Why does a person snore in his sleep? Causes and treatment of snoring. Effective ways to reduce snoring Why people snore

Snoring is a special symptomatic process caused by a number of both physiological and pathological reasons. It is accompanied by specific breathing during sleep and is expressed in low-frequency sound vibrations, rattling sounds and vibrations emitted by the human respiratory system. What causes snoring and how to deal with this problem? You will read about this and much more below.

All possible causes of snoring

Snoring can be caused by both physiological factors and pathologies wide range. It is formed during the passage of air masses through the pharynx into the larynx area, with insufficient muscle tone of the latter, narrowing of the passage, excessive objects in the palate, etc.

Statistics show that about 20 percent of all people snore in their sleep - if in youth, only a few suffer from the problem, then after 30 and 40 years the percentage of people with symptomatic syndrome can reach up to half of the total population.

Most common reasons snoring protrudes:

  • General aging of the body. Physiological reason, as a result of which the soft structures of the nasopharynx are modified and muscle tone is weakened;
  • Obesity. In some cases, excess body weight acts as a provoking factor in the formation of fatty deposits around the pharynx, causing snoring;
  • Taking sleeping pills, alcohol, smoking. Specific medications may relax the muscular structures of the respiratory system too much. Similar action alcoholic drinks are also served. Smoking provokes hardening of the soft structures of the larynx and pharynx, resulting in snoring;
  • Polyps, enlarged tonsils. Nasal polyps, palatine or pharyngeal tonsils, swollen beyond normal size, narrow the air passages, which leads to the formation of the syndrome;
  • Facial-maxillary anatomical problems. The narrowness of the nasal passages, a slanted or underdeveloped jaw, a deviated nasal septum and other anatomical problems, both congenital and acquired, can cause snoring;
  • Hypothyroidism, myxedema, rhinitis of broad ideology. These diseases and pathological conditions almost always provoke the formation of the syndrome;
  • Obstructive syndrome sleep apnea . It is not a disease, but is considered a complicated form of the usual manifestation of a symptomatic process with a number of various complications. In most cases on early stages formation manifests itself exclusively in the form of snoring.

The above list is far from exhaustive, but reflects most of the causes of snoring during sleep.

Choosing the right sleeping place

Although the sleeping place cannot be a direct cause of snoring, in some cases it aggravates the condition of the patient with the syndrome and provokes more pronounced symptoms of the problem. To eliminate possible negative influence in this aspect, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Ventilate your bedroom regularly– stale and too dry air can cause allergic reactions, as well as drying out of the larynx, which leads to increased snoring;
  • Choose a bed according to body dimensions with a margin. A person suffering from snoring must sleep calmly and comfortably - otherwise the manifestations of the syndrome will be more pronounced. In addition to a comfortable bed, it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress so that, regardless of body position, a night's rest becomes comfortable. As practice shows, most often a person begins to snore while lying on his back, while on his side the sound is weakly pronounced or absent altogether. If it is uncomfortable for him to sleep in this position, then snoring will haunt the household all night;
  • Pillow and blanket. A pillow for a snorer should be high, preferably with a natural plant-based filling. The blanket is moderately warm and appropriate for the season.

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Anti-snoring drugs

Conservative medicine does not know of truly reliable medications for stopping snoring attacks at night.

The groups of drugs present on the modern market have a narrowly targeted effect and work only on a limited number of possible causes of the syndrome, and in most cases providing minor symptomatic therapy.

The most popular medications are in the form of nasal drops, oral sprays and tablets:

  • Nasal drops. The narrowly targeted action of most of them temporarily reduces swelling of the nasopharynx, especially with rhinitis of various etiologies. Besides, combination drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. Typical representatives are Nasonex, Nazol Advance, etc. They are practically not effective in the presence of polyps as the cause of the problem, as well as other factors.
  • Sprays. Plant-based oral sprays are mainly classified as dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies. They do not have a 100% proven therapeutic effect. Most preparations contain extracts of lemon, sage, mint, lemon balm and other combinations that theoretically relieve irritability of soft tissues and normalize them metabolic processes, strengthening muscle fibers. Typical representatives– MySllepGood, DreamZzz and other trade names. The second group of oral sprays are classic moisturizers based on sea water with a partial antiseptic effect, as well as medications that reduce swelling of the larynx.
  • Pills. The tablets against night snoring contain herbal components of belladonna, dubrovnik, chilibukha, histamine, potassium bichromate, ephedra bichromate and other elements. Group related homeopathic remedies, such tablet forms of drugs in the medium term have a systemic useful action on the body as a whole and respiratory system in particular. The second group of tablets are classic sleeping pills. As shown modern research, the vast majority of drugs of this type have no effect on snoring, and in most cases even worsen it.

Special devices against night snoring

Modern manufacturers offer customers a variety of anti-snoring devices. They do not get rid of the cause of the syndrome, but in most cases they suppress it quite effectively.

  • Nose dilators. The spring-based system opens the wings of the nasal passages, which facilitates the passage of air masses and breathing;
  • Nose clips. Special silicone-based clips are attached directly to the nasal septum, providing improved breathing;
  • Anti-snoring bands. A special elastic system in the form of a bandage that fixes the lower jaw in a certain position in which no signs of the syndrome arise;
  • Intraoral mouth guards. A plastic device that looks like an adult pacifier. Mechanically affects the palate and tongue, as a result of which there is no narrowing of the passages and the person sleeps without snoring.

Folk remedies against snoring

Snoring is an eternal problem of humanity that has haunted people throughout the existence of civilization. Our ancestors, not having high technology at their disposal, developed their own solutions to the problem of eliminating this symptom.

Any recipes given below can be used only after consultation with your doctor!

  • Every time before going to bed, drink a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice on an empty stomach, first adding 2 teaspoons of honey to it and stirring thoroughly;
  • 1 tablespoon dried berries Mix black elderberry with 2 tablespoons of common burdock. Add 1 teaspoon each of cinquefoil root and horsetail to the mixture. Grind everything thoroughly (you can use a blender or coffee grinder), then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass and fill it with boiling water to the brim. Let the broth brew for 1.5 hours, strain and consume within 24 hours, dividing equally into 5 doses;
  • Place 1 drop of sea buckthorn oil into each nostril 2 times a day - morning and evening before bed.

Exercises for snoring

A set of breathing exercises against snoring is aimed at systematic training of all structures of the upper respiratory tract and maintaining muscles and soft tissues in this area at a normal level.

This practice can be used in the absence of pathological causes of snoring - serious illnesses and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

The list of basic activities includes:

  • Language. Open your mouth wide and extend your tongue as far as possible, pointing its tip forward and slightly downward. Hold the position at the peak point for several seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day, 20-30 times;
  • Jaw. Place your palms on the lower jaw, then move it back and forth with little effort, while simultaneously providing possible resistance to movement - 2 times a day, 20 times. Open your mouth slightly and make circular movements with the same part of the skull, first clockwise, and then vice versa - 10 rotations 2-3 times a day;
  • General strengthening. Take a medium-sized wooden stick between your teeth and hold it there for 5 minutes, 2 times a day. Say the vowels “U” and “I” loudly, tensing your neck muscles as much as possible. 2 times a day, 20 times;
  • Sky. Press the upper palate with your tongue as hard as possible for 1 minute. Relax, then repeat the exercise 2 more times. Just 3 approaches 2 times a day;
  • Nasopharynx. Close your mouth tightly and breathe through your nose. Start moving the root of your tongue to your throat and back, doing 3 sets of 25 times. Rest 1 minute between sets. Only 2 times a day.

Hardware treatment for snoring

By hardware treatment for snoring, medical specialists usually mean complex physiotherapeutic procedures, the use of intraoral devices, as well as CPAP therapy

CPAP or CPAP therapy– systemic non-invasive ventilation of the lungs at two or three levels, performed using a compressor apparatus. Most often combined with low-flow oxygen therapy, it is used mainly in a hospital setting for complicated forms of OSA syndrome. Effective even in the short term, but requires regular use with rest periods.

Intraoral devices– outpatient medical options commercial mouthguards that apply a certain amount of gentle pressure to the palate and tongue to prevent breathing problems. They are placed at night and relieve the symptoms of the syndrome.

Physiotherapy is prescribed strictly individually depending on the current state of the patient’s body and the identified cause of snoring. Classical methods - electrophoresis, UV irradiation, UHF, ozokerite applications, etc.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, none of the above methods have the desired positive effect: sleep apnea does not disappear. IN in this case a medical commission or a qualified otolaryngologist may recommend surgical intervention. Main events:

  • Elimination of anatomical defects at the level of the nose and throat – resection of too dense mucosa, correction of a deviated nasal septum, etc.;
  • Removal of tonsils, adenoids or polyps, acting as a provoking cause of snoring;
  • Operations on the soft palate, reducing the volume of soft tissues or increasing their density. Plastic surgery is performed using thermal, cold or radiofrequency techniques.;
  • In rare cases - remodeling operations of the maxillofacial spectrum carried out in specialized centers and eliminating systemic problems facial skeleton.

Snoring as a consequence of aging after 40 years

One of the basic causes of snoring may be physiological aging of the body. This process has virtually no effect on the younger generation, but is the predominant factor in the occurrence of uncomplicated forms of the syndrome after 40 years.

Metabolic processes in the body slow down, the final hormonal changes leads to a decrease in the activity of a number of systems. The intensity of oxidative processes decreases, along with systemic dysfunctions of the endocrine and other glands, begins to rapidly increase excess weight and water metabolism is disrupted.

The soft tissues of the respiratory tract lose their elasticity, partially thicken and loosen, which is why their lumen significantly narrows. Along with other problems in the body, this leads to a significant decrease in working capacity and the need for constant treatment of the syndrome, especially if additional provoking factors are present.

A set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for people over 40 years of age suffering from snoring or OSA syndrome is aimed at identifying age-related diseases and destructive changes, as well as their possible partial elimination.

  • Formation of a permanent regime. It is necessary to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, both on weekdays and on weekends. In this way, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the “biological clock”;
  • Taking into account physiological desire. Go to bed as soon as you feel sleepy. If you can’t fall asleep within an hour, try turning on light relaxing music, reading - it’s much better than just lying awake;
  • Choosing a rest time. If possible, get a full night's sleep. Daytime nap if you have difficulty falling asleep at night, it is strictly contraindicated, otherwise biological circadian rhythms will be disrupted for a long time;
  • Bed by purpose. Use the bedroom exclusively for direct purposes. Avoid getting emotional and using the bed as a place to watch TV. Train yourself to have good sleep hygiene and choose the right place to rest at night;
  • Prepare properly. Before going to bed, to calm down, you can take a warm bath with herbs, listen to the sounds of nature, and contemplate beautiful landscapes, as a last resort, drink a cup of milk at room temperature with honey - black tea and coffee are contraindicated;
  • Diet. You can’t eat before bed if you don’t want to wake up your household. heavy snoring. 3-4 hours before your night's rest, give up any type of snack, even light ones;
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking, especially before bedtime, can provoke snoring - if possible, limit the regularity of their use or even stop altogether. bad habits;
  • Drugs. Sleeping pills are not a solution to the problem of sleep and snoring, but only a disguise, and a rather unsuccessful one at that. Be independent of medications, try to fall asleep without them.

What can be done to prevent a person from snoring?

Only the right decision snoring problems involve finding and diagnosing its cause, as well as qualified therapy under the supervision of specialists. However, there are situations when something needs to be done here and now - annoying sounds do not allow you to sleep and simply drive you crazy. Popular methods of counteracting snoring:

  • Moving a person on his side. On their side, people with uncomplicated forms of snoring practically do not make any sounds. Try to gently and unobtrusively turn the person nearby from their back to their side so that they stop snoring;
  • A little trick. It is not always possible for a person to maintain a monotonous position on his side throughout the entire night - he still turns over onto his back and snoring occurs with renewed vigor. Try this little trick: Sew a pocket to your night pajamas and put a small ball there. When you try to roll over onto your back, the person will lie uncomfortably, and intuitively in your sleep he will take the position you need on his side;
  • Instrumental methods. Drops, lotions, sprays, tablets, breathing exercises and other methods of getting rid of snoring do not give an immediate effect, no matter how much you would like it. The only 100 percent way to instantly eliminate the symptoms of snoring is the use of special devices. This can be a headband (the bandage corrects the anatomical position of the jaw and opens the air passage), an intraoral mouthguard that gently presses the palate and tongue into the required position, as well as a special clip or attachment on the nose, in case of nasal snoring. All such gadgets are freely available. They will not help get rid of the cause of the syndrome, but they will at least allow you to eliminate the symptoms and sleep peacefully at night.

Consequences and complications of snoring

Snoring in itself is not dangerous phenomenon However, it is this specific phenomenon that usually accompanies obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. With OSA, in addition to the unpleasant sounds produced, a person is also diagnosed with frequent short pauses in breathing - during the night period of rest their number can reach 3-4 hundred. What does this lead to?:

  • Partial oxygen starvation which causes disruptions in brain function;
  • Disruption of normal heart rhythms with a significant increase in the likelihood of heart attack and stroke;
  • Neurological manifestations as a consequence of constant fragmented sleep;
  • Hormonal imbalances with decreased libido and obesity;
  • Potential Risks fatal outcome in a dream.

The problem of snoring should not be ignored. In addition to inconvenience for others, it can also pose a danger to the person himself, especially if the syndrome has reached a complicated stage.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. During this time, the body regains strength. Sleep is extremely important for our health.

Accumulated stress causes a lot muscle tension inside the body. At night, the body relaxes, the body puts all systems in order. This has a positive effect on the immune system.

But what if sleep is disturbed by the snoring of a spouse, relative or neighbor behind the wall?

What to do if the sound is so piercing that it is simply impossible to fall asleep? And the second side of the coin: is it dangerous for a snoring person?

There is no consensus on this matter. Some scientists consider this to be the norm, since fathers and grandfathers who snored had excellent health.

Snoring has accompanied people at all times. Others tend to believe that snoring is a symptom of a disease.

There are many different versions, why a person makes a guttural sound when breathing during sleep.

Why does a child snore if there is no snot?

Children often surprise their parents by snoring. If the cause is not nasal congestion due to colds- the point is different.

Possible reasons:

  • Adenoids. The most common version of what is happening for kids.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Obesity.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system.

Important! You should consult a doctor to find out the cause.

Remember that snoring causes difficulty breathing. The brain does not receive oxygen in the amount necessary for normal functioning.

When this happens throughout the night, it has a detrimental effect on the growing body and can cause a number of problems in the future.

What to do to prevent a man from snoring

Snoring, as we have found out, has a detrimental effect not only on the health of the snorer, but also on those around them. Constant lack of sleep will lead to increased nervousness and decreased immunity.

And this is a direct path to a viral disease. Remember the hackneyed phrase: all diseases come from nerves.

To make sleep pleasant and healthy for everyone in your household, use one of the devices listed below.

They are sold in pharmacies, fix the position, eliminating the problem:

  • Jaw bandage.
  • Mouth guards.
  • Nose clips.

A device for the correct position of the tongue will ensure that there is no sound when falling asleep. Many men, whom nature ordered to be brutal, will find such a proposal humiliating.

“A pacifier for a grown man? What nonsense? Try to gently explain to your husband that not only you, but also he himself suffers from his snoring.

It will take several days to get used to sleeping with the device. After a few weeks, the muscles will get used to the correct position, and the devices will no longer be useful.

Important! To eliminate snoring, you must first identify its cause. To do this, undergo an examination.

The doctor should examine your throat and take pictures to see if there is sinusitis or other diseases that contribute to snoring.

Diseases can occur in a chronic form, causing inconvenience only during sleep.

Treatment also involves getting rid of bad habits. Alcoholism and smoking should be treated.

In addition to radical methods, you can try to independently reduce the number of cigarettes and drink alcohol less often.

This will help improve the health of the body and help prolong life. Your health will improve and your depression will go away.

You will also have to watch your weight. Healthy image life does not mean limitations.

You just have to listen to your body and follow the basic rules:

  • Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Don't overeat.
  • There are more healthy products.

These are the three pillars on which it is built healthy eating. No need to diet, just be active. Once you've lost a few extra pounds, you'll love your new lifestyle.

If snoring is caused by obesity, it will disappear when you get your body in order.

How to treat a pregnant woman?

During pregnancy, many women complain of snoring. Husbands are also not delighted with this “cute” new habit. There may be several reasons.

Causes of snoring during pregnancy:

How to get rid of newborn snoring

If your baby is bothered by noticeable snoring during sleep, the first thing to do is consult a doctor.

The reasons may be illness. The baby will not say this himself. And only if the examination of the child does not reveal pathologies, measures can be taken to facilitate breathing.

If the cause is not a disease of the larynx, nose or nasopharynx, then the problem is narrow nasal passages.

Newborns often snore for this reason. To make breathing easier, you need to keep your child in a clean room.

Carry out wet cleaning more often, get rid of sources of dust: carpets, extra pillows. Monitor air humidity, buy a special device.

Important! Sprays can be used to moisturize the sinuses, but they must indicate that they can be used from birth. Follow the instructions carefully!

Useful video

Approximately 20% of the world's population snores, which negatively affects both the state of the body and the social health of a person. Before you find out why a person snores in his sleep and how to get rid of the unpleasant symptom, it is worth understanding what snoring is.

Snoring affects a person's health and well-being

Snoring during sleep is a manifestation of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. occurs when there is a narrowing or almost complete occlusion of the lumen of the upper respiratory tract. The causes of snoring are varied.

Snoring is pathological condition, it should not occur normally. When the airways are narrowed or blocked, hypoxia occurs in the body. This is harmful because with a lack of oxygen, the functioning of all organs without exception occurs.

Most susceptible negative influence hypoxia brain. Nerve cells require a constant level of oxygen concentration in the blood. If its level decreases, this leads to disturbances in mental activity and disruptions in the conduction of nerve impulses. Therefore, you need to get rid of snoring as quickly as possible by eliminating the main causes of snoring.

Prolonged snoring causes brain hypoxia

The cardiovascular system also responds to hypoxia. This manifests itself in the form of tachycardia (increased heart rate) and decreased blood pressure. The pressure decreases due to the fact that the heart muscle does not have enough oxygen to fully contract. If people snore at night, the condition can lead to the development of coronary heart disease or stroke.

Why does snoring occur?

The causes of snoring are different and there are many of them. This includes diseases and external negative factors. Here are the main ones:

It is necessary to get rid of snoring, because it tends to progress. In some cases, there are even deaths due to complete blockage of the respiratory tract. This phenomenon is called asphyxia and is the most dangerous complication of snoring.

It is also worth noting that the sound that a person makes interferes with himself. He does not wake up from this, but the deep sleep phase does not begin, in which the body rests as much as possible. This gradually begins to lead to lack of sleep and constant fatigue. This condition is dangerous because it causes exhaustion and premature aging of the body. Chronic fatigue syndrome can lead to the development of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.

Prolonged snoring causes chronic fatigue

Treatment of snoring

Whatever the cause of the sound phenomenon, it must be eliminated. Medicine does not stand still and many methods have been found to combat snoring.

Today, innovative technologies are already used, such as cryotherapy and laser systems. With their help, plastic corrections of the arches of the upper palate are carried out, adenoids and polyps are removed, and operations are performed to expand the glottis. The cost of such manipulations is high, but they allow you to get rid of night snoring.

With the development of pharmacology, it became possible to use medicines to eliminate this unpleasant manifestation. Their principle of action is to irritate the mucous membrane and reflexively increase muscle tone. They are produced by various pharmaceutical factories in the form of aerosols and drops. Depending on the country of origin, the price may vary significantly. Any medicine has contraindications, so you need to carefully study the instructions before use.

Special drops and aerosols are used to treat snoring

In addition, there are special devices to combat noisy sleep. Some of them do not have the promised effect. But there are also devices based on real developments that have a therapeutic effect. Among them, it is worth highlighting a mouth guard, a bandage and an anti-snoring pillow.

And the bandage has a similar operating principle. Their essence is to derive lower jaw forward and prevent it from sinking. But to really get rid of snoring, they need to be selected individually and pay attention to contraindications.

Anti-snoring pillows also help get rid of it if the cause is spinal curvature cervical spine. They support it in its anatomical position and ensure optimal airway patency.

Orthopedic pillows effectively eliminate snoring

There are also folk remedies, but there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The exception is gargling with strong saline solution. The mechanism of action of this method is based on osmosis. Salt attracts excess liquid from tissues and reduces their swelling. This method is effective for inflammatory and purulent diseases.

Prevention of snoring

Snoring is very easy to prevent, but not everyone strives to comply necessary measures. To prevent snoring, you need to choose the right pillow. The optimal pillow size will be purely individual for each person and depends on the size of the head, neck length and shoulder width. Right choice pillows prevent curvature of the neck and, accordingly, the larynx.

Giving up bad habits significantly reduces the likelihood of snoring. Quitting smoking will reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and quitting alcohol will ensure better muscle health.

If you give up bad habits, you can reduce the risk of snoring

A balanced diet is an important factor in the prevention of almost all diseases. Sufficient quantity nutrients and elements in the diet will maintain tissues in the required condition much longer. Their tone will not decrease, elasticity and consistency will be maintained.

Scientifically proven influence physical exercise to reduce the risk of developing certain pathologies. This relates directly to snoring, because when the muscles of the neck and lower jaw weaken, it sinks. Regular morning exercises will help avoid this.

If diseases occur, you should consult a doctor, and not try to cure them yourself or wait for them to “go away on their own.” Without treatment, many diseases become chronic. This also applies to diseases of the throat and nose. Chronic diseases cause destructive changes that lead to snoring, which will be more difficult to get rid of.

The appearance of snoring requires immediate medical attention

A person may snore at different ages, By various reasons, but in any case he must take measures to combat this disease. Noisy sleep should not be ignored, because it carries with it serious consequences and complications.

The information in the following video provides an answer to the question of why people snore:

Why does a person snore? This frequently asked question. Let's look at it in more detail.

Many people know what snoring is, but only from the experience of loved ones and relatives, and not from by my own example. Very often, a person who snores loudly does not allow those around him to rest, which can cause neurotic disorders and insomnia. In addition, causing inconvenience to those nearby, a snoring person poses a danger primarily to himself.

Snoring is a symptom of apnea syndrome, in which obstacles appear in the path of air flow. People who snore do not receive enough oxygen during sleep, as a result of which all organs, especially the brain, begin to suffer. In some situations, this syndrome can even lead to death. That’s why it’s so important to find out why a person snores.

General information

As already noted, snoring is a sleep apnea, which is a cessation of breathing, and in addition, an obstruction, that is, an obstacle blocking the air flow. In this regard, we can say that snoring is a pathology, the symptoms of which can be observed in every fifth inhabitant of the planet over the age of thirty. During the process, when a person is resting, in addition to the specific sounds of snoring, there are cases of breathing stopping for a short time. In some situations, the number of such stops per night can reach three hundred. This can, in turn, lead to a constant lack of oxygen at night, significantly increasing the risk of all sorts of severe heart rhythm disturbances. In this case, the development of a stroke, myocardial infarction or sudden death which can occur during sleep.

Why a person snores is of interest to many.

Symptoms of appearance

The main symptom is the presence of snoring itself. The first person to notice this phenomenon is the relative next to the snoring person who is not sleeping at this time. Thus, a snorer may experience short-term pauses in breathing. At the same time, the snoring suddenly stops, after which the sleeper sobs loudly again, turning on the other side, and starting to breathe again. All these signs serve as symptoms of a disease that can lead to an excessive number of various complications that can reduce a person’s quality of life.

So, why does a person snore? Let's figure it out together.

Causes of snoring

As mentioned above, sleep apnea syndrome is a disease characterized by disruption of air flow through the respiratory tract. The moment a person falls asleep, the muscles relax. As a result of all this, the movement of the air stream is blocked. Snoring is a result of vibration soft fabric pharynx, when the passage of air is difficult. After about half a minute, a forced inhalation occurs, thanks to which breathing returns to normal. So it turns out that a person snores in his sleep. The reasons are listed below.


This mechanism is determined by the specific structure of the soft tissue of the pharynx. The characteristic sound is formed through the vibrating tissues of the soft palate, which seems to hang too much. What kind of people snore? The severity of the pathology directly depends on a number of the following associated causes:

  • Narrow space of the nasal passages and pharynx from birth.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing due to chronic rhinitis. In addition, this can happen due to a deviated nasal septum.
  • Presence of polyps in the nose.
  • Development of hypertrophy of the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils.
  • Displacement of the lower jaw in combination with malocclusion.
  • Unusually elongated uvula.
  • The presence of bad habits, such as smoking, along with alcohol abuse.
  • Having excess weight.

Taking sedatives, sleeping pills and alcoholic beverages in combination with sleeping on your back contributes to the development of the disease. This is why a person snores.

Children's snoring

It should be emphasized that not only adults, but also children can snore. The most common cause of childhood snoring is enlarged tonsils and adenoids. In addition, snoring in children may be a consequence of nasal congestion, and it does not matter whether it is acute or chronic. This can also be contributed to by all sorts of anomalies in the bone structure of the face. A deviated nasal septum, which is accompanied by blockage of nasal breathing, also contributes to snoring in children. in a child, it is better to check with a doctor.

Sleep apnea

In particularly severe situations, babies may experience sleep apnea, which means breathing stops for a short time. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to assess how seriously your breathing is affected. At the same time, it is also important to determine the further method of treating apnea syndrome. Not everyone knows what to do if a person snores.

Existing breathing disorders during sleep can trigger the development various symptoms, which, upon inattentive examination, seem unrelated to apnea and snoring. Against this background, children's behavior may change: they become disobedient, capricious, they complain of fatigue, and their performance at school drops. In addition, the child may sleep restlessly and wake up quite often. In some situations, nocturnal enuresis cannot be ruled out. In addition to this, growth retardation may occur, which occurs due to growth hormone deficiency. This hormone is produced mainly at night and largely contributes to the growth of children. Against the background of sleep disturbances, similar to the situation with snoring and apnea, its production decreases.

What can be done to prevent a person from snoring? More on this later.

Prevention of snoring

To prevent snoring and apnea syndrome, the following rules must be followed:

  • Be regularly examined to identify pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, such as chronic rhinitis, along with deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of the lingual, palatine and pharyngeal tonsils, which is especially often observed in childhood. All this requires treatment. What else can you do to prevent a person from snoring?
  • You should give up smoking, trying, in addition to this, to also keep normal weight.
  • If symptoms of the pathology have already appeared, it is recommended to stop taking sedatives and sedatives, alcoholic beverages, especially before bedtime.
  • People should sleep in a position on their side. In this case, the head should always be in a position above the body.

It is important to find out in advance how to cure snoring. After all, ignoring the problem can be fraught with consequences.

Snoring and its complications

If, at the time of sleep, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the lungs and blood of a person, during the day the person may become irritable, he will experience drowsiness, and there will also be a decrease in memory, and headaches may bother him in the morning. If snoring continues for a long time, a person may develop arterial hypertension along with a disruption in the production of hormones, which will lead to a decrease in libido, and in addition, to obesity. A more serious complication may be myocardial infarction along with a violation heart rate and stroke, up to the onset of sudden death directly during sleep.


One of the main mechanisms is lack of oxygen with hypoxia. The mechanism is elementary: against the background of respiratory arrest, the supply of oxygen to the lungs stops, but despite this, the body still needs it. This means that the level of oxygen in the blood slowly decreases. In some situations, the air presence indicator drops to such a limit that in a hospital setting, doctors decide on the need for resuscitation measures. In some cases, this condition can be observed by the relatives of a snoring person, when in their presence he begins to turn blue before their eyes.

The brain instantly reacts to a drop in oxygen levels in the blood and sends a signal to wake up, which triggers the mechanism of sleep fragmentation. Ideally, each person's sleep has a certain structure. It is divided into several phases. If a person wakes up frequently, the brain will not be able to move into deeper phases. It is as a result of muscle relaxation and a decrease in blood pressure that most of the hormones necessary for the quality functioning of the entire human body are produced.

Frequent awakening causes activation of the sympathetic system. nervous system. The heart rate immediately increases and arterial pressure, in turn, increases. In this case, various heart rhythm disturbances may occur. This is why a person snores while lying on his back.

Another mechanism that increases blood pressure is sharp drop intrathoracic pressure. Considering that the airways are blocked at the level of the laryngopharynx, and the chest is trying harder and harder to somehow capture a breath of air, an area of ​​​​discharged pressure appears. The process of sucking blood into a kind of vacuum trap begins. Blood coming from the periphery and extremities accumulates mainly in the chest, which causes excessive stress on the heart.

Diagnosing snoring

To make a diagnosis, you need to talk with the patient, as well as talk with his immediate environment. In addition, there is a rather complex, but objective study - polysomnography. This study tracks several indicators:

  • Naso-oral airflow.
  • Blood saturation with hemoglobin.
  • Movement chest.
  • Heart rate.

The number of apneas is also recorded along with their maximum and average duration. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the patient’s condition and build competent treatment of this disease.

What to do when a person snores heavily in his sleep?

Treatment of snoring

As a rule, surgical intervention produces a significant effect. If you have snoring, it is necessary to normalize nasal breathing, so if necessary, surgery is performed to eliminate the cause chronic rhinitis or deviated nasal septums. If such measures do not help, Plastic surgery on the soft palate. This operation called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.

There are several options for its execution: it is done using an electrocoagulator along with a scalpel and a laser. If the velum is lowered, a small part of it in the area of ​​the uvula is removed, due to this the airway lumen increases slightly. Then, using an electrocoagulator with a laser, a burn is made on the palate so that in the future it will heal and wrinkle. As a result, the velum, which previously hung down, is tightened, thereby increasing the clearance for the flow of air.

What to do if a person snores but does not agree to surgery? You can contact folk medicine.

Traditional treatment for snoring

  • In the morning and evening, you need to pronounce the sound “and” thirty times. During this exercise, the muscles of the soft palate, pharynx and neck must be tense.
  • You can also do an exercise to strengthen the velum palatine: close your mouth, breathe through your nose, strain back wall tongue and forcefully pull it to the throat. By touching the point under the chin with your fingers at this moment, you can feel the muscle tension. The number of tongue movements is about ten to fifteen. As a result, snoring disappears.
  • Another recipe: for half a liter of boiling water, take a tablespoon of oak bark and the same amount of calendula flowers. Then cover with a lid and leave for two hours. You need to gargle after eating and before going to bed.

Simply understanding why a person snores is not enough. This is a serious violation that must be addressed.

Snoring is one of the sleep disorders and is observed in a fifth of the world's population after the age of 30. Moreover, men predominate in this list; more than 70% of them suffer from snoring. This sound phenomenon occurs due to narrowing of the airways and vibration of the soft tissues of the pharynx.

Why do people snore?

The main causes of snoring can be divided into three categories:

  1. Anatomical, related to the structure or pathologies of the nasopharynx.
  2. Functional, which reduce muscle tone of the nasopharynx.
  3. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Snoring during sleep in men - reasons

Interestingly, the reasons for snoring in women and men are exactly the same, although the stronger sex is more susceptible to this phenomenon. This is due to several factors:

  • men are physically larger;
  • they have a fleshier palate;
  • men drink more alcohol;
  • after 30 years most of male representatives gain excess weight;
  • There are more men among smokers.

Why does a person snore in his sleep: list of diseases

Let's take a closer look at why people snore from the point of view of anatomical and functional pathologies of the body.

Anatomical diseases:

  1. Nasal polyps.
  2. Adenoids.
  3. Deviation of the nasal septum.
  4. Enlarged tonsils.
  5. Bite disorders.
  6. Underdevelopment and displacement of the lower jaw.
  7. Congenital narrowness of the nasopharynx or nasal passages.
  8. Excess weight.
  9. Elongated uvula of the palate.
  10. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  11. Consequences of a broken nose.

Functional disorders:

  1. Sleep deficiency.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Alcohol consumption.
  4. Menopause.
  5. Taking sleeping pills.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Disorders of the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  8. Age-related changes.
  9. Excessive sleep.
Tests to independently identify the cause of snoring:
  1. Breathe through one nostril, closing the other. If there are difficulties with nasal breathing, then snoring may be due to anatomical structure nasal passages.
  2. Open your mouth and imitate snoring. Then you need to push your tongue forward, place it between your teeth and imitate snoring again. If in the second case the imitation of snoring is weaker, then perhaps it occurs due to the tongue recessing into the nasopharynx.
  3. Determine your ideal weight and compare it with your actual value. If excess weight is present, it may cause snoring.
  4. Simulate snoring with your mouth closed. After this, you need to move your lower jaw forward as much as possible and try to snore again. If in the second case the sound intensity has decreased, then snoring may occur due to a backward displacement of the lower jaw (retrognathia).
  5. Ask people living nearby to record their snoring on a voice recorder. If you hear stopping breathing or signs of suffocation when listening, then snoring in this case is apnea symptom sleep.
  6. If there are no results after any of the above tests, it makes sense to consider excessive vibration of the soft palate as the cause of snoring.

Why do people start snoring - apnea syndrome

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a serious disease, one of the symptoms of which is snoring. At the same time, the upper Airways the patient periodically closes during sleep at the level of the pharynx, and ventilation of the lungs stops. As a result, the level of oxygen in the blood sharply decreases. Apnea also has the following symptoms.