Homemade hookah charcoal. Tips for a beginner: how to light a coal for a hookah. What can replace coal for making hookah. Charcoal for hookah

The correctness of the hookah smoking procedure and getting the maximum pleasure from it directly depend on the preliminary preparation of all its components. And the first thing you should pay attention to is coals for hookah. Their prices are low and about the same in all stores. On average, it ranges from 90-100 rubles. for 1 pack.

Immediately it is worth considering: what kind of coal is best to choose for a hookah? It's easy to get confused with the many options available in stores. Real connoisseurs most often choose special ones for hookah, the price of which is quite affordable - from 200 rubles. for 1 kg. Its main difference lies in the unique and very pleasant aroma, which allows you to fully reveal the taste of tobacco. Fans of experimenting with smoking also often try to combine different types coal and tobacco, achieving the creation of an original flavor duo. So if you are thinking about which charcoal is better for a hookah, remember first about charcoal.

The main types of coal for smoking hookah

There are several basic options, each of which is suitable for smoking and has its own characteristics. And here it is already quite difficult to decide for 100% which coal is better for a hookah.

  • Bamboo. It has a subtle and light aroma, which is to the liking of true connoisseurs of hookah. This option is very practical, since it can not be changed for a long time.
  • Coconut. Does not have a pronounced odor. Its main advantages are that it heats up quickly, and you can also not change it for a long time.
  • Tableted. The ideal solution for small ones It is easy to take with you, easy to use and the cheapest of all types of coal.

Also, all coal is divided into three main types, depending on the origin and method of use:

  • Woody is a natural charcoal that gives the smoke a pleasant aroma. You can use one type of wood, or mix different species with each other. It is usually customary to use lemon or It has many advantages: it does not smoke or emit bad smell and also retains heat for a long time. However, there are also some disadvantages. First, it takes longer for it to warm up properly. And secondly, it pollutes the bar: it starts to turn red inside, and gray ash forms on the outside.
  • Electric- the latest novelty, perfectly imitating the natural substance. It looks like a small pyramid, in the middle of which an incandescent spiral is installed - it is she who is responsible for heating the air. At the same time, both the advantage and the disadvantage of this option is the fact that this installation runs exclusively on electricity. On the one hand, it is convenient when smoking a hookah indoors - you do not need to bother with real coal, and on the other hand, you are always dependent on the availability of electricity, and you cannot take a hookah to nature.
  • Fast-burning- most convenient option. It burns on average 20-40 minutes. It looks like a regular tablet, the diameter is about 40 mm.

Which coal is better for hookah: what should be considered when buying?

  • It should not contain additional chemical additives - only a natural substance.
  • Must not emit odor or smoke.
  • Must maintain a constant temperature.

Choose natural charcoal

If you think about which coal is better for a hookah, then in all respects the indisputable superiority belongs to coconut. It is made from coconut shell. It does not contain sulfur and chemical additives. It can burn for a long time without emitting a specific smell, and is able to maintain a stable temperature.

If a coconut charcoal you do not, then choose wood. It is also a natural substance. For its production, wood is taken, from which all resins, acids and gases are burned. As a result, pure charcoal remains, which is used for hookah or barbecue.

How to replace coal for hookah?

Sometimes there are situations when everyone has already gathered to smoke a hookah, and suddenly it turns out that there is no natural coal at hand. Then the best option- take electric coal. It's even easier to use and you can always carry it with you. If there is no such device either, then there is nothing left but to use the most ordinary coal obtained in the process of kindling a fire. Then you need to first, of course, make a fire, and then carefully take the red-hot coal, cleaned of the remnants of natural wood, and put it in the bowl. It can slightly interrupt the smell of hookah, but you can easily do without special coal in case of emergency.

Be careful!

When lighting charcoal, always read the instructions beforehand. Each type of this substance has its own characteristics of use. Follow the recommendations - and then smoking will become a pleasant process, without problems and incidents. And, of course, remember that hookah tobacco and coal should be bought only in trusted stores. Nowadays, they often try to slip fakes instead of a natural substance, but such a nuisance can be easily avoided by simply carefully reading the information about the composition and other product data.

Hi all. Today I will tell you how you can make hookah charcoal with your own hands. I really like to smoke hookah and coal with tobacco leaves quite a lot. And they all cost money. So I wanted to make my own charcoal. In fact, here's what I got.

For the manufacture of coal, it is best to use fruit trees: cherry, apple, pear, plum. but others can be used, of course. I had an old plum in my garden and cut it down.

We get here such material for work.

And we begin to make blanks for coal. Simply put, we saw off more or less even pieces.

I tried to make sticks about 1 cm wide. So that later they flare up better.

When everything is sawn, we put the resulting blanks in a metal container. In my case, this is an old pot with thick walls.

The container must be covered with a lid. The lid should have a hole about half a centimeter in diameter and fit as tightly as possible. I took some old tin can, drilled a hole and tapped it with a hammer.

Now we need a fire. The fire should be lit evenly.

Since the pot has thick walls, the fire must be made large. If the walls are not very thick - optional. When the temperature inside the container reaches the desired level, smoke will come out of the hole in the lid, and then a trickle of fire. So we are doing everything right.

When the fire stops coming out of the hole, everything is ready. We wait until the fire burns out and transfer the resulting coals to another container.

These are such wonderful coals.

Let the coals cool down and settle a little. Then we fire them up. It is better to kindle longer, since this is not purchased coal and can go out very quickly. So do not be shy and keep on the stove as long as possible.

When the coals are hot, you can take them off and, in general, smoke a hookah. The smoke is the same as from purchased coal. But I repeat once again - burn the coal as long as possible so that it is completely red.

It is better to use a special autogenous burner or electric stove.

One of the most important components in preparing a hookah for smoking is coal. Coconut products are in the greatest demand these days. Woody hookah coal is gradually becoming a thing of the past due to a rather rapid burnout and reproduction of an abundance of ash. In our material, I would like to tell about the features of the production of coconut products, which have excellent properties for heating tobacco mixtures.

The specifics of the manufacture of coal for hookah

Most of the enterprises that manufacture coconut hookah charcoal are located in Indonesia. A logical question arises - why here? The answer is pretty simple. The fact is that in this region there is free access to a huge amount of suitable raw materials.

The basis of production is coconut shell. Ordinary wood is not used to avoid degrading the aroma of smoking blends. Coconut does not reproduce practically any foreign odors due to the high-quality drying of raw materials under the scorching sun.

The shell is divided into small pieces and subjected to heat treatment in special ovens. Raw materials are carefully screened from debris. Burnt pieces of coconut are placed in a kind of mixers. Here the future product is ground to a homogeneous mass. Adhesive compounds of an organic nature are added to the resulting powder.

The raw material is placed under the presses. Charcoal briquettes are formed. The use of various technological nozzles makes it possible to obtain products of individual dimensions and shapes at the output. Strips of coal mass of a certain format crawl out from under the presses. During the passage through the conveyor, the products are divided into parts.

This is followed by the procedure of bringing the coal to the condition. Briquettes are laid out in dry, well-ventilated areas. Defective samples are taken and sent to the scrap. Finished products are distributed into packages and sent to the market.

Thanks to this manufacturing process, really high-quality hookah coal is obtained, which quickly and evenly heats up throughout the site. The average burning time of coconut products is at least an hour. The heat temperature is at the optimum level for good heating of smoking mixtures and avoiding burning.

Making hookah charcoal with your own hands is quite realistic at home.
Many people think why make life difficult for yourself and do what you can freely buy ...
But I can assure you, smoking a hookah with hand-made coals is much more pleasant.

Doingunpressed coal:

Homemade is very simple. We will need to burn the wood, reducing the supply of oxygen to a minimum. Fruit species (cherry, plum, apricot) are considered the most suitable type of wood, although other species may be suitable.
We take the branches, free them from the bark, cut them into suitable bars for us. Next, we need an iron container (preferably an iron can with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, closed with an iron lid). For the release of gases, we will make a hole in the lid of 4-6 mm. In a previously prepared jar, we arrange the chopped wood blocks. We make a fire and put a jar with our sticks there. Next, we will get coal from our wood, during which we will be able to observe the burning of gas coming out of the hole in the lid, as soon as the burning of the trickle stops (15-20 minutes), we can safely take out our jar. We leave the jar to cool, after which we take out an excellent one from it, homemade charcoal.

It may well fit the used container from the air freshener. The method of obtaining charcoal in such a container will be identical to the previous one. You will need to cut off the top of the can, then place the bars inside, clamp and bend the top, make a hole in it.

If you did not find any iron container. You can simply light a fire, wait until it burns out and as soon as the firewood stops burning (the flame will disappear). Take these coals, fall asleep in a pre-prepared pit and sprinkle them with earth so that the air does not pass (leave the coals in the ground for 1-2 hours), after which we dig out ready-made charcoal made by hand. You can just fill everything with water. True, then you have to dry them.
As a result, we get an excellent hand-made charcoal for hookah, which does not contain any additives and chemicals, it also does not have any unpleasant aftertaste.
Such coal is also ignited very easily (on a gas or electric stove), the consumption is slightly higher.

Making pressed charcoal:

How to make pressed hookah charcoal yourself?
Pour a little water into the previously obtained coal and knead a thick porridge, for viscosity we can add a little starch (1/6 of the mass of coal). We cut off a piece of a suitable diameter from a metal pipe (the standard diameter of coal is 33-37 mm), about 65 mm long. According to the inner diameter of the pipe segment, we cut out a circle from a hard type of rubber, nail the resulting circle with a nail to a wooden bar 70-85 mm long, we will get a cylinder and a piston, a design resembling (Syringe). Then we put the thick coal porridge inside the “syringe”, cover it with an iron plate on top and insert this structure into the vise, twisting the vise with force, we will begin to compress the thick porridge. In the process of which the water will gradually come out, we take out our structure from the vise and take out the finished coal in tablets from the tube, let our coal get rid of the remaining moisture (about 6 hours). That's all! Our coal is ready!

Homemade hookah charcoal, prepared in this way, ignites very easily, but it is less durable, so you should be more careful with it.
Good luck in making “your coal”, and remember, you should not give up at the first failure. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the charcoal that you have made yourself.

What can replace coal for hookah? Usually this desired product it is not easy to get, as it is not sold in kiosks, shops or markets. Is it possible to replace with improvised means?

Use of natural substitutes

How to replace coal for hookah? To replace coal, you can apply the following options:

  1. Make it yourself.
  2. You can replace hookah charcoal with activated charcoal, which is sold in the form of tablets in a pharmacy.

How to make hookah charcoal? For self-manufacturing coal at home, it is necessary to plan wood sticks and burn them on a gas stove until completely charred.

This method allows you to get charcoal, although not quite high-quality, but quite suitable for use in a hookah, however, it can give the taste of wood when used, which will kill the aroma of tobacco.

If you don’t feel like messing around, you can buy ready-made activated charcoal tablets at the pharmacy, which are made from wood or coconut shells. This product is odorless, the degree of purification is very high. Such coal flares up well for several seconds with a simple lighter, and then begins to smolder quite actively. The heat from it is very good, but there is also a drawback - the tablets burn out very quickly. This dramatically increases their consumption, so for a hookah it is better to immediately buy 20 packs (each with 10 tablets). But Activated carbon gives fragrant and thick smoke, which contains almost no aftertastes.

If you want to smoke a hookah in nature during a picnic, then you can get coal from a fire, but you need to make sure that it is completely calcined, almost transparent or bright red. This is necessary so that it does not have a taste of wood, which can affect the aroma during smoking. The burning rate of coal from a fire depends on the type of wood, for example, birch smolders longer than alder, which can burn out in 7 minutes. Apple wood burns even longer.

If there is a grill, then you can use coal from its kit for the hookah, since it is used for making food and theoretically should not contain various harmful additives. To use these options, you need to remember that stuffing chilim to the top is unacceptable, as it can burn. The foil in the hookah should be thickened by bending it into 2 or 4 layers.

Electronic analogue of the carbon component

What can replace coal? If possible, the consumer can purchase the so-called electronic coal. This will forever abandon the natural material. The advantages of an electronic analogue are:
  1. No odor or black smoke.
  2. It is free from any harmful substances.
  3. Such an ember does not burn oxygen out of the air, which reduces the possibility of pain in the head after smoking a hookah.
  4. Eliminates the need to buy a new portion of coal concentrate every time.

Many people are satisfied with such electronic charcoal, but there are also opponents of violating the traditions of smoking hookah, who prefer to use natural ingredients. However, the described device has some disadvantages:

  1. Electronic charcoal cannot be taken to nature, as it can only work from a source electric current. Some craftsmen use voltage converters powered by car batteries to power the device, but this cannot be considered a way out.
  2. E-charcoal provides heat all the time, but heat is needed only during puffing.
  3. At the same time, tobacco often burns, so chilim should not be filled more than half.

Homemade e-charcoal

You can try to make a kind of electronic coal at home. To do this, you may need a conventional soldering iron with a power of up to 50 watts. Its heating element must be closed with a foil air duct, and then the resulting heater must be securely fixed in the upper part of the hookah so that the soldering iron does not interfere when smoking tobacco.

The main thing is that there is no rosin on the tip of the soldering iron, otherwise after 5-6 minutes the smell will disperse throughout the apartment after connecting to an electrical outlet. If the sting is clean, then only 10-15 minutes are spent on the construction of the structure, then you can enjoy smoking.

If there is no soldering iron, what can be used instead of charcoal? Some craftsmen adapted an ordinary iron for these purposes. True, when using it, the comfort of smoking a hookah decreases, since you will have to support the entire structure so that it does not fall. The disadvantage of using an iron instead of a soldering iron is that the ironing machine has a built-in thermal switch that turns off the device as soon as its bottom heats up to 180-200°C. Therefore, you will have to make a special foil tray that will retain heat while the iron cools down.

Some hookah lovers do it even easier. Coal in a hookah can be successfully replaced with bolts, nuts, balls from bearings and other metal products heated on a gas stove.

To do this, it is better to select large nuts and heat them until a red glow appears on ordinary gas.

But this method of lighting a hookah has a drawback - the metal cools down quickly. This forces the smoker to constantly heat the nuts (they are used by several pieces in turn).


You can find a replacement for coal fuel for hookah if you get down to business thoroughly. It can be activated carbon, its electronic counterpart, a variety of heating systems from soldering irons and irons. But why is all this necessary?