I had a dream that I was going. Buying food. Dream Interpretation - Various

Very often we have a variety of dreams. They can be bright, rich, realistic. Since ancient times, people believed that every dream brings with it an explanation of an event, a change in fate, or a warning of impending troubles.

How to interpret dreams about food

In ancient times, various astrologers and magicians were involved in the interpretation of dreams. An accurate prediction promised the astrologer honor and universal respect. People remembered what was predicted and, based on these interpretations, various dream books were compiled.

The compilation of dream books was carried out not only simple people, but also such famous ones as Vanga, Freud, Nostradamus. Probably, any person at least once in his life turned to a dream book to clarify his dream. The interpretation of dreams is influenced not only by what is dreamed, but also on what day, as well as the gender of the person (male or female).

It is calculated according to folk signs that what you see on the night from Thursday to Friday must come true. And if what you saw was unpleasant, then you should say the phrase in the morning, looking out the window: “Wherever there is night, there comes sleep.”

Often, after stormy feasts, visits to cafes and restaurants, ordering pizza or Chinese food, or going to bed on an empty stomach, a person may see a variety of food in a dream. Subconsciously, a sane person understands that the dream was inspired by the previous evening, but despite this, he wonders what what he saw means.

Why do you dream about eating at home or in a restaurant?

If a sleeping person dreams of beautiful, fresh food that one just wants to eat, then this can mean health for this person, not only physical, but also mental. Conversely, if you see spoiled, rotten food in a dream, you need to be careful; health problems are possible.

Seeing a cheerful feast with an abundance of food in a dream means some kind of great joy, a pleasant surprise or a big change in life. Moreover, it is desirable that you sit at the table with friends, eat and have fun. If you sit alone at the table, this means the proximity of minor troubles or minor losses.

Seeing yourself in a restaurant and at the same time the waiter takes away your uneaten dish can promise great moral difficulties: gossip, intrigue, scandals, the center of which you will soon become. And if you eat at home and your daughter takes away the plate, then expect trouble from people who depend on you.

Dining at home with your family promises a health problem, but dining at a party is an unexpected, successful acquisition without extra costs or hassle.

Food in a dream - why do you dream of bread?

Seeing bread, loaf or any other thing in a dream bakery product, know that great wealth awaits you. Very good for the sleeper if you dream about rolls. If you buy them in a store, then this means big profits and the acquisition of huge capital.

If you bake it yourself, then for unexpected, pleasant guests. Cutting a bun in a dream means receiving some kind of savings. This could be an unexpected inheritance left to you. For a woman, baking a full tray of buns means great prosperity, love and happiness.

I dreamed about food - cereals, fruits

It is not good to spill salt or any cereal in a dream. This symbolizes a quarrel with loved ones, career difficulties and all kinds of failures.

But bright, juicy fruits or ripe vegetables will predict new acquaintances or even marriage. To dream of raw meat is a sign of a major illness, and cooked meat is a sign of influence on you from the outside. Live fish promises pregnancy for women and creative achievements for men. Dreaming of boiled fish symbolizes enrichment of knowledge, while bony fish symbolizes illness.

Why cook food in a dream?

You can cook food in a dream. And this will mean a change in the life of the sleeper better side. And if food is stolen from you, then beware, this may portend future losses.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that no matter what dream you have, do not forget that it is just a dream. He can predict or warn about future events, but only you are the master of your destiny and only in your power to decide what awaits you in the future!

Why do you dream about food?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing food in a dream means that you are careless with documents, thereby harming the most important operations in your business.

If you dream about your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses.

A dream in which you eat in a pleasant company is favorable - it means profit, success in business.

But if you see that your daughter (or the waiter) is taking away your half-eaten meat dish, you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why do you dream about food?

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, the dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. And you only need to look at beautiful woman, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be overcome. A small amount of food that you dreamed of promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

Why do you dream about food?

Family dream book

If you saw food in a dream, it means you were careless with your documents and thereby caused damage to your business.

A lonely meal - dreams of minor losses.

Sitting at the table in pleasant company - success in business awaits you.

If you don’t finish your meat dish, it means people you don’t respect will offend you.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Food in a dream symbolizes your needs and reflects the state of your affairs.

Seeing a richly laid table in a dream, if this sight does not evoke excessively strong emotions in you - good sign, saying that in the near future your business promises to go well.

If, looking at food in a dream, you feel hungry or absorb delicious dishes without any measure - such a dream suggests that your desires in reality are unlikely to come true soon.

For a rich person, such a dream may portend a loss of wealth, but for a poor person, it is simply emotional compensation for grief in reality.

In general, eating something in a dream is not the best sign indicating the presence of unsatisfied desires in your life or predicting such.

Buying food in a dream portends increased expenses, and for the rich - losses.

Individual dishes in a dream have certain meanings and are described in the relevant articles.

Why do you dream about food?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing a lot of food - to chronic illness gastrointestinal tract; Eating a lot leads to obesity. Signal o peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, but diseases of the small and large intestines cannot be ruled out, chronic appendicitis. If you eat vegetarian food, the dream is a warning: you need to include it in your diet; you are preparing for an uninteresting conversation. It's delicious to eat - you can get poisoned while eating! Eating a soft-boiled egg means you won’t complete some important task, and you will suffer for it; the disease cannot be completely cured.

Why do you dream about food?

Spring dream book

Add food to the plate for guests.

Seeing in a dream how you add food to your guests' plates means an increase in well-being.

Burnt soup - dreams of negligence.

Why do you dream about food?

Summer dream book

Seeing in a dream how you eat in the company of your friends is a sign of joint entrepreneurship.

Why do you dream about food?

Autumn dream book

Seeing an abundance of food in a dream means poverty or numerous guests.

Seeing in a dream how you add food to your guests' plates means impoverishment.

Seeing in a dream how you are baking something, but your cooking is burnt - means suffering.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you see some kind of food foreshadows, firstly, a good appetite from the very morning and, secondly, increased business activity throughout the day. Eating something in a dream means either being deceived by someone, or deceiving someone yourself.

Appetizing food that haunts you in a dream means separation from family or parting with a friend.

In a dream, forcefully slurping disgusting gruel, almost slop, means in reality you can become a victim of racketeers or, more likely, those who pretend to be such. Vomiting in a dream from such food foreshadows in reality the loss of some thing that is unsafe to store at home.

Cooking some food in a dream means that a pleasant responsibility will soon pass to you; on this occasion, get ready to meet your best friends and dearest guests.

Feeding someone your food and receiving a compliment at the same time means good news awaits you in reality.

If in a dream you saw yourself having breakfast at a table piled high with all kinds of food, this is a sign of favorable changes, especially for people with mental work.

A dinner table that is surprisingly meager and lacks your usual food means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep thinking about important life issues.

Eating alone at dinner means that the gloomy thoughts that overcome you in Lately, will give way good mood and an optimistic view of what is happening.

A dream in which you are eating at a party while maintaining a conversation with nice people and impatiently savoring each dish - portends profit and success in business, and food such as dessert, on which you have focused your attention, promises joy in love.

In general, plant food in a dream, unlike animal food, always foreshadows positive events and emotions.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Eating something bitter in a dream means good news.

You ate something sweet - soon you will receive bad news.

In a dream, you ate something salty - you will learn that one of your relatives has become rich.

If you dreamed that you had no food at home, your home is not in danger of any troubles or adversity.

You have a lot of food at home - a dream predicts ruin.

In a dream you are feeding someone - fate does not bode well for you.

You dreamed that someone was feeding you - in the near future you may receive pleasant news, as well as a large sum of money.

Why do you dream about food?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing food on the table or counter is a sign of joy.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing food in a dream means that you are careless in handling documents, thereby causing significant damage to the most important operations in your business.

Eating alone portends minor losses.

A dream in which you eat in a pleasant company is favorable, benefits and success in business await you.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Food on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food is an unusual offer; too much - joy; cooking food means personal troubles.

Why do you dream about food?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you see food warns that minor troubles will interfere with the implementation of important matters.

Eating alone means loss and melancholy.

Eating in the company of other people means personal success, a pleasant environment and profitable business.

If your daughter takes away a plate of meat before you have finished eating, you will have troubles associated with subordinates or people who depend on you.

Why do you dream about food?

Eastern dream book

Seeing a lot of food and eating in company is a sign of sure success in business, but if you eat alone, expect losses and illnesses.

Why do you dream about food?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Marzipan is a scam.

Pretzel - neighbors' gossip.

Seeing bagels means illness.

Waffles – change.

Kulich is joy.

There are cheesecakes - reproaches / surprise.

Making or eating noodles means happiness in the home.

Cooking - debts, financial disorder.

Eating pasta means failure.

Cooking - prosperity.

Dumplings - fulfillment of desires.

There is pudding - joy / envious chatter among friends.

Seeing oil means a disagreement with a friend.

Eating butter means prosperity, prosperity.

Eating heavily oiled porridge is a benefit.

Beating butter means increasing wealth.

Buying it is harmful, a warning.

Smearing your body with it is a disease.

Head - glory.

Cheese is something unpleasant; deception, loss good name, fluctuations.

Eating very fresh cheese is a benefit, an unexpected profit.

Soft – thirst.

Very hard - mental and physical torment.

Eating cottage cheese means a date / happy resolution of a dispute.

Seeing meat means prosperity and joy in the home.

A girl or woman seeing a lot of meat is a sign of sensual love.

For a man - to melancholy.

Cooking, frying meat is a changeable, questionable situation / bad and good.

Feeding someone meat is a serious illness for him.

Eating lean meat means health and wealth.

Eating raw meat means loss.

Eating dog meat is a disease.

To eat game is to experience anger. There is a tongue - all the most unpleasant things.

Buying lard means a quarrel in the house.

There is jelly - a surprise.

Gnawing bones is a concern, a need.

Seeing, cooking or eating offal means worries and illnesses, everything that is bad for the home and family, but not for the dreamer.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Food in general - acceptance, absorption times personal experience, vitality(communication with others, new situations, pleasure or dissatisfaction, assimilation of information...).

On the table is the state of affairs of the sleeper depending on the quantity and quality of food.

Cooking means troubles, scandals, especially if you fry something.

There are obstacles, delays, disappointments.

Eating greedily means annoying delays and great dissatisfaction.

Giving food means giving yourself, your love, your time.

Giving food to the dead may lead to your own death.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Food mean in a dream - Well-prepared, fresh food dreams of improved health and financial well-being. Remember the details of the dream. What kind of food did you dream about? What did she smell like? If possible, imagine sharing a meal with a close friend.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

Food and drinks. Food and drinks are the most important part Everyday life, so it’s not surprising that we often see them in our dreams. Different foods or drinks often reflect affection, appetite, or the desire to enjoy life. Some analysts believe that biting or chewing food. in a dream is directly related to sensual pleasure. Dreams about overeating may indicate emotional or practical overload. On the contrary, the scarcity of food and drink means that the sleeper feels deprived of the pleasures of life, he needs “feeding” of one kind or another. Think about what kind of food you dreamed about - familiar or unfamiliar? For example, a familiar food you loved as a child may express a desire to return to less turbulent times. The context in which you saw the food or were treated to a drink (for example, a party) is also very important - these factors may reflect aspects of life that require attention or enrichment.

Positive value

Dream about food - good sign, especially if you have eaten and are full. A delicious meal or delicious snacks that the sleeper devoured with pleasure can indicate a deep sense of satisfaction with his life. Such a dream may also indicate a belief that a good streak in life is about to come, or that a good foundation has been laid for prosperity in the future.

Negative implications

Greed or sloppiness when eating may indicate acquisitiveness or needs that are currently unmet. You may be experiencing a lack of support or love. Such dreams can also express fears that a good streak may soon end, and therefore you need to take everything you can from life before it’s too late.

Fatty foods. Dreams about fatty foods indicate wastefulness. Remember how you felt while eating. Maybe you felt guilty because of the quality or quantity of the food you consumed, or, on the contrary, you realized that you had every right to treat yourself? Wine. Wine is traditionally associated with pleasure and tradition, such as celebrating weddings and birthdays. If in a dream you were drinking wine in a company, maybe you are planning some kind of family event, even if it has not yet been officially announced. Breakfast. Just as breakfast is the first meal of the day, a dream about breakfast or foods that are traditionally served for breakfast, cereal or toast, for example, is a symbol of the beginning of a new project or a new stage of life. Remember how you had breakfast - slowly and with pleasure or in a hurry?

The quality of foods and drinks in dreams, as well as the feelings experienced in connection with such treats, have great importance to interpret your dream. For example, a dream about eating leftovers could mean that you are living on a "living wage." Think about the quantity and quality of the ingredients in your life - maybe it’s worth enriching and diversifying it? Then what's the best way to do this?

Eggs. Dreaming about eggs can relate to the circle of life. Eggs symbolize fertility, fertility and growth, so they can often herald the emergence of new projects or the development of new aspects of the personality - conscious or subconscious. If you have broken the shell, perhaps the situation or some subconscious emotions require a “breakthrough” into the realm of consciousness, since this is the only way to cope with them. Dairy products. Dreams about dairy products may express a desire to return to the past. They are a symbol of the relationship between mother and child, so milk in a dream may reflect dependence or a desire for “emotional feeding” from loved one. Restaurant. The atmosphere of a restaurant in a dream may reflect emotional condition at present. Beautiful, elegant rooms symbolize contentment in life, while a poorly lit establishment with poor service and mediocre food may indicate a need for inspiration or that your life is currently lacking any form of personal satisfaction.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Eating with particular impatient greed is an unsatisfied hunger.

Why do you dream about food?

Psychological dream book

Food is a common symbol of love and strength. Seeing food in a dream can indicate a feeling of security, sometimes sexual desire.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Food (food) – A person invites you to drink wine. - Portends longevity.

You drink wine with someone. - Foreshadows a squabble.

You take part in a feast with people. - Portends wealth and nobility.

Guests gather for a meal or feast. - Portends the ruin of a family.

Drink and food. - Presages sobs and tears.

You drink wine drunk. - Foreshadows illness.

A man offers you to eat curdled milk. - Portends joy. WITH

you'll end up on someone's chest. - A noble relative will come.

Eat honey with a person. - Portends happiness and benefit.

Vomit. - For a sick person, it portends recovery.

Drink water. - Portends great benefits.

A dead man eats. - Foreshadows illness.

Eat lamb in the open hall, in the covered part of the yard. - Happiness.

Eat dog meat. - Portends litigation, official proceedings.

Eat pork. - Foretells illness, illness.

You cut pork with a knife. - Foreshadows illness.

Eat raw meat. - Unfortunately.

Eat cooked meat. - Fortunately.

Eating the flesh of your own dead body. - Foretells separation.

Eat goose. - Foreshadows the wife's illness.

Eat chicken or duck. - Fortunately.

Eat donuts and manti. - There will be a squabble.

You see pampushki or manta rays that have not yet been eaten. - Foretells anger.

Eat rotten vegetables. - Foreshadows illness.

Eat pancakes or rice. - Foretells the failure to fulfill desires.

Eat pumpkin seeds. - Birth of a noble offspring.

Eat persimmons or oranges, tangerines. - Foreshadows illness.

Eat persimmons and peaches. - Foretells a separation, followed by a connection.

Eat dates. - To the birth of a noble offspring.

Eat mulberries. - Foretells the birth of a noble son.

Eat chestnut. - Foretells separation.

Eat a pear. - Portends the loss of wealth, material condition.

Eat all the fruits. - Foretells misfortune.

Eat eggplant. - The wife will give birth to a son.

Eat onions. - There will be a quarrel or a fight.

Eat garlic. - Foretells a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

Eat vegetables, see vegetables that turn yellow. - They portend misfortune.

Eat oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings. - Fortunately.

Why do you dream about food?

Modern dream book

Food has amazing ability maintain life in our body and enable it to function normally. Too much a large number of Eating makes us fat, too little depletes our body.

Food can be delicious or disgusting. Food can be hung and packaged, or it can be delivered straight from the cow. We are forced to clean our plates, we are forced to ask for more. And this is just the beginning...

Dream interpretation of dreams Food: if you follow the sound advice of doctor Anne Faraday and make sure that your dreams about food, hunger and fullness are not literal (for example, if you dream that all the taps in the pharmacy are pouring water instead of soda Orange juice, then you may be lacking in vitamin C, then you will turn your attention to personal metaphors for the connection between food and the body.

Why do you dream about food?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of Food, what is it for / Eating - see also Absorption, Food and Nutrition. 1. Eating in a dream means that a person is trying to satisfy his hunger. Hunger is a basic instinct, and we must know that as soon as this impulse appears, we must strive to satisfy our more aesthetic needs. 2. Dreaming about eating means that we are missing something basic in life. Refusing food is trying to avoid changes. We may tend to isolate ourselves from others or be in conflict with ourselves about our physical fitness. If we are eaten in a dream, this is a sign that we are aware that we are being attacked either by our own or other people’s emotions and fears, or by our inner impulses. If we are eaten by a wild animal, this shows the likelihood that we are being consumed by a more primitive, animal nature. 3. It is believed that a person is what he eats, so from a spiritual point of view we should consume the best food.

Why do you dream about food?

Astrological dream book

Eating food in a dream is usually a bad dream - indicating illness and burden.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Food - You dreamed of some kind of food - the dream suggests that you are unacceptably careless with regard to documentation; Due to incorrect paperwork or loss of documents, you can get into big trouble. You eat alone - small but annoying losses await you. It’s as if you are eating in good company - your position is advantageous; if you use your position in society wisely, you will achieve great success; you can help a lot of people - so help; and many will help you. You eat bread - wealth will rush into your nets in a large shoal. You see people eating in a dream - some kind of exaltation awaits you; perhaps it is a promotion or praise from someone; or maybe you will grow in someone's eyes. It’s as if you haven’t finished eating some meat dish, and it’s already being taken away - unworthy people they will unfairly offend you.

Why do you dream about food?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does Food mean in a dream - health will improve quickly, suspicions of serious illnesses will disappear without a trace. Imagine a table set with dishes filled with fresh, tasty, well-prepared food. There is only healthy, nutritious food here, and at the same time it looks very appetizing. Pleasant aromas emanate from the table. Imagine what kind of dishes you see on the table. Imagine sitting down at the table with your loved ones and trying a little of each dish. Then, having had enough, you get up from the table, on which there is still quite a lot of food left.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Food – Represents food not so much for the body as for the mind. (See also BREAD, MILK, BUTTER, VEGETABLES, FRUIT.) Eating alone means gaining knowledge and experience. Eating with someone - exchanging thoughts, ideas, information. Seeing food is a sign of future success.

Why do you dream about food?

Russian dream book

What does Food mean in a dream? vital energy in one form or another; what matters is what you eat. Often symbolizes spiritual food, knowledge, spiritual heritage. Dissatisfaction in love, desire for power.

“I'm fed up, but I can't stop eating. The third plate of spaghetti appears in front of me. They are so tasty, but that's not enough for me. I noticed that I had lost weight, except for my stomach. So I continued to eat...”

You dreamed of Food - Often dreams in which we experience hunger indicate our dissatisfaction. This dreamer is trying to fill a bottomless pit. Perhaps she went on a diet year after year, trying to achieve completely impossible forms (curiously, these are now the forms of a teenager’s body) that she saw in movies, on TV, in fashion magazines. She may be frustrated that all her self-denial has brought her to the brink of exhaustion - she may even have an eating problem such as anorexia, neurosis, bulimia or compulsive eating - and so she dreams about food to reassure herself (for many of us this is a symbol of final consolation).

What does Food mean in a dream - Researchers are studying the influence stomach disorders, taste habits, food allergies have an effect on dreams. It is clear: since when we eat affects the quality of our sleep, it must also affect our dreams.

People with anorexia spend longer in stage 1 of the NREM cycle, wake up more often at night and get up earlier in the morning. Remember that people dream during the REM cycle, and the longest cycle usually occurs before a person wakes up.

People who frequently wake up at night and snatch chunks often suffer from fragmented sleep, which makes it difficult for the REM cycle to occur. Children suffering from cow's milk allergy wake up frequently (at least five times a night), which is harmful to both the child and the parents; on average, they sleep only four and a half hours per night. Changing your formula often solves this problem.

Okay, maybe our dreamer and her spaghetti have a completely healthy relationship with her body and with food. So why couldn't she get enough? Usually food is a replacement for what we are spiritually hungry for: love, creativity, spirituality, meaningful work. The fact that she was losing weight in a dream, despite her gluttony, perhaps means that she is pursuing empty goals instead of fulfilling her deepest desires.

You dreamed of Food - Is the food in your dreams tasty? Is it enough? Isn't she disgusting? If it makes you feel bad in a dream or there is not enough of it, then who is the cook who gave you this tasteless or meager food? Your dream may be telling you that someone or something in your real life is stopping you from living your life. Who makes you yearn for attention from him? Is it a person, or a situation, or a feeling? Or maybe you are languishing because you do not allow yourself to make positive decisions?

If you don't have enough food in your dream, think about what you lack in life: love, friendship, joy, ambition. In fact, if we feed in our dreams, it's because we don't dare feed ourselves enough—or indulge ourselves properly—in our waking lives.

However, in some cases, dreams about food do not reflect any shortage in your life, but rather illustrate the ability to feed yourself the way your parents once fed you. Dreams about food can be as healthy and comforting as your mom's chicken soup. Since the first people to feed you were your parents, dreams in which you feed yourself may indicate an increasing ability to treat yourself with love and care.

Do it your way

Have you ever tried to feed a one-year-old baby? It is likely that he will try to snatch the spoon from your hands so that he can eat it himself. He will refuse pear puree. He will stuff it in his hair instead of his mouth. Maybe he'll eat a little later, maybe not. You still have to fight for a certain time to eat. Can you force your child to eat at a certain time and as much as you think is necessary? Or will you let him eat cheese and wash it down with apple juice? Will you let him sit eating food indefinitely?

What does Food mean in a dream - Often, when we dream about food, we seem to be reconsidering the concepts of power and control. Do you eat with pleasure in your dreams? Are you refusing to open your mouth? What in your real life makes you feel weak-willed? Who or what is “force feeding you”?

The pelvic bones are connected to the femurs...

You dreamed of Food - On average, the adult human skeleton has about 206 bones that support and carry the human organ system, thanks to which we live and move. In real life, we don't think too much about what's going on inside our bodies. However, the connection between body and soul is in permanent job, just like ours nervous system constantly receives messages from the brain and sends them to it. Our subconscious mind may know our body better than we do ourselves. And this knowledge often manifests itself in dreams. Remember the ancient Greeks, who used dreams to detect illness and find a cure for it.

From head to toes

In this exercise we pay tribute to Freud and his free association technique to help you get in touch with your own body. Write down on this piece of paper the first thing that comes to your mind as soon as you read each of the words below:


Read what you wrote. Do your associations relate directly to parts of your body and how are they expressed? Didn't you write "Fred Flinstone" after the word "legs" because you yourself are broad-boned and stocky? Do your associations refer to other people's body parts (grandfather's hands or your friend's hair)? Or do they refer to some ideal or popular concept of beauty (such as Paul Newman's bright blue eyes)?

How do you feel about your associations? Think of a couple of adjectives that describe how you feel about Fred Flinstone's legs or Paul Newman's eyes. Write them down too.

You dreamed of Food - There is more food for thought here: do you dream about these body parts? If your dream is all about your legs, were they crossed legs (like sitting women), running legs (carrying like the wind), or heavy legs (heavy like lead weights)? Why exactly legs? Well, maybe you broke your leg when you were 12 years old. But that was a hundred years ago, wasn't it? Why are you dreaming about these legs now? You may be afraid that you might hurt yourself again like you did when you were 12 years old. But this time it will be an emotional trauma, the kind that paralyzes your feelings.

What does Food mean in a dream - Did the word “stomach” make you imagine being hit below the belt with a fist? The abdomen is a soft and very vulnerable part of the body, where many vital important organs. The stomach can be the center of physical and spiritual forces. When we are absolutely healthy, we breathe from the belly and use the great strength of the abdominal muscles to fill our body with strength. If you dream about your torso and stomach, then perhaps you are afraid of getting injured, which will touch the very depths of your being.

Cheerful green giant or little green octopus

Are you taller in your dreams than in real life? Dreams in which we are larger than we really are may indicate that we feel defenseless. We must "puff up." What do you experience in a dream when you tower above everyone else? Feeling of power? Feeling lonely? Is it possible that in real life you find it difficult to assert yourself, and your dreams are trying to help you so that you do not doubt your position in life and are confident in your plans for the future.

You dreamed of Food - Dreams in which we are smaller than the bread bin can indicate many things. They may indicate a desire to hide or avoid someone, some situation, or some feeling. Are there responsibilities in your life that you are avoiding? Or is someone or something threatening you and forcing you to hide? These dreams can also indicate low self-esteem or that we are not able to live up to our ideal. (You know, there's a difference between what we say and what we do...) When this happens, we feel "small." During times of major upheaval, we may dream that we are smaller than others. Thus, we we regain the sense of security that is usually associated with childhood.

Why do you dream about food?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of Food - Cooking food. For a woman - to joy and fun. For a man - to a quarrel.

Why do you dream about food?

Women's dream book

Food - Seeing food in a dream means that you are careless in handling documents, thereby causing significant damage to the most important operations in your business. Eating alone portends minor losses. Why do you dream about food - A dream in which you eat in a pleasant company is favorable - benefits await you, success in business, this is how the dream book interprets Food.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

symbol of prosperity and hospitality. Rejoice in every food and thank God. Whoever you share a meal with is your friend. Dislike for someone sitting at the same table with you means a hidden conflict. Spoiled food also means trouble.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

This symbol is associated with prosperity, hospitality and friendliness. It has always been believed that the workers in the family, that is, men, should be given the best piece. Food, according to our ancestors, was sent by God, so you should never judge what you eat; you should rejoice at any food and thank the Almighty for your mercy.

To dream that you are sitting at a table laden with many dishes and carefully emptying the plates one after another means visiting guests; you have to prepare a complex and responsible event; to illness.

To see a person who can barely stand on his feet from hunger, but when he sits down to eat, he loses consciousness - this dream foreshadows unexpected troubles with distant relatives; to hunger; to malaise; to an accident on the street.

To dream that you are present at dinner and all the dishes seem bland to you, and after dinner seasonings are served to the table - this dream means that someone will make you a promise that they cannot keep on time, and will offer help when It will be late; to belated news; to meeting a person whom you were looking for in the past, but never found.

To see a skinny person who meticulously picks at a plate of porridge and eats almost nothing, but only talks about his dislike for porridge - to deal with an inexperienced and awkward person who is unable to stand up for himself; you will find yourself in a situation that will require good physical preparation from you; to the dissatisfaction of younger family members.

Seeing a table full of food in a dream, which does not cause you any feeling other than indifference, but you force yourself to sit down at the table and realize that you have accepted the right decision, - this dream foretells

A strong-willed decision to be made in the near future; you don’t like the environment that surrounds you; you will participate in an activity that is contrary to your mood and desires, but will later bring satisfaction.

Why do you dream about food?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Food – The desire to receive more love, power, strength. Chewing. Dissatisfaction, erotic hunger. Why do you dream about food - Giving food. The desire to make the one to whom food is given dependent, the desire for dominance. Good/bad food. Eating inedible things. Satisfaction/dissatisfaction life situation. Cannibalism. Sadistic fixation on the object to be eaten. Ritual food. The need to comply with the norms of the Superego. Milk. Symbol feminine, as well as strength, power and fertility, among a number of peoples it is a symbol of seed and masculinity. Responsibility for dominance, in connection with the so-called milk ritual of the Gimba, which consists of the fact that after milking, the leader is the first to taste the milk from each cow. If the milk is good quality, he allows others to drink it. In some cultures, adults have an intolerance to fresh milk, in which case milk is taboo.

Why do you dream about food?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you were cooking something, then many bright and pleasant events will happen in your life in the near future. To prevent them from passing you by, do not cook anything during the day.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were eating something, then there is a high probability that you will have problems with your legs. To avoid them, brew some coffee and pour it on your feet.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of catchphrases

FOOD – “food for the mind”, “to give food for thought”, “spiritual food”. “To hang noodles on one’s ears” - to deceive. “Brew the pot” - create a difficult environment. “Rolling like cheese in butter” - contentment, abundance; “everything is going like clockwork” - a successful course of affairs; “life is not sugar”, “shitty” (bad). “Canned food”: “canned” - preserve, stop certain temporary processes. “Porridge or vinaigrette in the head”: “porridge” means chaos, chaos, disorder. “Fat”, “fatten” - live well; “fat” means rich. “This is such a compote” - a mishmash, confusion. “Dry crackers” - to long journey, imprisonment. “Take away bread” - interfere with someone else’s earnings, deprive someone of something. “To break into pieces” - to try hard to accomplish something. “The banks of jelly are rivers of milk” - incredible abundance and prosperity. “Telling the tea leaves” means deceptive or unjustified assumptions. "Eat black caviar spoons” - to wealth (or, according to the law of inversion, on the contrary, to poverty). “Shchi and porridge are our food” is a colloquial expression among middle-income peasants. See add. salt, horseradish, bread, pancake, noodles.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Food is associated with vitality, power, fertility, love. Eating food denotes a person’s desire to receive more love, power, and vital energy. High-quality food indicates satisfaction with the life situation and status. But if a person sees himself constantly chewing, this indicates dissatisfaction in love. If he sees himself giving food to others, this indicates a desire to become more significant in society.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Funeral food is bad.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of the future

If you just see it, you allow a careless attitude towards documents and thereby harm yourself or your business; a lonely meal promises difficulties, failures and minor losses, but if you see yourself eating in a large pleasant company, this promises benefit, success in business; if someone takes away your half-eaten dish, you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why do you dream about food?

Idiomatic dream book

“To hang noodles on one’s ears” - to deceive; “make a mess” - create a difficult situation; “rolling like cheese in butter” - contentment, abundance; “everything is going like clockwork” - a successful course of affairs; “life is not sugar” - bad; “canned food”, “preserve” - preserve, stop certain temporary processes; “porridge or vinaigrette in the head” - chaos, chaos, disorder; “to fatten” - to live well; “fat” - rich; “here is such a compote” - a hodgepodge, confusion; “dry crackers” - to a long journey, imprisonment; “to take away bread” - interfere with someone else’s earnings, deprive someone of something; “to break into pieces” - try hard to accomplish something; “jelly banks - rivers of milk” - incredible abundance and prosperity; “guessing by tea leaves” - deceptive or unjustified assumptions; “eating black caviar with spoons” - to wealth (or, according to the law of inversion, on the contrary, to poverty); “cabbage soup and porridge are our food” is a colloquial expression among middle-income peasants.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of the past

Food is associated with vitality, power, fertility, love.

Eating food means a person’s desire to receive more love, power, vital energy.

High-quality food indicates satisfaction with the life situation and status.

But if a person sees himself constantly chewing, this indicates dissatisfaction in love.

If he sees himself giving food to others, this indicates a desire to become more significant in society.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of relationships

A man dreams of an abundance of food - in real life he has an uncontrollable sexual appetite. Sometimes you get excited just by looking at a pretty woman and mentally immediately go to bed with her.

If you dreamed that there was not enough food on the table, this means that your partner will be frigid. For women, such a dream foreshadows an affair with a partner who has frequent failures in sex.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Cooking food in a dream - unpleasant dream, warning of danger.

Cooking food yourself - in the coming days you will have to devote a lot of time to everyday problems.

Why do you dream about food?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, food is a sign that it’s time for you to fill gaps in some knowledge, or simply learn something unknown.

If it has expired, be careful, some problems await you.

You dream about something you can’t stand - in reality you fundamentally disagree with something.

Cooking is a sign that you should try to do something unusual for you, without focusing on one particular area.

If you cook it, you need to do something good for other people.

If you dream that it was left on the dining table - you should not be upset that someone caused you trouble, everything will soon be forgotten.

If you really like the food you see, you will break up with someone.

If you eat vegetarian dishes, in reality you should take care of the condition of your body.

Buying it means you will spend a lot if you are wealthy

Dreaming of stealing food means poverty in life. Feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. To eke out a miserable existence.

A dream in which you are drooling while looking at food portends that your dreams will not come true, at least in the near future.

If you lack food, prosperity awaits you.

Buying food means choosing a further path of development. There may be some unplanned purchases, as well as loss of valuables.

Dreaming of a lot of food means a family idyll, the house is a cornucopia. You will be happy and calm about your future.

Seeing a lot of food and eating in company

Cooking - a positive life full of bright events and happiness awaits you in the near future. You will be surrounded by your loved ones.

Why do you dream about food?

American dream book

Food is food: spiritual, mental, emotional or physical.

Cooking is the making of other components of your life.

Why do you dream about food?

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself eating the fruit of a tiger nut in a dream, it means that he will rule the people of his city.

If a person sees himself eating donkey meat in a dream, it means that he will become great.

If a person sees himself eating crocodile meat in a dream, it means good, it means receiving what a nobleman has.

If a person sees himself eating grapes in a dream, it is good - they will give him something from his property.

If a person sees himself eating sycamore fruits in a dream, it is bad, it means pain.

If a person sees himself eating cattle meat in a dream, it means that something will happen to him.

If a person sees himself eating a catfish from a ditch in a dream, it is bad - he will be captured by a crocodile.

If a person sees himself eating hot meat in a dream, it is bad, it means that there is no excuse.

Why do you dream about food?

An old English dream book

To dream that you are eating completely alone is a bad sign, foreshadowing family scandals, the breakup of lovers, losses in trade, crop failure and shipwrecks at sea.

If in a dream you eat in a pleasant company with other people, this portends true friendship and outstanding success in trade or in the business you are involved in. You will be very happy in your marriage, loving your wife and being loved by her endlessly.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of symbols

Seeing fresh food but not eating it means prosperity and contentment.

Food is what sustains us.

Abundance, scarcity, sophistication or the degree of freshness, spoilage of products - informs about the future situation, the nature of current affairs or relationships directly, respectively.

However, thanks to the inversion effect, too rich, expensive, gourmet food can mean the opposite, basically an illusion, an unrealistic one.

Prepare dishes (fry, boil, cook) - to squabbles, interference, scandals.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you eat delicious food in pleasant company means good luck and harmonious relationships with your beloved (beloved).

A dream about eating alone, on the contrary, is unfavorable - it promises separation and cooling in love. A dream in which you go on a diet, but dream of delicious food, means that you will try to overcome an unexpected feeling for a person you already know. for a long time. If you dream that you are greedily pouncing on food, being very hungry, it means that after a long loneliness the love you have been waiting for will come to you.

Eat raw meat - bad luck.

Eat cooked meat - fortunately.

Eating the meat of your own dead body portends separation.

Eat goose - portends your wife's illness.

Eat chicken or duck - luckily.

Eat donuts and manti - there will be a squabble.

If you see donuts or manti that have not yet been eaten, it portends anger.

Eat rotten vegetables - portends illness.

Eat pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Eat all the fruits - portends misfortune.

Eat eggplants - your wife will give birth to a son.

Eat onions - there will be a quarrel or a fight.

Eat garlic - portends a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

Eat vegetables; seeing vegetables that turn yellow portends misfortune.

Eat oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings - fortunately.

Why do you dream about food?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Food is the desire to receive more love, power, strength.

Friends at your table - profitable business, success.

Food left on the table means you can easily overcome the insult.

Cooking food means bringing only joy and goodness to others.

Why do you dream about food?

Aesop's Dream Book

Food - this symbol is associated with prosperity, hospitality and friendliness. It has always been believed that the workers in the family, that is, men, should be given the best piece.

Food, according to our ancestors, was sent by God, so one should never condemn what one eats; one should rejoice at any food and thank the Almighty for his mercy. There was a ritual of eating food: they ate from one cauldron in turn. In this regard, a number of sayings about kinship arose. It was believed that strangers became related while eating food from the same cauldron.

To dream that you are sitting at a table laden with many dishes and carefully emptying the plates one after another - to the guests; you have to prepare a complex and responsible event; to illness.

To see a person who can barely stand on his feet from hunger, but when he sits down to eat, he loses consciousness - this dream foreshadows unexpected troubles with distant relatives; to hunger; to malaise; accident on the street.

Seeing in a dream a table full of food, which does not evoke any feeling in you other than indifference, but you force yourself to sit down at the table and understand that you have made the right decision - this dream foreshadows a strong-willed decision that will have to be made in the near future; you don’t like the environment that surrounds you; you will participate in an activity that is contrary to your mood and desires, but will later bring satisfaction.

Why do you dream about food?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Food: spiritual, mental, emotional or physical.

Pancakes. Seeing, cooking or eating pancakes - what you now consider to be your misfortune will become a blessing.

Brandy. You live for your own pleasure, without thinking about tomorrow and without caring about friends.

Jam/jelly. Canning jam - your neighbors will become your good friends.

Ham. You will meet a very sociable, cheerful person.

Wine. If you dream that you are drinking wine, this is a good omen, foretelling health, wealth, long life and happiness. If you are in love, you will marry the one you adore. If you are already married, you will become especially close to your spouse.

Baked goods (buns, cakes, etc.). Eating baked goods - you'll miss it important meeting. You may get sick at the most inopportune time.

Mustard. Several family quarrels.

Corn. The grain on the bun means profit, monetary income. Grain sprouted in the field is waiting for you happy marriage. Popcorn means unexpected income.

Cabbage. Eating cabbage in a dream means good luck will come to you. Cooking cabbage - you will get entangled in debt.

Coffee. Drinking coffee or smelling its aroma means a long life.

Liquor. You may do something that you will greatly regret later.

Salmon, salmon. Symbol of deception. Eating salmon means you will expose the deceiver.

Pasta. A symbol of intense suffering and pain.

Honey. You are behaving in a sweetly affectionate manner with someone, and it shows!

Milk. Drink milk - you will be very happy in love. Milking a cow - you will have to work very hard to win the heart of the person you dream of, and in the end you will succeed.

Flour. Seeing packaged flour or flour in a mill is a good time to invest, but don't put all your money into one business.

Boiled/fried meat. You are prone to melancholy and live in the past.

Rooster (meat). You will be deceived in your feelings. Millet. Symbol of poverty.

Rice. Like millet, it is a symbol of poverty. Salad. Various obstacles.

Lettuce. According to the interpretation of the gypsies, salad is a good dream. For a woman, this means that wonderful times have come in her relationship with her lover. If a man sees a dream, he will be awarded the attention of beautiful women.

Cream. Drink cream - you will receive an unexpected gift. Spill cream - you will suddenly have to pay the bill.

Butter. You will be the owner of a fortune, but you will get wealth at too high a price.

Salt. You will gain great wisdom.

Sausages. You will be accused of interfering in other people's love affairs.

Soup. You will regain good health.

Dry biscuits/butter biscuits. You are in for a lot of fun.

Cheese. Irritation, disappointment, failure.

Cake. Eating cake means good luck. Oddly enough, if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake, this means that a period of failure will come in her life.

Acne. Evil enemies.

Vinegar. You will have to work in vain for some time.

Oysters. Eating oysters in a dream is usually very auspicious sign, meaning a large family. If you are married, your spouse will love you very much and you will have several children. If you have not yet gotten married, you will start a family and have children.

Bread. Smell the bread - you will get the opportunity to earn a little money. A loaf of bread handed to you means that you will have a baby. Cutting bread means sharing good luck with others. Eat fresh bread- enjoy good friendship. Eating stale bread is a possible illness.

Champagne. Symbolizes money. A bottle of champagne is a chance to make money. Drinking champagne means receiving money.

Chocolate. Eating or drinking chocolate means you will soon survive an illness, although not a severe one.

Eggs. Happiness in family love.

Why do you dream about food?

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. Pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, frightening - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

14th lunar day

The dream has its roots in the subconscious part of the dreamer's personality and indicates his fears, expectations and problems. The images seen are usually intricate and not always amenable to logical analysis. At correct interpretation With such dreams you can improve your life.

Waxing Crescent

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the waxing Moon are prophetic.

18th of Febuary

A dream rarely bodes ill. On this night, you dream mostly about pleasant events, which partly come true. A dream, the meaning of which is related to finances, promises successful purchases and enrichment.

Food is an integral part of human life, but what this image will tell you in a dream needs to be figured out. When interpreting, it is important to take into account all the little things and actions that you performed with food. In addition, it is worth considering that for some this is just a reflection of worldly desires, for example, if you are on a diet and deny yourself the pleasure of eating goodies.

Why do you dream about food?

To see food lying on the table in a dream means that in the near future you will learn about a joyful event. If you ate in the company of your friends, then all the work you started will end successfully. Tasteless food promises minor troubles or illness. Stealing food is a sign of serious financial problems.

When in a dream you give yourself a refill, expect guests, and if you give food to others, this means profit. If you see a dream in which you are sitting at a table and there is a plate of food in front of you, then in reality you should expect meetings and pleasant acquaintances. Putting food in the refrigerator means achieving success in work and business.

Why do you dream about cooking?

Such night vision promises you pleasant surprises. A woman who prepares some kind of dish for her man should expect a serious quarrel with her partner, or he will become the cause of various troubles. If you cook food and something doesn’t work out, you can expect troubles and disappointments in real life.

Why do you dream about a lot of food?

A large amount of food is a symbol of prosperity and happy life. If in a dream you eat a lot, it means that in real life you will fall deeply in love. Relationships can be strong and long-lasting, leading to a happy marriage.

Why do you dream about buying food?

In this case, the dream is a sign of upcoming losses. If you buy fresh baked goods in a dream, then in the near future you will have a chance to earn extra money, but stale baked goods promise serious losses. When in a dream you If you buy food, it means that in real life you are faced with choosing a further path.

Why do you dream of spoiled food?

A dream can warn of possible financial problems. The food you see in your dream contains worms, most likely you will commit an act for which you will have to blush. The expiration date of the food you were going to eat has expired, which means you should expect serious problems in reality.

Why do you dream about delicious food?

The dream symbolizes your desire for self-improvement. For a young girl, a dream portends overcoming all difficulties. Delicious food also promises good news and success in business.

But is it really possible to give such a broad interpretation to dreams that have many other nuances?

The modern dream book describes in detail what food means in dreams, taking into account all the details of the dream.


Cooking in a dream is a good sign indicating pleasant events that are about to happen in your life.

For example, cooking food at home means experiencing wonderful moments in your personal life. And doing this with friends means feeling the support of loved ones.

Cooking in an unfamiliar place means learning a new business that will later bring profit. And cooking in nature is a sign that soon you will be able to have a lot of fun.

  • Over-salting the dish means reconciliation with the offender.
  • Cooking with a friend - for a party at your home.
  • Grilling shish kebab in nature is a sign of a romantic walk.
  • Dropping a pot of soup or borscht is a valuable find.
  • Cooking a lot of dishes is a sign of a marriage proposal.

If you dream that the food you have prepared is completely tasteless, then a promising employer will soon be interested in your talents. And delicious food in a dream means that your loved ones are proud of you.

According to the dream book, you dream about the food you cook in a frying pan when friends arrive. And cooking in a saucepan means inviting relatives over.


A dream where you eat at home speaks of your perseverance and patience. And food on a friend’s table is a sign that they want to invite you over.

Eating in the canteen means expressing your opinion in a group and receiving support. And eat in nature - discard unnecessary thoughts and enjoy life.

  • Food that you don’t like is a manifestation of willpower.
  • Eating your favorite dish brings peace of mind.
  • Dreaming about the food your mother prepared for you is a sign of pleasant memories.
  • Eating fruit is a sign of kisses and romance.
  • Eating in bed means realizing your plans.

If the food you eat is on a large plate, it means your colleagues respect you. And eating from a small plate or saucer means that a lot of interesting work awaits you ahead.

If you dream that your food is in a bag, then try to keep your opinion about it to yourself. controversial issues. And eating from a large bowl or pan means being satisfied with your financial situation.


A big holiday with a luxurious feast is what you dream of about food that you share with a poor person. And if it is a piece of bread or a roll, then the guests will give you a valuable gift.

Sharing your portion with a child means fulfilling a childhood dream. And if you dream that you gave part of your food to a rich person, then a significant increase in money awaits you soon.


Buying your favorite food means enjoying your vacation. And to acquire something that is not to your taste means to earn reciprocity in love.

You dream of groceries in a cart before a long journey in pleasant company. And carrying them in a bag means taking responsibility for solving other people's problems.

  • Buying food for a holiday means going on vacation.
  • Buy bread and salt for the arrival of dear guests.
  • Taking only the essentials will save money.

If you dream that you bought food, but when you came home you found that it was not there, then strangers may deceive you. And to see products in a package that you did not buy means to suspect your loved one of cheating.

You dream of stale food before general cleaning. And wormy food means you need to throw away old things you haven't used for a long time.


If you have a dream in which you got food as a result of a store robbery, then in reality you will have a serious conversation with your superiors. And stealing food at the market means getting what you want in a short time.

To be visiting a friend and steal food there is to make peace with him. And picking it up from a random passer-by means meeting a rich man.

Stealing a loaf of bread means wanting to do charity. And taking a large piece of meat without asking means throwing a party with a large number of guests.

Stolen fish is a sign that your loved ones need your support. And the milk that you stole in a dream reminds you that you need to spend more time with your children.

Throw it away

Throwing away spoiled food in a dream means getting rid of echoes of a past life. And if you dream that you put fresh food in the trash bin, then your previous hobbies will be useful to you in the future.

Throwing away someone else's food - arguing with a stranger. And getting rid of unloved dishes means coping with the desire to take revenge on the offender.

If you dream that you threw a piece of bread on the ground, then temporary financial difficulties await you. And throwing salad into the trash can means forgetting all the old grievances.

Pouring milk down the sink means breaking off relations with you forever. ex-partner. And vegetables in the trash can speak of your belief in a better life.

If you notice food in a dream, be sure to open your dream book and read what food means in your dreams.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

Dream books can interpret the symbolism of food taken away in a dream differently, so before searching for the meaning of such a dream, a person needs to remember what exactly he dreamed about, what actions he performed with food. After all the details of the dream have been restored in memory, you can move on to searching for the answer to your question: why do you dream about food? It is worth considering that the dreamed food is mostly positive in interpretation.

Dream books can interpret the symbolism of food taken away in a dream differently

In Miller's dream book Special importance is given to dreams associated with fish food. If the dreamer ate fish in a dream, his life will soon change positive side, he will receive good news. If you quickly consume fish, the dreamer will real life Minor hassles should be expected.

Miller's dream book considers a dream about food as a warning: if the dreamer handles the documentation carelessly, he will soon face a breakdown in his business or his professional activity.

And the people's dream book, on the contrary, he is inclined to a positive interpretation of such a dream: soon the dreamer will find prosperity and success.

Miller is convinced that if a meal takes place in pleasant company, the dreamer will soon receive benefits, or his affairs will become successful.

If someone takes away a half-eaten meat dish, the dreamer will soon have to endure a grudge against a person who is unpleasant to him.

According to the modern dream book:

  • just looking at food means major troubles due to incorrectly executed or lost documents;
  • eating alone means minor losses;
  • eating in pleasant company means great success;
  • eating bread means quick wealth;
  • Seeing leftovers in a dream means disappointment, and eating them means poor health.

Food in the dream book (video)

Seeing spoiled food in a dream - what does it mean?

Dreams of spoiled food mostly have negative interpretations.

  1. Dream Interpretation of Grishina claims that if you dreamed of wormy food, this means the appearance of ill-wishers among friends, and the possibility of ambiguous situations arising.
  2. When contemplating wormy fruits or berries, the dreamer will soon need to be prepared for a conflict or termination of a relationship with a loved one.
  3. Maggots in food symbolize troubles, betrayal of loved ones or friends.
  4. The presence of flies in honey or jam foreshadows the imminent identification of a hypocritical person. If flies crawl across the dish, this means that all the efforts spent on doing business will not be justified.
  5. A dream in which hair is present symbolizes state of mind the dreamer: he is dissatisfied with the position of others, which causes anxiety.
  6. According to Shereminskaya's dream book spoiled food promises grief.
  7. If the stored food has rotted, the dreamer will soon need treatment.

If a person sorts through rotten food in a dream, in the near future he will face the end of friendly relations, or their significant deterioration.

Why do you dream about delicious shawarma?

Why do you dream about delicious shawarma? Taking a bite of delicious shawarma means profit that will be received as a result of the scam. However, you need to be careful here: the risk of a scam is not comparable to the profit received. Perhaps in this situation it is better for the dreamer to refuse unjustified risk, otherwise his time will be practically wasted.

Taking a bite of delicious shawarma means profit that will be received as a result of the scam

Why do you dream about food on the table?

If you dream of food being placed on the table, you need to pay attention to the number of dishes.

  1. If a man has a dream in which the table is laid out with a large variety of dishes, he says that the dreamer is a hot-tempered person and recommends that he learn to restrain his passions. If the dreamer is a child or a woman, then such a dream foreshadows the unexpected arrival of guests.
  2. By folk dream book an abundance of food symbolizes quick prosperity, as well as a cloudless life.
  3. Seeing a perfectly set table in a dream means a prosperous life, increasing your own well-being.

If a man has a dream in which the table is laid out with a large variety of dishes, he says that the dreamer is a hot-tempered person

If you dreamed that there was exotic food on the table, the dreamer will soon receive an interesting offer.

Buying or eating food in a dream: interpretations

Very often in dreams related to food, a person eats it.

  1. If a person sits at a huge table and eats in a dream, soon the responsibility for holding an important event will fall on his shoulders. In some situations, such a dream may portend illness.
  2. If the dreamer sits at a table on which there is only 1 plate, in reality pleasant acquaintances or meetings with old friends await him.
  3. A dream in which a person eats soup from a plate promises a quick positive change in his financial situation.
  4. Eating meat in a dream foretells an imminent illness.

If the dreamer sits at a table on which there is only 1 plate, in reality pleasant acquaintances await him

The dream may also show the plot of buying groceries.

  1. Buying food in a store or market foreshadows imminent financial difficulties.
  2. Buying food in a dream, according to the Wanderers’ dream book, is advice to deny yourself the thoughtless waste of money.

You also need to pay attention to the product itself that was purchased. If fruits were purchased, then soon the dreamer will expect losses, which will eventually be compensated for him. If we were talking about buying baked goods, then such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation: it can mean either losses or profits. Buying fresh baked goods promises the dreamer serious income, while stale baked goods promise losses.

Why does a woman dream about food?

Most often, women dream about food while it is being prepared.

  1. If a woman fries something in a dream, perhaps in reality she will soon have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. By esoteric dream book such a plot foreshadows conflicts and quarrels. Cooking food portends great achievements in life.
  3. If a woman did not succeed in some dishes during the cooking process, similar dream symbolizes minor disappointments, and if the lady was in a pleasant mood - the arrival of long-awaited guests.
  4. A dream in which a woman salts food promises difficulties in professional activities, the appearance conflict situations a team.

Most often, women dream about food while it is being prepared.

Feeding a man food in a dream – what does it mean?

  • If you had a dream in which a man feeds a man various dishes, the breadwinner should soon expect success in his professional activities. According to the Universal Dream Book, such a plot suggests that the things started in reality are not in vain and in the end they will bear fruit.
  • If the dreamer feeds a man meat, he may soon lose his authority.
  • Sharing food with an unfamiliar man in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will be expected monetary losses and unexpected expenses. The same plot can be a warning that a person needs to be less lazy.

Feeding a man in a dream can symbolize wastefulness, so in real life the dreamer is advised to give up thoughtless spending. If a woman needs to fry food for a man, in reality she should expect a deterioration in the relationship with the man she saw in the dream. Moreover, this will not just be a quarrel, but a source of trouble.