The adjective and its morphological features. Constant morphological features of the adjective. Places of the adjective

Adjective– this is an independent part of speech that combines words denoting a non-procedural attribute of an object and answering the questions which?, whose?;

In Russian, adjectives can change by gender, case and number, and have a short form. In a sentence, an adjective is most often a modifier, but can also be a predicate and subject.

This is the meaning of the attribute of an object, denoting color, taste, smell, evaluation, character, mental and speech activity.

Let's give an example: red, bitter, smelly, funny, smart.

There are lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives.

Adjectives can be divided into lexical and grammatical categories:
- high-quality
- possessive
- relative

The categories of adjectives always differ from each other in grammatical features and semantics.

Exist qualitative adjectives, which denote an object directly, that is, without relation to other objects (red, dull, evil), have forms of comparison and short forms.

Relative adjectives– indicate a characteristic through a relationship to another object, they are derived from nominal bases (steel, wood);

Possessive adjectives– denote belonging to a person or animal, that is, they contain an indication of the owner (foxes, fathers).
Short adjectives are those that masculine singular numbers have zero endings (black, handsome), singular female- endings “a”, “ya” (black, beautiful), in the neuter singular - endings “o”, “e” (black, beautiful), and in plural all genders - endings “and”, “y” (black, beautiful). Short adjectives in a sentence act as a predicate. (“How beautiful, how fresh these flowers were...”)

Morphological characteristics the adjective is the same as the noun - case, gender, number.

But unlike nouns, adjectives change by gender, number, and case, while differences in gender are visible in adjectives only in the singular form. This is due to the fact that adjectives clarify nouns: adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number and case.

Examples: Blue carpet, blue ribbon, blue saucer - red carpets, red ribbons, red saucers.

Syntactic features of an adjective.

Usually in a sentence, adjectives are modifiers or the nominal part of the predicate.

Let's give an example: The girl had a very beautiful toy; The toy was beautiful

Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number and case.
Let's give an example: A funny clown made the guys laugh; Funny joke made the guys laugh.

Adjectives can be extended by nouns and adverbs, forming phrases with them.
Let's give an example: weak from illness, very weak.

Adjective- is an independent part of speech that answers questions Which? which? which? which? whose? whose? whose? whose? and denotes the attribute of an object.
Syntactic function: in a sentence it is the definition and nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.
Morphological features of an adjective
category by meaning: qualitative, relative, possessive adjectives;
degree of comparison: comparative and superlative (for qualitative adjectives);
full or short form (for qualitative adjectives).
Initial form- full form of the adjective in nominative case singular masculine.
Classes of adjectives by meaning
Adjectives in meaning can be qualitative, relative, possessive.
Qualitative adjectives call the signs indicating the qualities of an object:
in size ( small);
according to the age ( young);
by color ( bright);
by weight ( easy);
By appearance (Cute);
by internal qualities ( lazy) and etc.
Qualitative adjectives can have:
degrees of comparison ( evil - angrier - the most evil);
short form ( angry - evil - angry);
synonyms, antonyms ( angry, kind);
can form adverbs in - O, -e: evil(looked); compound adjectives by repetition: evil-despicable; abstract nouns: anger.
Relative adjectives They call signs that express the relationship of one object to another:
local ( Ukrainian language- language of Ukrainians);
according to material ( crystal glass - glass made of crystal);
by time ( last year's meeting - last year's meeting);
by appointment ( washing powder - washing powder) and etc.
They do not have degrees of comparison, short form, synonyms, antonyms, etc.
Possessive adjectives call the attribute of an object by its belonging to a person or animal: fathers(tool), grandfathers(order), bearish(den), husband(briefcase); answer questions whose? whose? whose? whose?
They have suffixes - ov- (-ev-), -in- (-yn-), -th-:
Complete and short adjectives
Full adjectives
have endings:
change by case, gender and number:
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful;
in a sentence they serve as a definition:
Tourists made difficult And long climb to the top.
Short adjectives
have endings:
change by gender and number: beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful;
acts as a predicate in a sentence:
Climbing to the top.
Degrees of comparison of adjectives (only for qualitative adjectives)
Highlight comparative And superlatives comparisons. The comparative degree of comparison is divided into simple and compound. Adjectives of simple degree of comparison consist of one word and have suffixes -ee(s), -e, -she () , other bases ( good - better,bad - worse,small - less more,less and an adjective in full form ( more comfortable,less interesting).
The superlative degree of comparison is also divided into simple and compound. Adjectives of simple degree of comparison consist of one word and have suffixes -aysh-,-eysh- (,
), other bases ( good - best,bad - worst,small - smaller). Compound adjectives consist of two words: most,most,least and an adjective in full form ( most noticeable,most correct,least noticeable).
Declension of adjectives (hard, soft, mixed)
In the case of a hard declension, the stem ends in a hard consonant:

In the case of soft declension, the stem ends in a soft consonant:

In the case of mixed declension, the stem ends in g, k, x:
Morphological analysis of the adjective
1. Part of speech. General value(sign of an object).
Initial form (full form I. p., unit of h., male r.).
2. Constant morphological characteristics:
Variable morphological characteristics:
degree of comparison (for a qualitative adjective);
full or short form (for a qualitative adjective);
case (in full form);
gender (singular).
3. Syntactic role.
The morning air is quiet,transparent and fresh.
Morning(air) - adj.
1. Air (what?) morning (denotation of an object). N. f. - morning.
2. Post. - relative; non-post - I. p., units. h., husband R.
3. .
Quiet(air) - adj.
1. The air is (what?) quiet (denoting a sign of an object). N. f. - quiet.
2. Post. - quality; non-post - in times. f., units h., husband R.
3. . 

Constant signs

True, we will talk about only one thing - about the category. Only it is constant for this part of speech. Let's figure out what a discharge is.

According to their meaning, adjectives are usually divided into three groups. Each of them has special grammatical characteristics. Groups of such adjectives are called categorization.

  • High quality.

This type, based on its name, separates adjectives denoting any quality. For example, beautiful (appearance), kind (character trait), green (color), round (shape). This group is the largest and is easily distinguished from others. Only qualitative adjectives can change according to degrees of comparison (small - less - smallest). Another hallmark is that they can have a short form, which other categories cannot (good - good).

  • Relative.

This group of adjectives denotes a characteristic that expresses different relationships to an object: to a place (swimming), to a time of year (winter), to materials (stone, cotton), to a number (double).

This category, unlike qualitative ones, does not have a short form and is not compared by degrees.

  • Possessive.

They have an important difference: such adjectives are the only ones that answer the question “whose?” This applies to both people (mother’s, sister’s) and animals (bear, wolf).

Inconstant signs of an adjective

But there are many more of them. The following will be common to all categories:

  1. Genus. As you know, there are three of them in the Russian language: masculine, neuter and feminine. Each of the adjectives will have all three forms, for example, yellow - yellow - yellow (qualitative); wooden – wooden – wooden (relative); hare – hare – hare (possessive).
  2. Number. All categories have singular (smart) and plural (rich).
  3. Case. Adjectives are easily changed by case. Only possessives have a special type of declension.

For qualitative adjectives, such attributes of the adjective as degree of comparison, as well as a short form, are added.

Participle and adjective: how not to confuse?

Many people still have difficulty distinguishing these parts of speech. And all because they have one general question"Which?" and other similar features. Let us find out in detail what are the signs of an adjective in a participle.

In addition to the issue that unites them, they have general type declination. Since outwardly they are practically indistinguishable and have a common appearance (smart - adjective, thinking - participle), then they will change equally in cases, numbers and all three genders. That is, we conclude that the participle has adopted all the inconstant features of the adjective.

In addition, both parts of speech are distinguished by the presence of a short form: dark - dark (adjective), made - made (participle). Short forms, like full ones, vary not only by gender, but also by number.

If we consider not only the features of an adjective and participle, but also their syntactic function, then we can say with confidence that their roles in sentences are very similar. In full form, both parts of speech will be definitions, and their short forms will act as a predicate or be part of it.


Knowing what features an adjective has, everyone can easily perform a morphological analysis of this part of speech. It will be very easy if you know a few simple rules described in our article.

We should also not forget that the adjective is similar in appearance to the participle. In order not to confuse them, remember that the latter is formed from a verb. And the adjective most often takes its origins from nouns.

March 6, 2015

Each part of speech is characterized by certain features peculiar only to it. This allows you to group Russian words depending on their grammatical properties. They are studied by a special branch of the Russian language - morphology, which takes into account, among other things, the inconstant and constant morphological features of an adjective, noun, verb, etc. Knowledge of the features of significant and auxiliary parts of speech helps to accurately produce morphological analysis and formulate phrases and sentences correctly.

In the Russian language there is a clear analysis scheme. For each independent part of speech, it includes the definition of a generalized grammatical meaning (including a question), morphological features (constant and non-constant), and syntactic function in a sentence.

What is an adjective

This is a significant part of speech, which is often used in descriptive texts. Adjectives denote permanent characteristics of objects and answer the questions: which one? whose? They enter into semantic connections with nouns and, when forming phrases, agree with them in number, gender, and case (non-constant features). This part of speech can denote a property of an object without its relationship ( young age) or through the relation ( winter day, cow's milk) to other objects and phenomena. Depending on the meaning, three categories are distinguished - this is a constant feature - of the adjective. In a sentence, the words of a given part of speech perform the function of a definition or predicate.

Video on the topic

Division into categories

An adjective can characterize an object from different angles:

  • by shape and position in space: round ball, steep slope;
  • by size and color: huge tree, green lawn;
  • By physical qualities: warm day;
  • by intellectual and physiological properties: stupid child, kind person;
  • according to time and space: morning newspaper, city noise;
  • according to the material from which the thing is made: straw man;
  • by purpose: sleeping suit;
  • by affiliation: uncle's suitcase.

The constant features of an adjective are their division into three categories: qualitative ( hot coffee), relative ( winter walk) and possessive ( dad's tie). They are based on a meaning that necessarily correlates with the noun.

Qualitative adjectives

The most productive group of this part of speech. Qualitative adjectives are carriers of a characteristic that can be observed in an object to a greater or lesser extent, which often manifests itself in the formation of a degree of comparison. The second important property of this group is its use in a short form. It does not change by case and is a predicate, i.e. predicate, in a sentence.

The permanent features of an adjective of this category are manifested as follows.

  1. The word can have a short form along with its full form: the table is huge.
  2. Availability of degree of comparison: this picture is more beautiful, that house is taller, the strongest fighter, the biggest holiday.
  3. Ability to form the following groups words: adverbs -O, -e: sweeter; abstract nouns: greenery; forms containing subjective assessment: smart; compound adjectives (by repetition): delicious-delicious; cognate word with prefix Not-: not stupid.
  4. Ability to be part of a pair of synonyms or antonyms: g hot-cold-warm (tea).
  5. Use with adverbs with the meaning of degree AT ALL, VERY, EXTREMELY, etc.: very heavy rain.

Not all of the above constant features of an adjective must necessarily appear in the word. At least one of them is enough for the adjective to be classified as qualitative. By the way, some of them have only a short form: I must, I'm glad and etc.

Many words of this category are not derivatives: hot, blue. There are also frequent cases of their formation from nouns ( cream), verbs ( active boy), other adjectives: quality ( gloomy look) or relative and possessive - golden hands, bear walk. It should also be noted that new words are formed by adding words with the same root or repeating them: white-white carpet.

Knowing all the features allows you to correctly determine the constant features of an adjective, i.e. category.

Education of degrees of comparison

The ability to manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent in an object is sometimes perceived as a permanent feature of an adjective. Meanwhile, the category of degree of comparison can have several forms (this is an indication of inconstancy). She happens to be distinctive feature namely qualitative adjectives.

Education of degrees of comparison:

Positive (no rating)








More beautiful

More beautiful


The most beautiful, the most beautiful of all

As the table shows, simple form form suffixes ( -e, -ee, -she, -aysh-, -eysh), and a composite one - special words, added to the full form ( more, less, most) or simple comparative degree ( everyone). Another method is suppletive, i.e. from another base: good - best (comrade).

Words used in the simple comparative degree do not change.

Signs of relative adjectives

It should be noted right away that this group of words does not possess any of the above qualities. The sign they denote is necessarily correlated with another object or event. This is manifested in the possibility of replacing the phrase [noun + adjective] with a synonymous [noun + noun]. For example, wooden fence= fence made of wood. The relation of one subject to another for relative adjectives can be as follows:

  • by time: last year's meeting;
  • local: church hymn;
  • according to the material: metal rod;
  • by purpose: mantel clock.

Relative adjectives also include compound adjectives, the first part of which is a numeral: two-story building, three-year-old child.

Constant morphological features of the relative adjective are also manifested in the fact that they have only a full form.


The derived basis for relative adjectives are nouns, verbs, adverbs, and the method of formation is suffixal ( -n-, -an-, -yan-, -in-, -enn-, -onn-, -l-). For example, hazy look, clay bowl, lecture time, skimming.

Constant signs of a possessive adjective

This group expresses the belonging of an object to someone: a person, an animal. First of all, they can be identified by the question: whose? They, like relative ones, do not have a degree of comparison, full and short forms. These are the main constant features of an adjective of this category.

A special feature of possessive adjectives is their morphemic composition. They are formed from nouns using suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -ii-: father's office, mother's coat, fox ears. If qualitative and relative adjectives have -th is the ending ( blue-it-eat), then in possessive words there is a suffix visible when recording the transcription (sound composition) of the word. For example: fox[l, is, -y, -eva].

Transition of adjectives from one category to another

The meaning and grammatical features of an adjective are often conditional. They can purchase figurative meaning and move from one category to another. Thus, a relative adjective often acts as a qualitative adjective, especially in works of art (an additional means of expressiveness). This can be seen in the example of phrases with adjectives Iron door- relative, will- high quality.

Reverse processes are not so frequent. A qualitative adjective usually changes rank if it is part of a term: light industry.

Possessive adjectives also have a similar property. Moreover, this most often applies to words associated with animals. For example, word combinations HARE with different nouns: Nora(possessive), a cap(relative - from what?), cowardice(quality).

In the course of studying morphology, students at each school level have to study parts of speech. Children learn about constant and fickle behavior already in the fifth grade. We will analyze their features in detail.


This group of parts of speech is colorful and elegant. Not a single text can do without it, even if it is of scientific content. Adjectives help us describe size (long, big, tiny), tell about someone's appearance (cute, red-haired), indicate colors (white, yellow-blue, purple), reveal feelings (sad, cheerful, angry).

IN initial form it is used in the Basic questions to which it answers: Which? whose? It is in this version that you can find the word you are looking for in a spelling or explanatory dictionary.

In Russian there is the concept of “constant and non-permanent signs”. It means that any part of speech has a set of certain qualities and characteristics that need to be studied. And the adjective in this case is no exception.

Constant signs

Any competent student knows that everyone has their own characteristics.

The constant and inconstant signs of an adjective are quite difficult to study.

The first are categories. They are usually divided into three groups.

They differ from other categories in that they can form short forms by truncating the ending.

For example: great - great, constant - constant, light - light.

Another special difference is the ability to compare one quality with another. In linguistics this is called degree of comparison.

For example: cool - cooler (cooler) - coolest (coolest).

These features distinguish quality adjectives from all others. No other category has so many possibilities.

Remember, if you are in doubt, this is a permanent and non-permanent sign of an adjective, remember that only the ranks are classified as the former.

The next group differs from the others in a question. Only can answer the question " whose?" This category denotes belonging to an animal or person.

For example: wolf trail, shark eye.

The last group is relative adjectives. They tell you what time or place the word refers to. For example: spring drops (season), swimming pool (destination), forest coolness (place).

Variable signs

All characteristics that can change under the influence of something are called unstable. Unlike discharges, these may deviate from the initial version.

It is necessary to distinguish between constant and unstable signs of an adjective.

The first thing that needs to be named is the genus. All of them (male, neuter and female) are also inherent in the adjective.

For example: wall - dark - water.

Next is the number. This part of speech is used both in the singular and in the plural: any - different.

And, of course, the adjective changes in all cases. In this it is similar to a noun.

The signs of adjectives (constant and inconstant) indicate during His plan we will indicate below in the article.

Role in sentence

Constant and inconstant signs of an adjective are studied in great detail in Russian language lessons.

In addition, all its possible syntactic functions are examined in detail.

Since it answers the question “which?”, it usually plays the role of a definition in a sentence.

For example: We remember the warm summer evening for a long time.

In the case when the adjective takes on the function of action, it will be a predicate.

For example: The dress was colorful.

Sometimes in the Russian language a phenomenon occurs such as the transition of one part of speech to another. For example, the word "dining room" used to be an adjective. Now it is more often used as a noun, therefore in the nominative case it plays the role of a subject, and in the indirect case it plays the role of a complement.

Sample parsing

Before showing an example, it is necessary to develop a small plan that will help you not get confused by the signs.

  • Initial form and question.
  • Grammatical features.
  • Constant and inconstant sign of an adjective.
  • Role in a sentence.

Example: B cozy home The guests settled down.

  • Cozy is an adjective (what?).
  • Sign.
  • High quality.
  • Masculine gender, prepositional case, singular, complete form, positive degree.
  • Function - definition.

Now you can easily perform the analysis yourself. Be careful, adjectives are often confused with participles.