetic pulsed fields are the cause. Still others claim that the secret lies in acoustic signals, the duration of which is calculated in hundredths of a second. But the most popular, naturally, is the theory of the existence of psychokinetic energy, which allows people to influence objects directly, without the use of any physical fields or impulses. Everyone has such energy, but it lies dormant in the depths of the subconscious, and if you want to awaken it, you will have to practice a lot. This is exactly what will be discussed further. You will learn how to learn telekinesis, what exercises are needed for this, and also how long this process will take.

Capabilities of the human brain

Of course, this theory also has opponents who believe that nothing like this exists and cannot exist. They say that the human brain has been studied in detail, so there is no point in trying to attribute to it something that is not actually there. However, it is worth noting that the same scientists were said about the same scientists several decades ago. People believed that it was impossible to take a detailed picture of the brain; they did not know that it was possible to study electronic signals in the brain and see all this in pictures or directly on a computer. Now this is the norm, and no one questions the fact that an MRI will indeed allow you to get all the information about your brain. The same goes for many still unproven abilities, such as telekinesis. It is quite possible that in a couple of decades the current period will be remembered as a time of distrust of telekinesis widespread throughout the world. The point is that human brain is an incredible device that can hide amazing secrets. And you just need to create the right conditions to get the most out of it. So, if you want to know how to learn telekinesis, the first thing you will need to do is open your mind. If you do not believe in the existence of telekinesis, you will definitely not be able to achieve success. Developing telekinesis will require a lot of time and effort from you, but if you purposefully pursue your goal, then you will have a good chance of success.

Preparing your body and mind

Before specific exercises for telekinesis are discussed here, you need to undergo training that will allow you to tune your body to the desired wavelength. Naturally, the most important thing in this matter is complete inner harmony and absolute calm. To achieve this state, it is recommended to use several simple and popular techniques. Firstly, this is meditation. Every day you need to spend at least half an hour meditating, as this will allow you to tune your brain waves to the desired frequency, calm down, put aside all your problems and focus on your main task. Secondly, this is visualization. You need to visualize various mental images and objects, concentrate on them and hold them in attention for a long period of time. This will allow you to develop your “mental muscles”, which you can later use to move objects with your mind. Thirdly, it is self-confidence and a positive attitude. Remember that this is very difficult task, so you will have to face setbacks and failures day after day. Only if you believe in success and keep going will you have a chance to gain incredible abilities. The power of telekinesis is so great that it is truly worth what you plan to go through to gain it.

Moving the Void

So now you understand that you need to leave behind questions about whether telekinesis is possible. If you are still in doubt, you better not start the exercises because you will only waste your time. If you are fully committed to success, then you can start with a basic exercise, which is moving the void. To do this, you need to completely relax and look at one point. Don't focus on specific objects as they can become distracting and you definitely won't be able to move any object right away. Concentrate on empty space or on air if the idea of ​​emptiness does not impress you. And then begin to imagine a certain area of ​​emptiness that you want to mentally drag from one place to another. This should be done while in a completely relaxed state. Moreover, you need to do this every day in order to gradually accumulate skills and the overall effect.

Moving a Sheet of Paper

However, you understand that telekinesis is the ability to move objects, not air, without contact, so you need to do more than just basic exercises to speed up your progress. For example, you can tear off a small piece of paper and place it in front of your eyes. The smaller the piece of paper, the better, because at first your telekinetic abilities will not be impressive enough to cope with something as large as a whole sheet of paper. Collect all your mental energy and direct it to a piece of paper, trying to turn it over with the power of your mind. You need to fully concentrate on this task and spend at least half an hour a day on it. Experts on special abilities report that it is best to do this at night, when the number of distractions tends to zero.

Show of hands

This is a rather unusual exercise that you can use to add variety to your worksheet activity. His goal will be to simply raise his hands. It would seem, what could be simpler? However, there is one condition, which is that you cannot use your own muscles. Usually you think about raising your arms, your brain sends a signal to the necessary muscles, which carry out this process. You need to do the same, but only exclude the muscles from this process. That is, you need to think about raising your arms, and do it without using your muscles. This will also allow you to make good progress in developing telekinesis within yourself.

Rotating a paper cone

There are also more exercises high order, which are much more complex, but also much more effective. For example, you can hang a paper cone on a string and then stand a short distance from it, beginning to concentrate your psi energy in the solar plexus. When you feel the energy where you directed it, it's time to move it into the fingers of your outstretched hand. When you feel it in your hand, transfer it to your other hand, then repeat several times and return it to your solar plexus. Repeat this exercise several times, after which for the last time send energy into the fingers of your hand, with the help of which you need to try to turn the paper cone in the direction you have chosen.

Heavy artillery

Paper is the simplest material for the work of the person who wants to learn telekinesis. Therefore, you should not concentrate only on this material, because there are more complex things that you need to master in order to fully learn this ability. For example, you can use those items that have spinning elements. An excellent example is the compass needle, which is much more difficult to influence than paper. Accordingly, this exercise is for advanced specialists, and not for beginners.

Changing the shape of an object

If you are already at a very high level mastery of telekinesis, then you can begin to work on the strength of your abilities, focusing on changing the shape of any objects. Naturally, you should also start with lighter materials, but gradually move on to heavier and denser ones. One way or another, you need to concentrate not on the object itself, but on its molecular structure, sending mental signals that you are able to change this structure. If you repeat this a large number of times in a row, then your psi energy will gradually move into the object of your choice, changing its shape, thanks to which you will reach the pinnacle of perfection. You will quickly realize that telekinesis will be much easier for you after such hard exercises.


So is it possible to move objects with the power of thought? No one can give you a clear answer to this question, but if you want to learn telekinesis, then you will definitely have to believe it, and then you can begin the exercises described above.

Just a few decades ago, people could only be amazed and dream about how simply unusual people could move objects. They were considered magicians and wizards, they were feared and respected. Many dreamed of learning telekinesis on their own, negotiated with suppliers, purchased special literature, read, trained, but... nothing came of it. It turns out that some fifty years ago all printed literature in this direction was published by enterprising people who were ready to earn their first capital, literally out of thin air.

Often the advice that could be read in such books was very similar to the famous work of science fiction, where a schoolboy named Harry with one stroke magic wand accomplished the impossible. Over the last century in Russia, superpowers have been identified in only two people, and each of them did not want to specifically learn this. As they say in their publications and advice, you don’t need to want something very much. Everything turns out by itself, and how they managed to move a pencil from its place, set the water in a glass container in motion, and also raise a bird’s feather in the air - they shrug their shoulders and shrug their shoulders.

Telekinesis concept

Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the ability to move objects without using your hands. The scientific concept of this phenomenon sounds like the interacting resonance of the human body and any objects during the interaction of which the following occurs:

  1. Formulation of a directed message by the brain.
  2. Control of the nervous system through consciousness.
  3. Activation of the body's internal reserves, namely currents, is the main engine that influences the movement of external objects.

Let's imagine ourselves in the place of a person who is learning the skills of telekinesis. For example, he stands in the middle of the room, on the floor and looks intently at the heavy sofa. He tries to move him with just one glance. When a person strains his gaze, he looks closely at an object and begins to see the sofa in a different direction. This is called monovision, when a person, as if going beyond the boundaries of his body, sees an object in a different projection. He examines the sofa - sees its outline, back walls, a box located inside. That is, he sees the “skeleton” of the object and what is inside. Next, the person begins to hear a sound that is more like vibration or “white” noise. It’s difficult to describe in words, but all his insides are tense, a person feels a heartbeat and an impulse that gradually descends down to the solar plexus. The outlines of all objects in the room become blurred, boundaries are erased, sounds become dull. And it is at this moment that the human body and the object enter the same state - resonant. A sound is heard that the human ear perceives as very loud - this is the sound of a moving object. The sound “cuts” the brain and powerful “goosebumps” run through the body. At this time, the movement of the object occurs.

Who can learn

The ability to master telekinesis is extremely rare. Only one or two people out of a million are able to effortlessly move an object, lift it into the air, and perform other actions that cannot be performed at a distance. For example, starting or extinguishing a fire, separating, bending metal objects, etc. Scientists have not yet found this phenomenon scientific proof and continue to shrug. But there is an opinion that every person has such abilities. It’s just that not everyone notices them and doesn’t try to develop them.

When asked whether it is possible to learn to move objects at a distance, experts in this field answer affirmatively: “Yes, it is possible. You just need to follow some rules."

Basic Rules:

  1. You must have a great desire, as well as have strength of character and believe, believe and believe that everything will work out.
  2. Learn to relax.
  3. Be able to concentrate.
  4. Learn to master both body and mind.
  5. Be ready to train every day, without a break.

Checking your potential

Let's look inside ourselves, inside our consciousness, check ourselves, our potential. To learn telekinesis, you need persistence and regular training. You can learn this phenomenon either with a teacher or on your own by doing home training. The main rule of the lesson:

  1. You need to exercise every day.
  2. Don't get distracted and learn to concentrate.

Let's start working with energy

Classes should take place in a calm environment. Turn off all objects that produce sounds: TV, radio, telephone, close the windows. Even the sound of the arrows wall clock may cause interference.

  1. Relax your body, try to close your eyes and feel your energy, its flow.
  2. Inhale, exhale - slowly release the air, trying to direct the energy into your hands.
  3. Try to feel the flow, feel how the energy gathers in your palms and is absorbed into your fingertips.
  4. Place your hands in front of you, palms together. Try to feel the density of the space formed between them.
  5. Place any object between your palms. Raise your palms above the object, feel the warmth.
  6. Bring your hands closer to the object slowly. Focus.
  7. You should feel a slight tingling or feel that the distance between your palms is compressing, as if attracting them to each other.
  8. Gently touch the object and also slowly move your hand to the side.
  9. Catch the feeling of resistance when the object “does not let go” of your palm.
  10. Remove your hand and rest.
  11. Relax.
  12. Try to let go of the energy.

This is a step-by-step description of the first lesson. In subsequent classes, you must try to create an energetic sensation with any objects of different size and weight. Experiment with different distances, trying to gradually increase the distance between you and the object. Constant training will allow you to feel the energy at a distance of two to three meters.

During training, achieve a tingling sensation in your palms and fingertips, gradually increasing the distance between objects. Achieve a feeling of “push”.

During the training period, it is necessary, through daily training, to feel the energy of space even eyes closed. You can start training by practicing the sensation of a short distance. Only after honing these phenomena can you try to move small item from a place, without the use of physical contact.

Mastering Visualization

Before you start learning, you need to mentally “draw” a small dot on an object. First of all, you need to free yourself from all thoughts without exception. This is very difficult to do, but over time you will succeed. Look at an imaginary target and think about it, imagining that your eyes are directing rays to that point. When this stage of training is behind you, and you can do it without effort and special concentration, you need to add a second exercise - circular rotations of the head.

Afterwards, the exercise becomes more complicated and you need to “draw” a second one to one point, slightly higher than the first. Now your task is to move your gaze from one point to another so that the points move - the top one is below, and the bottom one moves up. This is the most important rule in mastering the technique of telekinesis.

After honing the above techniques, you can move on to the most important thing - real objects. In the same way as with moving imaginary points, you need to practice moving objects.

Don't stop there: patience and perseverance will help you understand whether you have special abilities that just need to be “awakened”, or whether you are able to comprehend all the basics and learn telekinesis on your own.

Moving things with your mind requires endurance and perseverance. To learn more about this paranormal possibility, read on...

Moving things with your mind? Sounds strange, doesn't it? You might think that a person who moves an object with his thought does not belong to our world. However, to believe it or not is everyone's personal privilege.

It is the power of thought that influences things, thereby making them move. You must make efforts in the right direction to complete this task. How to transport certain elements with thoughts? Transporting objects requires a lot of concentration. Yours mental health must be in good condition. You should not have doubts or mistrust. If you are not sure, you will not be able to move objects. You need to fully concentrate on the object you want to move. The mind should not be occupied with other thoughts. Practice and patience will get you into this state of mind. Fix your attention on the object and make sure that you are not thinking about anything other than the object. If you have focused your attention precisely on the thing you have chosen, it is likely that it will move. The main thing is not to distract your attention, and you will see a “magical” event. This rare ability to move things through the power of the mind is often called both psychokinesis and telekinesis. Many people have already shown the ability to move objects. They discovered their skills by moving balls, matchboxes and even clock pendulums. Some of them were also able to bend spoons and keys in public. But I want to warn you that developing your psychokinetic abilities is not easy.

Scientists are unable to describe the phenomenon of psychokinesis with facts, logic and formulas. They are also perplexed and cannot understand how an object can be transported without direct contact with it. Scientists are surprised and find it difficult to believe that the mind is able to control objects as it wants. One theory says that when we focus our attention completely on a specific object for a long time, psychic energy awakens in the form electromagnetic waves that come from the brain. These waves are powerful enough to produce noticeable movements of objects. In this way, consciousness stimulates the production of magnetic fields that ultimately push the object.

Thoughts directed at a specific object can bring the desired result. Some mind control techniques will be useful for improving concentration. Instead of trying to influence the movement of objects such as a matchbox or something heavy, first determine whether you can move things on a microscopic level. Start training your mind by choosing smaller objects such as pins or needles. Remember: daily practice in this will help you ultimately “hit the mark.” Developing telekinesis is something that cannot be done overnight. This difficult process, it can take several months, and even years.

Below are the steps that will guide you in the process of “converting” your thoughts into real manipulations:

Step 1:
With full concentration, you need to observe the object for approximately 10 minutes. Your mind must be completely “fixed” on the object. If you think about anything else, nothing will come of it and it will actually be a waste of time. Your level of concentration should be so high that one day you will feel the object as a part of you.

Once you reach this state, simply imagine that the object is moving. For example, looking at a spoon that is on your table, you can move it a few centimeters or bend it a few degrees. Imagine this movement several times in your mind, but at the same time do not allow your image to move away from the object.

These two steps promote mastery of telekinesis and the transportation of an object without any direct intervention. They need to be worked on daily and, ultimately, over a period of weeks or months you will be able to use the power of telekinesis. In addition to telekinesis, concentration will be the key to success. Your mind must be stable and filled with the thought of moving the object. Having a categorical conviction that telekinesis can be achieved is also extremely important.

And stay away from thoughts that make you lose interest in telekinesis. After all, you have psychokinetic power. All you have to do is activate it to the point where it works in the required, correct direction.

Moving objects with the power of thought - is this a fairy tale or is it reality? Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to this phenomenon; we can see programs about telekinesis on TV, read about it in magazines and on the Internet. But how do you understand whether you can learn to move objects yourself with your gaze or thought? Researchers unanimously claim that telekinesis is an as yet untapped ability of our brain, and anyone can learn it. It just takes a lot of work on yourself, time and patience.

What is this?

Telekinesis is the ability of a person to move objects without touching them. From Greek this word is translated as “movement at a distance”, and this name contains the whole meaning of the phenomenon. In another way it is called psychokinesis - this word is translated as “soul, breath”. History knows examples when a person could move objects with the power of thought.

Let us remember the well-known Ninel Kulagina - this woman moved various objects without touching them. She used her psychic energy and proved to scientists that it was possible. The research results stated that when the object moved, thin and shiny dotted lines appeared near her fingers, which were recorded by the equipment.

This is what psychic energy looks like, and everyone has it, you just need to learn how to use it, and this will require the ability to concentrate and direct the energy to one point. This can be achieved through training.

How does the fact of telekinesis occur?

Objects move due to mental efforts directed at them for the following reasons:

– The brain generates a signal and directs it precisely to the target.
– Consciousness controls nervous system and controls it.
– The internal reserves of the body are activated, currents are generated that are directed to the object and move it from its place.

What does a person feel at the moment of making a volitional effort to move an object without contact?

Let's figure it out. Firstly, at first he concentrates his gaze on an object in such a way that one day he begins to see more, as if covering the entire object with his gaze - this is how monovision appears.

A person in this state can feel an object with his whole body, see what is underneath, inside, and so on. After this, noise begins to increase in his ears, everything inside him goes into a tense state, but his body remains outwardly relaxed.

He feels the energy that, originating in the head, passes into the solar plexus. The world turns into a blurry picture, the outlines become unclear - this is a state of trance. For a person, it is as if the border of reality is moving away, the sounds become quiet for him and go into the background, the white noise is growing.

At this moment, the person’s body and the object that he wants to move go into a state of resonance. It is now that it can be moved by the power of thought by directing a flow of energy towards it.

In 5 minutes at home

Telekinesis requires a lot of energy, and you should be prepared to be very tired after training. If this does not scare you, then it is quite possible to learn how to move objects with the power of thought at home.

There are exercises that will take you no more than 5 minutes, but will effectively work to develop your abilities. But first remember simple rules– never start exercising if you feel unwell and before starting exercise, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head so that nothing distracts you.

This may not happen right away; in order to learn to concentrate and free your consciousness from everything unnecessary, many experts recommend doing yoga or meditation for some time before learning telekinesis.

The following exercise will help you quickly learn telekinesis at home. Its purpose is to accumulate energy. Sit comfortably and place your palms opposite each other.

1. Imagine how energy flows pass through you, and energy accumulates in the solar plexus. Feel a slight tingling or warmth as it moves through you. After this, send energy into your palms and imagine how it moves from one palm to another, flowing through your wrists and shoulders.

You only need 5 minutes to do this exercise, and if you do it regularly, your telekinesis abilities will increase noticeably! Over time, you should spend a little more time on it, and you will see how your energy increases.

2. The next exercise also takes 5 minutes, but it must be done regularly. Sit in front of a mirror or ordinary glass, mentally draw a black dot on it and concentrate on it. Imagine how golden streams of energy come out of your eyes and the bridge of your nose and gather at this point.

Remember that at this moment you should be very comfortable, nothing should distract you. Over time, you should move on to the second part of this exercise - start rotating your head without taking your eyes off the point. At the same time, try to keep the rays of energy there, as if chained to this place.

Then, after a couple of weeks of such training, imagine two points and move your attention from one to another. Try to feel the effort so that it seems to you that you are moving the same point with the effort of thought.

Fast and easy

To master telekinesis in all its perfection, you will need long training, but you can easily try to test yourself for your inclination towards it. That is, everyone has abilities, it’s just more difficult for some, easier for others, like any science.

1. So, take a plastic cup and place it on the table in front of you on its side. Sit in front of him, concentrate, breathe deeply. Try to immerse yourself in a state close to trance; meditation techniques can help with this. Throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, focus on the subject in front of you.

Now try to gather all your energy and move the glass with maximum effort of will. Nothing succeeded? Dont be upset! Everything has its time. Change the position of the glass and try again. Even if you don't succeed right away, don't stop trying. If you exercise regularly at least three times a week, one day you will achieve something.

2. Another way to learn to move objects with the power of thought is to practice concentration. Draw bold dots on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall at eye level. One of the points should be higher and the other lower.

Concentrate first on the one below, and then slowly move your attention to the top, then back. Do this for several minutes. It’s good if you hang such a piece of paper in front of your desk and do this exercise several times throughout the day.

3. An exercise with a match will also help in mastering telekinesis. Fill a deep bowl or saucepan clean water, you can take boiled or running water, but ideally it should be spring water.

Now throw a match there and start concentrating on it. Direct all your energy, all your will towards it. Imagine rays of energy emanating from your eyes, pushing the match and causing it to move in the water.

4. Good way– exercise with pen, pencil and thread. Take the listed items, tie a feather to one end of the thread, and a pencil to the other.

In addition, you will need a regular jar on which you need to place a pencil so that the feather hangs down and rests on the thread. Now you need to concentrate on the feather and try to move it with energy. Do not come too close to the structure, then it will move not from energy, but from your breath, and such an action will not bring results.


To master telekinesis, it is useful to conduct energy practices. One of the exercises is carried out as follows: you need to close your eyes and relax, feel how the entire space around you is permeated with energies.

1. Try to grab, catch one of the streams, breathe it into yourself. Now exhale, trying to direct the energy into your own hands. Feel how it passes through you, how it enters your palms, into your fingertips, pulsating there.

2. Connect your palms, separate them, bring them closer to the object you want to move - at first it should be something light - a feather or a pen cap. Move your palms over the object, to the side of it, touch it lightly, and then move your hands away.

3. Try to feel the warmth, the tension between it and your skin. Then take a deep breath and exhale, relax. Repeat all over again, and so on several times.

– An exercise called "Moving the Void" Relax, free your head from thoughts, sit comfortably and concentrate on one point.

Look at this point continuously and concentrate your energy on it. Now imagine that you are moving a block of air from this point to another with the power of your thoughts. Move the void several times a day.

– Another interesting exercise – pin movement. Take a plastic lid - preferably from a jar, it's softer - and a pin. Insert a pin into the center of the lid so that it is in a vertical position and does not fall off. Place the structure in front of you and continue to focus on it.

Apply all your will to move the pin at least a little, to rotate it around its axis. If you do this regularly and channel your energy correctly, over time your efforts will be rewarded.

You can even try to move a piece of paper with the power of thought. To do this, take it and place it at eye level, for example, on a shelf. Now focus and direct energy towards it, trying to turn it over. Most likely, you won’t be able to do this right away, but it’s quite possible to slightly move or move the leaf.

If you are sick or tired, do not start exercising under any circumstances - this will waste valuable energy that could be spent on recovery. Before classes, try to relax, listen to calm music, take a bath, light an aroma lamp.

To concentrate and direct your energy to one point, you need to free yourself from worries and everyday worries that distract and take away your strength. A simple meditation can help with this - sit for 5-10 minutes with your back straight and eyes closed and breathe deeply.

Imagine how golden energy is concentrated inside you, how it fills every cell of your body. Relax all muscles in stages, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. At the end of the meditation, take a deep breath and open your eyes. Now you are ready to exercise.

There is a theory that telekinesis can be uncontrolled. So don’t be surprised if, during the period when you started exercising, during quarrels or arguments in your house objects fall of their own accord, things move.