Is severe pain during menstruation normal or a reason to see a doctor? Painful periods: causes, treatment. Pain during menstruation needs to be treated Wild pain during menstruation, what to do

Menstrual flow in medical terminology is the process of removing spent mucous membranes and endometrium from the uterine cavity through bleeding. The beginning of the menstrual period is the first women's day.

At this time, conception is out of the question, since the smooth muscles of the uterus produce strong contractions and, as it were, help to reject the spent endometrium. In addition, this process is accompanied by spasm of the veins and capillaries and, accordingly, not enough oxygen and nutrients are supplied to all tissues and organs.

Therefore, intense pain appears on menstruation days. The basis for this course of events are hormones - prostaglandins. If we look in more detail, then over the course of 25-30 days, the uterus, preparing for fertilization, is saturated inside with many capillaries, the main function of which during fertilization of the uterus is to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

If fertilization does not occur, there is no need for the presence of this layer of tissue in the uterine cavity, and it is removed through the synthesis of prostaglandins. This is a kind of “mini-birth”: the reproductive organ contracts and strives to free itself from unnecessary endometrium, somewhat opening the cervix.

Pain from this physiological process may be present, but if it increases significantly, you should check with a gynecologist. You can endure such pain, but it is best to eliminate the cause of the increased pain.

Pain during menstruation

Pain syndrome during critical days, is expressed in different ways:

If you believe medical statistics, the vast majority of women are susceptible to pain on the first day of menstruation.

Nature of pain during menstruation

Menstruation- This is a natural process through which a woman’s body gets rid of what has been used up.

Since the process of tissue removal itself is controlled by the nervous system, discomfort and some painful feeling cannot be ruled out, but if this feeling is more pronounced, then there may be some disruptions in general health women.

Normally, mild painful discomfort may begin some time before the bleeding begins and lasts two days.

According to the descriptions, pain manifestations are similar to contractions, sharp, aching with a return to the lower abdomen and lumbar region.

Degrees of dysmenorrhea

Depending on the intensity, sensations are distributed into 4 degrees:

Causes of painful periods

Why does pain occur? Pain syndrome during menstruation can appear due to incorrect position of the reproductive organs, vulnerability to the slightest changes in the body, strong emotionality, due to blockage of the excretory tract with adhesions and scars from abortions.

Heredity, calcium and magnesium deficiency, vitamin deficiency and physical inactivity (lack of physical activity) also have an impact.

All of the above can also include interruptions in the synthesis of hormones; with an increase in prostaglandins, impulsive uterine tension increases, and the lumen in the vessels narrows accordingly.

The use of contraceptives, such as the IUD, can also provoke the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea. Endometriosis, fibroids of the reproductive organ, pregnancy in the appendages, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs provoke secondary dysmenorrhea. Unbearable pain during menstrual periods is caused by the appearance of cysts and polyps in the uterine cavity.


For any woman, severe pain turns into a constant depressed anticipation of her critical days.

This problem requires a rigorous solution by visiting a gynecological office, taking appropriate tests for the amount of female hormones, and conducting ultrasound diagnostics.

The specialist may also ask you to do a scraping of the intrauterine cavity, laparoscopy, Dopplerography of veins and capillaries, and visits to other doctors (neurologist, surgeon, psychiatrist).

In addition, the patient is required to continuously keep a diary and calendar. menstrual cycle.

It is necessary to record symptoms, duration, and even volumes of discharge. These records will help the gynecologist determine the stage and complexity of the disease. Based on the results of the examination, “algomenorrhea” is often diagnosed. Therapeutic measures associated with the complexity of the diagnosis.

What to do if you have pain on the first day of your period?

Here are some ways to eliminate pain in the initial and subsequent days, provided that the discomfort is mild:

  • drinking more fluids;
  • do active movements (physical activity relieves spasms);
  • water procedures with warm water;
  • taking quality painkillers.

But when there is pronounced pain at the beginning of menstruation, you simply cannot get out of bed, you should immediately consult a specialist. Such conditions indicate significant problems in the reproductive sphere.

Be that as it may, during uncomfortable critical days, it is best to visit a gynecologist.

How to reduce pain during menstruation?

To minimize pain before, during and after menstruation:

  1. Products containing potassium and calcium. Deficiency of these substances provokes tension and pain;
  2. Surgery or gynecological treatment of reproductive organs;
  3. Medicines;
  4. Alternative medicine and physical activity

When should you see a doctor?

All women, without exception, should be aware of situations where it is dangerous self-treatment severe pain in the lower abdomen:

A similar picture of symptoms indicates serious diseases in the genitourinary and reproductive spheres, these include: tumors, polyps, infectious and pathological development, as well as uterine oncology.

Consequences of painful periods

According to the natural physiology of the endometrium - inner shell uterus, is replaced every month by a new mucous membrane. Getting rid of obsolete tissue is carried out through uterine contractions, and as a result, compression of the sensitive nerve fibers and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.

This is what causes pain during menstruation. The pain sensations involve the lumbar region and sacrum. The manifestation of dysmenorrhea in time is characteristic of the beginning and the first couple of days of critical days.

Painful periods are not the norm. The above ailments are sometimes aggravated by a high degree of manifestation. In the case when the cycle is not broken, there are no prominent signs, discomfort short-lived. If the pain does not go away, appropriate treatment is necessary.


The most acceptable way is to use any medicine with an analgesic effect. However, you should not take aspirin or all aspirin-containing tablets.


Almost all doctors prescribe antispasmodics to eliminate menstrual symptoms, with the following name:

  • "Analgin"
  • "No-Shpa"
  • "Spazmalgon"
  • "Baralgin"
  • "Ketanov" ("Ketorol"),
  • "Nimesil"
  • "Ibuprofen."









Today, suppositories for rectal and vaginal use are also widely used. There are no age restrictions for suppositories, and if uncomfortable symptoms occur, they are used during menstruation.

Paracetamol in suppositories is the main active substance. By imitating the properties of analgin and due to its anti-inflammatory effect, this method qualitatively relieves all unpleasant symptoms of menstruation.

Many gynecologists prescribe the following topical suppositories:

  • "Efferalgan"
  • "Ibuprofen"
  • "Diclofenac"
  • "Paracetamol".





Since each medicine has contraindications, before using suppositories, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor.

Other ways

You can also take the following to relieve pain during menstruation:

With a purpose drug treatment, the gynecologist recommends radically changing your own habits, including eating, resting and starting exercise, for further painless critical days.

Non-drug treatment

Healthy diet

The manifestation of the painful syndrome is influenced by food during Women's Day.

Including the following foods in your diet works well:

  • sea ​​fish meat,
  • oil and sunflower seeds,
  • peanuts and also walnut, almonds,
  • fish of fatty and semi-fat varieties.

All of these foods contain omega-three fatty acids, which help reduce muscle contractions.

Supplemental intake of calcium and magnesium works in a similar way. The daily consumption rate of these elements is 800 and 300 mg, respectively.

Green vegetables, dairy products, dried fruits, legumes and cereals contain a lot of magnesium.

There are also products that stimulate the occurrence of pain during menstruation, by spasmotizing the smooth muscle tissue reproductive organ:

  • Pepper sauces
  • Fried foods
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

Physical activity

Minor physical activity is very beneficial during menstruation. Motor loads form normal metabolism, which in turn has a positive effect on pain.

Very significantly reduce ailments - walking, walking fresh air, simple cardio workouts.

Relaxation techniques

Nervousness and Bad mood significantly increase the degree of pain.

In such cases, several relaxation methods can help.

You just need to abstract yourself a little from current problems, lie down with your favorite activity or activity, and allow yourself a little relaxation and unloading.

Yoga classes can help with this.


Progestogens are essentially a group of hormones synthesized in the human body.

These enzymes stimulate the growth of new endometrial cells in the uterine cavity, relieve tension from the smooth muscle corset of the reproductive organ, and create all the optimal conditions for the synthesis of estrogens.

In addition, they are directly related to the process of fertilization and their insufficiency can result in the inability to have offspring, interruptions in the cycle of critical days, spontaneous childbirth (miscarriage).

In order to prevent initial dysmenorrhea, hormones with active progesterone are used, by analogy with natural enzymes. With such drugs, the main task is to reduce the presence of prostaglandin in the blood and normalize the cycle of critical days.

Current gestagen medications are significantly different from their counterparts at the end of the twentieth century; now they are more effective and safe, and have virtually no contraindications.

Oral contraceptives (COCs)

Hormonal contraceptives are very common in use for initial dysmenorrhea, especially in women of sexually active age.

The most effective in this sense are considered to be combined oral contraceptives(COCs), they contain an imitation of the hormone estrogen.

The principle of their activity is aimed at suppressing the ovulation process, because of this the amount of prostaglandins decreases, and the painful syndrome disappears.

In addition, the pressure inside the uterine cavity decreases and the frequency and strength of contractile tension of smooth muscles slows down, which reduces pain.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Given the existing contraindications and simply reluctance to take hormone-based contraceptives, you can completely get by with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs are characterized by pain-relieving properties; they are prescribed for use specifically when painful ailments appear.

These medications work in a similar way to those listed above; NSAIDs minimize the presence in bloody discharge the root causes of pain are prostaglandins. Medicines in this group are instantly absorbed into digestive tract, and have an effect for 5.6 hours.

The most common names of the NVPS group are:

  • Aspirin,
  • Ibuprofen
  • Ketoprofen,
  • Proxycam,
  • Diclofenac.






Numerous experiments conducted to eliminate initial dysmenorrhea through NVPP have proven that naproxen, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid and aspirin show great results in the fight against initial dysmenorrhea, but Ibuprofen among them ranks first in terms of minimum degree side effects.

Folk remedies for pain during menstruation

In this context, various recipes from herbs and roots are very relevant.


Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of manifestations of dysmenorrhea are difficult to overestimate, but the majority of the fair sex simply do not use them.

Every woman must visit a specialist once a year.

An initial examination by a gynecologist should be carried out immediately after the established date of the menstrual cycle, but no later than 16 years of age and in the absence of any negative indications from the girl.

Inflammations of various etiologies, inhibiting normal processes in genitourinary system, it is strictly necessary to cure in order to avoid complications in the future. This behavior eliminates the possibility of difficulties arising during the critical days of dysmenorrhea.

Girls who have not yet given birth are strictly prohibited from using IUDs for contraception. Most gynecologists do not recommend that women use this method protection and contraception, since it contributes to painful manifestations during menstruation, and also raises the prospect of the formation of inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary and reproductive sphere.

Since abortion often leads to mechanical disruption of the uterine mucosa and has negative impact on a woman’s hormonal parameters and her menstrual function, it is best to use high-quality medications to prevent fertilization.

It is also very important to carry out preventive measures during painful women’s days to exclude such severe pathologies as the inability to conceive, the appearance of neuroses and psychoses due to systematic pain.

When a woman’s menstrual period is complicated by severe pain, self-medication becomes irrelevant. Contacting a specialist in such circumstances is very necessary. Through even simple blood tests or smears, ultrasound examinations, the gynecologist identifies the root causes and determines the method of therapy.

There are women who consider critical days to be the most terrible days in their lives. Dysmenorrhea, or very severe pain during menstruation, the causes of which can only be identified by a gynecologist, simply unsettles women. Such symptoms are not normal, but indicate serious problems oh with health. You cannot hesitate here; you should consult a doctor for help as soon as possible.

What is the menstrual period

Menstruation, or menstruation, is the process of shedding a certain part of the endometrium, during which bleeding occurs. menstruation is considered the beginning of the menstrual cycle. During this period, a woman cannot become pregnant.

During monthly bleeding, intense contraction of the uterine muscles occurs. Vascular spasms occur, which prevents adequate tissue nutrition, and therefore severe pain occurs during menstruation. The reasons for this lie in the increased level of prostaglandins in the blood. That is, throughout the entire month, the uterus prepares for fertilization of the egg, and its internal cavity becomes covered with small blood vessels, which should nourish the embryo in case of conception. If pregnancy does not occur, then these tissues become unnecessary for the body. He seeks to get rid of them by bleeding.

The situation is reminiscent of a “mini-birth”, where the uterus contracts and tries to push out unnecessary tissue, opening the cervix. Moderate pain is quite acceptable here, but severe pain indicates health problems. You don’t need to endure them and you need to do everything possible to get rid of monthly pain.

Severe pain during menstruation: causes

As a rule, behind such an uncomfortable state lies a number of different factors, these are:

  • disruption of a woman’s hormonal levels;
  • inflammation of the uterus or appendages;
  • endometriosis, including adenomyosis;
  • fibroids (fibroids) or any other formation in the uterus;
  • polyps in the uterine environment;
  • disruption of progesterone production;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

May cause stress and prolonged nervous tension severe pain during menstruation. A specialist will help determine the reasons. So, you should contact a gynecologist if you have prolonged menstruation, which lasts more than seven days and is accompanied by very severe pain. You should go to the doctor if your body temperature rises to 38°C. Symptoms that occur for the first time in a woman are especially alarming. And severe pain in the first days of menstruation. The reasons need to be found out.

Type of dysmenorrhea

There are primary and secondary dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). The first occurs as a result of a failure in the production of progesterone. This is a kind of response to the non-fertilization of the egg. A woman experiences pain during the release of an egg from the ovary. In the absence of ovulation, the body begins to rebel and experiences a number of ailments. These are abdominal pain, migraine, dizziness and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, neuropsychological disorder, etc.

Secondary dysmenorrhea occurs if there is a place or appendages. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an inflammatory process. abdominal cavity, pregnancy. There may be consequences surgical intervention, injury or viral disease. Similar ailments are provoked by some methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. For example, a spiral.

Types of ailments

Severe pain during menstruation, the causes of which often indicate health problems, can be different, these are:

  • headache (migraine);
  • unpleasant sensations high blood pressure in the eye area;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • discomfort in the heart;
  • nausea, dizziness and vomiting;
  • excessive sweating;
  • depression, irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fatigue;
  • swelling;
  • excessive breast sensitivity;
  • lower back pain;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc.).

It has been proven that most women experience some discomfort during menstruation (especially on the first day) between the ages of 13 and 45 years.

About pain syndrome of varying severity

Change chemical composition blood during menstruation affects brain function, which causes migraines. This condition can be caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. In order for the body to fully carry out the procedure of cell rejection during the menstrual period, it accumulates fluid, which then participates in this process. Causes swelling of the limbs, joints and brain tissue. All this provokes a strong headache during and before menstruation.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Severe abdominal pain during menstruation, the causes of which are different for each woman, occurs in many people. Moderate pain is considered normal, while severe pain indicates certain gynecological disorders.

Pain in the abdominal area can be mild, moderate or severe. Manifest in the depths of the pelvis as a dull, pulling or pressing pain. They can be constant or pulsating. It is considered normal pain syndrome, which begins to appear before the appearance of critical days and disappears immediately after the end of menstruation.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, the causes of which are often unknown, can occur in combination with migraines and be accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This condition cannot be considered normal. In this case, you should undergo a full medical examination.

Consequences of painful menstruation

Very severe pain during menstruation, the causes and consequences of which must be identified by a gynecologist, leads to complete loss of ability to work. Have an impact on well-being psychological state women.

Mild and moderate form does not cause complications. Average pain syndrome, provoked by diseases of the genital organs and pathologies, can progress in connection with the development of gynecological disease. In this case, the pain itself does not have any effect on the complication of the symptom.

Menstruation should not be accompanied by very severe pain that deprives a woman of full legal capacity. Treatment for such symptoms is not limited to painkillers, but should also be sought the real reason and eliminate it. Severe pain is debilitating. They are difficult to endure not only physically, but also emotionally, because it harms the nervous system. In addition, the constant use of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers causes addiction and a number of side effects.

Very painful critical days signal a serious problem in the body. It is simply necessary to treat such periods.

Diagnosis of painful menstruation

Severe pain during menstruation, the causes and treatment of which can be determined by correct diagnosis, is a real problem for women. To begin with, the lady should visit her gynecologist, who can prescribe the following:

  • hormone analysis;
  • performing a pelvic ultrasound;
  • laparoscopy;
  • curettage to examine intrauterine material;
  • general clinical examination;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

In addition, a woman should constantly keep a diary monthly cycle and a calendar of critical days. All the symptoms that were present during this period are entered there. Duration of menstruation, abundance. All this helps to establish the severity of the disease. The specialist may also advise you to undergo examination by a neurologist, psychotherapist and osteopath. Often, at the end of the examination, a diagnosis of algomenorrhea is made. Depending on the severity, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of menstrual pain

Menstrual pain affects 90% of women aged 18 to 35 years. Such pain is often intense, so timely administration of an effective analgesic helps patients restore the rhythm of life and completely eliminate menstrual pain.

Dialrapid is a fast-acting analgesic that eliminates pain of any intensity. Potassium bicarbonate acts as a pH buffer, ensuring the drug is completely dissolved in water, and subsequently creating a microenvironment around active substance- potassium diclofenac. It is this microenvironment that promotes accelerated absorption and helps the drug to be completely absorbed by the body. Dialrapid shows a pronounced effect in the first 5 minutes after application. The powder is absorbed by the body almost as quickly as an injection, and unlike tablet analogues, it has a high peak plasma concentration.

Folk remedies that can reduce pain

Very severe pain during menstruation, the causes of which lie in diseases of a number of organs, can be eliminated by traditional medicine.

The pain symptom will help to remove. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of the herb into a mug (300 ml) of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Take 50 mg every hour and reduce the dose as the pain subsides.

Severe pain before menstruation, the causes of which are individual for each woman, can be relieved by water pepper. Two tablespoons of the plant are poured with half a liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is boiled over fire for another 10 minutes. Before use herbal infusion need to cool and strain. Take 100 grams three times a day.

Collecting the following herbs will help relieve pain: knotweed, centaury, horsetail, in a ratio of 1:3:1:5. Here a tablespoon of the mixture is steamed in a glass boiled water. They insist for an hour. Drink one sip at a time

Elecampane root helps cope with pain. Pour a teaspoon of boiled water into a glass, wait an hour, and filter. Take a tablespoon in the morning, lunch and evening.

These and others folk recipes are able to overcome menstrual pain, so they cannot be discounted.

Preventive measures

Severe pain during menstruation causes many problems. How to treat it without medications and what to do so that such a symptom does not bother you in the future? So, the following measures help eliminate the cause and have a preventive effect on the body:

  • Correct daily routine.
  • Full sleep.
  • Physical exercise, including swimming.
  • Diet menu with a predominance of raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink the right amount of water, at least 1.5 liters per day.
  • Refusal bad habits(alcohol and cigarettes).
  • Relaxation and relief from stress and depression.
  • Yoga, acupuncture, massage, electrophoresis with novocaine.
  • Soothing herbal tea.
  • Bath with essential oils.

Similar events in the best possible way will affect a woman’s health, her well-being and reduce the pain of menstruation. Can get rid of similar discomfort forever.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

Many women are familiar with symptoms of impending or onset menstruation, such as pain in the chest area, bad mood, loss of energy, irritability and pain in the lower abdomen. Usually these days, work isn’t going well, and the mood is such that even members of the household try to be seen less often.

What experts say about painful menstruation, and how to relieve such pain ?

Why does your stomach hurt during menstruation - the main causes of pain during menstruation

Any woman (with rare exceptions) experiences before or during menstruation at least discomfort. The main complaint is abdominal pain.

Why is this happening?

First of all, don't panic : if there are no accompanying “signals”, and menstruation does not fall outside the framework outlined by doctors, then there is nothing to worry about. Natural physiological process(monthly rejection and release of the inner layer of the uterus, which, when contracting, causes pain) does not require an urgent visit to the doctors.

Painful periods have a name - algomenorrhea:

  • Primary algodismenorrhea. Increased contractile activity of the myometrium by tissue hormones and, as a result, cramping pain and vascular spasms. Typical for women 16-25 years old. Symptoms include nausea, headaches, upset bowel movements and pain in the lower abdomen a day or two before menstruation and in the first two days of menstruation. Pathological changes not observed in the pelvic organs. Typically, the level of pain decreases after childbirth and with age.
  • Secondary algomenorrhea. In this case, there are some pathologies of the pelvic organs, and pain becomes a symptom of anatomical changes in the uterus.

TO reasons painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), not associated with diseases of the female reproductive system, include:

  • Sex hormone imbalance (progesterone, which promotes contraction of the uterus, and prostaglandin, the excess of which increases the force of contraction of the uterine muscles), excessive activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Intrauterine device and other contraceptives.
  • High sensitivity to changes in the body.
  • Incorrectly positioned uterus.
  • Excitability of the nervous system.
  • Pain as a consequence of childbirth or.
  • Lack of proper physical activity.
  • Heredity.
  • Calcium or magnesium deficiency.
  • Poor nutrition. Read also:

If pain during menstruation is short-term, the level of pain is tolerable, and there is no need to postpone everyday activities, then everything is normal, and there is no reason to panic .

10 best recipes - how to get rid of pain during menstruation

Traditional folk methods can help reduce the level of pain during menstruation (provided there are no serious problems with women’s health):

  1. Dry heat, massage and rest
    Heat will help relax the uterus and reduce the force of its contractions; a light massage of the abdomen (strictly clockwise) will relax the muscles.

  2. Painkiller
    1-2 tablets of no-shpa will help relieve spasms. With the strong painful sensations Ibuprofen, spasmalgon or ketonal will help cope. For pain caused by overexcitation of the nervous system (stress, etc.), a simple sedative can help - even ordinary valerian.
  3. Oral contraceptives
    IN birth control pills contains hormones that help normalize hormonal levels. Such pills are very effective in relieving abdominal pain and other “effects” of menstruation. Of course, you should not start taking it without consulting a gynecologist.

  4. Physical activity
    Of course, we're not talking about shock loads and, especially, not about abdominal exercises, but bending, rotating the body, and light stretching are quite suitable. Pilates and yoga, which involve working on muscle tone, also excellent remedy from pain.
  5. Compresses and baths
    For example, a bath with sea ​​salt(take before and after menstruation for 15-20 minutes, daily). Also suitable are sitz baths (contrast) before the onset of menstruation and compresses during menstruation. After a bath or contrast shower, you should dress warmly and lie down for at least an hour.
  6. Herbal teas, infusions, decoctions
    Such remedies include chamomile and mint tea (you can add honey), parsley or sorrel, mineral water, tansy, acorns, strawberries, angelica, etc.

  7. Massage
    Lower back massage will help relieve spasms. Preferably with someone's help, although you can do it yourself. Place a tennis ball in two socks and lie on them with your back so that the balls are at the level of the lower ribs on either side of the spine. Gently press on them with your back and lightly roll the balls with your muscles.
  8. Essential oils
    Before your period and in the first days, you can rub the mixture from essential oils in the sacral region, as well as in the lower abdomen. Ingredients: St. John's wort oil (50 ml), marjoram (5 drops), clary sage (4 drops), yarrow (5 drops). Rub in a couple of times a day. Before the procedure, conduct an allergy test by spreading a little mixture, for example, on the elbows. Itching or redness is a sign of an allergy.
  9. Swimming
    The most useful and least traumatic way to relieve pain. The main benefits are the release of endorphins (a natural pain reliever) and muscle relaxation.
  10. Cold on the stomach
    “Freezing” pain is one of the effective methods. You should put an ice pack on your stomach (only in a towel and over your clothes!) for 15 minutes, no more.

Severe menstrual pain can bring a woman to exhaustion. Strong and cramping, they deprive you of sleep and prevent you from performing work duties. A woman has to drink, but their effect does not last long. Is this what happens?

Very often severe pain and heavy bleeding are alarming symptoms any serious disease of the female genital organs. Since the woman herself cannot know for sure whether her body is developing pathological process, she needs to contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons for this behavior of the body during menstruation.

For some, the problem of severe menstrual pain resolves itself safely after the onset of sexual activity or birth.

Genetic predisposition to severe pain in the lower abdomen on the eve of menstruation and in the following days - a mystery of nature. Girls who watch their mother suffer subsequently face the same problem. In this case, we can recommend giving up hard work on these days and getting maximum rest so that the body does not experience additional stress.

Insufficient physical activity- another reason that during menstruation. Relaxed muscles that are not used to training are more sensitive to all changes in the body.

Thus, the opening of the cervix before self-cleansing for the body turns into difficult task. What can be done? Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the best preventative measures for any problems in the body.

The connection between menstrual pain and vitamins and nutrition

Insufficient amounts of calcium and magnesium in the body - good reason menstrual pain. Get calcium and others healthy vitamins possible by consuming dairy products, almonds, and legumes.

The need for magnesium is replenished with carbonate. The drug is in the form of a powder, which must be taken daily, 1 teaspoon. So simple preventive measure will help get rid of cramps in the abdominal muscles.

By following a certain diet on the eve of menstruation, you can ensure its painless course. It is better to avoid drinking coffee, meat and fatty foods for now. Let there be more green vegetables, eggs, fish on the table.

Uncontrolled use of painkillers during menstruation is not best way out for the body. Support it with chocolate, bananas, yogurt.

Why does breast pain occur during menstruation?

Lungs discomfort V female breast before the onset of menstruation is a natural phenomenon, confirming the origin of hormonal changes. In the intervals between menstruation, the body always prepares for a possible conception, and the mammary glands undergo some changes, which could later be used to produce breast milk.

The female body is configured for possible motherhood, regardless of whether the woman plans it or not. It is natural that certain processes may occur with minor pain.

Light nagging pain in the lower back and abdomen, swelling and swelling of the mammary glands, absence heavy discharge are considered the norm. If the pain is accompanied by lumps in the chest, then there is a reason to contact a specialist.

Is being a woman a gift of fate or a challenge? Many representatives of the fair half of humanity confidently lean toward the first option. Perhaps these optimists simply have painless periods, or they are not telling something. Because, according to medical statistics, every second woman complains of pain during menstruation, and almost everyone experiences discomfort during this period. But some generally tolerable discomfort is one thing, but outright pain is another. Should it be tolerated and to what extent? And how to relieve pain during menstruation? Let's find the answers so that we can still sincerely rejoice in our belonging to the fair sex.

Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation? Causes of painful menstruation
Since menstruation, or, more simply put, menstruation, is a necessary part of the menstrual cycle, then, in theory, it should not have side effects. The body simply functions in a natural mode, at the right time it rejects part of the endometrium with inevitable bleeding. But, like any delicate mechanism, menstruation is often accompanied by irregularities. AND painful sensations during menstruation is one of the most common (according to various sources, 70 to 80% of women aged 13 to 50 years suffer) problems. Pain during menstruation is felt in the lower abdomen, radiates to the lower back, along the spine and can even spread to the hips. Not to mention the general feeling of weakness and malaise.

But, if everything is natural, then why does it hurt so much? There are various reasons pain during menstruation:

  • congenital pathologies in the structure of the genital organs, due to which the outflow of blood occurs with difficulty;
  • endometriosis (disease of the lining of the uterus);
  • inflammation in the pelvic area caused by hypothermia, previous operations or other complications;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • incorrectly installed intrauterine contraception (spiral);
  • overwork, not only physical, but also psychological;
  • lowered pain threshold as an individual property of the body.
Of course, these symptoms are different women manifest themselves in to varying degrees. You will definitely tell your gynecologist about your individual characteristics, whom you should go to if severe pain torments you during every period. Because the first five points of the above list are a serious reason to visit a doctor. But, one way or another, painful periods cannot be endured through force. At a minimum, you must find the cause of the pain. Ideally, choose an adequate remedy to relieve pain during menstruation.

How to relieve pain during menstruation
Painful periods have received an official medical name - dysmenorrhea. This term implies not only pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, but also the whole complex of accompanying sensations: headache, dizziness, increased body temperature, problems with digestion and stool, nausea, swelling and other symptoms, vegetative and emotional. About 10% of women around the world suffer so much during their periods that they become unable to work. Luckily, most avoid this fate and experience only mild period pain. To get rid of it, the following treatment is used:

  1. Anti-inflammatory therapy with non-steroidal drugs, including aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid and some other substances. They are quickly absorbed into the blood and are usually taken in the first days of menstruation. Although there are known methods in which such drugs are taken preventively before menstruation.
  2. Analgesics, including paracetamol, temporarily relieve period pain.
  3. Antispasmodics are considered more effective for relieving pain during menstruation and are safer. No-spa, Nurofen and others similar drugs relieve pain and have a gentle effect on nervous system and the walls of the stomach.
  4. Oral contraceptives are effective against period pain, but not immediately. When taken according to instructions, they make the endometrium thinner, which is why pain disappears.
  5. Sedatives help not only to endure, but also to relieve pain during menstruation. Sedatives, pharmaceutical and natural, reduce symptoms, calm, help sleep.
Of course, if the cause of the pain is a disease, it will recur during menstruation until you eliminate the true cause, and painkillers will only drown out the symptoms. In this case, without medical care it is impossible to do without, and self-medication is strictly prohibited. But in other situations, when the stomach hurts not much and/or not every time, you can try to quickly relieve pain during menstruation at home

How to relieve period pain without pills
To relieve pain during menstruation at home, you need to be able to devote yourself a sufficient amount of time and at least a minimum set of natural medicine V home medicine cabinet. Because over many centuries women have invented many traditional methods relieve pain during menstruation. Here are some of them:

  1. Soothing herbal tea. Brew mint, lemon balm, linden and drink these decoctions warm with natural honey. In addition to these universal herbal remedies, there are known plants that help specifically with menstruation. These are stinging nettle, common oregano, elecampane, wild strawberry, knotweed, yarrow, shepherd's purse, cinquefoil, and horsetail. These plants are sold in dry form in pharmacies. You can choose one or mix each other, making an herbal mixture of two or three components. Brew herbs in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water. You need to drink such decoctions throughout all days of menstruation several times a day.
  2. Warm helps relieve pain during menstruation, but only when used wisely. This means that a not too hot heating pad or heated towel should be applied to the lower back or stomach, but under no circumstances should you overheat the body and avoid the “sauna effect.” Many women find relief from menstrual pain by warming their feet with dry heat or in a bath.
  3. Foot bath works no worse than a full-fledged warming bath. You can also alternate warm and cool baths to activate blood circulation and relieve pain in this way.
  4. Self-massage to relieve pain during menstruation it should be very soft and light. Essentially, these are slow stroking of the abdomen and lower back with the palms, which affects the nerve endings and warms with the warmth of the hands. It is advisable to do them clockwise.
  5. Nutrition during menstruation and not only - an important factor affecting well-being. It's safe to say that avoiding heavy fatty and fried foods eases pain during menstruation. In addition to fatty and fried foods, the pain of menstruation is increased by salty, smoked and spicy foods, as well as an abundance of refined sweets. Instead, try to eat cereals, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products. Drink fresh juices and plenty of water. Tea and coffee are not prohibited, but not advisable, because they excite the nervous system and can increase pain, but this is individual. By the way, although it is believed that you should eat chocolate during your period, this delicacy can also increase the pain.
  6. Relaxation. Warmth and a low-calorie diet promote relaxation. During their period, many women feel the urge to lie down. You can do this or sit comfortably in a soft, comfortable chair if this helps you feel less pain. But it’s even more effective to lie on your side and take the so-called “fetal position.” In it, the body's regenerative abilities are especially strong, and pain subsides faster.
  7. Gymnastics is a set of special exercises that help relieve pain during menstruation, or at least muffle it. Try one or more of them and choose the ones that suit you:
    • Get on all fours and lower your face down. Slowly make a circular movement of small amplitude with your pelvis in one direction, then in the other direction.
    • Sit cross-legged on a flat surface (the floor or a hard mattress) and carefully raise your knees bent legs to each other and separate again. Repeat several times.
    • Lie on your back and place your arms along your body. Bend your knees and lift your buttocks off the floor. Hold this pose for three counts, then gently lower your pelvis back to the starting position.
  8. Activity. During menstruation, most women do not want and/or cannot be active, and many deliberately prohibit themselves from exerting themselves. In fact, light physical training or just mobility is not prohibited and even helps relieve pain. In addition to distracting you from your worries, yoga, Pilates, and bodyflex strengthen deep muscles. Walking in the fresh air also helps relieve period pain.
  9. Avoiding sunbathing and bathing. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the beach or in a solarium, overheating of the body is prohibited during internal inflammatory processes. Even if you are 100% sure that period pain is not associated with inflammation, the sun and heat can increase bleeding and, accordingly, worsen the pain.
  10. Bad and good habits. During your period, categorically avoid alcoholic beverages, even not very strong ones. And it’s better to do this a few days before the start of menstruation. And in order not to miss this moment, disciplinedly keep a calendar of your menstrual cycle - this should become your useful habit and a mandatory “cheat sheet” when visiting a gynecologist.
By the way, there is another, radical method to relieve pain during menstruation. The fact is that many girls who suffered from menstrual pain in their youth got rid of them after the birth of a child. So, if you have pain during your period and don’t have children yet, try it. What if this method will help you relieve pain once and for all? Take care of yourself, be healthy and happy!