Olive oil, benefits, properties and applications. Olive oil - benefits, harms and selection rules

One of the most popular vegetable oils in the world is olive oil, the benefits of which are used in both the culinary and cosmetic fields, as well as in some industries. Olive oil benefits and harms, how to take it for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, and how to choose the best olive oil - later in this article.

From this article you will learn:


Olive oil is a partially clear oily liquid vegetable fat obtained from the fruit of the olive tree, which is used in cooking and other fields.

Fatty acid composition is defined as a mixture of fatty acid triglycerides with a high proportion of oleic acid esters. It is painted in shades from the spectrum from light green to yellowish-brown. Olive oil is characterized by the presence of bitter notes in taste. At temperatures below +7˚-+10˚C, the transition from the liquid state of aggregation begins. The exact border is determined by the origin of the product and the nature of the processing.

On average, an olive tree lives about 500 years, but there are specimens of the species that are 1,500 years old or more. According to legend, in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives, trees grow that are more than 2000 years old. According to historians, these are the trees under which Jesus prayed before his execution.

History reference

Fresh fruits of olive trees are not eaten due to strong bitterness. To get rid of it, the berries are soaked in a special solution for several weeks. Even extra-class oils cannot be rid of a bitter aftertaste, because its source is oleuropein.

How olive oil is produced

Fruit can be used to produce oil different color, size and degree of maturity. A product made from "green" olives has a bright, strong taste. And the one that is squeezed out of ripe fruits is soft. In addition, in the latter case, the yield percentage relative to the initial weight is higher.

Obtaining oil from olives

In most enterprises, they tend to press the oil from ripe olives, and experts are in favor of exclusively manual removal and sorting of fruits from trees. How the type of fruit affects the characteristics of the oil:

  • dark green oil from unripe olives has a rich, refined taste with bitterness;
  • from the fruits of a later harvest, lighter types of oil come out, they have a sweetish taste.

After collecting the raw materials, they are immediately transported to the factory for processing. If there is a long time between picking the fruit and the pomace, the product will be spoiled - taste defects will appear in it due to oxidation.

cold pressed

After the olives arrive at the processing plant, they are washed, separated from pieces of branches and foliage. Next, the first stage of squeezing is carried out - grinding into a paste. Grinding with the help of stone millstones is subjected not only to the pulp, but the bones of the fruit. This method does not require heating of raw materials for squeezing, therefore it is called cold pressing. It has been proven that the oil produced in this way retains the most useful substances.

In general, this technology is very similar to how sunflower oil is obtained. During grinding, the water-oil emulsion is separated, which makes it easier to squeeze out the fats. As a rule, the machine has a special side valve through which the pasta is pushed out in the form of cakes. They are placed in a press, and the spin occurs. After the first pressing, an unrefined olive oil of the highest quality is obtained. Waste after pressing is re-pressed, but the output is a less valuable product.

It should be noted that the concept of "cold pressing" is rather arbitrary. Oil in the process of pressing and grinding is still heated. But in this case meaning that its temperature did not exceed 27˚C.

Cleaning and types of oil

After the first pressing cycle, Extra virgin oil is obtained, which can be translated as virgin oil. This is the most expensive and valuable type of oil, which has the most concentrated composition of minerals, fatty acids, vitamins, alkaloids and other biologically important substances. It is believed that it is completely absorbed by the body and has an exquisite rich aroma. True, in unrefined oil there is bitterness. Experts note woody and sweetish notes in taste.

The product from the second pressing is called Virgin, which roughly means pure. In terms of quality, it is also considered very good, because no chemicals are used to purify the liquid. In terms of flavor and aroma, this variety loses to Extra Virgin.

For the subsequent processing of the pomace, which remains after the cold pressing of Virgin Olive Oil, hot pressing is used. It is necessary because the percentage of oil yield from raw materials is already much lower, and it needs to be increased. Such a product is called Pomace, which literally translates as cake. Already at this production stage, many modern manufacturers use chemical methods extraction. This helps them to increase their production but negatively affects the flavor of the olive oil. It is no longer as fragrant and bright in taste.

Oil purification and refining

I make most of my olive oils unrefined, because the very benefit of the product lies in the preservation of a diverse composition. But there is also Refined brand oil, which means purified or refined. It is usually subjected to mechanical refining, but chemical methods can also be used. The main difference between refined oil and pomace or virgin oil is 3-4 times lower acidity.

All types of oil at the final stage undergo cotton filtration. This is an effective way to remove mechanical impurities without loss of smell and taste. Such cleaning also shows the quality of the material - the more waste remains in the filter, the lower the oil grade.

By the way, for many connoisseurs of this type of vegetable oil, the presence of olive particles in the liquid is a sign of the excellent quality of the product. Therefore, they focus on this feature, and some manufacturers intentionally leave such inclusions in the oil.

If the oil undergoes both purification and refining, it is of the Extra Light type. It not only has a noticeably lighter shade, but also lacks bitterness in taste and becomes less rich in aroma.

Olive oil: historical background

Olive oil is considered a traditional product for Spanish, Italian and Greek cuisine. In fact, it has been an integral part of the culinary heritage of the Mediterranean countries since ancient times. In ancient times, it was even used for lighting in mosques and temples, as well as during Jewish and Christian ceremonies in the form of oil.

Historically practical use of this oil and the introduction of the olive into cultivation occurred in countries where this tree can grow wild - in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. It is believed that it was from these regions that it spread as a useful tree, although the time and specific place of domestication are still a matter of dispute. It has been scientifically proven that this product formed the basis of the economy of the Minoan civilization. Archaeologists have discovered camphors from under olive oil on the island of Crete, created, presumably, in the 4th millennium BC.

It is known that the ancient Egyptians bought oil in large volumes from the Cretans and the inhabitants of Canaan, and used it not only for culinary, but also for cosmetic and ritual purposes. This product was brought to Spain by the Phoenicians in the 8th century BC, and to Italy by the ancient Greeks. The Latin name of the tree is borrowed from the language of the ancient Greeks.

The Greeks relatively deservedly consider the olive as a national plant. According to their legends, the tree was created by Pallas Athena. Information about the medical properties of the oil is contained in the writings of Hippocrates. It is known that in the gymnasiums of the Hellenistic world, athletes were doused with this liquid.

From the history

Olive oil production around the world

The leading countries in per capita annual olive oil consumption by a wide margin are Greece, Spain and Italy. On average, one Greek has 24 liters of product per year, a Spaniard - 13.5 liters, and an Italian - 12.3 liters. Relatively high consumption is also in Tunisia (9.1 l), Portugal (7.1 l) and Syria (6 l). Data provided by the Madrid International Olive Council. Of all these countries, only Italy consumes more oil than it produces. Here is the data for 2005.

Statistics confirm that the diligent promotion of the product by the International Council leads to an increase in its consumption around the world.

The Agriculture and Food Organization of the United Nations does not provide data on the ranking of olive oil production by country. But, given that most of them go to processing into oil, we can assume that shares in world volume should be distributed in accordance with production.

Which countries in the world produce the most olives (according to the FAO UN for 2013):

  1. Spain - 9.25 million tons
  2. Italy - 2.94 million tons.
  3. Greece - 1.92 million tons.
  4. Turkey - 1.68 million tons.
  5. Morocco - 1.18 million tons.
  6. Tunisia - 1.1 million tons
  7. Syrian Arab Republic - 0.84 million tons
  8. Portugal - 0.65 million tons
  9. Algeria - 0.58 million tons.
  10. Egypt - 0.542 million tons.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Like other vegetable oils, olive oil contains very few minerals and vitamins, because 99.8% of the mass is occupied by fats. This figure determines the calorie content of the product - 898 kcal per 100 grams. About 0.2% of the composition falls on water, in which a tiny part of minerals is dissolved: iron and phosphorus.

The only vitamin present in olive oil is tocopherol or vitamin E. It is part of the fatty acids, so it differs quite a lot. high content. 100 grams of oil contains 12.1 mg of this substance, which covers approximately 80% of the daily requirement for an adult who is not engaged in strong physical labor. A similar volume contains 2 mg of phosphorus and 0.4 mg of iron, which corresponds to 0.3% and 2.2% of the daily norm.

Three quarters of the fatty acids in the composition of the oil are unsaturated, among them polyunsaturated - 12.1 g (linoleic), and monounsaturated - 66.9 g (oleic - 65 g, palmitoleic - 1.5 g, gadoleic - 0.5 g) . The mass fraction of saturated fatty acids is 15.75 g. Palmitic acid accounts for 12.9 g, stearic acid - 2.5 g, arachidic acid - 0.85 g.

Useful properties of olive oil for the body

The beneficial properties of olive oil for human health are mainly due to three substances that have the greatest effect: oleic acid, alpha-tocopherol and hydroxytyrosol.

Hydroxytyrosol is a type of polyphenol found only in extra virgin olive oil. This substance has antioxidant properties, protects the brain, liver and heart from a decrease in activity and efficiency. Research by scientists at the University of Chile led by Rodrigo Valenzuelo suggests that hydroxytyrosol helps to remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, stimulates cell growth and the activity of the brain and cardiovascular system. The studies were carried out on mice. Those who were supplemented with hydroxytyrosol in a fat-rich diet remained in a healthier state of the liver than those who ate only very fatty foods.

Alpha tocopherol is very important for both men and women, again because of its powerful antioxidant properties. This vitamin is perfectly absorbed and acts with external and internal use, so it is not only eaten with different oils, but also applied to the skin. In the latter case, a special drug from a pharmacy is sometimes used, although in the form of olive oil the effect will be more pronounced, because it will be enhanced by moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is one of the strongest and most abundant antioxidants. Some modern scientists and researchers of health and beauty are inclined to believe that antioxidant substances interfere with the activity of free radicals. The latter, in turn, are considered the causes of rapid aging and the development of cancer. The lack of vitamin E, both in men and women, is included in the complex of causes of anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, low psycho-emotional tone, skeletal muscle dystrophy and vitamin A deficiency (because alpha-tocopherol is necessary for its production). For men's health low intake of vitamin E is fraught with a decrease in sexual performance and libido.

Due to the presence of linoleic acid, olive oil has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It improves blood circulation in the spinal cord and brain, increases the efficiency of the exchange of impulses and reactions, so the body as a whole begins to work more smoothly. Both with internal and external use of the product, there is accelerated healing wounds, scratches, bruises, because the growth and renewal of cells is stimulated, and the affected areas are better supplied with blood.

100 g of oil also contains about 100 mg of beta-sitosterol. This is a common phytosterol that helps reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol in the vessels. It is often assigned to complex treatment hypercholesterolemia. Beta-sitosterol interferes with the absorption of cholesterol by the digestive system. A study by N. Prager, K. Bickett, N. French and G. Markovici in 2002 showed that this phytosterol prevents hair loss in men. European medicine uses sitosterol in the treatment of carcinoma and prostate hypertrophy, as well as breast cancer.

Benefits of Oleic Acid

Oleic acid belongs to the group of monounsaturated fatty acids and is the most abundant in it. These acids are also known as Omega-9. They, along with omega-6, are considered the most useful for those who want to normalize metabolism, cleanse the body of cholesterol and other toxins, and lose weight. Nutritionists and doctors recommend eating foods high in oleic acid for those who exclude animal fats from their diet.

It is believed that relatively healthy person in the body, cholesterol levels are reduced or at least maintained normal if the diet contains enough oleic acid. In addition, it has antioxidant properties.

Despite the fact that oleic acid is one of the essential, that is, synthesized by the body on its own, its deficiency is quite common. The reason is that the liver of an average modern resident of a metropolis experiences very heavy load, due to which it cannot perform some functions. Therefore, olive oil is beneficial for maintaining a healthy metabolism, protecting internal organs and tissues from oncological diseases, maintaining the health of intercellular membranes.

Oleic acid and other components of the product help pregnant women maintain a good metabolism in the process of bearing a fetus. Nursing and pregnant mothers experience great nervous and physical stress, therefore such an important source of energy and a stabilizer of brain and nervous activity only brings benefits. And antioxidants further strengthen the immune system.

How to take olive oil for weight loss

There is a lot of controversy these days about the benefits and possibilities of using olive oil for weight loss. Opponents of the product say that fats cannot help in losing weight, because they themselves are sources of excess weight. This statement is only partly true. The fact is that the fats in the composition of olive oil, as already mentioned, consist of various fatty acids. In addition, it should be understood that for successful weight loss, one must not exclude fats from the diet (which, by the way, can lead to very serious consequences), but only use safe and healthy ones.

To bring the body into a healthy and athletic shape, you need to get rid of such negative factors:

  • disturbed metabolism;
  • poor digestion;
  • congestion of the cardiovascular system due to cholesterol clogging.

These factors act in a complex, partly provoke each other, and olive oil helps to eliminate all at once. Firstly, these fatty acids improve metabolism and provide the body with energy. Secondly, intestinal peristalsis improves, stool softens, which allows you to remove it from the body with less effort. Thirdly, linoleic and oleic acids help lower the level of bad cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Naturally, one use of olive oil in losing weight is not enough. We need cumulative measures: a balanced diet, physical activity, lack of stress, quality sleep. Against the background of such a lifestyle, oil will become a product that enhances the effect of the efforts of the most losing weight, reduces the time to achieve the goal.

You need to drink olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning 40-45 minutes before breakfast. The dose of admission is 1 tsp, after which you should also not drink anything. With good absorption by the body, you can try to take the product in the same volume in the evenings. Here are a few recipes with it that stimulate the metabolism and breakdown of "reserve" fats:

  • Mix a teaspoon of oil with an equal share of lemon juice. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach for a month.
  • Pour into 200 ml of low-fat kefir 1 tsp. oil, mix and heat on the stove or in the microwave. It is advisable to drink before bed. The frequency of admission - according to personal feelings (recommended at least 2 times a week).
  • Mix 1 tsp. garlic juice and 2 tbsp. olive oil, drink either before going to bed or after waking up on an empty stomach.

Olive oil: benefits and harms - how to take children

This product can be used by children, but it is recommended to do this at the age of not earlier than six months. Large doses should also be avoided because the developing body may develop intolerance to excess product. For the first time, it will be enough to add a couple of drops of oil to the porridge or puree to check the reaction of the baby. It is necessary to add liquid to already prepared dishes, because heating worsens it.

The daily volume of consumption at the age of one year should not exceed 2 ml, and upon reaching the year - 3 ml (1/2 tsp). The presence on the shelves of an olive oil store labeled as “children’s” is just a marketing ploy. There is no such definition in the international and state standards of the Russian Federation. Most healthy oil– Extra Virgin.

Olive oil - how to take with high cholesterol

For a relatively healthy person, there is no need to purposefully use olive oil to prevent atherosclerosis and high cholesterol in the body. It is enough to make it the main cooking oil in the house. And for those who are at risk, the following advice will be useful. You can just drink 1 teaspoon or a tablespoon on an empty stomach. This will stimulate the withdrawal of "bad" cholesterol, raise the quality of metabolism, and increase immunity.

Olive oil benefits and harms: in cooking

This product has been widely used in the food and culinary field for more than a thousand years. Its properties allow it to be used as a base oil in the kitchen. It is most widely used in the cuisine of the Mediterranean countries.

The smoke point of unrefined olive oil depends on the variety and degree of purification:

  • extra virgin - 160˚C;
  • extravirgin with low acidity - 207 ˚C;
  • virgin - 210˚C;
  • refined (extra light) - 199-243 ˚C;
  • pomace olive oil - 238˚C.

Based on these data, we can draw conclusions about the possibility of using oil in the kitchen. For example, extra virgin burns quickly enough, so it is not advisable to use it when frying. Due to the conversion of fatty acids, the product will become very bitter and will move from the category of useful to the category of harmful due to the formation of carcinogens. For frying and high-temperature work with products, it is recommended to use oils with a smoke point of at least +200˚C.

In general, the scope of the use of oil is limited only by the imagination of the cook. There are no frankly losing combinations with other products, because its taste is neutral, well complementing spicy, spicy, sour, and sweetish. Extra virgin is most popular as an independent salad dressing, but in this "role" herbs and spices are often added to it. After cooking hot dishes, they can also be supplemented with olive oil. Its scope also includes confectionery and bakery production. In Italy and Spain, they make ciabatta, focaccia, pizza and other pastries in olive oil.

Olive oil is healthier than sunflower oil: is it so?

The much greater nutritional value of olive oil has been widely circulated among health food advocates. Today it can be heard even from some nutritionists. But is it true? So, the main differences between these two products:

  • Price. Olive pomace is noticeably more expensive.
  • Smell. The sunflower product smells stronger and, for most, more attractive;
  • Smoke temperature. In general, the same, but sunflower oil is 10-15˚C higher.


They have almost the same calorie content, but sunflower oil contains three times more alpha-tocopherol. Therefore, it carries more benefits as an antioxidant. But olive oil boasts a record content of vitamin K. Both of these elements are important for the body, so it is more rational to alternate foods.

Olive oil has more phytosterols, which can be said to be more beneficial for regulating cholesterol levels. True, according to this indicator, this product noticeably loses to a number of other analogues: soybean, corn, linseed, rapeseed.

Summarizing, we can say that olive oil is really more effective than sunflower oil in preventing atherosclerosis, and the latter provides the best prevention cancer. Otherwise, they have almost the same effect on the body when used externally or internally. Please note that in this case we are talking about unrefined sunflower seed oil and extra virgin olive oil.

Medicinal properties of olive oil in folk medicine

Olive oil in the treatment of traditional medicine


Traditional medicine recommends using in the presence of stones in the bile ducts and bladder to put a cleansing enema from a glass of olive oil and lemon juice, mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least 2 hours after eating. If possible, morning enemas are also recommended.

peptic ulcer

To prevent and protect the walls of the stomach and intestines from digestive juice, you can take oil on an empty stomach, as described above. And for the treatment course, you need to prepare such a tool:

  1. Mix 200 ml of oil and aloe juice. It is better to take aloe vera because its juice is less bitter. Leave the mixture for three days.
  2. Boil for 1-2 hours on minimum heat a tablespoon of honey, add to the mixture.
  3. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals up to 5 times a day.

The course of treatment lasts 30 days, but before it begins, it is imperative to obtain the approval of the doctor monitoring the course of the disease.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Warm oil helps in treating sore gums. It is necessary to dip a brush with soft bristles in it and rub the liquid into the gums with massaging movements for 7-10 minutes in the morning. After the procedure, the oil should be spit out, not swallowed.

For the treatment of periodontitis, it is advised to mix equal parts of 30% celandine tincture and olive pomace, and rinse the mouth with the resulting liquid several times a day.

How to take for constipation and hemorrhoids

  • For the treatment of hemorrhoids, mix and bring to homogeneity 100 grams of beeswax, 100 grams of goat fat and half a liter of oil. Lubricate the knots twice a day for a week and a half.
  • To get rid of constipation, finely chop 4-5 lettuce leaves and 8-10 olives, add 1 tsp to them. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. oils. Mix everything thoroughly. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and evening no later than 60 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 1 week.

Neuralgia and headaches

  1. Mix 10 g of dried marjoram with ½ cup of oil, simmer in the bath for half an hour. Rub with intercostal neuralgia twice a day for two weeks.
  2. Mix 4 drops of geranium and 3 drops of basil essential oil, add 1 tablespoon of olive, pour the mixture into a bath heated to 37-40˚C. Take the procedure no longer than 15 minutes. After two weeks of daily use, take a break of at least 1 week.
  3. Mix 7 drops of geranium essential oil with 3 tablespoons of olive pomace. Use for massage with neuralgia. Conduct no more than 7-10 daily rituals in a row.

Cold and runny nose

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of oil, heat in a water bath until the mass takes on a general consistency. For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and colds, rub into the chest before going to bed, and then wrap yourself in a woolen cloth for a week.
  2. Mix equal parts of camphor and olive oil, and also alcohol tincture of propolis. Bury with a cold, 3 drops twice a day.

whooping cough, bronchitis

  1. In crushed 10 aspirin tablets, add 5-6 tbsp. l. olive oils. For bronchitis, rub the mixture on the chest, cover with a warm cloth or blanket. Wash off after an hour warm water. The course of treatment is 7 days.
  2. For whooping cough, drink three times a day a spoonful of a mixture of equal parts of honey and olive extravirgin.

Otitis, herpes

  1. For the treatment of otitis, combine equal parts of sunflower and olive oils, warm up a little. Soak a cotton swab and put it in the ear for 100-120 minutes for 7 days to treat otitis media.
  2. Grind fresh St. John's wort flowers (2 tbsp), pour olive oil (4 tbsp) for 8 hours, then strain with a squeeze of cake. Add 1 tsp. golden mustache tinctures in olive oil. Lubricate herpes with a gauze or cotton swab several times a day for a week.

Treatment of the spine and joints

  • From arthritis, every day before going to bed, lubricate the joints with a mixture of 20 g of echinacea root and 0.4 l of oil, simmered for half an hour in a water bath. Before use, the product must be filtered. The duration of the course is 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Take with arthritis inside three times a day, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion of 60 grams of St. John's wort flowers and 0.8 liters of oil. The remedy must be infused for 4 weeks, and then strained with the extraction of flowers. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.
  • For osteochondrosis, rub the spine with a mixture of 100 g of therapeutic clay or mud and 2-3 tbsp. olive pomace. After rubbing for three hours, wrap yourself in a woolen blanket or scarf.

Varicose veins

Soak a bandage with a mixture of equal parts of water, oil and 70% ethyl alcohol and apply its compresses for a couple of hours. Carry out the procedure every other day for 2-4 weeks.


Process 100 g of burdock root in a blender, pour a glass of oil, leave for two weeks in the dark, strain. Lubricate the chest three times a day for a month.


Mix 1 glass of sapropelic mud with 2 tsp. oil, heat a third of an hour in a water bath. At a temperature of 45˚C, apply to the lumbosacral region or lower abdomen with a layer of 3 mm. Keep on the skin for a third of an hour daily for 1-1.5 weeks.


Mix three drops of lavender ether, 2 tsp. olive base oil and a couple of drops of a mixture of manuka and tea tree esters. Mix, soak a tampon with the product and insert into the vagina for 30-40 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily for 12-15 days.


  1. Combine the grated pulp of one medium boiled turnip with 2 tablespoons of oil. Apply a small layer on the inflamed area, fix for 60 minutes with a bandage. Carry out the procedure within 1-2 weeks.
  2. Mix chopped onion (300 g) and garlic (200 g) with mashed cranberries (400 g). Infuse in an airtight and light-tight container for a day. Add oil (1 cup) and honey (350 g). Take a third of an hour before meals three times a day, 2 tsp. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. If needed repeated course, then it should be carried out after a monthly pause.

Skin diseases

  • Against diathesis, a tincture of crushed burdock root in a glass of oil is used. The ingredients are mixed in a glass dish, lowered into a saucepan or basin in hot water, closed with a lid and infused for 24 hours. It is desirable to maintain the water temperature at +60˚C. The resulting product is used to lubricate the affected areas 5 times a day.
  • To remove warts, apply several times a day compresses with the following preparation. 50-60 grams of flowers or St. John's wort are chopped or rolled through a meat grinder, poured with two glasses of oil and boiled over low heat for half an hour, and then infused for about two hours. Must be filtered before use.
  • A mixture of oleander leaves boiled in a water bath in olive oil is used to lubricate psoriasis. Wax and sulfur can be added to the ointment.
  • With boils, an infusion is prepared from a liter of oil and 3 tbsp. herbaceous part of the centaury and the same amount of St. John's wort. The products languish for an hour in the bath, therefore they are infused for a day in a closed form and filtered. The agent is taken orally three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. for 1-1.5 weeks.

From dislocations, scratches and bruises

  1. Chronic ulcers and skin cracks should be lubricated until improvement occurs three times a day with grated propolis (10 g) with butter(5 g) and 50 ml of olive oil.
  2. Against abrasions and cracks on the nipples during lactation. Insist on a dark shelf 100 g of rose hips and 0.3 l of oil for 10 days, strain. Apply a sterile cloth soaked in the mixture to the damaged areas.
  3. Against burns, purulent wounds and ulcers, bandaging with a mixture of crushed propolis (15 g) and virgin olive oil (50 ml) helps. First, the oil is brought to a boil, then mixed with the bee product, boiled again and filtered. The bandage changes every day.

Application in cosmetology

Olive oil can be used along with many other vegetable base oils. Its benefits for skin, hair and nails are due to the content of oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids. The beneficial effects are enhanced by the presence of alpha-tocopherol and squalene. Naturally, this type of oil cannot be called a cosmetic panacea; according to some indicators, it loses to other analogues. However, it has a very good performance and extensive action. In addition, extra virgin is much more affordable to purchase.

Olive oil: benefits for hair

Homemade masks and hair wraps with olive oil help to restore their structure, restore shine and strength, and give a healthy appearance. Weakness, secuity, brittleness, unhealthy appearance, most often appear due to a lack of fats, moisture and vitamins. One of the key hair vitamins is alpha-tocopherol. Active nutrition is carried out by fatty acids.

As a rule, this type of oil is used to heal dry, weakened, split ends and brittle hair that has lost its shine. Here is a recipe for a simple and effective wrap:

  1. Heat up a small amount of oil for a couple.
  2. Rub into the scalp and hair with massaging passes for about 3-5 minutes.
  3. Wrap your head with a plastic cap and a towel, leave it like this for half an hour or longer.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo. It is better if it is designed specifically for dry and dull hair.

A positive result from this mask is felt after a few procedures. For hair with high oil content, to treat split ends, you need to apply oil only to them, without affecting the rest.

The benefits of olive oil for hair are enhanced by the fact that it stimulates the follicles, improves the metabolism in the skin at the roots, stimulates the growth and development of hair columns.

Olive oil: benefits for the skin

Like any other vegetable oil, olive oil can and should even be used for skin care. For example, Sophia Loren admitted that she does. In addition to a variety of fatty acids and tocopherol, the beneficial effect is due to squalene. This is a relatively rare antioxidant that protects the skin from pathogenic microflora, enhances its protective properties and prevents aging.

Alpha-tocopherol provides antiseptic and antioxidant treatment of the skin. Thanks to him, the aging process slows down, the risk of developing cancer problems is reduced.

In home skin care, this type of oil successfully functions as a make-up remover. The fatty and vitamin composition makes it a good ingredient for nourishing, restorative and protective masks. Olive pomace gently affects the epidermis, therefore it is suitable for treating delicate areas.

Those who use olive oil for wrinkles at home, the reviews are extremely positive. When creating homemade beauty products, olive oil works well with other carrier oils. In moderate proportions, it can be successfully combined with plant esters. Good "allies" will also be cottage cheese, cream, milk, kefir, propolis, honey, fruit and vegetable pulp, juices, berries and eggs.


Despite the various beneficial properties of olive oil, this product can act on the body not only beneficially, but also negatively. First of all, this happens with excessive use. Overloading the gastrointestinal tract with fats leads to dysfunction, mainly of the liver and gallbladder, but the stomach, intestines and a number of organs that are not related to the digestive system also suffer.

Diseases and problems in which the product is contraindicated:

  • cholecystitis (due to a possible choleretic effect);
  • stomach or intestinal infections, poisoning, disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • obesity.

During pregnancy and lactation, there are no special prescriptions for use. If in doubt, a supervising specialist should be consulted. With the exception of medical recipes, which require a special order of admission, daily rate oil consumption is no more than a few tablespoons. Allergic reactions are almost impossible, both for internal and external use.

Among substances that can both benefit and harm at the same time, sitosterol should be mentioned. In particular, bodybuilders use it to increase muscle mass, because the manufacturers of the drug convince that it increases the level of testosterone in the blood. This is so, however, side effect is a decrease in the level of dehydrotestosterone, which in fact is due to the anabolic effect. As a result, the muscles, on the contrary, do not grow, and besides, libido and potency decrease.

How to choose the best olive oil

One of the key indicators that you need to focus on when choosing an oil to buy is free acidity. It tells how much oxidizable acids are in the product, respectively, how quickly it deteriorates when reacting with light and air. It is believed that the lower this figure, the more useful the product.

Olive oil benefits and harms: which one to choose

When choosing, it is advisable to focus on Virgin and Extra Virgin oils - these are the purest natural products. Refined is a refined product. Pomace - pomace of olive pomace. The best brands of olive oil must have the badge of the International Olive Council on the packaging - this is the world's largest organization that controls the classification and grade of oils.

Both Pomace and Virgin types of product can be refined. After cleaning, such a product has a reduced acidity, less pronounced aroma and taste.

Which olive oil is better: brand

Over the past decades, Spanish and Italian brands have firmly held the lead in all sorts of rankings of the best olive oils and brands. According to the site bestolivesoil.com, which is considered one of the most authoritative sources on the issue of the best oil in the world, only in 2016 Italy was able to reach the first line, and in 2014 and 2015 it was in second place after Spain. The top three traditionally closes the United States.

The list is compiled based on the number of gold, silver and Best in Class awards received by brands representing the country. In 2016, Italian oils received a total of 109 gold awards according to experts, Spanish - 78, and American - 50. Next on the list are Portugal (20), Greece (20), Australia (11), Croatia (9), Turkey and France (3 each), Slovenia, Chile, New Zealand, Uruguay, South Africa (2 each) and Argentina (1).

Leading Olive Oil Producers:

  • In Spain: Borges, Maestor de Oliva, Aceites Garcia Moron, ITLV, Aceite de olive Valderrama, Candor, Acorsa, Sucesores de Morales Morales, Antonia Cano e Hijos, Olivar de Seguda, 5Valles and Bodegas Roda.
  • In Greece: Agia Triada, Agrotiki S.A., Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Sitia, GreekElita, Terra Creta S.A., Ilida, Minerva and Mediterra S.A.
  • Vitali: Mate, Raineri and Casa Rinaldi.

If there are no such brands on the shelf of the store closest to you, or these are not preferred due to the high cost, then before choosing a particular bottle, make sure that it meets the following rules of “good taste”:

  • Information about the manufacturer, importing and exporting organization with addresses and telephone numbers. You should know that the best oils are bottled in the same place where they are produced.
  • The retail variety must be specified (ExtraVirgin, Virgin, Virgin Light, Pomace, etc.).
  • Indication of the date of bottling. Because the consumer needs to know for how long the oil should be consumed. Shelf life from the date of bottling: in a glass container - 24 months, in a tin - 12.
  • Color, as a rule, cannot serve as a quality guide, because it depends on many factors. But green tints are more likely to indicate that the product was obtained from green olives.

It is also difficult to judge the quality by the packaging, because it has nothing to do with the product itself, but rather with the reliability of storage. Classic dark bottles protect the liquid from light, preventing it from oxidizing, but they are fragile and still let through some of the light. Plus - the ability to evaluate the product visually. Tin cans are a more modern option. They are cheap, durable, do not transmit light at all and are light. But the oil is not allowed to be considered.

Home storage

In order for olive oil to retain the maximum of its beneficial properties for as long as possible, it is necessary to provide it with conditions in which the oxidation processes will slow down as much as possible. Fatty acids oxidize when exposed to light and when exposed to air, so a container is needed to avoid or minimize the influence of both of these factors. That is why the product is sold in glass or tin containers.

At the time of the first opening of a sealed package, the oil begins to deteriorate. Slowly, but, as they say, surely. To slow down this process even more, you need to place the product in cool conditions. Ideally, the temperature should be lower than room temperature, but higher than in the refrigerator. In practice, a refrigerator remains the best option, so you need to leave the oil in the warmest place in its chamber. Experts say that it can be kept here for no longer than two weeks, otherwise unpleasant notes will appear in the taste. Freezing the product is not allowed.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t absolutely stop the loss of useful properties. Therefore, after opening the original packaging, it is recommended to use the oil for 3-4 weeks. A product stored longer may not be harmful, but it will definitely lose most of the benefits. The planned consumption volume for the month must be taken into account at the time of purchase in order to take a bottle or jar of the most suitable volume.

Try the best brands of olive oil from the world's best producers!

The benefits and harms of olive oil are considered in the context of a healthy diet. This product is also used in the treatment of diseases. Serves to cleanse the liver and intestines. Used in cosmetology.

How and where is olive oil made?

Produce a product in the Mediterranean countries. Most of it is imported from Spain, Italy and Greece.

Green olives and black olives are fruits olive tree varying degrees of ripeness. Oil from unripe fruits - olives, is more tart. From mature black olives, the yield of the finished product is greater, and the taste is softer. Raw fruits are very bitter. They are pre-soaked using a special technology, then crushed. The resulting mass is stirred. Extraction is done using a centrifuge.

Which olive oil is best

Unrefined olive oil is obtained by direct extraction of raw materials without the use of chemical substances, at a temperature not higher than +40 °C. This is a product of the highest quality, is not subjected to the refining process and retains all the beneficial properties of olives. It has a pronounced taste and aroma.

Refined is produced by chemical purification and at high temperatures. Such a product is no longer so healthy, almost devoid of taste and smell. The only plus is the longer shelf life.

Composition and calories

The calorie content of olive oil per 100 grams is 884 kcal. The calorie content of a tablespoon of olive oil is 152 kcal.

Contains fat-soluble vitamins E and K, water-soluble vitamin B4 (choline), and a small amount of Omega-3.


  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • sodium.

Important! There is no cholesterol in the composition of vegetable fat. This substance is found only in animal products.

Useful properties of olive oil

The use of the olive product is an integral part of the diet of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries. This region has low level cardiovascular diseases. The benefit lies in the content of phytosterols, which block "bad" cholesterol. Thus, the risks of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke are reduced.

The product has a bitter taste. Bitterness stimulates the production of bile, which is directly involved in the process of splitting fats. This has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver, gallbladder and intestines, improves digestion.

Benefits of olive oil for women

Contains "beauty vitamin" (vit. E), which is also necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels. Improves skin condition. It is a natural antioxidant.

Regular use benefits women's health, helps to preserve beauty and youth.

Benefits of olive oil for men

The olive product is also useful for the male body. Facilitates the work of the liver, which helps to cope with alcohol intoxication. Protects blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on potency. Prevents the occurrence cardiovascular pathologies. Improves the condition of the hairline, which is important for age-related baldness.

Can a child take olive oil?

Olive oil is good for children too. It can be included in the diet of baby food, starting from a year or even a little earlier. Add drop by drop to food.

Warning! It is better to consult a pediatrician first, especially in cases where the child has allergic reactions to food.

It is used for external use for diaper rash and for massage. Before applying to the skin of a child, the container with oil must be warmed in hot water or in your hands.

olive oil during pregnancy

During pregnancy, olive oil can be consumed in moderation, used as a dressing for salads, added to soups and main dishes. This will help to avoid problems with the intestines and facilitate its work. It will serve as a good prevention of constipation, will benefit blood vessels and the heart. The product has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Nursing mothers also need to include olive oil in their daily diet to maintain their health and for the benefit of the baby.

Olive oil is used for stretch marks during pregnancy. Helps to maintain the structure of the skin.

Benefits of olive oil for weight loss

People who want to drop overweight, may think about whether olive oil is possible with a diet. It is impossible to completely refuse the use of fats. Vegetable fats benefit the body. They are essential for normal metabolism.

Advice! It makes sense to reduce the consumption of animal fats and replace them with vegetable ones.

For weight loss, olive oil is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning in a tablespoon. This is done in order to start the work of the intestines. Regular stool helps cleanse the body. Proper bowel function is a prerequisite for achieving a slim figure.

Olive oil treatment

It is used when it is necessary to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, increase the production of bile, and cope with constipation. When applied externally, it helps with skin problems, improves hair growth, strengthens nails.

Attention! Before engaging in self-treatment, it is necessary to consult with specialists, carefully study the materials on the topic, choosing competent sources.

Effective liver cleansing at home according to the method of Andreas Moritz

Before proceeding with this procedure, it is recommended to do an ultrasound to check for the presence of stones in the liver and in gallbladder. If large stones are found, then cleaning cannot be carried out. Or you need to do it under the supervision of a doctor.

Cleansing the liver with olive oil has a powerful healing effect on the whole body.

Gets rid of small stones. Improves the condition of the hepatic ducts. Is prophylactic from cirrhosis of the liver.

First you need to clean the intestines with an enema or laxative. This must be done so that the stones freely leave the body and do not get stuck in the intestines.

Having cleansed the intestines, you can proceed to the procedure itself:

  1. On the day of cleaning, the last meal should occur no later than 14 hours.
  2. At 6 pm, you need to drink a laxative, diluting half a bag of magnesium sulfate with water.
  3. Prepare freshly squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice. Mix in a glass 1/3 oil and 2/3 juice.
  4. Drink in one gulp at 20 o'clock. Consume warm.
  5. Lie on your right side, placing a hot heating pad under it.
  6. At 22:00, dilute the rest of the magnesium sulfate powder with water and drink.
  7. The next day, cleanse the intestines with an enema.

Important! Magnesium sulfate has the ability to dilate the bile ducts, which facilitates the evacuation of stones.

It should be borne in mind that poor and insufficient liver function adversely affects the state of the whole organism. Therefore, it is necessary to take care and pay attention to the proper functioning of this vital organ. For a thorough cleansing of the liver, it is recommended to carry out several such cleansing procedures.

For constipation

Olive oil with lemon on an empty stomach is used for poor bowel function. You need to take half a lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and mix with a tablespoon of oil. Add hot water to the mixture, mix everything and drink.

The use of olive oil at night in a tablespoon also contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract.

With pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis, you should limit the intake of any fat. During the improvement of the condition, it is necessary to adhere to the dosage of a tablespoon per day with food.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

The olive product promotes scarring of ulcers. Useful for the gastric mucosa in gastritis.

Attention! During exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to do cleansing with lemon juice.

With hemorrhoids

To alleviate the condition with this delicate problem, you can do microclysters with warm olive oil infused with medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect.

You can use chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle.

Fresh or dried grass is poured with olive oil and infused for 3 weeks in a dark place. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Before use, the remedy must be warmed up.

With stones in the gallbladder

Unrefined olive oil has a pronounced choleretic effect. This property of the product is based on its use to get rid of small stones in the liver and gallbladder.

Attention! In the presence of large stones, the product should be used with caution. The stone can get stuck in the bile duct!

It makes sense to check and, if necessary, crush large stones into smaller ones using the ultrasonic method.

With cholecystitis

With varicose veins

Improves the condition of venous vessels. Can be used for a gentle foot massage. At the same time, massage movements should be carried out in the direction from the heels to the hips, along the course of the venous blood flow.

In the area of ​​painful venous nodes, massage is not done.

The benefits and harms of olive oil on an empty stomach

In order for the oil not to linger in the stomach and get into the intestines faster, it must be taken on an empty stomach. Useful properties of the product are manifested when it is in upper section intestines. May be harmful if consumed in excess.

How to use olive oil in the morning

In the morning, you can drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach or mixed with lemon juice.

In the morning, you can prepare the following mixture:

  1. Pour into a mug 2 tbsp. l. holosas (rosehip syrup).
  2. Add 1 raw egg yolk and the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Pour into the mixture 1 tbsp. l. unrefined olive oil.
  4. Add 50 ml of water and mix everything thoroughly.

The mixture is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days in a row. The procedure helps to cleanse and restore the liver. It is used to relieve alcohol, narcotic, drug intoxication and improve overall well-being. If necessary, the course is repeated several times a year.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Used for external use as independent remedy or together with other oils used in cosmetology. Even in ancient Greece, athletes used olive oil to lubricate the body. The oil softens and nourishes the skin well. Protects against harmful effects adverse weather conditions. Olive oil is also used for tanning instead of sunscreen.

Advice! Olive is mixed with peach, apricot, etc. This mix enhances the healing and cosmetic effect.

For facial skin

Olive oil for facial skin is used as a base for a cream or as a component of a cosmetic mask. Nourishes, protects, rejuvenates the skin. Can be mixed with lemon juice, raw yolks, cosmetic clay, herbal powder.

This is a great alternative to expensive store bought creams. A cosmetic product prepared at home from natural ingredients will bring even more benefits.

When preparing a mask with olive oil, skin type should be taken into account. oily, nourishing mask Good for dry or combination skin.

Recipe for a rejuvenating face mask:

  1. Take 50 ml of a quality olive product.
  2. Mix with honey (preferably acacia).
  3. Add resinous Altai mummy at the tip of a teaspoon (or a couple of tablets of pharmacy mummy).
  4. For oily skin, use additional lemon juice.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin.
  6. Keep 25 minutes.
  7. Wash off with cool water.

Warning! Before applying to the skin, make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the mask.

For hair

Traditionally used to improve hair structure and growth Burr oil. If you mix it with olive, adding nettle, the effect will be stronger. Before rubbing the oil into the hair roots, it must be slightly warmed up.

For eyelashes, beards and eyebrows

Eyebrows and beard are massaged with special hard brushes dipped in an olive product. Lubricate eyelashes more delicately. It makes eyebrows and eyelashes thicker and shinier.

For hands and nails

Used as a protective and emollient for hands from frost and heat. Used for cracking and dry skin. In combination with medicinal herbs, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The calcium contained in the oil helps to strengthen the nail plate.

Hand sanitizer recipe:

  1. Take 500 ml of olive product.
  2. Add St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, succession, nettle.
  3. Insist 3 weeks.
  4. Strain and pour into a green or dark glass container.

Use as needed. The resulting agent has a pronounced wound-healing, softening and anti-inflammatory properties.

Application in cooking

Unrefined olive oil is actively used in proper nutrition along with other vegetable fats. Most often used for dressing vegetable salads. It is not recommended to expose it to heat above +180 °C. It is added to ready meals just before consumption.

Can you fry in olive oil?

Refined oil is used for frying. The production technology makes it more resistant to heat and oxidation.

Possible harm of olive oil and contraindications

The product must be of high quality and follow the expiration date. Spoiled oil can be harmful to health. Contraindication to use is individual intolerance, allergic reactions.

How to choose the right olive oil

When buying a quality olive product, you need to look for the words on the labels: extra, virgin, extra virgin, extra vergine. So label extra virgin olive oil (highest quality).

Advice! It is better to buy the product in a dark glass bottle.

How to store olive oil

Natural oil becomes cloudy in the cold. This is an indication of a quality product. At room temperature it becomes transparent again. When used, the indicated expiration date must be observed.


The benefits and harms of olive oil are determined by the quality of the product. When used correctly, it provides health benefits. It is used as a food, medicinal and cosmetic product.

Modern man creates amazing things, but they cannot be compared with what nature gives. From the very beginning of human development, it was nature that provided it with everything necessary for survival. Her gifts are incredibly valuable, and such resources should be treasured. Over time, skills have been developed to process what the environment can provide. This made it possible to diversify many areas of human life, especially cooking. Now, going into any store, you can get lost in a variety of spices, oils, special additives. New technologies for the processing of raw materials, advanced methods in their mixing and preparation have played a role in this. But there is also something in pure form used by housewives for many centuries. The list of such things includes olive oil. The composition of this product is primary form almost did not change and is characterized by a special value for the body. Oil is indispensable for cooking. For such properties, it was nicknamed "liquid gold". It is extracted from the olive tree, which, according to legend, was given to the Hellenes by the goddess Athena. She presented it as a symbol of wisdom and prosperity. Although the Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of olive oil, many European countries are engaged in its production. At the same time, it should be noted that depending on the place where the trees are grown, the taste and smell of the oil may change, since it is very sensitive to natural and climatic conditions.

Composition of olive oil

The composition of olive oil largely depends on the procedure for its production. It is important that fruit picking starts in November and ends in March. Olives oxidize very quickly, and therefore, after harvesting, you need to cook and process them as quickly as possible by squeezing the pulp. If these steps are not followed, or if the time for their implementation is delayed, the quality of the resulting product and its composition may deteriorate significantly. 100 grams of the product contains 99.8 grams of fat. The rest of the mass is occupied by cholesterol, water, carbohydrates, proteins, alcohol, ash and alimentary fiber. First cold pressed oil, which is valued more than, for example, refined olive oil, contains oleic, linoleic, palmitic and others.

In addition to them, the oil contains important compounds, such as phenolic squalene acids, which prevent the development of cancer, polyphenols, sterol alcohols, tocopherols. The composition also found a place for vitamins K, E, A and D. The taste of olive oil is very specific. Depending on the place of cultivation, care, variety of the oil tree, the time of harvesting the fruits, it can be very different: it can be sour, bitter, sweet or salty. But no matter which of these characteristics olive oil possesses, it will always have a rich, intense flavor. Such a variety of them allows you to experiment in cooking and choose the most successful option for yourself.

Extra virgin olive oil

The number of different flavors and properties confirms the fact that there are quite a few varieties that olive oil can take. Reviews about this product can be very different. You can find even the most negative words in his direction. And this is not surprising, because in order to really enjoy its taste and feel its beneficial properties, olive oil must be chosen wisely. Basically, everyone knows two types of this product: unrefined and refined olive oil, but international legislation allocates much more. In the top of the ranking of the most popular and valuable species is Extra Virgin.

It is considered the most useful, because due to the lack of heat treatment and special cleaning, all vitamins and acids are preserved in it. This olive is made from the most mature and fresh fruits. There are several subspecies of this species. For example, vintage oil is considered elite, because the raw materials for its production are grown only in a certain area, single-grade oil speaks for itself (in its production they do not combine different varieties, but prefer only one, which is usually indicated in the name), blended olive oil, on the contrary , is produced by mixing different varieties to obtain a specific aroma and taste.

frying oil

Even with incredibly valuable properties, it is not always used in cooking. One of the most consumed types of this product is Aceite de Oliva, or refined, which has found its place as an olive oil for frying. In fact, it contains first cold-pressed oil in its composition, because it is produced by mixing it with unrefined oil in a ratio of 15% to 85%. Aceite de Oliva oil is valued primarily for the fact that it contains much more stable fatty acids than other types of this product. This raises the temperature at which smoke formation begins, which greatly simplifies the frying process. Also, this process does not produce carcinogens. In addition, it is widely used to create sauces and salad dressings, since refined oil tastes quite good and is absolutely not bitter.

Useful properties of olive oil

We continue our acquaintance with this useful product. The properties of olive oil allow it to be used in the most different areas. Their value is difficult to overestimate. Even after analyzing the composition of this product, one can understand that a considerable amount of microelements and vitamins contained in it positively affects the functioning of the body, namely, they prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, stabilize digestion processes and strengthen bones. Fresh olive oil is a wonderful antioxidant. Many famous women shared the secrets of preserving their youth and often mentioned olive oil in this context.

Even Cleopatra herself believed that "liquid gold" would help her maintain her beauty. for a long time and took baths with the addition of such a product for this purpose. At the same time, it is never too early and never too late to take olive oil: it in the best way will affect the body both in the elderly and at a very young age. Many nutritionists advise replacing sunflower oil with olive oil. It not only puts in order the metabolic processes, but also promotes weight loss. It is often used for the production of soaps, cosmetics, special oils for massage.

Harm of olive oil

Even despite all the beneficial properties of olive oil, in some cases it can harm the body. People who suffer from gallstone disease need to be very careful when using such a product. Olive oil has a strong choleretic effect, which can be harmful if gallstones are present. People who suffer from cholecystitis also need to follow the rules for using olive oil. Do not often dilute your diet with it and use it in large quantities.

The best time to enjoy the taste of the product is in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. It is also worth considering that a complete rejection of vegetable oils, characteristic of the place of permanent residence, is undesirable. It is better to diversify the use of olive oil native unrefined - mustard, linseed, etc. In everything you need to know the measure, and the use of olive oil is no exception. Abuse of it can put a lot of pressure on the digestive system, cause obesity, diabetes and fatty liver. The norm is one tablespoon of olive oil per day (or a maximum of two). Those who follow the figure and try to lose a couple of extra pounds should remember that there are almost 900 kcal per 100 grams of this product and its excessive use can become an obstacle on the way to the desired centimeters. it is not recommended to use very often, as well as fried foods in general. Thermal exposure almost always kills the beneficial properties not only in the oil, but also in other ingredients.

Olive oil for face care

Treatment, disease prevention, widespread use in cooking - this is not all that olive oil is capable of. Reviews about him as a cosmetic product are increasingly filling the Internet. First of all, olive oil is used as a facial treatment. In seasons when the environment aggressively affects the skin, this oil protects it, makes it smoother and more pleasant. It's all about the fatty acids of this product, which nourish the skin of the face and create a kind of barrier, a thin film that saves the face from the effects of frost and prevents moisture from evaporating from the cells during the heat.

Olive oil, whose composition is enriched with vitamin E, helps maintain skin elasticity and evens out skin tone, while vitamin D helps to cleanse it. Thanks to such valuable properties, this herbal product often included in shampoos, creams and scrubs. It also cannot be argued that olive oil is suitable only for the care of combination or dry skin. Despite the large amount of fatty acids, in combination with fermented milk products this oil normalizes oily skin. This product is rarely allergic, which allows it to be used for sensitive facial skin. It is a great helper in getting rid of dryness after the sea, with peeling and the first signs of skin aging. It can be added to various masks or simply used for rubbing.

Olive oil for hair

Having studied the label of many shampoos, conditioners and balms, you can find olive oil. The composition of this product allows you to use it in a variety of areas, including hair care. Especially valuable for the scalp and hair are fatty acids, antioxidants A and E. After several applications of olive oil in its natural form or as an ingredient in a mask, positive changes can be seen. The scalp softens, all inflammations disappear. This oil has a great restoring and disinfecting value. "Liquid Gold" helps to forget about dandruff, itching and burning, hair loss, brittleness and dryness. Those who are tired of split ends will also find a great helper in it. Olive oil is quickly absorbed, penetrating and saturating the hair follicles with useful elements.

There are no restrictions on its use for different types hair. It is quickly washed off with any shampoo or just water. To use it, it is better to warm it up a little in a water bath (so it will be better absorbed) and apply on the scalp, rubbing in a circular motion, and along the entire length of the hair. Next, you need to cover your head with a special cap or just cellophane, wrap it with a terry towel and wait about an hour. After that, you can wash off the oil.

Recipes with olive oil

Let's take a look at some helpful tips. Recipes with olive oil are gaining more and more popularity. This product is used in many areas of cooking. It can be found as a dressing for salads, an ingredient in first and second courses, pastries and even desserts. Olive oil is a great addition to a dish like stuffed pork. To prepare it, you need olives (about 100 grams), ham (80 grams), garlic, olive oil (40 milliliters) and, in fact, 500 grams of pork tenderloin. Olives, garlic and oil are mixed in a blender until smooth. Cuts are made in the tenderloin (not completely), which are filled with the resulting mixture. Ham will be needed to wrap the stuffed pork. Such a roll needs to be baked for about 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. This rather simple dish will decorate any table and pleasantly surprise family and friends.

How to choose olive oil

Having studied olive oil, the composition of this product and its types, one can be convinced of its value and versatility. But in the store, we are confused by the large number of options offered. It is worth mentioning that this type of oil is expensive and not available to everyone. Some people think that it is better to buy ordinary sunflower oil than low-quality olive oil for the same amount. But even despite the price category, you can find a good product if you know how to choose it. The first sign of a quality oil is a pronounced natural aroma. If it is not, it is better to put the bottle back.

With caution, you need to approach the purchase of refined olive oil, because after heat treatment there are few useful properties left in it. Price is, after all, a sign of quality. Cheap oils of this type are usually a mixture of refined and unrefined. Also, when buying, you should carefully study the label: if it says that the product is diluted with another oil, but the ratio is not indicated, it is better to leave it in the store. Labeling carries valuable information. If there is an Organic or BIO mark, it means that this is an organic product that was produced in accordance with all the rules. The PDO label is also a signal of the quality of the oil, since the raw materials for its creation were grown and harvested in a certain area, and olives with a specific aroma and taste were used.

Olive oil storage

Such a valuable product as olive oil should be stored in special conditions. First, you need to study its expiration date and in no case use the oil after it has expired. Secondly, you need a special container for such a product. An excellent option is a dark glass bottle, which is tightly sealed. Thirdly, you do not need to put olive oil in the refrigerator, because in such conditions it will quickly change color and lose some of its beneficial properties. It is worth giving preference to a kitchen cabinet that is free from sunlight.

Olive oil is rightly called liquid gold, as it has miraculous properties and is one of the important components in the diet of modern man. However, the benefits of this unique product, people composed legends in ancient times. Rome and Ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia - in all these countries, olive oil, which was considered a gift from the gods, was used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. In addition, it was used for ritual ceremonies and the treatment of people with various diseases.

Useful properties of olive oil

The composition of olive oil is unique, as it completely lacks proteins and carbohydrates. In turn, the fatty acids that this product is rich in are responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, strengthen the skeletal system and cleanse the entire body of toxins. It should also be noted that fatty acids contribute to the correct and more complete absorption of food, and also act as a natural antioxidant that stimulates tissue renewal at the cellular level. It is also worth noting that olive oil is rich in vitamins B, C, K, PP and E, moreover, the content of the latter of them is so high that olive oil is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from problems of the musculoskeletal system, as well as children whose body constantly growing and developing. There are not so many useful microcomponents in olive oil, however, potassium, calcium and sodium, which are part of it, are responsible for the functioning of the heart muscle, improve skin color, nails and teeth. Plus, you should not discount the fact that sodium helps to remove excess fluid from the body, preventing the occurrence of edema.

Olive oil is famous for its contains oleic acid. It is she who is responsible for and, in particular, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, thanks to oleic acid, they become softer and more elastic, so olive oil is one of the best means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that it contains linoleic acid, which not only promotes the healing of wounds and burns, but also has the property of splitting the so-called free radicals. It is for this reason that olive oil is recommended for people who suffer from oncological diseases, and also used as universal remedy to renew the tissues of the whole body.

On the basis of olive oil, a huge number of medicinal and cosmetic preparations have been created that help to effectively fight the premature aging process of the body, restore skin elasticity, hair shine and eliminate fine wrinkles. In addition, olive oil has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial, and with its help you can get rid of a wide variety of diseases. For example, people who want to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful toxins are advised to hold 1 tablespoon of slightly warmed olive oil in their mouth in the morning for about 3-5 minutes before brushing their teeth. During this time, it will perfectly cleanse the taste buds and remove a huge amount of harmful substances from saliva.

To normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, olive oil should be drunk about 15 minutes before each meal, 1 tablespoon. This simple recipe will help prepare the stomach for normal work, neutralize excess acid and help heal wounds, which is very important for people suffering from ulcers or gastritis.

For bowel problems accompanied by constipation, olive oil 1-2 tablespoons is recommended to be taken before bedtime. Thanks to this, it is possible to completely restore intestinal motility in 7-10 days, achieving a soft and natural withdrawal. stool from the body.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is often used in the treatment of colds. When severe runny nose you need to heat a little oil in a tablespoon and drip it into your nose. With angina, you can lubricate the throat with olive oil, using an ordinary cotton swab for this purpose. In addition, this natural product helps to fight very effectively with various types allergies, as it binds and neutralizes substances that contribute to its occurrence. For example, in case of an inadequate reaction of the body to dust or pollen, it is enough to take a teaspoon of olive oil 2-3 times a day to get rid of unpleasant symptoms such as cough, runny nose and redness of the eyes.

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for fighting all kinds of skin diseases.. With dermatitis, it is enough for them to lubricate the affected areas of the body several times so that the wounds heal without leaving scars. For the same reason, olive oil can be used to treat burns, and even trophic ulcers. This product is an excellent skin care product for newborns. True, it should be borne in mind that before using olive oil in this case, it is necessary to boil.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Separately, it is worth mentioning the importance of olive oil in modern cosmetology. Based on it, you can prepare many masks that perfectly nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. In addition, with dry and brittle hair, it is recommended to rub the oil into the scalp 10-15 minutes before bathing. This recipe also helps get rid of dandruff and prevents the development of alopecia. For dry and very sensitive skin, slightly warmed olive oil should be applied to the face before leaving the house in cold and windy weather. In addition, it perfectly protects the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation, so this tool can be safely used on the beach to avoid burns and get a uniform tan with a pleasant golden hue. Plus, olive oil perfectly protects the skin of the hands from premature aging and external environmental influences. Cracks, calluses and roughness can be completely removed from the palms if this natural product is rubbed into the skin of the hands for a week before going to bed.

Olive oil during pregnancy and lactation

Due to its beneficial properties, olive oil is indispensable for expectant mothers. It stimulates the processes of digestion, saturates the body with amino acids and vitamins, helps to avoid tissue swelling, toxicosis and constipation. Plus, olive oil is one of the important components for the normal growth and development of the baby. During lactation, olive oil should also be eaten regularly, since the substances included in its composition are very necessary for strengthening skeletal system and immunity of the child. However, it is worth remembering that for a nursing woman, the daily dose of this product should not exceed 40-50 g, otherwise the baby may experience indigestion.

Harm of olive oil and contraindications

Despite the fact that olive oil is a very valuable and completely hypoallergenic product, for some people, it is best to avoid eating it. This applies to those who suffer from cholecystitis or have liver problems. In addition, overweight people should limit the use of this product, since olive oil is considered to be a sufficiently high-calorie product.

Ancient people have always appreciated the gifts of nature, actively used them for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The benefits of olive oil for the body of an extra class, since this unique natural remedy, due to its natural composition, is able to overcome a number of dangerous pathologies, improve the condition of human skin.

Olive oil - composition

This unique product is obtained by cold pressing, and fresh olives and olives are harvested exclusively from November to March. Since such exotic fruits quickly oxidize after harvest, it is necessary to process them productively to obtain a valuable liquid for health. The chemical composition of olive oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and beneficial trace elements. It:

  • phenols, polyphenols, phenolic acids inhibit skin aging processes;
  • oleic acid accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens vascular walls;
  • terpene alcohols, tocopherols stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • Omega 9 is considered to prevent diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis;
  • squalene prevents oncology (especially in modern gynecology);
  • sterol and β-sitosterol prevent vascular pathologies, hypertension;
  • linoleic acid increases visual acuity, accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • vitamin D strengthens bones, is considered the prevention of rickets;
  • vitamin A is useful for reduced vision, skin problems;
  • Vitamin E, being an antioxidant, prevents the formation of cancer cells, intoxication of the body.
  • fatty acids steatico and palmitelaico against atherosclerosis;
  • Vitamin K is good for the intestines, especially in children.

Olive oil benefits

Before choosing such a natural remedy, it is important to carefully study its beneficial properties, completely eliminate contraindications and harm to health. The benefits of olive oil are marked by modern medicine, dietetics, and cosmetology; even pregnant women are not prohibited for the prevention of the substances included in the composition. The healing properties of this oil base are detailed below:

  • lowering bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • mild laxative effect, especially relevant for chronic constipation;
  • skin rejuvenation, productive disposal of small mimic wrinkles;
  • prevention of diabetes;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • acceleration of the metabolic process;
  • improvement of the body during pregnancy;
  • improving the quality of hair, getting rid of dandruff;
  • maintenance of youth, natural beauty;
  • strengthening immunity for infants.

For women

If we talk about the female body, this product is valuable in modern gynecology. This is an excellent prevention of cancer, the benefits of this herbal component for patients at risk of breast cancer are especially obvious. The harm to health is minimal, but the therapeutic effect is noticeable immediately. The enormous benefits of olive oil for women are detailed below:

  • smoothing the dermis from wrinkles;
  • prevention of brittleness, hair loss;
  • nutrition and hydration of dry skin type;
  • increased lactation during breastfeeding;
  • strengthening immunity during pregnancy;
  • increasing the strength of nails;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

on an empty stomach

The use of the oil base inside is appropriate on an empty stomach, especially for problems with digestion, overweight. At first, it is recommended to use a teaspoon without harm to health, but then increase the dose to a tablespoon (also every day in the morning). The benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach are to start the digestive tract, accelerate the metabolic process, suppress appetite, prevent hemorrhoids, and eliminate toxins. The main thing is to take this unique remedy correctly.


Before choosing an oil base for intensive care, you need to decide on the variety, the method of processing olives after harvest. For example, according to the Spanish classification, this natural product is especially valuable after the first pressing. This is Extra virgin olive oil, which costs an order of magnitude more than its "followers". Virgin olive oil is a second-pressed product, therefore it is inferior in quality and characteristics. Pomace oil, Pure olive oil - extracts obtained by chemical extraction.

Effective treatment olive oil is possible when choosing a Greek product obtained by the first pressing method:

  • elimination of emotional instability, extensive nervous disorders;
  • strengthening of blood vessels and myocardium, especially in chronic "cores";
  • positive dynamics in back pain;
  • maintaining muscle tone, rapid recovery of affected tissues;
  • improvement in twilight vision.

For hair

Oil base the second spin is actively involved in cosmetology, and not only to eliminate facial wrinkles from the face, but also to strengthen hair follicles, improve the overall appearance of the hairstyle. Olive oil for hair has the following beneficial properties that remain without harm even after cold pressing:

  • moisturizing and nourishing hair follicles;
  • elimination of split ends;
  • smoothing naughty curls;
  • ensuring the durability of the hairstyle;
  • rich hair color after using a refined or unrefined base.

Learn more about what impact it has.

For face

Oil base after the first pressing is especially valuable for sensitive facial skin prone to dryness and flaking. The benefits and harms of olive oil are of interest to every woman, but even in the case of oily skin, such a unique composition does not harm. A few drops and a natural blush will appear on the cheeks, and soon there will be no trace of mimic wrinkles. Olive oil for the face can be used unfiltered, but first consult with your dermatologist.

For constipation

Cold pressing provides a mild laxative effect in the digestive organs. If you use olive oil for constipation in moderate portions, significant harm to digestive system completely excluded. But the benefits for intestinal motility are colossal, since after the first dose the stool normalizes, discomfort disappears and the most discomfort.

With gastritis

Wood oil is actively used for dangerous diseases of the stomach, prone to its chronic transformation, frequent relapses with acute pain attacks. Olive oil does not harm gastritis, but it envelops the affected mucosa, reduces the aggressive effect of certain foods, normalizes acidity gastric juice.

With pancreatitis

To cleanse the liver and facilitate the work of the pancreas, doctors in home environment it is recommended to use olive oil - the benefits and harms depend on daily doses, the method of direct use. In general, this natural remedy is used to cleanse the liver, eliminate intoxication products from the systemic circulation. Olive oil in pancreatitis reduces the number of attacks, prolongs the period of remission.

With hemorrhoids

To prevent the hemorrhoid from becoming inflamed, it is necessary to take Provence oil inside. The benefits of prevention are obvious, the harm is minimal. If inflammation prevails in the active phase, the patient is shown to use rectal suppositories with the participation of this plant component. Olive oil for hemorrhoids can be used internally and externally to enhance the desired therapeutic effect.

With stones in the gallbladder

With pathogenic stagnation of bile, as well as in the case of the formation of stones and sand, this natural product is useful. It has an anti-inflammatory and splitting effect, provides rapid movement and productive removal of such neoplasms in a natural way. Olive oil with stones in the gallbladder is the main or auxiliary medicine, is involved in the recipes for the preparation of healing fees. Apply carefully, otherwise blockage of the duct becomes harmful to health.

Olive oil - harm

There is also a negative effect on the body, for example, it's time to remember that this is a high-calorie product, which is allowed to be consumed in strictly limited doses. The harm of olive oil is present in baby food, so parents try to avoid the presence of a peanut, palmitic element in the product. Otherwise, the risk increases allergic reaction, the occurrence of problems with children's digestion.


This fragrant basis for treatment and prevention is not allowed for all interested buyers. Absolute contraindications of olive oil reduce the number of people who want to use this healing product in practice. Medical restrictions are as follows:

  • a tendency to an allergic reaction upon contact with this fragrant product;
  • the risk of developing obesity, diabetes;
  • fatty liver;
  • bowel disorder;
  • blockage of the duct with cholelithiasis;
  • potential complications of cholecystitis.
