Speman: composition, instructions for use and analogues. How to take Speman forte: instructions for use for men Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis

To improve sperm quality, increase potency, normalize blood circulation in the genitourinary system, as well as eliminate congestion and inflammatory processes in the prostate caused by prostatitis. If the medicine is not suitable for a sick man due to individual intolerance to any substance included in the medicine, then you can purchase Speman analogues with similar indications and a high price/quality ratio rating.

Composition and properties of Speman

The tablets consist of components of plant origin, such as:

Analogues in composition

It is an exact analogue of Speman, differing only in the dosage of the components in the composition of the drug.

In most cases, urologists prescribe medication to men older than middle age to normalize sexual function and treat accelerated ejaculation during sex.

What can replace the drug?

There are a large number of products on the pharmacological market aimed at treating infertility and restoring male power. Speman's substitutes:


Dietary supplement for food that helps improve reproductive abilities in men. The medicine contains:

  • nettle extract, which improves libido, has a diuretic effect and prevents prostate diseases;
  • taurine and carnitine - increase sperm motility and viability;
  • arginine - stimulates the formation of germ cells;
  • fructose - helps improve sperm fertility;
  • citric acid - accelerates the oxidation of calories.

Release form of the medicine: 10 sachets weighing 3.5 g. The cost of Spermaplant is low, but in terms of effectiveness the medicine is in no way inferior to its analogues.

A broad-spectrum herbal medicine used for the treatment of impotence, infertility, prevention of atherosclerosis, and is also used during intense physical activity, as a general tonic.

The medicine is based on an extract of Tribulus terrestris, which is also present in Speman.

The active ingredient is protodioscin, thanks to which the medicine promotes the production of hormones. In addition, the drug has the following properties:

  • has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • relieves swelling in the genitals;
  • activates the ability to conceive and enhances libido.

Tribestan costs almost 3 times less than Speman.


A vitamin and mineral complex that helps restore male sexual function. The drug can be used simultaneously with Speman. The drugs have a similar composition and pharmacological action, but the cost of Spematon is several times more expensive.


Prescribed to men who have difficulty conceiving a child. The drug contains L-carnitine and fructose. The drug improves sperm quality and increases sperm count with prolonged use (several courses of treatment). The cost of Spermactin is almost identical to Speman, but it has more contraindications and side effects.

Vitaprost plus

An effective substitute, which is prescribed for chronic and acute prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and benign hyperplasia. The drug reduces swelling, normalizes secretion, and also has an immunomodulatory effect, eliminates unpleasant symptoms characteristic of inflammation of the prostate gland


Inexpensive analogue of Speman. The medication has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effects, and restores the act of urination.


A dietary supplement that helps support men's sexual health. Being an aphrodisiac, the drug stimulates libido and sexual activity; increases potency and normalizes erection in men. The medicine is produced in cardboard packaging, which contains 40 capsules packed in blisters.


There are many analogues of Speman, which have the same pharmacological effect. The difference between them is only in composition, form of release and cost.

Problems with men's health are becoming more and more common today, so the pharmaceutical market is trying to provide effective medications, thanks to which such situations can be quickly resolved.

A medicine such as Speman, developed on the basis of medicinal plants, is one of the most effective remedies.

This medicine belongs to combination preparations with herbal substances. Prescribed to stimulate sperm synthesis, improves sperm motility, and inhibits fluid stagnation in the prostate gland.

Indications for use of the drug are:

  • Chronic prostatitis.
  • Male infertility.
  • Prostate adenoma.

The doctor may prescribe a separate course of drug treatment or include it in a complex option with several drugs.

Composition and therapeutic effect

The medicinal tablet consists only of natural, herbal ingredients, including:

  • Hawthorn, increasing male performance, improving potency.
  • Astercanthus longifolia, activates sperm synthesis, an active aphrodisiac.
  • lettuce has a diuretic effect and relaxes.
  • Parmelia pearl- a natural antioxidant, tones the male body and has an antibacterial effect.
  • Leptadenia mesh relieves inflammation, an aphrodisiac.
  • Tribulus creeping ones increase the level of immunity and male strength.
  • Argyrea is beautiful has antiseptic properties, increases vitality.
  • Velvet beans itchy ones serve as a preventative against infertility.
  • Suvarnawang- a biologically active substance that helps stabilize the functions of the male reproductive system.

This herbal composition, rich in nutrients, helps the male body to stably produce vital sperm, increases the level of potency and general tone, stabilizes blood circulation in the genitourinary system, and increases attraction to the opposite sex. With a correctly calculated dose, prostate therapy gives quick results.

As the instructions for the drug indicate, you will never experience side effects, which allows you to carry out long courses of treatment and take the medicine several times a day. Many patients note that the drug effect increases several times when the dose is increased.

Today medicine can offer Speman analogues, which in terms of effectiveness are in no way inferior to this medicine:

  1. Vitaprost Plus- an effective analogue prescribed for male diseases: chronic, bacterial and acute prostatitis.
  2. Tribestan- a product developed on the basis of plant components. Prescribed for female and male infertility, various disorders of the genitourinary system, and decreased libido. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components.
  3. Speman Forte refers to regulators of potency in men, prevents premature ejaculation, solves age-related problems with the reproductive system.

These medicines are offered by any pharmacy today, so buying the drugs will not be difficult. The price of the drug Tribestan ranges from 2000 rubles, and the drug Vitaprost costs from 800 to 1140 rubles. As you can see, Speman analogues are quite accessible for purchasing and solving problems with men's health.

Which is better Speman or Tribestan

Due to the fact that both of these drugs are almost similar in composition, many buyers cannot make a choice. Let's look at both drugs so that every man can make the best choice for himself.

Comparative characteristics of analogues: which is better Speman or Tribestan?

Speman is one of the most effective drugs in the treatment of problems of the male reproductive system, it does not cause addiction or side effects, and is ideal for complex treatment, since it can be taken together with other medications.

The effectiveness of the medicine, according to the latest medical data, is up to 50% of happy married couples. After therapy using Speman, they were able to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, since the ejaculate released has vital and active sperm. After the first month of use, erection is restored and desire increases.

A contraindication to taking the drug may be an allergy to one of the components included in the drug.

Considering the composition of Tribestan, we can note that it is richer in medicinal plants than its previous analogue. Because of this, the medicine is also used to treat female diseases of the reproductive system. The area of ​​influence of this drug includes stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system, improving the menstrual cycle in women, increasing the quantity and quality of sperm, improving general well-being, increasing vitality and helping to restore pleasant sensations in the intimate life of a couple.

Important to know

Tribestan has recently been considered as a remedy that can relieve patients even from immune infertility in women. It is also widely used in other medical fields as an effective herbal medicine.

When you are considering whether Speman or Tribestan is better, you should consult your doctor, since the medications may contain herbal components or extracts that cause you an allergy.

Spematon or Speman

Spematon is a complex of vitamins and microelements
, thanks to which the male reproductive system is restored, its functionality improves, more vital sperm appear, which leads to conception. Most often, a doctor prescribes this medicine as a prophylactic when planning pregnancy.

Many doctors recommend this vitamin and mineral complex to improve men's health, while Speman is a complete medicine, thanks to which you can get rid of many diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. As the spermogram shows, the activity of sperm after taking the medicine increases significantly, and indicators such as viscosity and sperm volume also improve.

Speman is a preparation based on plant components. Used to reduce unpleasant symptoms of benign prostate tumors, normalizes sperm synthesis.

Speman tablets are recommended for problems with urine output due to prostate adenoma. The instructions for Speman advise starting treatment for the treatment of oligospermia (reduced sperm content in semen) or reduced sperm motility, possibly in combination with other medications.

The drug Speman is made exclusively from natural plant materials. Patients tolerate it well, there are practically no side effects. In fact, we can say about the drug that having all the advantages of traditional medicine, the patient is freed from the need to regularly prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs, solve problems with storage, can freely take the drug with him, and there is no difference in the result.


Speman, like any medicine based on plant extracts, must be taken for a long time (several months) to see a positive result.

You should not violate the dosage regimen, because there is a risk that the patient will become allergic to one of the components included in the Speman drug.

Manifestations can be any:

  • rash;
  • indigestion and others.

In this case, you should immediately stop taking the medicine and consult with a urologist about the possibility of replacing the medicine with another one with a similar effect.


The medicine compares favorably with others in that its composition is completely natural.

Speman's instructions for use specify that the tablet additionally contains preservatives and food gelatin for the shell. They allow you to extend the shelf life of the drug.

Replacement options

Speman's analogues are widely represented on the pharmacological market. At the pharmacy you can buy Speman forte or Spermplant, a number of other medications that will differ in composition, but are also herbal preparations.

Moreover, an Indian drug with the same name contains 2 times the concentration of active ingredients in one tablet. Speman differs from speman forte in that the latter is best taken for sexual dysfunction. Although the name is similar, they differ in composition.

You can replace Speman with decoctions of medicinal herbs or herbs with a similar effect. Synthetic products can also become an analogue of Speman for men in case of more serious health problems.

Method of administration and dose

Speman should be taken 1-2 tablets three times a day. The course of treatment averages from 4 to 6 months and can last indefinitely if it gives good results.

It is advisable to take Speman before meals, or to be precise, 30 minutes before meals. You should not drink the medicine with food, because the percentage of absorption of the components will decrease.


Reviews from urologists about the drug vary, but doctors agree that it is primarily a biological food supplement and one cannot expect a miraculous result in the shortest possible time.

In patients who have been taking the medicine for six months or more, the first favorable changes in the spermatozoa appear. If the patient has been taking the medication for a month or more, then the first improvements in urine flow appear.

In general, patient reviews are positive. They note that Speman helped solve existing problems with men's health. One of the patients with disorders in the reproductive system notes that his wife became pregnant after a year of regularly taking the medication.

Speman has earned good reviews due to its moderate effectiveness, complete safety and good tolerability.


The price of the drug may vary in different pharmacies in the city, but in general, the cost is about 400 rubles for 100 tablets.

A course of treatment with Speman's analogues will cost about the same, so you need to check with your doctor which drug you should choose.

Special instructions

Like any drug based on herbal raw materials, it can be taken together with other medications to treat any concomitant pathology.

The reaction speed does not slow down, there are no restrictions on driving vehicles or other professional activities. Does not interact with alcohol. Cases of poisoning are not described because the drug is not toxic.

However, you can’t count on a miraculous effect from taking a whole pack at a time either.


If the patient is concerned about the listed symptoms, then one must remember that there can be many reasons for their occurrence. It is necessary to consult a urologist to establish the correct diagnosis. In some cases, difficulty urinating may be the first sign of cancer.

Only after examination and laboratory tests can you begin to select drugs for treatment. If the patient wishes to start taking natural medications, then be sure to inform the doctor about this.

Perhaps their effectiveness may not be enough in a particular case. The doctor may suggest a follow-up examination in a few months to make sure that the prescribed treatment was sufficiently effective. Or he will immediately warn you that strong drugs will be required.

Over the past few decades, there has been a sad trend of deterioration in the sexual health of the stronger sex. Poor ecology, bad habits, and increased stress lead to men having problems in the intimate sphere and difficulties conceiving. Increasingly, young males are turning to doctors with complaints of decreased erection and deterioration of reproductive abilities. The current situation leads to the emergence on the drug market of a huge selection of drugs for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.

Among the large range of medications intended to restore reproductive function in men, it is difficult to find a truly effective remedy. One of the effective drugs for the treatment of intimate problems is Speman and its analogue Speman Forte - products based on natural ingredients used for prostate adenoma and disorders of the maturation of male germ cells. Medicines can be used as separate medications or in combination with other drugs.

Composition and action

Speman consists of Ayurvedic combinations of medicinal herbs and minerals that normalize the levels of LH and FSH, positively affecting the growth of pituitary cells, which has a beneficial effect on the ability of the stronger sex to conceive.

Effects of Speman on the reproductive function of men:

  • stimulates hemodynamics;
  • activates the formation of mature male germ cells;
  • neutralizes the inflammatory process;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • has a therapeutic effect on prostate adenoma.

It is worth noting that Speman Forte is not used to improve the ability to conceive in men. The drug is produced in a brown solid dosage form without a shell.

Speman Forte and Speman

The drugs have almost the same names and composition, but have different pharmacological effects. The main difference between the drugs is the different ratio of ingredients. And, if Speman is intended to improve the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm, then the purpose of its analogue, Speman Forte, is to improve the quality of intimate relationships, especially in men older than middle age who have problems in the sexual sphere.

Based on the problem that the patient has addressed, the doctor prescribes the medicine that will help solve it.


In addition to the drug Speman and Speman Forte, there are a large number of medications on the pharmacological market, the action of which is aimed at restoring male strength and curing infertility. Here are several equally well-known and effective analogues of Speman:

Some of the medications differ in composition from Speman, but pursue the same goals.

Spermaplant is an active food supplement designed to improve reproductive abilities in men by activating sperm and their fertilizing properties. The contents of the drug include:

  • Nettle extract, which improves sexual desire, has a diuretic effect, which is an excellent prevention of prostate diseases.
  • Taurine is an amino acid that increases the activity and vitality of sperm.
  • Arginine is a stimulator of the formation of male germ cells.
  • Carnitine is a tartrate that is the most important component of sperm, guaranteeing their development and vitality.
  • Fructose – improves sperm fertility. It is a source of energy for ejaculated sperm.
  • Citric acid – catalyzes the oxidation of calories, providing nutrition to the body.

Release form - 10 sachets weighing 3.5 g. The price of Spermaplant is quite low, the drug is not inferior in effectiveness to its analogues. It’s impossible to say for sure which is better – Speman or Spermaplant. According to patient reviews, both drugs have proven positive in the treatment of infertility.

This herbal medicine has a wider spectrum of action. It is used for the treatment of impotence, male and female infertility, the prevention of atherosclerosis, during heavy physical exertion, as a general tonic, and also in the treatment of varicocele together with the hepatoprotector Aescusan. The medicine is based on an extract of the herb Tribulus terrestris. The main active component is protodioscin, which is formed in the body and enters into a chemical reaction with other components of Tribestan. It is thanks to protodioscin that the drug can promote the production of male hormones in men and female hormones in women. In addition to normalizing hormones, the medication has a number of other features:

  • has antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • relieves swelling in the genitals;
  • activates the ability to conceive and sexual desire;
  • has antifungal effects.

What to choose, Speman or Tribestan, is usually very difficult, since both products have a similar composition. Most often, patients are guided by price – Speman’s cost is almost 3 times lower.

It is worth noting that Tribestan is often taken by athletes to build muscle mass and increase testosterone in the blood. To protect the liver, Liv-52 is used together with the drug.

The drug Spermactin is prescribed for men who have difficulty conceiving a child. The drug contains L-carnitine and fructose. Most often, the drug is used as part of combination therapy for infertility of unknown etiology. The medication improves the morphological parameters of sperm, increases sperm volume and is used mainly before reproductive methods. The effectiveness of Spermactin has been clinically proven and confirmed by numerous results. Thus, the composition and quality of sperm improved several times with long-term use.

The drug normalizes the process of sperm development and increases their motility. When purchasing one of the products - Speman or Spermaktin, you should take into account their differences: Spermaktin has many side effects and contraindications.

The cost of both medications differs slightly.

Spematon has another name: Speroton. The drug is a vitamin and mineral complex that restores male sexual function, increases sperm viability and the likelihood of conception. Most often, the drug is prescribed as a prophylaxis during pregnancy planning. Spematon and Speman can be used simultaneously. Both medications showed good results in improving sperm parameters such as viscosity, motility and volume.

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Speman is indicated to stimulate spermatogenesis. A medicine of plant origin, the active substances of which are extracts of herbs and fruits.

The natural drug is intended only for men, prescribed for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostatitis and other problems of the reproductive system.

Speman is indicated for long-term use. The drug has a cumulative effect, significantly changes the quality of sperm, and has a positive effect on the prostate gland.

You can buy a package of tablets from 550 to 750 rubles. Among Russian and foreign analogues you can find inexpensive substitutes.

Domestic pharmaceutical companies offer both expensive and cheap options.

It is impossible to find a complete prototype in terms of composition, but there are many options in terms of mode of action.

You can find brief instructions on the use of Russian-made generics in the table:

Name of domestic synonym Description and indications for use Average price in a pharmacy
Speman Forte The analogue is more expensive than the original, but more effective. The therapeutic effect is due to the identical composition in an increased dosage of active substances.

The list of indications and contraindications does not differ from the original instructions for use of Speman

800 rubles
Spematon Belongs to the group of dietary supplements, containing vitamins and other microelements necessary to improve the quality and motility of sperm.

A long-term treatment course can affect the activity of male cells, treat erectile dysfunction, restoring sexual desire.

However, the medicine cannot be called cheap

1200 rubles
SpermPlant A medicine from the group of biologically active additives. Release form: sachet.

Indicated for the treatment of male infertility. After use, libido increases and sperm quality improves

500 rubles
Prostanorm The drug is indicated for the treatment of male problems.

The herbal preparation reduces inflammation in the prostate gland, helps relieve pain and facilitate the process of urination.

Medication is prescribed for prostatitis and problems with ejaculation

350 rubles
Vitaprost A medicine of plant origin, but with a different composition. A Russian-made synonym is produced in tablet form, in the form of rectal suppositories.

It has a wide spectrum of action and has a positive effect on the male reproductive system.

Has antiplatelet and immunomodulatory properties, improves blood microcirculation

1500 rubles

Prostanorm is the cheapest substitute, the cost of which does not exceed 350 rubles.

Other domestic analogues are more expensive than the original drug. Speman Forte is an identical drug, differing only in the dosage of the active ingredients.

Ukrainian generics

Foreign companies compete with Russian factories on price.

Cheap analogues can be found among Ukrainian-made medicines. You can buy a package from 180 rubles.

The leading positions in the pharmaceutical market are occupied by:

  • Prostalad Tincture. Available in the form of a herbal alcohol tincture.

    Medicine with herbal extracts helps restore men's health and improve the functioning of the reproductive system.

    Long-term use of the drug helps improve the functioning of the prostate gland. The average cost is 180 rubles.

  • Prostatilen. A medicine of natural origin indicated for the treatment of male problems.

    A generic is prescribed for problems in bed and painful urination. Release form: lyophilisate and rectal suppositories. The price varies from 200 to 600 rubles.

Ukrainian options are the most budget-friendly substitutes. You can buy Prostalad Tincture for only 180 rubles.

Due to their plant origin, the drugs have a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

Other foreign substitutes

Imported medicines have always been of high quality. Only the best raw materials are used for production. Among the synonyms of a foreign manufacturer, it is difficult to find cheap options.

Most medications are expensive.

Among the best drugs:

  1. Spermactin. Indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, you can find a powder or ready-made solution on sale.

    The therapeutic effect lies in improving sperm quality. Price – from 3000 rubles.

  2. Tribestan. It is prescribed not only to men, but also to women. The main indication is the treatment of infertility.

    The drug helps improve metabolic processes, which helps normalize the menstrual cycle and increases sperm activity. You can buy a package from 2000 rubles.

  3. Tentex Forte. Inexpensive option compared to other imported analogues.

    A generic drug is available in tablet form, treats sexual disorders, and helps maintain men's health. A synonym made in India can be purchased from 500 rubles.

  4. Uniprost. The most famous Belarusian-made substitute, indicated for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia.

    Available in capsule form, it helps restore men's health.

    The composition is herbal, the mode of action is slightly different from the original, which makes Unoprost a relative substitute. Price per package – from 250 rubles.

The cheapest choice is Belarusian capsules Unoprost. Among the listed analogues there is no complete structural prototype.

The cost of imported generics is several times higher than the price of the original. Due to herbal composition, medicines have a minimal list of contraindications.

Attention! Do not use medications without a doctor's prescription. Replacing the original with a cheap analogue should also be agreed upon with a specialist.