What causes frequent urination in dogs? Why does a dog pee often: finding out the reasons The dog began to pee frequently after mating

Anyone who has a fur baby has wondered: why does the puppy urinate often? The fact is that he cannot control the process of urination. He doesn't know how to ask to go outside, and the result is constant puddles on the floor. But the older the baby gets, the less often such embarrassments occur.

It is believed that normally a three-month-old puppy should walk 10-12 times a day, a six-month-old puppy – up to 8 times, and a one-year-old puppy – 6-7 times a day. Additionally, your baby may leak urine whenever he is very excited or scared. The number of urinations of an adult dog is reduced to 3-4 times a day, and, in addition, it acquires the skill of asking to go outside or patiently waiting for a walk. But there are situations when the animal feels a constant urge to urinate. They are often so strong that the pet cannot wait. Why does this happen, is it normal or pathological, and what to do in this case? Our article will talk about this.

The process of urine formation begins in the kidneys, from where it flows through the ureters into the bladder, accumulating and stretching its walls. The muscle that expels urine (detrusor) is in a relaxed state at this moment, and a special valve, the sphincter, located at the beginning, prevents urine from flowing out. urethra. When the pressure reaches its limit, receptors in the walls of the organ transmit a signal to the brain. The detrusor becomes tense, and the sphincter relaxes and urination occurs.

Causes of incontinence

All situations where an adult dog or puppy urinates very often can be classified into two large groups:

  • variant of the norm;
  • pathology.

Of course, both the causes and their treatment are completely different. Let's look at each of them.

Variant of the norm

A variant of the norm includes situations that do not require therapeutic measures. In some cases, the deviation can be corrected in other ways. There are three types of reasons why frequent urination occurs, related to the normal variant:

  • natural;
  • behavioral;
  • age.

Natural causes

Natural reasons why a dog feels the urge very often can accompany both controlled and uncontrolled urinary incontinence. They are as follows:

  1. Severe stress that a dog receives as a result of excitement, fear, anxiety. To help an animal, you need to calm it down, create a friendly environment, and inject a sedative.
  2. Natural uncleanliness. The cause of incontinence may be poor upbringing when the dog is not vaccinated conditioned reflex that she should only urinate outside.

Behavioral reasons

If a dog pees often, then the causes of incontinence may be some features of the dog's behavior:

  1. The pet urinates to indicate its obedience to its owner or a stronger rival. In such cases, she may fall on her back or sit on her paws. The owner needs to notice what exactly provokes the release of urine (eye contact, stern tone) and try to eliminate this factor.
  2. Marking the boundaries of your territory by leaving marks. In this case, the problem can only be solved by sterilization or castration of the animal.
  3. A dog may urinate in the house to spite its owner when he is dissatisfied or annoyed with something (jealousy, desire to avenge punishment, desire to attract attention, and so on). The owner needs to try to restore mutual understanding with his pet.

Typically, in the case of behavioral features, urine output is controlled by the dog.

Age reasons

Frequent urination in your dog may also be due to age-related reasons:

  1. Incontinence in an older dog. In older age, muscles gradually lose tone, the sphincter weakens and therefore involuntary urine leakage may occur. Correction of this disorder occurs through medication.
  2. Frequent urination in young females during estrus. Dogs that have not yet given birth experience quite severe pain at this time. To alleviate their condition, they are forced to empty their bladder frequently. To solve the problem, you need to walk the dog more often during such periods.
  3. Another reason for urinary incontinence in young bitches is the late formation of the hormonal system. Provoking factors can be different - lack of vitamins, poor nutrition, family history. Symptoms usually disappear after the first pregnancy.


If your dog urinates frequently and a lot, you may need to talk about pathological urinary incontinence. It is divided into true and false:

  • False incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine in the presence of gross pathologies of the urethra, Bladder or ureter.
  • True incontinence is involuntary urination in the absence of gross pathologies of the genitourinary system.

True incontinence

True incontinence in dogs develops as a result of a variety of pathologies:

  • structural defects of the urinary system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bladder;
  • polydipsia;
  • spinal injuries;
  • consequences of sterilization;
  • malignant neoplasms urinary tract;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Disadvantages of the structure of the urinary system organs

They can be congenital or acquired. This may be weakness or underdevelopment of the muscles of the urethra or bladder sphincter, leading to constant leakage of urine. They try to treat the problem with medication, but this does not always help. Quite often it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

Inflammatory diseases of the bladder

Severe hypothermia or a persistent decrease in immunity can lead to infection of the bladder and cystitis. Inflammation is accompanied by severe pain and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. As the disease progresses, the urge increases, and the pet is forced to urinate much more often to relieve pain.

Gradually, the dog loses the ability to restrain itself and constant leakage begins. The course of antibiotics prescribed by the veterinarian must be completed to the end, otherwise the disease will recur, and stronger drugs will be required to stop the inflammation again.


Sometimes this occurs due to excessive thirst - polydipsia. Polydipsia in dogs is not a disease, but it can be very alarming symptom. Often it indicates that the dog has a serious illness, characterized by an imbalance of water balance in the body:

  • kidney infections and injuries;
  • liver failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • pyometra (uterine infections);
  • lesions of the thyroid gland;
  • increased activity of the adrenal glands.

The cause of polydipsia with frequent urination may also be a hereditary defect: the dog’s body produces an insufficient amount of antidiuretic hormone, which retains water in the body, narrows blood vessels and regulates urine volume.

Spinal injuries

Spinal injuries lead to damage or pinching of nerve endings, trauma spinal cord. All this is the reason severe pain. Paralysis of the limbs, loss of sensation in the lower part of the body and, as a result, urinary incontinence are possible. Dogs with long bodies, such as dachshunds and basset hounds, are especially susceptible to this problem.

Consequences of sterilization

Spaying or neutering some dogs can cause complications such as urinary leakage or incontinence. This is a feature of their physiology. The reason for such complications is a sharp change in hormonal levels, and, as a result, a decrease in sphincter tone. Complications are corrected with the help of drugs that increase sphincter tone or hormonal agents.

Urolithiasis disease

To find out why your dog is urinating frequently, you need to get tested for urolithiasis. This chronic illness, characterized by a change chemical composition urine and the formation of salt or calcium stones in the bladder. Periodically, the disease worsens with urination disorders, severe pain syndrome. Urine at this time may contain inclusions of pus and blood.

False incontinence

Many congenital pathologies lead to false incontinence: hypospadias (pathological location of the opening) of the urethra, exstrophy (outward turning) of the bladder, ectopia of the ureteric orifice, when the ureter is not directly connected to bladder, but with another organ (intestine, vagina or uterus). These pathologies are treated exclusively surgically. There are also acquired pathologies that cause false incontinence. Is it traumatic or postoperative fistulas Bladder.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment for urinary incontinence begins only after a thorough examination and an accurate diagnosis. The nature of therapy is selected veterinarian taking into account what disease caused the frequent urge to urinate:

  1. At inflammatory diseases organs of the urinary system are offered to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy;
  2. In stressful situations, sedatives may be prescribed.
  3. For polydipsia, the treatment method depends on what disease caused the symptom;
  4. The consequences of spinal injuries, as well as false incontinence, are proposed to be treated mainly surgically;
  5. If there are complications of sterilization, there are several treatment regimens depending on the severity of the condition. A course of hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, which helps restore the body's hormonal balance. When introducing medications into the bladder through a special probe from abdominal cavity endoscopically, the effect occurs directly on the affected area. It is more efficient and has less side effects. In severe cases it can be used surgical intervention, during which the muscles of the urethra and bladder are sutured.
  6. Treatment of urolithiasis begins with determining the type of stones formed in the bladder. A special diet is prescribed, which consists of high-quality medicinal feed with additives that dissolve certain type stones. Treatment is usually long-term and lasts several months. If there is a blockage in the urinary tract, the only way to save the dog is urgent surgical intervention.

From all of the above, we see that there can be many reasons for urinary incontinence and the ways to eliminate them are very different. But in all cases one must be guided the following rule: if a puppy or dog begins to pee frequently, you should never scold your pet. There is always some reason behind any deviation, and it can be very serious. You should carefully understand it, and then take all possible measures to eliminate it, carefully following the recommendations of your doctor.

The dog is the most true friend person. Living together makes a person's life interesting and comfortable. However, there are situations when the joy of communication is a little darkened. For example, if the dog started shitting at home. Let's try to understand these reasons, as well as ways to wean adult dogs and puppies from the habit of peeing at home.

Ways to wean a puppy from peeing at home

How to stop a puppy from peeing at home? This will take a lot of time. This the process includes several stages, during which the pet is accustomed to discipline and control over its physiological processes:

  • Accustoming a puppy to a newspaper.
  • Toilet training outside.

It is common knowledge that puppies cannot hold their bowel movements when necessary. The bladder at this age has very thin walls that cannot accommodate a large amount of fluid. Under no circumstances should you punish him for puddles in the house, because the puppy does not yet understand and does not realize why he is being scolded.

How to train a puppy to go to the toilet on a newspaper

To train your puppy to defecate on newspaper, you need to: follow these recommendations:

You should carefully observe the puppy's behavior. As soon as he begins to show signs of anxiety, you must immediately take him to the newspaper. After doing this several times, the pet will remember this place and will go there constantly. To help him orient himself better, you can place a described and dried newspaper under the children's oilcloth. The puppy will smell the smell and begin to defecate only there.

As soon as pet will do his business in in the right place, he should be praised. This will allow the puppy to understand that his actions brought joy to his owner. If he did not have time to reach a certain place and did his business in another place, you should not scold him or poke your face into his feces under any circumstances. It is enough to show your dissatisfaction and disappointment.

How to train a puppy to go to the toilet outside

Usually, you should train your puppy to go to the toilet outside after 9 months. To get him used to this, you must adhere to the following tips:

It is necessary to walk the puppy immediately after eating and the duration of the walk should be at least an hour. During this time, the pet will get used to the environment and do its business outside.

As soon as the puppy goes to the toilet, you need to praise him and give him some kind of treat. This will allow him to understand that he is doing everything right and will continue to do so in the future.

While walking, you should play active games with the animal, for example, throwing a ball, running with it. This activity allows you to speed up the metabolic process, and the puppy will want to go to the toilet faster.

As soon as your baby learns to defecate outside and starts doing it regularly, you should show distress, if he continues to go to the newspaper. Gradually, the oilcloth and newspaper are removed, and the room is washed with vinegar to eliminate all odors.

Why does an adult dog start peeing at home?

It happens that even the most well-mannered dog suddenly begins to pee in the apartment, although before this she had never allowed herself to do this. There may be several reasons for this. First of all, you should pay attention to the health of the animal, because it is health problems that provoke urinary incontinence. By the way, severe frosts cause serious illnesses among representatives ornamental breeds who freeze even in special clothes.

Experts know that bitches can pee at home until they are two years old. The main reason is an incompletely formed hormonal system. Poor or unhealthy nutrition contributes to this, as well as bad heredity. This problem is solved after the first pregnancy.

In addition to these reasons, a dog may pee at home due to the following factors:

Due to an uncertain daily routine, the dog does not develop specific habits. It is necessary to feed and walk your pet at strictly defined times.

The owner's authority can fall due to excessive aggression towards his pet, as well as in the case of unfair punishment, as a result of which the dog begins to take revenge. Also, too kind an attitude provokes aggressive breeds to begin to dominate, so you need to be strict towards your dog, but in moderation.

Such way to attract attention pets use it due to its deficiency. You should communicate with your pet more often. In addition, in this way they show their jealousy of a new representative of the animal world.

What to do to stop your dog from peeing at home

How to stop a dog from peeing at home? The most important thing in the weaning process avoid a basic mistake. You can't punish your own pet for what he wrote at home. He still won’t understand what’s going on, and the situation can only get worse.

It is important to monitor your dog's behavior. As soon as she starts looking for a place to make a puddle, you should immediately take her outside. If she has done her business there, you need to praise her and treat her with something tasty.

Enough effective way is considered to be training a dog to go to the toilet on command. This is very easy to achieve. During a walk, after the animal has peed, you need to say a phrase. Gradually, when the owner pronounces these words, the dog begins to understand that it is required to go to the toilet. These words are transformed into a reflex in her subconscious.

What mistakes should you avoid?

In the process of weaning a dog from peeing in the house, it is necessary avoid the following mistakes:

It is important to control yourself and be patient if your pet goes to the toilet at home. If you show aggression, the trust between owner and dog can be destroyed. The more an animal trusts a person, the easier it is to overcome any problems.

In addition, to solve the problem with the toilet, experts advise review your daily routine your pet. Perhaps the dog simply cannot tolerate it for so long, or perhaps he is walked too early and does not have time to adjust to the early routine. If you adjust your daily routine, this problem disappears quite quickly.

01/16/2017 by Eugene

Urinary incontinence in dogs can indicate the presence of various types of diseases. Such an unpleasant moment, by the way, can occur not only in elderly dogs, but also in small puppies. It should be remembered that any dog ​​is a living creature. It is guided by instincts and various emotions. And for sexually mature males, the smell of urine is a sign of their own dignity and superiority, and therefore they can begin to mark their own territory.

Practice shows that most often a dog urinates for the following reasons:

  • fright;
  • stress;
  • fear resulting from contact with other, more aggressive animals;
  • painful sensations.

No therapeutic action is required if the dog urinates for the above reasons. The only thing that is necessary is to make some adjustments to your own actions.

But it also happens that urination is caused by, for example, urolithiasis. In this case, it is simply impossible to do without the intervention of doctors.

Features of behavior

Urinary incontinence in pets may also be due to behavioral characteristics. Believe me, in this case, you should not scold and punish your dog, since this will not bring any expected effect. Even if the animal urinates, the owner only has to be patient and persevering in order to wean the animal from this action.

If a male dog pees because he wants to mark his own territory, it will simply be impossible to wean him off this. Bitches, in turn, try to go to the toilet in a small way somewhere in the corner.

The best way to treat this type of incontinence is to sterilize or castrate the animal, since after this procedure their sexual instincts disappear.

Age characteristics

Urinary incontinence can also be caused by age-related changes that occurred in the dog’s body. The fact is that as an animal ages, its smooth muscles weaken. In this case, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The dog will need to be given special drugs, on which she will exist until the end of her days.

It should be remembered that if the smooth muscles weaken, the dog experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can only be relieved by emptying the bladder.

It is also not worth scolding the dog, since the previously obedient, but now sick, dog already understands perfectly well that it is impossible to act in this way, but cannot do anything about it. Treat a pet who has started peeing due to old age with understanding and respect.

A pet may also go to the toilet unscheduled because it drinks too much water. Then you should take him out for walks more often, and also deal with the problems that result from excessive fluid intake.
Incontinence due to illness

Incontinence in dogs can also be caused by incontinence associated with inflammatory processes in her body. The most common diseases causing incontinence are:

  1. Cystitis. It is most often possible to identify such a problem by simply passing general analysis urine. Cystitis is directly related to hypothermia, as well as the presence of microbes in the dog’s body. This disease can be overcome with a course of antibiotics. You should not delay starting treatment, as soon there may come a time when blood appears in the animal’s urine. In this case, the treatment process will drag on for quite a long time.
  2. Polydipsia. If the animal consumes twice or even three times more water more than he needs per day, and at the same time he experiences incontinence, this may be due to a disease called “polydipsia.” Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after preliminary ultrasound examination. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured conservative methods unreal.

Among other things, the manifestation of this disease indicates that the dog has a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, as well as some other serious diseases. Therefore, a dog that has been diagnosed with this condition requires constant care.

  1. Ectopia. This disease is not acquired, but congenital. Most often it affects representatives of the fair canine sex. Ectopia is usually diagnosed in a dog that is in puppyhood or adolescence. The disease can be cured only by surgery.

Incontinence in a puppy

But incontinence in a puppy is absolutely normal and natural. Veterinarians say that by about four months of age, puppies should learn to control their own urges to go to the toilet. However, we should not forget about the characteristics of various breeds, due to which the period of the puppy’s awareness of the need to go to the toilet can drag on for much longer.

Puddles on carpets are not surprising only if they are left little puppy. However, if you experience urinary incontinence in dogs, you may wonder if there is a problem. Naturally possible conflict situations when the pet defiantly relieves itself. But these are relationship problems.


Natural causes

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a sign of a problem. And they arise not only in old age. It should be understood that a pet is an emotional creature that lives guided by its instincts. In male dogs, the smell of urine is an indicator of dignity.

A pet can often pee for the following reasons: fear, stress, pain, threat, etc. In such a situation, treatment is not required. Simple adjustment needed

Behavioral features

If urinary incontinence in dogs is associated with behavioral characteristics, kicking and screaming won't help matters. Even treatment won't help. In such situations, you need to raise your pet, showing your patience and perseverance.

Males are capable of marking territory in this way. The dog most often pees in the corners. In such a situation, treatment involves sterilization, which will reduce the sexual instinct.

Age characteristics

Why does my dog ​​pee often? This may be due to age characteristics, with weakening of smooth muscles. What to do in such a situation? Treatment will need to be maintained with medication.

The reasons why a dog begins to pee frequently may be due to being in heat. Quite often, a similar problem makes itself felt during the first “hunt” in young girls. Due to the presence of nagging pain, they often try to “empty” the bladder. Due to this, you can get rid of additional pressure.

Treatment is not required in this situation. You just need to go for walks with your girl more often. What you shouldn’t do is scold. She realizes that constantly wiping up puddles does not bring you Have a good mood. But she is unable to improve.

Perhaps the dog simply drinks a lot of water and cannot wait to go outside. But the needs for large quantities water may also indicate the presence of diseases.

Presence of deviations

True incontinence is very difficult to treat. This is due to the presence of congenital or acquired abnormalities, which are accompanied by weakness of the contractile muscles of the urethra. In such a situation, urine leaks regularly. Treatment will not completely eliminate this problem.

What to do in such a situation? It is important to contact a veterinarian immediately. If you “catch” the pathology at a very early stage, it can be cured. Incurable problems can be controlled in most cases.

Occurrence of diseases

Why did the dog start peeing often? This may indicate that some illness has occurred. And most often they are inflammatory in nature. It is difficult to determine the causes even if you undergo a clinical examination. What to do in such a situation?

Start writing everything down character traits contents, describe the diet and nature of walks, tell us about the events that the pet has encountered, how much water it drinks. The more information the veterinarian is given, the faster the causes will be found.


Treatment involves the need for tests. Laboratory analysis urine can help in many situations. In some dogs, the causes of incontinence are hidden in the presence of cystitis. In case of extensive inflammation, urine begins to leak constantly. Also, a puppy or adult pet may defecate while sleeping.

The causes of cystitis mainly lie in hypothermia. Treatment involves taking antibiotics. Once therapy is started, clinical progress can be seen within a few days. If you do nothing, your puppy or adult pet will begin to urinate blood. Gradually, he will not be able to relieve himself at all.

It is imperative to carry out a full course of treatment. It is not recommended to stop treatment even if the symptoms have completely disappeared. Relapse is possible. The symptoms of cystitis will be discussed in more detail in the video.


The dog begins to pee frequently due to polydipsia. In such a situation, she drinks a lot of water, several times more than daily norm. If the female drinks a lot of water, you should think about the presence of pyometra. In such a situation, an ultrasound is required. It is not recommended to treat your pet on your own.

Polydipsia is a formidable symptom. And his main problem is not that the dog constantly requires water and pees more often. Polydipsia indicates the possibility of diabetes, genitourinary infection, renal failure and others serious illnesses. And if your dog is noticed to be drinking a lot of water, contact your veterinarian immediately.


The dog is able to pee more often due to spinal injuries. This case is accompanied by damage to the nerve endings or the spinal canal. It is difficult to completely get rid of the problem. Most often it occurs in dogs that have an elongated spine, such as dachshunds.

During labor or after the puppy is born, your dog may experience pinched nerves. This disease is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, a sickly appearance, and abandonment of one’s puppy. The veterinarian will determine how to treat the dog when he conducts a comprehensive examination.

If your veterinarian suggests surgery, tests and treatment are recommended first.


A puppy or dog can suffer from increased urination due to the presence of ectopia. This is a congenital disease. Quite often observed in females. The disease is diagnosed at a young age. The diagnosis is based on anamnesis.

If any problems arise during the diagnosis, a visual inspection and urography. The disease can be corrected through surgery.

Treatment should begin first by identifying the problem (drinking a lot of water, whining, blood in the urine, etc.).

If the pathology was caused by disturbances in the contractile abilities of the sphincter, you should use hormonal drugs. A similar problem occurs quite often in spayed or neutered pets. It is associated with a lack of hormones.

If there are other problems, it may be effective medicines, which are part of the group of tricyclic antidepressants. They are aimed at relaxing the bladder muscles. However, this also causes the sphincter to contract. This is exactly what is required.

The above remedies have a potent effect. Often after taking them there are side effects. It is recommended to use after consultation with a doctor. It is he who must choose the exact dosage.

If a puppy pees

If a small puppy urinates frequently, know that he will learn to control this process when he is 3-4 months old. The period will depend on how correctly the owner is able to explain what the puppy should do. We need to suggest where he should relieve himself.

It should be understood that it is extremely rare for a puppy to start urinating just like that. In many situations this is accompanied by the presence congenital pathologies. And the puppy will be able to return to normal life only after surgical intervention.

Video "Reasons"

Does your dog drink a lot of water, pee often, or experience pain when he relieves himself? The video talks about the reasons why bitches have problems with frequent urination.

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Psychological problems

These days we try to walk our pets three times a day. However, often owners of four-legged friends are faced with an unpleasant situation: the dog urinates at home. There may be several explanations for why a dog urinates frequently. First of all, there is a banal drawback - if you cannot cope with this matter yourself, seek advice from dog handlers.

If you have a young, unneutered male dog, he may just be marking his territory. You can stop this behavior by castration, although you should first try to raise such a dog: to do this, you need to constantly monitor it in order to punish it in time.

A dog also urinates involuntarily in cases where it experiences strong emotions: excitement and fear. It is very common for a puppy to pee while playing or when you pet him. In these situations, interact with your puppy after he has emptied his bladder and try not to excite him too much. nervous system. A dog urinates on itself out of fear, either in a situation where it does not know how to react, or when it was raised to be too strict. In this case, defecation can occur at the same time. Try to eliminate as much as possible what frightens the dog; if the dog is afraid of you, try sitting down, petting it under the chin and talking to it.

Health problems

If you have an unspayed female dog and you notice that the dog is urinating very often, this could mean she is approaching heat. This phenomenon can also be observed in sterilized bitches, in which case they are prescribed a progesterone-based medicine.

Also, the cause of frequent urination can be an unhealthy diet with an excess of sodium.

In any case, if your dog urinates frequently, you should contact your veterinarian. He will take tests and possibly send you for an ultrasound. If you notice that your dog is also itching a lot, he most likely has cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis occurs as a result of hypothermia. This is a bacterial disease, so it can only be treated with antibiotics, which should be selected by a specialist. Also frequent urination may be a symptom of diabetes mellitus, neoplasms in internal organs, pyometra and other diseases. So, if you notice that your dog is urinating very often, do not delay visiting the veterinarian.