How to relieve a kidney attack. Renal colic: how to relieve pain? Symptoms of renal colic in women and men. Therapeutic measures for renal colic

June 15, 2017 Doctor

If a person experiences renal colic, his well-being is seriously affected. A strong pain syndrome appears, sometimes it becomes simply unbearable. How to relieve pain? There are many methods, but it is important to use only those that will not harm and will be aimed at treating the underlying disease.

First aid

If a painful attack develops, you must urgently call ambulance. Patients, as a rule, are taken to a hospital, and after acute colic is relieved, treatment is carried out at home. Before the medical team arrives, you should try to alleviate the patient’s suffering by relieving pain. Pre-medical care is allowed to be provided to a person with left-sided colic and with a history of renal pathologies, when there is no doubt about the diagnosis. If right-sided colic occurs, the diagnosis of inflammation of the appendix should be excluded before taking any medications.

To reduce the severity of the attack, the following measures are allowed:

  1. Strengthen your drinking regime.
  2. Apply to the lumbar area warm heating pad, a bottle, a bag of sand (allowed only for repeated colic due to the movement of a large stone with an established diagnosis). You can also take a hot sitz bath for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Give the patient painkillers or antispasmodics to relax smooth muscles, against inflammation and acute pain. Baralgin, Papaverine, No-shpa, Revalgin tablets help well. If there is a health care worker in the family, you can administer the same drugs intramuscularly.
  4. In the absence of these drugs, it is allowed to dissolve a Nitroglycerin tablet to relieve the pain of an attack.

What should not be done as first aid measures? It is forbidden to take large doses of analgesics, especially if they do not have the desired effect. Also, you should not heat the lumbar area for a long time; it is better to carry out a short thermal procedure, and then apply it to your back dry heat(wrap it with a scarf or handkerchief). Any heating is prohibited if there is an elevated body temperature, because in this case the cause of the disease is the inflammatory process.

Treatment in hospital and at home

There are a number of indications for hospitalization and treatment in a hospital:

  • renal colic on both sides;
  • a seizure in a child or pregnant woman;
  • having only one kidney;
  • lack of effect from home therapy;
  • elderly age;
  • presence of complications;
  • development of colic against the background of pyelonephritis, tumors;
  • the appearance of frequent, severe vomiting;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • lack of urination.

To relieve an attack, medications are administered in injections, using the above-mentioned antispasmodics, non-narcotic analgesics (a mixture of Novocaine with glucose, Pipolfen, Halidor, Atropine, Diphenhydramine, Diclofenac, Ketonal, Promedol, Platyfillin, Maxigan). You can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets and suppositories.

The use of painkillers and medications for smooth muscle spasms is continued until the stone passes and the patient’s condition improves. Antibiotics are prescribed if the cause of colic is an inflammatory process, or it occurs against the background of pyelonephritis. If there is no effect of medications and acute urinary retention, ureteral catheterization is performed. Often you have to do an emergency surgical intervention(endoscopic or abdominal methods) to remove the stone.

As the attack subsides and the patient’s health returns to normal, the patient is discharged. A further course of therapy must be carried out at home. It may include the following drugs:

  1. Means for optimizing blood circulation in the renal vessels - Pentoxifylline, Trental.
  2. Uroantiseptics for relieving inflammation - Furomag, Nitroxoline.
  3. Medicines to improve the functioning of the entire urinary system and dissolve stones - Olimetin, Urocholum, Litovit, Uro-Vaxom, Canephron, Cyston.

Folk recipes

Any traditional methods of therapy are allowed to be used only with the approval of a doctor. Renal colic may be accompanied serious illnesses urinary system, which are dangerous and sometimes lead to human death. It is important not to delay treatment in a hospital, relying on folk remedies.

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The following recipes exist:

  1. Brew a glass of horsetail herb in 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain and pour into a warm bath. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
  2. You need to eat watermelons (300-700 g per day), as this product has a diuretic effect and relieves attacks of colic - removes stones from the ureter.
  3. For acute pain, take cabbage leaf, crush it in your hands. Wrap the area of ​​the affected kidney with a warm cloth and leave until the condition improves.
  4. Brew a tablespoon of birch buds with 300 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink 100 ml of infusion three times a day. It is advisable to use this therapy over a course of 7-10 days.

Prevention of pathology

To no longer suffer from pain symptoms, you should follow your doctor's recommendations for the treatment of all kidney diseases. It is necessary to find out the reasons for the appearance of kidney stones and influence them with the help of drugs and diet. In the absence of contraindications, the water regime should be increased. Salt in the diet should not exceed the amount allowed by the doctor. Also, as a preventative measure, you should give up smoking and alcohol, lead an active lifestyle, and avoid hypothermia and the appearance of foci of infection in the body. In this case, the risk of exacerbation of kidney disease will be minimal.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness and fast fatiguability, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

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An acute attack of urolithiasis can be recognized due to pain called renal colic. But it can also arise as a result of the development inflammatory processes in the kidneys, abnormalities congenital type, interfering with the normal excretion of urine. What to do with renal colic? Urgent medical intervention is required.

First of all, it is necessary to relieve spasms of the ureteral muscles so that urine can move freely. In the absence of therapy, the calculus can block the path of urine and develop. Treatment of renal colic at home is carried out after examination by a doctor and prescribing an individual course of medications.

Antispasmodics are prescribed to relieve muscle tone: No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine. To relieve the patient of pain, it is recommended to take painkillers: Spazmalgon, Ketorol. Medicines push salt compounds through the urinary tract when, thereby reducing painful sensations. But any of the drugs is prescribed by a physician after examining the patient and studying the examination results.

During periods of unbearable pain in the kidneys, warmth helps a lot. To do this, use a heating pad or take a warm bath. Such manipulations improve blood flow to the organ, dilating blood vessels, eliminating muscle spasms, moving stones along the ureter.

How to relieve an attack of renal colic at home? Warmth is the best helper. Relieves discomfort in a matter of minutes, up to the complete elimination of a pain attack. Heat procedures also improve the flow of urine.

A warm bath will help reduce pain during an attack of renal colic

First aid algorithm for pain syndrome

When renal colic becomes a manifestation of the pathology, it is worth taking the following actions:

  1. Place the person on the bed and cover with a blanket.
  2. Place a warm heating pad on your stomach, pressing it against your perineum.
  3. Give an injection of Spazmalgon. It is allowed even in the absence of clarity about the causes of the attack.
  4. Then place the patient so that bladder was located below the kidneys.
  5. Do not hold back your urine under any circumstances. Empty at the first urge, until the stone passes.
  6. When the medicine takes effect, the urge will begin. The person is seated on the bed and a second heating pad is applied to the damaged organ.

Herbal medicine in the fight against pain in the urinary organs

Since ancient times, ancestors could anesthetize a damaged area of ​​the body through medicinal herbs. Now there are many drugs traditional medicine Made based on grandma's recipes.

Many patients prefer treatment with folk remedies. But do not forget that the result of self-help can be disastrous. Therefore, it is worth consulting with a doctor before starting to use herbal medicine. The most popular are infusions and tea drinks made from herbs with medicinal properties. In order for treatment at home to be successful for renal colic, the medicine must be an antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic and antipyretic.

Renal colic is treated with herbs that make up the collection for kidney teas:

  • diuretic effect in bearberry, knotweed, horsetail;
  • disinfects plantain, chamomile;
  • antispasmodics in the form of cornflower flowers, rhizomes and leaves of parsley, birch buds can relieve painful sensations;
  • will remove grains of sand, salt compounds in the kidneys, orthosiphon.

First aid for renal colic in the form of taking tea with medicinal plants quickly relieves pain, preventing stones from getting stuck in the ureter and blocking the path of urine discharge.

Let's consider the most popular herbal teas that relieve pain, when the symptoms of renal colic in women are pronounced and treatment at home is the only way out at the moment:

  1. Rose hip. Pour freshly boiled water over the fruit and root of the plant. Leave for a while and boil again for fifteen minutes. Pour the liquid into a thermos and leave for two hours. Drink half a glass of infusion three to four times a day. The medicine removes sand and stones from the urinary organs.
  2. How to relieve renal colic? Will help parsley root collection, black elderberry berries, blue cornflower flower. Place the ingredients in equal parts into a glass and brew. Leave it for a while. Drink a quarter cup every three to four hours.
  3. Birch collection. Take a leaf and a bud of a tree, add boiled water and cook in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, cover the broth with a lid and leave for an hour. Drink the product before meals, a third of a glass three times a day. Effectively cleanses the kidneys and acts as a diuretic.
  4. Cowberry. Take a leaf of a bush, add bearberry and horsetail to it. Pour all the ingredients with water and boil in a bathhouse for about fifteen minutes. Then leave it to brew for an hour. Take the medicine three times a day before eating. The product has diuretic effect and antiseptic effect.

The above medicinal infusions are taken for two weeks. After that, you need to take a break for a week and repeat the course. In rare cases, it is necessary to drink the product three times a year.

How to relieve pain from renal colic? Fresh juices eliminate painful syndrome. It is important that the composition does not contain acids that irritate the mucous membrane. This is pumpkin and cucumber juice. The vegetable removes stones from the urinary organs and has a diuretic effect. Drinking one glass of cucumber juice before meals increases the volume of fluid excreted. Pumpkin juice has the same effect.

Herbal medicine is a powerful tool in the treatment of kidney disease, but should only be used with the permission of a physician.

Diet for pathology: is there an effect?

How to treat its acute manifestation? An integral part of therapy is proper nutrition. The diet not only allows you to cope with a painful attack, but also protects the patient from the formation of sand and salt formations in the urinary organs. The patient should give up fatty foods fried foods, salted fish, sausage, smoked. Strong coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Canned meat and broths also will not become healthy food for pathology.

Meals should be fractional. You need to eat in small portions. Include porridge from cereals, fruits without irritating acids, vegetable soups. Drinking regime is important. You need to drink at least two and a half liters of liquid per day: herbal infusions, teas, mineral water without gas.

Prevention is the sure way from pain

In urolithiasis, renal colic is a common occurrence. To prevent the patient from being tormented by painful sensations, it is necessary to adhere to a number of preventive rules. The patient must strictly adhere to the drinking and nutritional regime, observe the duration of medication intake traditional medicine. Special sanatorium and resort trips play a big role in recovery, which must be organized at least once a year. It is compliance with these recommendations that will protect the patient from constant relapses of unbearable pain in the kidneys.

Renal colic is a symptom of urolithiasis that brings unbearable discomfort to a person. You can deal with it by various methods. But it will be more effective to find out the exact cause of the phenomenon before stopping the attack. Then the therapy will be targeted and will not lead to the development of complications, aggravating the situation.

Renal colic is an acute pain syndrome that occurs when there is a sudden cessation of urine drainage from the kidney, which is accompanied by disruption of many functions. urinary system. An attack requires immediate treatment medical care, because untimely relief can cause serious complications.

Mechanism of development of renal colic

An attack of renal colic is associated with pathological processes in the body, often occurring against the background of diseases of the urinary system. In glomeruli and tubules renal parenchyma blood is filtered and urine is formed, from where it enters the renal calyces, and then into the cavity of the renal pelvis. Next, the urinary fluid, due to contractions of the renal pelvis, passes into the ureter, which directly connects to bladder, in which it accumulates and urethra is excreted from the body.

If there is an obstacle to the outflow of urinary fluid, it accumulates in the pelvis, in response to which reflex spasms of the smooth muscle muscles of the ureter, calyces, and pelvis occur. At this time, urine formation continues, so there is overstretching of the ureter, pelvis and calyces above the obstruction site, and increased pressure in the urinary tract. In this regard, pyelovenous reflux occurs - when the contents of the renal pelvis penetrate the veins of the kidney, renal circulation begins to be disrupted. Subsequent pathological processes are:

  • hypoxia and atrophy of the parenchyma;
  • venous stasis;
  • swelling of the kidney;
  • compression of nerve endings.

Renal colic - causes

The most common, typical cause of renal colic is urolithiasis. IN in this case clog renal pelvis or sections of the ureter - stones that form in the kidneys and migrate with the urine stream. In addition to stones, obstruction urinary tract may cause:

  • blood clots;
  • slime;
  • a clot of pus;
  • caseous masses;
  • sloughed epithelium.

In such cases, renal colic causes the following:

  • (acute, chronic);
  • tumor processes in the kidney;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • injuries to this organ.

Obstruction of the ureter, which causes renal colic, can be caused by other factors:

  • kinking of the ureter;
  • narrowing of the ureter due to scar processes;
  • swelling of the ureter due to an allergic reaction;
  • compression of the ureter from the outside by lymph nodes, neoplasms;
  • adhesive processes in which the ureter is involved as a result of gynecological inflammatory pathologies.

The following factors can provoke an attack in various existing pathologies:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • eating very spicy, salty foods;
  • hypothermia.
  • Renal colic - symptoms

    Renal colic is characterized by the fact that it often occurs abruptly against the background of general well-being, at rest or during movement, at any time of the day, without visible reasons. The main and first sign that appears is intense sharp pain localized in the lower back. Against the background of pain, renal colic symptoms in women may have the following:

    • frequent urge to urinate;
    • painful urination;
    • changes in urine color;
    • nausea;
    • urge to vomit;
    • dizziness;
    • promotion blood pressure;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • chills;
    • bloating.

    Pain due to renal colic

    Acute renal colic can last from several minutes to several days, while the pain is either constant or paroxysmal, with periods of calm. The pain does not give a person peace, forces him to take forced positions, in which he weakens somewhat. It is concentrated along the ureter, in the lumbar region, and radiates to the iliac, inguinal zone, and outer surfaces of the thighs. Patients may feel the stone come out along with the urine, causing a stinging sensation, after which the pain begins to subside and take on a dull character.

    Temperature in renal colic

    If signs of renal colic include elevated temperature body, then the reasons are most likely related to secondary acute pyelonephritis. With this disease, there is a violation of the passage of urine due to cicatricial narrowing of the ureter, stone obstruction, neurogenic bladder and other factors. Stagnation of urine provokes favorable conditions for pathogens, which is why infectious and inflammatory processes occur. Body temperature can reach 38-39 °C, chills and increased sweating are observed.

    Renal colic - diagnosis

    To confirm renal colic, examination and questioning of the patient is often sufficient. If the patient's history reveals urolithiasis, renal colic is associated with the passage of a stone through the ureter. In most cases, to determine the causative diseases, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are required:

    • , ureter, bladder;
    • CT scan;
    • excretory urography;
    • general urine test, salt test;
    • general blood analysis.

    Due to the fact that the clinical picture of the syndrome in question is similar to the appearance of some other pathologies, there is a need to carry out differential diagnosis with the following diseases:

    • acute appendicitis;
    • perforation of an intestinal or stomach ulcer;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • thrombosis of mesenteric vessels and others.

    Renal colic - treatment

    This syndrome, due to unbearable sensations, forces patients to consult a doctor, which is the right decision. Help for renal colic should be provided as soon as possible, which requires urgent hospitalization. If it is not possible to quickly receive professional help, it is permissible to use methods to alleviate the condition that are not capable of aggravating the course of the disease. Next, we’ll look at what to do for renal colic at home.

    Renal colic, emergency care - algorithm

    Emergency care for renal colic may include the following:

    1. Ensuring complete peace.
    2. Taking a hot bath at 37-39 °C - due to the action of heat, the spasm of the smooth muscles of the ureter is reduced, thereby reducing pain (the duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes).
    3. Local application of heat - applying a hot water bottle or a bottle of hot water to the lumbar area on the side, lower abdomen on the affected side.

    The patient should monitor body temperature and, if it is elevated, refuse to use thermal procedures, otherwise this may cause serious consequences. In addition, it is recommended to monitor urine excretion for the passage of stones, blood clots and so on (it is advisable to collect urine in a glass container).

    Renal colic - how to relieve pain?

    First aid for renal colic may include the use of medications to relieve pain. It is worth considering that self-administration of painkillers is only permissible in the case of left-sided pain, since such pain is associated with right side may most likely indicate other pathologies (for example, appendicitis, cholecystitis, ulcers), in which pain relief is lubricated clinical picture and complicates subsequent diagnosis.

    For patients in whom renal colic is suspected, treatment at home may be based on taking the following medications:

    • No-shpa or Drotaverine (due to relaxation of smooth muscles, relieves spasms and often helps the passage of stones);
    • Ibuprofen;
    • Paracetamol;
    • Ketanov;
    • Baralgin.

    Drugs for renal colic

    In a hospital setting, pain medication for renal colic is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, which allows achieving better effect. To relieve a pain attack, the following drugs are used:

    • Analgin;
    • Platyfillin;
    • Ketorolac;
    • Papaverine;
    • Novocaine;
    • Diclofenac;
    • Codeine.

    After this, therapy is prescribed for the causative disease that provoked the attack. Treatment is often conservative, including antibiotics, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications for urine alkalization, and others, depending on the diagnosis. In some cases conservative treatment does not work and requires surgery to clear the blockage urinary tract.

    If you have renal colic, treatment at home requires precise definition root causes, since conflicting sources may underlie an acute outbreak of pain.

    A sudden development of pain in the lumbar region is called renal colic. A severe attack of pain is often associated with an exacerbation of urolithiasis or a circulatory disorder in the kidneys. The pain associated with renal colic can be so noticeable that it causes loss of consciousness.

    Since the disease is common, many patients are looking for more information about treating renal colic at home, for example, how to relieve pain and alleviate the condition before seeking qualified medical care.

    Symptoms and causes of renal colic

    The main cause of the development of renal colic is considered to be urolithiasis with stone movement. Large stones can clog the urinary tract, as a result of which the outflow of urine is disrupted and an acute pain attack develops.

    Causes of colic:
    • injuries and kidney damage;
    • kidney prolapse;
    • decrease in the lumen of the ureter;
    • kidney cancer;
    • tumor formations in the pelvic organs;
    • kidney tuberculosis;
    • acute inflammation pelvis.

    The cause of pain in the kidneys is many factors. If an attack of pain appears for the first time, then it is necessary to call a specialist to identify the source and proper treatment.

    Unexpected sharp pain in the lower back or hypochondrium, sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness, is the main sign of renal colic. Painful sensations do not disappear from a change in location; they persist both in a quiet position and when the patient moves.

    Renal colic can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:
    • appearance bloody discharge in urine;
    • frequent urination;
    • problems with stool loose stool or constipation;
    • painful sensations radiate to the perineum, groin area or lateral area on the other side;
    • intense pain in the form of contractions.
    Additional signs accompanying the pathology are:
    • increase in body temperature;
    • jump in blood pressure;
    • pain in the ribs;
    • attack of nausea, vomiting or dizziness;
    • bloating.

    The above symptoms may indicate the presence of various diseases. After stopping the attack, you should consult a specialist and undergo a full examination for an accurate diagnosis.

    First aid for renal colic

    At the initial occurrence of renal colic, it is necessary to call an ambulance. This is especially true for children and pregnant women. Conventional analgesics can worsen the condition and increase pain. Your doctor will help you identify and eliminate the source of your pain. After stopping the attack, you must undergo medical examination and start treatment concomitant pathology.

    If the cause of the pain is known, then treatment of colic at home is as follows:

    1. Bed rest.
    2. Wrapping the patient in warm blankets.
    3. Place a warm heating pad in the lumbar region. The water in the heating pad should be at a comfortable temperature. Instead of a heating pad, you can take a warm bath. Thermal procedures relieve spasms and promote the outflow of urine, resulting in faster improvement.
    4. Do intramuscular injection Nosh-py, or Baralgina, or Spazmalgona, or Papaverine. These drugs are acceptable without an accurate diagnosis. In case of a repeated attack, it is permissible to take anti-inflammatory medications previously prescribed by a doctor.
    5. The amount of liquid should be increased. You can drink a decoction of rose hips, compotes, boiled water and other drinks.
    6. The patient's position should be adjusted so that the bladder is lower than the kidneys.
    7. The urge to urinate cannot be tolerated. At the slightest urge, the bladder should be emptied immediately. You can use special dishes for this. When treating colic, it is necessary to control urination until the stone passes and you feel better.

    If measures taken to relieve pain do not produce the desired effect, then hospitalization is necessary. It is important to remember that help is provided only if you are absolutely sure that it is indeed renal colic, since in other cases all treatment at home will be useless.

    Elderly people, patients with one kidney, pregnant women and children should be examined and treated only in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

    Treatment of renal colic at home

    Since the treatment takes place in several stages, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient’s well-being.

    1. If the condition improves, the patient can take a warm bath with a water temperature of up to 40 degrees and lasting no more than 20 minutes. Warm water can relieve pain from an attack.
    2. It is forbidden to take painkillers without consulting a doctor. Even a single dose of Ketanov or Ketorol will make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.
    3. After 6 hours, you should take Asparkam or Panangin. These medicines perfectly strengthen the heart muscle, weakened due to an attack.
    4. If the pain syndrome persists, it is necessary to re-use antispasmodics, such as Baralgin with Nosh-pa, Papaverine.
    What to do with renal colic is strictly prohibited?
    1. It is not recommended to leave the patient alone long time, since treatment of renal colic at home requires constant supervision and care.
    2. An increase in temperature or the presence of neoplasms is a ban on warming up.
    3. Strong painkillers, highly carbonated drinks and strenuous physical activity are also prohibited.

    At high temperature, nausea with vomiting, lack of urine and pain syndrome more than two days requires urgent hospitalization.

    Non-drug treatment and prevention of renal colic

    Many patients do not want to resort to drug treatment, so any information on how to relieve an attack of renal colic at home is important to them folk ways.

    Unconventional methods have positive result when getting rid of an attack.

    Tips on how to treat pathology folk recipes:

    1. Decoction of pumpkin seeds.
    2. Flax seed for internal and external use. The decoction is taken every two hours, a compress on the lower back is recommended before bed.
    3. One day a week, eat only boiled wheat.
    4. Chamomile tea with lemon balm and mint in equal quantities is taken once a day, if home treatment is preferable for renal colic.
    5. An infusion of birch buds, parsley, flax seeds, strawberry leaves and rose hips is useful for colic attacks.
    6. Dried lingonberry leaves have an excellent diuretic effect.

    There are many other methods of traditional medicine, but they should be used in practice only after consultation with a specialist and clarification of the diagnosis. It is important to remember that self-medication is unacceptable.

    The main preventive measure is timely medical examination and ultrasound monitoring. By using ultrasound examination you can find out about the presence of stones or sand in the kidneys and bladder.

    To prevent the appearance and growth of stones, it is necessary to observe the correct and healthy eating, drink the required amount clean water and herbal teas with urological effects. Avoiding salty and smoked foods is also beneficial for the body.

    Healthy image life, regular exercise will help maintain good health for a long time.

    Renal colic occurs in two thirds of patients urolithiasis and may be its first manifestation. Renal colic most often occurs when small moving stones enter the ureter.

    Characterized by the occurrence of sudden, very intense pain spreading from the buttocks to groin area along the ureter. At the peak of the attack, nausea, vomiting, false urges to urination, weakness, palpitations, dry mouth, thirst, and chills are also noted.

    Leukocytes, red blood cells, protein are found in the urine, and sometimes blood is visible to the eye.

    In older people, renal colic is much less common due to decreased tone of the urinary tract, therefore, the disease can be asymptomatic. Stones localized in the kidney itself, as a rule, are not particularly disturbing if they are immobile. But if the stone decides to leave its home, problems begin. Renal colic occurs as a result of an obstruction in the flow of urine through the ureter from the kidney to the bladder. That is why you should not thoughtlessly try to cleanse the kidneys on your own using various dubious recipes.

    Remember! Stones do not dissolve instantly! They may shrink a little and try to get out without having a chance yet, or break into several sharp fragments, which will also not bring pleasure. And, blockage of the ureter with a large stone is very dangerous, since without medical assistance it can lead to kidney death and death.

    If renal colic occurs, do not wait for anything, call an ambulance!Especially if this happened for the first time. You can't diagnose what exactly is going on yourself, so trust the experts.

    To relieve renal colic, it is recommended to administer the following: medicines: Baralgin 5 ml intravenously, Atropine 0.1% 1 ml subcutaneously, Platyfillin 0.2% 1 ml subcutaneously, No-spa 2% 4 ml intramuscularly or intravenously in a saline solution. Of course, all this should be done by a specialist and preferably in a hospital. And only a doctor, based on a full examination, can resolve the issue of surgical intervention, or crushing stones with ultrasound.

    However, if you are an “experienced user” and this is not the first time this has happened, or if the emergency doctor diagnosed renal colic, gave an injection and left, then a lot depends on your actions.

    If you have been given an injection of an antispasmodic drug, the outflow of urine will be restored for a while and the stone may pass away on its own. However, some auxiliary procedures need to be done.

    First, prepare a heating pad, preferably two. Place one heating pad (or bottle of water) on the perineum and press it with your feet, the other on the injection site. Never place a heating pad on your stomach! You can put a heating pad on the kidney, but only after the outflow of urine has been at least partially restored. Otherwise, you will only make the situation worse. The same applies to taking strong diuretics.

    Prepare a thermos of hot tea with lemon and sugar (lemon is required, it gives a diuretic effect, and if you have urates, it also alkalizes the urine, thereby promoting their dissolution). Raise the head of the bed so that the kidney area is higher than the bladder area, place heating pads in the above areas and cover yourself warmly. You may need to lie there for several hours, so make sure you are comfortable. Place everything you need nearby (cell phone, heart drops, etc.), and try not to get up unless necessary.

    You can take a pill at nightAsparkama (anangin), preferably together with vitamin B6, since magnesium is absorbed better in the presence of this vitamin. Magnesium promotes the dissolution of stones and serves as an antiplatelet agent (prevents the process of crystal formation). There are drugs on saleMagne-B 6 , Magnelis, Magnesium+, but they are expensive, and you shouldn’t abuse them either. Asparkam is cheap and effective, but there is no need to take it constantly, but in a critical situation it can really help. In the morning, if you are lucky, your pebble will be found in the urine in the form of sand.

    If the stone does not come out within 24 hours, you must repeat the injection or take 1-2 tablets orallySpasmalgona(Took,Spazgan , Baralgin, Baralgetas, Revalgin), orNovigana and repeat the procedure of warming up and drinking tea with lemon or diuretics. If your condition allows, you can take a warm bath with aromatic oils (juniper, cypress) or a decoction of oat straw, but you should not sit in it for more than half an hour and only if you are sure that you can get out of it yourself, or You have an assistant who can help if necessary. In addition to tea, take it to the bathroom ammonia, heart drops and cell phone.

    Some patients benefit from taking myotropic antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spasmonet, etc.), main active substance which include drotaverine, as well as drugsPlatyphylline and Papaverina . However, these drugs are less effective in conditions of renal colic than Spazmolgon and its analogues. Along with antispasmodics, painkillers such as Analgin, Ibuprofen, etc. are also used.

    The mechanism of action of antispasmodics is based on the fact that they relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the ureters, expanding their lumen, which leads to the restoration of the outflow of urine from the kidney, and makes it possible for the stone to move further along the ureter into the bladder. Due to the peculiar structure of the ureters, there are three areas of natural narrowing in them, in which the stone most often gets stuck.

    If the stones are multiple, but small, the so-called “sand”, the process of their removal may take considerable time. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime (if there is no edema, at least two liters of clean water per day, in addition to other liquids) and ensure physical activity (daily walking without shopping bags, of course).