Logical thinking is the development of logic. The best ways to develop logical thinking for adults and children

Every day a person feels the need to use logic when solving problems. Formation and development logical thinking is aimed at preventing mistakes that are made despite the presence of life experience, common sense.

People need logic almost every day to solve a variety of problems. It is used in scientific research, when organizing official work, routine, personal life. All these spheres are based on its elements. By developing logical thinking, people can cope with other everyday problems faster and more rationally. For example, this is the ability to highlight the main thing, discarding the secondary. Let's look at how to develop these skills below.

Basic functions of logical thinking

Mental activity consistently establishes existing connections between objects and phenomena, as well as relationships between them. Cognition moves to a higher level compared to sensory perception, which gives only an external representation without awareness of the principles.

This process also plays a regulatory and communicative role. People often carry it out in verbal form when communicating. Thoughts are expressed in words, spoken or written. The acquisition of a skill begins in childhood through contact with adults. The following types of thinking are distinguished.

  1. Visually effective.
  2. Visual figurative.
  3. Verbal and logical thinking.
  4. Abstract-logical.

The first two varieties rely on the perception of objects when interacting with them or on their images. Verbal-logical thinking includes operating with concepts, through which the patterns and relationships of reality are cognized. With its development, figurative and practical ideas are streamlined. Abstract logical thinking is otherwise called abstract thinking. It is based on identifying significant properties, connections and separating them from less significant ones. Reflecting reality during cognitive activity, the thought process is endowed with the following functions.

  1. Understanding, awareness of the role of concepts, scope of distribution. And also their classification.
  2. Solving problems related to life.
  3. Understanding reality helps an individual manage his activities, plan behavior, and motivate them.
  4. Reflection allows you to analyze both the activity and its result, and use knowledge meaningfully.

Logic is endowed with the following list of forms

  • A concept is a thought that reflects objects and phenomena.
  • A judgment expresses an attitude and assessment towards the content of a specific thought.
  • Inference connects various thoughts into a sequence of causes and effects.

The following logic functions are distinguished:

  • Cataloging of correct methods of thinking that lead to truth.
  • Developing theories to study ways to implement the thought process.
  • Formalization of created theories in the form of symbols, signs.

Now it is easy to understand what functions logic and thinking perform together. The first in its meaning is formulated as “the science of the correct thought process” or “the art of reasoning.” Modernity defines it as a science about the laws and standards of intellectual activity. That (in turn) includes techniques, studies ways to achieve correct results in the form of truth. One of the primary tasks is to find out how it is possible to reach a conclusion from premises. And also get accurate knowledge, then understand the aspects.

Components of logical thinking

Having realized the tasks and forms of logical thinking, we can clearly formulate a definition of this concept. This is a process with evidentiary properties. The goal is to obtain a conclusion from the premises. You should also consider its types in detail.

Figurative-logical thinking

This variety is otherwise called visual-figurative thinking. The situation is presented visually, operations are performed on the images of the objects included in it. In essence, it is imagination, which allows you to give a variety of vivid characteristics. Such mental activity and logical thinking begin to develop from the age of 1.5 years in childhood. You can check the level of development using the Raven Test - an auxiliary questionnaire. It allows you to derive your IQ, which is essentially a diagnostic of logical thinking with an objective assessment.

Development from 1936 by D. Raven and R. Penrose calculates IQ without depending on a person’s education or social affiliation. The progressive matrix scale is based on images of figures and does not include text. There are 60 tables with pictures connected by some dependence. The missing figure is located at the bottom of the image among 6 - 8 others. A person must establish a pattern, choose the right element that is missing. Tables are offered according to the principle of increasing task complexity.

Abstract logical thinking

This type uses non-existent categories - abstractions through which they think. Relationships are modeled not only for real objects, but also between created figurative representations. It is this kind of thinking that includes the forms: concept, judgment, inference.

Verbal and logical thinking

This type uses speech structures and language means. Verbal or verbal-logical thinking involves the ability to speak competently with the skillful use of the thought process. These are public appearances, arguments, and other situations where thoughts are expressed verbally.

Features of the development of logical thinking

Any person has the ability to process information. That is, literally everyone thinks, considering this a natural function of the brain. Basic and secondary forms of logical thinking make it possible to plan and regulate behavior. And also draw the right conclusions from the circumstances and organize the adoption of measures. We conclude that it is necessary to have the ability to think logically, which can be developed or trained.

This intellectual characteristic includes a number of skills:

  • theoretical basis;
  • ability to perform operations: generalize, compare, specify;
  • correct expression of thoughts;
  • ability to avoid misconceptions;
  • identifying errors;
  • finding the required arguments.

How to develop logical thinking

The skill is developed in several ways, and having studied such an art, a person will analyze information more correctly and quickly resolve problems that arise. Also, a culture of logical thinking helps to build a long-term perspective for your actions. This is facilitated by the ability to process available information.

How to develop logical thinking, providing yourself with a comfortable response to various situations? It is necessary to learn to calculate the available aspects, eliminating unsuitable solutions, moving towards finding the correct conclusion - a conclusion. People with outstanding minds are constantly looking for new answers to the question of how to improve logical and other types of thinking. Politicians and business coaches are developing methods to help people improve.

How to develop logical thinking, moving from theory to practice? The most effective are:

  • puzzles that require quick wits and logic;
  • exercises for the development of logical thinking;
  • getting to know literature, reading books;

Let's take a closer look at how to develop logical thinking. To do this, it is proposed to use the following methods.


In books, many find not only a source of wisdom, but also an opportunity to diversify themselves. If we talk about purely logical thinking, we should use scientific and fiction literature. There is much more knowledge regarding practical skills there than in reference books. And also all the main forms of implementation of these abilities are applied. How to develop logical thinking through books? You need to read at least 10 sheets daily. Each line and chapter is subject to analysis, whereby the information received will remain in the head, gradually accumulating. And also predictions are made: what the end will be, what will happen to the characters.


An ancient example is that chess develops thinking. Since childhood, many have been familiar with simpler checkers. Opponents learn to plan their actions for several moves, which leads one of them to victory. Training logical thinking will require dedicating up to 3 hours a day to this activity. Nowadays there are many games on the computer and mobile devices. A kind of simulator available at any time of the day or night.

Special exercises

Mathematical problems in school and university programs can serve as an example. Logical forms of thinking in psychology provide for separate types that develop them. This is how children should learn to explain conclusions and come to the right decisions.

Introduction to foreign languages

This provides new information that activates the abilities and activity of the brain to a very high degree. high level. A person makes associations between phrases, words, sounds from his own and foreign speech. How can you improve your logical thinking in this way? There are online courses available on the Internet. As well as lessons that can be downloaded. You should study every day; it is recommended to enroll in a language school.

Brain fitness secrets

You can learn about the specifics and results of developing thinking abilities at special trainings. Brain fitness includes programs and exercises similar to physical training. Parameters and performance of the intellect are improved: super-memory or speed reading. Almost any such courses require logic and develop it. You just need to choose your field correctly, be it science, improving a child’s abilities, or something else.

Exercises to develop logical thinking

You can find a lot of educational games and riddles on the Internet. These are crosswords, puzzles, reversi, sudoku, which are liked by both adults and children. For example, the game “Scrabble” helps to increase vocabulary and speed up logic. You should download the gaming application to your computer, and then use it in your free time. The brain can be trained at home, on the way by transport, in moments of waiting, while spending time profitably. To achieve maximum results, regularity is important.

They offer a variety of exercises. For example, by ordering words on one topic. A chain of concepts is built from the specific to the general: shepherd - name of the breed - dog - animal. You need to try to pick up as many words included in the chain as possible. The training is carried out twice a day, spending a quarter of an hour.

Courses, books for development and training of thinking

An example of a book about practical use logic is "Sherlock Holmes" by A. Conan Doyle. You can familiarize yourself with the “Textbook of Logic” by G. I. Chelpanov. There is similar literature for schools, universities and specialized educational institutions. Additionally, development training will be effective:

  • memory and attention;
  • creative thinking, writing skills;
  • speed reading, mental arithmetic;
  • psychology.

Thinking is the highest function of human consciousness. It reflects the world, is able to replenish its stock of knowledge, and make new judgments. It is necessary to develop its logic with childhood. Then the skill to find the right solutions will appear in time.

Every day a person is faced with a lot of life problems that need to be solved logically. This includes the correct structure of the work routine, official moments and even personal life. It would seem that everything is quite simple: exclude unimportant details, focus on serious aspects, thereby correctly setting priorities. However, in practice the situation requires some effort. You can develop logic on your own without enrolling in special courses. Let's consider all the nuances in more detail.

Logical thinking: what is it?

The concept of “logical thinking” is easier to explain if we break the phrase into “logic” and “thinking.” Let's try to figure it out together, highlighting the main thing.

The concept comes from the Greek “reasoning”, “thought”, “the art of reasoning correctly”, “the science of thinking”. Let's look at the concept, taking as a basis the science of correct thinking. It consists of several aspects, such as laws, methods and forms of human intelligence, namely his thoughts.

Logic is needed in order to achieve truth in the process of reasoning. Thanks to active brain activity, a certain scheme is launched that leads a person to the end point. The result is taken not by intuition, but from previously acquired knowledge.

For this reason, logic is often called a science that allows one to reach conclusions through many conclusions and their connection. The main task of logic is to summarize the existing fragments together. As a result, a person receives true knowledge regarding the subject of reflection.


The concept is directly related to human mental activity. It forces you to process information on a subconscious level. This must be done in order to establish a connection between the objects being studied, to highlight their forms and meaning among other bodies in the environment.

Thinking allows you to find connections between aspects of reality. However, in order for the process to occur at the “correct” level, you need to think objectively. That is, before the main tasks, it is important to put yourself at the center of the current process, and not observe everything from the outside. Objective or logical thinking must obey the basic laws of logic.

Logical thinking
From the above we can conclude what “logical thinking” is. As a result of the thought process, a person applies knowledge acquired earlier. Then, through inferences, they are processed. All structures are connected in a logical chain in order. Conclusions are not based on assumptions, but on clear evidence, facts, prudence, objectivity, general laws logic. Ultimately, based on the existing premises, the truth is obtained.

Why develop logical thinking

It is human nature to process information through brainstorming. Simply put, all people think this is a completely natural process. Thinking allows you to build a chain of personal behavior, draw the right conclusions in a given situation, and take action. Such aspects play an important role in situations where a decision is urgently needed. Ultimately, the goal will be achieved through logical conclusions.

When you're in to the fullest Learn the art of analyzing information, issues will be resolved many times faster. Thanks to the correct collection and processing of information, you can build a long-term perspective regarding your own actions. Aspects like these help people feel comfortable in any situation. You will calculate possible nuances in advance, then immediately eliminate them in your head by searching for a new solution. You always need to think logically, no matter whether you are at work or at home.

The world's greatest minds come up with new ways to develop logical thinking every year. Experienced business trainers, politicians, psychologists - they all help people develop. The most relevant ways to achieve what you want are considered to be puzzles aimed at demonstrating logic. Also effective are games, a set of exercises for objective thinking, reading scientific and fiction, studying foreign languages.

Method number 1. Reading

  1. Many people know that books allow you to gain wisdom and become a versatile and well-read person. However, success can only be achieved through fiction or non-fiction. It is in such publications that there is more knowledge than in numerous reference books.
  2. To develop logical thinking, read at least 10 sheets daily. At the same time, it is important to analyze each line, gradually accumulating information in your head. The brain has selective properties, so at a certain moment you will be able to retrieve the necessary information.
  3. While reading, analyze the chapters, try to think logically from the beginning. Place bets on how the book will end, how this or that character will act in a particular situation. A. Conan Doyle's book "Sherlock Holmes" is considered a world bestseller. The work helps to develop logical thinking and while away the evening in pleasant company.

Method number 2. Games

  1. The most common games aimed at developing logical thinking are checkers and chess. In the process of rivalry, opponents calculate their actions many steps ahead. It is this move that allows you to win, nothing else. It’s not difficult to learn tactics; it’s enough to devote 2-3 hours to this task every day. As the age of technology leaves its mark on society, you can play on a computer, phone or tablet. At the same time, you will have access to the logic simulator around the clock, regardless of the location and other “live” opponents.
  2. The next most popular game is Scrabble. Many have heard about it since childhood. Linguistic simulator for people who have little vocabulary and slow logic. As a result of the manipulations, you will learn to form words from the available letters, laying them out in a certain sequence. As in the previous case, you can play on a PC or smartphone. In addition to developing logic, you will become more concentrated and attentive.
  3. To improve logical thinking, you can play with words. There are several variations of such an adventure, let's consider them in order. Some people prefer to name one long word (number of letters from 10), after which the task of other participants is to create other words from the “raw materials”. The one whose number is the largest will win. The second option is as follows: a person names a word, the person following him pronounces another word, starting with the last letter of the previous one. For example, you said “sailor”, your opponent answered “apartment”.
  4. The World Wide Web is literally replete with various banners that offer to go to a site with logical riddles. Such a move will help develop thinking not only in adults, but also in children. Crosswords, Sudoku, puzzles, and reversi are also considered popular games. Download apps to your smartphone that help develop logical thinking. This move will allow you to train your brain on public transport or in a traffic jam. This is much more useful than studying advertising leaflets and tired faces of people.
  5. Take a closer look at games like Rubik's cube or backgammon, put together a puzzle, play poker. Thanks to increased concentration, memory and logical thinking develop. The World Wide Web allows you to play without a second partner, which is an undeniable advantage. You can solve a Rubik's cube while relaxing between classes or during your lunch break. The main thing in any business is regularity. Perform simple manipulations daily to achieve maximum results.

Method No. 3. Exercises

  1. Mathematical problems and logical chains from the school (institute) curriculum will help you develop logic quickly enough. Find old textbooks and start manipulating. Perform the exercise daily for 30-60 minutes. It will be especially difficult for humanities students, for whom mathematics is a bone in their throat. An analogue is the search for analogies or deciphering anagrams.
  2. Consider an exercise that involves orderly arranging words or phrases on the same topic. the main task is as follows: it is necessary to arrange words from smallest to largest. That is, the first designation characterizes a specific type, and the last - a generalized concept. Let's give an example with the word “violet”. Violet - name - flower - plant. The more words you select and arrange them into one chain, the more logical thinking will be involved. The complex must be performed at least 2 times a day for 15 minutes.
  3. Another exercise is aimed not only at logical thinking, but also at the development of intellectual abilities, attentiveness, observation, concentration and general perception. The main point it is generally accepted that you need to determine whether the conclusion is correct. Is it logical based on the connection between judgments.

For example: “Cats meow. Alice is a cat, therefore she can meow! The judgment is logically correct. If we talk about incorrect logic, then it looks like this: “Wool clothes are warm. The boots are also warm, which means they are made of wool!” Misjudgment, the boots may not be made of wool, but their thermal qualities will exceed all expectations.

This exercise is often used by parents when working with children. It is important to ask your child to explain this or that conclusion. In this case, the child will quickly come to the desired conclusion.

Method number 4. Foreign language

  1. It is known that new information received activates brain activity, as a result of which all processes take place at the highest level. The sounds of foreign languages ​​will force you to think logically and make associations between native and foreign speech.
  2. Find an online course on the Internet or download video lessons and study daily. Enroll in a language school, learn English, Spanish or even Chinese thoroughly.
  3. The effect of the knowledge gained will not be long in coming. In addition, you will be able to travel around countries, speaking freely with local residents. Communicate in chats and forums with residents of Europe or America, develop your acquired knowledge.

It is quite difficult to develop logical thinking, but the procedure cannot be called unrealistic. Consider popular games, such as backgammon, checkers, chess, poker. Solve mathematical problems, build logical chains using electronic resources, learn foreign languages.

Video: how to develop logic and speed of thinking

IN Everyday life Every person has to use logical thinking every day. The use of logic and the construction of chains of relationships is required, as in career issues, and during ordinary everyday activities, for example, visiting a supermarket or planning routes. Some cope with this easily and naturally, while others experience certain difficulties in finding answers to even the most basic logical problems, the speed and correctness of which depends primarily on how well developed a person’s logical thinking is. This article will tell you what logic is, as well as introduce you to methods and methods for developing logical thinking in an adult.

The essence of the concept of “logical thinking”

Logic is not identical to knowledge, although its area coincides with the area of ​​knowledge. Logic is the general connoisseur and judge of all particular studies. It does not set out to find evidence; it only determines whether evidence has been found or not.

Logic does not observe, does not invent, does not discover - it judges. So, logic is the science of the functions of the mind that serve to evaluate evidence; it is the doctrine both of the process of transition from known truths to unknown ones, and of all other mental actions insofar as they help this process

John Stuart Mill

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To begin with, let us examine separately the two components of the concept of logical thinking - logic and human thinking.

What is logic? Translated from Greek language Logic is the science of true thinking and the faculty of reasoning. In the generally accepted sense, logic is the science of the methods and laws of human intellectual activity. Logic is the study of methods for achieving truth using experience and knowledge gained previously.

Thinking is considered to be mental process, during which the previously received information is processed and interdisciplinary connections are established. Thanks to objectivity and correct thinking, a person has the opportunity to get an idea of ​​​​the true state of things.

Taken together, we get a definition of what human logical thinking is. This is a thought process during which logic is used and logical constructs are applied. The goal of this type of thinking is to arrive at valid, objective conclusions based on available information.

Areas and uses of logic

There is no branch of human life where the use of thinking skills using logic is required. Including the humanities, which are no exception; logical constructs are also used in their study.

Often, a person’s logical thinking manifests itself at an intuitive level, regardless of the efforts made. The use of logic makes it possible to speed up the thinking process, make it better, express your thoughts more correctly, and also draw true conclusions, avoiding false judgments.

Why you need to develop the ability to think logically:

  • Clearly, in accessible form express all your thoughts and arguments
  • Find quickly correct solution problems, even in a critical situation
  • Correct your mistakes, avoid making new mistakes
  • Developing the skills to build objective connections helps you achieve success in your career or study
  • A creative approach to problem solving is sometimes more productive than generally accepted standards

Many people think that logical thinking is the ability to brilliantly solve puzzles and tricky problems. However, this is not quite true. The structure of logical thinking includes many thinking skills, such as the ability to make correct conclusions, succinctly argue one’s point of view during debate, specify, generalize, analyze and systematize acquired knowledge.

Human logical thinking is divided into three points: figurative, verbal (verbal) and abstract.

  1. Figurative-logical thinking. This type of thinking is based on visualization of problems and a visual search for solutions. Simply put, figurative appearance can be another name for the property of imagination.
  2. Abstract logical thinking. Logical structures contain abstract models, that is, unreal objects that do not exist in nature. In order to thoroughly master this type of thinking, an individual must be able to abstract from the material.
  3. Verbal and logical thinking. Manifests itself through the use of speech structures. Successful verbal thinking requires not only the construction of strict logical chains, but also competent, coherent speech.

When logical thinking begins

Only a few people think logically. Most of us are biased, prejudiced, infected with preconceptions, jealousy, suspicion, fear, pride and envy.

Dale Carnegie

A person is not born immediately with certain inclinations to successfully draw correct conclusions and build logical structures. Human logical thinking is not an innate, but an acquired property. Even the basic type of figurative thinking appears in children at 1.5 years old. The ability to think abstractly appears much later – in childhood school age, approximately 7 - 8 years old. Logic develops gradually with the development of the personality itself. However, regular training and exercise will only give positive result in the development of logical thinking.

The main type of child development preschool age is exactly logical tasks and exercises. Since it is logical thinking that will help a child achieve success in the future by using his intellect. Development occurs in game form respectively age characteristics children. Logic lessons are included in both the curriculum kindergarten, and to school. However, parents should not neglect independent studies at home. After all, by developing logical thinking, you improve your child’s intellectual skills.

Is it possible for an adult to improve and improve his logical thinking? Of course, this is possible and even necessary, because in modern world everything is subject to very rapid changes, the knowledge acquired at school and university gradually becomes outdated, and there is a need to update information. Developing the ability to build logical conclusions for an adult can be a very enjoyable process, since, as in the case of children, it can take place in a playful way. If you are an eternal student or a typical pedant, then you can make detailed plan serious exercise. However, it will be much more interesting to get together with friends and play logic games. Information obtained in this way will settle more reliably in the mind and be fixed in a person’s memory than dry memorization of rules and solving boring problems.

Ways to develop logical thinking

If you are determined to take up pumping your brain, then the first thing you need to do is eradicate your laziness and start looking for suitable methods and tasks. There are a huge number of ways to train your thinking. Let's look at some of them in more detail:

  1. Board games. Couples and for a large group of friends, serious and humorous - the choice is huge, you just need to determine which type is more interesting to you. To the most popular board games for the development of human logical thinking include:
  • Chess
  • Checkers
  • Backgammon
  • "Monopoly" ("Big Business")
  • "Erudite" ("Scrabble", "Bulda")
  • Card games (“Munchkin”, “Uno”)

2. Logic problems. When searching for and selecting logical problems, use books or the Internet, which is full of various examples and thematic collections. Start with the easiest level, gradually increasing the load, moving towards the highest level of difficulty. If you don’t know the answer, don’t hesitate to peek, because knowing the source data will help you understand the solution and the construction of a logical chain. This type of task includes:

  • Rebuses
  • Graphic puzzles
  • Word problems
  • Puzzles
  • Anagrams
  • Puzzles
  • Rubik's Cube
  • Solitaire games (“Mahjong”, types of card layouts)

Example logical problem: Seven sisters spend their leisure time together. The first one plays chess. The second one is reading. The third one is cleaning. The fourth one is watering the flowers. The fifth one is playing with the cat. The sixth one is embroidering. What does the seventh sister do? Correct answer: The seventh sister plays chess with the first.

3. . There are many online tests based on the principle of cause and effect. Most often these are games of the “Find the odd one out” type.

4. Puzzles, crosswords, scanwords, teawords, etc.. Digital types are especially complex - Japanese crosswords and Sudoku. Also, an excellent task for developing the ability to think logically would be to independently compose a crossword puzzle.

5. Mastering deductive and inductive methods.Deduction- this is the logic in pure form. In 99.99% of cases, the deductive method gives the correct answer to the problem. In everyday life, induction is more often used - reasoning based on facts that have a certain percentage of falsity. To explain more in simple language, then inductive reasoning begins with private conclusions and seeks confirmation in general concepts. The deductive method, on the contrary, originates from the external world, and the conclusion is already presented in the form of individual conclusions.

Example of a deductive method: Winter has come and that’s why it’s snowing outside.

An example of the inductive method: It snowed outside, therefore winter has come.

There are a few useful tips, which contribute to the development of a person’s logical thinking without putting much effort:

  1. Learn to write right hand, if you are left-handed. And vice versa. This exercise helps develop the skills of the less involved hemisphere of the brain.
  2. Constant change of activities. Spend exactly an hour on one type, after the time has elapsed, move on to another activity. Changing your job quickly will help speed up your adaptive thinking skills.
  3. Read detective novels. And try to guess the culprit yourself. By doing this, you will do a great job of developing your own deduction.
  4. Daily walks fresh air are able to improve not only logical, but also all other types of thinking.
  5. Give an explanation for your actions. Analyze everything you do, calculate the options: what will happen if you leave the job unfinished, what the final outcome of the work looks like, etc.

Human logical thinking: why you need to develop logic

Perhaps some people believe that it is not at all necessary to develop logical thinking; you can do just fine without using logical connections. Such judgments are fundamentally wrong. After all, logical thinking and human activity are inextricably linked. Even in everyday life, you should have the skills to build objective chains. For example, in ancient times people were able to save lives thanks to logic and observations - if their fellow tribesman ate a berry and died, then it is quite logical that others should not eat these berries. Or, for the first gardeners and farmers, such skills were useful in order to know that if, for example, you plant a cherry pit, then, logically, a cherry will grow from it and nothing else.

We will not consider the benefits of constructing mental structures for managers or representatives of technical professions. Even an ordinary janitor understands that sweeping dust against the wind is absolutely illogical. Or the painter, using logical connections, will not begin painting the floor from door to wall.

Therefore, a person’s logical thinking plays an important role in building a successful career; logic is the key to normalizing communication between people, the ability to defend and argue one’s opinion, as well as to realize the truth and objectivity of everything that happens.

Logic itself is not a human skill given from birth; it is learned throughout life, receiving valuable lessons. Such a tool for understanding the world is not close to emotional human nature, so people prefer to think and do as they are more accustomed to. However, this science underlies most of the laws of the Universe. The ability to think and reason consistently and consistently is useful in solving many problems. Be it building business projects, persuading opponents, or shopping in a store. And the question immediately arises: “How to develop logical thinking and live as efficiently as possible?” We will consider the answer to this in the article below.

People often make mistakes that defy logic. They think it's enough to be guided common sense and the experience gained, ignoring the laws and special techniques of formal logic. However, this may be sufficient only when making elementary judgments and solving simple problems; when carrying out large-scale operations, certain knowledge will be required that will not allow you to make erroneous actions.

What is logic

In order to understand what it is, it is necessary to explain this phenomenon more broadly, dividing it into components.

By thinking we mean the processing of received information by the human psyche, and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects, events and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Logic is the science of the forms, methods and laws of intellectual mental activity. Its peculiarity is that knowledge is obtained not from sensory experience, but in the process of analyzing previously obtained data, inferential knowledge.

Thus, logical thinking is a thought process that forces a person to use logical constructs and concepts based on evidence, prudence and flexibility of thinking. The main goal is to obtain the most reasonable conclusion from the available data.

Logical laws are based on empirical knowledge of the world through experience. That is, a person draws a conclusion based on the creation or participation in a certain situation and subsequent awareness of its specific consequences.


The development of creative thinking and logic is only possible if the mind is accustomed to working in different directions. The development of logical thinking needs to be trained, here are some practical tips:

  • Studying Natural Sciences

Take up the study of science close to your spirit, which you have been putting off.
Physics, chemistry or history, other exact sciences perfectly stimulate flexibility of thinking. They teach how to build cause-and-effect chains.

  • Use reasoned argument

Instead of the standard desire to answer “because I’m in charge” or “it’s necessary,” try to convey your point of view to your opponent without emotions, constructively. Use boolean as well creative thinking, there can be a huge variety of dialogue options, get rid of the usual phrases and reactions.
Particularly interesting is the way of leading the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion through indirect statements with which he initially agrees.

  • Play chess, backgammon, checkers and card games

This is an amazing opportunity to develop logical thinking. After all, there is training in cause-and-effect relationships, calculating the opponent’s moves in advance. One is trained to learn lessons even from defeats. Thus, a person gradually removes negative thinking from his life.

  • Find other ways to use items

This exercise promotes excellent development of creative thinking in adults. Choose one item, be it a box of matches or a stool. And find everything possible ways using the item for purposes other than its intended purpose. You can count matches, lay out drawings, and use a stool as a stand for a Christmas tree. Get creative.

  • Association game

Use opposite meanings to emerging associations specific words. Let's say hard wool, soft glass, hot ice. This helps our brain tune in to a different mindset and remove negative thinking.

  • Read books from the end

In addition to the understandable difficulties in completing this task, there are also nuances. Our brain is accustomed to the fact that resolution can only come when specific actions are taken. But both in life and in books, this is not always true. Sometimes the most unexpected events lead to results that were not intended. A gradual transition from the denouement to the preface will help debunk your guesses and learn an abstract vision of the situation, and also develop mobility and flexibility of thinking.

  • Expand your vocabulary

When you hear an unfamiliar word, look up its meaning in the dictionary. And also: what is the history of origin, original meaning and use now. This will help you look at the world in a more multifaceted way.

  • Words backwards

When in transport or on the street, read signs backwards. It will be very difficult. At first they will only get short words, and then you will master the ability to read entire phrases! This is a great brain workout that shows there are alternatives. And, once in a problematic situation, it will be easier to see other options.

  • Invent something that doesn't exist

The exercise is to come up with an animal or object, a name that does not exist in nature. Leopard or birdfox, for example. And imagine or depict all this in detail. The point is that it is very difficult to invent something that does not exist. The brain still tries to reduce everything to familiar forms, especially in adults.

Sometimes negative thinking takes over, and it becomes difficult to complete a task that seems absurd. The ability to abstract from familiar forms and concepts, concentrate on still little-studied facts, and create fundamentally new things will be useful in any profession.

  • Solve anagrams

You need to make a word from the mixed letters. Develops the ability to quickly find hidden meaning and see meanings that are incomprehensible at first glance.

  • Use your other hand

If you are right-handed - left, if vice versa - right. Change your hand while performing everyday activities. This stimulates the work of both hemispheres, improving concentration, activating new neural connections, thus stimulating logical and creative thinking.

Who needs to develop logic

Logical thinking is necessary for any person, regardless of his goals. After all, with flexible thinking, each of us can:

  • find the optimally beneficial solution to a problem situation;
  • always be several steps ahead of enemies or competitors, calculating their possible actions;
  • pick up the right way achieving the set goal;
  • express your thoughts in a form understandable to everyone;
  • It’s quite easy to find arguments to sway opponents in your direction;
  • avoid making professional and life mistakes;
  • deal with sophistry and demagoguery;
  • be able to quickly formulate an answer to the question posed, avoiding blurting out the first thought that comes to mind, which can cause great harm later;
  • clearly see manipulations on the part of other people, do not become a victim of their deception;
  • be aware of mistakes made by other people or yourself, and quickly and easily eliminate them.

Why do you need to develop logic?

How to develop thinking? Every person has it to one degree or another. But for a better understanding of reality and the ability to operate with it, logical thinking, developed at a fairly high level, is necessary. This can only be learned through training.

Creative thinking can be developed and negative thinking can be eliminated. The brain is trained no less than the muscles, perhaps more. By constantly training thinking and memory, a person can develop throughout his life, methodically improving his performance. The development of intellectual abilities is a guarantee of effective self-improvement.

Thanks to the ability to think logically, a person acquires the ability to think creatively, because a completely different understanding of reality opens up, which gives many advantages.

It is commonly believed that creative thinking is opposed to logic and reason, but this is a false statement. Creative perception of reality is fundamental to creativity. This does not at all mean the need for negative thinking, which is characterized by focusing exclusively on the bad. On the contrary, it allows you to train your brain, clear it of stereotypes and interfering attitudes, and look at everything from the outside. This is how perfect horizons open up. As a result, the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way, to find previously impossible ways.

Logical thinking is exactly what helped our ancestors survive in the wild primitive world. Only the ability to analyze the situation and assume it possible development saved us from complete extinction.

With the development of computerization, humanity began to lose quite a lot of memory, intelligence, attention and logic. Now all these qualities are simpler and easier to transfer to a machine than to use your brain, and this state of affairs can simply lead to catastrophic consequences.

In addition, a person who does not load his “ Gray matter“problem solving and analysis has a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, the so-called “senile dementia.” Moreover, this disease is getting “younger” every year. If forty years ago it affected elderly people in their seventh decade of life, now cases of the disease are recorded in young people under forty years of age.

In order to be in good shape and have clear thinking at any age, you need to take care of yourself and not allow your brain cells to atrophy. And the best activity for his work is logical solutions tasks.

The ability to think logically can be developed at any age.

So, even if you have never been distinguished by coherent logical conclusions, everything can be fixed. Want to know how to develop logic? We begin to perform special exercises that will awaken dormant abilities in you.

Exercises to develop logical thinking are games that can be played either alone or with a group of friends. It's even more fun this way.

Logic development games

  1. The quintessence of logic is chess. Perfectly develops logical thinking. Reaction speed is not important here, but thoughtfulness and analysis are necessary qualities;
  2. Crosswords, puzzles, scanwords, Sudoku and Japanese crosswords are what will keep your brains awake. Solve at least one small mysterious text every day and you will see changes pretty quickly;
  3. Associations. Choose any object or action and give it as many associations as possible. For example: shaman - tambourine - dancing - spirits - mysticism - the unknown - real - creepy, etc.;
  4. Solve problems to develop logic. There are many of them, both in paper form and on the Internet. Don’t jump at the difficult ones right away, start with the basics and gradually increase the difficulty. Very soon you will begin to “click like seeds” any intricate task, correctly building logical conclusions;
  5. Invent new words and find an explanation for them. For example: “pervodactyl” is the very first dinosaur on the planet. Or: “Tatar treatment” - medicine in Tatar. Sometimes such pearls arise that the cheerful mood returns at any time, you just need to remember the invented neologism;
  6. Make up your own crosswords and puzzles. Making a guess is a little more difficult than guessing. Thinking begins to work in a different direction, building new logical connections;
  7. Enough fun game, allowing you to see the world through the eyes of another being. Imagine that you are a cat. Describe your vision of surrounding objects. Or you are a fool. What does the world look like in this case? Or maybe you came from another planet? Describe such sensations as well. The development of logic and expansion of worldview in this game are guaranteed;
  8. Come up with several options for what this or that item can be used for, in addition to the main one. For example, a chair can be used as a stepladder, as a latch, upside down, you can ride a small child on it, etc. The more such options you come up with, the better.

Additional actions

Games are, of course, good and very effective. But besides them, there are also actions, the implementation of which will allow your thinking to quickly and flexibly respond to any situation, instantly analyze and make the right decision.

The main rule: You must be sincerely interested in the subject you are studying.

  1. In order for the brain to get used to analyzing deeply and not “crawl along the surface,” then when studying new material or performing any actions, explain to yourself why it is needed, where it came from, what it will give, etc.;
  2. For any situation, come up with at least five ways to resolve it. Even the most incredible ones - an oil tycoon appeared and quickly solved this problem;
  3. Summarize information. Use inference from the general to the particular, and induction from the particular to the general. Systematize any knowledge in two ways - this will develop flexibility of thinking;
  4. To take things a step further, learn to write with your left hand (if you're right-handed), master the macramé technique, or learn the basics of playing the cello;
  5. Move more in the fresh air. Just a twenty-minute walk activates brain function by almost 60%. And if during your walk you count how many men, women and children you met along the way, then even more;
  6. While doing any work, take short breaks every 40-50 minutes, diverting your mind to something else. You can wash the dishes, jump rope, stand on your head, or just lie down and relax as much as possible. This way your brain will always be in good shape, and your vital activity will always be at its best.

All these rules are not complicated. It’s difficult to focus on this at first. But with a little patience, you will be able to tell your friends how to develop logic and achieve clarity of thinking.

Have a good trip!

Image: Cristian V. (flickr.com)