Does magic really exist? Do magical powers really exist?

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus recalls the history of the criminal case: a fortune teller approached a citizen on the street and said that she saw damage on her and that she could remove it right now if she went to the woman’s home. That's what they did. In the apartment, the fortune teller performed an imaginary ritual, and as a reward she took gold earrings and a ring, as well as 100 thousand rubles.

The victim later contacted law enforcement agencies. According to the Investigative Committee, the fortune teller deliberately misled the victim by providing her with false information about the alleged damage. Based on the fact of deception, a criminal case was initiated under Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus “Fraud”.

In the United States, the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) has existed for almost 20 years, which officially guarantees a prize to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal abilities under the conditions of a correct experiment. Up to fifty psychics a year submit applications for the award. To this day, not a single person has been tested. The famous Belarusian psychologist Pavel Zygmantovich told how exactly psychics convince people of their non-existent superpowers, why invented fortune-telling comes true and how clairvoyants “know” everything about us.

Most experiments on extra sensory abilities are placed incorrectly

Does the science of psychology allow the existence of people who are able to see and change the future, cause harm or heal with the help of conspiracies?

– Not a single experiment to test psychic abilities, staged correctly, did not show that anyone had superpowers.

Let me cite as an example a well-known experiment on extrasensory perception conducted by psychologist Karl Zener. The idea was as follows: the researchers handed the cards to the psychics, and they had to say which image was with reverse side: star, diamond, wave and so on. And the subjects guessed.

And then this experiment was repeated with the correct scientific methodology: instead of holding out the cards, they put them in identical envelopes and presented them to the psychics. Thus, neither psychics nor researchers knew what was written on this or that map - a double-blind research method. And when they began to conduct research in this way, it turned out that no one felt the cards. That is, previously psychics read not the images from the cards, but the emotions of the people who showed them. How exactly? For example, when a researcher sees a star, he frowns unconsciously right eyebrow, sees a wave - frowns on the left.

This means that psychics do not have any superpowers. They beautifully explain their failure, saying that you were hostile and broke my strength. Sometimes they say: “Magic will only work if you are positive.” But how so? If I throw a stone into the sky, it will fall whether I am positive or negative about it. If they talk about “I believe or I don’t believe,” then they are operating with faith. But then this is not extrasensory perception, it is just a belief. With this argument alone, all people who claim psychic abilities show the absence of these very abilities.

But it must be emphasized that in the traditional sense, extrasensory abilities are not associated with magic and mean supersensitivity: a fine sense of smell, good hearing, super-excellent vision. For example, tasters are people with extrasensory abilities, they have supersensitive receptors, they are able to take into account the subtle nuances of taste.

Psychics use a trick - cold reading

– We can anticipate the readers’ question: what about television shows where participants prove the presence of magic in front of cameras?

“The tests are structured in such a way that the answers can be guessed—psychics are given the opportunity to look people in the eyes and monitor their reactions.

Example. Family sitting in mourning clothes. A psychic comes in and says the obvious: “There’s a problem here.” He continues: “Most likely, someone died,” - of course, he died, but people are in mourning. “I feel like this is a person close to you,” - naturally, they are suffering for someone close to them, and not for some farmer from Argentina.

– What about the situation when people say: “The psychic told everything about me, even what no one knew”?

– There is a concept of “cold” reading, when information is “read” from a person through body language, clothing style, manner of speaking, and other things, which helps to make guesses.

Let's say I'm a psychic and a person comes to me. I ask the question: “Are you here about work?” - as soon as I see that the person is grimacing (which means I didn’t guess correctly), I quickly add: “No, don’t think about work. You came to talk about personal things,” and I see a complex of animation on the man’s face, which suggests that I guessed right. A psychic can make mistakes many times, any mistake can be replayed: “Someone is thinking about you, confusing my thought.” Sooner or later the psychic will guess the correct answer.

There are facts that can be applied to almost every person. “Usually you’re a resilient person and you get through it, but sometimes you want to give up and walk away.” “Many people wanted more participation in your destiny, but you are a very picky person, you don’t let just anyone get close to you. Because there have been times when you have been hurt by people you considered trustworthy. This was a good lesson." Who can’t this be said about? Or here’s an example: “You have a scar near your knee.” Think, do you have it? Many will answer positively, because according to statistics, 74% of people have some kind of scar near the knee. “You seem like an ordinary person, but something is happening to you. You can be reserved, but you like to be paid attention to.” It is also believed that if the prediction of a psychic, fortune teller or horoscope consists of 80% positive information (the so-called Barnum effect), a person is more willing to believe it.

How do magical herbal infusions work?

“Before my eyes, a man lost consciousness when a psychic approached him and began to perform shamanism on him. How can this be explained by hypnosis? The psychic said he pulled too hard negative energy from a man, that's why he fell.

– The person was probably worried or scared, so he lost consciousness. And the psychic played the situation perfectly.

It’s easy to convince a person that they’ll get out of him now evil spirits. In general, it has been proven that hypnosis in the sense that many perceive it does not exist. It is confused with high motivation, strong desire obey. And what the gypsies do does not relate to hypnosis. They create such a situation that a person is lost, because of this you can do anything with him. For example, they push, intimidate: “I don’t wish you harm, but what’s waiting for you...” Then he says three or four facts about the person, for example, about a scar on his knee, and that’s it, they believe them.

– However, there are world-famous psychics, for example Vanga. Bedros Kirkorov said that she accurately predicted Philip’s future: “I see him climbing a mountain, and in his hands he has a stick,” meaning a microphone under the stick, and a musical Olympus under the mountain. How to explain this phenomenon?

– This is called the “uncertainty pattern” - when given general definition, which can include anything. They told Kirkorov that they saw him with a stick. If he became a businessman and worked in a skyscraper, would the prophecy come true? Yes. What if I became a famous writer? An artist? Yes! And if he settled on Zolotaya Gorka Street, could we say that the prediction “I see him on the mountain” came true? Certainly! All fortune telling suffers from retrospective attribution. The vaguer the prediction, the easier it is to then cram real events into it.

– So is it possible to go to psychics?

– Going to a psychic is a useful thing, everything can end very well. A simple example: a woman with her husband in difficult relationships. She went to a psychic, who gave her a decoction and said: “When your husband comes, take the decoction into your mouth and do not swallow. If you accidentally swallowed it, dial again.” A week later, the woman’s relationship with her husband became ideal. The woman thinks: “This is it, a miracle.” Why did it happen? I remember a joke.

A woman comes to a psychologist and says: “My husband is constantly making trouble.” The psychologist listened and offered a solution: “Here’s a decoction for you.” chamomile tea. When your husband comes, brew some tea, put it in your mouth and don’t swallow. If accidentally swallowed, take more into your mouth. And so on until the husband goes to bed.” A week later the woman returns: “Doctor, a miracle! Wonderful husband, everything is fine. How did it work? The psychologist smiled: “You see how good it is not to talk.”

The same is true in the situation with a psychic. The client uses a decoction and believes that it should definitely help. He begins to interpret his husband’s behavior differently, to behave differently - he stops making trouble, which is why the husband stops defending himself. After a week, it’s really quiet and quiet for them. In this case, psychics are useful. This is called the placebo effect. All psychics work on the placebo effect, and, indeed, after going to a magician, a person’s wart may disappear or a scar may resolve. The placebo effect has been proven. But there is an unpleasant point: it does not work 100%. Therefore for medical care Going to psychics is dangerous.

– What should relatives do if part family budget does a person carry away to psychics?

– What to do if he takes all the money to a psychologist, a doctor, goes to a casino, plays “tanks”? It's all the same. In my opinion, there is only one sensible way out: maximum propaganda of a sober outlook on life. The more we talk about this, the less people believe psychics.

– Does this happen: a person has no abilities, but sincerely believes that he is a psychic?

– Some people who call themselves psychics understand that they do not have any magical abilities. Others think they have it.

Ray Hyman, a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon who is actively involved in debunking, said this: “At first I didn’t believe in palmistry, and then I did. I took a textbook, read it from hand to hand to people, and they confirmed that I was telling the truth. Once Stanley Jacks, a psychologist, gave advice: “If you see one thing on your hand, say something completely different, everything is the other way around. You see that a woman is searching, say that she has calmed down. You see that a person wants a lot of money, say that money is not important to him.” It turned out that even if you say everything exactly the opposite, everything “fits together.” And he realized that palm reading was absolute nonsense.

What does the church think about this? A correspondent of the Minsk-News agency asked a question to the chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Belarusian Orthodox Church Archpriest Sergius Lepin and this is what I heard in response:

– The Church recognizes the fundamental possibility of the existence of magic and witchcraft, by which it means many various practices appealing to dark forces in order to influence circumstances and events personal life or the lives of others. From the point of view of the Holy Scriptures, all of them are an integral part of idolatry, and therefore fall under the prohibition of the First Commandment: “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods besides Me.” The fact that this is exactly how this commandment should be understood is also said in many other places in the Bible:

“There should not be... a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, a charmer, a conjurer of spirits, a magician and one inquiring of the dead; for anyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord...” (Deut. 18:9-13), “Do not turn to those who call the dead, and do not go to magicians, and do not bring yourself to the point of being desecrated by them...” (Lev. 19:31) , “And if any soul turns to those who call the dead and to magicians to walk after them fornication, then I will turn My face against that soul and destroy it from among its people” (Lev. 20: 6–7), “And you do not listen their prophets, and their fortune-tellers, and their dreamers, and their wizards, and their astrologers... For they prophesy lies to you..." (Jer. 27, 9. 10), "Do not tell fortunes or tell fortunes" (Lev. 19, 26) , “And when they say to you: turn to the summoners of the dead and to the sorcerers, to the whisperers and ventriloquists, then answer: should not the people turn to their God? Do the dead ask about the living? Look to the law and Revelation. If they do not speak like this word, then there is no light in them” (Ex. 8:19-20).

“Turning to magic and witchcraft is a betrayal of God and His Church,” continues Father Sergius. – All of the above also applies to those who, justifying their witchcraft, claim that they call on the Name of God - outside the Church there are no acceptable forms of communication with the invisible world, but the Church itself quite strictly normalizes these connections, marking with conditional spiritual beacons the boundaries of not only what is permissible and safe, but also necessary and salutary.

Thank God, real abilities for witchcraft are extremely rare. Most healers, sorcerers, sorcerers and fortune tellers are charlatans, consciously or unconsciously deceiving themselves or others.

But we should not exclude the theoretical possibility of the existence of “citizens with alternative spiritual gifts.” Moreover, it is worth observing the necessary spiritual “safety measures” against possible complications: growth in faith, fasting, prayer, reading Scripture, doing good, regular participation in the Sacraments of the Church. You should not allow all sorts of superstitions and phobias on this issue - they do not less evil than in witchcraft itself, and if we take into account their greater prevalence, then even more. Much bigger!

As for human “extrasensory” abilities. There are those who hear more than others because their auditory range is expanded or shifted relative to the population average - for example, violinists. There are people who see more than others: for example, they are able to distinguish more shades of red - for example, steel workers. And experienced pilots are capable of more accurately distinguishing the difference in engine oscillation frequencies. All these abilities are extrasensory - superior to the sensual (sensory) abilities of a conventional “ordinary” person. And some people run faster than others, jump higher, lift more, and multiply huge numbers in their minds. These are also extra abilities that are possible thanks to both certain innate qualities and long-term training - a special kind of practice, the results of which are quite easily detectable using scientific methods.

It’s more difficult with spiritual practices. It is easy to assume that those who have more spiritual practice also have greater spiritual capabilities, which, I note, are not expressed in any way in the ability to guess cards. On the one hand, since these possibilities are spiritual, how can they be measured with a tape measure or scales? On the other hand, spirituality can be different - not only angels are immaterial, but also demons. Spiritual analysis of various kinds of practices and rituals must be approached with a “presumption of evil”: as soon as a drug whose effectiveness has been properly proven can be recognized medical device and be distributed through pharmacies, so only those spiritual practices and their results, the authenticity of which is confirmed by the experience of the Church, can be considered acceptable for Christians.

Since ancient times, magic has existed on the edge of the separation of human and other worlds, and divinely gifted fortune tellers and clairvoyants stand guard over this border, ensuring its inviolability and helping people with various potions and predictions of their future.

But do these people really have any magical abilities? Does magic really exist? Or is it all - clean water quackery?

History of magic

Magic lives in this world exactly as long as man, because it was he who came up with this system of secret teachings about the other world, based on his belief in gods and higher powers.

Over the course of many centuries, attitudes towards magic changed very often: in primitive times it was seen as a panacea for all ills, and with the advent of Christianity, in the Middle Ages, everyone who was caught using this ungodly activity was burned at the stake of the Holy Inquisition, and absolutely not it was important whether the person used white magic or was a warlock.

IN modern world the attitude towards magic is also twofold: some believe in it unquestioningly, while others consider it complete nonsense.

But the very fact that magic, as a doctrine of another world diametrically opposed to the human universe, has survived into the era of the Internet and high technology makes one wonder quite controversial issue: “Would this occult teaching have stood the test of time if it didn’t have real knowledge about life behind it?”

Does magic exist?

So, what types of magic are known? to modern humanity? Depending on the goals that a person pursues when turning to secret knowledge about the other world, they distinguish between the magic of good and evil.

1. The magic of good - white magic- makes helping people the meaning of his existence. Sorcerers who practice this bright teaching are asked to cure an illness, remove the damage caused by ill-wishers and give strength to withstand all the trials of life thrown by harsh fate.

Any person can learn this type of magic, since it is inherent in all representatives of humanity equally. You just need to believe in its existence and in your strength.

In a person whose mind is pure and free from fears, and personal growth never stops, the ability to realize good and bright desires grows at an unprecedented speed.

2. The magic of evil - black magic - is called upon to achieve its goal at any cost. Warlocks are people who do not have a penny to their name. They have no moral values ​​and principles.

It is representatives of this type of magicians who, without hesitation, take on any dirty work. Inducing damage and the evil eye, curses, love spells and crowns of celibacy is the main list of their abilities.

And there is no doubt about the existence of such magic, because history is replete with cases of the use of black magic: what are voodoo sorcerers worth, capable of stealing a human soul and reviving those who have passed into another world with the help of an ordinary rag doll.

3. Elemental magic. This type of magic is based on the doctrine of the four basic elements of the human world: fire, water, earth and air. Depending on the area in which a person is experiencing difficulties, different elements are used in spells.

For example, to solve material problems, it makes sense to turn to an element such as earth, and to prevent family troubles - to everything related to fire.

This type of magic is quite difficult to learn: it requires increased concentration and quite strong character to easily tame the capricious elements.

The struggle between the two main types of magic began before our era and has not stopped for a second for several thousand years. Of course, it doesn't take much thought to answer the question of which magic will win in the end. Good always goes one step ahead of its black counterpart. Don’t forget about it and stop believing in it.

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Does magic really exist or is it just a fantasy? You've probably often asked yourself this question. You may be a skeptic and not believe that magic exists in our time - but it does. This is the same as not believing in good and evil, but it exists and we encounter it every day. The situation is similar with magic, it’s just not given to everyone to discover it - but this does not mean that it does not exist at all.

How magic is expressed in everyday life

· Coincidence. Has it ever happened in your life that you just thought about a person and after a while you accidentally met him at the checkout of a supermarket or at the next table in a cafe? What is this... coincidences or magical influence? Are such situations an accident or not? I don’t think so... Maybe you have the gift of attraction. Or most likely, it means that you can influence what happens around you with your thoughts.

· Clairvoyance. Often people who do not have this gift from birth have visions that come true after a certain period of time. This can be explained by a strong emotional shock, an accident, stress - which opened the necessary chakra for a person. Or that the Higher powers want to warn him so that he can find a way out of this situation.

These are not all the factors that can answer the question, Is there really magic?. It is only important to understand that every person is capable of influencing his own destiny with the help of mental power. It is enough to learn to use it wisely and you will be able to make all your desires come true. Of course, not only with the help of such power can this be done, but to find out how else, you will need to study all the possible ones.

Predisposition to magic

Every person who wants to use this or that sacrament has wondered, how to find out if you have the ability to magic. In order to find out, there are many ways, but in this article we will look at those that can actually show whether you are inclined to this type of occupation.

Pay attention to your dreams. What we dream plays an important role. Think about whether you saw what ended up being an important event in your life. If yes, then how often do you have such dreams? Basically, people who can see their future during sleep have a greater predisposition to extrasensory perception than to magic.

Pay attention to your past. Think about it: have you ever abandoned your dream trip for no particular reason, which later ended in tragedy? Or maybe they didn’t have time for the meeting, at the end of which there was a fight? Such situations are not an accident, but a direct predisposition to magic. You are valuable to the Higher Powers, so they try in every possible way to protect you.

Pay attention to the animals. Animals are extremely sensitive to people who have supernatural abilities. They can growl, run away, or, on the contrary, try to get closer. If, after your arrival, the animals reacted strangely, this may be direct evidence that you have a magical imprint on you.

If you have any of these abilities, rest assured that you can use magical sacraments and get significant effect from them. You will be able not only to understand how to find out if you have the ability for magic, but also to use the resulting power to achieve your goals.

What is magic

Before you start using rituals, you need to know is there magic in your hands and whether it is open to you, and most importantly, what it can be used for. Magic is a tool with which you can influence the subconscious and change people's destinies. With its help you can get love, luck, wealth and strength.

Every magician who practices the sacraments must know that the power that will be received must be used only for good. Before you begin to perform a magical sacrament, analyze the situation and think about whether you need it.

Does magic exist in the modern world?

Many people believe that the sacraments were effective only in ancient times, But does magic exist nowadays, is a big question for them. However, there is a fairly simple answer. Think about whether there have been situations in your life when you really wanted something, but were sure that it was impossible to get it, and after some time your desire came true? This is magic in its purest form.

At the same time, it conceals two sides: and. You've probably often asked yourself: " Do I have the ability to do magic?, and which one? It is important to understand here that while the bright side can be revealed to everyone, the dark side cannot.

In order to find out whether it is available to you at all, there are several methods:

· How often do “evil thoughts” visit you? Do you often think about hurting a certain person? If yes, you have a direct predisposition to this craft, since the sacraments that belong here are performed more often in order to harm a person rather than help him.

· What is your favorite color? As strange as it may sound, your favorite color may indicate your abilities in magic. If you have the mark of a black magician on you, you should prefer colors like grey, green or black. If your favorite colors have light shades, you should reconsider your intentions and think about performing white sacraments.

I think these tips will help you determine your inclinations. But remember that helping and giving kindness to people is always more pleasant and such a craft will only have a positive impact on you and your karma. On this site you will find articles on the following topics: or - you will discover a lot of interesting things, a completely new world. The main thing is not to be afraid and confidently follow the instructions, and most importantly, follow the call of your heart.

The magic of love

How to understand that there is an ability for magic love? It is part of the light side of magic and will be conquered by you if you are characterized by the following:

· Do you know how to love? Love is the main thing in the life of any person. It is worth noting that most magical sacraments are capable of bewitching a person, as a result of which he will experience feelings for the performer throughout his life. Therefore, if you want to use , you must be sure that your passion will not fade away after a while.

· You must be kind. For such magical rituals, kindness and sincerity of intentions play a key role. If you have such traits, you are capable of becoming an esotericist who practices the sacraments to receive mutual feelings on the part of the chosen one.

These traits may indicate that you are predisposed to. You will be able to perform ordinances that will truly be effective. In addition, no matter what ritual you perform, it will not entail consequences or other negative factors.

How to recognize magical effects

Magic can be found in absolutely everything. AND is there magic in our world... I think we found out today that yes, it exists. And she constantly maintains a balance between worlds, helps people and not only those who are close to her, but also everyone else - who still has faith in magic.

And as long as you and I are able to believe in magic, in miracles, in the fact that good always triumphs over evil, in the fact that hope dies last and fight to the end - magic will always help us, because it is around us. Remember this.

Is there really magic? It's interesting to know, isn't it? In the life of every person there are inexplicable oddities, coincidences, prophetic dreams- these are the first notes of magic, but it is not fully revealed to everyone.


Written by: Hades the Magician

For many centuries, our civilization has been looking for answers to the question: does magic exist? However, there is still no consensus on this matter.

Some outspoken materialists argue that everything in this world is material, and there cannot be other ways to influence the natural course of things. Many people firmly believe that with the help of simple manipulations with photography they can cure a person.

So believing whether magic exists or not is a personal matter for everyone. And what will Feng Shui adherents say to this, who, with the help of the correct placement of symbols in certain areas of the apartment, are trying to influence the development of a specific area of ​​​​life? What is this? Many questions remain.

In ancient times, people believed unconditionally in the existence of witches and dark forces; they even burned at the stake unwanted people who were considered representatives of otherworldly forces.

Currently, there are even programs on television where people turn to psychics asking them to help them understand their problems. Someone's child died under mysterious circumstances. Someone’s floors and doors in their house are creaking, and at night it’s as if someone is walking. All this is nothing but magic and paranormal phenomena, so there is no need to wonder whether magic exists.

It is conventionally accepted to divide magic into white and black, into, so to speak, good, light magic and dark - evil. In the same way, it is believed that there are black witches and sorcerers who practice dangerous love spells and spells that can subjugate a person’s will.

There is an age-old dispute about who is considered a more powerful magician - white or black. It is implied that black magicians are helped by dark forces that terrify ordinary person, while white magicians talk about their connection with God and the forces of light.

Often magicians use similar auxiliary tools. They use Tarot cards, stones, feathers, bones. Each of them can have their own talismans, which help him tune in to the desired “wave” and hear the promptings of the spirits from

The most famous magicians also had their own characteristics that were unique to them. For example, in the Middle Ages there lived a druid girl, Cliodna, who knew how to put the sick into deep sleep with the help of her magic birds and heal them.

There was also the famous dark sorceress Morgana le Fay, who was considered the strongest magician opposing Merlin, who, in turn, was also a powerful wizard. Both magicians had enormous power, could transform into animals and understood their speech.

There were also quite unusual sorcerers. For example, Urik the Strange was an eccentric magician and wore a jellyfish on his head instead of a hat.

Just as before, people continue to turn to various kinds of magicians for help. Especially when it comes to events in life that they cannot influence. Thus, women whose husbands have left for their mistresses are able to turn to some kind of magicians for help and ask them to return their beloved to the family.

Unfortunately, few people think about what methods witches use. Therefore, sometimes such “cooperation” can be very Negative consequences. The fact is that any witchcraft should not subjugate the will of others, and people believe that they have the right to decide for themselves - for whom and what will be best.

Whether magic exists or not is up to you to decide. To this day, many questions remain, the answers to which no science can give.

Only one thing is known for sure: each person has his own energy and biofield. And intervention against a person’s will can have very negative consequences both for himself and for the one who decided on such intervention.

Miracles - you can call all this whatever you like, but as long as it is not known exactly what it can be, everyone has the right to believe in what they want.

About existence of magic Disputes do not subside in society. Does magic exist? Adherents of materialism say that it does not exist, that it is fiction, nonsense and fairy tales of a sick imagination. According to them, everything in the world is material, what we see, what is tangible, exists. In this world, everything strictly obeys the laws of physics and chemistry. The question arises: why can’t there be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the algorithm of magic itself works? You can turn to history. Even at the dawn of human development, somewhere during the Upper Paleolithic period, humanity already had a different idea about the material world. This was manifested in a person's belief in an afterlife. If a person died, the community took every possible care of the deceased; in their opinion, he continued to live, but in a different form. Therefore, gifts were brought to him, he was protected from wild animals, and special funeral rituals were performed. Also, forms of human belief in the existence of something supernatural and invisible have received names: totemism, animism, fetishism.

Totemism acted special system myth and human beliefs in a supernatural community of groups and animals or plants, which were called totems.

Animism is a society's belief in the existence of spirits.

Fetishism is the endowment of objects with special properties, often supernatural ones. Also, as humanity developed, shamanism, necromancy, and various cults of a particular community appeared, which were determined by the territory of their location.

So to the question of does magic exist From a historical point of view, the answer is definitely yes. It just obeys different laws. And these laws are universal, irreversible, inescapable.

Scientists have long discovered such properties human body, as energy, biofield. Man can control environment, to control circumstances, chance does not really exist. And the stronger the person himself, the stronger his energy, his willpower, the greater the chance he has to control circumstances.

The Middle Ages condemned magic; for it it was something terrible. Witches and sorcerers were burned only one denunciation at a time. But even then, large organizations arose, entire communities that numbered hundreds of people who, to one degree or another, practiced magic.

Researchers of magic and religion claim: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial it was widespread in Rus'; sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could remove it. Love magic natural and involuntary sorcerers practiced. People to whom sorcerers transfer their power before death were considered involuntary, otherwise the mother earth would not accept them.

To expose witches in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm tree candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in the hands of the church during Bright Matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ash from aspen logs, or simply out of concern, and then expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different strengths: one only needs to look and send his unkind thought with a sideways glance to make him wither away. The weaker one needs either a curse powder, which he sends into the wind, or a witch's potion, or a trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed person. Or you need a thing that is being slandered - conspiracies are common both among sorcerers and healers.

There were always many amulets against all the machinations of sorcerers: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn onto a scarf, a spoken coin placed in stockings, eyeless needles sewn into a dress, etc.

Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposing views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that in the modern world it is ridiculous to think that miracles happen. Scientific methods the effects on reality seem solid and logical, and the belief in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and wizards.

Inexplicable - does not mean does not exist

But maybe it’s just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality that surrounds everyone, there are many things that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, electrons running through wires, speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena using special instruments.

But until quite recently, concepts such as the human biofield, for example, were not recognized by official science and unconditionally belonged to the realm of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and recording phenomena that today are usually classified as magic will in the near future become familiar and completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether magic exists or not, it's a good idea to understand what it is. It can be said that magical rituals- these are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, performed in a certain sequence and bringing the desired result. Thus, the magical effect is not too different from the ordinary one in its essence, except for one component - the energy one.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation from a new perspective, discover new resources in himself, and believe in himself. And belief in yourself and your success is a powerful force. How stronger energy a person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be. Modern psychologists recognize this, and theologians have been talking about this since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, successive manipulations, words of the conspiracy, pronounced in a strictly specified order, create the desired mood and help internal resources to mobilize. You can create rituals yourself. One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality. The only problem is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

To expose witches in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm tree candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in the hands of the church during Bright Matins.

It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ash from aspen logs, or simply out of concern, and then expose himself. Sorcerers come in different strengths: one only needs to look and send his unkind thought with a sideways glance to make him wither away.

The weaker one needs either a curse powder, which he sends into the wind, or a witch's potion, or a trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed person. Or you need a thing that is being slandered - conspiracies are common both among sorcerers and healers.

There were always many amulets against all the machinations of sorcerers: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a spoken coin placed in stockings, eyeless needles sewn into a dress, etc.


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