Mastopathy of the breast: types, causes, symptoms and how it is treated. Mastopathy: symptoms, pathogenesis and signs of the disease Mastopathy in women symptoms

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the breast. In its occurrence, the imbalance of female sex hormones in the body is usually to blame. On breast self-examination, a woman may find quite clear signs pathology. It is not always possible to distinguish mastopathy from breast cancer in appearance. There are special methods that allow the doctor to find out exactly what kind of disease it is. The main thing is that the woman does not hesitate and does not listen to anyone's advice on how to get rid of seals on her own. The moment when the disease can be dealt with may be missed.

For development and condition female breast sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone, produced in the ovaries. An excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone leads to pathological changes in tissues. The cause of a violation of the hormonal composition can be diseases of the genital organs, long-term treatment or contraception with hormonal drugs.

An imbalance is formed when the natural course of physiological processes in the body is disturbed (termination of pregnancy, irregular sex life and others), as well as after operations on the uterus and ovaries. The formation of mastopathy is also facilitated by an excess of prolactin, a hormone that regulates milk production and the state of the glandular tissue.

Basically, all such processes occur at the age of 18-45 years. At risk are women 30-40 years old, so it is at this age that the first signs of a weakening of the functioning of the ovaries appear, changes in the ratio of hormones occur.

Video: What is mastopathy, how dangerous is it

Types of disease

There are 2 forms of mastopathy: diffuse and nodular. The nodular form is more dangerous, since in the advanced stage, a cancerous tumor may appear at the site of nodal neoplasms.

Diffuse mastopathy

It is considered the initial stage of the disease. The growth of connective tissue cells occurs unevenly, which leads to the appearance of small nodules, stretching of individual tissue sections, and the formation of cysts. The development of glandular tissue cells is also disturbed. As a result of these changes, a pulling pain appears in the woman's chest, the mammary gland becomes dense. Painful symptoms are worse before menstruation, when the breasts swell.

There are several varieties of diffuse breast mastopathy:

  1. Glandular (adenosis) - with the predominant development of glandular tissue compared to connective.
  2. Glandular cystic. Predominantly glandular tissue develops abnormally, and multiple cysts form in it.
  3. Fibrocystic. There is a proliferation of connective (fibrous) tissue, in which cysts appear.

With mixed mastopathy, cysts form in both tissues. Growth occurs with a predominance of fibrous tissue.

Nodular mastopathy

It usually develops against the background of diffuse mastopathy. There is an increase in nodes in any part of the mammary gland due to the presence of intraductal papilloma, the formation of a large cyst or tumor (fibroadenomas, lipomas). Abnormal changes occur predominantly in fibrous tissue.

Signs of nodular mastopathy are seals that appear on one of the sections of the gland, swelling and redness of the skin over this area, the presence of discharge from the nipple (transparent, white, pinkish).

Depending on what neoplasm caused nodular mastopathy, it is divided into the following types:

  • fibrocystic (with cysts in fibrous tissue);
  • fibrous, when nodes appear in a certain area of ​​​​the connective tissue;
  • lobular (glandular) - germination of connective tissue in the epithelium of the lobules of the mammary gland.

The proliferation of tissues leads to the appearance of papillomas (papillae) on the epithelium of the ducts, the formation of a multilayered epithelium that narrows the lumen of the ducts, and also to the appearance of large cystic cavities.

Depending on how pronounced such changes in the epithelium are, mastopathy is divided into simple (there is an increase in the number of cells without changing their structure) and proliferating (there is a change in the structure of cells). As a result of proliferation, so-called atypical cells appear with larger nuclei and irregular division. These cells can become cancerous, so proliferating nodular mastopathy of the breast is considered a precancerous disease. Especially dangerous is the formation of leaf-shaped cysts in the breast tissue (flat multilayer cavities with overgrown layers of the epithelium). Mastopathy of this kind degenerates into sarcoma.

Video: Causes, symptoms and diagnosis of mastopathy

Symptoms and signs

The nature of the symptoms depends on the form of mastopathy, its stage and the characteristics of the body of the patient herself.

Pain in chest before menstruation. At first, a woman may perceive it as a normal premenstrual symptom, especially since it disappears at the end of menstruation. But the next time, the pulling pain can turn into a sharp, stabbing, stronger one. She begins to give in the hand, under the shoulder blade.

breast swelling in the second half of the cycle. The growing tissues begin to compress the vessels, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to swelling, an increase in the volume of the gland.

Discharge from nipples. They appear when pressed. The color of the discharge can be almost anything. Greenish discharge occurs if an inflammatory process occurs in the ducts or lobules. The most dangerous are spotting, which can be a sign of the appearance of a malignant tumor.

The appearance of seals in the chest. Nodes are formed in one or both mammary glands, in a single amount or several at once.

With diffuse mastopathy, fine-grained seals are palpated due to an increase in the size of the lobules in the mammary gland. With nodular mastopathy, seals can reach a size of 7 cm. They do not have clear boundaries. In a large cyst, on the contrary, the seal has a well-defined contour. The neoplasm is mobile, not connected with the skin.

What is the danger of mastopathy

The disease must be eliminated. As a rule, hormone-containing preparations are used. In advanced cases, surgery to remove a dangerous node. Mastopathy does not go away on its own. If the disease is not controlled, the seal may increase in size, turn into cancerous tumor. One of the signs of mastopathy of the mammary gland, indicating a dangerous degeneration, is the appearance of many small calcifications in the mammary gland.

The danger is also the occurrence of inflammatory processes in areas with damaged tissue structure, fluid suppuration in cysts. Cysts can burst, leading to widespread inflammation of the breast.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

Mammological examination consists primarily of palpation and visual inspection glands. important methods diagnostics are mammography (an x-ray of the mammary glands, which is performed for women over 35), as well as ultrasound. This method can detect neoplasms with a size of 1-2 mm.

The nature of the compaction is clarified with the help of a biopsy - sampling and examining it under a microscope to detect atypical or cancerous cells.

Video: Prevention of mastopathy

Prevention of mastopathy and its complications

The basis of prevention is regular self-examination of the mammary glands. It is carried out on the 5th-7th day from the onset of menstruation, when the breasts are softest. It is carried out in a standing and lying position.

If you find seals of any size, an increase in the volume of the glands, the appearance of discharge from the nipples, redness and swelling of the skin and other symptoms of breast mastopathy, it is urgent to undergo an examination by a mammologist. An important reason for this is the appearance of characteristic chest pains.

Prevention of mastopathy is also timely treatment gynecological and endocrine diseases. It is necessary to be careful about the use of hormonal drugs. They must be individually prescribed by a doctor. New generation drugs are used, containing, in addition to estrogen, also progesterone. This reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Mastopathy of the mammary glands is a common name benign tumors that occur in the chest. The glands consist of their own tissue that produces milk, it is located in the connective tissue frame in the form of islands. If the cells proliferate, seals form in the form of single or multiple fine-grained nodules and cysts of various sizes, which can cause pain feeling of heaviness and swelling of the chest. Currently, there is a clear increase in the number of women who have this pathology. Most often it appears in the representatives of the weaker sex in childbearing period but it also happens during installation menstrual cycle and during menopause.

With proper and timely therapy, the tumor can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated. Lack of treatment can cause serious complications that require surgical intervention in the form of a puncture or complete removal of the damaged chest sector. That is why it is important to understand what mastopathy of the mammary glands is, what signs you need to pay attention to in order to contact your doctor in a timely manner and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

Note! Many people think that mastopathy refers to women's diseases. But there are times when this disease also occurs in men, although this happens much less often than in women. Mastopathy in men is called gynecomastia.

Types of mastopathy

There are many forms of breast mastopathy:

  • diffuse mastopathy mammary gland- glandular or fibrous tissue (fibroadenomatosis) grows evenly, there are many seals in the glands;
  • cystic mastopathy of the mammary glands- the presence of seals in the form of small capsules that are filled with fluid (cysts);
  • fibrocystic breast disease- both cysts and seals appear in the connective tissue, as well as fibroadenomas and intraductal papillomas;
  • diffuse cystic mastopathy- diffuse form with the dominance of the cystic component;
  • nodular mastopathy of the mammary gland or focal - in the tissues of the chest organ, single formations are formed in the form of nodes;
  • glandular form- characterized by breast enlargement.

Important! In some cases, deposits occur at the site of cysts, which over time can lead to the formation of an oncological process.

Mastopathy of the mammary glands - causes of development

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is a complex of breast diseases that is caused by hormonal imbalance. By various reasons there is an increase in the amount of estrogen in the female body, and the amount of progesterone decreases.

The reasons for the imbalance can be as follows:

  • heredity;
  • abortion or;
  • conception of the first child after 30 years;
  • use of inappropriate contraception;
  • irregular sex life;
  • and premenopause;
  • if a woman does not breastfeed after the birth of a baby;
  • breastfeeding for less than six months;
  • early onset of menstruation in adolescent girls;
  • long-term use of drugs containing hormones;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland or pancreas;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • stressful and depressive conditions;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • bruises and injuries of the chest;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable bras;
  • diseases of the female genital area of ​​an infectious and inflammatory nature;
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • solar insolation of the mammary gland;
  • diets and insufficient receipt by the body of all the substances it needs;
  • obesity.

Diseases of the mammary glands develop, as a rule, under the influence of the listed reasons, not immediately, when they accumulate over several years (on average, two years), FCM appears. Depending on the individual characteristics of each person, mastopathy proceeds relatively easily, aggravating in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The disease itself is not terrible, but can lead to severe complications and to the development of the tumor process.

Symptoms of the disease

Often, signs of mastopathy of the mammary gland on initial stage diseases are invisible. The presence of pathology can be determined by chance. With further development, it begins to appear clinical picture. There is a process of proliferation of connective tissue, small seals appear. The main symptom is pain in the chest, shoulder and arm of a aching nature.

Other symptoms and signs of mastopathy:

  • engorgement, swelling and increased sensitivity of the breast;
  • increasing the sensitivity of the nipples and enhancing their color;
  • elevations and depressions on the skin of the chest;
  • noticeable asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • palpable compaction of the area or the entire chest, fine-grained foci, dense nodes, or cavities filled with fluid in a dense capsule (cysts);
  • discharge from the nipple is clear or green-brown;
  • enlargement, soreness and swelling of the axillary lymph nodes;

Diagnosis of mastopathy - which doctor should I contact?

If the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is important to go to an appointment with a mammologist without delay. Reception and diagnosis occurs in several stages:

  • initial examination - the doctor asks about the menstrual cycle, diseases, sexual life, etc.; probes the chest and lymph nodes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits and thyroid gland, examines the area near the nipples, checks for discharge;
  • mammography - this study done in the first days of the cycle, it is an x-ray of the breast in two positions and shows whether there are lumps and how much they have spread. You can do this procedure only once a year;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary gland - mastopathy is quite often detected by this method, which allows you to find out what structure the formations in the chest have. Ultrasound procedure done in the first days of the cycle;
  • - is carried out to determine a benign or malignant tumor, for this a piece of tissue is taken from the patient with a needle and examined under a special microscope. If dangerous formations are detected, it is necessary to consult an oncologist with the appointment of the necessary course of treatment;
  • hormonal tests - are prescribed if there is a possibility of hormonal disorders and the presence of problems with the thyroid gland;
  • examination of the pelvic organs, kidneys, liver - to identify complications.

Mastopathy- a disease that is difficult to diagnose, therefore professional research is important. Do not self-medicate, the wrong medication can harm the body and transfer the pathology to a more severe stage.

Important! To medicines harmoniously complemented each other, they should be selected by a mammologist. If a sick woman wants to try one of the traditional medicine recipes, you must first discuss this with your doctor.

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy

The method of treatment of pathology depends on its stage and type. Mainly used complex therapy, which involves the elimination of factors that influenced the development of the disease, medication, diet and treatment folk remedies.

Note! All drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects. Especially dangerous is the illiterate intake of hormonal drugs.

In the early stages, treatment may be limited to compresses, taking homeopathic remedies and decoctions. For pain relief, antispasmodics are prescribed, anticonvulsants and lungs.

In inflammatory processes, antibiotics are taken to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the breast is carried out using penicillins and cephalosporins. Patients are prescribed a course lasting no more than five days. For a more effective effect of drugs, the simultaneous use of herbal remedies, for example, Wobenzym, is recommended.

If the form of the disease is more complex, therapy is carried out using hormonal drugs. Antiestrogens are used - Torimefen, Tamoxifen; prolactinov - Bromkriplin Poly, Laktodel, Serocriptin; gestagens - Utrozhestan, Progestogel, Norkolut. New generation oral contraceptives are also prescribed to equalize hormonal levels, the most popular include Jess, Marvelon, Median. Additional drink required vitamin complexes, often prescribed, and sedatives to restore the psycho-emotional background, especially for those who have severe stress as the cause of the disease.

This treatment has contraindications:

  • age from forty years;
  • Availability ;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • the risk of developing a malignant tumor.

For a milder effect, non-hormonal medicines based on herbal ingredients and enriched with vitamins are used - Femicaps, Milife, Mammoleptin, Mastodinone. Contraindications to taking these drugs are minimal, and they are also suitable for older patients with a nodular form of mastopathy.

To remove swelling, pain, heaviness and other similar symptoms, topical agents help - ointments, gels, creams, which include herbal extracts, propolis, aloe, cedar, natural oils. These drugs have a noticeable decongestant, sedative and analgesic effect.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective - electrophoresis, laser therapy, etc. How to treat mastopathy of the mammary glands is decided by the doctor, all therapy is carried out under his supervision.

In cases of active tumor growth, suspicion of oncology, or recurrence of a previously cured cyst, surgical intervention is necessary. Both part of the tumor and the entire mammary gland are removed. Before the operation, the patient undergoes an examination, which takes up to ten days, the operation itself lasts no longer than an hour. In good condition, the patient is discharged a day after the procedure and observed for two weeks, then the stitches are removed.

The use of folk remedies

Alternative treatment is effective only at the beginning of the disease, at more advanced stages it is only an addition to drug therapy. Decoctions, tinctures, compresses and balms are used.

  • Decoctions- help to optimize the hormonal background, relieve inflammation and cope with tumors. Herbs are poured with boiling water, let them brew and are taken orally. Depending on the composition, decoctions can have a tonic, analgesic, sedative effect. Vitamin teas are well suited, based on rose hips, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, as additional components, you can add chamomile, mint, sage. Herbal medicine involves the use of decoctions of several herbs, ready-made fees are sold in pharmacies. Also used decoctions from:
  1. burdock root;
  2. yarrow;
  3. burdock;
  4. chaga;
  5. boron uterus.
  • Tinctures- crushed raw materials are poured with vodka or medical alcohol and infused in a dark place. Then the liquid is filtered, poured into a dark glass container and stored in a cold place. Before use, the tincture must be diluted with water. Tinctures from:
  1. pine nuts;
  2. boron uterus;
  3. calendula;
  4. propolis.
  • Lotions and compresses- apply for the whole night on the chest, the procedure must be repeated daily for several weeks until the desired result is achieved. The following compresses are effective:
  1. from burdock leaves;
  2. from cabbage leaves;
  3. from pumpkin pulp;
  4. from grated beets with;
  5. from rye bread.

  • Massage- made at home light conditions in a circular motion, it is advisable to use camphor oil.
  • Ointments and balms- the most effective ointments are made from a concentrated decoction of celandine, aconite or burnet, which is mixed with castor oil in the same ratio. In this mixture, moisten a cotton rag and put it on problem areas, fixing it with a bandage.

For effective treatment, you need to choose 2-3 suitable methods and complete the course, then take a break, after which you can adjust or change the treatment regimen. With mastopathy, potato juice, honey, salt, iodine mesh, castor oil also help well. With a complex effect from the outside and from the inside, the disease can be cured and seals can resolve after a month.

To help recovery and eliminate relapses will help a diet that maintains weight within normal limits. To do this, you need to exclude fatty, salty, spicy, smoked foods, refuse flour and sugar, instead of black tea and coffee, it is advisable to drink green and herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices, clean still water, enrich the diet with food that is rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, cereals, dairy products. Nutrition should be balanced, eating should be carried out in small portions 4-5 times a day.

Preventive actions

To exclude the development of mastopathy, certain measures must be observed:

  • healthy eating;
  • adequate drinking;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • monitor your weight;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regular sex life;
  • correct daily routine;
  • avoid stress and conflicts;
  • refusal of sunbathing and solarium;
  • prolonged breastfeeding;
  • monitoring the health of the pelvic organs;
  • selection hormonal contraceptives only with the help of a doctor;
  • breast self-examination once a month;
  • preventive examinations by a mammologist.

Women's breasts- a delicate organ that requires increased attention. But if mastopathy is still diagnosed, you should not be afraid and despair, because timely and correct treatment allows you to get rid of the disease in a fairly short time.


Female disease called breast mastopathy - what is it? Fibrocystic pathology, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms? medical term"Mastopathy" unites a group of pathological processes that are associated with changes in the mammary glands. The disease has several causes, and late diagnosis can lead to dire consequences.

What is mastopathy

Benign tumors cause pain syndrome and serve as a trigger for the development of cancer. What is breast mastopathy? Disease of the mammary glands (mastopatia) of a dishormonal nature, characterized by the growth of the connective tissue of the breast and glandular fat cells, which is accompanied by the appearance of cystic formations and fine-grained seals. There are 2 main forms of the analyzed disease, but according to the characteristics of the manifestation they are divided as follows:

    diffuse mastopathy;

  • adenomatous;
  • nodal.


The diffuse form of mastopathy affects the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland and is divided into two forms: cystic and fibrous. The appearance of a fibrous node indicates a painful condition. This ailment looks like an increase in the connective tissues of the mammary glands. The fibrous form of the disease affects young girls and women after menopause. The reason may be an imbalance of hormones that occurs during stress or under the influence of negative factors.


Thanks to the name, the characteristic of fibrocystic mastopathy becomes clear, which is associated with the appearance of special nodes with the fluid contained inside. Cystic formations have a soft structure and clear contours. When cysts appear, the onset critical days accompanied by soreness of the mammary glands. Women over the age of 50 are at risk of developing a cystic form. During this period, there is a predominance of estrogen in the body.


Excessive growth of connective tissue is observed in diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy (DFCM). The mixed form is accompanied by the appearance of small cystic tumors. Formations can be scattered in a chaotic manner. Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands manifests itself simultaneously on two breasts, therefore it has a second name: bilateral diffuse mastopathy. Inside the tumors there is a transparent liquid, however, it is not possible to take a puncture for analysis of the contents due to the small size of the formation.

What is dangerous mastopathy

Having diagnosed mastopathy, one should not let the treatment take its course. This disease cannot go away on its own. A mammologist will issue a conclusion, make a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment. The most important danger of mastopathy is the ability to develop into breast cancer. Knowing the peculiarity of the pathology, doctors are wary of mastopathy, immediately defining it as a precancerous condition, although initially the formation is benign.

Causes of mastopathy

In most cases, women over 40 years old fall into the risk group, but the risk of developing the disease in young girls is not excluded. More than others, mastopathy affects patients who have suffered from many gynecological diseases. The further development of the disease is directly related to neurohumoral regulation (violation of the vital processes of the body).

Numerous hormones are responsible for breast growth and development, the most significant of which are: progesterone, estrogens, growth hormone and prolactin. The state of the mammary glands depends on the ratio of hormones in the body. Hormonal imbalance entails a chance of developing an ailment. Other causes of mastopathy include:

    the onset of menopause later than normal;

  • termination of pregnancy or its absence throughout life;
  • earlier onset of menarche (menstruation);
  • rejection breastfeeding child;
  • the woman's age is over 35;
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of mastopathy

The benign disease is characteristics pathological process, with the appearance of which women should consult a doctor until the disease has acquired the form of cancer. Symptoms depend on the degree of development of mastopathy, the most common of which are: pain, breast engorgement in the 2nd phase of menstruation, the appearance of nodules and discharge from the nipples. Echo-signs of the disease are determined by ultrasound. Its characteristic features depend on the form of the disease:

    Diffuse fibroadenomatosis affects young women. There is a syndrome of "stone chest", you can feel the granularity. There is pain, which can only be relieved by analgesics.

  1. If the previous type of disease is not cured, then nodular mastopathy will begin to develop. Palpation reveals cysts, seals, nodules. All formations do not have clear boundaries and can reach 7 cm.

First signs

The initial symptoms of the disease go unnoticed. Discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands may alert: it occurs depending on the menstrual cycle, the symptom is especially pronounced during PMS. Often women do not notice changes, and at this time the disease develops further. The following signs may be:

    minor pain;

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • seal;
  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • clear liquid from the nipple;
  • enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes.


Unpleasant pain sensations can be both strong and mild: their intensity and nature of manifestation depend on the stage of mastopathy. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by pain before the onset of menstruation, therefore it is perceived by patients as part of PMS. Mastopathy is characterized by stagnation of venous blood, which leads to severe pain (in which it is impossible to touch the mammary glands) and swelling. Types of pain in mastopathy are:

  • stupid;
  • pulling;
  • aching.


The next sign of mastopathy makes you immediately run to the doctor when it appears. Allocations can be detected both with pressure on the nipple, and without effort. The color of the liquid can be bloody, white, brown (purulent), green. In the absence of discharge, the doctor talks about their transparent color. A bloody shade with blood impurities indicates specific processes in the mammary gland of a malignant nature. In the body of a healthy woman, no discharge should be observed, except during lactation or during pregnancy.

How to treat mastopathy

This disease must be identified as soon as possible. If a pathology is detected, it is necessary to undergo a mammogram. The specialist makes a diagnosis, chooses the tactics of treatment and the scheme, depending on the factors: the age of the patient, concomitant diseases, the degree of development of the disease, the nature of the violation of the menstrual cycle. With fibrocystic mastopathy, not only therapy, but also surgical intervention may be required.

When mastopathy develops into a malignant tumor, it is immediately removed. The operation for mastopathy is called sectoral resection of the mammary gland: the breast remains intact, and only part of the tissue and fibroadenoma are excised. Used as anesthesia during surgery general anesthesia, and the marking of the alleged incisions is made in advance. To maintain cosmetic aesthetics helps control with ultrasound.

Treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the breast

With a moderate diffuse form of mastopathy, it is necessary conservative treatment, but the prescription of drugs is possible only after complete examination women and after a conversation with a mammologist. Treatment of a disease with a fibromatous component occurs through the use of homeopathic medicines. The specialist will select a treatment complex that will help regulate hormones by strengthening the body's defenses. If reception medications insufficient, adequate hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of cystic mastopathy

Features of therapy of the fibrocystic form of the disease include a whole range of measures. The first thing to do is to adjust your diet, start taking vitamins and minerals. With a benign formation, drug therapy will help and surgery is not required. How to treat breast mastopathy? Fibrocystosis is treated with the following drugs:

    diuretic drugs;

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • sedatives;
  • means for reducing the bioactivity of estrogens;
  • dietary supplements (Feokarpin);
  • medicines to relieve symptoms;
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • means for regulating work thyroid gland.

Mastopathy pills

Before taking any medicines it is necessary to consult a doctor who will select individual drugs suitable for each degree of development of the disease. The main rules in the treatment of tablets is the observance of the regimen and the need not to interrupt the course. Among the most effective pills from mastopathy allocate:

    Mamoklam (substance "Klam", higher fatty acids, iodine (in terms of dry matter)), drug in the form of tablets. Helps to reduce the manifestations of mastalgia, premenstrual syndrome, leads to regression of cysts, normalizes the proliferation of the epithelium of the mammary glands. It is used orally before meals, a single dose - 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times / day at regular intervals during the day ( daily dose 3-6 tab.).

    Mastodinone (iodine, chlorophyll, kelp algae) - the drug is also available in the form of drops;

  • Mammoleptin (deer horn, ginseng root);

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The main cause of pain in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands is an inflammatory process, which drugs help to remove. The doctor prescribes non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs before the onset of menstruation. Anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate acute attacks of mastopathy, but since this group of drugs is potent, they cannot be taken for a long time. A long course of administration leads to the opposite effect - the growth of tumor-like formations and blood stagnation. Take the following anti-inflammatory medications:


  • Indomethacin;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.

Iodine preparations

The component is involved in the normalization of the synthesis of thyroid hormones, the disruption of which leads to the development of mastopathy. The daily requirement of the element is from 50 to 200 mcg. A large number of iodine is found in seafood, iodized salt, eggs, milk, beef liver. You can make up for the lack of an element with the help of drugs:

    Iodine active;

  • Iodomarin;
  • Mastovit;
  • Klamin;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Kelp.

Hormonal drugs

The goals of starting hormone therapy are to reduce the amount of estrogen, normalize the level of hypothyroidism (thyroid hormones) and prolactin. Antiestrogen treatment blocks specific receptors that estrogen interacts with, resulting in a decrease in biological activity. Among these drugs, Toremifene and Tamoxifen are distinguished, a noticeable effect from which can be obtained after 3 months of admission. Prevention of breast cancer are oral contraceptives (contraceptives), which change the hormonal background.

Folk remedies for breast mastopathy

The advantage of using folk remedies for the treatment of mastopathy is that they have no contraindications, except for personal intolerance. Natural preparations are applied externally in the form of ointments and compresses of their own manufacture. All medicines can be combined with medication. There are many therapeutic methods against mastopathy associated with the preparation of herbs. Effective recipes for the treatment of folk remedies are presented in the table below:


Component Cooking Duration
Application Carrot, beetroot, sea buckthorn oil, golden root The vegetable is rubbed, mixed with half tbsp. juice, mixed with a spoonful of root, oil (4 tablespoons) The mixture is applied to the mammary gland for 3 hours
Compress Cabbage Wash the leaf and cut off the dense veins Apply to the mammary gland for 2-3 hours every day until the symptoms disappear, change the old sheet to a new one
Compress Onion Bake in the oven, cut in half Apply to the mammary gland, fix overnight, 2-3 procedures

Video: what is mastopathy in women

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Mastopathy is a benign (in the vast majority of cases) disease of the mammary glands that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance in the female body. Mastopathy, the symptoms of which occur in women of the reproductive age group (within 18-45 years), is characterized by the development of pathological processes in the tissues of the glands in the form of growths.

general description

As we have already noted, mastopathy occurs in women who are in the reproductive age range, that is, at the age of 18-45, while the peak incidence is observed in the period of 30-45 years. By revising physiological characteristics characteristic of the female body, the essence of the development of this disease is quite easy to explain, let's try to do it.

To begin with, let's consider what the mammary gland consists of, and it consists of glandular tissue, which contains a significant number of tubules with cells that promote the release of milk. The specified glandular tissue in each gland is divided into lobes (in the amount of 15-20), they, during lactation (actual breastfeeding) provide milk release, which is accompanied by the opening of the ducts located at the top of the nipple. In the interlobular areas of the mammary glands, a fairly dense connective tissue, through which the maintenance of the shares is ensured while simultaneously forming with its help a kind of capsule in the mammary gland. Such a capsule looks like a dense shell that fixes the mammary glands in relation to the tissues that surround it. In addition, the lobes of the mammary glands also have adipose tissue, through which the roundness of the shape of the breast is created. When considering healthy women, it can be noted that their ratio of connective tissue (providing maintenance) and glandular tissue (in other words, working) is determined by constant and well-defined limits in the mammary glands, which ensures their normal structure and normal functioning.

Every month, a woman's body undergoes cyclical changes that occur against the background of hormonal influence from progesterone and estrogen. These hormones not only provide regulation of the two-phase menstrual cycle, but also directly affect the tissues of the mammary glands.

If we consider the processes of such hormonal influence in the norm, then in this case, the effect of estrogens formed during the period of the first phase of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation) leads to the development of proliferative processes in the mammary glands, which implies cell reproduction (proliferation). In turn, progesterone, formed during the period of the second phase of the menstrual cycle (respectively, after ovulation, before the onset of menstruation), leads to a limitation of the action produced by estrogens, thereby ensuring inhibition of cell reproduction processes. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone, because its effect leads to an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, they are prepared for breastfeeding. Exposure to estrogen causes the breast tissue to swell. The mammary glands increase by the second half of the cycle, the increase is insignificant, but quite clearly noticeable by the vast majority of women, which is described by them in the variant of increased tension and sensitivity of the breast.

In the absence of pregnancy, the level of estrogen rises, as a result of which the mammary glands undergo changes leading to the opposite state, that is, to reduce them in size and correspond to their previous indicators. If pregnancy occurs, then prolactin in the blood increases in terms, which, accordingly, indicates its subsequent impact on the processes of milk production in the mammary glands.

With regard to deviations from the norm regarding the processes under consideration, the picture is as follows. Due to the influence of a number of adverse factors, a violation of the normal hormonal balance occurs, as a result of which estrogens are formed in excess, but progesterone, which prevents this, is formed in an insufficient amount to normalize the processes. Thus, there is an excessive reproduction of cells in the tissues of the mammary glands, as a result of which mastopathy develops.

In some cases, the development of this disease is facilitated by excessive production of another hormone - prolactin, which is produced by the pituitary gland. Consideration of the normal situation with the production of this hormone indicates increased volumes of its production during pregnancy and lactation (which is necessary for the appearance and production of milk for feeding the baby). In the pathological variant of consideration of its production, the excess is also noted outside the pregnancy factor accompanying this process, respectively, this variant is not just a pathology, but also a condition for the development of mastopathy.

Causes of mastopathy

In addition to the main conditions highlighted above, based on hormonal disorders, as a result of which mastopathy develops, other causes of this disease are distinguished. These include the following factors:

  • tumor formations in the ovaries, their inflammation (salpingoophoritis, adnexitis), uterine fibroids, endometriosis - these factors contribute to the disruption of the production of sex hormones in the woman's body, which, accordingly, leads to mastopathy;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • diseases associated with the functions of the thyroid gland (diabetes, hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome with concomitant obesity and increased blood pressure);
  • irregularity of sexual life;
  • liver disease;
  • the presence of actual psychological problems (neurosis, stress, depression, etc.);
  • absence of pregnancy and, accordingly, childbirth before reaching the age of 30 years;
  • actual hereditary predisposition;
  • frequent abortions - in this case, the situation is considered from the side of changing the functioning of the female body as a whole, which occurs from the very first days of pregnancy, this is in preparation for childbirth and for the corresponding changes in the state of the mammary glands, in which abortions lead to hormonal disruptions and to mastopathy against their background;
  • injury to the mammary glands, which is also true when wearing tight and uncomfortable bras with metal bones in them (as a result of which it is advisable to single out microtraumas to which the chest is exposed in this case);
  • refusal to breastfeed a child, untimely interruption of such feeding;
  • long-term treatment with hormones;
  • Availability chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol and smoking);
  • deficiency in the body of iodine.

Mastopathy: forms (types)

A characteristic feature of diffuse forms of mastopathy is the actual series of changes that occur in the tissue of the mammary glands, we will single out their varieties:

  • Diffuse mastopathy, characterized by the predominance of the glandular component in it (adenosis of the mammary glands). For this form of mastopathy, as can be assumed from its initial definition, excessive growth of glandular tissue in the mammary glands is characteristic, due to which there is an increase in the mammary glands that produce milk.
  • Diffuse fibro-osseous mastopathy, characterized by a predominance of the cystic component in the accompanying processes. In particular, this form of mastopathy is manifested by the formation of small cavities containing fluid (that is, vesicles with fluid), which are otherwise defined as cysts.
  • Diffuse cystic-fibrous mastopathy with a predominant fibrous component (fibrous mastopathy). In this case, mastopathy is accompanied by a predominance of connective tissue in the mammary gland.
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy mixed. This form of mastopathy is characterized by the growth of connective tissue with the simultaneous appearance of cysts (cavities) in the mammary gland.

In nodular forms of the disease, the mammary glands are affected locally (that is, the mammary gland is not completely affected, but only in certain segments of it). Given the peculiarity of the lesion in nodular mastopathy, the areas of seals are limited, and these seals develop after the diffuse form of mastopathy that precedes them. The most common form of nodular mastopathy is fibroadenoma. This formation has a rounded shape, it is quite dense and mobile. Most of the fibroadenoma is formed in women at a young age. This formation is benign, its elimination is carried out mainly through surgical intervention.

Let us summarize the main points regarding the varieties of mastopathy. Nodular mastopathy - mastopathy, the symptoms of which are manifested against the background of single seals; fibrocystic mastopathy - symptoms appear against the background of the development of cysts, as well as fibroadenomas and papillomas (intraductal); cystic mastopathy - symptoms appear against the background of the formation of cysts; diffuse mastopathy - symptoms appear against the background of the appearance of many seals in the mammary glands. In general, fibrous mastopathy is a mastopathy, the symptoms of which indicate the relevance of a benign process in nature, in which cysts, fibroses and dense nodes are formed in the mammary glands. Let us dwell in more detail on the symptoms of mastopathy, in which we highlight some of the features inherent in each of the varieties of its forms.

Mastopathy: symptoms

The most common signs of mastopathy are the following manifestations of this disease:

  • soreness noted in the mammary glands, which has a constant or periodic manifestation, and the intensification of this soreness often occurs at the beginning of menstruation, and subsidence - to its completion;
  • discharge from the nipples (reminiscent of colostrum, etc.);
  • sensation of the appearance of a seal in the mammary gland;
  • the appearance of nodules in the gland.

Most often, the manifestations of the disease in question are the appearance of seals in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissues of the gland, their nature is tumor-like (an actual feature of nodular mastopathy). Another form of the disease, diffuse mastopathy, is characterized by the fact that the breast tissue is painful and somewhat dense to the touch. Fibrocystic mastopathy combines the changes indicated in the previous options. As a rule, changes that occur in the gland are detected from the side of its upper part.

A feature of fibrocystic mastopathy is that its course, in contrast to such a disease as, for example, breast cancer, consists in the defeat of both glands at once (with cancer, only one of the glands is predominantly affected). As can be determined directly from the definition of this form of mastopathy (fibrocystic mastopathy), the changes that occur with it are fibrous in nature and cystic in nature, with one of these components predominating.

Considering these components in particular, the following picture emerges. Yes, dominant fibrous component characterized by the appearance of compaction. If the cystic component predominates, then the gland tissues in this case contain many cysts in the region of the milk ducts (that is, microcysts). The onset of the disease in this case is accompanied by such small formations that it is impossible to recognize them either by palpation (palpation) or by ultrasound - the nature of the changes can be traced in this case only with the use of a microscope for this purpose.

Let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the listed symptoms.

  • Soreness of the breast

The pain that appears with mastopathy can be described as aching in nature, in some cases accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, concentrated, as is clear, in the mammary glands. Increased pain occurs within the premenstrual period (which we noted earlier in one of the two phases of the cycle, against the background of increased estrogen production). With mastopathy, pain is not only local, but often radiates (spreads) to the shoulder blade or to the arm, neck.

Pain is one of the main symptoms indicating mastopathy, however, despite this, about 10-15% of patients do not experience it. In this case, palpation and examination determines the same changes that accompany the course of the disease in those women who have pain. Such a course of the disease can be explained, for example, by the difference in the threshold of pain sensitivity, individual for each patient individually.

Pain in mastopathy is due to the fact that the processes relevant to the disease lead to compression of the nerve endings by cystic formations and connective tissue while simultaneously involving these nerve endings in the sclerotic tissue.

About 10% of patients are faced with an increase in lymph nodes with mastopathy (they are affected in the armpit), as well as with a certain degree of pain.

  • Enlargement of the mammary glands in volumes

This manifestation of symptoms consists in periodic engorgement of the glands, which is associated, as we noted earlier, with the same menstrual cycle. Such engorgement occurs due to venous stasis, as well as swelling to which the connective tissue is subject. On average, an increase in the mammary glands occurs within the limits of 15%, which is also accompanied by increased sensitivity of the mammary glands (it consists in the characteristic discomfort noted during probing), and, again, soreness. In some cases, sensations are accompanied by abdominal discomfort and headaches, anxiety and general nervous irritation. Similar symptoms generally determine premenstrual syndrome.

  • Discharge from the nipples

By the nature of the discharge from the nipples with mastopathy can be very different. So, they are abundant (which consists in their independent manifestation) or situational (that is, they appear only during pressure on the nipple). Discharge from the chest can be either transparent or whitish, or brown. A particular danger lies in the appearance spotting- a similar manifestation in mastopathy indicates the transition of the process into a malignant form of the course. It is important to understand that regardless of the color, nature and consistency of discharge from the chest, you must immediately visit the appropriate specialist!

  • The appearance of a node / nodes in the chest

In the case of nodular mastopathy, a node (or nodes) is detected, which has quite clearly palpable contours. As for the size of such a node, they can reach various limits. It is often quite difficult to determine what exactly is relevant in a particular case, nodular mastopathy or breast cancer. Accordingly, additional diagnostic measures are applied to clarify the nature of such a neoplasm in detail.


In the diagnosis of the disease, various methods are used, we highlight them below:

  • Palpation (palpation) of the glands. This research method allows you to make a primary diagnosis on your own, which makes it possible to early detection the disease in question. Palpation by itself means, as noted, palpation, respectively, with its help it is possible to determine the features of the structure of the mammary glands, and also to determine whether there are seals in the chest, whether pain appears. The doctor also performs palpation, which is done to establish a preliminary version of the diagnosis, followed by orientation to additional diagnostic measures.
  • Mammography. It consists in a study in which it is done X-ray glands. Mammography makes it possible to determine even the presence of small seals in the glands, the identification of which during palpation is not possible.
  • ultrasound. With the help of this procedure, it is possible to detect changes that the mammary glands are subject to in a particular case (diffuse, nodular changes). The combination of this method and the previous one, mammography, makes it possible to determine mastopathy with the greatest efficiency according to the diagnostic measures already considered.
  • Puncture. It is used to study nodular neoplasm. The use of this method allows, with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy, to determine the nature of the structure inherent in the node, as well as to perform simultaneous differential diagnosis (distinguish mastopathy from a number of other diseases that are relevant to the mammary glands, for example, this may relate to breast cancer, etc.) . A syringe is used for puncture, the game is introduced into the mammary gland node, which is done to remove its cells and for subsequent examination already under a microscope.

If there are certain difficulties in diagnosing, then additional measures are applied, for example, ductography, Doppler sonography, etc.

Breast examination is especially important for women who have crossed the age threshold of 35 years, because it is from this time that such hormonal changes become relevant, which subsequently develop enough dangerous diseases. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention on their own health in this regard to those women who among their closest relatives were previously diagnosed with breast cancer (mother, aunt, sister).

Primary self-examination for mastopathy is carried out after the end of menstruation - it is during this period that the signs of the development of diseases of the mammary glands appear in the most pronounced form.

  • Self-examination in the supine position:
  • the chest is mentally divided into four parts (lateral, lower, upper part);
  • each of the departments is probed in detail for the detection of seals or nodules in it.
  • Self-examination in front of a mirror.
  • it is necessary to raise your hands up and evaluate the features of the external contours of the breast, nipples: no depressions should appear on the breast itself, the nipples should correspond in shape correct characteristics;
  • each of the nipples is gently pulled back in turn, which makes it possible, thereby, to make sure that there is no/presence of secretions.

The development of diseases of the mammary glands is evidenced by such signs as:

  • the appearance of folds on the skin of the mammary glands;
  • probing seals;
  • detection of skin retractions;
  • the presence of pain, incl. with their spread to the shoulder blade, arm or neck;
  • changes in the shape of the nipples, their color, discharge from them.

For a substantive introduction to the independent conduct of the primary survey can be found below.


The basic principles used in the treatment of the disease we are considering are to normalize the state of the hormonal background (that is, to normalize the ratio of sex hormones in the blood), as well as to eliminate stress while increasing the body's resistance to them. In addition, of course, local treatment of gland tissues is also performed. As noted in the description above, nodular mastopathy (fibroadenoma) is mainly subject to its surgical removal (such surgery is defined as a sectoral resection).

Treatment of mastopathy should be complex, and its greatest efficiency is achieved with the use of a number of endocrine drugs. For example, these are homeopathic preparations (plant-based), in particular, the following types are used:

  • Mastodinon. This drug is non-hormonal, its reception ensures the normalization of the level of prolactin in the blood, as well as a decrease in the severity of pain, preventing the development of premenstrual syndrome. It is used in the form of drops (twice a day, 30 drops diluted in water) or in the form of tablets (reception: morning and evening, 1 pc.). The course of such treatment is 3 months.
  • Cyclodynon. A non-hormonal drug that helps to reduce the production of the hormone prolactin while normalizing the menstrual cycle and reducing concomitant soreness of the mammary glands. It is used in the form of drops (every morning, 40 drops diluted in water) or tablets (the time of admission is similar to taking drops, 1 table each). The duration of the course of treatment in any variant is 3 months.
  • Mamocalm - non-hormonal herbal preparation based on kelp (seaweed). The drug is saturated with iodine, due to which there is an appropriate effect, focused on ensuring the normalization of functions inherent in thyroid gland. In addition, the drug is also focused on reducing the manifestation of soreness in the chest and pain associated with menstruation. The drug Mamocalm is used in the form of tablets (1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day). Given that the drug contains iodine, it should be taken with extreme caution by patients with relevant thyroid function disorders. The intake of this drug, as well as the drugs listed earlier, must be agreed with the attending physician.

Diffuse mastopathy is cured by hormonal therapy in the case of a rather late stage of the course of the disease, which is especially necessary in the presence of other forms of hormonal disorders of the body. Also used in the treatment of mastopathy are antiestrogens, drugs that contribute to the absence of ovulation and drugs aimed at lowering the level of prolactin (in addition to the previously noted mastodinone).

Severe pain requires restrictions on the intake of coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate. In addition, it is important to follow a certain diet, avoiding smoked and fatty foods, including as many vegetables and fruits as possible in the diet. An important role in the treatment of the disease is also given to vitamin therapy, in which in particular attention should be paid to such vitamins that belong to groups A and E. By taking vitamins, the functions inherent in the liver are improved, this organ is extremely important in terms of providing them with metabolic hormonal processes.


If the disease is detected at an early stage, a cure is possible in 99% of all cases. Treatment of mastopathy requires dispensary observation, which, depending on the specific form of mastopathy and other factors associated with the course of the disease, is about 3-6 months.

In the presence of symptoms indicating mastopathy, it is necessary to contact a mammologist or the attending gynecologist. In any case, the treatment of mastopathy should not be postponed or ignored as a necessity, and should not be done independently.

The term "mastopathy" is used to refer to a group of diseases accompanied by changes in the tissues of the mammary glands, which lead to a violation of the ratio of connective tissue and epithelial elements.

Pathologies are most susceptible to women of reproductive age, the peak falls on 40-45 years. Various forms of the disease are diagnosed in 30-45% of the fairer sex.

Breast mastopathy, the symptoms and signs of which will be discussed below, is characterized by a benign course, but increases the likelihood of breast cancer by 3-5 times. Treatment will be discussed later in the article.

Female mammary glands are subject to the processes of proliferation (growth of tissues) and involution (reverse development of cells), which replace each other under the influence of hormones. Transformations are associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation, menopause.

The structure of the chest includes:

  • epithelial (glandular) tissue that lines the alveoli and ducts and is responsible for milk synthesis after the birth of a child;
  • connective (fibrous) fibers that unite the milk lobules and attach the gland to the muscles of the chest;
  • fat cells that determine the size and shape of the breast.

Normally, there is a certain proportion of these components. Every month female body prepares for conception, which is reflected in the tissues of the breast. Under the influence of estrogen and prolactin, the volume of glandular cells increases. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, progesterone inhibits tissue proliferation, and all elements return to their original state.

Under the influence of various adverse factors, hormonal imbalance occurs. It leads to the growth of glandular and connective tissues. As a result, cysts (cavities), nodules form in the breast. different size, seals and so on. This is how mastopathy or fibrocystic disease develops. Most often, pathological changes are found in the upper outer quadrant of the gland. They may affect one or both breasts.

The causes of hormonal imbalance leading to mastopathy can be different. The most significant pathogenetic factors are progesterone deficiency against the background of excess estrogen, as well as increased prolactin synthesis. Possible reasons failure:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • early menopause;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • endocrine diseases - disorders in the work of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid or pancreas, pituitary gland, hypothalamus;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • inflammatory gynecological pathologies;
  • obesity;
  • irregular sex life, violation of sexual function;
  • no pregnancy before 30-35 years;
  • problems during childbearing and delivery;
  • abortion (more than 3 times);
  • short lactation (less than 3 months), its complete absence or incorrect completion;
  • stressful situations.

Mastopathy also occurs in men. There are about 900 cases a year in the US. The main cause of the disease is an endocrine imbalance, expressed in the predominance of female sex hormones.


The clinical picture of mastopathy is characterized by a variety of options. In this regard, there are several classifications of the disease. One of them is the presence of proliferation. It is this feature that is key in terms of risk assessment. malignant degeneration breast cells.


With non-proliferative mastopathy, the connective fibers grow. As a result, cysts are formed, limited to one duct-lobular unit. The size of the cavity can vary from a few millimeters to 1-2 cm.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands

Most often, the inner surface of the cyst is lined with atrophied epithelial cells. In some cases, the glandular tissue of the cavity changes its histological structure, and it begins to grow inward in the form of papillae.

Some women periodically. Sometimes this is the norm, but severe discomfort may indicate the presence of pathology.

You can familiarize yourself with the symptoms of nodular mastopathy of the mammary glands.


Proliferative mastopathy is a condition in which the glandular tissue of the breast grows by dividing its cells. Depending on the degree of proliferation, three stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • the first - without an increase in the epithelial component (non-proliferative);
  • the second - with proliferation, but without signs of replacement by other cells or their atypical structure;
  • the third - with proliferation and atypical cells.

Fibrocystic mastopathy with a cystic component

The second and third stages are regarded as precancerous conditions. The probability of malignant transformation increases as the foci of proliferation in the ductal or lobular structures increase.

Other types

Another common classification of mastopathy is by the number, size and structure of neoplasms.

On this basis, diffuse and nodular forms are distinguished.

Diffuse mastopathy is characterized by the formation a large number small cysts and nodules in the breast tissues.

  • adenosis - proliferation of epithelial cells;
  • fibroadenosis - an increase in the number of fibrous fibers;
  • fibrocystosis - the predominance of cysts;
  • sclerosing adenosis - proliferation of connective fibers that overlap the glandular components;
  • fibrocystic - a combination of an approximately equal number of cysts and fibrous nodules.

Nodular mastopathy is accompanied by the formation of large neoplasms in single quantities.

  • fibroadenoma - a knot of overgrown epithelial and connective fibers;
  • lipoma - formation of adipose tissue;
  • papilloma - a tumor inside the milk duct;
  • cyst - a cavity with liquid contents;
  • angioma - formation from blood vessels;
  • hamartoma - a node of fatty, glandular and connective cells.

Proliferative mastopathy is usually observed in the nodular form. If a large neoplasm is detected, a biopsy is mandatory to determine the type of cells.

Signs of breast mastopathy

Symptoms of mastopathy can be roughly divided into three categories: discomfort, discharge from the nipples, and tissue changes.

The discomfort

Unpleasant sensations in the mammary gland occur due to compression of nerve endings by overgrown tissues.

At the first stage, the pain is unexpressed and appears in the second half of the menstrual cycle, disappearing after the onset of menstruation.

With a diffuse form, engorgement and increased sensitivity of the entire chest are felt, with a nodular form - a separate area.

As the pathology progresses, the discomfort becomes permanent. The pain can be given to the armpit, shoulder blade, arm. It is aggravated by touching the gland.

In 10-15% of cases discomfort absent at all. This is due to the individual characteristics of the location of nerve fibers. Sometimes with mastopathy, the lymph nodes in the armpits increase and become painful.


Discharge from one or both nipples is due to the secretion of epithelial cells. They can be permanent or appear only with pressure on the nipple.

The characteristics of the secretions depend on the specifics of the disease. Most often they are transparent or whitish. When infected, they turn yellow or green. Worst of all, if the discharge is red or brown. This may indicate cancer.

Tissue changes

Pathological proliferation of breast tissue leads to structural changes. At the first stage, they can be detected by palpation.

In the case of a diffuse form, small granular compactions are found. They increase in volume before menstruation, then decrease slightly.

With a nodular disease, a large elastic formation is palpable. Palpation hurts.

These symptoms are not always observed in the aggregate. Finding at least one of them is a reason to see a doctor.

A photo

In the early stages of mastopathy, there are no external changes in the breast. The disease can be detected by palpation or instrumental procedures that allow visualization of the internal structure of the mammary glands. The main methods are breast ultrasound or mammography (X-ray examination).

After analyzing the photos obtained as a result of the diagnosis, the doctor can determine the number, size and type of neoplasms.

Mastopathy - photo of the picture

Photos of the female breast in advanced cases of mastopathy demonstrate significant external defects. The gland may increase by 10-15% or become deformed - large bumps appear that protrude above the surface. The skin over the pathological foci turns red or blue.

Breast mammography

For early detection of the disease and prevention of complications, doctors recommend that every woman over 35 years of age perform an independent breast palpation according to a special scheme once a month after the end of menstruation.


The tactics of treating mastopathy is selected depending on the form of the disease. First of all, attention is paid to eliminating the causes of hormonal imbalance. As a rule, conservative therapy is used for diffuse formations, and surgical therapy for nodular formations.

conservative methods

An important aspect of treatment is the correction of lifestyle and diet.

Minimize stress factors and normalize the daily routine. Useful physical activity and complete rest.

A woman should stop smoking, drinking alcohol, limit coffee, strong tea, animal fats.

The basis of the menu should be vegetables, fruits and dairy products. In the presence of obesity, it is necessary to direct efforts to reduce weight.

In mild cases of fibrocystic disease, non-hormonal drugs, including:

  • phytoestrogens;
  • herbal remedies that increase immunity;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes, dietary supplements;
  • weak diuretics to eliminate tissue swelling;
  • drugs that activate blood and lymph microcirculation;
  • sedatives in the presence of increased anxiety;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain.

Therapy can be supplemented with physiotherapy. With mastopathy, laser therapy, mud therapy, galvanization and so on are indicated.

If a violation of the hormonal status is proven, hormonal agents are used, which are selected individually.

Main drugs:

  • with an excess of estrogens - drugs that reduce their effect on tissues (tamoxifen, toremifene citrate);
  • for menstrual irregularities - oral contraceptives;
  • in case of malfunction of the thyroid gland - means that regulate the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

In addition, progesterone preparations are often used. They help stop proliferative processes in the tissues of the gland and reduce swelling.

Conservative treatment of mastopathy can last several years. During this time, the woman should be constantly monitored by a mammologist so that the doctor can adjust the therapy.

Surgical treatment

Nodular mastopathy in most cases is treated promptly, especially if large nodes or cysts are found. In addition, absolute indications for surgery are:

  • tumors with rapid growth;
  • intraductal papillomas;
  • atypical cells in the neoplasm.
Depending on the degree of tissue damage, one of the intervention methods is selected:
  • enucleation - husking of a cyst or fibrous node;
  • sclerosis - aspiration of the contents of the cyst and the introduction into its cavity of a substance that provokes compression of the walls;
  • sectoral resection - excision of the tumor and adjacent tissues;
  • mastectomy - complete removal glands.

Before and after the operation, conservative treatment is practiced.

Among benign tumors of the mammary glands, it occurs mainly in girls and women aged 15-35 years. The reason lies in the hormonal imbalance.

Read about what breast fibrosis is and what is the cause of the pathology.

Mastopathy is a common disease among women of reproductive age. It is characterized by the transformation of breast tissue leading to the formation of benign cysts and/or fibrous nodes. The main cause of the pathology is hormonal imbalance.

Mastopathy rarely turns into cancer, but if there are proliferative changes in the glandular tissue, then the risk increases. The main measures for the prevention of pathology are a healthy lifestyle, treatment of endocrine and gynecological diseases, pregnancy planning, full lactation and regular visits to a female doctor.

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