Nutrition according to biorhythms. Human nutrition according to biorhythms Nutrition according to biological clock

Hippocrates mentioned the importance of nutrition in human life in his works. The products contain vitamins, nutrients and minerals, without which the full functioning of the body is impossible. It is balance for a long time was considered the basic principle of a healthy diet and only recently have scientists discovered that the period of consumption of certain products directly affects their digestibility, therefore, nutrition according to biorhythms is no less important for maintaining the health and functioning of the body.

What are biorhythms

The human body is unique in nature biological system, in which each organ has its own role. All of them closely interact with each other and interruptions in the work of one are sure to affect the state of the body as a whole. The functioning of all systems is regulated by biorhythms, due to which each organ has its own period of activity and period of rest.

For example:

  • lungs– work most effectively from 3 to 5 am;
  • gallbladder– from 5 to 7 am;
  • intestines– from 4 am to 12 noon;
  • heart– period of maximum activity from 11 to 13;
  • liver– actively functions from 1 to 3 am;
  • stomach– most productive from 7 to 9 am;
  • small intestine– works hard from 13 to 15;
  • secretory glands – from 6 to 8 am.

This system of operation allows organs to perform their functions with maximum efficiency, while consuming the optimal amount of energy, and it is this property that explains the connection between nutrition and biorhythms.

A diet tailored to the periods of activity and inactivity of organs helps improve health., improve appearance and improve performance. With this form of nutrition, the body receives maximum amount useful substances and vitamins, while the elimination of waste and toxins is stimulated, and lipids are processed into energy without remaining in the body as fat deposits.

Important: regular disturbances in biological rhythms lead to a deterioration in overall health and decreased immunity. The first signs of biorhythm disruption include chronic fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite, absent-mindedness, and decreased vision.

Basic principles of action and types of chronodiet

Chronodiets are any diets designed according to biorhythms. internal organs person. They are not instant effect diets and are not designed for a specific period of time. The main feature of this nutrition model, which distinguishes it favorably from all other diets, is the absence of hunger. This is due to the correct distribution of foods among meals and compliance with the regime.

Besides, There are no prohibited foods in chronodiets, they do not imply or limit the amount of food consumed. The choice of products for the chronodiet is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics and biorhythms of the body. With the correct diet, food is completely processed, which prevents the occurrence of excess fat deposits.

In modern dietetics, the following types of chronodiet are distinguished:

  1. Original (basic).
  2. Homemade.
  3. Women's.

Original The chronodiet is the simplest and most common nutrition option taking into account human biorhythms. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat foods high in fat - bread and butter, cheese, ham,. At this time, the body intensively produces insulin, which promotes the breakdown of fat cells.

The optimal diet for lunch will be low-fat protein foods in combination with vegetables (this period is characterized by increased secretion enzyme that supplies body cells with proteins). Afternoon - best moment for carbohydrates and fiber, and after 19 hours, vegetables and seafood are allowed.

Home In addition to the basic principles of nutrition according to biorhythms, the chronodiet involves the separation of foods depending on the content of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. Proponents of a home diet explain this by the fact that these substances together cannot be fully absorbed by the body.

It is recommended to start and end the day with protein foods, and the bulk of fats and carbohydrates should be consumed at lunchtime. Fruits are best suited for snacking. This diet is considered the most effective in terms of weight loss and is most suitable for people trying to get rid of extra pounds.

Important! Unlike other biorhythm nutrition options, a homemade diet is not suitable for long-term use, so it is best to alternate it with the original diet.

The essence female chronodieting consists of constructing a nutrition schedule taking into account the day menstrual cycle and hormonal changes that occur in female body. In the first two weeks and the last seven days of the cycle, experts advise eating mostly light and low-fat foods., especially focusing on fruits and vegetables. In the third week, the main component of the diet should be foods high in protein and low in sugar.

Important! This diet is not suitable for women with an unstable monthly cycle.

Features of nutrition depending on periods of activity of the body

The frequency of body activity is individual for everyone, and this factor must be taken into account when preparing a diet according to human biorhythms.

Conventionally, depending on biological activity, all people can be divided into three types:

  • lark(morning type) – peak performance occurs in the morning hours;
  • owl(evening type) – maximum activity of the body is observed in the evening and at night;
  • pigeon(day type) – equally active at any time of the day.

Breakfast for larks should be quite high in calories, plentiful and consist mainly of protein foods. Carbohydrates should be consumed during lunch and dinner, and for lunch, dishes containing equal proportions of proteins and fats are recommended.

Advice: early risers, who are most energetic in the first half of the day, are not recommended to drink tonic drinks (coffee, tea) in the morning. Excess energy can cause overstimulation of the nervous system and cause rapid fatigue. For people with this biotype, it is better to start their day with a glass of juice or fermented milk drink.

Owls typically wake up late, so when planning a diet according to biorhythms for weight loss, it is best for people of this type to replace breakfast with a glass of juice or a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and move a more substantial meal to lunch.

Approximate daily diet for larks and owls.

To larks:

Breakfast- dishes from cottage cheese and eggs, milk porridge, sandwiches with butter, cheese, sausage, vegetable salads, greens.

Lunch– muesli, dried fruits, cereal dishes, bran bread.

Dinner– soups, meat, fish, potatoes, pasta, black tea.

Afternoon snackdairy products, fruits, chocolate.

Dinner– light sandwiches, boiled fish, vegetable salads, fruits and dried fruits.

To the owls:

Breakfast– fermented milk products, muesli, coffee.

Lunch– boiled eggs, cottage cheese, sandwiches, cereals, fruits, chocolate.

Dinner– vegetable salads and side dishes, meat and fish dishes, cheese, herbs.

Afternoon snack– nuts, dried fruits, yoghurts, tea.

Dinner– pasta, seafood, poultry, fruits, fermented milk drinks.

For people with a daytime type of activity, the diets of both larks and owls are equally suitable. To maintain health and physical activity It is quite enough for pigeon people to carry out general recommendations By healthy eating and listen to your inner feelings.

Rules for compiling a chronodiet depending on the seasons

Climatic conditions and the change of seasons are another factor influencing the functioning of human internal organs. Therefore, by adjusting your diet taking into account seasonal changes in biorhythms, you can eat your favorite dishes without harm to the body and enjoy delicious food every day.

Each season is characterized by the activation of certain biological processes.

Let's look at each season separately:

  1. Winter– during the cold season, the body intensively stores fats, so in the winter months it is imperative to eat foods high in proteins and lipids, and also do not forget about the vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system. The diet should consist of meat and fish dishes, pickles and preserves, vegetables and fruits long-term storage, berry jams and preserves. Hot, sour, spicy or salty foods have a warming effect and activate the body.
  2. Spring– intensive processing of proteins begins, and the body first of all needs protein products (eggs, cottage cheese, a variety of yoghurts and fermented milk drinks, nuts and dried fruits). In order for such food to be better absorbed, you should add root vegetables, pasta, cereals and baked goods to the menu.
  3. Summer– at this time the body accelerates metabolic processes, but energy consumption, on the contrary, is reduced. Therefore, it is worth reducing the amount of heavy high-calorie foods and paying attention to seasonal fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamins and minerals. In addition, in summer it is especially important to maintain water balance in the body and drink at least two liters of fluid during the day.
  4. Autumn– in order to strengthen the immune system and prepare the body for winter, in the fall it is best to consume as much fiber and carbohydrates as possible, but the amount of protein foods should be kept to a minimum. On the eve of winter, nutritionists recommend consuming enough fruits and vegetables, drinking freshly squeezed juices, and using cereals and pasta as a side dish.

Using this principle, you can create a diet in accordance with climatic conditions. For northern regions, a “winter menu” will be more suitable, while in a southern climate a summer diet will be most preferable.

Human health depends on a variety of factors, but correct and balanced diet, distributed strictly by the hour and selected taking into account the individual biorhythms of the internal organs, will help strengthen the immune system and normalize the functioning of the entire body.


  1. Satchin Panda, "The Circadian Code".
  2. Doskin Valery Anatolyevich, “Biorhythms, or how to become healthy,” 2014.
  3. Klimova Veronica, “We lose weight in our sleep. Biorhythms of Slimness", 2010
  4. Svetlana Bronnikova, “Diary of Intuitive Eating”, 2017
  5. Mikhail Sovetov, “Food according to the laws of nature”, 2018

Most diets focus on what and how much you need to eat to lose weight. At the same time, they ignore what time meals should take place. But the supporters nutrition according to biorhythms They act differently: they eat everything, but in a strictly limited time.

Biological rhythms- cyclical changes in the functioning of the body. Each organ and organ system has its own periods of rise and fall in activity. So, if you plan your meals in accordance with them, food will be absorbed tens of times better, and metabolism will speed up. After a short time, you will notice how the weight begins to decrease on its own.

When is the best time to eat

Based on studies of organ activity hours, nutritionists have compiled sample meal plan.

From 6 to 10 am The intestines and stomach are as active as possible. It is at this time that it is best to have a hearty breakfast. While your food is cooking, have a drink. This way you will help the pancreas and liver start working.

For breakfast, choose foods rich in fiber, carbohydrates, and proteins. Eggs, hard cheese, butter, whole grain bread, milk porridge with honey and fruit are best. The food will be completely absorbed and converted into energy. Don't make the mistake of starving oatmeal with water or low-fat yogurt in the morning. Your first meal should be royal!

From 9 to 11 And from 11 to 13 The spleen and heart work hard. Time for mental exercise and a light snack. Tea with a handful of dried fruits or yogurt with a banana will be enough.

From 13 to 15 The intestines and stomach are put back into work. But at the same time, the body at this time has a lot of amylase and protease - enzymes that process sugar and starch. Time for active suction! To ensure that your performance remains at the same level, fuel your body with a portion (150 g) of lean meat, chicken or fish with vegetables on the side.

From 16 to 17 the excretory system is activated: bladder, sweat glands. Fat burning increases. Spend this hour without eating. Ideal time for sports. Don't forget to replenish fluid loss and drink at least 2 glasses of water!

From 17 to 19 - easy time dinner to satisfy your hunger and relax. Baked vegetables with fish or chicken, cottage cheese and unsweetened fruits are just right. Please note that the evening portion of food should be half the size of lunch.

Approximately after 19 o'clock Gastrointestinal organs slow down. Digestive enzymes are almost not produced at this time. To prevent hunger from raging by the time you go to bed, drink a glass of kefir. After this, nothing but herbal tea should enter the body.

From 20 to 21 Melatonin, a hormone that prepares the body for sleep, begins to be produced. Contribute to this: chamomile, lemon balm, thyme will calm nervous system, prepare the body for rest.

From 22 to 24 the concentration of melatonin and growth hormone, which is responsible for growth in children and metabolism in adults, increases. Phase of active renewal and fat burning. Provided that you are sleeping at this time and have not eaten since the evening, you can lose up to 900 kcal per night!

Eating according to biorhythms is easy, and the result is noticeable not only in the number of kilograms lost. Your well-being will improve significantly! Cheerfulness in the morning great mood during the day, no torture by hunger and nervous breakdowns- everything we desire is already inherent in us by nature.

Nutrition according to the body's biorhythms

Nutrition according to biorhythms.

From childhood we are taught that it is necessary to follow a diet, that is, eat according to biorhythms. Why is proper nutrition so important for our body? The answer could be simple: to stay healthy. But let's take a closer look.

To provide the body with substance and energy for life, growth and development, an adult consumes about 2 kg of food per day. To digest it, the digestive system secretes about 10 kg of digestive juices. Agree that it is difficult for the body to cope with such a volume of food in one or two meals a day.

In addition, with two meals a day, it is difficult to provide a variety of food, and it is also difficult to control the amount of food eaten when the appetite is in full swing. As a result, with a deficiency in the consumption of nutritious foods, high-quality starvation can develop, and with excess consumption, obesity can develop.

When eating according to biorhythms, the most optimal mode is considered to be four meals a day. When eating according to biorhythms, meals are taken every 4 hours. The digestive tract works evenly, food is well absorbed, since digestive enzymes process it completely.

Daily human energy expenditure ranges from 1700 to 5000 kilocalories. With light workloads, the level of daily energy consumption for men is on average 3000 kcal, for women - 2000 kcal.

It is also no coincidence that meals during the day are divided into breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner with traditional dishes for each. It turns out that nutrients are absorbed differently by our bodies throughout the day, which is again related to our body’s biorhythms. Experts recommend listening more carefully to your “internal clock” and building your diet in accordance with it.

In the morning from 7.00 to 10.00 the stomach almost completely digests fats, because breakfast is the time the lipase enzyme works, so you can safely eat a sandwich with sausage, cheese for breakfast, you can treat yourself to whipped cream with fresh fruit, or prepare a vegetable salad with olive oil, drink a cup of coffee with a piece of biscuit. In general, the morning meal should contain about 20-25% of calories from the entire daily diet and include the most high-calorie foods.

At one P.M The body absorbs proteins well, so it is recommended to prepare soup for lunch. After all, soups have a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines (they prevent such diseases gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis), while perfectly nourishing the body, supplying it with complete protein.

The second course can be fish or lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey), and the side dish can contain carbohydrates (boiled potatoes, rice, pasta - as you like). Don't forget to treat yourself to fruit and vegetable juice.

Lunch accounts for about 35% of calories from the entire daily diet.

After 16.00 to 17.00 It is possible to eat carbohydrate foods, you can safely indulge in sweets. During these hours, the hormone insulin is activated, which lowers blood sugar levels.

The afternoon snack should make up only 15% of the daily diet.

In the evening after 18.00 It is no longer recommended to eat meat dishes, since the digestive enzymes necessary for digesting meat have already ceased their activity. For dinner, it is better to prepare dietary low-calorie vegetable, dairy and fish dishes.

Dinner accounts for 25% of daily calories.

Remember: when you eat at the same hours every day, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, it already “prepares” everything in advance digestive organs to work. If he does not receive the usual portion of food, then he works “idle”, and the released digestive juices begin to corrode the walls of the stomach. Therefore, eating according to biorhythms is very beneficial for health. Agree, this can seriously disrupt activities digestive system, and subsequently result in various diseases. After all, it’s no wonder modern medicine believes a healthy digestive tract is the key to good health.

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How to better understand your body and lose weight in accordance with nature? Depending on the month, season, and even the weather, certain biorhythms “turn on” in your body, according to which you can adjust the menu and improve your diet. Diet according to biorhythms - all year round. Diet according to biorhythms - menstruation cycle. Diet according to biorhythms - daily biorhythms. Diet for a “lark”. Diet for night owls. Diet for “pigeons”. "Chronodiet" by Dr. Delabos (Chrono-nutrition Program).

Depending on the month, season, and even the weather, certain biorhythms “turn on” in your body, according to which you can adjust the menu and improve your diet. Biorhythms are the “clocks” of biological processes occurring in the human body.

Diet according to biorhythms - all year round.
in winter The body actively creates fat reserves in order not to freeze. This is why so often in winter people dial excess weight. To prevent this from happening, you should give preference to products containing easily digestible fats. It is worth limiting yourself in sweet and salty foods, in baked goods and in products containing starch. But vegetables, fruits and dairy products can be eaten without restrictions in winter. Also, during the cold season, do not forget about meat and fish and drink as much water as possible.
in spring the body “wakes up” after winter. And it begins to actively process protein. This means you need to make sure he gets enough protein. It is worth including fermented milk products, eggs and nuts in your diet, and in order for proteins to be better absorbed, you need to consume fiber.
In summer, for example, metabolism accelerates and energy expenditure decreases. This means limiting your intake of high-calorie foods to a minimum and increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Antioxidants are necessary to neutralize free radicals, which contribute to increased oxidative processes in the summer. Kvass, currants, cherries, any fruit (especially red or orange color) and vegetables will make the body’s work easier and will not slow down the metabolism. You should eat the same amount of fermented milk products and proteins in the summer as in the winter. It is also worth drinking more fluid.
in autumn It is best to reduce your intake of protein foods by increasing the amount of fiber, vegetables and fruits you eat. This is necessary to cleanse the body and prepare it for winter.

Diet according to biorhythms - menstruation cycle.
This weight loss system was developed by the British doctor M. Davis and is scientifically proven. Monthly biorhythms in the female body are directly related to the menstrual cycle. They can be divided into three phases.
The first phase occurs from the second to the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle. IN During this period, metabolism is accelerated due to an increase in the amount of estrogen in the body. This is a period when you have increased activity and a desire to “move mountains.” If you go on a diet in the first phase, it will be successful, and you will see the results very quickly. Instead of recharging in the first phase, on the contrary, discharging is necessary. Therefore, sports, fitness and other types of activity will be a pleasure these days, and the results of your training will appear immediately. In general, during the first phase of the cycle you can easily and painlessly lose 1.5-2 kg.
The second phase begins on the fifteenth and ends on the twenty-first day of the cycle. During this period, ovulation occurs. Since at this time the body is preparing for the fertilization of the egg, as well as for further consequences, it begins to store energy. Rape yourself strict diets It's not worth it at this time. The ideal option for the second phase would be a balanced diet and regular fitness classes (and it is better to prefer aerobic programs to heavy strength training). By correctly following all the recommendations, you can lose about another kilogram of weight this week.
The third phase of the menstrual cycle is marked by " premenstrual syndrome" . This is a difficult time for you. You become irritable and nervous. Therefore, it is better not to aggravate the situation with diet. You can even treat yourself to something delicious. Naturally, within reasonable limits, so as not to cancel out all previous efforts. And don’t worry if the scale suddenly starts showing a kilogram more: at this time, the body is actively retaining water, which will leave you with the onset of menstruation.

Diet according to biorhythms - daily biorhythms.
Daily biorhythms coincide with the biorhythms of the digestive systems.
From 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the morning active work large intestine. If you get up before 6 o'clock, then you shouldn't have breakfast that early. Drink a glass of water or tea without sugar.
Metabolism accelerates in the morning, from seven to nine in the morning. Therefore, food eaten during this period of time is always absorbed well by the body. The best time for breakfast is from 8 to 9 o'clock. Breakfast should be hearty, since this is the time the stomach is activated; you can even eat a sandwich with sausage, a piece of cake or pizza.
From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., the stomach digests breakfast. At this time, you can eat light fermented milk products and fruits.
From 12 o'clock to 13 o'clock the cardiovascular system is active. Lunch must be hearty, but at the same time quite light (this will reduce the brutal appetite and make it easier for the stomach). At this time, it is best to eat soups without bread and salads. If you can’t eat without bread, you can allow yourself 1 slice of whole grain bread.
From 14 to 17 hours the excretory system is active, so drink more during these hours.
Try to have dinner at 18-19 hours. Dinner should consist of vegetables, fish or lean meat. In the evening, you need to be careful. At this time, appetite reaches its peak.
After dinner, do not eat or drink anything until 21:00. The body must rest and adjust to processing food at night. If you really want to eat, you can drink kefir or eat some fruit. In addition, it is not advisable to drink water before going to bed, because swelling may appear in the morning.
Sample menu diets:
- 08.00 - Breakfast: 100 g oatmeal, or buckwheat, 1 slice of bread with cheese or sausage, 1 slice of bread with jam, 200 ml cocoa.
- 10.00 - Second breakfast: orange or apple
- 13.00 - Lunch: Vegetable salad, fresh cabbage soup, vegetable stew, 1 slice of whole grain bread.
- 15.00 - Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese, green tea.
- 19.00 - Dinner: 200 g fried chicken or 180 g turkey, 100 g stewed cabbage, 50 g 10% sour cream, 1 slice of bread, tea.
You still need to control the amount of food depending on BMI (body mass index0), counting calories. On our website this is easy to do here. By following simple biorhythmic rules, you will create extremely comfortable conditions for your body, and it will be able to thank you for this by gaining excellent physical health. shape and excellent health.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, it became known that people have different biological rhythms. They are the ones who influence our working time and desire to sleep. Depending on this time, humanity was initially divided into 2 groups: owls and larks. Larks get up early and fall asleep early, owls, on the contrary, fall asleep late and get up late. Scientists have found out why people are divided into “larks” and “night owls.” It's all about the amount of magnesium in the body. It is he who helps synthesize hormones that are responsible for a person’s vigor and activity. When there is enough of it (like “larks”), the adrenal glands secrete this hormone in the morning, and when there is not enough of it (like “owls”) - in the evening. There is another category of “pigeons”. For these people the main replenishment vital energy not food, but sleep, and precisely in the daytime. These are those who need a “quiet hour”, familiar to many from kindergarten.

Diet for a “lark”.
Usually, larks wake up easily, sometimes even without waiting for the alarm to ring. From the first minutes of awakening, they are ready for active work and expenditure of energy. Such people are active in the first half of the day, so they are advised to have a hearty breakfast, and it is easy for them to refuse dinner.
A “lark” breakfast should occur half an hour or an hour after waking up, be high-calorie and complete. Omelette, cottage cheese, milk porridge, sandwiches with sausage and cheese are suitable for it. It is advisable to supplement protein foods with vitamin-rich salads with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, herbs and other vegetables. But “early people” should avoid coffee at breakfast. Their natural vivacity is already enough; coffee can lead to overexcitation and subsequent loss of strength by the middle of the day.
Second breakfast (about 10-11 o'clock) can consist of carbohydrates: porridge, muesli, bran bread, dried fruit.
Lunch usually occurs at 13-14 hours of the day and should not be inferior in calorie content to breakfast. During this period of time, the digestive system of early risers is most active. Suitable soups, meat and fish dishes in combination with potatoes, pasta and other side dishes. A cup of strong black tea stimulates afternoon performance.
Dinner is recommended from 18:00 to 19:00. Considering that you go to bed soon, include carbohydrate foods in your dinner menu: muesli with dried fruits and honey, porridge, light sandwiches, bananas, chocolate with green tea. Carbohydrates supply the body with serotonin, which is a brain neurotransmitter responsible for our mood, it contributes to good sleep. It is better to exclude protein and fatty foods; they take a long time to digest, which can interfere with proper rest.
Before bedtime? Can be allocated for the evening from daily value 100 -150 calories. A glass of kefir, fruits, vegetables - a light snack before bed will improve your mood.
Sample menu for a "lark":
- Breakfast: 1 egg, 4 sandwiches with butter, 1 kiwi, tea.
- Lunch: 1 plate of boiled potatoes or beans, 2 pickles, fruit salad, black or White bread, a cup of coffee.
- Afternoon snack: 1-2 yoghurts and a small bar of chocolate.
- Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled fish with rice, fruit.

Diet for night owls.
But “owls” in the morning are lethargic, incapacitated, they wake up within a couple of hours, during which time their metabolic processes are slowed down and in order to have an appetite they first need to spend energy and only then replenish it. Therefore, this category of people does not like breakfast and limit themselves to a morning cup of coffee, but dinner for them is a sacred thing and eating a hearty meal is what is necessary for their body. They can work or party almost all night and feel energetic.
Breakfast should not contain proteins. Fermented milk products (yogurt, for example), muesli, toast with jam or jam are healthy. A cup of natural coffee (not instant, but ground) will completely wake you up.
The second breakfast comes at 10-11 o'clock and is a full meal rich in calories. This can be boiled eggs (1 pc.), 200 g low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), a grain dish or porridge.
Dinner. By 3-4 p.m., the owl’s digestive system is at its peak, and it requires protein supplementation. These can be fish or meat dishes.
Afternoon snack. 18 -19 hours. Dried fruits and green tea are beneficial.
Dinner at 21-22 o'clock, one third of the daily calorie intake should come from it. A hearty meal in the evening does not harm the “owl” (unless, of course, it goes to bed with a full stomach). Proteins that are easily digestible are suitable: fish, seafood, cheese, nuts. This type of food will keep you feeling full for the rest of the day and prevent you from overeating at night. If during a night vigil the “owl” wants to eat, then bananas, a few slices of chocolate, and low-fat yogurt are suitable for this purpose.
When you're hungry at night, drink chamomile tea or warm milk - they create a feeling of satiety and fullness in the stomach.
Sample menu for night owls:
- Breakfast: 200 ml (1 glass) of freshly squeezed orange juice, 1 glass of water or a cup of natural freshly brewed ground coffee.
- Second breakfast: dried apricots, milk or drinking yogurt.
- Lunch: vegetable salad with cheese, spinach, canned pineapple, bread and tea.
- Afternoon snack: bran bread, nuts, yogurt.
- Dinner: portion pasta With tomato sauce, 1 pear, vanilla dessert, yogurt or 1 glass of milk.

Diet for “pigeons”.
Two circadian rhythms - night and day - are inherent in a person from birth, and they are not so easy to change. A person can change his rhythm according to the circumstances that surround him at the moment. These are the so-called “pigeons”, to whom this rhythm is given from birth, or rather the lack of it. They also select their food depending on the rhythm in which they live. But for these people, the main replenishment of vital energy is not food, but sleep, and precisely in the daytime. These are those who need a “quiet hour”, familiar to many from kindergarten.
These people need to be guided by the rhythm of life that they lead and eat accordingly, and if they live according to their own, “pigeon” rhythm, then the main requirement is to eat their last meal no later than 3 hours before the moment they are ready to leave. sleep. In any case, they universal will do diet.

It becomes clear why different nutritionists recommend diets that are radically different from each other, because they are also people and the same “larks” and “night owls”. Therefore, before you go on a diet, decide who you belong to and choose your own diet that will best suit your daily rhythm of life.

"Chronodiet" by Dr. Delabos (Chrononutrition Program).
It was developed in 1986 by French nutritionists Alain Delabos and Jean-Robert Rapin. This nutritional system is approved by the European Research Institute of Dietetics IREN. The system gained fame thanks to their student, nutritionist Patrick Leconte.
The chrono diet is a diet that allows you to lose weight without denying yourself food. In fact, we are talking less about diet and more about reorganizing nutrition depending on the biological clock.
According to Alain Delabos, in the process of human evolution, a certain sequence has been established in the production of digestive enzymes, or enzymes. Each of them is active during a certain period of time. At the time when their greatest concentration occurs, all the nutrients provided to them will be used for construction and energy production.
Breakfast should be rich.
In the morning, the body produces 3 types of enzymes: insulin, which is responsible for transporting glucose to various bodies and being a source of energy; lipases, which break down fats into parts which then build external cell membranes; proteinases, which form amino acids from proteins that are used in cell formation. To meet the needs of all enzymes, include in the menu: 100 g cheese, 70 g bread, 20 g butter and a drink without milk and sugar.
Lunch should be hearty.
Closer to lunch, the balance of enzymes changes somewhat: proteinases remain active, as in the morning, and amylases are produced, which easily break down starchy foods. At this time, you can eat proteins, as well as flour, cereals and potato products that contain starch. Moreover, Dr. Delabos insists, your portion of meat or fish must be calculated using a special formula. Add 100 to your height in cm. If, for example, you are 170 cm, 270 grams of meat or fish are most suitable. An approximate menu may include: 270 g of meat, 270 g of fish with sauce, an omelette of 3-4 eggs and 1 cup of pasta, rice, corn, potatoes with butter, 50 g of bread.
The afternoon snack should be sweet.
At 16-17 hours of the day, insulin production reaches its peak, as a result of which blood sugar levels drop sharply, which leads to fatigue and drowsiness. To improve tone, it is necessary to provide the body with glucose. An approximate menu for this period can include: 30 g of dark chocolate, 1 glass of nuts (hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts), 1 glass of olives, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins), 2 apples baked with jam or honey, 2 large glasses of natural juice .
Dinner should be light.
Towards evening, digestive enzymes begin to prepare for rest. By this time, the rate of breakdown of products slows down greatly. Fatty and starchy foods in evening hours It is difficult to digest, so do not overload your stomach with meat and cereal products. Dinner should be extremely light. Serving size is easy to determine. From the number indicating your height in cm, you need to subtract 40. If your height is 170 cm, you can afford about 130 grams of meat or fish. An approximate dinner menu could include the following products: white fish or shrimp (as much as you want), 130 g of white poultry without sauce, which can be served with a vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil or vinegar.
The authors recommend very little restriction. Alcohol is prohibited. Dairy products are not recommended (it is difficult for an adult to process them). Red meat - no more than 2-3 times a week. Sweets (sugar, sweet fruits, etc.) - only in the afternoon snack. But 2 times a week they are allowed to indulge in whatever they want.

Many people who practice this diet indicate that at first it is quite difficult to force their body to eat according to the clock. In addition, such a diet involves, for example, eating fatty foods in the morning, around 9 o'clock. And for many, this diet is, to put it mildly, unusual. Those. everyone who decides to stick to the chronodiet has to break their food stereotypes.
The chronodiet is one of the few diets that does not harm the body. The nutrition provided by this diet is more than balanced, it includes everything necessary substances. You can stick to such a diet for a long time, and it will also not harm your health.
It should be noted that this diet, like most others, cannot take into account any individual characteristics the person who adheres to it. Therefore, it may not be suitable for everyone. Lose on this diet a large number of You are unlikely to gain extra pounds (only if you combine it with active sports). Although calories are not counted, when determining portion sizes and not overeating, the daily diet will be 1500-1800 kcal. You can easily get your figure in shape and lose 3-5 kilograms without harming your health!

Beetroot diet

The beetroot diet for weight loss is the most convenient way to a slim figure. Content nutrients(calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). The essence and benefits of the beetroot diet. How to choose good beets? One-day beetroot diet. Beetroot diet for 7 days. Beetroot diet for a week. Beetroot diet for 10 days. American Beet Diet. Academician Bolotov's diet based on beet pulp. Cleansing and losing weight using beet kvass according to the recipe of Academician Bolotov. Quitting the diet.

Semolina diet

Semolina diet is a miracle dietary nutrition. The vast majority of people are sure that semolina only makes them gain weight, but does not make them lose weight. But despite this, there is a semolina diet that contradicts the usual opinion. Nutrient content of semolina (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). The benefits of semolina porridge for adults have been proven repeatedly. How to choose cereal? Diet based on semolina porridge. How to save the result. The semolina porridge diet has only positive reviews.

Zucchini diet

The zucchini diet is an ideal diet for those who want to lose weight and eat tasty, and most importantly healthy, food at the same time. The duration of the zucchini diet is from a week to a month. You need to eat at least half a kilo of tasty vegetables a day. The variety of dishes depends only on your imagination. The result will not be long in coming. Sports bars are simply an indispensable component of proper and balanced sports nutrition, both for a professional athlete and for an amateur who is just taking his first steps in the sports field. As you know, for normal metabolism in the body of any person, it is very important to eat properly during the day. What can we say about athletes whose whole day is scheduled almost minute by minute and simply does not have enough free time. This is where sports bars come to the rescue, with the help of which it is easy and simple to solve this problem. The belief of many opponents of food additives is that chemically obtaining them turns out to be not always correct, since food additives, in particular, sports bars, contain a concentration of substances useful and necessary for the body, brought to the maximum possible, while excluding “ballast” and unnecessary ones.

Our body is guided in its activities by an internal clock. Each person has his own biorhythms: among us there are “night owls” and “larks”, but at the same time there are also general rules. If we eat according to our biorhythms, we will get more energy and lose weight because we are using the time when the body is most ready to burn fat. Even if you are a fan of making rolls at home, you can lose weight by following certain rules.

At 7 o'clock: suitable workout

The body is set up for an awakening program. The hormone melotonin, sleep-inducing, stops being produced, the body produces the hormone cortisol. Enzymes that break down fat are also produced. If you exercise in the morning (such as swimming, running or brisk walking), body fat dissolve easily and quickly. You will lose weight best if you do it on an empty stomach and eat breakfast only after your morning workout.

At 8 o'clock: good breakfast

The production of hormones that promote weight loss is in full swing at this time. Cold and hot shower(start with warm water, then slowly move to cold) will revive lymphatic system, free fatty acids are transported so that their residues cannot be deposited in connective tissue. Metabolism is now at its most active, and calories are converted not into fat, but into energy. , for an energy-rich breakfast, muesli or cornflakes, to this yogurt and fruit, soy milk, cottage cheese, whole grain baked goods. The body will be able to convert carbohydrates taken with breakfast into energy before lunch; they are not stored as fat in reserves, as would happen in the evening.

Around 10 o'clock: small snack for hunger relief

When you start to feel hungry, be sure to take a couple of minutes to eat an apple, a vegetable, bread with cottage cheese, or drink kefir. Thus, you will be able to get rid of hunger at its beginning. And you will also get vitamins and fruits thanks to high content Vitamin C (in citrus fruits, kiwi) and pectin (in apples) are a brilliant fat burner.

At 12 o'clock: light lunch

Exactly during the midday break, the stomach produces the most acids. This makes food easier to digest. Poultry (for example, salad with turkey breast) or fish with vegetables is ideal. Protein, given at the right time, will give you energy and kick start your metabolism. Never skip lunch and choose a lighter menu because productivity starts to decline during lunch and if you eat too rich a meal it will be even worse. If you remain hungry, you will then begin to “bite”, and this is also much worse than not having lunch. We recommend taking a short walk in the fresh air after lunch; this will speed up digestion, and you will also provide your brain with a surge of oxygen and thus not be sleepy. You can also try doing some exercise in the office. This will relax your muscles and you will feel a surge of energy.

Around 3pm: time for a cup of tea

Do you feel out of energy and tired? Then it will be good to drink at least two cups of green tea. It will invigorate you, and also speed up your metabolism, support digestion and fat burning.

At 17:00: you are at the peak of your strength

In the evening, pressure reaches its maximum level, and muscles work 30% better than in the first half of the day. This is the best time to go to a fitness club or do exercises at home (for example, stretching). If you are at work at this time, at least run a little in place. Thanks to this, cells burn fat better, and the body releases harmful substances.

6 p.m.: dinner

The further the evening progresses, the slower our digestion. Eat until full before 6 pm or at least 4 hours before bed. But eat in moderation and use as little fat as possible. Ideal, for example, rice or pasta (they will fill you up thanks to carbohydrates, and in combination with a suitable sauce, for example, tomato, they will not make you fat). If you like to go to the sauna, go in the evening - then the body gets rid of harmful substances faster.

Around 20:00: Pleasant bath

Bath with sea ​​salt works like a small miracle. The heat opens the pores, the salt cleanses the body and tightens the skin. Then it’s good to drink a cup of herbal tea, such as lemon balm. It will help you sleep better.