Hypertension treatment schemes with new drugs. Treatment of hypertension in the lesion of brain vessels. Treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnant women

Diseases of cardio-vascular system It is occupied by one of the leading positions among the diseases that affect people who oversail a 40-year-old threshold. Hypertensive disease may be the cause of the patient's death, therefore its timely detection and qualitative treatment is very important. Folk medicine, along with the traditional, offers its own, proven methods of therapy, as well as prevention of heart disease.

Hypertensive disease - what kind of disease

In medicine, the constant long-term increase in blood pressure (AD) is so called. Increased blood pressure, according to the conclusions of the World Health Organization, it is that exceeds the top border of the norm ( 140/90 mm RT. Art.). Such a pressure that systematically and regularly exceeds this mark is called high. But it should not be due to any other disease (this is already secondary hypertension), but to be independent pathology.

For hypertensive disease, the terms "essential hypertension", "primary hypertension", "Hypertension", "arterial hypertension" are also used. Such a violation in the work of the cardiovascular system can cause more serious diseases - atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack.


Initially, the classification occurred depending on the stage of hypertensive disease - the 1st, 2nd or 3rd. The stages were characterized by the development, aggravation of the disease since the time, determined the severity of changes in the body and in the patient's state. Since 1999, scientists and doctors began to share this disease to a degree.


If the patient constantly has high blood pressure, it will definitely affect the overall condition of the body, on the work of individual bodies. The most susceptible to the influence of the disease four human body systems - heart, brain, retina, kidneys. The degree of their defeat is directly related to the step of hypertension.

The first stage The primary hypertension does not affect the state of the person, the organs are not yet affected. This stage is dangerous in what flows asymptomatic, Only a periodic increase in pressure signals a person that the emergence of the disease occurs. Despite the fact that practically nothing bothers, the regular change in pressure should cause immediate appeal to the doctor, because at this stage the situation is still reversible.

For the second stage, it is already characteristic systematic jumps of pressure. The defeat of the arteries, heart and retina begins.

The third stage of hypertension is drawn by complications in the work of all four of the above bodies.


Basic complications arising from hypertension

Today, if a hypertensive disease is diagnosed, the classification occurs depending on how high the patient's pressure is. In order for the measurements as correct as possible, their need to produce on both hands.

There are three degrees of hypertension, each of which has its own upper and lower border:

  1. Hypertension 1 degree characterized by such indicators - 140-159 / 90-99 mm RT Art;
  2. Hypertension 2 degrees This is 160-179 / 100-109 mm RT Art;
  3. Hypertension 3 degrees - Indicators exceed 180/110 mm RT Art.

Some cases of the disease may require inclusion in the classification of another degree. Term " hypertension 4 degrees"There is a place when systolic pressure exceeds 210, and the diastolic step over the mark of 110. The doctor, noting the level of pressure of the 4th degree, does it in order to simply fix the digital indicators, and not indicate the severity of the disease.

The reasons

For reasons that provoke hypertensive disease (GB), the person belongs to the risk group and the factors accompanying its daily life.

Who is in the risk group:

  • People with whom GB can pass inheritance. In the case of such a disease, two or more relatives - the chances of getting significantly increased;
  • Men after 40 And women who have reached the age of 55 years. Climax in women can also provoke GB;
  • Sugar diabetes often accompanies hypertension the reasons for this in the fact that the presence of diabetes increases the risk of severe complications of the vascular system. Therefore, patients diabetes In most cases, hypertension is sick;
  • People of such professions - pilots, businessmen, doctors - those who are constantly being in stressful situations.

70% of the elderly suffers from hypertension, so elderly age Automatically enters the person in the risk group.

Factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Wrong lifestyle - smoking, drinking alcohol, low-liament;
  2. Constant stress, systematic sleep disorders, night lifestyle;
  3. Incorrect nutrition, overeating, use harmful productswhich increase cholesterol levels excess salt, sugar in the diet.

If there is practically nothing to do anything with a risk group, then the reasons depending on the person himself can be excluded from their lives. Timely transition to healthy nutrition, rejection of bad habits and care for your body - if this is done, hypertension does not deliver trouble even in old age.

Symptoms of hypertensive heart disease

On the early stages Symptoms of hypertensive disease may not even alert the patient, they are easy to confuse with signs of overwork or manifestations of other diseases. Often hypertension is diagnosed already in the launched state of ambulance or resuscitative. That is why the symptoms of this disease should be known to everyone so that people can be alert:

  1. Noise in ears, dizziness, pain, ripple, gravity in the head, fatigue;
  2. Pain in the field of sternum, shortness of breath, nausea, blood from the nose, redness of the face;
  3. Chills or increased sweating;
  4. Change in the rhythm of heartbeat - freight or on the contrary, slowing down;
  5. Changes in character and constant mood change - irritability, apathy.
  6. Memory may worsen will reduce performance.

Compressive pain in the heart with hypertension - a fairly common phenomenon, along which the patient already begins to clearly realize that something is wrong with health. If a person periodically notices these symptoms, he must take control of his pressure and turn to the doctor.

During running hypertension, angina, impairment of vision and renal failure can be observed.

Treatment of hypertension

Must meet some mandatory requirements:

  • It must be complex - to affect the disease from different sides, eliminate the symptoms and causes, include different methods, therapy methods;
  • Treatment of hypertension should be individual - a doctor, pushing out from analyzes and results of a survey of each particular patient, prescribes a complex of drugs, procedures;
  • Therapy should be primarily aimed at stabilization of blood pressure, maintaining it normally;
  • Treatment includes measures to help, in case of need, remove hypertensive crisis.

But before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to make sure whether you really have any violations. After watching the following video, you will learn how to measure pressure correctly and how to avoid the most common mistakes:

Hypertension therapy can be carried out both by drug preparations and with the help of funds folk Medicine. The treatment should also be accompanied by a change in the patient's lifestyle, its habits, otherwise it will not be quite effective and effective.

Medicia treatment

Medicia treatment Hypertension should be expressed in the reception of various hypertensive drugs. These funds are designed to reduce blood pressure.

Taking medicines from hypertension, the patient must ensure that this process is constant and uninterrupted. Schedule, doses, a combination of drugs oversees the attending physician. Independently assign treatment prohibitednot to aggravate the situation.

With vascular crisis for rapid pressure reduction, the removal of spasm is used by the introduction of magnesia intravenously.

For treatment, the doctor prescribes such groups of drugs:

  • Diuretics - Simply put, diuretic. Deriving extra liquid from the body, they help reduce blood pressure;
  • AFP inhibitors and angiotensin 2 antagonists - reduce the production of hormone hormone angiotensin 2, which contributes to the narrowing of the vessels, protect the vessels from its influence;
  • Beta blockers - Reduce negative influence on the heart large number hormones. The organ begins to work more stable, the blocker aligns heartbeat, Hell is reduced;
  • Calcium antagonists - Do not allow calcium particles to fall into the cells of the vessels, due to which the vessels relax, do not create overpressure;

If the patient is hypertension, food additive treatment is not perceived as effective method To normalize blood pressure. Sometimes their reception can even reduce the effectiveness of medication appointed by the doctor. Therefore, the means that the patient takes to treat hypertension should be spelled out by a specialist. Take them need strictly on schedule even though some may manifest side effectswhich you need to inform the doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies from hypertension are able to quickly and effectively reduce hell, saturate the body useful substances, vitamins and trace elements. For proper use In compliance with the dosage, they bring a person invaluable benefit without the risk of complications.

Folk medicine is widely used by flax seeds, pine cones, garlic, lemon and honey, and even simple water to reduce blood pressure, normalization of all organism systems. Natural medicines can be in the form of decoctions or tinctures that are accepted inside very small portions. Also, some products that the patient takes in raw form - berries, vegetables, fruits, can have a positive effect on the course cardiovascular diseases.

Medicinal herbs with hypertension are used in many recipes. Plaintie, Valerian, Song, Parsley, Dill, Clover, Calendula, All these plants have long been known as drugs, effective in hypertension therapy.

Here are some recipes that are traditionally used to treat, prevent hypertensive diseases:

  • Take 3 pieces of the motherboard, 2 pieces of dryers and a buggy, 1 part of the renal tea. 1 tablespoon of this mixture must be put in a saucepan with hot water, boil 5 minutes. Wrapped with a towel, let it brew 3-4 hours. Take in warm form three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 100 grams;
  • Tincture calendula, with prolonged use gives a good effect. Take it necessary 30 drops 3 times a day;
  • Mix boring juice with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Take three times a day, before taking food, 1 tablespoon;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey, Buryak and carrot juice mixed with 1 lemon juice. In grated and infused 1.5 days on the water of hell (1 cup), it is necessary to combine with a lemon mixture, shake thoroughly. Take 45 days, 1 tablespoon, 1 hour before meals, 2 times a day.

There are a lot of recipes for folk medicine to fight high pressure. For the preparation of drugs, you can choose such herbs and plants that you like most and eliminate those that are unpleasant.


Hypertension prevention is primarily in the transition to:

  • Normal, useful, healthy nutrition;
  • Proper lifestyle - healthy night sleep, physical education classes, rejection of bad habits, avoiding stress and conflict situations;
  • Constant control over condition His health. Blood pressure must be supported at an optimal level.

The prevention of hypertensive disease should become systemic not only for patients, but also for people in the risk group.

If a long-term increase in pressure is observed and the hypertonony is already diagnosed, it is necessary to prevent hypertensive crises, complications in work. internal organs.

Properly selected balanced diet Hypertension is one of the most straight and short ways to recovery. When the patient eats useful, healthy, properly cooked food, then not only removes extra load from its body. So he gets a maximum nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are needed to keep the disease under control, strengthen the walls of the vessels, improve the overall health condition. Nutrition for hypertension, if it is correct, may eventually save the patient from the need to take medicines.

Most of the products that are forbidden to use at elevated pressure are not recommended to eat even a healthy person:

  • Fatty food;
  • Alcoholic beverages other than wine. Wine - no more than 200 grams per day, only high quality;
  • Sweet confectionery, especially with a large number of transgins, palm oil, animal fats;
  • "Delicates" - smoked, pickles, canned food. Salt use must be limited 3 grams per day;
  • Coffee, strong tea.

At first, go to such a "fresh" food can be difficult, as a refusal of any bad habit. But very soon a person feels relief of his condition, life begins to bring joy, and healthy food is pleasure.

Diet with hypertension implies the use of products that not only do not harm the body, but even help reduce pressure, restore health:

  • Frequent use of greenery - dill and parsley, has a positive effect on blood vessels. A couple of fresh garlic cloves, 1 fresh bulb in a day can be eaten;
  • The basis of the diet should be vegetables - potatoes, eggplants, carrots, salad, Buryak, etc.; Craises - rice, buckwheat, barley;
  • A decoction of a berry of a rosehip or compote from dried fruit needs to drink every day, green tea also useful;
  • Berries - black currant; Fruits - pineapples, peaches, bananas; nuts; The juices of their own preparation - all this helps to normalize the level of magnesium and potassium in the body;
  • Seafood;
  • Vegetable fats High quality - sunflower, linen, olive oil first grade;
  • Soups preferably prepare vegetable, dairy (milk 1% fat). Sometimes it is allowed to make soup from low-fat meat or fish;
  • Non-fat, better degreased dairy products.

All products are desirable to use cheese. If thermal processing is necessary, then it should be an extension or cooking for a couple, less often - extinguishing. Fry it is impossible.

Diet. Menu example

Nutrition for hypertension must be fractional - 6 times a day in small, approximately the same portions that satisfy the daily need for carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This need for each case establishes the attending physician. The volume of food eaten for day cannot be reduced, a person must receive the minimum necessary for him.

Food should not be very hot or cold - above 15 degrees, but below 60. Berries, fruits and nuts can be used as "snack", if after meals, the person did not eat.

An example of a menu with hypertension for the day:

  • 1st breakfast (07.00) - omelet of several eggs on low-fat milk, compote from dried fruit;
  • 2nd breakfast (10.00) - baked apple or portion of fruit, prostrochy;
  • Dinner (13.00) - floor plates vegetable soup, dietary steam cutlets with rice;
  • Afternoon person (16.00) - low-fat kefir with cookies;
  • Dinner (19.00) - boiled fish with baked in the peel potatoes, fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with several drops of oil, roshinka;
  • Before bedtime (no later than half an hour) - berries or fruits, compote, kissel, tea.

Also, during the day you can eat several pieces of rye bread.

For people who have pressure in hypertension accompanied by poor blood circulation and excessive weight, it will be useful to periodically arrange unloading Days. Fully stopping meals there is no need, but you can organize mono-nutrition - unloading watermelon, cucumber, kefir day.

This will allow the body a small respite. Thus, the patient reduces weight, slags and salts are output, the load on the heart and the vessels decreases. If there is an opportunity to skip dinner on the eve of such a day - the effectiveness of the event will increase. During the unloading day, it is desirable not to work physically, to observe the bed.


Hypertensive disease is a frequent phenomenon among all segments of the population. It is difficult to avoid it even harder to heal. If you run hypertension - it may cost a sick life. Only close attention to the state of his health, the correct lifestyle, healthy diet Help reduce the risk of hypertension. Cure hypertensive disease easier to initial stage, Therefore, timely appeal to the doctor may reverse the process of reversing the disease.

In the next video, the main cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation Give advice to the right ration Nutrition. Learn what brings more benefits: running or walking. What normal pressure Must be during walking. How to properly observe sleep mode to protect your heart and vessels:

Hypertensive disease (arterial hypertension, hypertension) is chronic illness, in which blood pressure in vessels in man is above normal. Hypertension usually flows for a long time without symptoms. It is dangerous in that he accelerates the destruction of blood vessels and causes deadly complications. It is called a quiet killer. The hypertensive disease is diagnosed according to the results of the pressure measurement at rest. To protect yourself from heart attack, stroke and renal failure, It is necessary to be treated from this disease every day, even when nothing hurts.

Hypertensive: what you need to know patients

Systolic pressure is highest Pressurewhich creates a heart when it is reduced with an effort, pumping blood. Diastolic arterial pressure - minimum, on the phase of the relaxation of the heart, when it is filled with blood to push it on the next tact. Systolic and diastolic pressure is measured in mm RT. Art. And write down together. For example, 120/80 mm Hg. Art. And below is ideal normal pressure for a person. The instrument for measuring blood pressure is called a tonometer.

Check out the video about arterial pressure from the famous Dr. Elena Malysheva. Find out what systolic and diastolic pressure is how to measure it correctly.

The reasons

In most cases, doctors cannot or rather do not want to establish the cause of hypertension. They are diagnosed with essential hypertension. This means that the cause of the disease is unknown. In fact, the reason is most often associated with overweight (obesity). It is described in detail below.

Risk factors hypertensive disease:

  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes (complications for kidneys and vessels);
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • cases of hypertension in close relatives;
  • excessive salt consumption;
  • lack of magnesium in the body;
  • deficit;
  • chronic stress;
  • mercury poisoning, lead, cadmium, arsenic (work in harmful production);
  • night apnea;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • hormonal contraceptives (for women who have other risk factors).

Endocrine diseases - causes of hypertension in 1% of patients:

  • lack or excess hormones thyroid gland;
  • feochromocytoma;
  • primary hyperaldosteronism;
  • cushing syndrome;
  • primary hyperparathyroidism.

If the reason is possible to install, the hypertensive disease is called secondary, and if not, then primary (essential).

Hypertonian vegetable agents:

What is essential hypertension

The diagnosis of essential hypertension means that the doctors could not establish the cause of increased blood pressure. It usually does not prevent them from prescribing treatment - diet, medicine, and perhaps still physical education. If the patient has a pressure of 160/100 mm RT. Art., he usually immediately prescribed combined pills that contain 2-3 active substances.

In most cases the cause of hypertension is elevated level insulin which is caused by overweight (obesity). You probably know that insulin is a hormone, thanks to which the tissue is absorbed by glucose. It lowers blood sugar levels, forcing glucose to penetrate the cells. However, few people are far from medicine knows about other actions that this hormone has.

Insulin regulates glucose exchange. In addition, it blocks the disintegration of fatty tissues, slows down slimming, and most importantly, it causes spasm of vessels and a fluid delay in the body. When a man gets fat, the sensitivity of tissues to insulin decreases. It requires a higher concentration in plasma so that glucose penetrates into the cells. The bigger excess fat In the body, the lower the sensitivity and above the insulin concentration in the blood.

Insulin is our friend and enemy at the same time. Without it, we would died from hunger, having lost the possibility of absorbing glucose. On the other hand, the same hormone prevents to lose weight and causes hypertension, increasing the resistance of blood flow vessels. Reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin causes not only hypertension, but also other problems - excess weight, bad analyzes blood for cholesterol, high risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. All this together is called metabolic syndrome.

Classification of hypertensive disease according to severity

From hypertension, people having overweight helps a low-carbohydrate diet. It quickly normalizes insulin levels in the blood. From the body extends an extra liquid, so that after a few days the pressure decreases. Detailed Diet is described there in the same place lists of permitted and prohibited products. The low-carbohydrate diet, the intake of magnesium and other natural additives is your chance to do without harmful "chemical" drugs from hypertension.

All endocrinologists know how insulin acts. Doctors other specialties, if they did not stroll lectures at the institute, also know it. The reduced sensitivity to this hormone is called insulin resistance. It is known since the 1980s or earlier. Why still do the doctors write essential hypertension in diagnoses, and do not indicate the cause of insulin resistance? The reason is their inertia, bureaucracy and reluctance of change.

More and more Russian-speaking patients with hypertension and diabetes type 2 are learned about insulin resistance - of this reason Their diseases. - Effective I. safe toolTo fix the disturbed metabolism. Read also - what it is and how to treat it.


Hypertensive disease often flows without symptoms, and in this its greatest danger. At least 1/3 people who have increased blood pressure, do not suspect this. Most of Patients who know about their diagnosis are badly treated. Hypertension is only occasionally causes them headache And other symptoms, so there is no stimulus to take pills every day.

Few people think about what even in the absence visible signs Hypertension destroys the vessels daily, prepares conditions for a sudden heart attack, stroke or renal failure. No wonder it is called a quiet killer. For all people over 35, it is desirable to sometimes measure their blood pressure with a tonometer at home or with regular examinations from the doctor.

If blood pressure is significantly increased, there may be symptoms:

  • headache;
  • flies before eyes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fatigue;
  • disturbances;
  • chest pain;
  • labored breathing;
  • heart rate disorders;
  • blood in the urine.

Any of the listed symptoms requires urgent appeal to the doctor. All these are signs of a hypertensive crisis, in which the risk of heart attack or stroke is especially high. We repeat that in the usual state of hypertension, most likely will not cause any symptoms. Well-being is gradually deteriorating, but patients usually write down this to age-related changes.


Hypertension is diagnosed if the patient has a steadily increased blood pressure. To put or disprove the diagnosis, you need to measure pressure at least twice, and better three times in different days. But if the patient has a pressure "rake" or there are signs of damage to the internal organs, the doctor will immediately give a diagnosis - hypertensive disease.

In addition to measuring pressure, the doctor will send a patient for blood tests and surveys - ECG and EHOCG. Blood tests are needed to test the work of the kidneys, cholesterol, sugar, thyroid hormones and possible rare reasons Secondary hypertension - endocrine diseases. ECG and Ehoche allow us to evaluate how well the heart works, there was no hidden heart attack. The frequent problem of patients hypertension is hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart. It is also detected using ECG and Ehoche.

Recall that if Hypertension II (pressure\u003e 160/100 mm Hg is diagnosed. Art.), Then you need to start taking medicines immediately, in addition to changing the lifestyle. Moreover, it is better to immediately assign a powerful combined drug containing 2-3 actors in one tablet. If the pressure is from 140/90 to 160/100 mm Hg. Art. (Hypertension I degree), then the appointment of drugs - at the discretion of the doctor.

If the patient has other risk factors for infarction and stroke, except hypertension, then it is better to take medication at a pressure of 140/90 to 160/100 mm RT. Art. Starting to be treated with pills, you will later refuse them if the transition to healthy image Life will help control the hypertension without drugs. The heart attack and stroke can make a person with disabilities, and it is irreversible. Therefore, it is better to progress from them by taking medications from hypertension. Modern drugs have only minor side effects.

Hypertensive crisis

Hypertensive crisis is an attack in which human blood pressure is significantly increasing. A sharp pressure jump damages the vessels and causes the symptoms listed below. It is believed that hypertensive crisis is when the pressure is 180/120 mm Hg. Art. and higher. However, if you have pressure below, but bad state of health, There are headache and other symptoms is also crisis. Urgently call B. ambulance, do not be shy. The urgent help team is better to come several times for prevention than once on the call to the heart attack or stroke.

Symptoms of hypertensive crisis:

  • strong headache;
  • turbidity of consciousness, fainting;
  • vision vision - flies before eyes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • panic or on the contrary apathy;
  • dyspnea;
  • chest pain.

Possible complications:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke - ischemic or hemorrhagic;
  • damage (aneurysm) aorta - the main artery in the heart;
  • eclampsia is a severe complication of pregnancy.

Frequent causes of hypertensive crisis - the patient irregularly takes medicines from the pressure appointed by him by the doctor, eats too much salt, survived the stressful situation, as well as the change of weather.

Read the article "Hypertensive Crisis: How to provide urgent help." Find out which pills can be used to quickly bring down the pressure.

Hypertensive disease: treatment

The main method of treating hypertensive disease is a transition to a healthy lifestyle. Patients who have blood pressure 160/100 mm RT. Art. And above, you also need to take medicines from hypertension. But if the patient does not want to part with bad habits, then there will be little use from tablets. Eliminate the risk factors of hypertension, heart attack and stroke needed, even if for this you have to slow down a career.

Healthy lifestyle for hypertension treatment

Exercise physical education Regular physical education classes 4-6 times a week to 30-60 minutes lower pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other age-related diseases.
Throw smoking Tobacco contains nicotine and poisonous resins. Each tightening increases blood pressure. Smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke at 3-6 times.
Control stress Avoid stressful situations, because one of them can end with a heart attack or stroke. Try to master yoga or meditation. Prayers and physical education also help relieve stress.
Measure pressure home tonometer You need to have a home tonometer and use it regularly, for example, once a week. Read more "What a tonometer to choose home" and "measurement of blood pressure: step-by-step technique".

Most people when they are diagnosed with hypertensive disease, do not change their lifestyle. They muffled with pills headache and other symptoms, but do not pay attention to the elimination of risk factors. Such behavior often leads to a heart attack or stroke before retirement.

Diet with hypertension

  1. Degreased products overloaded with carbohydrates are not beneficial, but harm. They exacerbate insulin resistance - the most frequent cause Hypertension.
  2. Many products that are traditionally considered healthy are actually harmful. Products made of solid grain contain gluten, and fruits and berries - fructose.
  3. Patients do not want to endure constant hunger, even under the fear of death from a heart attack or stroke. They break off from diet, and the consequences of this catastrophic.

Gluten is a protein that is contained in wheat products. His intolerance is a problem of 50-70% of people. Symptoms are frequent abdominal pain, meteorism, chronic diarrhea or constipation, joint pain, problems with concentration of attention, leather, then appreciate whether you will feel better.

Fructose, which is contained in fruits and berries, slows down slimming and enhances obesity. People who are overweight, rich in fructose products bring more harm than good. Instead of eat fruit, you can get required vitamins from greenery and vegetables that contain minimum carbohydrates.

For reasons mentioned above, the site website recommends when hypertension, go to. Explore. The low-carbohydrate diet helps the sick hypertension of a fat and slender physique, but not thin. After 2-3 days, the level of insulin in the blood is normalized, the body will get rid of the extra liquid and the pressure will decrease. The diet does not require calorie limit, do not have to experience chronic hunger.

Replace in your nutrition carbohydrates for proteins and useful natural fats. In addition, it is necessary to limit the salt - no more than 2-3 grams per day. Take into account the salt, which has already been added to dishes when cooking. Be a sober or consume alcohol moderately - in terms of pure alcohol not more than 24 g per day for men and 12 g for women. Choose alcoholic beverages that do not contain sugars.

What medications are prescribed

Medicines from hypertensive diseases need to start taking immediately if you have a pressure of 160/100 mm RT. Art. or higher. Because the risk of heart attack or stroke is too high, one only to the transition to a healthy lifestyle is not to do. In the arterial pressure of 140 / 90-160 / 100 mm RT. Art. Doctors prescribe medications if the patient has other risk factors except hypertension. For example, diabetes or kidney disease.

Hypertension drugs

Group of drugs Description Side effects
Diuretic drugs These drugs are also called diuretics. Tiazide (hydrochlorothiazide) or loop (furosemid, thoramisid) diuretic drugs are prescribed. The first is weaker, the second is stronger. The drug Indapamide (arithon) is a thiazid-like diuretic, but actually used as a vasodilator. Create a shortage of vitamins and microelements in the body, which may be weakness, dizziness. Increase the risk of diabetes and gout. A patient who takes diuretics may need to go to the toilet more often.
Beta blockers Adrenaline and some other hormones "accelerate" the heart. Beta blockers - medicines weakening these hormones. They reduce the pulse and the volume of blood that pumps the heart. Reduce the risk of re-infarction. Nebivolol (fell) - beta blocker, which has an additional vasodilatory action. Weakness, low pulse, impaired portability of physical exertion. Obsolete beta blockers harmful effect on metabolism, reduce male potency. New drugs such side effects do not cause.
APF inhibitors These drugs block the production of angiotensin-II - substance that squeezes the walls blood vessels. Thanks to this action, the vessels relax, the lumen in them expands, the blood current is improved. ACE inhibitors lower the risk of first and re-infarction, the development of renal failure is inhibited. Call an intolerable dry cough in 10-20% of patients. Do not adversely affect the metabolism. Do not worsen male potency.
Angiotensin-II receptor blockers Preparations that act as well as ACE inhibitors, but do not cause dry cough. Perhaps they are a little weaker. They are often prescribed in the intolerance of ACE inhibitors. These are newer medicines, they cost more. Side effects - no more often than from reception placebo.
Calcium antagonists Relax the walls of blood vessels, improve blood flow. Some calcium antagonists reduce the pulse, others - no. Another name of the drugs of this group is calcium channel blockers. They reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. A frequent side effect - swelling on the legs, as well as rash. Some calcium antagonists (verapamil, diltiazem) are not combined with beta blockers. Take them together dangerous. Specify this by a doctor who prescribes you a medicine.

Diuretic drugs are prescribed most often and first. Check out the video about these tablets from the famous Dr. Helena Malysheva. Find out what features of their reception, with what products they do not combine, what the doctor needs to be asked.

Read also detailed articles:

  • Beta blockers (find out what new, and what outdated)

There are other medicines that are prescribed less often because they often cause side effects or addictive. These are alpha adrenoblastors, aldosterone antagonists, drugs central action. Their detailed consideration is beyond the scope of this article.

See also:

  • What are the medicines from hypertension - find out how the doctor chooses which drug to be appointed, depending on the situation of the patient.
  • List of medicines from hypertension - trade names and actors.

Most patients need to take 2-3 drugs at the same time to reduce blood pressure at least up to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Therefore, since the 2000s, medications became popular, which contain 2-3 actors in one tablet. Patients willingly take them, because it is convenient and efficient. Read from hypertension.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs

Treatment of hypertension without drugs is to lead a healthy lifestyle and take natural additives. Many patients manage to keep normal pressure without "chemical" tablets. To do this, you need to abandon bad habits, and instead of them to develop useful. It is more troublesome than taking medicines.

Natural Supplements Lowering Arterial Pressure

Magnesium Magnesium deficiency in the body is the second in frequency of the cause of hypertension, after insulin resistance among obese people. Taking magnesium tablets quickly and significantly improves health. This mineral not only reduces blood pressure, but also normalizes sleep, soothes the nerves, stabilizes the heart rate.
Taurin Taurine is a natural substance that has a soft diuretic effect and relieves swelling. It does not worsen the metabolism, in contrast to diuretic drugs. Taurine well complements magnesium in the treatment of hypertension. It also slightly increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. This is useful in diabetes and obesity.
Coenzyme Q10. Reception Coenzyme Q10 lowers blood pressure on 4-11 mm Hg. Art. This tool complements the rest of the medicines and supplements from hypertension, improves the heart of the heart and gives cheerfulness. Coenzyme Q10 is the main natural preparation in cardiovascular diseases, especially with heart failure.
Hawthorn Hawthorn extract improves blood flow in peripheral vessels of small diameter. It reduces the production of angiotensin-II, as well as medicines from hypertension, although it acts much weaker. It is useful to take a hawthorn with angina (bounty of chest pain) and heart failure.
Garlic Garlic dilutes blood and relaxes blood vessels almost just like medicines - ACE inhibitors. To get a good effect with hypertension, you need to take it a stable dose daily. This will help garlic extract in capsules. However, he can irritate the stomach as well as natural garlic.
Fish fat Fish fat is not a major means of hypertension, but still an important additive. Omega fatty acids are poorly reduced by blood pressure, but significantly reduce the risk of first and re-infarction, as well as mortality from all reasons. Eat fatty seabed 2-3 times a week or take fish fat in capsules.

Read details:

The most sensational was the study of Hyvet (Hypertension In The Very Elderly Trial), the results of which were published in 2008. It turned out that it was possible to appoint medicines from hypertension and even people over 80 years old. Moreover, pressure pills are useful to patients aged 65-80 years. The relevance of this question is high, because among the elderly at least 2/3 or even 3/4 suffer from hypertension.

Frequent problems of treating hypertension in older people

Problem Methods Solutions
The effect of white robe - pressure rises in a medical institution or at the sight of a doctor Buy home tonometer, regularly measure the pressure of the house in a relaxed atmosphere
Dizziness or fainting when you get up from the sitting position and lying The patient must be learned to get up slowly, slowly. Also need to reduce dosages of drugs from hypertension.
Reception of drugs from pressure helps not enough Make sure the patient really takes the prescribed medicines, the relative is controlled. Medicines - Nitrates of extended action, Spironolactone. In severe cases, renal denervation operation (sympathetic ablation).

Elderly patients with hypertension have an increased risk of side effects from drug intake. Because they are often weakened by the kidney, as well as other concomitant diseases. Standard recommendation to older people - to start receiving medications from half a dose, and then gradually increase it. Some medicines from hypertension are well suited to the elderly patients, others - no. Doctors know what medicines are recommended to use.

Elderly, it is advisable to take in addition to medicines from hypertension. With age, the production of this substance in the body falls. Its deficiency aggravates the flow of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Hypertension in older people has a feature: often there is an increased systolic "upper" pressure, and the diastolic "lower" is normal or does not exceed 90 mm Hg. Art. This is called insulated systolic hypertension. It is important that the medicine that will take the patient does not too much decreased diastolic pressure. Doctors know which drugs are well suited in such cases. It can be expected that competent treatment will reduce the risk of heart attack by 20%, and stroke and heart failure - by 35%.


Prevention of hypertensive disease is to control risk factors. And the older the person becomes, the more attention needs to be given a healthy lifestyle. Forces and time that previously went to build a career and material wealth, you need to redirect to maintain health.

Preventive actions:

  • consume salts no more than 2-3 g per day, even healthy people;
  • physical education 5-6 times a week - at least walking, and if health allows, then running a coward;
  • consume alcohol moderately - in terms of pure alcohol not more than 24 g per day for men and 12 g for women;
  • increase the share of plant food - green vegetables that are in.

It is necessary to strive to lose weight and stably maintain normal weight. However, today there has not yet been invented a way to guarantee this purpose. However, preventive actions Even people who have overweight or clinical obesity are reliably protected from hypertension.

The complications of hypertension suffer mostly people who do not know that they have increased pressure and therefore do not be treated. At the national health level, the prevention is to regularly measure the pressure to all adults. Who will be elevated - to send to the doctor, assign treatment. This is called screening surveys. It is desirable to cover them as a larger% of the adult population.


Hypertension is a chronic disease that needs to be treated daily. This is not the problem from those that can be solved once and forget. The diagnosis of hypertensive disease is not removed until the end of life, even if a person is well holding its blood pressure under control. If you have incentives to live longer, then diligently lead a healthy lifestyle.

Take medicine daily Do not refuse to receive tablets Self, even if there are side effects that you can endure. Go to the doctor and ask him to replace drugs that cause side effects. If blood pressure is too low - it helps a reduction in the dose.
Visit the doctor regularly It is necessary to take tests and surveys once a few months to assess the effectiveness of treatment. Try to find a doctor who knows how to combine "chemical" medicines and natural additives - magnesium, coenzyme Q10, fish oil and others.
Generate healthy habits Diet with hypertension, physical activity, unloading of smoking, restriction of alcohol consumption - all this is described in detail above.
Control stress Avoid overloads, hurry and conflict situations. Learn to think positively. We produce optimism and patience. Find like-minded people who also lead a healthy lifestyle, and more often communicate with them.

If hypertensive disease does not cause symptoms, then a healthy lifestyle daily and refuse temptations can be difficult. To strengthen your motivation, once again we will list complications that cause uncontrollable hypertension. This is a heart attack, stroke, less often - renal failure or blindness. Observing a healthy mode, you can be guaranteed to avoid cardiovascular diseases to deep old age, even if it does not work out to normalize body weight.

Hypertonic disease (GB), or essential arterial hypertension (AG; both term have an equal value) - one of the most widespread diseases of the cardiovascular system, which is detected in 25-30% of the adult population of industrialized countries. Epidemiological studies conducted in Russia in the last 20 years also indicate a great prevalence of GB. Thus, according to the representative sample, the prevalence of AG (Hep\u003e 140/90 mm Hg) among men amounted to 39.2%, and among women - 41.1%. With age, the frequency aga increases, while under the age of 40, it is higher in men, and after 50 years - in women.

The main goal of treating GB is the maximum degree of reduction in the overall risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. System medical events It consists of non-drug and drug impact methods. Non-drug (neurmacological) methods include the effect on modifiable risk factors, which include smoking, high cholesterol, violation of carbohydrate tolerance, diabetes, excess body weight; In recent years, hyperuricemia also add to these factors.


reducing body weight;
restriction of consumption of cook salt;
individual dosage exercise;
refusal of smoking tobacco and alcohol consumption;
organization of healthy life, recreation and normal work with the exception of factors trauming the mental sphere; Normalization of sleep.

In addition to the risk factors, the GB is also distinguished by the defeat of target organs and the so-called associated clinical conditions (in essence complications of GB).

Taking into account these factors, the degree of risk is stratified (in relation to the prediction of a particular patient), which in turn affects the beginning of drug therapy and its intensity

Low risk means that the probability of development brain stroke or acute myocardial infarction (for 10 years) is less than 4%, the average risk is within 4-5%, high - from 5 to 8%, a very high risk - 8% and higher (on the Score scale).

The higher the absolute risk more important It has the achievement of the target level of blood pressure (, if necessary, treatment is assigned over other risk factors (statins in dyslipidemia, sugar-insulating drugs - with diabetes or impaired tolerance to carbohydrates, with excess body weight - means that reduce body weight).

Only after the risk stratification, a particular patient should make a decision on the appointment of medicines, guided by the following rules.

Very tall and high risk - it is necessary to immediately begin medication therapy.
The average risk is shown to monitor blood pressure and risk factors for 3-6 months, and 2 situations are possible:
1) If the non-drug impacts provide a reduction in CAC to 2) at the garden level? 140 mm Hg.st. or DDA ≥ 90 mm Hg.st. Medical therapy begin.
Low risk - Active observation of blood pressure and risk levels for 6-12 months is recommended, and 2 situations are possible:
1) If the garden is ≥ 150 mm Hg.st. or DDA ≥ 90 mm Hg, you should begin with drug therapy;
2) if the garden becomes
When choosing a medicinal product, take into account:

the cost of treatment and the associated accessibility of drugs;
this patient has the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases;
the presence of lesions of target organs, clinical manifestations cardiovascular diseases, kidney lesions, diabetes;
availability of other concomitant diseases that may affect the effectiveness of treatment;
individual reactions of the patient for drugs of various classes;
the probability of interaction with drugs that the patient takes on other reasons.
Recommendations for drug therapy are based on the analysis of the proof of the appointment of antihypertensive therapy obtained during large randomized studies with rigid endpoints (fatal and non-informal events) and the comparative effectiveness of various classes. This approach is the most appropriate.

Antihypertensive preparations currently used to treat GB are classified as follows.

Central action preparations are stimulants of I1-imidazoline receptors (Moxonidine, Rilmenidin).
Preparations affecting the receptor machine:
b) Blocators α1-adrenoreceptors (prazosin, doxazozin);
c) Blockers β1-adrenoreceptors (metoprolol, betaxolol, nebivolol, bisoprolol).

Calcium channel blockers cell membrane (Nifedipine, Felodipine, Amlodipine, Lazidipin, Verapamil, Diltiazem).
Diuretics (thiazids and their analogues, loop diuretics, potassium-saving drugs).
Inhibitors of angiotensin gluttering enzyme (IAPF) - Enalapril, Lisinopril, Ramipril, Trandolapril, Perindopril, Muelxipril, Fozinopril, Quinapril.
Receptor blockers to angiotensule (at) II - Lozartan, Valsartan, Irbesartan, Kandesartan, Telmisarthane.
When appropriate antihypertensive agents, the patient clarify the need for their admission for many years or throughout life; Intermittent therapy is unacceptable. Even with a decreasing decrease in blood pressure, it is necessary to take smaller doses medicinal preparations (Supporting therapy).

There are a number of antihypertensive therapy rules:

Hell should be reduced gradually, but to normal (combined treatment has an advantage over monotherapy, as it allows to use smaller doses of drugs and thus reduce the possible side effect;
do not change the treatment regimen without much necessity;
it is necessary to use long-term preparations (retalities) with a reception 1 or (maximum) 2 times a day;
the dose of the drug (preparations) during the treatment may vary.

With antihypertensive therapy, the preparations of the 1st row (appointed at the beginning of treatment) are almost all of the above groups (with the exception of α1-adrenoblockers).

With prolonged reception, these drugs should not disturb the carbohydrate, lipid and purin exchange (remain metabolically neutral), delay the fluid in the body, provoke a ricoce hypertension, cause pathological orthostatic hypotension, to coal the activity of the CNS.

So, young patients, especially in the presence of signs of hypersympathichotonia (tachycardia, high heart rate), as well as patients of older age, in the presence of angina attacks, it should be prescribed by selective β1-adrenobloclars of long-acting - metoprolol (at a dose of 50-200 mg / day), nebivolol (5-10 mg / day), betaxolol (10-40 mg / day), bisoprolol (5-10 mg / day). With a tendency to bradycardia, an insufficient effect or poor tolerability of β1-adrenobloclockers, calcium antagonists are prescribed - amlodipine, felodipine (at a dose of 5-10 mg / day in 1-2 receptions), NEFINPIN GITS (10-20 mg / day), isoptin -SR 240 (240-480 mg in 1-2 reception).

It should be noted that the blockade of β1-adrenoreceptors can lead to activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (plasma and tissue), which causes the delay in sodium and water. Therefore, simultaneously with β1-adrenobloclars (or calcium antagonists with a side effect in the form of edema or legs) are prescribed in small doses of diuretic drugs - hydrochlorostiazide (12.5 mg daily, less often - 25 mg) or thiazid-like Diuretik Indapamide Retard (ArIste) in Dose of 1.5 mg.

With the ineffectiveness of β1-adrenobloclockers or calcium antagonists, as well as in the presence of hyperrophy of the left ventricle, the IAPF (ENALAPRIL - 2,5-20 mg / day, leasing - 10-30 mg / day, perindopril - 4 mg are prescribed as a base preparation. / SUT, TRANDOLAPRIL - 1.0-2 mg / day). At the same time it is advisable to add low doses of diuretic drugs. Essentially less often, receptor blockers to ATII - Lozartan (50-10 mg / day), Valsartan (40-160 mg / day), and agonists of I1-imidazoline receptors Moxonidine, Rilmenidin are used as a preparation of the 1st selection.

In case of insufficient effectiveness of the initial prescribed drug and the need to further increase the dose, 2 basic drugs should be used - β1-adrenobloclocator and calcium antagonist; IAPF and calcium antagonist. In all cases, it is necessary to prescribe small doses of diuretics (for example, hydrochlorostiazide - 12.5 mg or indapamide retard - 0.625-1.5 mg).

As already noted, with combination therapy, it is possible from the very beginning of treatment to use 2 drugs in small doses: for example, a combination of IAPF perindopril (2 mg) and a thiazid-like Diuretic Indapamide retard (0.625 mg). In case of insufficient efficiency of the low-dose combination, it increases its components (full-term combination). Possible combination of calcium antagonist (dihydropyridine) and β-adrenobloclator (for example, Felodipine 5-10 mg and metoprolol 25-50mg). There are many such combined drugs.

The combination of 2-3 drugs is justified due to the effect of escaping, when the complete dose of the drug is not enough for a hypotensive effect or with undoubted efficiency, treatment is accompanied by side effects. Probably the escape effect is due to the fact that the suppression of one pressing mechanism leads to the activation of the other. Therefore, monotherapy is currently applied more and more easily, giving way to combined schemes.

In accordance with international and domestic treatment guidelines, the following combinations of antihypertensive drugs are used:

β-adrenoblocator + diuretik;
β-adrenoblocator + calcium antagonist;
β-adrenoblocator + α-blocker;
IAPF + Diuretik;
IAPF + calcium antagonist;
IAPF + α-blocker;
receptor blocker to at II + diuretik;
blocker receptors to at II + calcium antagonist.

The combination of GB with concomitant diseases requires a certain correction of the therapy: so, when combined with IBS, it is advisable as a base drug to prescribe an β1-adrenobloclocker, with diabetes mellitus - IAPF, with chronic heart failure - IAPF and a diuretic, with sufficiently valuable tachycardia - verapamil, with renal tachycardia Insufficiency - IAPF and loop diuretik (Furosemid, Ugit).

With bronchospastic reactions obliterating vessel lesions lower extremities and diabetes should not be used non-selective β-adrenoblars of the 1st generation (propranolol), as well as atenolol, however, a high-selective β1-generation β1-generation oscillators can be used, which have vazodilative properties due to the simultaneous induction of nitrogen oxide (nebivolol).

With a good effect of the IAPF, but the simultaneous development of side effects (dry cough) is recommended instead of the IAPF to assign a receptor blocker to at II - losartan (25-50 mg / day) or Valsartan (80-100 mg / day).

The doctor should not strive for a rapid decline in blood pressure, especially in elderly patients. With a low systemic blood pressure and severe headaches, the preparations of Barwinka (Devigan, Winnikon or VINNA) are shown. To improve blood circulation in the brain arterily basin, complimine (theronicic), Cavinton and other similar drugs are additionally used. With the tendency to the unpassed hesitation of blood pressure in old age (especially with orthostatic and postprandial ag), it is advisable to prescribe clonazhes (0.5-2 mg / day).

In the malignant flow of GB, combinations 3-4 drugs are used: β1-adrenoblocility + diuretics + IAPF; β1-adrenoblocator + diuretik + calcium antagonist.

In this situation, diuretic (for example, hydrochlorostiazide) should be applied daily or every other day (in large, than usual doses).

The failures in the treatment of GB can be associated both with the actions of the doctor himself and with the attitude of the patient for treatment. The reasons why adhere to the target level of blood pressure, as follows:

the presence of a secondary ag (independent disease, in which the AG is just one of the symptoms);
bad adherence to patient treatment (Table 4);
consumption of patients with drugs that increase blood pressure (sympathomimetics);
increased body weight;
continuing alcohol and smoking;
overload volume (inadequate diuretic therapy; increased consumption of table salt);
the patient does not follow the instructions of the doctor;
the treatment guide used by the doctor is too voluble, complicated and is unnecessary theoretical;
exaggeration by a doctor and patients possible side effects of treatment; incorrect conclusions when testing drugs;
inaccessibility for physicians test results (they are oriented only on advertising booklets).

The most typical mistakes of the doctor conducting antihypertensive therapy:

unjustified expectation of the rapid effect with the optimal dosage of the drug (there is a conclusion about the inefficiency of the drug);
lack of accounting of concomitant therapy (taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at a complete dose, taking sympathomimetic drugs);
the conclusion about the ineffectiveness of the entire class of antihypertensive drugs in the presence of minor side effects and the absence of rapid decrease in blood pressure;
striving for monotherapy (excluding possible effect slipping);
a frequent change of drugs during monotherapy (without adding a diuretic).

The lack of success of antihypertensive therapy may be due to the incorrect selection of the drug:

using short-range preparations for systematic treatment;
the use of non-selective β-adrenobloclars and β-adrenobloclars with internal sympathomimetic activity;
using suboptimal doses of a drug that reduce blood pressure, but not to the target level;
inadvertent concomitant diseases (gout, bronchial asthma, prostate adenomes, etc.);
the presence of patients with metabolic disorders (diabetes, dyslipidemia, increasing body weight);
the peculiarities of the patient (tendency to tachycardia or bradycardia, various ECG blockades);
lack of accounting by a doctor of the results of preceding treatment (the effectiveness of previously used drugs).
All of the above has the most direct attitude towards the ineffectiveness of the treatment of GB. According to the NTS of preventive medicine, among men, only 37.1% are aware of the presence of hyperthy, they are treated - 21.6%, but the target hell is achieved only 5.7%; A somewhat better situation in women: aware of the presence of AG - 58.9% is being treated - 45.7%, to achieve the target level of blood pressure, it is possible in 17.5% of patients. Adopted in the Russian Federation Anti-AG program is designed to correct this unfavorable situation.

Consider the most common preparations, pills and folk remedies that.

Treatment of hypertension drugs in children

Hypertension treatment with drugs is carried out in a combined scheme. She must take into account all pathological changes In the patient's body.

In children with therapy of hypertensive disease, the use of drugs of the following groups is rational:

  1. Blockers of adrenoreceptors;
  2. Angiotensipreshing enzyme inhibitors;
  3. Angiotensin receptor blockers;
  4. Diuretics atiazide;
  5. Calcium antagonists.

To choose optimal medicines for children when arterial hypertensionMany clinical studies have been carried out. Placebo controlled experiments showed high efficiency of control of hypertension inhibitors of angiotensipreshing enzyme. These drugs have a minimum number of side effects and effectively "knock down" pressure. Their mechanism of action lies in blocking the conversion of angiotensipreshing enzyme I in angiotensipreming enzyme II. Such drugs have renabulary (act on the kidneys), vasculo and cardiophrotective effect, which makes it possible to eliminate complications and contributes to the maintenance of blood pressure at the physiological level for a long time.

Advantages of ACE inhibitors:

  • No increase in uric acid;
  • Lipid profile does not change;
  • No change in glucose levels is not formed.

Due to these mechanisms of action, these drugs for arterial hypertension can be used as a monotherapy of the disease, which avoids complications in children.

They can be combined with other means. The only restriction for the use of ACE inhibitors is angioedema edema.

Side effects of angiotensipreshing enzyme inhibitors:

  1. Hepatotoxicity;
  2. Neutropenia;
  3. Sudden swelling of the face (angioedema);
  4. Reducing sodium and potassium blood;
  5. Cough.

Inhibitors of the type of angiothenzipreshing type 2 enzyme are the most popular drugs for the treatment of hypertension in children, but when they are used, the laboratory blood and urine laboratory indicators should be constantly monitored. If significant changes are expressed, the drugs should be refused and replace them with other analogues.

Treatment of hypertension Tablets

In adults, the treatment of hypertension with pills is also rational to start with an angiotensipreshing enzyme, but only with controlled hypertension. SAME popular means This group are the following: leasing, captopril, fozinopril, ramipril.

The pharmaceutical market has recently appeared new Class drugs called "Bra". These drugs are expressed not only an anti-hyper sympathetic effect, but also organic protection properties. The "Bra" reduces side effects in comparison with the inhibitors of the ACE of the previous generation. Against the background of their use does not appear cough. The medical literature describes a positive experience of treating hypertension with the following representatives of the Group:

  • Kandesartan;
  • Irbesartan;
  • Lozartan.

The application of "Bra" is not always justified. In some medical sources, it is described how to cure hypertension based on a combination of pharmaceutical agents, physical culture and physiotherapy. Such recommendations have the right to exist, since clinical researches They showed that people engaged in sports, the wall of the vessels reacts less to irritation and sympathetic impulses.

When the numbers of hypertension are high and traced in disorders of the heart, one of the most "old" drugs are used - beta-adrenoblays. They possess the following side effects:

  1. Atrioventricular blockade;
  2. Hyperglycemia;
  3. Bradycardia;
  4. Bronchospastic reactions;
  5. Worsening memory;
  6. Change potency.

To reduce the severity of negative effects, beta-adrenoblocators are better to combine with thiazide diuretics.

When it is impossible to treat hypertensive disease by adrenoblockers:

  • Diabetes;
  • Bronchorate;
  • Conductivity disorders;
  • Tahiaritimia.

The use of adrenoblockers allows to reduce pressure in a few hours, but to achieve a stable effect, tablets should be taken over 3 weeks. Due to the constancy of the action, regardless of the physical activity of man ( sports loads, work) Data Drugs are still popular.

When taking adrenoblockers, lipids should be controlled, blood glucose, as well as to track the functionality of the heart using electrocardiography. Tools such as atenolol, propranolol, bisoprol is used for a long time in medicine, so doctors have accumulated enough information about their positive and negative sides.

Calcium antagonists are also popular drugs. Their mechanism of action is to prevent calcium from entering into the cell, which allows to support vascular wall in a relaxed state.

The effect of these drugs leads to the expansion of coronary vessels ischemic Disease Hearts and angina. Drying influence medicines This group allows efficiently controlling diastolic and systolic pressure.

Side effects of calcium blockers:

  • Swelling of the leg;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Digestion disorders;
  • Frequent mood change.

Anti-metabolic syndrome (violation of metabolism of biochemical substances, narrowing aorta) is contraindicated.

Common representatives of a group of calcium inhibitors:

  1. Isradipine;
  2. Tiapamil;
  3. Amlodipine;
  4. Benzothiazepine;
  5. Verapamil;
  6. Nimodipine.

When using calcium blockers, the frequency of heart abbreviations and muscle tone should be monitored, since on the background of the dilatation there may be a violation of brain blood supply and hypoxium of the brain.

Diuretics are medicinal products that increased urinating due to reverse absorption of water and sodium. To avoid dehydration, the water and salt balance should be monitored and the fluid level in the body. When using drugs, intense loss of fluid occurs, and the potassium level is reduced.

It should be used with caution to apply drugs so that there is no serious hypokalemia. Potassium is necessary for the work of the heart and muscular system. The most common diuretics for the treatment of hypertension: Indapamide, chlorotalidone, hydrochlorosticid.

The use of the above-described drugs as a monotherapy in arterial hypertension does not always allow steady control of the figures of blood pressure. In such a situation, combinations of the above-described drugs are recommended.

Schemes and dosages select a doctor depending on the stage and severity of hypertension. The most successful are the combinations of the adrenoblor with diuretics, angiotensipreshing enzyme inhibitors and calcium blockers, ACE inhibitors and a diuretic.

Unstable hypertension, how to treat hypertensive crisis

If a person has unstable hypertension, periodically pressure increases sharply (hypertensive crisis). Against the background of the state, the following clinical symptoms are traced:

  • Sharp pain in the head;
  • Impairment;
  • Over 150/95 mm. RT. st.;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Loss of vision;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Facial redness.

Armed pressure lifts require therapeutic intervention, which involves the use of several antihypertensive agents at the same time.

Hypotensive means for intakes are rationally to be used to relieve hypertensive crises only when it is necessary to gradually reduce the pressure when the disease is not accompanied by complications.

Medicinal preparations for the relief of hypertensive crisis:

  • Captive at 10-50 mg inside. The duration of the means continues until 5 hours;
  • Nifedipine is accepted under the tongue. The duration of the means is about 5 hours.
  • Beta-adrenoblays (atenolol, esmolol) is used in hypertension to normalize the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. They are used when the lifting of blood pressure is combined with a decrease in the frequency of heart cuts;
  • Vasodilators (sodium nitroprusside, hydralazine);
  • Diuretics (Furosemide).

The hypotensive effect in the treatment of sodium nitroprusside arises due to blocking nitrogen oxide in the vessel wall, which leads to the proximation of the artery.

Furosemide with a hypertensive crisis is prescribed intravenously at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram of weight. The dosage of the drug by decision of the doctor can be increased to 12 mg per kilogram per day.

Treatment of hypertension by folk remedies

Treatment of hypertension folk remedies It is carried out only in combination with drugs. Vegetable herbs and infusions can be applied at the disease prevention phase.

Popular folk recipes for the treatment of hypertension:

  1. Black currant and strawberries in combination with honey and beets can be taken on a tablespoon 4 times daily;
  2. The leaf teaspoon lingonberry is diluted with 2 glasses of water, and is boiled 15 minutes. The solution should be served during the day;
  3. A spoon of dried berries lingonberries poured a glass of boiling water. It follows the solution to boil and drink 3 times a day at 0.5 glasses;
  4. For long-term therapy of hypertension, it is necessary to drink the next solution daily: a glass of beets, horseradish and carrots in combination with lemon and a spoon of honey to straighten into a single mixture. Take the mixture you need 1 tablespoon 2 times daily;
  5. On the initial stages Arterial hypertension needs to grasp 1 lemon and orange along with the skin. It should be mixed with sugar. Take a solution of 1 teaspoon 2 times daily for 4 weeks;
  6. The decoction of black currant (2 spoons of fruit in 1 glasses of boiling water) need to drink on a glass 4 times a day;
  7. The level of blood pressure helps the infusion of the Zverkoy, which you need to drink 3 times daily.

There are other folk recipes that can be used to treat hypertension, but their application should be coordinated with the doctor.

Hypertension treatment without drugs: Modern methods

To find out how to treat hypertensive disease without drugs, lecturers of the Smolensk Institute with the Department of Physiology conducted a study. They checked the effectiveness of the use of physical culture to normalize the pressure level.

In some foreign sources, it is described that in practice, doctors have observed a positive effect in control of hypertension in people who are engaged in sports. To test the positive effect of the jogging on the state of blood vessels and hearts, people were selected from the second and 3 degree of arterial hypertension.

The validity of the experiments is explained by the fact that there are special in the muscles. chemical compoundsthat affect the tone of the vessels. After intensive physical activity, their accumulation can be observed in muscles, which leads to a resistant spasm of the vessels. To remove Paralysis, you should make daily jogging in the subject of the disease.

As a result of research, the lecturers of the Smolensk Institute managed to develop a medical program for pressure normalization using physical education. It suggests the following principles:

  1. In the first stage, the cycle of physical treatment excludes accelerated walking, driving a bicycle. These procedures should not be performed more than 30 minutes. They contribute to the improvement of muscle blood supply and removal of toxins from muscular fabric. The duration of driving and walking can be increased to 20 minutes over 3 weeks;
  2. On features pathological process It also affects blood pressure, so in the second stage with increasing intensity exercise Hypertension numbers should be taken into account. With 1 degree, you can combine swimming, riding a bike and jogging a coward. Gradually, physical education with hypertension is complemented by a complex, which includes walking on skis, swimming, as well as cyclic gymnastics to improve the working cardiovascular system;
  3. With 3 degrees of arterial hypertension, physical exercises are contraindicated. You can not use them against the background of a hypertensive crisis.

An essential addition of physical exercises is the development of the endurance of the mental sphere and the adaptation of mental functions to the action of stressful situations. For these purposes required psychological trainings. In any case, it should be consulted about the possibility and tactics of the treatment of arterial hypertension with a doctor. The specialist should evaluate not only the degree of hypertension and reveal how to treat the disease, but also to determine concomitant pathologyaffecting the severity of pathology.

The above-described methods for treating arterial hypertension without drugs are quite complex, but allow us to normalize arterial pressure indicators. In any case, medicinal therapy is better to combine with other methods to achieve persistent blood pressure numbers.

How to treat physiotherapy hypertension

It is possible to treat hypertension and physiotherapy. When exposed to the body of the UHF field, a pressure decrease is traced, brake systems occur in the central nervous system, the vascular permeability decreases.

When exposed to UHF on solar plexus, braking nervous excitability arises, which leads to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the vessels. They expand, therefore the pressure is reduced. When performing a procedure, you should position the condenser plates in the zone and abdomen area.

With 2 degrees of the disease, physiotherapy is more efficiently used in combination with drug procedures and means. If, on the background of therapy, there is an insufficient decline in blood pressure, then the following medicines (diabazole, reserpine, serpasil) have to be included in the therapy complex.

How to treat hypertension by electroplating currents

It is possible to treat hypertension and galvanic currents. If they are used in small dosages, then stimulate the functionality of the sympathetic system. In hospitals, electroplating currents are successfully combined with adrenaline electrophoresis according to the Vermel method (the solution of adrenaline on gaskets at current density for 10 minutes 1 time in 3 days).

There are positive data on the use of potassium-electrophoresis according to the vermel method with hypertension of 2 degrees. Against the background of the procedure, a decrease in potassium concentration and sodium in the blood can be traced. Such symptoms arise against the background of improving the mineralocorticoid function of the adrenal cortex. The number of procedures is 5 per course of treatment. During this time, the pressure should normal. If the effectiveness of treatment is reduced, then throughout this period, hypertension control will not be observed. In such a situation, additional correction of the state of antihypertensive drugs is necessary.

Another physiotherapeutic study used in hypertension - inductothermia of the lumbar region. At a current of 120-130 amps, it is possible to achieve a relaxation of a smooth musculature around the vessels. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Such treatment is effective at 1 and 2 degrees of the disease, when there is no violation of the function of the cardiovascular system.

Industothermia should not be used to patients with detected atherosclerosis and blood supply disorders in the heart muscle. The procedure and patients with the pathology of the blood coagulation system are not recommended.

For all stages of hypertension, the positive effect on human health has hydraulic aerosionization and oxygen therapy. Under the influence of this therapy, the tone of the central nervous system is restored and the state of the vasomotor device is normalized. Aerioons contribute to improved sleep and eliminate neurosis.

Essential hypertension how to treat

- primary form of an increase in blood pressure. To treat it, you should follow the above WHO scheme.

At the Russian congress of cardiologists, which took place in 2005, experts discussed the rationality of treating arterial hypertension with agonists of H1-imidazoline receptors. They are included in the schemes of combined disease therapy in combination with the following drugs:

  • Calcium antagonists;
  • Alpha adrenoblocators;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • Beta adrenoblocators;
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers.

Cardiologists believe that the essential hypertest of 1 degree should be treated by mono components. In practice, the effectiveness of such therapy reaches 60%. In 40% of patients there are secondary complications, which requires the use of symptomatic preparations in combination with antihypertensive means.

Patients with diabetes and increase pressure are recommended to take 2-3 drugs simultaneously, which will support heart activities and the tone of vessels. They are combined with basic therapy of essential hypertension. To cure hypertension, you need to carefully select dosages of drugs. With rationally purpose minimum dose and constant monitoring of human condition. If complications are not observed, the scheme is saved. Upon exceeding threshold values \u200b\u200bof blood pressure, an efficient dosage should be raised.

On practice best Effect In the treatment of hypertension is achieved with the combined appointment of antihypertensive agents. Classic combination of medicines from hypertensive disease:

  • ACE and diuretics inhibitors;
  • Bra + diuretics;
  • Calcium and shed antagonists;
  • ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists;
  • Diuretics and beta blockers.

According to statistics in the world with the most common means for the treatment of essential hypertension are calcium antagonists. Their use allows you to cure hypertension in 35% of patients. The rest of the patients, these funds are prescribed to maintain persistent pressure numbers at the physiological level as part of mono or combined therapy.

How to cure hypertension at home

To cure pressure at home, antihypertensive preparations appointed by the doctor should be taken. Together with them recommended the following procedures:

  1. Refusal of alcoholic beverages;
  2. Diet with limitation of fats and cook salt;
  3. Moderate physical exertion;
  4. Physiotherapy;
  5. Autotraining;
  6. Electroscone;
  7. Acupuncture.

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco increase the tone of the vessels and contribute to an increase in blood pressure numbers. Salt Increases the volume of fluid in vessels. In obesity, atherosclerotic plaques are formed in vessels. If you want to cure hypertension forever, you should refuse bad habits and limit the consumption of harmful substances.

Remember that you can achieve a positive antihypertensive effect at home only when combined folk recipes with drugs. Any procedures for enhanced pressure therapy must be consistent with the doctor!

Hypertensive disease is characterized persistent increased pressureremaining for a long time. This chronic disease is independent, that is, high pressure is in no way connected with other pathologies. It is believed that it is completely not to get rid of it, but can be controlled. For this it is necessary to treat hypertensive disease. Do not allow exacerbations and complications.

Basic principles of treatment

Modern treatment of hypertensive disease depends on the stage of the disease. As is well known, it is isolated a soft, moderate form at which the blood pressure is unstable, can range from 140/90 to 179/114. At the same time, organs and central nervous system Not amazed. With severe forms, pressure can be in the range from 180/115 to 300/129, there are pathological changes in the heart, brain vessels, a retina, in the kidneys.

The purpose of treatment is a decrease in pressure to avoid hypertensive crises and complications. With hypertension, it is necessary not only to take drugs, but to lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits. At all stages of hypertension from the patient, the following actions will be required:

  1. Comply with a diet that includes products with high content Potassium, magnesium. It is necessary to reduce or eliminate the consumption of salt.
  2. Follow the weight, try not to gain extra kilograms, and if they are - get rid of.
  3. Completely end with such a delicate habit as smoking. It is advisable to be from the use of alcohol or limit its quantity.
  4. Engage in sports and physical education. It is useful to swim, make hiking.

In hypertension, hypotensive drugs are prescribed: diuretic, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, sedatives. All medicines are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account many factors: the level of increase in pressure, the presence of concomitant diseases, the defeat of target organs.

The objectives of the treatment of hypertensive disease are divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term:

  • Short-term: reduce pressure to such a level, which is well tolerated by patients.
  • Medium-term: prevent targeting lesions.
  • Long-term: prevention of complications of hypertensive disease and the extension of the patient's life.

Treatment of soft and moderate hypertension

Such a form suffers most of hypertensive - up to 70%. Soft hypertension can have complications in violations brain circulation. In addition, lethal outcomes on the background of hypertensive disease can occur even at a pressure of 140/90. In the case of soft and moderate hypertension, the treatment scheme in three stages is used.

Changing the diet for hypertension can lead to a decrease in pressure without drugs

Non-media treatment

With moderate hypertension, about 50% of patients can control pressure without drugs. Non-drug treatment includes the following actions:

  • low salt diet and without fatty products;
  • rejection of tobacco and alcohol;
  • phytotherapy;
  • autotraining;
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • electroson.

In the presence of aggravating factors in history, drugs can be prescribed. The agricultural factors include hypertensive crises, sharp pressure jumps, atherosclerosis, cases of malignant hypertension in parents, left ventricular hypertrophy, the death of close relatives from cardiovascular pathologies.

Non-drug treatment and one drug

The use of medicines should be started, if after three to four months after passing the first stage of treatment, there was no resistant pressure reduction or the disease moved to a more severe stage.

Concerning non-drug therapy, It is necessary to follow the same treatment standard as the first stage. But, in addition, the doctor prescribes one drug to reduce pressure in the minimum dosage. Very important right choice Medication and continuous reception. It is necessary to take into account all contraindications and the ability to adjust the risk factors associated with the disease.

At first, doctors, as a rule, discharge drugs that satisfy a number of requirements for long-term use:

  • do not delay the fluid in the body;
  • do not oppress the work of the CNS;
  • do not lead to sharp pressure drops after their cancellation;
  • do not violate the exchange of fats and carbohydrates;

It is impossible to drastically stop the reception of drugs with hypertension, since this can lead to complications in the form of stroke, infarction.

The positive result of the treatment is considered to achieve normal or border pressure, and with pronounced hypertension it should be reduced by 15% of the initial one. The number of daily fluctuations should also decrease, the cardiac output should be reduced, the left ventricular hypertrophy should be reverse.

Changing lifestyle and combination of medicines

It is preferable to remain at the previous stages of treatment, which all doctors seek. The third stage is transmitted if the dose of the drug does not increase the pressure reduction. Then prescribe drugs from another group or two from different groups immediately. The following combinations are used:

  • calcium antagonist and beta-adrenoblocator;
  • diuretik and beta adrenoblocator;
  • aCF inhibitor and beta-adrenoblocator;
  • calcium antagonist and an ACE inhibitor;
  • diuretik and an ACF inhibitor.

If it is impossible to achieve a positive result with two drugs, add the third one. Be sure to adhere to the above-described nutrition guidelines, physical Loads, attitude to K. harmful habits. Only adhering to this principle of treating throughout life, you can keep a hypertensive disease under control.

Treatment of severe hypertension

Malignant hypertension is characterized not only by a significant increase in blood pressure, but also a serious lesion of target organs: brain vessels and the eye dna, kidneys, hearts.

With heavy forms of hypertension required comprehensive treatment drugs

In the severe form of hypertension, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is not allowed due to the possible deterioration of blood supply to organs, as well as possible hazardous complications. The pressure decreases gradually, first by 15% of the initial one. Then, depending on the well-being, it can be brought to the norm.

In these cases, drug treatment of hypertensive disease is required by several means from different groups. Apply combinations of three or four drugs to reduce pressure:

  • diuretik, beta adrenoblocator, ACE inhibitor;
  • aCE inhibitor, calcium antagonist, diuretik, alpha adrenoblocator;
  • beta adrenoblocator, calcium antagonist, diuretik, alpha adrenoblocator.

In the presence of a sick renal, cardiac, coronary insufficiency requires them symptomatic treatment. In some cases, surgical intervention is carried out. As a result of treatment, it is necessary to achieve the following results:

  • reduction of blood pressure by 25%;
  • improvement of vision and state of the eye dna;
  • disappearance of signs of encephalopathy hypertensive;
  • improved kidney work.

When reached positive results, it should be continued to take appointed hypotensive drugs, see the doctor once every three months so that he could adjust the treatment if necessary. In addition, you need to keep a diary, which is recorded daily to record pressure indicators.

How to take drugs?

  1. Take the medicine best one hour before meals or two after it is ensured by the most fast action. This is due to the fact that suction takes place in the intestine.
  2. Protein food reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. If the reception of the medication occurs during meals, it should be warm for better evacuation.
  4. Preparations should be poisoned boiled water (about 100 ml).

The lifestyle of a patient with hypertensive disease

To live as long as possible and that the quality of life does not deteriorate, all patients with hypertension must adhere to a certain way of life constantly:

  1. To make a diet of baking sheet, try not to use salt at all, but to replace it with spices from herbs.
  2. Part with smoking forever.
  3. Monitor weight and not dial.
  4. There are less protein food, focus on fruits, vegetables, greens, products rich in potassium. Refuse fat and acute.
  5. Do physical education.
  6. Regularly measure pressure.
  7. Try not to be nervous, sleep at night and at least 7 hours.
  8. Do not miss the reception of medicines, visit the doctor, do not engage in self-medication.