Features of sleep with the head positioned in the east direction. Should you sleep with your head to the east - scientific basis and religious views, Feng Shui and Gua Orthodoxy where to sleep with your head

Have you ever wondered where to go to sleep with your head? It is believed that not only the restful sleep, but also human health, internal and family harmony. Some people think that arranging furniture in an apartment by checking a compass is nothing more than a fashionable hobby, while others find a completely scientific explanation for this.

Head north or south?

According to the teachings of yogis, man has his own electromagnetic field, just like our planet. The Earth's magnetic field is directed from the south pole to the north. The human magnetic field or the flow of energy charged by our consciousness is directed from the head to the feet.

If you go to bed in such a way that your own field and the Earth’s field are coordinated, that is, with your head to the north or northeast, this will benefit your health, allow you to get a good night’s sleep and feel energetic in the morning. Also, the correct flow of energy helps strengthen love and affection between spouses and acquire material wealth.

The ancient Indian teaching of Vastu, on the contrary, states that you should not sleep with your head in the north, northeast or northwest directions. In this case, it is as if there is an interaction between two magnets with the same poles, and the person loses energy, waking up completely broken.

Per person, except magnetic field Ring (torsion) fields caused by the rotation of the Earth also influence. During sleep, these fields also affect human consciousness. In this regard, there are the following statements about the sleeping position:

  • head to the east - spirituality develops in a person, the best personal qualities, connection with God;
  • to the south - longevity;
  • to the west - the risk of developing selfishness;
  • to the north - a person becomes more rational and “soulless”.

Where to lay your head according to Feng Shui?

Following the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui is becoming increasingly popular among people seeking to achieve success and prosperity in all areas of life. Trying to update the design of their home, many also try to organize the space, arranging all the objects according to the flow of energy flows. Great importance It has proper organization bedrooms, the choice of shape and position of the bed and the direction of the sleeping body.

First of all, it is recommended to avoid positioning your head or feet directly towards the door of the room. If there are two doors in the room, then the bed should not be between them. As an option, a screen can be used to close one of the doors. It is not advisable to sleep on a bed without a backrest behind your head. It is believed that during sleep a person should have some kind of protection.

As for the direction of the sleeping person’s head, it is determined individually for each person. Feng Shui divides people into Western and Eastern types. To determine your type, the Gua number is calculated.

To do this, you need to write the year of birth, add the last 2 digits, if the number is two-digit, add it again. Then you need to subtract the resulting number: for men - from 10, for boys (born after 2000) - from 9. Or add this number: for women - to 5, for girls - to 6. If you get the number 5, you need to replace it: for men - by 2, for women - by 8, since the number 5 does not exist.

Your type is eastern if the calculated number is 1, 3, 4 or 9. South, east, southeast and north are suitable for you. You are a Western type if your number is 2, 6, 7 or 8. Northeast, northwest, southwest and west directions will be favorable for you.

  • Sleeping with your head to the north brings prosperity, stability, improves health, establishes balance in family relationships and gives peace of mind.
  • For the young active people It is more suitable to sleep with your head facing east. This will give you a surge of strength and your ability to develop new ideas and projects will increase.
  • Creative people need to choose western direction, giving inspiration and emotional uplift.
  • Those who want to build a career and achieve success in business should place the bed with the head of the bed facing south.

Where to sleep with your head according to Orthodoxy

People of faith who try to comply with the canons in all their actions Orthodox faith, you may be wondering where to sleep with your head and what impact this has. In this regard, it can be said that the Christian religion, which illuminates the lives of people, does not pay any attention to this aspect. Moreover, such warnings about misfortunes and troubles that overtake those sleeping with their feet towards the doors are considered superstitions that a believer should not succumb to.

From a common sense point of view

If you are a rational person, it makes sense to choose a sleeping position based on your own preferences and well-being. To do this, you can sit on the floor for a while, changing your position as you wish, and in the morning analyze where nature or intuition has turned you. Moreover, it has been noted that a person’s mood can influence the choice of sleeping position.

The desire of an Orthodox Christian to check each of his actions for compliance with church canons is very commendable. This helps to strengthen one’s faith and live righteously.

The fact that you need to pray before going to bed is firmly known to every church-going believer. But once the evening prayers are read, you can go to bed. And here the question arises: where should the head look? In the direction of the window or door, north or south, west or east? What happens if you sleep “wrongly”? Let us note that in Christianity in general and Orthodoxy in particular this aspect is not covered. The clergy call attempts to connect the direction of the head and legs in a dream with any benefits or, conversely, troubles and superstition. Let's consider where it came from and what scientists and holy fathers think about this.

Superstitions of Orthodox Christians

Orthodoxy is one of the 3 fundamental directions in Christianity. The literal translation is “correct teaching.” His canons (and there are a lot of them) say absolutely nothing about which direction the head of a sleeping person should look. Every Christian is given the right to choose. Therefore, he may well decide on his own where it is better for him to put his head.

However, there are many folk signs which are mistakenly associated with Orthodoxy. In fact, these are the fruits of superstitions that have come down to us from ancient times, invented by our distant ancestors.

Among the ancient Slavs, the door was a symbol of entry into another world. They noticed that people often die due to natural reasons(old age or illness) at night. This means that the soul that wanders through other dimensions may not have time to return back before morning.

Therefore, when our ancestors went to bed, they made sure that their feet did not face the door. By the way, deceased Orthodox Christians are carried out of the house feet first - as if following their departed soul.

Contrived rules

Here are a few more “rules” invented by Orthodox Christians:

To adhere to them in such an interpretation, of course, is extremely stupid and unworthy of a believer. Although these rules were likely made with the best of intentions, their enforcement is unacceptable.

You cannot lose contact with God just because you move your bed. And the spiritual connection with the Lord is strengthened by prayer, fasting and good deeds, and certainly not by changing the direction of the head in bed.

It just so happened that in the West people are accustomed to going to bed with their heads in the northern direction, and in eastern countries - towards the rising of the sun. It is known that the magnetic field of our planet affects a person’s well-being, his sleep and nervous system. Power lines this field extends between the poles in the north and south. How do you still need to sleep correctly? What position exactly helps the body regain strength? The answer is simple. It is necessary to position the bed in such a way that the magnetic fields of the Earth and the sleeping person coincide.

You should sleep with your head facing north. By the way, it is believed that in this position it is possible to fall asleep faster and the quality of sleep improves. In addition, the northern vector has a beneficial effect on metabolism and the circulatory system.

The German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg concluded that over many millions of years the human body has become in tune with the magnetic field of our planet. This powerful energy flows through the body, replenishing resources wasted during the day. The most energy is “pumped” into the body during sleep, when the head is directed to the north. Even some doctors advise their patients to go to bed in this direction. This should help improve sleep quality and eliminate insomnia.

Russian scientists conducted an interesting experiment. Volunteers were instructed to lie down to sleep on the floor in a random direction. In the morning we began to analyze what impact our well-being had on the direction of our body.

It turned out that a very tired, exhausted person, as a rule, sleeps with his head to the east. When highly excited, the subject's head pointed to the north. Hence the conclusion: it is better to trust your instincts and give your body the opportunity to choose the position it needs for sleep.

As already mentioned, neither the Orthodox canons nor any Christian literature says anything about in which direction the head of a sleeping believer should be. But there is some information about preparing for bed. Let us tell you what advice the holy fathers gave to the ascetics.

These tips initially concerned ascetics (monks). However, if we consider them without in-depth details, we can see that they are also useful for ordinary parishioners. Moreover, the attitude towards sleep is reflected in morning and evening prayers.

Let's summarize

Since in Christianity there is no special instructions Regarding the direction of the head during sleep, believers need not worry about this. You can relax as you wish. There are no restrictions.

The only recommendation is that you need to find your place through trial and error. There you will feel very comfortable no matter where your head is facing. It is not difficult to recognize this place - by sweet dreams and waking up in a great mood.

Sleep in the right direction for you is usually healthy and sound. It even helps cope with some diseases. You will also feel an unfavorable direction for you - insomnia, various ailments, weakness and a feeling of heaviness in the morning will notify you of this.

For hundreds of years, humanity has been asking the question: “Which direction should you sleep with your head in order to feel good and bring prosperity into your home?” Somnologists are skeptical about this issue and recommend focusing on your own feelings when choosing a direction. But man wants miracles, so he seeks the answer in the occult sciences.

Experts in ancient Chinese philosophy claim that correct head position during sleep will definitely improve health and quality of life. A person is a small piece of the Universe, which must obey its laws in order to harmonize the space around and protect itself from troubles.

Each side of the world has its own energy, which affects the sleeper differently, although he does not realize it. Energy passes through a person and gives him health, success, well-being or brings illness and failure. If you've hit a rough patch in your life, try sleeping according to Feng Shui and directing the energy flow to restore your health and your own well-being. Adherents of Eastern teachings recommend that, before determining which way to sleep with your head, you should properly arrange the room for sleeping. To create a calm and peaceful environment in the bedroom, you need to create dim lighting, hang thick curtains and remove the computer and TV. Somnologists agree with these requirements.

  • North;
    It is recommended to choose for sick people in order to recover faster. The energy of the north will bring harmony, stability and regularity to life.
  • Northeast;
    The direction is suitable for indecisive people who are slow to analyze the situation and make a decision.
  • East;
    A good opportunity to recharge yourself with the energy of the sun and gain a surge of new strength.
  • Southeast;
    People who are unsure of themselves should place the head of the bed in this direction in order to get rid of complexes and psychological problems.
  • South.
    Helps improve financial situation, become a leader, climb the career ladder. Sleeping with your head to the south is not recommended for impressionable people.
  • Southwest.
    A favorable direction for those who want to become more reasonable, wise, and practical.
  • West.
    Not enough romance, new ideas, adventures? Try sleeping with your head facing west to fill your life with interesting events. The Slavs have an opinion that it is impossible to sleep with your feet facing east, because this is how they bury the dead. This has nothing to do with sleep and burial rituals differ among the peoples of the world.
  • Northwest.
    Sleeping with your head in the northwest direction helps improve financial condition, development of leadership qualities.

These are the general provisions of Eastern teaching. If you want to change your life, put your thoughts in order, and improve your well-being, Feng Shui experts advise choosing the direction of the cardinal direction based on your year of birth.

How to calculate the optimal place to sleep

To find out where to sleep with your head, you need to calculate your personal gua number. It will indicate a favorable direction. To determine your number, add the last two digits of your year of birth. But it is necessary to take into account an important circumstance. Those born in January or early February will have to use the Chinese calendar, which is based on lunar months. Oriental New Year starts from January 20 to February 20. The birthday may fall on the previous year. It must be taken into account when determining the number of gua. For example, you were born on January 21, 1990. According to Chinese calendar the year began on January 27, which means that when calculating you take the last numbers of 1989. Add the last two digits of the year of birth. If it turns out in the end two-digit number, the numbers are added again: 8 + 9 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8. Women must add 5 to the resulting number, and men must subtract the resulting number from 10. If the calculation results in a two-digit number, the last two digits are added.

One more nuance. If during the calculations the number came out to be 5, then men change it to 2, and women to 8. Knowing the personal number, you can decide which way you should go to sleep with your head. The Western group includes people whose personal gua number is 2, 6, 7, 8. For this group, the favorable direction is: western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. People belonging to the eastern type, in order to activate the power of energy, will have to place their heads in the following directions: east, southeast, south, north.

Modern opinion

The Earth's magnetic field affects well-being, sleep and the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, the bed must be positioned so that the magnetic fields of the sleeping person and the Earth coincide. The head should be directed north while sleeping. This position helps you fall asleep quickly and have good sleep, and has a positive effect on the circulatory system and metabolism.

German physicist Werner Heisenberg came to the conclusion that the human body is tuned to the earth's magnetic field over millions of years of evolution. Energy passes through the body and restores resources spent during the day. Sensitive people They quickly understand where it is better to sleep with their heads. The greatest replenishment of energy occurs during sleep, when the head is in the north. Some doctors recommend that their patients lie in this direction to sleep soundly and get rid of insomnia.

What do experts think?

Somnologists believe that good dream provides a comfortable bed and bedding, Fresh air. The body will tell you where to sleep with your head. If you are unhappy with the quality of your sleep or suffer from insomnia, listen to your feelings and rearrange the bed. However, often the reason bad sleep lies not in the direction of the head, but in problems with mental and physical health. If you ask a sane person why you can’t sleep with your head towards the window, he will answer: “So as not to blow.” Many people see a rational grain in this ban, because bright moonlight and noise from the street make it difficult to sleep, and open space does not give a feeling of safety. Whether or not to comply with unspoken laws is up to you to decide.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don’t know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

It is not always possible to explain to people who are far from different beliefs the need to choose a body position during rest. But our ancestors also wondered: in which direction should you sleep with your head. Don't believe me? Remember the words of grandmothers that “dozing at sunset means losing your head,” or “lay down where the cat sleeps.” The direction of the body during the rest period is great value for the whole body. Why and why it is important to lie down correctly, is it a tradition or a necessity - let’s take a closer look.

The question of how to sleep with your head correctly, where to put the bed, people ask regularly. Some people believe that we should be guided by Eastern teachings. There is also an opinion about the need to “open up” in a dream to special force magnetic fields and lie in accordance with the axes of the Earth. The writer Charles Dickens was an adherent of the latter statement; according to his autobiographical data, his bed was positioned so that his head was always directed to the north. But the teachings of yoga insist on choosing the north-west; this position is the only correct one for normal and healthy rest.

Holidays according to Feng Shui

To determine the correct position of the head during sleep according to Feng Shui, you will have to calculate the sacred Gua number. The teaching divides people into Easterners and Westerners; each group must know where to lay their heads during rest and sleep. If you do it wrong, health and prosperity can come from the north for some, and illness and sorrow for others.

The Gua number is calculated like this. Add the last two digits of the year of birth, then for men, subtract 10 from the resulting amount, remember the value. If the ladies end up with a two-digit number as a result of adding the two final digits of the year, add these numbers again and add 5 to the result. People with the Gua number will be distributed as follows: 1, 3, 4, 9 are Easterners, and 2, 5, 6, 7 , 8 – Westerners. The first thing you need to do is make the bed with your head facing north, east, southeast, south. The second person should sleep with the pillow facing northeast, southwest, west, northwest.

And now the three main rules of Feng Shui, how not to sleep so as not to cause problems for yourself:

  1. Rearrange the bed so that your feet or head are not facing the door.
  2. Remove the sleeping area from under the exposed ceiling beam.
  3. Move the bed away from the wall to which the door is adjacent.

If it is not possible to follow all the rules, then the doors, windows, beams will have to be decorated.

Principles of Ayurveda

Followers of the teaching believe that all diseases arise only due to the loss of harmony between body and soul. According to the laws of Ayurveda, during sleep a person receives a charge of cosmic energy, which helps him replenish his reserves. vitality. And this is possible only with the correct position of the body, especially the head.

Correct sleep according to Ayurveda is:

  1. Go to bed with your head facing north. The direction brings you closer to the divine spirit, the forces of the Universe.
  2. The East is the side of intuition, mind, and spiritual inclinations. Therefore, the bed should be placed in the eastern corner. As Tamara Globa explains in her books, the sun rises on this side, the first rays give the best energy that can restore physical and moral health.
  3. If necessary, you can sleep in a southerly direction, but where you can’t sleep with your head is to the west. The side of the world is not the most favorable, so a person will not be able to fall asleep quickly or get a good night's sleep.

The rules of Ayurveda have scientific confirmation: scientists from the University of Japan have proven that a person’s sleeping position with his head to the north or south is the most correct. During the research, it turned out that at 4-5 o’clock in the morning the patients’ metabolism significantly accelerated, the production of the hormone of joy increased, and during the day the subjects felt cheerful, coped with very complex tasks for the mind.

Yoga on the right direction for sleep

India is a country where numerous beliefs are closely intertwined and create completely unique rules and requirements. However, Indian yogis will never lay their feet to the west. Adherents of the doctrine consider our body to be a magnet that attracts both bad and good. And if you fit lower limbs to the north, and with your head to the south, the polar strip of the Earth will pass through the body.

In the position established by the rules, the body will be saturated only with a “plus charge”, will be rejuvenated, healthier, and the person will simply get enough sleep, spending much less time on rest than usual. You can sleep with your head facing east, where we watch the sun rise every morning. You can’t go to the west - the Sun is setting in this direction of the world, the dream will be difficult and painful.

Religious Beliefs

As for Muslims, it is believed that you need to sleep with your head on the side where the Qibla, the holy Kaaba, is located. The faces of the faithful must always be turned towards the Forbidden Mosque. And the right mullah will say that night is the time when believers sleep and you can lie down in any direction; Islam does not spell out clear requirements.

The lines of the Koran about Qibla do not mean the position of the body during the period of rest, but about deep and sincere faith in Allah, his prophet in any life situations. Just in case, it’s worth checking which side the bedroom and the bed in it are located. A true Muslim tries to lie facing east, hoping to get closer to divine providence.

What does the Bible say? The Church unequivocally denies signs and beliefs, without establishing any dogmas. But people believe that it is correct Orthodox Christian will not place the headrest of the bed in the direction of the north, so as not to lose contact with Divine justice. You can lie down with your head to the south and east and be closer to the Almighty. But the head of the bed to the west is an opportunity to get sick, become a selfish and uncontrollable person.

It is important to know! It turns out that neither Christian nor Muslim religious dogma prohibits sleeping with your head to the east, where the Sun rises. This side can be considered optimal for the location of the resting place.

Sleep according to Vastu

Another religion of India that came to us from ancient times. The main principle is a harmonious balance of the physical and natural. The direction is as close as possible to the Vedas, but Vastu scientifically explains the necessity of the correct position of the head during night rest. It is believed that it is good to sleep only in the east or south, and never in the west or north. O. Torsunov speaks about this when he talks in his book about Vastu Shastra, one of the most respected Indian teachings.

The reason, again, is the torsion, electromagnetic fields of the Earth. Torsion ones run in the direction from south to north, electromagnetic ones - from north to south. If you place a pillow on the north side, the body becomes an obstacle to the normal passage of waves, which will cause physical and mental health to deteriorate. Therefore, Vastu recommends moving the headrest towards the east, in the direction of movement of the celestial bodies.

Superstitions of the ancient Slavs

People have accumulated many signs associated with sleep. Here are some of them:

These are the signs. You can follow them today, especially one of them: if the apartment (house) faces north, the sleeping room should be in the opposite direction.

Scientists' opinion

You can read about which side is better to sleep on from Glob, Vadim Zeland generally organized a whole system about reality transurfing and the role of correct body position during sleep and rest. Nikolai Levashov, an occultist of neo-pagan teachings, based on Orthodoxy, calls for living like a true Slav. Slightly changing the signs to suit today's realities, N. Levashov suggests following the life routine of our ancestors.

What do scientists say? Opinions among somnologists regarding body position are divided. Some people believe that there is no point in observing dogmas, but some assure that it is logical to follow the directions of the Earth’s magnetic radiation and recommend lying exclusively with your head to the north. So, which part of the world affects what, according to somnologists:

It is important to know! You may not believe it, but experiments have confirmed: when people are extremely tired, they intuitively lay their heads to the east, and in a state of excitement and aggression - to the north.

Listen to ourselves

When talking about which part of the world to locate the bed in, we must not forget about our own feelings. Individual characteristics of a person dictate their own rules. And if your blood pressure rises when you position your head to the east, your heart hurts, then this is the wrong choice. We all relate to electromagnetic fields, but someone needs to get “recharge”, and for 38% of people energy is harmful.

The only thing you need to remember: in order not to get osteochondrosis, diseases of the spine and other organs, it is better to choose an orthopedic mattress and create all the conditions for normal sleep. This list includes compliance with the daily routine, exercise regime, rest and proper nutrition.

Experimenters can be advised to spend several nights (at least 7) ​​lying down in each direction of the world. It will be clear in which part you can sleep well, and also identify the sides in which it is impossible to even take a light nap, much less rest peacefully all night.

Let's sum it up

Correct positioning of the body during the rest period is not a requirement, but a wish. You shouldn’t fanatically adhere to superstitions and beliefs; it’s better to start arranging a quality place to sleep. To prevent a child from getting scoliosis, he needs an orthopedic mattress, and a runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media, lumbago in the ear, and inflammation of the neck muscle will not appear if the bed is removed from drafts.

As for the recommended resting position, recent studies have proven that the left side is much better suited for sleeping than the right. This way the stomach works without a splash of acid, heartburn will not appear, even if you had a heavy dinner before bed.

If you are not a follower of teachings and religions, then listen to yourself. Feng Shui and other beliefs, let them remain for those who want to easily find a way out difficult situation, without difficulty and effort to attract money into the house, or simply dreams of magically getting rid of troubles.

Almost everyone modern man I heard that doctors recommend sleeping with your head to the east, but no one can really explain why this is so. In fact, science has a simple and accessible justification for this recommendation and it is connected with the earth’s magnetic field and biological rhythms person.

Rhythms of human biological activity

The fact is that our body also obeys certain clocks. Since ancient times, people have been accustomed to falling asleep during sunset and waking up at dawn. This desire continues today, especially among those who are most active in the morning. As a rule, such people are accustomed to waking up with the sunrise at any time of the year and during any daylight hours, even if they do not see the sun with their own eyes. This is how our natural biorhythms work.

Their peak activity occurs in the first half of the day, but in the evening they become lazier and apathetic. It is the body itself that hints at the need to prepare for sleep, and the signal is relaxation while contemplating the setting sun.

These people are classified as larks or artimics, pigeons. They make up the majority of people on the planet.

What happens to owls, for whom the peak of activity begins in the evening? Why can they also lie with their heads to the east?

They experience a shift in their natural biorhythms. After all, the activity of owls only begins with the evening dawn. But the morning rays of the sun, on the contrary, drive them into hibernation. And this is wrong. Therefore, it is also recommended for owls to rest with their heads facing the east or north. Since for them the sun will be a signal for sleep, and not for wakefulness. Perhaps this will change their sleep patterns and active life.

What changes can occur to a person when natural biorhythms change?:

  1. bad mood, apathy, depression;
  2. irregularities in work of cardio-vascular system: change in heart rhythm, decrease or increase in blood pressure, etc.;
  3. metabolic disorders:
  4. various sleep problems: poor falling asleep, light and shallow sleep;
  5. poor memory, concentration, headaches;
  6. development of tumors - some scientists believe that disruption of natural biorhythms, coupled with other negative factors, is a trigger for the formation of tumors.

It is for these reasons that general practitioners and somnologists recommend resting with your head facing the east, so as not to disturb the centuries-old rhythms of human life. So, if you suffer from discomfort during sleep, insomnia, pay attention to which direction head turned. By changing this position, you will be surprised to notice that your health has improved and problems with falling asleep have stopped.

Magnetic field direction

There is another explanation why a person should sleep with his head facing east, and it is connected with the direction of the magnetic floor of our planet. It is for this reason that sleep experts advise sleeping in a direction parallel to them, that is, with your head to the north or east, and in no case to the west or southwest.

If you lie across their movement or in the opposite direction, you can disrupt the natural magnetic currents of the human body with other, stronger rhythms. Conflicting directions can negatively affect your mood, ability to sleep, concentrate, etc., as well as the body's natural magnetic currents, which will lead to certain diseases.

  • A similar principle applies in the presence of damage., bioenergetics think so. Under the negative influence of negative energy, the natural rotation of a person’s energy is disrupted, which a magic pendulum can easily suggest, and the body becomes ill, as it is “corrupted” - from the word “rotation”. That is, due to improper circulation of energy flows, the natural rhythm of human life and his harmonious existence are disrupted.

Outwardly, it can be expressed not only in a painful state, but also in behavioral disorders, which ultimately lead to destruction and despair. Approximately the same thing happens if a person sleeps with his head to the west or southwest, in some cases to the northwest. And this is a strong argument in favor of the fact that you need to sleep with your head facing east.

Eastern wisdom

The same opinion is shared eastern religions, including the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. Those who follow his rules believe that the world is divided into 2 energies: eastern and western.

  1. The first brings many positive things, including wealth, youth and health.
  2. The West, on the other hand, is considered a source of negative aging energy that will not ensure healthy sleep.

That is why Chinese sages always slept with their heads to the east, more often even to the northeast. And some, in general, advise lying with your head to the north, since calm and positive energy is concentrated there. Indian yogis share the same opinion. They all sleep with their heads to the north and do not suffer various diseases, especially such as insomnia, oncology and other pathologies that may be associated with incorrect human biological rhythms.

Therefore, those who adhere to the philosophy of Feng Shui do not care whether they sleep with their heads facing east or west. The same opinion is shared by modern researchers who believe that it is correct to sleep with your head facing east, although in Lately somnologists (sleep researchers) believe that you can sleep with your head to the north or northeast, less often to the southeast.

Therefore, the question from readers about whether they can sleep with their heads facing east does not exist for those who are interested in Feng Shui.

Because they subordinate their lifestyle, habits and furnishings in the apartment to a certain direction.

Individual characteristics

But there are people who are exceptions to this general rules. They can sleep with their heads facing southwest or northwest and still feel great in that direction. This is because for some people the energy may move in a different direction. For example, some of these individuals can easily succumb negative impact others, while others can cause damage themselves.

It is believed that energetically strong people energy spins in a different direction than most. Even their clock hands can go in the other direction under the influence of a strong magnetic field. Therefore, they can sleep with their heads in a different direction than the majority of people. For example, head south, and feel not just comfortable, but wonderful! So it's worth listening to individual characteristics of your body.

Let's sum it up

If you find it difficult to sleep with your head facing east, perhaps your body’s energy requires a different direction.