Signs associated with funerals. Signs at a funeral - the experience of millennia

Customs, rituals, traditions, signs

Everyone decides for himself to believe or not to believe in omens, to observe or not to observe rituals and traditions, but do not take observance to the point of absurdity.

How to see off a loved one on their last journey, loved one without harming yourself and your loved ones? Usually this sad event takes us by surprise, and we get lost listening to everyone and following their advice. But, as it turns out, not everything is so simple. Sometimes people use this sad event to harm you. Therefore, remember how to properly escort a person on his final journey.

At the moment of death, a person experiences a painful feeling of fear as the soul leaves the body. When leaving the body, the soul meets the Guardian Angel given to it during Holy Baptism, and demons. Relatives and friends of the dying person should try to alleviate his mental suffering with prayer, but under no circumstances should they scream loudly or cry.

At the moment of separation of the soul from the body, it is necessary to read the Canon of Prayer Mother of God. When reading the Canon, a dying Christian holds a lighted candle or a holy cross in his hand. If he does not have the strength to make the sign of the cross, one of his relatives does this, leaning towards the dying person and clearly saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me. In Your hands, Lord Jesus, I commend my spirit; Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”

You can sprinkle holy water on a dying person with the words: “Grace of the Holy Spirit, who has sanctified this water, deliver your soul from all evil.”

According to church custom, the dying person asks for forgiveness from those present and forgives them himself.

Not often, but it still happens that a person prepares his own coffin in advance. It is usually stored in the attic. In this case, pay attention to the following: the coffin is empty, and since it is made to a person’s standards, he begins to “pull” it into himself. And a person, as a rule, dies faster. Previously, to prevent this from happening, sawdust, shavings, and grain were poured into the empty coffin. After the death of a person, sawdust, shavings and grain were also buried in the hole. After all, if you feed a bird with such grain, it will become sick.

When a person has died and measurements are taken from him to make a coffin, under no circumstances should this measurement be placed on the bed. It is best to take it out of the house and put it in a coffin during the funeral.

Be sure to remove all silver objects from the deceased: after all, this is the metal that is used to fight the unclean. Therefore, the latter can “disturb” the body of the deceased.

The body of the deceased is washed immediately after death. Washing occurs as a sign of the spiritual purity and integrity of the life of the deceased, as well as so that he appears in purity before the face of God after the resurrection. Ablution should cover all parts of the body.

You need to wash your body with warm water, not hot water so as not to steam it. When they wash the body, they read: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us” or “Lord, have mercy.”

As a rule, only elderly women prepare the deceased for his last journey.

To make it more convenient to wash the deceased, an oilcloth is laid on the floor or bench and covered with a sheet. The body of a deceased person is placed on top. They take one basin with clean water, and the other - with soap. Using a sponge dipped in soapy water, wash the entire body, starting from the face and ending with the feet, then wash with clean water and dry with a towel. Lastly, they wash the head and comb the deceased’s hair.

It is advisable that ablution takes place during daylight hours - from sunrise to sunset. Water after ablution must be handled very carefully. It is necessary to dig a hole far from the yard, garden and living quarters, where people do not walk, and pour everything, to the last drop, into it and cover it with earth.

The fact is that the water in which the deceased was washed causes very strong damage. In particular, this water can give a person cancer. Therefore, do not give this water to anyone, no matter who approaches you with such a request.

Try not to spill this water around the apartment so that those living in it do not get sick.

Pregnant women should not wash the deceased in order to avoid illness of the unborn child, as well as women who are menstruating.

After washing, the deceased is dressed in new, light, clean clothes. They must put a cross on the deceased if he did not have one.

The bed on which a person died does not need to be thrown away, as many do. Just take her out to the chicken coop and let her lie there for three nights so that, as the legend goes, the rooster will sing her song three times.

Relatives and friends should not make a coffin.

It is best to bury the shavings formed during the manufacture of the coffin in the ground or, in extreme cases, throw them into water, but do not burn them.

When the deceased is placed in a coffin, the coffin must be sprinkled with holy water both inside and out, and you can also sprinkle it with incense.

A whisk is placed on the forehead of the deceased. It is given in the church at the funeral service.

A pillow, usually made of cotton wool, is placed under the feet and head of the deceased. The body is covered with a sheet.

The coffin is placed in the middle of the room in front of the icons, turning the face of the deceased with his head towards the icons.

When you see a dead person in a coffin, do not automatically touch your body with your hands. Otherwise, in the place where you touched, various skin growths in the form of a tumor may grow.

If there is a dead person in the house, then when you meet your friend or relatives there, you should greet with a bow of the head, and not with your voice.

While there is a dead person in the house, you should not sweep the floor, as this will bring trouble to your family (illness or worse).

If there is a dead person in the house, do not do any laundry.

Do not place two needles crosswise on the lips of the deceased, supposedly to preserve the body from decomposition. This will not save the body of the deceased, but the needles that were on his lips will definitely disappear; they are used to cause damage.

To prevent a heavy smell from coming from the deceased, you can put a bunch of dry sage at his head, popularly called “cornflowers”. It also serves another purpose - it drives away evil spirits.

For the same purposes, you can use willow branches, which are sacred in Palm Sunday and are kept behind images. These branches can be placed under the deceased.

It happens that a deceased person has already been placed in a coffin, but the bed on which he died has not yet been taken out. Acquaintances or strangers may come up to you and ask permission to lie on the bed of the deceased so that their back and bones do not hurt. Don't allow this, don't hurt yourself.

Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin so that the deceased does not have a strong smell. For this purpose, use artificial or, as a last resort, dried flowers.

A candle is lit near the coffin as a sign that the deceased has moved to the realm of light - a better afterlife.

For three days, the Psalter is read over the deceased.

The Psalter is read continuously over the Christian's tomb until the deceased remains unburied.

A lamp or candle is lit in the house, which burns as long as the deceased is in the house.

It happens that glasses with wheat are used instead of a candlestick. This wheat is often spoiled and should not be fed to poultry or livestock.

The hands and feet of the deceased are tied. Hands are folded so that the right one is on top. IN left hand the deceased is enclosed with an icon or cross; for men - the image of the savior, for women - the image of the Mother of God. Or you can do this: in the left hand - a cross, and on the chest of the deceased - a Holy image.

Make sure that someone else's things are not placed under the deceased. If you notice this, then you need to pull them out of the coffin and burn them somewhere far away.

Sometimes, out of ignorance, some compassionate mothers put photographs of their children in a coffin with their grandparents. After this, the child begins to get sick, and if help is not provided in time, death can occur.

It happens that there is a dead person in the house, but there are no suitable clothes for him, and then one of the family members gives his things. The deceased is buried, and the one who gave away his things begins to get sick.

The coffin is taken out of the house, turning the face of the deceased towards the exit. When the body is carried out, the mourners sing a song in honor of the Holy Trinity: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.”

It happens that when a coffin with a deceased person is taken out of the house, someone stands near the door and starts tying knots in rags, explaining that he is tying the knots so that no more coffins are taken out of this house. Although such a person has something completely different on his mind. Try to take these rags away from him.

If a pregnant woman goes to a funeral, she will do harm to herself. A sick child may be born. Therefore, try to stay at home during this time, and you need to say goodbye to your loved one in advance - before the funeral.

When a dead person is being carried to a cemetery, do not cross his path under any circumstances, as various tumors may form on your body. If this happens, then you should take the hand of the deceased, always the right one, and move all your fingers over the tumor and read “Our Father.” This needs to be done three times, after each time spitting over your left shoulder.

When they carry a dead man in a coffin down the street, try not to look out of the window of your apartment. By doing this you will save yourself from troubles and will not get sick.

In the church, the coffin with the body of the deceased is placed in the middle of the church facing the altar and candles are lit on four sides of the coffin.

Relatives and friends of the deceased walk around the coffin with the body, bowing and asking for forgiveness for involuntary offenses, kissing the deceased for the last time (the corolla on his forehead or the icon on his chest). After this, the entire body is covered with a sheet and the priest sprinkles earth on it in a cross shape.

When the body and coffin are taken out of the temple, the face of the deceased is turned towards the exit.

It happens that the church is located far from the home of the deceased, then a funeral service is held for him in absentia. After the funeral service, relatives are given a whisk, prayer of permission and earth from the funeral table.

At home, relatives place a prayer of permission in the right hand of the deceased, a paper whisk on the forehead, and after saying goodbye to him, in the cemetery, his body, covered with a sheet from head to toe, as in a church, is sprinkled with earth in a cross shape (from head to feet, from the right shoulder to the left - to get a correctly shaped cross).

The deceased is buried facing east. The cross on the grave is placed at the feet of the buried person so that the crucifix is ​​facing the face of the deceased.

According to Christian custom, when a person is buried, his body must be interred or “sealed.” Priests do this.

The ties that bind the hands and feet of the deceased must be untied and placed in the coffin with the deceased before lowering the coffin into the grave. Otherwise, they are usually used to cause damage.

When saying goodbye to the deceased, try not to step on the towel that is placed in the cemetery near the coffin, so as not to incur damage to yourself.

If you are afraid of a dead person, hold on to his legs.

Sometimes they may throw earth from a grave into your bosom or collar, proving that this way you can avoid the fear of the dead. Don't believe it - they do it to cause damage.

When the coffin with the body of the deceased is lowered into the grave on towels, these towels must be left in the grave, and not used for various household needs or given to anyone.

When lowering the coffin with the body into the grave, all those accompanying the deceased on his last journey throw a lump of earth into it.

After the ritual of committing the body to the earth, this earth must be taken to the grave and poured out in a cross shape. And if you are lazy, don’t go to the cemetery and take the soil for this ritual from your yard, then you will do very bad things to yourself.

It is not Christian to bury a dead person with music; it should be buried with a priest.

It happens that a person was buried, but the body was not buried. You must definitely go to the grave and take a handful of earth from there, with which you can then go to church.

It is advisable, in order to avoid any troubles, to spray the house or apartment where the deceased lived blessed water. This must be done immediately after the funeral. It is also necessary to sprinkle such water on the people who participated in the funeral procession.

The funeral is over, and according to the old Christian custom, water and something from food are placed in a glass on the table to treat the soul of the deceased. Make sure that small children or adults do not inadvertently drink from this glass or eat anything. After such a treat, both adults and children begin to get sick.

During the wake, according to tradition, a glass of vodka is poured for the deceased. Don't drink it if someone advises you. It would be better if you poured vodka on the grave.

Returning from a funeral, it is imperative to dust off your shoes before entering the house, and also hold your hands over the fire of a lit candle. This is done in order to prevent damage to the home.

There is also this type of damage: a dead person lies in a coffin, wires are tied to his arms and legs, which are lowered into a bucket of water located under the coffin. This is how they supposedly ground the deceased. Actually this is not true. This water is later used to cause damage.

Here is another type of damage in which incompatible things are present - death and flowers.

One person gives another a bouquet of flowers. Only these flowers do not bring joy, but grief, since the bouquet, before being presented, lay on the grave all night.

If any of you has had a loved one die or dear person and you often cry for him, then I advise you to get thistle grass in your house.

To miss the deceased less, you need to take the headdress (scarf or hat) that the deceased wore before front door light it and walk around all the rooms with it one by one, reading the “Our Father” aloud. After this, take the remains of the burnt headdress out of the apartment, burn it completely and bury the ashes in the ground.

It also happens: you come to the grave of a loved one to pull out the grass, paint the fence or plant something. You start digging and unearth things that shouldn't be there. Someone outsider buried them there. In this case, take everything you found outside the cemetery and burn it, trying not to get exposed to the smoke, otherwise you may get sick yourself.

Some believe that after death, forgiveness of sins is impossible, and if a sinful person has died, nothing can be done to help him. However, the Lord himself said: “And every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven to men... neither in this age nor in the next.” This means that in the future life only blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven. Consequently, through our prayers we can have mercy on our loved ones who are deceased in body, but who are alive in soul and who did not blaspheme the Holy Spirit during their earthly life.

A memorial service and home prayer for the good deeds of the deceased, done in his memory (alms and donations to the church), are all useful for the dead. But commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for them.

If you encounter a funeral procession on your way, you should stop, take off your headdress and cross yourself.

When they carry a dead person to the cemetery, do not throw fresh flowers on the road after him - by doing this you damage not only yourself, but also many people who step on these flowers.

After the funeral, do not visit any of your friends or relatives.

If they take earth to “seal” a dead person, under no circumstances allow this earth to be taken from under your feet.

When someone dies, try to have only women present.

If the patient is dying seriously, then for an easier death, remove the feather pillow from under his head. In villages, the dying person is laid on straw.

Make sure that the deceased's eyes are tightly closed.

Do not leave a deceased person alone in the house; as a rule, elderly women should sit next to him.

When there is a dead person in the house, you cannot drink water in the neighboring houses in the morning that was in buckets or pans. It must be poured out and freshly poured in.

When a coffin is made, a cross is made on its lid with an ax.

In the place where the deceased lay in the house, it is necessary to place an ax so that no more people die in this house for a long time.

Until 40 days, do not distribute the deceased’s belongings to relatives, friends or acquaintances.

Under no circumstances should you put your pectoral cross on the deceased.

Before burial, do not forget to remove the wedding ring from the deceased. This way the widow (widower) will save herself from illness.

During the death of your loved ones or acquaintances, you must close the mirrors and do not look into them after death for 40 days.

It is impossible for tears to fall on a dead person. This is a heavy burden for the deceased.

After the funeral, do not allow your loved ones, acquaintances or relatives to lie on your bed under any pretext.

When a deceased person is taken out of the house, make sure that none of those accompanying him on his last journey walk out with his back.

After removing the deceased from the house, the old broom should also be removed from the house.

Before last goodbye with the deceased in the cemetery, when they lift the lid of the coffin, under no circumstances put your head under it.

The coffin with the deceased, as a rule, is placed in the middle of the room in front of the home icons, facing the exit.

As soon as a person has died, relatives and friends must order the magpie in the church, that is, daily commemoration during the Divine Liturgy.

Under no circumstances listen to those people who advise you to wipe your body with the water in which the deceased was washed to get rid of pain.

If the wake (third, ninth, fortieth day, anniversary) falls during Lent, then in the first, fourth and seventh weeks of fasting the relatives of the deceased do not invite anyone to the funeral.

When memorial days fall on weekdays of other weeks of Lent, they are transferred to the next (ahead) Saturday or Sunday.

If the commemoration falls on Bright Week (the first week after Easter), then in these first eight days after Easter they do not read prayers for the deceased or perform memorial services for them.

Remember the dead Orthodox Church Allows from Tuesday of St. Thomas week (second week after Easter).

The dead are remembered with the food that is prescribed on the day of the funeral: on Wednesday, Friday, on days of long fasts - fasting, on meat-eating days - fasting.

It is believed that the deceased should not be left alone for a long time. There must be one of the relatives or close people next to the coffin. This sign arose because all the personal belongings of the deceased are used for black rituals and they can simply be stolen. The Church believes that relatives should always be near the deceased to read prayers over the body.

How do they close the eyes of a corpse?

It is much easier for people to perceive a deceased person as sleeping, and therefore after death, relatives can close the eyes of the deceased or wait for an ambulance. Signs believe that you should not look into the eyes of the deceased for a long time, as he may take it with you. Closed eyes may open over time as the muscles gradually relax. Therefore, if it is decided that the body will be in the house, coins are placed on the closed eyelids of the deceased. After rigor mortis, the eyes will no longer open. At the morgue, embalmers perform many different operations on the body, including preventing the eyes from opening.

According to signs, you cannot put your personal belongings in the coffin of the deceased, thereby you are burying part of your life. If you buried your wedding ring, don’t get married again. The same applies to money, if you put your personal coins in the coffin of the deceased, then you actually buried your money, and therefore your income.

You can't use signs personal belongings of the deceased, especially those that directly prepared the body for burial, such as a comb. These items are either placed in the coffin of the deceased, or they are disposed of and burned.

You can’t sweep the floor while the deceased is still in the house, so you sweep the living into the cemetery. If someone in the house died, then everyone, including children, according to an old tradition, was woken up so that the soul of the deceased did not crawl into the body of the sleeping person.

Animals, dogs and cats should not be allowed into the room, and it is better to remove those animals that were in the room so that they do not get sick.

It is believed that You can't sleep on the bed of a dead person person, and also watch the funeral from the window.

You should never cross the path of a funeral procession and you should also never walk in front of the coffin.

You cannot dig a grave that is too large for the deceased; according to signs, this is another place for a future victim.

The relatives themselves cannot carry the coffin of the deceased. According to signs, blood is attracted to blood. This is done so that living relatives do not follow the dead. It is considered a bad omen if you look out the window and accidentally see a coffin.

They say that you cannot cry too much for the deceased, otherwise he will not be able to leave this world. After the funeral, you cannot immediately go to visit someone.

Bad omens at funerals and cemeteries

From the moment of death until the 40th day, all mirrors in the house where the deceased died are covered. They say that this is done so that the soul of the deceased is not afraid that it no longer has a reflection.

According to the sign, so that the soul does not return to the house, after the body of the deceased is taken out, all the chairs in the house are raised. According to signs, personal belongings of the deceased are placed in a coffin or burned. The water in which the deceased was washed is poured out so that it cannot be used in black magic.

After the deceased has been taken out of the house, there is only one person left to sweep death out of the house. Nowadays It is customary to clean and wash the floors in the house. After this, according to signs, the mop and rags should be thrown away or burned.

Usually the funeral agency tells you to bring a clean handkerchief to the deceased. This handkerchief is placed in the coffin so that he can wipe away sweat during the trial of his soul.

According to signs, the relatives of the deceased place fir branches at the threshold of the house so that loved ones who come to the funeral do not carry death into their home. To prevent the deceased from coming at night, during burial everyone throws a handful of earth into the coffin. The lid of the coffin is closed only in the cemetery. According to signs, doing this at home is bad luck. They leave the cemetery without looking back, and wipe their feet on the way out so as not to accidentally bring cemetery soil into their house.

After the funeral going to the funeral. Before entering the house, they used to take out a bucket where everyone washed their hands. Nowadays, most people wash their hands at home. Some may support their palms over the candle.

During a funeral, according to signs, it is customary to put a photo of the deceased with a mourning ribbon, allocate a separate place for him, and even serve his favorite food. Sometimes they put a piece of bread with water. According to signs, you can’t eat this food. They don't even give it to animals.

Only one candle is placed on the funeral table. There's no need to clink glasses either. The first is always applied to the deceased. Funny songs and laughter at a wake mean grief, and alcohol abuse means children will become alcoholics. They usually drink without clinking glasses no more than 3 times.

There are different signs about what to do with the icon that remains after burial. They say that it is better to give it to the church or let it go along the river or even put it on your altar. However, everyone agrees that the icon cannot be buried.

Belongings of the deceased after death they are distributed to needy people. Sometimes the funeral agencies themselves are ready to rid you of unnecessary things and distribute them themselves. You can also take things to church. The bed on which the deceased died is usually thrown out or burned; it is believed that it is not good to sleep on it; there can be problems with both health and life in general.

Pregnant woman at a funeral omens

Quite interesting signs and debates are going on about whether pregnant women can go to a funeral? Life grows inside a woman, but death itself rules the cemetery. Some believe that the necrotic energy of the cemetery does not have a very good effect on the fetus, but is this true?

Most people They believe that the mother’s emotions have a much greater influence on the development of the fetus. If the deceased was dear to you and it hurts you to go to the wake or the burial process itself, then of course it is better to postpone the trip and visit the cemetery, say, in a year. If desired, a pregnant mother can attend a wake or go to church to pray for the soul of the deceased. Usually, close people understand the situation the pregnant woman is in and treat it with condescension.

If a pregnant girl feels great and wants to go to the cemetery to say goodbye, then there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to understand that the atmosphere there will be appropriate, everyone will grieve, many will cry. The Church also believes that there is nothing wrong with visiting a cemetery for a pregnant woman; it is much more important that the mother feels well emotionally and is less nervous.

Falling at a funeral is a sign

Bad omen if you fell at a funeral. If the coffin with the deceased turns over, this also does not bode well. If this happened, then you cannot scold those who accidentally turned over the coffin or fell. It is believed that in this case it is necessary to observe funeral signs. When you come home, wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbows or hold them over a candle. You also need to go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

The funeral rite is one of key points existence, important both for the soul of the deceased and for the relatives of the deceased. Signs at funerals have long been known, which allow you to learn in advance about some future events.

Basic folk signs at funerals

Tradition strictly regulated the course of the funeral rite. The main signs during funerals that our ancestors believed in and followed:
We always looked at the weather. If the sun is shining, then the deceased was good person. Rain at a funeral says no best qualities dead man.
They took care of pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid any hassle associated with burial. They were not allowed to look at the deceased and attend the funeral service and burial. If a pregnant woman still decided to come to the funeral, she had to leave the house before the coffin was carried out. These superstitions are associated with the desire to preserve the fetus: it was believed that the deceased could take the soul of an unborn child.
Protected the children. They were treated with the same reverence as pregnant women. The children were not allowed to attend the funeral and were closely watched until all the rituals were completed. Children could, while playing, drink water intended for the deceased, put something in his coffin, or take some of the deceased’s things for themselves. Any of these actions could provoke a serious illness or death, so the behavior of younger relatives was controlled very carefully.
They were in mourning. The traditional period is one year. At this time, close relatives of the deceased were not allowed to marry. A funeral before a wedding is one of the worst omens. Its authenticity was to some extent confirmed by the last Russian Tsar: Nicholas II took Alexandra Fedorovna as his wife a week after his father’s funeral. Sad and bloody history Everyone knows this family.
They believed in the power of church holidays. One of the few good signs says: a person who dies or is buried on the day of a religious holiday automatically goes to heaven.
Superstitions and omens at funerals are still common today. In many ways, they are justified, as they are associated with many years of human observations.

What signs at funerals indicate new deaths?

Loved ones saddened by grief may be faced with the need to organize a funeral again: often one deceased person is followed by another one. The following signs of imminent death speak about this:
Someone accidentally crossed the path of the funeral procession. This person will die for the same reason as the current dead man. As a "light" option negative prediction called the development of a cancerous tumor.
The relatives forgot to put an ax under the coffin. This custom is associated with the desire to cut off death from the house, to frighten it. If this is not done, then very soon she will come “to visit” again and take another person with her.
The relatives forgot to untie the ropes binding the limbs of the deceased.
A dead man can drag the whole family to the next world.
The ordered coffin or dug grave turned out to be too wide for the deceased. This means that the deceased leaves room for the “new guy”.
The dead man's eyes open: he is looking for a mate. The dead man's feet remain warm until the funeral. The sign foreshadows a new death.
The coffin fell. The incident indicates deaths in the family within three years.
The dead man fell out of the coffin. Someone else will die soon.
The coffin lid fell off (or was forgotten at home in the chaos). One should expect the quick death of one of the relatives.
The grave collapsed. If the earth crumbles on the south side, death will come for a man, from the north - for a woman, from the east - for an old man, and from the west - for a child.
Someone tripped or fell during a funeral. To his near death. In a short period of time, two people died in one house. Death loves a trinity and will soon take someone third. The funeral fell on New Year. December 31 is an unfavorable date for such an undertaking: in next year At least one person will be sent to the next world every month.
They are buried on Sunday. The sign says that within next week the funeral ritual will have to be performed three more times.
The funeral was postponed, regardless of the reason. Over the course of a month, another death will occur in the family or close circle (and according to some sources, even two or three). According to legend, the dead man, delaying the funeral, is simply waiting for the next deceased.
Folk signs at funerals warn people against putting their photograph or personal item “as a keepsake” in the coffin. Thus, a person risks going to the world of the dead much earlier than expected.
The same applies to dressing the deceased in his own clothes. After saying goodbye to the deceased, it is advisable to touch his shoes and say: “Farewell! When the time comes, we will come to you, but don’t follow us.” You need to walk away from the coffin without looking back. Signs at funerals in magic: what ordinary people don’t know about
If the average person perceives farewell to the deceased as a sad event, then sorcerers rejoice at the opportunity to “get rich.” Many signs about funerals are based on fear of magicians and witches: relatives tried to do everything to prevent such people from stealing funeral paraphernalia.

Of particular value are:

a rope that tied the hands and feet of the deceased;
water and soap used to wash the deceased;
coins for eyes;
measure from the coffin;
candle stub left over from the funeral service.
All this is used to inflict severe damage. Therefore, it is recommended to pour the water into a specially dug hole away from the house, and throw soap there as well. The comb and measure are usually placed in the coffin. A dead person should not be left alone in the house. This is partly explained by the desire of witches and sorcerers to put a personal item, biomaterial or photograph of their victim in the coffin: this is how damage to death is done. For the same reason, strangers should not be allowed near the coffin in the cemetery, especially if it seems that they are planning something.

Suspicious behavior that indicates magical work is being done includes:

Please lie on the bed of the deceased.
The desire to go behind the coffin backwards.
Tying knots in a string or rag while removing a dead person.
Throwing fresh flowers at the feet of people walking behind the coffin.
Placing needles crosswise on the lips of the deceased.
Folk signs are closely related to the idea of ​​magic.
Many modern people they do not believe that a sorcerer can cause harm by manipulating any object. But there are a lot of cases confirming the effectiveness of black spells. For example, a popular way to get rid of an unwanted person forever is to put his photograph in the dead person's mouth. It is necessary to carefully observe what is happening, not allowing grief to cloud your eyes and hide someone’s negative activity. Bad omens are mostly common at funerals. This is connected not only with the natural fear of death, but also with the fear of the dead: the one who was recently nearby has now become a representative of another world. Following traditions allows a person to experience separation from a loved one as comfortably as possible.

There are incomparably more bad receptions at a funeral. No wonder - the energy of death is very heavy. She does not forgive mistakes; failure to follow the ancient rules will not lead to good. It is quite possible to target yourself or the relatives of the deceased heavy damage. That's why it's important to know folk signs about the funeral.

Funeral superstitions - do's and don'ts

The set of rules and prohibitions concerns family members of the deceased. An outsider does not need to know about them. But there are also beliefs concerning all those who came to say goodbye to the deceased, neighbors and random passers-by who met the mournful procession.

Everyone who comes to the cemetery must throw a handful of earth on the coffin so that the spirit does not disturb. At a funeral you should not look back, otherwise the spirit of the deceased may follow you.

Mopping and sweeping to sweep death out of the house. As a rule, this is entrusted to family friends - relatives of the deceased are prohibited. Sweep and wash towards the threshold. The broom, rag and gloves are thrown away. Pour the water where no one goes. Bucket - wash. After that, go to the funeral.

After the cemetery you are supposed to go to the funeral or home. You can’t come to visit, you’ll bring death into this house. Upon arrival from the cemetery, warm yourself over a candle or wash your hands, this will remove the energy of death. At the entrance to the house, remove the soil from your shoes.

Observe. You can’t overdo it with alcohol, sing, or have fun. In some regions you cannot say “thank you.” The deceased is remembered only with good words.

Flowers in the cemetery

Attention! Vanga's terrible horoscope for 2019 has been deciphered:
Trouble awaits 3 signs of the Zodiac, only one sign can become a winner and gain wealth... Fortunately, Vanga left instructions for activating and deactivating what was destined.

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It has been customary to place flowers on graves since ancient times. Traditionally, the deceased are given orchids, carnations, callas, tulips, chrysanthemums, asters. You can buy a bouquet of flowers that the deceased liked during his lifetime.

Regarding plant color strict restrictions No. In Europe, for example, they are considered a symbol of grief, mourning and separation. The Slavs adopted discreet, austere flowers for funerals. There should not be more than three shades - variegation does not correspond to the moment of grief.

For a deceased man, pink tones in a bouquet are undesirable. If they are burying a young girl, it is better to bring white and pink flowers. Children - white and cream bouquets. The older the deceased, the darker the flowers. Plants in bouquets must be alive. It is better that the wreaths consist of fresh flowers.

How many flowers are given for a funeral? An even number, but not more than eight. Otherwise, funeral bouquets are not much different from ordinary ones. Flowers brought to the funeral are laid on the grave. They cannot be taken away. They belong to the deceased. If it is not possible to attend the funeral, send flowers by courier and a note expressing your grief.

Beliefs for neighbors of the deceased

If your neighbors are having a funeral, you will have to follow several rules, even if you are unfamiliar with them, and you are not going to attend the farewell to the deceased. It doesn't matter where you live - in an apartment building or a private one.

It is forbidden to sleep in the same room as a deceased person.

Neighbors can't sleep. The soul of the deceased can enter the body of the sleeping person. Not all the deceased take the fact of their death, separation from loved ones and their grief lightly. A deceased neighbor may not want to go to another world and take advantage of the sleeping person and live another life in his body. Therefore, it is necessary to wake up everyone who lives nearby. Especially when it comes to children - their protection from installing spirits weaker.

If there are small children in the house, place water under the cradle - it will absorb negativity. Does a child eat when the neighbor says goodbye to the deceased? Place water nearby in this case too. Do not drink it, pour it down the drain after use.

Is it possible to watch a funeral from a window?

In most countries, beliefs prohibit this. It is believed that whoever looks at a dead person or coffin from a window will soon die from a serious illness. The spirit of the deceased does not like being peered out of the window.

The living consider such curiosity to be tactless, while the dead are much more vindictive. The spirit is capable drag a living person along with you. Even if during his lifetime he was not distinguished by an evil disposition. You will have to watch your children especially carefully. If you know that there will be a funeral, you should close the windows with curtains in advance.

What to do if a rule is broken accidentally? Quickly turn away and cross yourself three times. Mentally wish the Kingdom of Heaven to the deceased, pray for his soul. You can watch the funeral from the street. Not from behind the door, through the peephole or from the threshold. Not because of the fence or gate. If you want to express sympathy, go outside.

Participants in the funeral procession should not look out the windows. Neither into your own, nor into strangers, nor into the windows of the house where the deceased lived - it will attract death into the house. For the same reason, they do not turn back when preparing to leave for the cemetery, and do not get ahead of the coffin when walking in front of it.

If you meet a funeral on the way

Why can't you cross the path of a dead person? Signs promise serious illness to those who break the rules.

According to signs, meeting a funeral on the road is not scary. But you don’t need to look at the coffin and the deceased. As stated above, he may be offended by curiosity. If you see someone you know among the mourners, don’t say hello, now is not the time.

If the deceased does not have to cross the road, do not linger in vain. You cannot overtake him - it will lead to death. It's easier to change route. But remember You can't look back at a dead person.

Is it possible to take photographs

To October Revolution It was customary to take photographs with the dead. In Indonesia, it is generally customary to dig up the corpses of relatives once every three years, take pictures with them, sit them at the table, and then bury them back.

But is it possible to photograph a funeral from the point of view of signs and the church? Psychics are sure: the photo will radiate negative energy . If stored in a home, it will harm the people living there.

Orthodox and Catholic priests have a negative attitude towards photographing the dead. Should be perpetuated best moments life. Muslims do not film funerals and do not put images of the deceased on tombstones.

If you had to attend a funeral, follow folk traditions. They form an important part of funeral etiquette, the rules of politeness towards the deceased and his relatives. There are rules for the neighbors of the deceased and even passers-by who met funeral procession on the way.

- Until the deceased is carried out, household members cannot see their reflection.

For some time after the death of a loved one, you should avoid saying his name out loud.

Relatives should not carry the deceased.

Before lowering the coffin into the grave, you need to throw a coin there (the ransom from the coffin) - this is the first thing that close blood relatives do, and then the earth is thrown.

If there is a deceased person in the apartment, before the funeral you should not use sharp metal objects (knives, needles, nails, blades, axes, etc.) and keep them in the open.

While the deceased is in the house, a cup (new white saucer) of water should be placed on the windowsill (to “wash the soul”). After removing the body, the bowl (glass) must be taken out of the house, the water should be poured out, and the glass should be thrown into the river.

If a dead person is in the house, you cannot clean up and take out the trash, otherwise the rest may die.

When nailing down the lid of a coffin, care must be taken to ensure that the shadow of a living person does not “get into the coffin.” Likewise, care must be taken to ensure that the shadows of those present do not fall into the grave before lowering the coffin.

During a funeral, you need to make sure that there are no knots or rings on the deceased; buttons should be undone.

Don't forget to untie the deceased, otherwise someone else will die soon! If, by chance, the deceased was not untied, his relatives need to put scissors in someone’s coffin as quickly as possible. (how to do this if, having read everything, they guard the coffin of the deceased like a chest of belongings, and at any moment they will stone you, thinking that witchcraft is being performed, hmm...)

Until the 9th day it is necessary to wash and iron all his things, carefully fold them - as if to prepare everything. None of the deceased’s belongings are given away until the 40th day, no rearrangements are made in the house, etc.

It is necessary that relatives in the house are not left alone overnight for 9 days. We need friends and relatives to live through this time. Thus, the soul, staying at home for 9 days, calmed down that his loved ones were not abandoned and he had someone to leave them with.

The things in which the deceased is buried must be new; if this is not possible, then clean, freshly washed, without traces of blood and dirt, carefully ironed. They are buried in clothes appropriate to the season. That is, in winter they don’t bury just one shirt! Shoes - very important point. You need to buy soft, comfortable and, if possible, beautiful slippers. necessarily with a backdrop (not flip-flops).

If a very young, fashionable person dies, they are buried in comfortable soft shoes, women - always in soft shoes without heels, but then - these slippers are still put in the coffin! The coffin must be tight by all standards.

By the way, many, when buying a place in a cemetery, try to grab a larger plot - this cannot be done. The area should be small, cramped - only the most necessary things.

If the deceased is baptized, it is necessary to perform a funeral service for him in the church. It is better to buy new icons, which are placed on the chest during the funeral service.

Until 40 days, nothing is given away from the house of the deceased - no chairs, no dishes, or anything else. They don't even lend money.

Even if the deceased was in the morgue, he is brought to the house before the funeral service and stays there for some time.

As soon as the car with the coffin drives away, the floor in the house must be thoroughly washed. This cannot be done to blood relatives!

If you go to a funeral, take everything you bought for this occasion out of the house. Let’s say you bought flowers - everything needs to be taken away (if a part is broken, damaged, etc., you can’t leave it - everything needs to be taken out.

Also, on the way, you cannot enter anyone’s house, much less ask for something from that house (water for flowers, etc.). If they come to you with such a request, always refuse.

Everyone probably knows that they don’t go ahead of the coffins and even overtake funeral cars...

Flowers scattered on the path of a deceased person are not picked up or stored.

People ALWAYS enter the cemetery only through the gate, and the body is taken through the gate. You can go back through the gate. They also don’t go ahead of the dead man.

And during the funeral service, relatives need to carefully watch next to the coffin. But there is a lot going on at a funeral. Make sure that nothing is placed in the coffin and that nothing is taken from the coffin. (we were just talking about scissors) When leaving the funeral service, you must say goodbye to the deceased.
Touch his legs and arms. If something turns you off, don't kiss him on the crown. Hypocrisy is unacceptable here. Having said goodbye, they move away from the coffin and leave the church without turning around. If you have suspicions or fears, when you come up to say goodbye, you need to hold on to your shoes and say to yourself - goodbye! We will come to you, but you don’t come to us!

By the way, if the deceased had poor vision in life, they give him glasses, if he was limping - a cane, etc.

If the deceased was married, in wedding ring they don't bury. And it is better to bury without jewelry.

It is better to nail the coffin in a church, sprinkled with consecrated earth.

Before lowering the coffin, it is better for relatives to silently ask for forgiveness from the “neighbors” for disturbing the earth and their peace!

Living flowers are removed from the coffin before being nailed up.

Icons are not buried; they must be removed from the coffin before the lid is sealed; they are taken to the temple and left there

You can't have fun in a cemetery; laughing is a very bad omen. This is one reason not to take children with you!

Pregnant women are also not allowed to visit the cemetery - only before the funeral service.

When burying a dead person, one does not drink in the cemetery.

After the funeral itself, you should definitely go in and remember the deceased.

The following must be present at the wake: kutia (rice with raisins) - it is mandatory to eat it. You need to put in a little, because you can’t leave half-eaten.
Compote or jelly (better), bread, something fishy, ​​hot - soup. It's good when pancakes are baked.

Memorials are not held in restaurants and pompously (no matter the status of the deceased). Traditionally, people get drunk now. You can't do this! This is an insult to the dead. Moreover, there is a sign - whoever gets drunk at a wake will have incurable alcoholics in their family! It is also a bad omen if a wake turns into fun and a farce. Relatives must keep an eye on everything.

Scarves are distributed to everyone present; extra ones can be distributed in the courtyard to everyone.

At funerals, a glass of water and bread are always provided. Nowadays they often pour vodka, but this is wrong. After the funeral at home, they also pour a glass of water (buy a new one), cover it with bread and pour a little salt into a small dish. All this costs 40 days. We need to clean it all up so that no one spills or spills it, otherwise there will be trouble. So be careful with children.

They are also commemorated on days 9 and 40.

After the funeral, the next day they gather early at the fresh grave. It is believed that the deceased is waiting for everyone.

Drinking in a cemetery in general (alcoholic drinks) is very bad, try to convince everyone to drink jelly and compote. It’s good to burn candles on the grave and leave food for people and animals.

Every time they leave the cemetery, they don’t look back. You can say to yourself - We will come to you, but you don’t come to us!

Take into account the wishes - many elderly people prepare their lives in advance - it is better to fulfill their will.

About monuments. Nowadays it is fashionable to install large, heavy monuments - this is also undesirable. Many dead people may then complain in their sleep that it is very difficult to lie down - the monument is pressing, suffocating. That is, it is better not to overdo it.

After the 40th day, at least some of the deceased’s belongings are given to friends and acquaintances as souvenirs. It is not advisable to sell these things.

It is good to order a commemoration for several years at once in different churches.

Also, you can’t visit a young grave very often.

It is very good to remember with alms - change and food. (it’s bad when alms are perceived as a handout of change, detachable) If the deceased is not buried, then this is the only way to remember him.

The widow must burn her mourning scarf on the 40th day if she does not expect to be left alone in the future. People often ask for this scarf - it has power.