What is paranoia? What does paranoia mean? Attacks of paranoia what to do

The relevance of the question “how to get rid of paranoia?” is undeniable due to the fact that such a syndrome not only accompanies many mental illness, but can be partially observed in seemingly healthy people.

Paranoia is a syndrome that accompanies many mental illnesses

If we are talking about paranoid delusional disorder, its main symptoms may be unjustified mistrust, as well as suspicion towards other people. But the disorder is usually not accompanied by symptoms such as hallucinations and other psychotic manifestations.

How to get rid of paranoia? First of all, it is necessary to understand that the term “paranoia” refers to a variety of conditions. To select the appropriate treatment, it is advisable to make a correct diagnosis, determine the nature and underlying causes.

Without a doctor's prescription, taking certain antipsychotic drugs for paranoia can be very dangerous to health and does not guarantee a cure for the paranoid state.

It often happens that a person suffering from paranoia not only does not want to know how to deal with it, but is not even in a hurry to admit that he has this disorder. People (usually close ones) who try to explain and point out to the patient his illness are automatically included in the list of “enemies”.

About paranoia in general

How to get rid of paranoia on your own? On initial stage this disease is quite real, although the opportunity to seek help from a psychotherapist should not be missed. Of course, you will need understanding and support from loved ones.

The lack of adequate therapy threatens the development of psychosis, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

The described disorder can be suspected in people who show inappropriate jealousy or pathological suspicion. For example, completely unfounded suspicions arise that a loved one is cheating, although there is no evidence or even hints of this. The condition is beyond control.

Sometimes the cause of paranoid thoughts is the use of drugs or alcoholic beverages. It even happens that a person manages to get rid of addiction directly, but the symptoms remain due to the fact that brain activity cannot be quickly restored.

How to treat paranoia? Of course, it is best to contact a psychotherapist so that he can:

  • carefully examine the patient;
  • carry out the necessary tests;
  • ask the right questions.

Thus, he manages to assess the complexity of the situation and understand how to get rid of the disease. At the same time, the patient does not always agree with his diagnosis, because he is sure that he is absolutely healthy. The hardest thing is to convince him to get treatment. If you can convince, as psychiatrists convince: “Half the job is done.”

Hospitalization is usually not required, since the disorder is treated at home. Hospital rehabilitation is only required for those diagnosed with a severe case.

In addition to courses of psychotherapy in the treatment of paranoia, it may be necessary to use medications. In cases where the disorder has developed against the background of addiction, collective therapy will be needed.

The patient should learn to paint his own thoughts in a positive way, for which it is necessary that:

  • he was surrounded by a calm environment;
  • did not have to deal with stressful situations;
  • There were people nearby who were ready to provide support in difficult times.

The paranoid still needs to be persuaded to get treatment

The benefits of psychotherapeutic techniques should also not be forgotten. A trusting relationship must be established between the doctor and the patient so that successful treatment there were no barriers.

Such patients are very prone to alienation, and therefore the doctor’s task is to overcome this alienation and cure paranoid fears.

Among the signs of paranoia in men and women, distorted thinking can be identified, when obsessive ideas appear that, as it seems to the patient, are of particular importance.

At the same time, the patient’s condition changes regularly - it sometimes worsens, then weakens again.

About causes and factors

The disease can be caused by:

  • impaired protein metabolism in the brain;
  • genetic factor;
  • neurological disorders;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • disorders in brain functioning associated with age;
  • difficult life situations;
  • prolonged loneliness.

If you subject the above factors to careful analysis, you can create a so-called risk group, that is, people most prone to the described mental disorder:

  • those who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction;
  • elderly people;
  • those who can get sick due to heredity;
  • people prone to depression;
  • men under thirty years of age;
  • those who suffer from brain-related diseases.

About symptoms

Symptoms and signs of paranoia in men and women may include:

  • suspicions towards other people that are not based on anything;
  • hostility and hot-tempered aggressiveness;
  • doubt in the reliability of even the closest people;
  • rejection of any criticism.

But this state should not be confused with a feeling of anxiety:

  • First, paranoia is more permanent than anxiety.
  • Secondly, a person in anxiety may think something like this: “ I might die in an accident", while the paranoid believes: " Someone will set up an accident to kill me" Agree that the difference between these maxims is significant!

Hostility and short temper towards others - typical signs paranoia

  • you need to ask several close people with whom you communicate daily whether they consider your thinking to be quite adequate;
  • you should find out whether your suspicion is based on anything;
  • should try to get rid of dependence on alcohol or narcotic drugs If this is present, it is generally undesirable to use substances that can affect the psyche;
  • understand whether strange behavior could be an automatic response of the psyche to a stressful situation (as a kind of defense).

Although, of course, the condition can be accurately diagnosed during a visit to a psychotherapist.

Types of paranoia

Depending on the symptoms and signs of paranoia in men and women, the following types occur:

  • acute – development of delusional ideas and the possibility of stupor;
  • expansive - the patient is sincerely confident that he is very talented in something, although in most cases he lacks abilities in this area;
  • alcoholic – progression of the disease based on dependence on alcoholic beverages, uncontrollable jealousy and persecution mania;
  • struggle - the patient feels that his rights are being violated everywhere and always;
  • conscience - self-criticism develops excessively to the point of a desire to punish oneself, that is, self-harm;
  • sensitive – tendency to create conflict situations, harsh behavior in the presence of vulnerability and sensitivity;
  • involutional – this usually affects females during menopause;
  • persecutory – feelings of constant persecution, development of periodic delirium;
  • hypochondriacal – manifestations of suspiciousness and hypochondria;
  • lust – the appearance of obsessive thoughts, some of which are erotic in nature.

Only a psychotherapist can determine the specific type of illness, who will tell you how to cope with it, how to cure paranoia.

In psychoanalysis you can read about interesting case Schreber, mentioned, in particular, by Sigmund Freud. We are talking about a German judge who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and described his illness in a book called “Nerves of the Pathological Patient.”

« I have paranoid disorder - what should I do?“- this question can be found on the Internet quite often. The correct answer to this is to see a psychotherapist.

With paranoia of jealousy, a woman can be jealous of her lover, even for this there is no reason

Features of treatment

How do you treat paranoia?

Doctors don't consider this disorder as psychosis, despite all the problems that it causes to the lives of the patient himself and the people around him.

As stated above, the first thing to do is acknowledge the problem. This is not always easy to achieve.

As for drug treatment, most often they start with taking antipsychotics, such as Moditen-depot or Haloperedol decanoate. However, one should not assume that just using these drugs will get rid of obsessive fears. Therapy must be comprehensive. If the case is severe and advanced, hospitalization with a long therapeutic course and correctional procedures for the emotional background cannot be avoided.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited - this important information for those who want to treat paranoia at home, allegedly relying on some real cases cure without the participation of a doctor. This is a high risk of aggravating the patient’s condition and leading to more serious cases. mental disorders.

Psychotherapeutic methods

Among the types of treatment for paranoia, an important place is occupied by the basic areas of psychotherapy:

  • Cognitive-behavioral– when the patient is taught to control emotions, control the mental process, and is encouraged to think positively and reduce aggression towards others.
  • Gestalt psychotherapy– working with the emotions of a paranoid person so that he can accept this world as a whole and find himself in society.
  • Family– working not only with the patient, but also with his relatives, searching for optimal ways of relationship that would improve the patient’s condition and contribute to his recovery.
  • Work in groups and individual.

Hallucinations are not observed in this disorder (except acute form), but even without them there are enough symptoms that seriously worsen the life of a person and the people around him. The help of a qualified psychotherapist may be exactly what you need.

Drug treatment

Do any pills help with paranoia? Indeed, a doctor may prescribe drug treatment this disease (which usually occurs simultaneously with psychotherapeutic sessions).

The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Traditional antipsychotics, which are also called antipsychotics. They block dopamine receptors in human brain, but it is this hormone, according to scientists, that is responsible for the development of paranoid ideas. Speaking of antipsychotics, we can recall Navan, Mellaril, Thorazine, Haldol and others.
  • Atypical antipsychotics. These medications are considered more modern and effective because their action is aimed at blocking dopamine, as well as serotonin (another hormone responsible for delusional thoughts). In this case, we can talk about Geodon, Clozaril, Zyprex, Risperdal, and so on.
  • Antidepressants with tranquilizers. A doctor may prescribe such sedatives if a person is highly anxious, psychologically depressed, or has trouble sleeping.

Do antipsychotics cure the disease described? As already mentioned, monotherapy in this case is ineffective. Only a set of suitable therapeutic measures will allow you to achieve positive results.

Sometimes, to treat certain types of paranoia, the doctor resorts to hypnosis techniques.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of paranoid cheating disorder ( constant feeling of being cheated on), stalking, mistrust, health and jealousy? Is it possible to cure it yourself? Are there any cases of those who actually recovered from the disease? Listening to the advice of a psychologist is the most correct and first action on the part of the patient.

But in the early stages, you can try to overcome the disease through its treatment. folk remedies Houses:

  • Ginger– is also considered effective when dealing with anxiety and depression.
  • Brahmi– this plant culture is in great demand in Ayurveda. It helps relieve anxiety, cope with stress, and calms overexcited nerves.
  • Ashwagandha– a remedy actively used in the treatment of schizophrenic and other psychoses. It helps eliminate feelings of anxiety, relieves fears, and calms panic. The course of treatment is 40 milliliters per day for a month.

The best way to treat paranoia is to see a psychotherapist.

So can paranoia be treated at home or not? We would recommend not to rely on your own strength in the matter mental health. Still, only a qualified psychotherapist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and, based on it, prescribe a suitable therapeutic course. If you make a mistake, you risk treating something completely wrong and, accordingly, not in the way required, which will not bring any positive results.

The term “paranoia” was first used by the German psychiatrist Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum in 1863, after which mental disorders such as delusions of grandeur, delusions of persecution and similar deviations began to be called paranoia.

Paranoia is a disease of older people, but it is often associated not only with age. The causes may be destructive processes that occur in the brain as a result of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease. Drug and alcohol use can also trigger paranoia.

There are many different subtypes of paranoia, such as alcohol paranoia, which develops with excessive consumption strong drinks. Persecutory paranoia means delusions of persecution, and paranoia of conscience leads to self-flagellation and depression. There are more than a dozen various types this disease, the causes of which can be anything from special conditions life before brain injury.

Symptoms of paranoia

Paranoia is treated with sedatives and antipsychotics that have an anti-delusional effect. Special psychotherapy, sessions with a psychologist are also used, and in in some cases even chemotherapy.

Paranoia is a mental disorder accompanied by the development of delusional ideas in the patient, which are given extreme importance. From the outside, it can be very difficult to notice a deviation: the patient’s thinking and behavior are perceived by others as meaningful and correct. The patient's attitude towards the world around him is very critical. He does not accept any criticism of himself.

With paranoia, the formation of delusional ideas occurs in close connection with the personality and character of the patient. The patient begins to delirium not because he perceives the external world incorrectly, but because he is haunted by an internal conflict. A paranoid person is not able to adequately evaluate his ideas; his value system is so far from the real world that a deep chasm stretches between them. As a result, delirium becomes the result of the patient’s need to become significant for society and the inability to establish contact with the world around him.

Development of paranoia: reasons

Medicine has found that the cause of paranoia is a violation metabolic processes protein-bound in the brain. At the same time, the occurrence of the disease can be provoked by a person’s incorrect response to different situations in life, as well as its unfavorable circumstances.

Signs of paranoia

To identify a paranoid person, you don’t always even need to consult a psychotherapist. From a young age, patients stand out from the rest with their egocentrism, inflated self-esteem, tendency to fantasize and seek truth. All this largely determines how the patient develops relationships with the outside world, acquaintances, friends and relatives.

Paranoids believe that people may enter into conflict with them only because they are jealous of them or want to belittle their dignity. Over time, the patient becomes more and more distrustful and suspicious, jealous and vindictive. The progression of paranoia may stop at this stage, but after some traumatic event in life, the symptoms of the disease worsen.

How does paranoia occur?

The behavior of a paranoid person is completely social; their thinking is not affected. People around them perceive such people normally, so patients often manage to give their delusional systems the appearance of reality. The paranoid's beliefs underlie his delusions, which determine his behavior. The patient may constantly suspect his or her spouse of infidelity, complain to various government agencies, etc.

Treatment for paranoia includes family and individual psychotherapy. Family psychotherapy methods are aimed at improving social adaptation patient, resolving situations that traumatize the patient’s psyche.

ServiceCost, rub.
Psychotherapy, psychiatry
Consultation with a psychologist from 2500
Psychiatrist consultation from 3000
Consultation with a psychotherapist from 3000
Consultation with a sexologist from 3000
Consultation with a narcologist from 2500
Family psychotherapy session from 3500
Psychotherapeutic consultation from 7500
Psychiatrist's report for reference 1000
Psychiatric examination before the transaction 6000
Full psychodiagnostic examination (2 hours) 6000
Psychiatric hospital
Standard (4-seater) 5000
Standard+ (2-seater) 6500
Junior Suite (2-bed) 7300
Luxury (2-bed) 8000
Premium (1-seater) 9500
Home services
Calling a psychiatrist-psychotherapist to your home (St. Petersburg, within the Ring Road) 3500
Calling a psychiatrist-psychotherapist to your home (distance from the Ring Road up to 30 km) 4500
Calling a psychiatrist-psychotherapist to your home (distance from the Ring Road from 31 to 80 km) 5800

is a severe mental disorder accompanied by the development of overvalued or delusional ideas. A person suffering from such a disease has a distorted value system and perception of the world around him, and an adequate assessment of his own ideas is lost. The paranoid begins to perceive others with increased criticism, and at the same time does not accept any criticism in his direction.

The disease is accompanied by super stupid ideas that arise out of nowhere

Types of paranoia

The term "paranoia" is derived from the Greek word "paranoia", which means “insanity.” This is a chronic psychosis, which is characterized by self-centeredness, inflated self-esteem, suspicion, and excessive criticism of others.

Paranoid behavior is accompanied by the emergence of overvalued ideas, which, as the disease progresses, turn into delirium. A person suffering from paranoia is pathologically convinced that he is right and is unable to accept criticism and trust the people around him.

There are 12 main types of paranoia:

AlcoholicChronic delusional psychosis, which occurs as a result of alcoholic encephalopathy. Men are more susceptible to the disease. Usually the condition is accompanied by delusions of persecution or jealousy.
InvolutionaryA delusional state, manifested in the form of ideas of persecution, jealousy, relationships, and in rare cases, grandeur. It occurs in people aged 45-60 years, and is widespread in women during menopause (40-50 years).
MegalomaniacParanoia accompanied by delusions of grandeur. Divided into 2 groups:

· inventory type, characterized by ideas of great discoveries and inventions made by a person suffering from paranoia;

· reformist type, characterized by delusional ideas about global changes in the social system, science or politics.

ZealousA type of disease accompanied by delusional ideas about adultery, about betrayal on the part of the other half. It most often develops in men over 30-35 years of age.
ReligiousA condition in which paranoid thoughts are associated with religious themes. A person begins to imagine himself as a prophet, messiah, savior.
PersecuteA type of illness accompanied by systematic ideas of persecution. Due to its logic and detailed elaboration, such nonsense often seems adequate and realistic to others.
EroticParanoid disorder accompanied by erotic or amorous delusions. This type of pathology is common in women in the climatic period, aged 40 to 50 years.
SenileSenile paranoia, resulting from suppression of thinking functions, with degenerative age-related changes brain and mental illnesses that occur in old age.
QuerulantPathology, which is accompanied by a heightened sense of justice and delirium associated with infringement of the interests and rights of the patient. A querulant paranoid is a person who constantly files complaints to various authorities, trying to sue others for their “biased” attitude towards him.
Suggestively delusionalA type of illness in which the patient imagines himself to be hypnotically charming, attractive to everyone around him. The person is convinced that he has a unique charm and is able to influence others.
SensitiveA paranoid state accompanied by increased vulnerability and sensitivity of the patient. Characterized by a tendency to conflicts, tearfulness, and hysterics. The paranoid person begins to feel that everyone is trying to hurt his feelings. Develops due to brain pathologies.
Acute, including expansiveAn acute attack of paranoia of any subgroup, which arose suddenly, without good reason.

Paranoia may occur due to alcohol abuse

In addition, paranoid tendencies are characteristic of other mental illnesses. Symptoms of paranoia are often found in paranoid schizophrenic states, depression, manic and hypochondriacal syndromes.

In addition to types, it is also customary to distinguish stages of paranoia. There are only 2 of them:

  1. The first, or “initial” stage. During this period, the patient develops and develops extremely valuable ideas, which will later become delusional. A person’s speech and actions do not in any way indicate that he is paranoid; his interaction with the outside world remains unchanged. In some cases, the disease stops at this stage.
  2. The second stage, also called the "main" stage. The patient's ideas are finally formed and develop into delusional ones. A person’s behavior changes beyond recognition, the thoughts he expresses lose their logic and validity, distrust and anger towards others arises.

Since stage 1 is not accompanied by significant symptoms, it is possible to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment only at the main, “delusional” stage of the pathology.

Causes of paranoid state

A paranoid state arises and develops as a result of brain damage, as well as certain mental illnesses.

The main causes of paranoia include:

  • brain and skull injuries;
  • brain damage of any origin;
  • drug and alcohol addiction;
  • permanent stressful situations, depression;
  • psychological trauma formed in childhood;
  • metabolic pathologies that disrupt protein synthesis;
  • age degenerative changes brain;
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, atherosclerosis;
  • genetic predisposition to mental illness.

One of common reasons the appearance of paranoia is a brain injury

The risk group includes older people, individuals with a hereditary tendency to mental illness, drug addicts and alcoholics. In addition, men are more susceptible to paranoia than women.

How does paranoia manifest itself?

Among the main signs accompanying paranoia are the following:

  • deterioration of attention, loss of concentration;
  • aggressiveness, increased conflict;
  • isolation, reluctance to come into contact with people;
  • changes in facial expressions, gait, gestures;
  • auditory, tactile or visual hallucinations.

Paranoia leads to significant impairment of attention

Each type of paranoia is accompanied by its own symptoms. Thus, with megalomaniacal paranoia, a person develops delusions of grandeur and greatly inflates self-esteem, and with paranoid jealousy, the patient begins to be jealous of his soulmate of everyone around him.


To determine what is the cause of the patient’s paranoid behavior, a psychiatrist carries out the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Personal consultation with a specialist. The doctor talks with the patient, interviews him, and during the conversation determines whether the person suffers from mental disorders.
  2. Psychometric methods. They include filling out questionnaires and tests that identify symptoms of a paranoid state. Depending on the specific study, responses may be entered by both the patient and his or her physician.
  3. Laboratory research including blood tests: general, hormonal.
  4. Instrumental diagnostics using special devices. This group includes CT and MRI of the brain, electroencephalogram, angiogram.

To diagnose paranoia, the doctor must determine that the patient has paranoid ideas that do not go away within a month, and exclude the possibility of other disorders.

Treatment of paranoia

Paranoia is treated with nootropics, psychostimulants, auxiliary drug therapy and psychological methods.

It is necessary to treat paranoia not only special drugs, but also by visiting a psychotherapist

Medication method

As drug therapy Doctors use nootropics and psychostimulants that restore brain function in case of organic disorders, as well as symptomatic therapy.

Drug groupsEffect on paranoid statesExamples of funds
NootropicsNormalize blood circulation in the brain, improve memory and intelligence. They are used for organic brain lesions and degenerative age-related changes.Picamilon, Nootropil, Phenibut
PsychostimulantsNeutralizes organic lesions of the central nervous system, allowing you to cope with organic pathologies that cause paranoia.Vyvanse, Ritalin, Dexedrine
TranquilizersRelax, calm, relieve anxiety, stress, panic. Used for severe attacks of paranoia.Phenazepam, Hydroxyzine
Natural sedativesRelieves stress and irritation, calms. Get rid of the complex mental symptoms: anxiety, hysterics, paranoia, aggressiveness, suicidal tendencies, panic attacks. Used as symptomatic therapy for any subtype of paranoid disorder.Persen, Novo-passit, Valerian extract
Chemical sedativesCorvalol, Bromcamphor


Antipsychotic drugsThey increase concentration, relieve stress and tension, and reduce suspicion. Used as symptomatic therapy.Haloperidol, Quetiapine, Clozapine
AntidepressantsThey stimulate the production of neurotransmitters and help overcome depressive states accompanied by paranoia of conscience.Melipramine, Trizadone, Fluoxetine
B vitaminsStrengthen nerves, help cope with stress, depression, psychosis, and aggressiveness.Angiovit, Pentovit, Compligam B


Psychotherapeutic methods help to cope with paranoia that is of inorganic origin and arises from psychological trauma.

Psychotherapy helps to cope with types of paranoia associated with exclusively psychological experiences

The main techniques used by doctors include:

  • supportive conversations with a psychotherapist;
  • depth psychological and behavioral therapy;
  • art therapy: drawing, modeling, origami;
  • gaming activities with role-playing.

Classes can be held in individually, together with family or in groups. Depending on the symptoms, these methods can be combined or performed separately.

How dangerous is a paranoid state for a person?

A paranoid state is dangerous both for the patient himself and for the people around him. If left untreated, it is accompanied by the following disorders:

  • neuroses and psychoses;
  • hallucinations;
  • panic attacks;
  • severe depression;
  • antisocial disorders.

The development of paranoia is fraught with the appearance of panic attacks

As a result of illness, a person can harm himself or people associated with his delusional ideas. To avoid danger, both for the patient and his loved ones, it is necessary to correct this condition with medications and psychotherapy.

– a severe pathology that occurs as a result of injuries and damage to the brain, as well as due to other mental illnesses. This condition is dangerous both for the patient and for all people around him. To cure paranoid pathology, medication and psychotherapeutic methods are used.

In psychiatric practice, paranoia is considered as a mental pathology, the main signs of which are excessive suspicion, delusions of persecution and the tendency to see malicious intent in a random coincidence of circumstances. It is not always possible to notice the disorder from the outside, since the patient’s behavioral model sometimes seems quite meaningful to others, which causes a delay in seeking medical help.

Etiological factors

The foundation for the development of mental abnormalities is mainly neurotransmitter disorders in certain areas of the brain. Also, the formation of paranoia is influenced by personality traits developed with childhood stereotypical patterns of behavior, habitual ways of responding to stressful situations, unfavorable life circumstances.

Patients who have received a disappointing diagnosis, with early years it is difficult to cope with various troubles. Paranoia more often overtakes cyclothymic and syntonic individuals. They often have high self-esteem, at every opportunity they show their dissatisfaction, are unable to forgive, and react too aggressively to questions regarding their rights.

With paranoia, one’s own negative impulses are attributed to others, only in a different form, transformed beyond recognition. IN pathological process such defensive reactions, as denial, reactive formation and projection. For example, a paranoid person is in love, but tries in every possible way to deny this fact.

A patient suffering from paranoia fails to break out of a kind of vicious circle. With his behavior, he provokes other people to retaliate, and then perceives someone else’s reaction as a fact, which once again confirms his distorted vision of the world. With age, the patient's condition only worsens, he becomes suspicious, aggressive and vindictive.

Typically paranoia caused by others pathological disorders, develops in adulthood. Often a trigger for mental disorder the following unfavorable factors become:

As the underlying pathology progresses, a person's character becomes more and more intolerable. The course of paranoia is aggravated by the influence of negative life situations, such as the death of a relative, separation from a loved one, financial difficulties.

Types of disease

A person suffering from paranoia is deeply convinced that he is right, is unable to accept critical comments and is unable to trust even close people. In the head of a paranoid person, as a rule, a certain delusion arises, obsession, acting as the guiding vector of his actions. In this regard, specialists in the field of psychiatry The following types of paranoia are distinguished:

On initial stage mental illness a person develops an extremely valuable idea. Even though it wedges itself tightly into the stream of consciousness, it is still possible to convince the poor fellow using logical arguments. In some cases, further progression of the disease stops at the first stage.

Over time intrusive thoughts transform into delusional ones that cannot be corrected. A person leads a normal lifestyle, works, communicates with friends, but he becomes more and more distrustful and suspicious. He catches himself thinking that all people have begun to treat him differently, as a result of which he begins to throw out aggression on imaginary ill-wishers.

The patient begins to make plans regarding the defense of his personal space. During this period, those around him are still unaware of his obvious mental problems. Only after a few months obvious changes in character become visible to the naked eye.

Then the disorder moves into the next stage - delusional. Now the paranoid is developing a self-defense plan in more detail. This can drag on for many years. The patient comes up with ridiculous ideas, mostly related to surveillance: spies appear everywhere, threatening him and forcing him to take actions against his will. The current situation is taking away vital energy and often leads to suicidal thoughts. Finding himself in a hopeless situation, a paranoid person becomes conflicted and embittered towards the whole world.

Clinical picture

Being chronic disease, paranoia occurs with periods of exacerbations and remissions. The first alarm bells appear in adulthood in the form of manic tendencies, excessive suspicion, jealousy, and mania of persecution. A person firmly believes that any random event is directly related to it.

The key link in the psychopathological process is an extremely valuable idea, on the basis of which, as it seems to the paranoid, logically connected chains are built. The patient is in constant search of a conspiracy against himself.

Having shared his crazy ideas with others, he does not meet with understanding on their part, which is why conflicts break out. On early stage illness, domestic scandals become more frequent, the paranoid person regularly makes claims to his significant other. Sometimes he suspects his neighbors of wanting to put him out on the street and deliberately plotting all sorts of intrigues against him. After some time, the patient may begin to write complaints to public authorities. In letters, he sets out the essence of his demands, but, having received no response, he lashes out even more at his loved ones.

A paranoid person does not know how to forgive; he is always tormented by strange guesses. Over time, he withdraws into himself and limits himself to social contacts, distancing even from the closest people. Such a person is able to subtly feel state of mind interlocutor, but interprets him completely incorrectly.

Very often even an insignificant detail has an impact on the patient great importance and sometimes takes on a negative connotation. A paranoid person approaches the fulfillment of work obligations and household chores with full responsibility, but is constantly dissatisfied with something.

A paradoxical situation arises when a person is critical of the surrounding reality, but at the same time cannot tolerate even the slightest criticism in his direction. In his opinion, he is forced to vegetate for years in a hostile environment, everyone is eager to trample him into the dirt. An angry person may even get a weapon in order to deal with the main instigators of the conspiracy. Among the symptoms and signs of paranoia in men and women in terminal stage The disease should highlight a decrease in physical and emotional activity, deterioration of cognitive abilities.

Experienced psychiatrists know that first of all, paranoid personality disorder must be differentiated from schizophrenia. A patient with paranoia, unlike a person suffering from an endogenous polymorphic mental illness, does not experience hallucinations and attacks of emotional instability. A schizophrenic does not express strange ideas, and elements of pretentiousness are not inherent in his behavior. To understand what is causing deviant behavior sick, The specialist carries out a number of diagnostic measures:

  1. Face-to-face conversation. During the consultation, the doctor tries to find out whether the patient has truly developed a mental disorder.
  2. Psychometric diagnostics. To determine the symptoms of paranoia, the psychotherapist uses specially designed questionnaires and test tasks.
  3. Laboratory screening. The study includes several blood tests (general, hormonal).
  4. Instrumental diagnostics. The method is based on the use of special equipment. The patient is prescribed a CT and MRI of the brain, an electroencephalogram, an angiogram.

Treatment methods

A sick person cannot adequately assess his condition, so family members must bring him to see a doctor. The sooner treatment for paranoia is started, the faster the patient will return to normal life. Get treatment own efforts is strictly prohibited. Those who want to relieve unpleasant symptoms without visiting a medical facility should remember this.

Identifying the cause of paranoia means taking the first step towards a cure for chronic mental illness. If the pathology was provoked by taking potent drugs or excessive alcohol consumption, then eliminating this situation should lead to getting rid of severe delusional experiences. People suffering from other neurodegenerative diseases feel much better after treatment of the underlying pathology. When treating paranoia special attention focus on basic areas of psychiatry:

In particularly advanced cases, drug intervention cannot be avoided. More often The patient is prescribed the following medications:

Forecast and preventive measures

How to get rid of paranoia? A whole complex of factors is important in predicting the outcome of mental illness. For example, important role play by the patient’s temperament and character, his lifestyle, as well as the form of delusional psychosis. If the patient resists in every possible way when they try to help him, then, of course, the chances of recovery are slim. If you have a history of any psychosomatic illness therapeutic measures will have to be carried out throughout your life.

The paranoid person's condition may improve somewhat during remission. Exacerbation is usually observed in various stressful situations.

A paranoid state poses a danger both to the patient himself and to those around him. In the absence of proper therapy, there is a high probability of developing the following disorders:

Treatment results largely depend on joint efforts medical workers, the patient and his relatives. The patient himself is required mandatory implementation of the following preventive measures:

  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • regular exercise;
  • nutritious nutrition enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • minimizing stressful situations;
  • complete cessation of bad habits.

It is important to understand that such a diagnosis is not a death sentence. Medicine does not stand still; new ones are being developed every day. medicines and techniques to help alleviate symptoms of mental disorders. Having noticed loved one Even the most remote hints of paranoia, you should not immediately give up. Maximum support and a favorable family environment are the key to successful treatment.