How to keep a Sagittarius man. Good, bitch! How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you and not lose all your nerve cells

If you just can’t get the attention of your Sagittarius crush, throw a party. Just don't invite too many people to it. Sagittarius prefer small companies, in which it is easier to impress. Of course, you need to make sure that Sagittarius comes alone. But invite the rest in pairs. Remember - Sagittarius makes friends willingly. If you strive for a closer relationship, everything is in your hands.

Sagittarians are interesting and sociable conversationalists, so actively listen to them and ask appropriate questions. Demonstrate your mental alertness, let Sagittarius express himself. If you're not a particularly quick thinker, find yourself another pair. Sagittarius only likes resourceful people who don’t put their money where their mouth is. Those born under this sign have a subtle sense of humor and cannot stand bores who are unable to carry on a witty conversation.

If you love horses or dogs, you already have a topic to talk about. The same applies to cats, although to a lesser extent, because they are pets and Sagittarians love nature.

If you are thinking about what to give Sagittarius, choose things that can be worn outside the home: gloves for driving a car, a woolen scarf. Products that appeal to the gypsy element in the soul of Sagittarius are suitable - a travel suitcase or a passport cover. The gift doesn't have to be luxurious. Its price is not the main thing, the most important thing is attention.

How to seduce a Sagittarius on a romantic date?

1. For the first date choose an outdoor location. Go to the beach (a nudist one will do, because Sagittarius welcomes everything daring, outside the bounds of convention), organize a picnic in the forest, a horseback riding or skiing trip, or climbing the mountains. However, you must be sure that you will not fall behind your companion. Sagittarians have excellent endurance.

2. You can offer an overnight trip without offending Sagittarius. He very straightforward about sex and normally perceives everything that seems adventurous or unusual to him. A rock concert, especially one taking place outdoors, is also suitable. Get tickets to a musical comedy or ballet - Sagittarians love these shows. They will enjoy any show with music and dancing.

3. Sagittarians are temperamental and impatient. Don't be surprised if Sagittarius vigorously confesses his love to you on the first date. Do you want to instantly lose his interest? Then rush headlong into the arms of Sagittarius, babbling that this is exactly what you have been waiting for all your life. Surely after this he will begin to look around in search of a place where he can hide quietly. If you want to keep him not only for this night, try to remain a mystery to him. Do not give in to his hot persuasion, do not reveal your cards. You may have to restrain your feelings, but they will last a long time.

4. Sagittarians are easily aroused by jealousy. Of course, you shouldn’t list your former partners, trying to prove his worth. Just casually mention that you've turned down a ton of fans in the last six months alone. Sagittarius will not be able to ignore such a challenge.

5. And keep in mind, the more you drag out time with a Sagittarius, the more difficult it will be to seduce him. It is best to immediately “take the bull by the horns” while you are for him an unsolved secret, an alluring riddle. Decide for yourself what your goal is - a short-term romance or marriage - and immediately proceed to the most active actions. It's now or never, and may another Sagittarius help you - Cupid!

If the question “how to make a Sagittarius fall in love with you” haunts you, read carefully. The first thing you have to learn when dreaming of seducing a Sagittarius is that you need to hide your mind and under no circumstances show it. Yes, Sagittarians do not like smart women, unfortunately. Play the role of a slightly naive, narrow-minded simpleton if you really want to win Sagittarius. How can we remember the Eastern wisdom: “The smarter a woman is, the deeper she should hide her mind.” Maybe only Sagittarius live in the East?

To be sure make a Sagittarius fall in love with you, let him show his mental superiority. Even if it doesn’t smell like it, pretend that it is there. After all, you are the one who dreams of seducing a Sagittarius. Then play by his rules. Ask his advice, the more often the better. Demonstrate your sincere interest in his reasoning and comments. Yes, and don’t forget to thank me for your valuable advice. So Sagittarius himself will fall into your network.

This may seem strange, but seduce Sagittarius it will be much easier for a vulgar person than for an intelligent woman. It's hard to explain, but Sagittarians simply fall for vulgar people.

If you want guaranteed conquer a Sagittarius man, let him command you. Let him enjoy his authority to the fullest. And never, hear me, never even think of encroaching on his authority, especially in front of strangers. He will trample and not notice. Sagittarius's authority is a very tender and vulnerable place.

In general, a Sagittarius man always has huge plans for life. He loves everything big and big. So get ready to travel, multiple trips. Get busy at the same time foreign languages and studying traditions foreign countries. Not only will you benefit from travel, but you will also have another opportunity to seduce Sagittarius. After all, having such a woman nearby, recognizing his dominance, is an excellent demonstration of his authority.

Do you know what Sagittarius will never allow you? With all the immensity of his soul and the vastness of joint plans for the future, not a single Sagittarius will allow his freedom to be encroached upon! In the sense that he will not allow himself to be re-educated, reshaped, or driven into some kind of framework. Either love all his immense nature, or step aside. He will break free and run away anyway. But before that, he will give you a speech - about how much you are losing and how ungrateful you are, about his sensitive and devoted soul to you, about your misunderstanding of your happiness just to be next to him... Sagittarius always has a pathetic farewell speech in stock. Listen to it calmly and don’t worry - Sagittarians don’t slam doors loudly.

Some time after the breakup, you will be able to meet as friends over lunch or he will come to see you “for a little while.” But the shadow of Hamlet’s father and your desire to re-educate him will forever stand between you. Therefore, all hopes of making Sagittarius fall in love with you again are absolutely groundless. He won't fall for it anymore.

How to win a Sagittarius man almost at first sight? Remember that Sagittarius likes impulsive, and even slightly aggressive, women. Just, for God's sake, hide your mind away.

Now you know how to make a Sagittarius fall in love with you forever!

Alla Kasatkina

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To attract the attention of a Sagittarius, you need to stand out from your surroundings. If you are not a foreigner, just try to be bright, extravagant, maybe even slightly vulgar. Gray mice and inconspicuous Cinderellas do not impress him. Seducing a Sagittarius for one night will not be difficult. Sit cross-legged and swing your shoe, and when you catch his first glance, immediately ask questions. If you manage to maintain an interesting conversation (that is, a conversation about him and his views on life) for a couple of hours, you will finish it in bed.

But for Sagittarius to stay for a long time, you will have to try. First of all, you need to force him to hunt - to be in his field of vision all the time, to provoke, but to be elusive and inaccessible. And no initiatives, he should command the parade.
You must become his friend, and for this you need: not to speak more than him, to share his interests, to support his point of view in disputes, to laugh at his jokes, not to try to educate him and never to be offended by him (even if there are plenty of reasons). He doesn’t understand how anyone can be offended by him, so he sees only stupid women’s whims and attempts to manipulate him in insults.
If you can afford it, be generous. Sagittarius loves both gifts and wealthy women.
If you have any talents, there is no need to hide them. This appeals to him.
Just don’t talk to him about feelings; if you open up, you’ll immediately stop being interesting. Maintain an aura of secrecy and inaccessibility. Even when he confesses his love to you (and this can happen on the first date), do not make any reciprocal confessions. Less drama, Sagittarius prefers women who take love as easily as he does. At the very least, do not use the words “long-term”, “serious”, “responsible”.
Sagittarius is active. Love sports, go hiking with him, go on picnics.
Sagittarius loves animals. You can go horseback riding, or better yet, get general dog.
Sagittarius is fair. Don't try to infringe on his rights or be too familiar and disrespectful. He's scary when he's angry.
Sagittarius is flawless. Never criticize him or laugh at him, rather praise him. Flattery works wonders.
Sagittarius is freedom-loving. Let him walk on a long leash. Forget about jealousy, don’t ask where he’s been, don’t throw tantrums, don’t whine or threaten divorce. On the contrary, demand that he does not infringe on your freedom (even if he did not even think of encroaching on it), let him understand that you have plenty of friends and interests and you are not going to account to him for every step you take (even if he never did not require such a report). Such statements make Sagittarius think about marriage. Well, to make it easier for him to think, take upon yourself the solution to all his everyday, and, if possible, material problems. This greatly helps Sagittarians make the right decisions.

How to drain
The opportunity to drain Sagittarius doesn't come along often. Usually it disappears on its own. But if you are in no hurry, don’t worry, the “draining” operation will be easy and won’t take much time. The main thing is to get Sagittarius to return the money he owes you before it starts. And when financial issue will be settled, start demanding from Sagittarius that he fulfill his promises, arrive on time, report, show a list of calls and text messages for the day, earn money, in other words, become a decent person. Arrange showdowns, scandals and hysterics. Criticize him and complain about his dog's behavior.
This connection will end quickly. He won't suffer. Sagittarius does not make a tragedy out of breakups and divorces, because they open up so many new opportunities. He will quickly find a replacement for you; it is possible that he already has a couple of options.

Sagittarius - very interesting sign zodiac Representatives of the sign are protected by the element of fire. The horoscope says that men born under the sign of Sagittarius love to have fun, are unable to sit still and are the life of the party.

They are comfortable in noisy, cheerful groups where they certainly occupy a leading position. Sagittarians are inquisitive, they are interested in everything in the world. These men are restless. They have incredible charm and gain popularity among the fair sex.

How to please a Sagittarius man

Representatives of this sign are alien to a measured life. They get tired of her. Sagittarians are in constant search of bright impressions and crave new events. These are born travelers. If a man does not have the opportunity to travel all the time, Sagittarius will find a hobby that will fill his life with bright colors.

For Sagittarius men, the framework of morality is alien. They strive to marry them, to gain freedom. They are guided own rules, which may differ from the norms accepted by society. Often the behavior of Sagittarius is shocking, but this does not bother people born under this zodiac constellation at all.

This does not mean at all that Sagittarius is inherently shocking. They live the way they want. Despite this, Sagittarius knows when to stop. He will never cross the boundaries set by himself. Sagittarius men have heightened feeling justice. In any situation, they are ready to protect the fair sex, even if their own safety is at stake.

How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you

When choosing a girl, Sagittarius first looks at her bright, unusual appearance. He likes well-groomed women who know their worth and know how to present themselves, but a Sagittarius will quickly get bored with a beautiful dummy.

Representatives of the stronger sex are interested in the strong-willed character of their chosen one. Their lover should have a good sense of humor and be sociable. A girl who has imagination, optimism and still looks at things in a slightly childish way will conquer a Sagittarius man faster than a beauty who puts herself above others.

Representatives of this zodiac constellation valued in opposite field ability to communicate easily. Sagittarians are not interested in arguers and bores. If the girl remains silent and Sagittarius cannot find common topics of conversation with her, then the lady will soon become boring to him.

When choosing a Sagittarius man as a life partner, a girl must understand that he will not sit at home all the time and be next to her. Without bright impressions, a guy's life will turn into gloomy ones. gray everyday life. This will soon make Sagittarius feel very sad. A girl should share the interests of a Sagittarius man. If he always attends events alone, he will soon find someone with whom his interests coincide.

How to win the heart of a married Sagittarius man

If a Sagittarius is married to a bright, independent woman, then other girls have no chance. Making a Sagittarius fall in love with you is not easy. He loves to flirt, but the girl has no prospects other than frivolous relationships. Even if he is not nearby, Sagittarius will strive for family. You won't be able to keep the guy next to you.

At the most crucial moment, Sagittarius will remember his wife or girlfriend and return home. The man is very worried about the safety of his family, so there is practically no chance of conquering him. Don't try to discourage someone who is busy. If he is married and if he has a girlfriend, Sagittarius will be faithful.

How to keep a Sagittarius man

If a girl decides to be with a representative of this sign, then she must fight for her happiness. A man will like it if his beloved sometimes takes the initiative in the relationship into her own hands, but he should not insist too often on quiet, calm gatherings at home. Sagittarius will not survive such a life.

A woman who knows how to beautifully demonstrate her independence can truly tie a Sagittarius to her. If you sometimes make it clear to a representative of this sign that he is far from the only man on earth, then this will not leave him indifferent and will force him to pay more attention to his woman.

Sagittarius' pride will not allow someone to take away his beloved, but you should not go too far. A Sagittarius man may decide that his chosen one is too frivolous and not worth the effort.

Trying to change a man will fail. You should not try to limit his freedom and force him to abandon his usual actions. Sagittarius will quickly break off such relationships. Neither beauty nor intelligence can hold him back. Only a girl close to him in spirit will become the wife of a Sagittarius.

It is worth taking part in the hobbies of your chosen one. It is worth admiring the success of a Sagittarius man. This will make him happy. You should not criticize a man’s hobbies or prohibit them.

A man likes it if his girlfriend demonstrates her dependence on her partner. Sagittarius has the impression that he has everything in his hands. But you shouldn’t try to crush them under you. Sagittarius will not tolerate even the slightest pressure.

Aries woman

An Aries girl and a Sagittarius man are very similar in temperament. These are hot, passionate people. Their relationship is like a seething volcano. Sagittarius and Aries will never be bored. But you can get tired of such relationships very quickly.

Taurus woman

The Taurus woman has a calm and balanced character. A tandem with a restless Sagittarius may fall apart as soon as it is formed, but a girl is capable of conquering a man with her ability to cook, housekeeping and beauty. To maintain a relationship, a Taurus woman must be less stubborn and conservative.

Gemini woman

Sagittarius will like the easy nature of the Gemini woman. Together, representatives of these signs will find it easy and comfortable. However, they are both freedom-loving and do not at all strive to get married. If this union is created, it promises to be durable. In marriage, Sagittarius and Gemini will be happy.

Cancer woman

If a Cancer woman wants to win the heart of a Sagittarius man, she must learn to understand him. You should not be too protective of your partner. Relationships are possible if both make compromises.

Leo woman

A Leo woman will easily win the attention of a Sagittarius. He will love her beauty, charisma and love for life.

Virgo woman

Misunderstandings may arise between Virgo and Sagittarius. The rational, practical character of a girl is alien to a man. It will be difficult for them together. But Sagittarius may like Virgo's intelligence and nobility.

For a Libra woman

Sagittarius will like the emotionality of Libra. Representatives of these signs will quickly find mutual language. IN family life harmony will reign among the couples.

Scorpio woman

Sagittarius will have a difficult alliance with Scorpio. Relationships between signs are possible, but in most cases they are not durable. A constant battle of characters will lead to partners getting tired and separating.

Sagittarius woman

The romance of a Sagittarius woman with a man of the same sign will be filled with intense passion. Emotions in a relationship run high, but the independence and freedom-loving nature of partners can lead to a bright romance ending quickly.

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman will bring stability to the life of a Sagittarius. The characters' personalities are very different, but these people positively influence each other. Union is possible.

For Aquarius woman

Aquarius and Sagittarius have a lot in common. A man will like the friendliness and optimism of a girl, but representatives of these signs are in no hurry to get married. Their relationship may last for years, but they will never start a family.

Pisces woman

A difficult alliance awaits Sagittarius with Pisces. It will not be easy for representatives of the signs to work together. To maintain relationships, partners will have to make compromises.

Contents of the article:

Let's talk heart to heart? If you dream of a man who was born in November or December and belongs to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, then don’t be sad. You can make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you, you just need to know how. After all, men of this sign have bright characteristics that can be skillfully used.

Remember how a Sagittarius man behaves

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is sociable, friendly, tireless and active. This is all good qualities, which will be useful to a woman in love with him. To attract attention to yourself, you need to know how a Sagittarius man behaves. And he loves to talk a lot and gain the attention of other people. Use this character trait. When meeting your loved one, encourage him to talk about himself as much as possible. For such a man to think about you, a significant part of the conversation should be devoted to topics about his interests, his views. Invite him, for example, to talk about his childhood or his achievements.

Don’t forget to praise him and admire his successes. Make him feel special in your eyes. Irreplaceable. Ask his opinion on something or advice. Show that his recommendation is important to you. Don’t skimp on such phrases: “What a great fellow you are!”, “I didn’t know that!”, “How cool you said that!” After all, Sagittarians really value a friendly attitude towards themselves. Conversely, they do not like to be criticized.

Find out how to understand a Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man loves freedom very much. He is often fascinated by new projects. He is more interested in acting and bringing his ideas to life than in building romantic relationships. This is why it is important to know how to behave with a Sagittarius man.

  • Don't rush to give yourself to him. Let the intrigue and mystery remain.
  • It’s good if he notices that you are in demand, that someone else needs you. For example, let them call you in his presence. Make new male friends in social network, communicate with other men. It will look very advantageous if someone gives you a ride. Another man, of course.
  • You are extraordinary and others need you. Let him see this. But at the same time, don't cross the line.
  • Remain a “good girl” so that no one can find fault with you. All these other men are either work colleagues or distant friends. A Sagittarius man should not suspect that you are deceiving him.

How do you know if he's in love?

To understand whether a Sagittarius man is in love with you, you need to remember a few secrets by which you can determine his feelings.

  • Take a closer look at him. When his beloved appears, Sagittarius speaks more quietly and rudely. Yes, yes, this life of the party and expert in etiquette will not be able to cope with himself in front of you if he is in love.
  • His breathing will become faster. By the way, advice: adapt to his breathing rate, breathe at the same time as him. This one is insignificant psychological technique It really brings people together, especially lovers.
  • Pay attention to the way he looks at you. The look of a Sagittarius in love is a look into your eyes, not at your forms, but deep into your eyes, into your very soul.
  • And the last sign of Sagittarius falling in love, associated with his constant sociability, is the desire to show you off to his friends and introduce you to relatives. This is certainly a sign of serious intentions. By the way, don’t forget that Sagittarians usually start one family forever.

Be bright. Think about your outfit. A Sagittarius man will pay attention to you if you look feminine. Be sure to wear a dress or skirt. Definitely shoes with heels. Choose colors that are colorful but tasteful.

Remember the main characteristics of Sagittarius, they will tell you how to win a Sagittarius man. This is cheerfulness and optimism. So be like that yourself. Enjoy life, enjoy yourself. Do not be afraid of anything. Enjoy everything you do. Here's the first secret. This energy of love of life and positivity emanating from you will be transmitted to him, your beloved man. And Sagittarius likes this kind of energy, this is his wave, so be on his wave! Think about everything that might stress you out and eliminate it. Let him feel that it's cool to be with you. Do it for the love of him.

By the way, there is one trick that will help you not to be shy in front of your beloved Sagittarius man. Imagine he is a child. Try it, you will immediately feel better with it.

The second secret of how to conquer a Sagittarius man is related to the first. Don't be too serious and respectable. Remember that Sagittarius is a little bit of a child, it's Robin Hood. So play with him a little, flirt. Speak words of admiration and inspire him. Here's how to please a Sagittarius man. Many women make one mistake. They talk too seriously with a Sagittarius man. Do you want to stand out from others? Then talk to him like a child, playfully. Don't forget to smile, tease him, be interested in something related to him, joke, give a compliment.

Then he will fall in love. After all, everyone around is very gray and serious, life is hard. Most people don't do that. And you be extraordinary! Now you know how to attract a Sagittarius man.


Zodiac signsCompatibilityLoveCommunication
a lionHighHighHigh

What to do if you lose your beloved Sagittarius man?

Solving the question of how to keep a Sagittarius man will require a little of your ingenuity. Let your lover act as your savior. Come up with, and if necessary, fabricate a situation in which your man saves you from trouble. It had to be something very urgent where his help was needed. For example, you twisted your ankle and need to go to the hospital; The computer is broken and the work is on fire; A pipe has burst and urgently needs help. Let him feel like a knight, strong and superior. Irreplaceable. Make him feel very valuable to you. For Sagittarius, a heroic deed is very important.

Another recipe works flawlessly. It is based on psychological characteristics Sagittarius. We need to experience together the acute sense of danger. For example, take a ride on some extreme carousel or dangerous Ferris wheel. Or go to a scary place full of legends. By the way, there are many such places in our country and you will probably find some abandoned bridge, wasteland, or something mysterious in your city. You need to experience thrills that will not be quickly forgotten. Adrenaline will make you both breathe faster and your hearts beat faster. This will help you get closer and restore your previous warm relationship.

How to get a Sagittarius man back?

If your loved one has left, you must first think about why this happened. What didn't suit him about you? Why did he decide to leave? Don't forget that relationships with Sagittarius are always a compromise. The only way to get a Sagittarius man back is to make him want to come back.

  • Your emotions should be in your control. First, take a break: go to Gym, buy new things, stop stalking him.
  • When you understand yourself, you can think about him. If a Sagittarius man decided to leave you, he didn’t like the old you. Do not Cry! It can be fixed. Gain confidence and don't give a damn.
  • Create a new image of yourself. If you start to restore relationships and behave the same way as before, the effect will be zero. There should be no return of past relationships. We must prepare for new ones.
  • Stop all contact with him for a while. Make an effort on yourself, emphasize the chill. How to demonstrate this to a Sagittarius man? Use social network!
  • Post photos in which you are happy and beautiful. Yes, it's not easy, but it's effective. Even if you have to buy yourself a bouquet of gorgeous roses, do it. Take a photo and post these photos with flowers on the wall on a social network with some intriguing caption: “Cool evening! Thank you!"
  • Prove that you are prosperous and needed by others, that you have many friends who love you. And even if this is not the case, create such an image. The Sagittarius man will perceive you exactly like this. He will be attracted to your optimism and positivity. Show him that you're awesome.

Your task is to evoke positive emotions in him and a desire to return. Be brave. Go to your happiness using all these methods, and your adored Sagittarius man will be at your feet.

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Orthodox calendar

Saturday, March 23, 2019(March 10, old style)
2nd Week of Lent
Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent. Remembrance of the dead.
Martyr Codratus and others like him: Cyprian, Dionysius, Anectus, Paul, Criscent, Dionysius, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphion, Papias, Leonidas and Mcc. Hariessa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Galina, Theodora and many others (258)
Saints' Day:
St. Pavel of Taganrog (1879). Mchch. Codratus of Nicomedia, Satorin, Rufinus, and others (III). St. Anastasia Patricia (567-568).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Demetrius Legeido presbyter (1938).
Great Lent.
Marriages are not celebrated during Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Hebrews 3:12-16 Ev.: Mark 1:35-44
In the morning: - Ps.109-111; Ps.118 For eternity: - Ps.1-8