Summary of speech therapy lesson: “Differentiation of sounds - in words, sentences and coherent speech.” Practical material on the correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Differentiation of sounds etc. educational and methodological material on the topic Schemes of syllabic-rhythmic structure

2. Repeat the words.

Children, date, there, woodpecker, woodpeckers, do, businesslike, divide, divider, driver, delegate, delicacy, debate, Danish, sensor, Dane, radio operator, parents, pastry chef, doctor, difficult, notebooks, products.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Tom is sitting at home. My daughter put an end to it. It's dark near the water. A raft floats on a pond. A woodpecker knocks on a tree. Children conduct a quiet dialogue. Danya is driving the car to the dacha. An icy wind blew. Aunt Nadya and Uncle Danya were sitting in the country. The children immediately climbed under the covers. Tom began to make a raft near the house. This needs to be done on the pond. Dasha dropped the reel. There is a car near the dacha. Danya bought groceries. Dina and Tina are friends. The doctor treats children.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Ti-di-ti - fly to the moon. Ti-ti-di - you go home. You - you - you - the cats are running. Toot - toot - doo - I'm coming. Ta - yes - yes - here is the water. De - de - those - scary in the dark.

5. Repeat proverbs and sayings.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

Those who don’t like to invite guests will not know joy.

I'm lazy and tired of sitting.

There are children - there will be joy.

Be quick with your language, but don’t be lazy with your actions.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

There is shade in the forest all day.

He who is glad to work will be rich in bread,

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.

A woodpecker sits on an oak tree and hollows out a hollow in the oak tree.

7. Guess, repeat the riddles:

In the spring he dresses, in the fall he undresses.


Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house.


Brother and brother live across the path, they don’t see each other.


8. Learn poems.

Volodya and I are friends: where he goes, so do I.

And we also have a law: where I go, he goes too.


Mother went to the market

She told her daughter Lena:

“Don’t touch the stove, Lenochka,

It’s burning, Lenochka, fire!”

(S. Marshak).

9. Game “Make a sentence”.

The adult invites the child to make sentences based on the following reference words:

10. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Grandfather and Tema went fishing. Grandfather was carrying long fishing rods. Tema walked behind him, holding a small bucket in his hands. On the river bank, the fishermen sat down, cast their fishing rods and began to wait. An hour later the bucket was filled with fish. Tema was very happy, because he caught three big fish. Grandfather praised Tema.

Differentiation of sounds K-T-G-D

teacher-speech therapist MDOU

"Kizilsky kindergarten No. 3"

With normal speech development, the sounds of “early ontogenesis” K, G, T, D are acquired by preschoolers by the age of 2-3 years.

One of the common defects in pronunciation is the replacement of the sounds K, G with the sounds T, D.

In the literature, sufficient attention has been paid to the production and automation of the rear lingual sounds K, G (,),

However, in practice in recent years, we have increasingly encountered cases of replacing the sounds T, D with the sounds K, G by preschool children.

When working with such children, difficulties arose in finding lexical material for the automation of the sounds T, D and their differentiation with the sounds K, G.

To solve this problem, we selected lexical material for correcting the sounds T, D

1. Formation of perception of sounds T, D.

- "Clap (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear the sound T, D)."

The sounds are named interspersed with any sounds except G, K.

- “Clap (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear the syllable (ta, tu, from, dy, to).”

One of these syllables is called interspersed with any other syllables that do not contain the sounds G, D.

- “Clap your hands (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear a word with the sound T: (work, lotto, cloud, fog, mouth, table)”

- “Clap your hands (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear a word with the sound D”

(gardens, melon, smoke, daughter, outfits)

One of these words is named interspersed with any other words.

2. Isolated pronunciation of the sound T, D).

Repeated isolated pronunciation of a sound based on symbols or pictures (woodpecker and wheels)

"How do the train wheels rattle? - t-t-t,

How does a woodpecker knock on wood? - d-d-d.

The teacher shows the pictures one by one - the child pronounces the sounds T or D

3. Automation of T sound in layer gah

ta-ta-ta, to-to-to, to-to-to, to-to-to, to-to-to, to-to-to, to-you-to,

at-yat-ut, yut-et-it, at-at-at, ut-ut-ut, it-it-it, yat-yat-yat, ut-ut-ut, et-et-et, etc. d.

4. Automation of the sound D in syllables

yes-yes-yes, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, de-de-de

yes-dy-do, de-do-du, ada-oda-udu, uda-oda-ida, etc.

5. Automation of the T sound in words.

there, Tom, Tanya. Tolya, Tonya, Tom, Tamara, shoes, cabinet, axe, pipe, here, cloud;

salad, robe, fireworks, light, hello, mouth, mole, ticket, brother, leaf, writes, squeaks, flies,

flight, pilot, plane, howls, sings, draws, sculpts, beats, sleeps, sews, carries, carries, sits, does, lies, washes, reads, licks, offends;

old, curtain, hard, notes, table, chair, bus, wolf cubs, guys, girls, calves, lambs, chickens, ducklings, piglets, foxes, goslings, puppies

6. Automation of the sound D in words.

house, smoke, ladies, Danil, blowing, giving, melon, hole, thinking, firewood, oaks, yard, daughter, dacha, distance, giving, door, yard, Dasha, giving,

gardens, throws, outfits, melon, beard, cold, give out, dishes, water, here, trouble, medal, pedal, ice, necessary, rows, nearby, palms, lunches, victory, team, pyramid, shower, hollow, perfume,

7. Automation of sounds T, D in phrases and sentences

(simultaneous pronunciation of sounds T and D is allowed)

Tanya makes a salad. Tamara has new shoes. Tonya and Tolya are drawing. Airplanes fly there. Tonya sews a robe and curtains. An ax and a pipe lie near the cabinet. Guys and girls are sitting on the bus. The plane flies behind a cloud. The brother is sitting on a chair at the table. Dasha gave Danil new pencils. Smoke is coming from the chimney. There's a fountain there.

Wolf cubs and fox cubs hid in the forest. Smoke is coming from the chimney. Danila’s house is far from the gardens. Tolya and Dasha go to dinner. They opened the door and it became cold. Danil and Tolya wash their palms; they will have lunch. Cold water is poured into the bucket. Tamara has a plane and is taking off. Here are gardens, and there are houses.

Tanya is there. Tom is here. Here are your shoes. I think Danya is sleeping. The bunnies left tracks. Tom takes the lipstick. Piglets are sleeping in the garden. Dad tightens the screw. The guys are playing lotto. Tanya takes out dominoes. The foals are standing near the house. Grandfather chops wood. Grandfather has a beard. Baby squirrels are sitting in a hollow. There is water in the shower. Friends eating melon. Tolya walks across the bridge.

8.Differentiation of sounds K-T,

Differentiation of K-T sounds by ear.

1. Alternate naming of isolated sounds. Game "Rain - Train". Instructions: “When I say “rain”, you pronounce the sound K, when I say “train”, you pronounce the sound T.”

2. Game "Palm-fist".

The child shows his palm if he hears a syllable with the sound T, clenches his palm into a fist if he hears a syllable with the sound K.

Differentiation of sounds K-T in syllables

Repetition of one, two and three syllables with the sounds K-T.

ka - ta - ka, ta-ta - ka, ta-ka, ka-ta, ko-to, to-ko, tu-ku, ku-tu, at-ak, at-ak, ut-uk, uk - ut

to-to-ko, to-to-to-ku, to-to-to, to-to-to, ak-at-ak, yat-yak-yat, o-ok-ok,

you-ky-ky, it-ik-ik, ik-it-ik, ka-ta-ka, ku-ku-tu, aka-ata, oto-oko,

ita-ika, tla-kla, ank-ant, ink-int, fta-fka, etc.

. Differentiation of K-T sounds in words

tank, cat, grass, crib, gate, bush, captain, current, rope, tassel, swallow, scarf, parsley, cheesecake, joke, couch, hammer, bone, plate, current, jumps, whines, pumpkin, office

paints, hood, rolls, digs, drags, branch, duck, room, hooves, skating rink, skein, so, cage, potatoes, candy, jacket, knock, hammer, boat.

9.Differentiation of sounds G-D

Differentiation of G-D sounds by ear.

1. Alternate naming of isolated sounds. Game "Geese-Woodpecker". Instructions: “When I say “Geese”, you pronounce the sound “G”, when I say “Woodpecker”, you pronounce the sound “D”.

2. Game "Palm-fist".

The child shows his palm if he hears a syllable with the sound G, clenches his palm into a fist if he hears a syllable with the sound D.

Differentiation of G-D sounds in syllables

Repetition of one, two and three syllables with the sounds G-D.

Ga-da, dy-gy, go-do, do-go-do, doo-doo-gu, gee-dye-gye, oga-oda, oda-oga-oga, gna-dna, gra-dra-dra, dly-gly-gly, etc.

Differentiation of G-D sounds in words

catches up, cities, berries, friend, rainbow, vegetable gardens, road, guesses, weather, guess T

10.Differentiation of sounds K-T, G-D in sentences

Katya has a red jacket. The bunny eats a carrot. Danil plays as a tank. This is a gift from his friend Sergei. There are bones on the plates. The puppy whines near the garden. The cow eats grass. Dasha is walking with Tanya. Tolya reads a newspaper and a book. There is parsley on the plates. Galya and her friend are working in the garden. The hammer lies on the table. A bunny is jumping under a bush. The road runs along the garden. Galya is painting the house. After the rain a rainbow is visible. Thunder rumbles over the house. The fairy tale talks about a good gnome. The guys go to the skating rink. Tolya and Galya are skating at the skating rink. Katya reads the fairy tale “Puss in Boots.” Natasha was bitten by a mosquito. Vaska the cat loves milk and sour cream. Kolya drags a huge pike from the river with a fishing rod. A rainbow is visible over the city. A parrot sits in a cage. A cat and a whale are drawn on the card. Potatoes grow in the garden. Geese are grazing far away.

Katya collects a bouquet. A fly is flying in the room. The house has two floors. Kolya eats cake. There is a cactus on the table. The sailor looks through binoculars. I'm going to the pharmacy for cotton wool. Tanya puts on a jacket. There is a chest of drawers in the room. Mom puts on a scarf. There are sweets on the plate. Grandfather pulls a turnip. The stork's nest is high. There is a bus at the stop. A cat is sitting on the window. The spider weaves a web. Katya has a beautiful bow. Grandfather sees a hippopotamus.

11.Differentiation of sounds K-T, G-D in pure tongues

Ta-ka, ka-ka - we saw a beetle

Ick-it, ick-it - the plane flies

Now, now, now - he will fly far away

Ka-ta, ka-ta - we let the cat in

Ut-uk, ut-uk - planting onions in the garden

Ak-at, ak-at - Katya tears the salad

Whoa, whoa, whoa - there are bridges on the river

At-ak, at-ak - there is a tank in the garden

Aha-ada, aha-ada, - there is a high fence

Don-gon, don-gon - there is an empty carriage

Training exercises

Task 1.Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables differ in.

yes - ta ta - yes uncle - tya - dya dyatya do-to-do-do - te to-do te-de do - tu tu - du du-ty tu-du de-te dy - you you - dy di - ti ti - di tu - du.

Task 2.Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.

Ta, dia, po, do, then, you, dy, do, ti, te, de, de, then, tu, tu, du;

tla, for, tlo, dlo, tlya, dli, tly, dra, tra, tru, lie.

Task 3.Listen to the sound combinations, write down only the consonant:

Ada, ata, ode, ota, utu, udu, go, iti, udu, udi, uti.

Task 4.Listen, Remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in same sequence:

ta - da - ta tu - doo - tu ta - da - ta - da da - ta - da doo - tu - doo da - ta - da - ta



Task 5.Read and repeat the syllable sequences:

to-do-to to - to - do- to to -do - to - to di - ti - di ti - di - di - di di - ti - di - ti di - uncle du - du - du - t you - dy - you - dy de - te - de be - te - te - de de - te - de - te.

Task 6.Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with the letter t:

a) Yes, ta, tu, de, te, tu, tu, du, dy, you, then, do, di, ti;

b) ada, ata, atu, adu, odu, otu, uda, uta ute, ude, udi, uti.

Exercise7. Write down syllables and sound combinations from dictation:

Yes, then, before, you, you, dy, ti, de, those, du, tu; hell, atu, ote, ode, go, iti, yuta, food, these.

Differentiation d - t in words

Task 1.Listen to the words, name which sound - d or t - a) is at the beginning of the word, b) is in the middle of the word.

Sample answer a: a) in the word house there is a sound d;

b) in the word rooster - the sound t.

a) House, smoke, there. Tom, dark, share, roofing felt, think, quietly, shoes, friend, aphid, for, friendship, difficult, work;

b) rooster, branch, buckets, wind, weather, victory, dishes.

Task 2.Listen to the words, write down the syllables with the letters d or lit , write down these syllables.

Melons, body, business, breathe, quieter, sofa, perfume, you, fog, gardens, honeycombs, cats, I go, go, traces, rainbow, victory, quiet, trumpet, grass, dragon, wall, broom, other, difficult.

Task 3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. What sounds do these words differ in? Orally make a sentence with each word.

House - volume;

dacha - wheelbarrow;

Dima - Tim;

daughter - dot;

shower - mascara;

business - body;

fishing rod - duck;

fruits - rafts;

day is shadow.

Task 4. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and location of the sounds d, t in the names of these pictures.

Exercise7. Write down the words in three columns: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with the letter that, in the third - with the letters d and t. Divide three or more complex words into syllables.

There, difficult, notebook, date, touched, reached, wind, cloud, blew, knocking, smart, moved away, countries, hit, fog, dragged, dozed off, doors, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass.

Task 8.Complete the words by adding the syllables yes or ta.

Task 9.Complete the words by adding the syllables du or tu.

May for...small forgot... ...May

Ha pros...yes at... ...goy

Task 10.Complete the words by adding the syllable di. or tee.

de... ...ho lu...

howl... ...tetra... howl...those

uh... ...hiy in...those.

Task 11.Change the words by adding the syllable te. Write down the resulting words syllable by syllable.

Sample: come in-voy-di-te.

Go - ..., leave - ..., come - ..., move away - ..., find - ..., come in - ..., move away - ..., put on - ..., think - ..., erase -

Task 12.Change the words by adding the prefix do. Write down the resulting words.

Sample: drag - drag.

Heat - .... melt - .... pull - ..., hold -..., carry - ..., drink-..., run-..., eat-..., move - ..., knock -..., endure - ..., pound - ....

Task 13.Change the words by adding the prefix from. Write down the resulting word syllable by syllable.

Sample: melted - melted.

Gave - ...” dragged - ..., divided -..., pressed - ..., sharpened - ..., pulled - ..., melted - ..., pushed - .... gave - ....

Task 14.Fill in the missing letter d or t in the words.

Trak...or, boro...a, s...reoa, vor...a, gr...usnik, zavo...noy, ve...ka,, pogo. ..a, jelly...i, m6lo...ok, o...blanket,, capus...a, steam...a, y...point, ...e ...ra...b, ...ozh...ik, s...a...o,

Task 15.Copy the words by inserting the missing letter d or t. Explain why you inserted this particular letter:

A) Duck - y...ochka, berry - yago...ka, weather - sunny...ka, herring - sele...ka, boat - lo...ka, joke - shu...ka,

notebook - tetra...ka, twig -ve,..ka, baby - de...ka, lining-lining.-.ka; .

b) sweet -, mark - sharp, smooth - smooth, rare -, short d - short;

c) ridge - ridge... ka, scarf -, patch - patch... ka, strands-straight... ka.

Task 16. For these words, select test words so that after the consonants d, t a vowel appeared. Write these words down.

Sample: bush - bushes, notebook - notebooks.

cold-... ice-... ticket-... robe-... factory - ...

record - ... city-... nail-... bear-... pond-...

dinner - ... ice drift-... bridge-... hi-... rod-...

trail - ... parade - ... milk mushroom - ... mole-... year-...

brother-... raccoon-... plane-... hail-...

Task 17. Insert the missing letter d or t into the words. Write the test word in brackets.

Sample: city(s).

barely..., bare..., whip..., pr..., gra..., salyu..., zavo..., drank..., ogoro..., sa..., vinogra..., ala..., plaka..., como..., barely..., barely..., chocolate..., marmela..., droz..., glue... .

Task 18. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words. Underline the letters d, t in them."


What is the weather like in winter?

What is the weather like in summer?

What days are there in summer?

What days are there in winter?

What is the name of the tool used to make holes in the wall?

Words for reference: warm, cold, short, long, drill.

Task 19.. Name and write down the following concepts in one word:

The last month of the year, the first month of spring; the last month of summer, the first day of the week; third day of the week; fifth day of the week.

Task 20. Guess the riddles. Write down the answers. Underline the letter d or t.

Round, not a month. Yellow, not oil. Sweet, not sugar.

With a tail, not a mouse.

I'm a fluffy ball

I turn white in a clean field,

And the wind blew -

A stalk remains.

It goes between villages and fields, I do it at any time of the year, and people still walk along it. And in any bad weather

Colored rocker,

It hung in the sky.

Very quickly at any hour I will take you underground.

Guess: melon, dandelion, road, rainbow, subway

Task 21.Solve the crossword puzzle.

Methodical instructions. Students are given cards with a crossword puzzle. On the board there is a description of the items that are included in the crossword puzzle. Mandatory condition: select for the crossword only those words whose names contain there is sound d or T.

Vertical: 1. Educational accessory for classroom and homework.

4 6 8

Horizontal: 2. A punctuation mark that is placed at the end of a sentence.

3. A tool used by a blacksmith.

4. The substance found in the thermometer. .

5. A piece of classroom equipment on which students write.

6. Forest bird. .

7. Mesato, where children have fun in winter.

8. Sudden attack of troops. ---- Words for right k: vertical: 1. Notebook.

Horizontal; 2. Dot. 3. Hammer. 4. Mercury, 6. Board. 6.

Woodpecker. 7. Ice rink. 8.Attack.

Differentiation d - t in sentences

Training exercises

Task 1.Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate word.

dacha - wheelbarrow In the summer we lived in a small...

Tolya carried bricks to...

daughter - period At the end of the sentence you should put...

Mom led the little one by the hand....

shower - mascara For drawings you need...

Cold... useful to everyone.

fishing rod - duck A gray girl was swimming on the lake...

The fisherman needs a good...

fruits - rafts Delicious fruits have ripened in the garden....

We floated along the river....

day - shadow Under the tree...

Today is good....

board - longing In sister Alyonushka's heart...

Rotted in the fence....

chair - blown away The wind... the last leaves.

Move the guest... Move... closer.

passed-became Kolya... an engineer.

Brother... final exam.

Task 2.For the words from point a, select the words from point b that are suitable in meaning:

a) Cold, thick, heavy, copper, younger, ancient;

b) Melody, bucket, grass, sister, trumpet, wind;

a) Commodity, summer, copper, swan, icy, berry;

b) Rain, trains, places, pipe, flock, water.

Task 3.Write word combinations with letters from the sentence d, t. Underline the letters d, t different pencils.

Example: A cold wind has been blowing all day. Cold wind.

The sun shines dimly. A cold wind is blowing. Cold rains often occur. The last leaves are falling from the trees. The birds flew to warm countries. The days have become short. Dima always has clean notebooks. The students wrote a difficult dictation. Alyosha fell ill and was given a thermometer. Cold showers are beneficial. There was an old dacha by the pond. The girl collected cold water from a wooden well.

Task 4.Come up with and write down sentences with each phrase. Underline the letters d, t.

It's a difficult matter. Shady garden. Difficult task

Blank notebook. Oak pillars. Heavy bucket.

Sweet cake. Smooth ice. Last leaves

  1. Development and consolidation of articulatory motor skills.
  2. Comparison and identification of distinctive and common points in the articulatory structure of these sounds.
  3. Differences in sounds in syllables, words, sentences.
  4. Development of sound analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception of these sounds: finding the place of sound in words.
  5. Enrichment of vocabulary with words on the topic “Professions”.
  6. Cultivate perseverance and hard work.

Equipment: picture of a boy, isographs, cards for comparing articulation, pictures with diagrams, a ball, pictures with professions, words of proverbs, individual cards for children, cards with the letters D and T, colored pencils, notebooks.

Lesson progress

1. Look who came to our lesson again today?

Dima Lentyaykin

Why is he called that, remember? He came again to see how you work. Look, he came with some kind of letter. But we'll read it later. Now let's start working.

2. Look at the isographs. Solve them (house, tractor).

Name the first sounds in these words. (D-T)

3. What letter represents the sound D? T?

4. Comparison by articulation.

How are these 2 sounds different?

Today we will learn to distinguish between the sounds D and T.

5. I will pronounce words to you, and if you hear the sounds D or T, raise the corresponding letter: Fishing rod, duck, reel, tub, shower, mascara, blew, knock, girlfriend, smart, country, business, body.

6. The next task is this: write down the first letter of each syllable.

Yes, dy, tu, dro, tla, two, tmi, tru, for.

Let's check which letters you wrote down. (d, d, t, d, t, d, t, t, d)

7. Pictures are hung on the board. You need to color the square corresponding to the place of the sound D or T in the word-name of the pictures. What color pencil will we need? (blue)

Picture names: bow, axe, cake, duck, melon, sneakers.

Let's check the task.

8. Be careful now. Complete the words by adding the syllable yes or ta (orally):

9. Work using cards. Take a green card. Fill in the missing letters D or T in the words: boro_a, _o_ochka, s_rela, svis_ok, po_ruga, po_bor_ok, patch.

Check: beard, pipe, arrow, whistle, girlfriend, chin, patch.

10. Physical exercise with a ball. Game "The Cat is the Other Way Around". If you tell him: “Big house,” he says: “Small house.” What will the Cat answer if you tell him:

Rich man -
Thick tree -
Liquid soup -
Short tape -
Dirty dishes -
Sharp knife -
Quick step -
Young tree -
Dark room -
Warm wind -

11. Write the words in 2 columns according to the presence of D or T:

Branch, bucket, dishes, pipe, rainbow, knock, grass, doors.


12. Work using cards.

Now look at the white card. You need to guess which word is “broken.” Complete these words.

Examination: thermometer, tablets, fabric, thread, hammer, chisel.

Look at the board. What professions are shown here? (doctor, tailor, builder). Who has a card with the name of an item that is suitable for a doctor, a tailor, a builder?

Check: doctor - thermometer, pills; to a tailor - fabric, threads; to the builder - a hammer, a chisel.

13. Work using cards.

On the blue card is the game “Fourth Wheel”. You need to insert the missing letters D or T and in each line find and underline the “extra” word:

Voro_a, ve_ka, o_uvanchik, steam_a.

It's rainy, it's milky, it's cool, it's cold.

Ru_no, _awed_, _abure_, _cancer_or.


Gate, branch, dandelion, desk

Weather, hammer, bucket, blanket.

Difficult, waited, stool, tractor.

14. Now let’s read Dima Lentyaykin’s letter. He has some words in the envelope.

Who guessed what would come out of these words? (proverb). How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? Write it down in your notebook from memory.


15. Summary. What new did Dima Lentyaykin and you learn today? What sounds did you learn to distinguish? What can we say about them?

Irina Vilkina
Lesson summary “Differentiation of sounds [d], [t]”

Subject: Sounds [d], [T]

Target: Formation of skill differentiate sounds [d], [T];


Correctional educational:

Clarify students' knowledge about consonants sounds T and D

Learn to distinguish sounds T and D based on different analyzers

Improve your skill sound-letter analysis and synthesis

Correctional and developmental:

Improve phonemic awareness, perception and ideas.

Develop attention span and concentration

Improve thought processes (analysis, synthesis, generalization, inference, etc.).

Learn to remember information and reproduce it correctly.

Teach the formation of comparative degrees of adjectives;

Develop sensorimotor skills


Develop self-control and motivation to classes.

Teach children mutual assistance and mutual support.

Stages classes

1. Organizational stage

Didactic task: ensuring a working environment and psychological preparation of students for occupation.


Organization of attention.

2. Updating knowledge, skills and abilities

Didactic task: activation of students’ cognitive activity. development of full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation necessary for correct pronunciation sounds T and D.

Ball game "Name the last one sound»

(telephone-n, sa-mole-t, lemon-n,.).

Articulation gymnastics

1. Smile.

Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

2. Tube.

Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

3. Fence.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.

4. Smile - Tube.

Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.

5. Well-fed hamster.

Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.

6. Hungry hamster.

Pull in your cheeks.

7. Horse.

8. Naughty tongue.

Breathing exercises.

In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky. “A winter breeze blew and a snowball flew.

Snow, snow, white snow, it covers you all.”

I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Hands out snowflakes)

Do you know how to blow correctly? We inhale deeply through our nose, without raising our shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out your cheeks. (Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the snowflakes whirl).

3. The stage of preparing students for conscious assimilation.

Introduction to the topic.

Didactic task: organizing the conscious activity of students and preparing them for the conscious assimilation of new material.

Sound differentiation

The speech therapist gives a comparative characteristics: sound [d](that's how a woodpecker knocks)-

consonant, voiced; sound [t](that's how the hammer hits)- consonant, deaf.


Children show a bell if they hear sound [d] and drum, If

will hear [t]: d-t-d-t. ; yes-too-itdo-you-ta. Children repeat syllable series: ti-ta-doo; di-da-to; tu-tu-da.

« The sound ran away» .

Children should add to the word sound [t] or sound [d] and name, What

it worked:. teaching. acha,. pumpkin,. supports,. ym.

4. Stage of assimilation of new material and new ways of acting

Didactic task: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge.

Acoustic-articulatory characteristics sounds T and D

Look in the mirrors, say T sound. and then D. Pay attention to the position of the lips, tongue and vocal cords. Are the positions the same or different? Is the voice involved in pronouncing these sounds?

"Lay out the pictures".

Pictures on the board showing sounds T and D. Children lay out

pictures from sounds [d], [T]:

tomato, bucket, dandelion, oak, house ( "woodpecker")

pumpkin, plate, aster, poplar, matryoshka ( "hammer")

Didactic game "Make a proposal".

The speech therapist invites children to compose

proposal for pictures:

Tomatoes and pumpkins grow in the garden.

Physical education minute

"Friendship" (finger gymnastics)

Friends in our class

Girls and boys.

We'll make friends with you

Little fingers.

One, two, three, four, five-

One, two, three, four, five-

5. Consolidation in the students’ memory of the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work

Didactic task: Ensuring the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.


Children look at illustrations of furniture and call

objects speak about their purpose (table - they eat at it, a chair - they sit on it, a bed - they sleep on it, etc.).

A speech therapist explains how the comparative degree is formed


Children must change the words according to the model (the chair is soft, and the chair is even softer.

The sofa is wide, and the bed is still. wider. The bedside table is tall, and the wardrobe is still there. higher).

6. Generalization of acquired knowledge. Reflection.

Didactic task: identify the level of mastery of educational material.

Which sounds were the main thing in the lesson? Are they vowels or consonants? sounds? What are their similarities? What's the difference?

Name the word with sound T. Name the word with sound D.

Didactic task: provide an analysis and assessment of the success of learning and student achievements and outline the prospects for further work.

You worked well today and completed your task.

In the next lesson we will study other sounds, and our knowledge will help us move on.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of speech therapy lesson: “Differentiation of sounds [K] - [X]” (preparatory group). Goal: classes: differentiation of consonant sounds K - G. Tasks. Correctional and educational: - teach to differentiate sounds.

Summary of a subgroup lesson on sound pronunciation “Differentiation of sounds [L] and [L’]” SUMMARY of a subgroup lesson on sound pronunciation Differentiation of sounds L, L Compiled and conducted by a teacher - speech therapist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution.