Potemkina Olga - "Reiki: The Miracle of Touch". Full contact Reiki session. Main positions

Rules for applying and laying on of hands during a Reiki session

When performing hand positions in Reiki, their specific sequence is always used. During a Reiki session, three areas are distinguished: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. In each of them, four or five positions are determined, called the main ones. Healing should begin in these positions from the head, gradually descending to the feet from the front of the body, and then from the head to the feet from the back.

There is an important condition: the healer should never conduct a session until his hands are warm enough. Cold hands will cause the patient only not pleasant sensations, and in addition, through them it is possible to discharge cold (negative) energy into the body of the patient.

In Reiki, the healer always uses both hands, palms down. The fingers are straightened and tightly closed.

Hands are placed in the desired position gently, relaxed, without pressure. After the healer's hands are placed on the patient's body, the Reiki energy begins to flow automatically.

During the session, both the healer and the patient physically feel the passing flow of Reiki energy. But these sensations, as a rule, are always different. If the patient's body needs cold, then he will feel cool. And the healer at the same time may feel that his hands are very hot.

One Reiki session almost never resembles another. Each time these sensations change both in the patient and in the healer. It is impossible to predict them, but they are always present.

In general, it should be emphasized that there is no right or wrong way to conduct a Reiki session. Always first of all it is necessary to be guided by your intuition and feelings. If you suddenly feel that a certain position should be skipped, feel free to do it, your body knows better what it needs at the moment. Quite often, during the session, there is a feeling that the hands seem to be glued to one place. Do not try to “peel them off”, keep your hands on this part of the body until this feeling disappears, and only then move on to the next positions.

During the whole session, it is necessary to ensure that the hands are not crossed during the application (both during healing and during self-healing), since such a position of the limbs interferes with the free flow of energy.

Healing must begin from the head, gradually descending to the feet from the front of the body, and then from the head to the feet from the back.

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General rules of the session 1. Entering the Reiki stream In general, the concept of “entering the Reiki stream” should be taken with a very high degree of conditionality, since there is no entry in the literal sense of the word. A person who has been practicing this method for a long time

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5. Formation by the healer of the message to complete the session with the patient The Reiki message is a kind of affirmation in which the final result of the session is formulated. The healer uses such a message to enhance the effect of the session. It is always pronounced in


Reiki was born along with the creation of the world. There are many models of the origin of the universe: the cosmogonic concept of the Rosicrucians, the revelations of Abd Ru Shin, the Mahabharata, the Vedas, religious ideas about the creation of the world, the Secret Doctrine of Blavatsky, the works of Alice Bailey, Agni Yoga and many others.

Before the creation of the Universe, space was homogeneous and existed as Absolute Nothing, Void, or Vacuum. Esoteric and theosophical teachings say that the Creator, or the Absolute, or the Primordial Creative Principle, being in eternal peace and balance, decided to manifest itself by creating different material worlds. He singled out the Three Logos: in Hinduism it is Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, in Christianity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The decision of the Creator created a certain disturbance in the endless ocean of the Void. He limited the region of propagation of the perturbation by a moving boundary. The Trinity became the Active Aspects within the Creation.

In mystical symbolism, the point is the beginning of manifestation, the idea (Fig. 5). The circle is the expanding boundaries of the universe and its symbol. The dot in the circle is a symbol of the Perfect Universe and the Perfect Man. The triangle is a symbol of the Trinity, the Three Logoi, the active principle of the Universe.

The beginning of manifestation is connected with the division of all possible qualities into opposites. Rays emanating from a point in a circle symbolize the birth of duality. At the Source of Creation, the first step was that the One was divided into opposites: into plus and

minus, white and black, male and female, etc. The base of the triangle shows the strength of the interaction between them. At the first stage of Creation, sound appears, in other words, the emerging Universes sound or sing. So a born person announces his arrival in this world with a cry, which all participants in the great mystery of birth are waiting for. It is believed that the first sound is the sound Om or Aum, about which the Bible says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Following the sound, Light is born, in the "singing" Universe a red glow appears, after it - orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue and, finally, violet. We read about this later in the Bible: "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."

From the Primordial Light, all kinds of fire were born. Taoists, for example, distinguish up to 40 types of fire. The beam in this fiery-light field is Reiki. Always remember that Reiki is Light. Light formed into a beam. This ray of Light from the point of origin of Existence pours from the Source and creates the area of ​​the Spirit. The Creator laid in the Creation the Law of Transition - the transition of quantity into quality and the transition from one world to another. Consciousness, being manifested in one of the worlds, remains unmanifested for other worlds and is aware of them indirectly. At a certain distance from the center or at a certain vibration, there is a transition to a new quality. The light and sound flow is "dressed" in a shell woven from matter formed at the transition boundary. The world limited by this shell, we will call Buddhi. It is as if the ray is wrapped in clothes of buddhial matter, then the same thing happens on the plane of Atma, causal, mental, astral, until the ray reaches the level of the matter of the physical world and fills with light the forms that exist on Earth. It is important to understand that the matter of higher planes is so subtle that it freely penetrates into subsequent planes. For example, the matter of the atmanic plane penetrates into the causal, mental, astral, etheric and physical planes. The matter of the astral plane "impregnates" the ethereal and the physical, but not vice versa. Therefore, Reiki is in every grain of sand and blade of grass. Remembering once again the words from the Bible: "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men", we understand that this Primordial Light is present in man and he is one of the "building" substances of the Universe, called "Man". From the considered properties of Light, or Reiki, it follows that it permeates everything, is present in everything: in wildlife, in air, in water, in stone, and so on, it permeates all planes of Being from the highest, subtlest to gross material. I mentioned that the Creator could not give birth to any other idea than a perfect one, therefore from the very beginning Man was created perfect, he is called Cosmic. The streams of Light from the Source of Creation are carriers of information about the idea of ​​the Creator, that is, about the Perfect Man. Reiki carries the information matrix of perfection, and it is this very quality that allows Reiki to harmonize the subtle bodies of a person and, of course, the physical body. Reiki restores energy-informational harmony, as if trying on the matrix of perfection for each human body, and initiates the process of liberation from accumulated stresses and negative thought forms.

Reiki is a ray of the subtlest, Divine energy, it can also be called an intelligent plasma, an energy that has the highest consciousness. It is precisely these qualities that are indicated by the "key to the channel", which we always pronounce before work: "Please give me the energy you need, there, where to go, and as much as necessary". This formula indicates that Reiki is distributed in the human field, dosed and transformed into the energy of the quality and plan that the patient needs most of all at the moment. He will independently go to the body that needs help in the first place. For example, in a person who is in emotional arousal, he will first fill the astral body, the body of emotions, and then continue "his path" in accordance with his one known route. We only need to become his worthy guide. There is a wonderful phrase from Reiki masters: "Let's see what Reiki will do", and he is able to work miracles.

It should always be remembered that Reiki is Light, and a person who has received Reiki initiation becomes a conductor and universal transmitter of Light. The Reiki practitioner opens up the ability to transfer Light, while he himself becomes its source, acquires luminosity. It can be seen from the distant Cosmos, from those heights from which the Ascended Teachers of Humanity look at us.

At first, the inner Light of the healer is barely noticeable, like a small spark, like a candle flame in a window. The more a person practices Reiki, engages in self-education and self-improvement, the more he helps people, the more bright a conductor and source of Light he becomes. A small candle flares up into a flame, a person radiates more and more Light, which in concentric circles undulates around him for a considerable distance. Finally, the moment comes when a person turns into a channel, such as if a beam of a powerful searchlight is directed from the Earth into the Cosmos.
Not everyone is able to see this ray, but only those who have spiritual vision, but anyone can feel it. Next to a person with luminosity, it is very pleasant to be. Surrounding people seem to bathe in the rays of his light, and from this they subside nervous tension, mood improves, the biofield is harmonized, pain can go away, health improves. In other words, those around receive a part of that Grace that flows through a luminous person.

The following question is often asked: if Reiki is present everywhere and in everything, then why were initiations, initiations, Reiki attunements invented? "Draw" Reiki energy from the ocean of the universe and "pour" it further.

Some authors write about self-tuning Reiki. From my many years of practice, I know one rule: if you want sacred spiritual knowledge to become a working tool in your hands, you must receive it from "hand to hand" from another person, and this person must sincerely want to transfer this knowledge to you. The second possibility is initiation from above, as happened, for example, with Dr. Usui. Initiation from above takes place with people who are ready for it. After all, Dr. Usui devoted his whole life to spiritual self-improvement and search. He was dedicated enough to see, accept and understand Reiki. For such a revelation, a high level of spiritual vision is required, which directly depends on the spiritual qualities of a person. I would like to quote a parable from Sogyal Rimpoche's book "The Book of Life and the Practice of Dying" (M.: " Golden age", 1997), which perfectly shows what the level of spiritual vision must be in order to see the Truth.

Asanga was one of the most famous Indian Buddhist saints and lived in the fourth century. He retired to a mountain retreat, concentrating his meditation practice on Maitreya Buddha in the ardent hope of being blessed with a vision of the Buddha and receiving teachings from him.

For six years Asanga meditated, enduring extreme deprivation, but did not even have a single auspicious dream.
He became discouraged and thought that he would never be successful in his quest to meet Mait-reya Buddha, and left his retreat. After walking a little, he saw a man by the road rubbing a huge piece of iron with a strip of silk. Asanga approached him and asked him what he was doing. "I don't have a needle," the man replied, "so I'll make it out of this piece of iron." Asanga stared at him in amazement: even if this man manages to do it in a hundred years, he thought, why? And he said to himself: "Look how hard people are trying for something that is completely meaningless. And you are doing something really valuable, a spiritual practice - and not devoting yourself so much at all." And he returned to his seclusion.
Another three years passed, still without the slightest sign from Buddha Maitreya. "Now I know for sure," he thought, "I'll never succeed." So he left again and soon came to a bend in the road where stood a rock so high that it seemed to reach the sky. At the foot of this rock, a man was zealously rubbing it with a wet feather. "What are you doing?" asked Asanga.

"This rock is so high that it blocks the sun from my house, so I try to get rid of it," the man replied. Asanga was amazed at his relentless energy and ashamed of his own fickleness. He returned to his hermitage.

Another three years went by and he still hadn't even had a single good sleep. He finally decided again that it was hopeless, and left his solitude forever. He walked and walked and towards the middle of the day came across a dog lying by the road. She had only her front paws intact, and the back of her body was rotten and covered with worms. But despite its terrible condition, this dog growled at passers-by and tried to grab them with its teeth, crawling along the ground on two healthy paws.

Asanga was overwhelmed by a sharp and unbearable feeling of compassion. He cut off a piece of his own flesh and fed it to the dog. Then he bent down to remove the worms that were devouring him from the body of the dog. But suddenly he thought that if he tried to pick them up with his fingers, he might hurt them, and he realized that the only way was to pick them up with his tongue. Asanga knelt down and, looking at the terrible rotting mass, closed his eyes. He leaned down and stuck out his tongue... The next thing he felt was that his tongue was touching the ground. He opened his eyes and looked around: the dog was gone. Instead, Maitreya Buddha was in front of him, surrounded by a radiant light.

"Finally," said Asanga, "why have you never appeared to me before?"
Maitreya softly said, “It is not true that I have never appeared to you before. I was with you all the time, but your negative karma and obscurations prevented you from seeing me. Your twelve years of practice have dissolved them a little, so that you can finally see this dog. Then, thanks to your sincere and heartfelt compassion, all these obscurations were completely destroyed, and you can see me with your own eyes. If you do not believe that this is exactly what happened, put me on your shoulder and try, see if you can see me to someone else," Asanga took Maitreya on his right shoulder and went to the market place. There he began to ask everyone he met: "What is on my shoulder?" Most people answered "Nothing" and hurried on. However, one old woman, whose karma had been slightly cleared, replied, "You are carrying the rotting corpse of an old dog on your shoulder, nothing else." Finally, Asanga realized the boundless power of compassion that purified and transformed his karma and thus turned him into a vessel fit to receive the vision and teachings of Maitreya. Then the Buddha Maitreya, whose name means "loving kindness", took Asanga to the heavenly abode and there gave him many higher teachings, which are among the most important in all Buddhism.

Both in the first and in the second way of transferring knowledge, the baptism with the Holy Spirit is carried out. A superficially simple ritual of initiation or training on thin plan played out as an amazing, extraordinary beauty and glow mystery. Not everyone is able to see this mystery, but almost everyone receiving initiation as a Reiki healer feels its impact as a high state of consciousness, as a manifestation of high feelings, or catharsis. Initiation is the key to the source of Reiki, it makes Reiki an obedient and powerful force in the hands of the healer. On the border of "the hands of the healer - the body of the patient", as I have already noted, Reiki is transformed in accordance with the patient's problem. Moreover, the healer does not need to know the diagnosis. Reiki becomes hot, warm, intangible or cold, whatever it takes to heal that person. If the patient is nervous, the Reiki energy is initially soft and cool to calm the person down and relax. Reiki can then become very hot in order to work on the problem of the physical body. Each person has a limit of filling with energy. If you continue to "pump" a person above this limit, then you can harm him. In a Reiki session, it is impossible to "transfer" or "not give" energy, because, having consciousness, Reiki turns off when a person is already filled to the brim. In addition, Reiki is distributed unevenly inside the body: parts of the body that need a greater influx of energy receive a large portion, each organ and system is exactly as much as they currently need.

When a Reiki healer transmits Reiki energy to a patient during a session, healing and harmonization occur on all planes and in all human bodies. On the physical plane, diseases are cured, pain disappears, the work of organs and systems is restored. On the astral, emotional plane, a person calms down, depression, excessive excitability, and fears disappear. On the mental plane, pessimism disappears, thoughts become positive, memory improves, intelligence improves, human behavior becomes balanced, soft, harmony and peace arise in the soul, sublime feelings and thoughts appear on the spiritual plane.

A thirteen-year-old boy was being treated for asthma. During the sessions, he fell asleep almost instantly and slept so soundly that his mother and I had to wake him up for quite some time. Our communication was reduced to a greeting at the beginning and a farewell at the end of the session. The course of treatment lasted about three months. Asthma passed, and along with asthma, the boy got rid of triples in his diary, without reminders he began to do his homework, do housework, stopped being rude and conflicting with his parents. This is what Reiki did.


Reiki is a great chance given by God to humanity as a whole and to each person individually. Therefore, everyone can receive the key to Reiki, regardless of preparation. You do not need to have any special abilities and perform complex preparatory procedures. All the necessary information and practical skills are given to the student during training and initiation. In this we see the great and boundless mercy and generosity of the Creator. Just like the Sun rises above the horizon every day without delay, weekends and holidays and gives its light to absolutely everyone, regardless of who you are - a good person or a scoundrel, rich or poor, educated or illiterate. A tree, an ocean, an ant, a stone, a Hindu, a Negro, and a Chinese receive the same measure of solar heat and light. So the Creator infinitely pours out mercy to all objects of His Creation. How we deal with this grace is our choice. After all, each of us uses solar heat in its own way. One was lying on the beach without measure, burned, and for two weeks after that he was sick and tormented - he used the gift of the sun thoughtlessly and paid for it. Another, under the sun's rays, grew beautiful fruits that gave food not only to him, but also to others, benefited people. The third invented the solar battery - an environmentally friendly source of electricity.

A person who gratefully accepts the great Gift of Reiki, treats it with care, develops it in himself, and at the same time rapidly evolves himself, creating harmony and beauty around him, helping people, nature, and the planet.

Using Reiki is not difficult. Anyone at any age can master this method. It is very easy to use, however, like all ingenious. My youngest student is 7 years old, and the oldest is 79, except for the children who were in the mother's womb during the Reiki initiation. There are already a whole kindergarten group of such children, and they are distinguished by calmness, health, and rapid development. In their horoscopes there are configurations that speak of significant spiritual experience and good qualities of the soul. They can rightly be called the children of the sixth race.


Your hands and your body are always with you. You can use any suitable moment for self-treatment and self-healing. If there are conditions for a full session, then it can be carried out according to the order of the laying on of hands described below. Laying hands on your spine creates some difficulties, so warming up the spine can be done by placing one hand on the sahasrara (crown of the head) or on the back of the head, on the medulla oblongata, and the second on the muladhara (coccyx) (Fig. 6.).
Thus, the entire spine is processed. Sitting in front of the TV, being in transport or going to bed, put your hands on different parts of the body to fill them with Reiki. This contributes to your improvement as a healer, and also increases your spiritual and intellectual strength, because Reiki, as we remember, harmonizes, heals, improves all human bodies - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

Many come to Reiki "for health", usually with very advanced chronic ailments. It can be both organic and psychological problems. Among my students there are people who healed cataracts, ovarian cysts, mastopathy, got rid of the long-term need to take antidepressants, not to mention the fact that Reiki helps to get rid of the flu or colds in a day. However, we must remember that we do not give up traditional methods treatment, and are ready to actively cooperate with doctors. Reiki greatly increases the effect of massage, acupuncture, reduces the side effects of chemicals, chemotherapy and radiation, activating the movement of fluids in the body, helps to eliminate toxins, etc. If an accident has happened or a person’s condition is such that there is a danger to life, then we do Reiki until the ambulance arrives, and if there is nowhere to wait for help (on the plane, for example, or in the forest), then we do Reiki continuously until the result is achieved.

I advise my students not only to do Reiki for themselves at the first opportunity, for example, while sitting in a transport or in a queue, but also to “not fall out” of the channel constantly, carrying out any activity in the Reiki flow.

To do this, in the morning, when we wake up, we perform the ritual of entering the channel with a request: "Lord, let me be Your channel throughout the day, please give me the energy you need, where you need it, and as much as you need." After that we live ordinary life, go to work or school, to the gym or to see a doctor. If during the day we need to give a Reiki session to someone else, then we perform the ritual again for the patient, redirect the beam to heal him, and at the end we thank and remain in the Reiki channel. In the evening, before going to bed, we thank and initiate the channel again, but for the whole night. In the morning - gratitude, and everything starts all over again. This practice allows you to maintain good health without stress and time costs, good mood and performance. The spiritual achievements and discoveries inherent in this simple but profound practice make the healer's life rich in high experiences and meaning.


The room for the Reiki session should be cozy and small, the lighting should be soft, subdued, and the air temperature should be around 24 degrees Celsius. A lit candle, an incense lamp, or incense sticks are desirable additions to the decor.

The most comfortable position for the patient is lying down. This position is the easiest to relax. During the session, the patient should rest. Soft quiet meditative music gives a good relaxation effect.
The healer must organize his workplace so that he, too, is comfortable, because sometimes the session can last several hours, so prepare a comfortable chair, maybe more than one, so that you do not move it with you when you move from working with the patient's head to work with his back or legs.

Remove your watch and rings, wash your hands both before and after the session. Relax tight straps and bandages on yourself and the patient. It is desirable that the patient is not dressed in clothes made of genuine leather.
The patient should take off their shoes, relax, and not cross their legs or arms. The healer also should not strain, the session should be carried out easily, calmly and confidently. We put our hands on the patient's body gently, without pressure, setting them in a position that, if possible, repeats the curves and lines of the patient's body.

From the beginning to the end of the session, we maintain physical contact with the patient's body, change the positions of the hands in turn: we tear off one hand from the patient's body, shift it to the next place, then transfer the other hand.

With the exception of working with the trigeminal nerve, keep the fingers together.
Remember that if the Reiki energy does not become hot, it does not mean that it does not go. Reiki changes according to the needs of the patient and can be warm, cold, "metal", etc.
For fractures, we do Reiki through plaster.

In case of burns, we hold our hands over the affected area, without touching the skin.
After the session, the patient must be warned that a "reaction" of the body is possible, that he may feel a little worse, there may be chills, a breakdown, or, conversely, a surge of energy, he will want to perform a labor feat. It must be explained that this state will not last long, about 2-3 hours. It is advisable to recommend to the patient relative rest after the session, not to participate in sports competitions, noisy holidays, discos, etc.

For all its inner depth, Reiki is ingeniously simple. Listen to Reiki within yourself and it will lead you to right decisions, deeds, will direct your hands to where they are most needed. Reiki will guide you not only during your healing session, but also through the fast-paced flow of life.


Before starting a session, it is necessary to tune in and open the Reiki flow corresponding to this patient. To do this, turn to God with a request to perform this sacred action: "Lord, let me be Your channel to heal (the patient's name), please give Reiki energy to the right place, the way you need it, and as much as you need." After that, you need to combine your biofield with the patient's biofield (Fig. 7).

The healer presses his left hand with his palm to his solar plexus, and right hand circles clockwise around the patient's body three times while reciting a prayer or mantra.
It must be remembered that Reiki is tenderness, gentleness and non-violence. Performing the ritual of entering the field

patient, we do not rudely invade, do not tear or break the thin shells of the human body. Thin shells are called thin not only because they are not visible to the eye, but also because they easily come into motion from the most seemingly insignificant external influences, which disrupts the energy balance in the human body. You know very well how a rude word can spoil the mood for the whole day, just as the balance can be disturbed by sharp gestures and movements. Especially not protected from such influences are children, and most of all infants. Let parents who quarrel in the presence of a sleeping infant be not deceived that the quarrel does not affect the well-being and condition of the baby. The subtle bodies of the child become excited from the ongoing war between the parents, the balance is disturbed, pathogenic microbes penetrate through the weakened field more easily, and the child begins to get sick. Parents are worried, they are perplexed why the baby is so often and seriously ill, and the reason may be in quarrels and discord between dad and mom or grandparents living with them. The same detrimental effect can have on baby emotionally colored "invasion" of guests. Relatives, acquaintances and friends with the most tender and enthusiastic feelings may appear in your house, wanting to babysit a newborn, not realizing that together with them an energy-information field appears in the house, "alien" for the baby, too violent emotions that can be destructive for gentle and vulnerable energy of the child. It is not for nothing that our grandmothers did not allow brides to be held until the first teeth appeared in the baby. And if one of the outsiders appears in the house, then let him better admire the baby from afar, do not make loud speeches and make no noise, and, of course, do not “grab” him in his arms.
So, before the session, we remember that Reiki is tenderness, love and non-violence.

There are several basic hand positions that a Reiki healer uses during a session.

Main positions

I. Two hands side by side, fingers pressed to each other (Fig. 8).
It should be noted that in Reiki the fingers are always together, in contrast to the methods of extrasensory influence, when the fingers are spaced and do not touch each other.

II. T-shaped position. The fingers of one hand are directed perpendicular to the brush of the other hand (Fig. 9).

III. V-shaped position. Hands form latin letter V (Fig. 10).

Additional items
I. "Condenser". Hands are on against each other (Fig. 11). Used for joints and limbs.
II. "Parallel". Hands lie parallel to each other at some distance (Fig. 12). It is used for paired organs (kidneys, lungs, ears, eyes, etc.), for working with energy channels.

Laying on of hands sequence
1. It is good to start any Reiki session with the study of the human energy system. To do this, use the "parallel", put your hands on the patient's shoulders (Fig. 13).

In the middle of the shoulders are the exits of the Ida and Pingala energy channels, and when you hold your hands for 2-3 minutes at these points, Reiki will very quickly fill the entire body through the system of energy channels, cleanse and balance the energy system.

This hand position can be used as an express method when you are in an emergency situation or in a crowded place and there is no way to do a full session. Place your hands on the patient's shoulders and remain in this position for as long as possible.
The "parallel" on the palm of the patient and on the feet has exactly the same effect. Use the express method in cases where access to the patient's body is limited, for example, he is under a dropper, or you are on the road, in a public place, etc.

There was such a case in my practice. We were returning from India after visiting Sathya Sai Baba. On the plane, a young woman became ill, and her neighbor called me for help. Seeing her, I identified a serious heart attack, urgently called the stewardess, asked to bring heart funds and find out if there was a doctor on the plane. The plane's first aid kit contained only splints for fractures and an oxygen tank. The girl had no pulse, her lips turned blue, and we had no choice but to save her with the help of Reiki. I worked with the heart, one healer held the "parallel" on the feet, and the second controlled the pulse, while simultaneously giving Reiki through it. The rest worked remotely. Quite quickly we managed to "start" the heart, and we spent another hour or so to bring her to good health. She later recounted her visions while she was unconscious; perhaps it was a state of clinical death. At first, she rushed at great speed along long corridors, then got into a large and bright hall, where there were a lot of people. People were busy with different things, some of them were dancing. She also performed a few dances, then turned her attention to the windows. Behind one window

there was light and space, and behind the other, darkness. She felt that she needed to choose one of the windows, and if she did, she would never return, which means that she would die on Earth. Realizing this, the girl decided that she did not want to die, and, looking down and seeing the Earth there, she jumped down and woke up.
Wherever you are, in whatever situation you find yourself, in the desert or in the forest, in the absence of medicines and medical assistance, having Reiki in your hands, you can always help yourself and others if there are health problems or a situation.

2. Hands - OP (main position) - on the top of the head (Fig. 14).
At the crown is the outlet of the main energy channel Sushumna and the seventh chakra sahasrara. Remember that under your hands is the human brain, the control center for all processes in the body.

When Reiki fills the brain, a person calms down, stops being nervous, some patients fall asleep, and this is very good, since the mind ceases to control the situation, the person relaxes more easily, his strength recovers faster.

3. OP on the back of the head (Fig. 15).
Reiki influences the cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

4. V-shaped position on the forehead and temples (Fig. 16).
The fingers are located in the center of the forehead, in the region of the third eye. If we remember the structure of the chakra, we will understand that with such a position, the palms are on additional temporal chakras, the fingers are on the ajna and the entire system of the ajna-chakra is washed by Reiki.

5. V-shaped position on the eyes (Fig. 17).
The fingers remain between the eyebrows, the centers of the palms - in front of the eyes. The eyes are connected to the center of the brain through the optic nerves. With this position, Reiki fills the eyes, ajna, brain, pituitary gland and pineal gland, which play an important role not only in the endocrine system, but also in the process of energy-information exchange.

6. "Parallel" on the ears (Fig. 18).
a) The fingers are turned up (Fig. 18a).
b) The fingers are turned at an angle along the course of the lower jaw (Fig. 186).
The last position can be effectively used for treatment

inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, directing fingers along its branches (Fig. 19).
7. V-position on lower jaw(Fig. 20). Periodontal disease, tonsillitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, toothache, etc. are healed.

8. T-Position on Vishuddha or Area thyroid gland(Fig. 21). In kidney disease, always work on the thyroid area. These two organs are so interconnected that changes in one entail changes in the other, and by healing, for example, the thyroid gland, we simultaneously help the kidneys, adrenal glands, and vice versa.

9. We move our hands down, using a V-shaped position, we process the chest (Fig. 22).
10. OP on the area of ​​the liver (Fig. 23).
11. OP on the spleen and pancreas (Fig. 24). For all types of allergies, work out non-

how much longer the area of ​​the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
12. V-shaped position on the stomach area (Fig. 25).
13. With the help of the OP, we work out the stomach (Fig. 26). Depending on the complexion of the patient, we repeat the laying on of hands so that the entire surface of the abdomen is treated.
14. V-shaped position on the area of ​​the bladder (Fig. 27).

15. Study of the lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system performs the function of nourishing tissues and removing metabolic products. Conducting a general Reiki session, we specifically treat the lymphatic system. We start with the OP on the neck area under the ear on one side of the body, gradually move to the axillary region (Fig. 28) and to the inner surface of the arm. After that, we move to the other side of the body, also starting from the neck area under the ear. Then we process The lymph nodes located in the groin and on the inner surface of the legs. 16. With the help of the OP, we are working on the back. First the spine (Fig. 29),

then left and right side back, paying attention to the region of the kidneys and adrenal glands (Fig. 30).

17. The left and right sides of the back can be treated using the OP or V-shaped position, depending on the patient's build (Fig. 31).

18. We warm up the sciatic nerve (Fig. 32) and the femoral joints, using any comfortable position of the hands.

19. Treatment of the legs, knee and ankle joint with the help of OP and the "parallel" position (Fig. 33).

The most common leg problems are joint pain and varicose veins.

In non-traditional Reiki, it is permissible to use techniques, methods and exercises from other healing systems together with Reiki. For effective healing of the joints and spine, you can use warming with hot breath through the "magic triangle" (Fig. 34).

Hands are folded in a "magic triangle", put on a sore spot and in the center of the "magic triangle", exhale sharply through a wide open mouth. During one session, no more than 1-3 hot breaths can be done per joint or segment of the spine (Fig. 35). Attention! "Hot breath" is used only for the joints and spine and is not used for other organs and systems.

For the treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins, we additionally use a technique called the "Reiki solvent". As we continue to do Reiki, we ask that the Reiki solvent flow through our hands and slowly, molecule by molecule, “dissolve” and “flush” blood clots from the veins. It is known that with varicose veins, massage is contraindicated, since mechanical action can cause a blood clot to break off. It is very dangerous. Such a detached blood clot moves through the vessels and can clog any vital vessel, resulting in death. The "Reiki solvent" technique has a high level of safety and effectiveness in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Reiki solvent can be used for various intoxications, excluding cases of acute poisoning, when urgent medical assistance. Reiki Solvent helps relieve intoxications due to decreased liver or kidney function, viral infection or influenza, reduce alcohol levels and

nicotine in the blood and works very well even with such a serious injury as radiation exposure.

20. Processing hands, we use the "capacitor" (Fig. 36).
21. We end the session by "grounding" the patient. To do this, we put our hands on the centers of the feet (Fig. 37).
22. Exit the patient's field.

One hand touches his body, and with the other hand we circle the patient's body three times clockwise, reading a prayer or mantra, we tear off our hands, we end the session (Fig. 38).

23. Thanksgiving. Having finished the work, we thank God for giving us the opportunity to heal and use the priceless gift of Reiki.

Gratitude is not only a courtesy tribute. In Reiki, it has the deepest meaning, which lies in the fact that, thanks, we return to God what we used. Gratitude plays the role of an exchange coin, giving which we are "calculating" with the Cosmos, and therefore there is no causal relationship, karmic debts.

To the words of gratitude, at will, we add the gesture "thanksgiving" (Fig. 39), when two hands are raised to the sky with open palms.



Hand Positions for Reiki Healing

In addition to intuitive treatment, Reiki also uses a certain sequence of hand positions during a full treatment session.

Firstly, it is convenient for students of the first degree of Reiki, who still do not feel very well where to put their hands and how much to hold.

Secondly, in the case when you need to conduct a general healing session and fill the entire body with Reiki energy.

When performing Reiki sessions for people, there are three areas of the body for healing: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. There are four or five positions defined in each area, which are called "Basic Treatment Positions". Reiki healing is done through these positions in order, from the head to the feet.

(Naturally, there are many more positions. In fact, any place on the human body can be called a "position" for healing).



Strengthens the functions of the 6th chakra in order to better direct the energies in the internal and external energy system, which in turn coordinates the harmonious interaction of all cells, organs, and functions of the body systems, as well as the coordination of a person’s lifestyle with his life plans and constructive, harmonious interaction of various aspects personality. Better functioning of the stomach meridian, which passes through the eyes, contributes to a better effective solution problems, increasing the ability to find and implement creative solutions at all levels. Stress resistance increases and, indirectly, self-image improves.


Balances the two hemispheres of the brain, so feelings and intellect begin to work together. And this improves self-healing, learning ability and a holistic (holistic) approach to life. It becomes easier to relax, the ability to concentrate improves. The flexibility of representations and the ability of our consciousness to allow different points of view and ways of perceiving and treat them tolerantly are regulated. Developing a more holistic approach to the situation.


Increases the body's ability to absorb Reiki. The position provides an opportunity to receive Reiki for the organs of balance and certain parts of the brain - a zone that controls human behavior in stressful situations according to fixed patterns of behavior. Promotes relaxation and improves perceptual abilities.


It becomes easier to get rid of blocked energies, to harmonize your habits. The neck serves as a link between intellect and emotions. These two poles must meet in order to provide vitality, developmental capacity, holistic healing. Greater relaxation is achieved, which helps to get rid of tension, then needs are better formulated. Treatment of the 5th chakra promotes the release of subtle energies. Another one important function- related to everything speech apparatus, artistic and aesthetic abilities, poise, with an individual expression of the divine spark in the depths of the human being.


Impact on the medulla oblongata, normalization of many subconscious functions of the body. At the base of the skull, Reiki promotes the smooth flow of information between the 6th chakra and the rest of the energy system. In this position, the area responsible for regulating body temperature is treated. There is a strong relaxation.


By stimulating liver function, Reiki can help release blocked energies, as well as improve detoxification, digestion, waste removal, overall stress resistance, and overall vitality. A well-functioning liver provides the body with strength and the mind with the confidence and motivation to take action. Physical basis Liver dysfunctions are often depression and depressed mood. Heals different kinds headaches associated with fears, feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, as well as practical thinking.


On the physical level the spleen is responsible for removing mucus from the body; that is why it plays an important role in the treatment of cancer. Associated with reflection, doubt, weighing and lack of charisma in a blocked state. Unites analysis and synthesis, connects the 3rd chakra with its tasks - digestion, strength, analysis, setting boundaries, self-defense, ego function and fears. In addition, it includes the 4th chakra with its tasks of social environment and grouping.
This position has a harmonizing effect on the ability to maintain relationships.

STOMACH (above and below the navel)

Reiki for the abdominal area, including the Haar (center of balance of the human being and connection to certain sources of spiritual energy) and the 3rd chakra, strengthens the functions of the ego in the body, as well as its ability to set limits and the ability to assimilate in all senses. In addition, it supports relaxation, a sense of focus, inner peace, the ability to cope with emotional stress and vitality in general. People can have problems if they are not able to open up properly and set boundaries in a constructive, harmonious way.


The heart has the ability to receive and resonate, to say yes, to open up to groups, and to be fully committed to tasks and other people. The function of establishing boundaries that do not allow qualitatively or quantitatively harmful influences provides the necessary basis for a person's interest in other people. Once boundaries are established, the individual opens up and abides with other human beings on a social and mental level, which is a preparation for physically oriented activities.
Among other things, position heals thymus, which on an energetic level directs the forces of the liver into the body. The thymus gland is important for maintaining youth, vitality, physical and mental freshness. If the heart is healthy, then the thymus gland is also healthy. Reiki in this position benefits the 4th chakra with its themes of love, acceptance, family, synthesis and social responsibility.
The lungs are the organ of final exchange with the outside world. They create the relationship of the individual to the natural process of giving and taking, as well as the ability of the child to perceive the love of parents, especially mothers.


This area is most important for developing vitality and joy in life, as well as creativity and a deep sense of connection with other beings on a physical level. This position also includes the greatest creative abilities of a human being: the ability to reproduce offspring with all the systems of energy and material functions associated with it. In addition, the engine of the human being is located in the 2nd chakra, which allows us to achieve the greatest achievements - and enjoy it. This engine is the joy of living, playing and creating, the joy of meeting other people. Unlike the will (which requires self-discipline from us, its task is to force us to overcome our natural inertia in order to ensure our survival and progress through meaningful actions), pleasure and joy make it possible for our body to achieve amazing relaxation, lasting and very effective.
Therefore, the pelvic area is associated with tremendous energies that make it possible to perform actions, survive and experience deep connection with other people. Guilt lives in the colon. And it is to some extent connected with the lungs and is very important for the functioning of the lymphatic system and the protection of the body. The organs involved in the digestive process digest not only material substances, but also information, feelings, and associated energies.


Taking responsibility for other people and "feeding" them only makes sense when it is done in a fun, enjoyable way, and in harmony with our own developed ability to maintain relationships, when it is in our own nature.
Nutrition and responsibility are the themes of the secondary chakras associated with the energy channels of the spine between the shoulder blades and shoulders.
Responsibility can have different meanings: on the one hand, it makes long-term relationships possible, especially in stressful conditions. On the other hand, responsibility is the key to such qualities as the desire for leadership, healing, and teaching. There are two main problems here:
- we do not want to take on too much responsibility because of the feeling of inferiority developed in childhood;
We want to take on more responsibility and achieve as much as possible because of the belief that this is the only way we can earn the love and attention of other people.
If you want to be loved for the person that you are, then you must look for those who will not put at the forefront what you have achieved, who want to share joy and pleasure with you.
The position improves the connection between the head and the body. Near the 7th cervical vertebra is a kind of energy pumping station. This point provides strength to the upper back, head, shoulders, throat and arms.


In this position, Reiki stimulates the flow of all senses through the bladder and kidney meridians. Reiki is received by the lungs (acceptance - excretion), the heart, which provide a steady flow of forces and information tuned to the external and internal rhythms of life.
An important action of this position is to stimulate the defenses of the body. The position is recommended in cases where a person experiences excessive rigidity - when you hug him, it seems to you that you are hugging a tree trunk, or when you are lethargic and cold.


The kidneys serve as a carrier of relationships and inherited forces, blood purifiers and energy providers for many areas of the back, arms and legs. They govern the element of WATER in the body. Strengthening the Water element in the body is an important prerequisite for energy detoxification and the removal of waste materials through the legs and feet into the ground.
The position is associated with the adrenal glands, and they are governed by the 1st chakra, which is important for recovery and the ability to deal with stress constructively. The kidneys are responsible for cold hands and the adrenal glands are responsible for cold feet. Both are related to fear. Cold hands speak of fears associated with physical and emotional contact with other people. Cold feet - that this person is generally afraid to cope with life alone and independently, as an adult.
There is also a connection between sexuality and the kidneys: the kidneys suffer from a mismatch between sexual desires and their satisfaction.
The position on the kidneys is especially important for acute cases of paralysis problems created by fright and shock of all kinds. This position will be of invaluable help to people who act like they are "paralyzed", longing for the past that stands in the way of the present, or who find it difficult to open up to closer relationships.


Now Reiki will receive 1 chakra - the body's most powerful own source of energy. This ensures that the vital forces do not stagnate in the lower part of the body, but have a revitalizing effect on the whole body.
This position heals the sacrum with its energy pumping station and stimulates the 1st chakra (survival, fight and flight, structure, vitality, blood and bones).


Through the joints of the legs, the body receives fresh forces from the earth and gets rid of unnecessary ones.
The tasks of the knee chakras are teaching and learning. There is a connection between the knee chakras and the 3rd chakra, so all problems associated with feelings of inferiority, excessive pride, arrogance, unjustified optimism are treated here.


The ankle joints are reflex zones for abdominal cavity and pelvic region. In addition, there are secondary chakras responsible for the ability of a person to flexibly create conditions for their own survival, as well as to ensure their livelihood, their own security and well-being under unusual or rapidly changing circumstances. They also support our ability to self-preserve.


In this position, all energy channels are activated. The position is suitable for grounding, balancing the energy flow in the body, harmonizing and strengthening the aura. It can also be used to create a strong charge of Yang in the Yin area, which ensures a balancing of the energy flow. Here are the reflex zones of the head and throat, the points of the solar plexus, the meridian of the kidneys.


This section presents the main and additional positions of the hands when healing both oneself and another person.

When performing Reiki treatment on humans, there are three areas of the body to be healed: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. In each area, four to five positions are defined, which are called "Basic positions" for treatment. Reiki healing is done through these positions in order, from top to bottom. Of course, there are many more positions for healing on the body and we will consider them.


Front of the face: Treatment in this position relieves pain in the eyes, nose, teeth and chin. Relaxation of the eyes leads to relaxation of the whole body. Helps with colds. Improves concentration and balance. Reduces stress. Promotes the growth of spirituality, sharpens intuition.

On the sides of the face: The energy received by the patient in this position harmonizes both hemispheres of the brain, improves memory. Eliminates headache. Reduces stress. Expands consciousness. Improves intuition.

Reiki received in the position of the hands located on both sides of the head (whisky, ears) , soothes, creates a feeling of comfort, and affects the entire body. It is especially useful for ear pain and for the elimination of cold and flu symptoms.

Back of head: The lower part of the brain, spine, cerebellum. Treatment in this position improves speech abilities, visual vision and color sensitivity. Normalizes weight. Reduces nervous tension. Improves creativity. Releases from fears. Improves insight and broadens horizons.

Throat: Reiki in this position improves blood and lymph circulation, the condition of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, blood pressure, and metabolism. Brings confidence, peace, stability, pleasure and happiness. Improves creativity, self-expression and communication skills. Use it also for metabolic disorders, to normalize weight.


When healing the front of the body, send energy from the top thymus(center of the immune system) to the bladder and genitals through all the organs of the abdominal cavity to create harmony.

Upper chest. Treatment in this position strengthens immune system(thymus). Normalizes blood pressure in the heart and blood vessels, stimulates lymph circulation. Heals the lungs. It brings confidence and restores mental balance, reduces stress, improves the ability to perceive. Increases the ability to love and enjoy life.

Upper abdomen. In this position, the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, digestive system are healed; the feeling of fear decreases. Treatment in this position relieves anxiety, fears and stress. Relaxation, calmness, harmony, attunement to the energies of higher dimensions.
Belly area. In this position, the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, and large intestine are healed. Reduced stress reactions. The patient gets rid of anxiety and feelings of dissatisfaction, becomes more self-confident.
Underbelly. Large intestine, small intestine, bladder, sexual organs. In this position, the organs of the abdominal cavity, intestines, bladder and urethra respond well to treatment. Use it in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, digestive system, back pain.


Shoulders, shoulder blades. In this position, the back of the neck, cervical vertebrae and shoulder muscles are well treated. Recovery in this area helps relieve muscle tension in the shoulders, eliminate back and neck pain, relax, release blocked emotions and relieve tension due to a sense of responsibility.

Upper back. In this position, the work of the thymus gland, heart, and lungs is normalized. Diseases associated with disorders in the thoracic spine, spinal column and nervous system. The tension is reduced.
Lumbar spine. In this position, the kidneys, adrenal glands, lumbar spine are healed, nervous tension is relieved, back pain is eliminated, self-esteem and self-confidence increase.
Lower spine, coccyx. In this position, the genital organs, the digestive system are healed, sciatic nerve, bones of the lower body - at the bottom of the spine, in the coccyx and pubic bone. It is used for disorders of the nervous system.


As we have already said, a position on the body can be any place on the body, any organ. If you have enough time, then passing through the main positions, you can additionally stop at the diseased organ. For example, you can put both hands on the liver, spleen, stomach, etc. It is better to treat paired organs at the same time, since in the case of a disease of one, the second one takes on the burden.

Let's take a few additional positions as an example.


Knee cavities. In this position it is good to treat all parts knee joint. You can also place your hands on the front and sides of your knee.

Soles of the feet. Hands can be placed on the heels and closer to the toes. These positions stimulate acupuncture points feet. This position is also used to improve the patient's connection with the energy of the Earth.

Upper part of the head. In this position, craniocerebral injuries respond well to treatment. Use it for the treatment of head vessels, for headaches, stress, impaired coordination of movements.
Cervical vertebrae. Place one hand on the lower part of the neck and the other on the upper cervical vertebrae. Use for pain and injuries of the neck, cervical vertebrae, for pain in the bones, heart.

Forehead - belly. The impact in this area calms the patient and increases his ability to concentrate and mental activity.
Buttock - heel (or sacrum - heel). In this position, the pain from the infringement of the sciatic nerve is well removed. Work with the entire leg - from the buttock to the heel.


Basic treatment of the main parts of the body

GENETSU-HO: technique for lowering body temperature - forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, occiput, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines. In this case, the main work is carried out on the head.

BYOGEN TIRYO: treatment of the cause of the disease - forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, occiput, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines. In this case, the main work is carried out on the head.

HEAD REGION: Forehead at hairline, temples and top of head, occiput, back of neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines.

EYES: eyes, points between the nose and the eye, between the eyes and temples, the region of the cervical vertebrae 1 - 3.

NOSE: nasal bone, wings of the nose, between the eyebrows, back of the neck, throat, region of the cervical vertebrae 1 - 3.

EARS: auditory canal, in front behind the ear, first cervical vertebra.

MOUTH: when treating the mouth, the lips are not touched, while the index and middle fingers of the hand are used.

THROAT: Adam's apple, back of neck, throat.

LUNGS: region of the lungs, region between the shoulder blades, vertebrae of the thoracic region from the second to the sixth.

HEART: region of the heart, cervical vertebrae 5-7, thoracic vertebrae 1-5.

LIVER: area of ​​the liver, thoracic vertebrae 8 - 10 especially on the right.

STOMACH: region of the stomach, thoracic vertebrae 4, 6 - 10.

INTESTINE: upper and lateral colon, small intestine area (around the navel), thoracic vertebrae 6-10, vertebrae lumbar 2 - 5, buttocks.

URINARY BLADDER: region of the bladder, lumbar vertebrae 4 - 5.

UTERUS: area of ​​the uterus, appendages on both sides, thoracic vertebrae 9-12, lumbar vertebrae 1-5, sacrum and coccyx.

KIDNEYS: kidney area, thoracic vertebrae 11-12.

HANSHIN TIRYO: Technique for treating half of the body - muscles, tendons of the back of the neck, shoulders, spine, both sides of the spine, thighs, buttocks.

TANDEN TIRYO: detoxification technique - one hand on the Tanden, the other on the back opposite it.

GEDOKU-HO: Hold your hands in the TANDEN TIRYO position for 13 minutes, imagining that all toxins are being eliminated from the body.

Functional disorders of the nervous system

Neurasthenia: head area, eyes, heart, stomach and intestines, genitals, Byogen Tiryo, Hanshin Tiryo.

HYSTERIA: areas of the head, eyes, heart, stomach and intestines, genitals, Byogen Tiryo, Hanshin Tiryo.

CEREBRAL ANEMIA: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

BRAIN HEMORRHAGE: head area, mainly affected side, stomach and intestines, heart, kidneys, paralyzed side.

MENINGITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

ENCEPHALITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

HEADACHES: head region, especially temples. Usui recommended holding his hands until the pain went away.

INSOMNIA: region of the head, especially the back of the head.

VERTIGO: region of the head, especially the forehead.

EPILEPSY: head region, stomach and intestines.

CHOREA: head area, heart, affected areas on the body, palms, soles, Hanshin Tiryo.

Graves' disease: head area, eyes, thyroid, heart, genitals, Hanshin Chiryo.

NEURALGIA: head region, stomach and affected parts of the body.

PARALYSIS: region of the head, stomach and intestines (in order to regulate the movement of the intestines), affected parts of the body.

HICCUP: diaphragm, forehead, cervical vertebrae 3 - 5.

LARYNGITIS: forehead, temples, especially on the left, throat area

STuttering: forehead, temples, especially on the left, throat area.

RINGING IN THE EARS: ears, head area.

SHOULDER-CARBON SYNDROME: head area, elbows and thumbs.

Functional disorders of the respiratory system

BRONCHITIS: bronchi, trachea, windpipe.

TRACHEITIS: bronchi, trachea, windpipe.

COUGH: throat, chest area, affected areas of the body.

ASTHMA: head area, chest area, under breastbone, throat, nose, heart.

Recipe for asthma: Grind 50 grams of fresh horseradish and mix it with lemon juice, squeezed out of three lemons, as well as with 500 grams of organic honey. Take one tablespoon before and after each meal for at least six weeks. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.)

TUBERCULOSIS: head area, affected parts of the lungs, stomach and intestines, heart, Tanden.

PLEURITIS: head area, affected areas of the body, stomach and intestines, Tanden.

PNEUMONIA: head region, throat, affected areas, Tanden.

Bronchial bleeding (hemoptysis): Lungs, affected areas of the body.

NOSE BLEEDING: nasal bone, wings of the nose.

EMPHYSEMA (purulent pleurisy): Nasal bone, wings of the nose, middle of the forehead, middle of the upper lip.

Functional disorders of the digestive system

DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS: esophagus, under the sternum, stomach, intestines.

PAIN IN THE STOMACH: region of the head, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

GASTRITIS: head area, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

GASTRIC CANCER: head area, under breastbone, stomach and intestines.

GASTRIC ULCER: head area, under breastbone and intestines.

ENTERITIS: stomach and intestines.

INTESTINE ULCERS: stomach and intestines.

DIARRHEA: stomach and intestines.

CONSTIPATION: stomach and intestines.

APPENDICITIS: affected area, especially to the right of the navel, head area, stomach and intestines.

HEMOROIDS: the area of ​​the anus.

PERITONITIS: head area, body area affected, Tanden.

DESCRIPTION: head area, abdomen area

HEPATITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, liver, heart.

STONES IN THE GALL BLADDER: liver, especially the affected area, stomach and intestines.

INGUINAL HERNIA: the affected area of ​​the body, the abdominal region (genitals).

Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system

MYOCARDIAL INFLAMMATION: head area, heart, liver, kidneys, bladder.


Edema, dropsy: heart, liver, kidneys, bladder.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: head area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Tanden.


ANGINA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, affected area of ​​the body.

Functional disorders of metabolism and blood

ANEMIA: Byogen Tiryo, head, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Tiryo.

PURPLE: head area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, rash, tanden

Scurvy: head area, lung area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo, Tanden

DIABETES: head area, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, kidneys, bladder (Hanshin Tiryo, rub the spine from the bottom up).

OBESITY: heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo.

GOUT: heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach and intestines, Tanden, affected area of ​​the body.

HEAT STROKE: Head area, heart, chest, stomach and intestines, kidneys, Tanden.

Functional disorders of the genitourinary system

NEPHRITE: kidneys, heart, bladder, stomach and intestines.

pyelitis: kidneys, bladder, tanden.

KIDNEY STONES: Kidneys, stomach, intestines, bladder, painful areas of the body.

UREMIA: head area, eyes, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, bladder, Tanden.

CYSTITIS: kidneys, bladder.

BLADDER STONES: kidneys, bladder, area of ​​pain.

ANURESIS: head region (especially upper part), bladder, kidneys.

DIFFICULT URINATION: kidneys, bladder, ureter.

Wounds from operations and functional disorders of the skin

WOUNDS: affected areas of the body.

CURVES, BRUISES, BRUISES: Affected areas of the body

LYMPH NODE INFLAMMATION: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

BONE FRACTURES: affected areas of the body.

Splinters: affected areas of the body.

DISTRUCTIONS: affected areas of the body.

MYOSITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

OSTITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

ARTHRITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

RHEUMATISM: head region, pain region, stomach, intestines.

SCOLIOZIS: affected areas of the body.

Dizziness, fainting: heart, head region.

Urticaria: stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

SKIN RASH: Tanden, affected area of ​​the body.

BALDING: head area, stomach, intestines, affected areas, Tanden.

LEPROSE: head area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body, Hanshin Tiryo.

Children's diseases

CRYING AT NIGHT: head region, stomach, intestines.

MEASLES: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, affected areas of the body.

RUBELLA: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, affected areas of the body.

Whooping cough: head region, stomach, intestines, heart, lungs, throat, under breastbone.

POLIO: head area, stomach, intestines, spine, affected areas of the body.

TONSILITIS: affected areas of the body.

Genetic diseases

DISEASES OF THE UTERINE: area of ​​the uterus.

PREGNANCY: area of ​​the uterus.

BIRTH: sacrum, abdomen

MORNING NAUSE IN PREGNANCY: head area, uterus, stomach, intestines, under breastbone.


infectious diseases

Typhoid fever: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas, Tanden.

PARATIF: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas, Tanden.

dysentery: head region, heart, stomach, intestines, tanden.

DIARRHEA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, Tanden.

DIPHTHERITIS: head region, throat, heart, chest, stomach, intestines, kidneys, Tanden.

CHOLERA: head region, stomach, intestines, heart, Tanden.

SCARLET FINA: head area, mouth, throat, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

FLU: head area, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, Tanden, Hanshin Tiryo, pain area.

MININGITIS: head area, back of the neck, eyes, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, spine (especially cervical vertebrae), Tanden, immobile areas of the body.

MALARIA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, Tanden.

Tetanus: head area, heart area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

Erysipelas: head area, heart area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

Session Reiki

During the session Reiki twelve or more positions of laying hands on the "receiver" are used, which correspond to the main chakras, or energy centers of the body * . When you present Reiki, your fingers should touch each other. This helps to balance the energy coming from your hands. Each position should take about five minutes. From the place where the hands are laid, the energy itself finds its way to where it is needed most, providing both the "giver" and the "receiver" with relaxation and well-being.

* There are also minor (secondary) chakras, for example on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

If you cannot touch the recipient directly, you can achieve the same effect by holding your hands 3-5 cm above the specific position. The recipient is usually fully clothed and may either lie down or sit. Arms and legs should not be crossed so as not to interfere with the flow of energy. A full session takes about an hour, but, if necessary, it can be shortened. In addition, certain areas of the body can be treated separately. Session Reiki does not require any effort from you. Basically, the less you get into it, the better. Reiki does not involve the withdrawal or dissipation of "bad" energy, it simply helps to restore the flow of the universal life force.

The session should be conducted in a well-ventilated and well-lit room, clean and comfortable for both giver and receiver. The temperature in the room should be around 21-23°C. You should have a blanket at hand: many people get cold when relaxing. For a session Reiki a massage table is best, but a bed, a chair, or a thick rug and a couple of pillows is also fine. To create a favorable atmosphere during the session, many practitioners prefer soft lighting or even candles. Some decorate their workroom with photographs or sculptures of enlightened beings or other soul-pleasing items. Some people like to turn on soft, calm music, classical or New Age, while working with a client. Others light incense before the session or use some other means to cleanse the energy in the room. Here you should completely rely on your taste and intuition.

The color of the walls, furniture, your clothes also affect the atmosphere in the room, and therefore the result of the session. Reiki. Pink color contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of love. Green is used for healing, blue for calming, red for energy release. Yellow promotes clarity of mind, and black is used to calm the mind.

Before conducting a session, it is helpful for the practitioner to find a quiet space that is not related to personal affairs, but this is not the main thing for "success".

The key to having a session Reiki passed in the best way, is the right attitude of the practitioner. Because the energy Reiki does not belong to you - you simply act as a channel through which it is transmitted - your mood should not affect the result of the session provided to another person. Both the giver and the receiver should wash their hands and remove any metal jewelry, belts, etc., before the séance. Metal can affect the natural flow of energy.

You should tell the person being healed about what is included in the session in advance so that you do not get distracted by conversations during the session, except for brief commands like "turn over, please," etc.

Sessions should be carried out four days in a row and, in case of need to extend the treatment, it is good to repeat them twice a week for as long as you see fit.

During the sessions Reiki must and sound soothing music.


Reiki Helps achieve greater balance between body, mind and spirit.

We can say that thanks to Reiki our lives are filled with joy and happiness. If we are sick Reiki gives us the will to live. We constantly feel it ourselves and hear from people with " incurable diseases". Reiki helps us to relate more lovingly to people, it gives us a calm balance of body, mind and soul and helps us feel and take more responsibility for our lives.

Description of the benefits people experience after initiation Reiki, would require many volumes, because each of us is unique. Particularly strong changes in personal life, in relationships with people, in work occur after initiation into the Second and Third Stages Reiki. So if you're afraid of change, you better stay away Reiki away.

Hand positions in Reiki and their main purposes

Source system Reiki, as conceived by Dr. Usui, does not include the system of hand positions that we currently use. He simply healed, relying on his intuition, letting his hands think for themselves. Dr. Usui is said to have used only one hand for healing while holding an "energy" ball in the other (a practice widely followed in one of the Chinese qigong healing styles).

Modern system was developed later. After years experimentation, it was found that the flow of energy Reiki it is facilitated if the hands are kept on the body or above it in certain positions, changing them in a certain sequence. The items listed here are the most commonly used.

Basic positions for the head

1. Head position 1 - relaxes and relieves tension and fear. Useful for sinus problems, diseases of the eyes, nose, teeth and jaw. Balances the pineal gland and pituitary gland, which correspond to the 6th and 7th chakras.

2. Head position 2- improves memory and synchronizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is good to use for headaches and earaches, and to help the dying.

3. Head position 3 -relaxes, relieves tension and calms the mind. It is useful in problems related to the cerebellum and spinal cord, as well as in headaches.

4. Head position 4 - creates self-confidence, gives more joy and self-respect. Enhances creativity. Useful for throat problems, tonsillitis and thyroid diseases. Corresponds to the 5th chakra.

Basic positions for the front of the body

1. Position for the front part of the body 1 - enhances love, trust and harmony. It affects the thymus gland, which corresponds to the heart chakra. Good for lungs and cardiovascular system.

2. Position for the front part of the body 2 - helps to get rid of fears and stress. Affects the solar plexus, or the third chakra. Beneficial for the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen and digestive tract

3. Position for the front part of the body 3 - relieves stress and fear. Affects the 2nd and 3rd chakras. Good for the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen and digestive tract.

4. Position for the front part of the body 4 - relieves sexual fears and tension. It affects the 1st and 2nd chakras, it is useful for women for the ovaries and uterus, for men - for the prostate gland. In addition, it has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

Basic positions for the back

Essentially the same positions are used for the back as for the front of the torso.

1 . Back position 1 - helps with stress and promotes relaxation. Useful for problems in the spine and neck.

2. Back position 2 - has the same effect as position 2 for the front surface of the body.

3. Back position 3 -has the same effect as position 3 for the front surface of the body. Good for the kidneys.

4. Back position 4 -has the same effect as position 4 for the front surface of the body. Useful for coccyx injuries.

Additional items

1. One hand is placed on the forehead, the second on the back of the head. This position is also called the "cosmic plug" because it helps to "recharge" one's own energy or that of the recipient.

2. One hand is on the heart chakra, the other on the hara. This position helps with insomnia. It calms our senses before falling asleep.

3. Both hands are on the heart chakra. The position also helps you fall asleep.

4. One hand is on the heart chakra, the other on the solar plexus. The action is similar to the action of position 1.

Self-healing and self-healing techniques are now becoming more and more popular. And one of the most popular of them is the Reiki technique, and in this article we will talk about the first stage of this technique. At the first stage of the Reiki technique, the energy structure of a person, spiritual anatomy and the impact of spiritual laws on a person, as well as the energy laws of the Universe are studied. The first level of Reiki is a step towards self-discovery.

The Reiki complex, which includes the theory, is aimed at realizing the natural possibilities of your body and mind. Practices in the first degree of Reiki teach people to remove all negative thoughts, control the mind and relax, regardless of location and external environment.

Various Reiki techniques, in the case of regular training, provide an opportunity in the shortest possible time to learn how to scan your own body, its capabilities, its needs, relieve tension, restore the balance of vitality and energy, and also get rid of certain pain sensations in problem areas.

All Reiki techniques that are practiced during the first level are self-sufficient. They can be used not only as a separate exercise, but also in combination with other practices. Among all this, the most important and significant step for people involved in the Reiki technique is considered to be the strengthening of faith in their own skills and abilities, and also, if necessary, the return of this faith.

After the first month of training according to Reiki practices, people have an understanding that there is no point in living just waiting for someone to help solve their problems.

Over time, it becomes clear that no one except the person himself can solve for him, his life questions or problems. That is why tools such as Reiki meditation, Reiki techniques and, of course, the desire to change, that is, to become better, are needed. The first method of Reiki is really able to help people who need it.

Thanks to it, they realize the whole essence and importance of spirituality, emotion, aspirations and other important elements of human life in the modern world. This technique will allow people to spiritually heal themselves and improve themselves.

Sense of energy at stage 1

Each person experiences Reiki Level 1 differently. Some do not feel anything at all for a long time, others feel warmth in their palms. During the session, many people fall asleep, and during this much deeper healing takes place. If a person fell asleep during self-treatment, then you should not worry about this. When he wakes up, you just need to continue the session from the moment you fell asleep.

Do you need to focus?

During Reiki, you must definitely relax, you should not think only about treatment. You just need to put your hands with the intention to heal, and the energy flows will go in the right direction on their own. You just have to remember when exactly you need to move your hands to a different position.

However, it is worth remembering that sensitivity and the difference in nuances, the slightest changes in energy flows can only be felt in silence and complete solitude. That is why you need to try to concentrate on the sensations during self-healing or healing others. This will allow the individual to progress and develop, grow spiritually and gain personal strength.

Reiki Level 1 Healing Process

After receiving the Reiki settings in the human body, both in the physical and in the emotional and mental, divine energy flows begin to circulate, and with each step the person feels it more and more. As a result, the body heals, all negative programs are eliminated.

Processes occur constantly, but at the 1st stage, a person instantly feels all the changes in his life. Also at this time, chronic diseases and mental anguish can worsen. This is what provokes life change and healing. It is imperative to make getting used to the divine energy easier, so you should definitely conduct daily self-healing sessions.

Daily practices

After initiation to the 1st step, it is necessary to engage in self-healing every day for a month. In this case, the method of laying on hands in different positions should be used. This is necessary in order for a person to learn to feel energy flows through his hands. It will also help to painlessly and easily adapt to new sensations.

After that, you need to practice Reiki as often as possible so that the energy flows become more and more. A person in this case will be able to effectively heal himself and others. You can also conduct sessions while watching TV or other activities. But sometimes you still need to retire and focus on your own feelings.

Hand positions

Reiki on the 1st step involves the treatment of hands, which must be placed in a variety of positions. The fingers should be kept together and the hands should not touch each other. It is in such positions that energy flows flow as freely and efficiently as possible.

You need to put your hands on yourself in self-treatment, or on others in their treatment. Energy flows begin to flow through the palms of a person. As soon as the hands are raised, the currents stop circulating. During this, the patient may feel warm and pleasant sensations, cold and tingling, or may not feel anything at all. Pets love this kind of treatment, so they can come up for treatment on their own. If the animal does not need help, then it is completely healthy and will not allow a treatment session.

After receiving the attunement, a person feels warmth in the palms during treatment. This is very good, it means that a person is quite sensitive to energies. But in the event that he does not feel anything, Reiki still works. Some feel warmth in their palms, others have to wait a few months to feel it. However, in any case, the treatment will bring its result.

You can clearly feel the warmth in your palms, not even during the session, but someone nearby needs help. It is likely that this is a close person or home pet. You need to find out if this person needs treatment. The more practice a person has, the more Reiki energy he passes through himself. Then the mood will improve, and physical state organism, and the possibility of treating others.

Warmth in the hands can manifest itself if you wish to engage in creativity and assist in any endeavors.

It should be remembered that the energy flows of Reiki flow not only through the hands, they fill the whole body. However, it is at the first stage of Reiki that the treatment with hands brings the greatest effect.

Reiki hand positions in most cases are located above the chakras. Remembering these positions is very simple, everything becomes clear after a few sessions.

You don't have to follow the rules every time. Hand positions are only recommended methods, and a person should always listen to intuition first. If you want to put your hands in a certain place, but such a position is not provided, you must definitely listen to yourself and do as your heart requires. You can place your hands on diseased organs, if there is such a desire. Do not be afraid of experiments, because Reiki will definitely correct all the shortcomings and mistakes. However, you should not proceed to experiments immediately after passing the initiation. It is worth waiting until sensitivity opens up and intuition begins to work.


Before the session, you must definitely call on the flows of Reiki energy, and pronounce the intention to heal yourself and loved ones. After that, the laying on of hands can begin. In each position, you need to hold your hands for as long as there is a feeling of warmth in the palms. If warmth is not felt, you need to rely on intuition. In most cases, each position takes about 10 minutes. Time may vary depending on the disease, specific time and position. Every day a person can be in a different state. Sometimes in one position it is enough to hold your hands for 3 minutes, and in another, 15 will not be enough.

At first it will be quite difficult to determine the time for each position on the level of intuition, but with experience everything will definitely come. In the future, a person will begin to feel the necessary time, everything will happen spontaneously.

After initiation to the first level of Reiki, one should practice not only self-healing, but also try to heal others, relatives and friends. Practice will significantly increase energy flows, a person will become a kind of conductor.

Treatment of plants, animals and children usually lasts much less, because they absorb energy more easily. Therefore, hands can be held in one position for about a few seconds.

During the treatment of another person, you should not cross your arms and legs, the patient should also not do this, because then the energy flows will move in a circle, and not pass through the body. Also, during the treatment of other people, you need to remember about the intimate component. You should not touch the chest and genitals of other people, it is also desirable to skip the coccygeal zone. This applies not only to adults, but also to children.

Wash your hands before the session. You should stand up or sit down first from the side of the head, and then from the side of the person. You should move gradually, depending on the position of the hands.

It is worth remembering that if a person does not have back problems, then usually this position takes only a couple of minutes.

In the event that the hands seem to be glued to the position, you need to be patient and wait. You should hold your hands for as long as you need. An old disease cannot disappear overnight, so it is worth repeating the sessions over several days.

At self-treatment sensations can be much less than in the treatment of others.

Session time

A full Reiki session can last about an hour and a half, and when the patient recovers, it is reduced by half. Children's sessions and treatment of pets can last about half an hour. They are much better at accepting energy flows than adults.

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