Hemorrhoids - description, types, causes, prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. How important is it to lead a healthy lifestyle if you have hemorrhoids? Health theme hemorrhoids

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In today's article we will get to know you better about such a disease as hemorrhoids. So...

- a disease associated with thrombosis, inflammation, pathological expansion and tortuosity of hemorrhoidal veins that form nodes around the rectum. This is the most common coloproctological disease, which affects an average of 12 people out of 100, and its specific gravity among rectal diseases is about 40%.

Hemorrhoids occur equally in men and women. However, more often it occurs in men, since most women, at the first signs of the disease, seek the help of a doctor.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Predisposing factors to the appearance of hemorrhoids:

  • which increase pressure in the rectum, causing blood flow to the hemorrhoids, which contributes to their enlargement and subsequent prolapse;
  • hereditary factors;
  • pregnancy, childbirth. Being in this position, women experience high blood pressure V abdominal cavity, which can cause hemorrhoids;
  • staying in a sitting position for a long time, when the perineal muscles are relaxed, which leads to a weakening of natural support hemorrhoids;
  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which leads to an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • leads to a significant acceleration of blood flow in the anal area, which can cause hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • excessive physical activity and heavy lifting, which increases intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • hot and spicy foods cause irritation in the anal area;
  • impaired blood flow in the rectum;
  • inflammatory and tumor processes in the intestines and liver;
  • infection.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

- discharge of blood from anus;
- prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus;
- pain (constant or only at the time of defecation);
anal itching;
- perianal edema;
- secretion of mucus;
- discomfort, feeling of incomplete emptying,.

In most cases, hemorrhoids develop gradually. First there is a feeling of itching, burning, heaviness in the anus, pain and constipation. Then the pain intensifies, hemorrhoidal bleeding occurs, and hemorrhoids prolapse.

In the initial stages of the disease, the nodes are easily reducible, but then they are constantly on the outside.

The danger of the disease is that thrombosis and even necrosis of the hemorrhoid can develop, which are characterized by a severe clinical picture.

Many people take this disease too lightly, as they consider hemorrhoids not a serious disease. However, it may also be the first symptom of colon cancer. early stages development. Therefore, there is a great danger of missing the most effective moment for treating such a terrible disease.

Important! At the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of hemorrhoids

According to the mechanism of occurrence, hemorrhoids are divided into:

The acquired, in turn, is divided into:
primary- arose as an independent disease;
secondary- being a symptom or complication of another ailment (for example,).

Based on location, hemorrhoids are divided into:

Hemorrhoids can occur as a long-term uncomplicated process or in acute attacks.

Chronic hemorrhoids

The most common course of hemorrhoids is a chronic recurrent process. The disease begins with a period of warning signs, the patient notes discomfort in the anus: feeling of discomfort, sensation foreign body, mild itching, increased humidity. Then rectal bleeding appears (discharge of drops or streams of scarlet blood at the end of a bowel movement). This period, lasting from several months to several years, is characterized by long phases of remission, when there are no complaints. Therefore, in the initial stage of chronic hemorrhoids, patients rarely consult a doctor.

Gradually the disease progresses. When defecating, pain appears in the anus, which intensifies when the diet is disrupted. Bleeding from the anus during defecation becomes constant, its intensity can vary, from blood stains to massive blood loss, leading to. Enlargement of internal hemorrhoids leads to their prolapse from the anus.

Depending on the degree of enlargement of hemorrhoids and the development of the dystrophic process in the fibromuscular framework that holds them, four stages of chronic hemorrhoids are distinguished.

The first stage is characterized by bleeding from the anal canal without prolapse of hemorrhoids.

In the second stage, hemorrhoids fall out during defecation and, after defecation, are reset on their own.

The third stage is characterized by the fact that the nodes that fall out during defecation have to be set by hand.

At the fourth stage of development of hemorrhoids, the nodes fall out when coughing or the slightest physical activity. It is not possible to push them into the anal canal.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Acute hemorrhoids

As a rule, it is an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids. Acute hemorrhoids are thrombosis or strangulation of hemorrhoids and are manifested by pain in the anus and perineum, enlargement and thickening of the nodes, a pronounced sensation of a foreign body.

There are three degrees of acute hemorrhoids:

Thrombosis (formation of blood clots) without an inflammatory process. External hemorrhoids are small in size, have a tight-elastic consistency, and are moderately painful when touched. Complaints of a burning sensation and itching, aggravated by defecation, are typical. There may be some swelling and redness in the area around the anus.

Thrombosis complicated by inflammation of hemorrhoids. There is pronounced swelling of most of the area around the anus, and severe redness of the skin. Acute pain in the anus, especially when walking and sitting. Palpation of this area and digital examination of the rectum are sharply painful.

Thrombosis complicated by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. The entire circumference of the anus is occupied by an “inflammatory tumor.” Palpation of the nodes is extremely painful, so digital examination is impossible. Upon examination, purple or bluish-purple internal hemorrhoids that have fallen out of the lumen of the anal canal are visible.

Acute third-degree hemorrhoids are a condition that requires immediate medical intervention.

In advanced cases, complications of acute hemorrhoids may develop:

- massive bleeding;

- swelling of the anus;

- purulent paraproctitis ( purulent inflammation fiber);

- necrosis (death) of hemorrhoidal tissue.

A sign of the onset of necrosis: the nodes turn black. In this case, attempts to independently insert the nodes back into the rectum are especially dangerous, as there is a risk of blood poisoning. Removal of dead tissue is carried out in a hospital setting.

Conservative treatment

Important! Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease and conservative therapy in most cases does not completely get rid of the disease.

The main goals of conservative therapy are to reduce the frequency of annual exacerbations, their severity and duration. For radical treatment of hemorrhoids, outpatient methods or surgical treatment are used, depending on the stage and condition of the disease.

Indications for conservative treatment are the initial stages of chronic hemorrhoids and acute course disease in its later stages.

During conservative treatment, it is important to remember preventive measures ah, which are its obligatory component. We especially note that an indispensable condition for the successful treatment of hemorrhoids is the normalization of the digestive tract, regulation of the consistency of intestinal contents and its transit through the colon.

Conservative therapy consists of:

General treatment. basis general treatment, in addition to preventive measures, is the use of phlebotropic drugs (such as venoruton and detralex), which increase the tone of the veins, improve microcirculation in the cavernous bodies and normalize blood flow in them.

Local treatment. Local treatment is aimed at eliminating pain, thrombosis or inflammation of hemorrhoids, accompanied by burning and itching, as well as their bleeding.

Pain syndrome with hemorrhoids is often associated with strangulation of a thrombosed hemorrhoid or the occurrence of an acute anal fissure. Therefore, to eliminate pain, the use of non-narcotic analgesics and local combined painkillers is indicated. For local therapy for hemorrhoids, drugs such as “Hepatrombin G”, “Posterizan”, “Procto-glivenol”, “Aurobin”, “Ultraprokt”, “Nefluan” and etc.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is an indication for the use of local anticoagulants. This group of drugs includes "Hepatrombin G", "heparin" and "troxevasin" ointments.

As a drug for local treatment hemorrhoids has proven itself especially well "Gepatrombin G". The drug consists of three components and contains the direct anticoagulant heparin, the glucocorticoid hormone prednisolone and the anesthetic polidocanol. Each component of the drug has its own beneficial effect on thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Heparin, by disrupting the transition of prothrombin to thrombin, when applied topically, prevents the formation of blood clots; in addition, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Prednisolone has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically, reducing swelling, itching and burning sensation. Polidocanol has a local anesthetic effect equal in strength to lidocaine, but unlike the latter, polidocanol is less likely to cause allergic reactions.

In 70-80% of cases, thrombosis of hemorrhoids is complicated by their inflammation with transition to the subcutaneous tissue and perianal area. In this case, these drugs are used in combination with water-soluble ointments that have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. These include "Levasin", "Levomekol", "Mafinid".

Bleeding is one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids. Continuous bleeding for 1 hour is a sign acute process. To eliminate it, you can use suppositories containing adrenaline. In addition, local hemostatic materials such as "Adroxon", "Beriplast", "Tachicomb", "Spongostan" consisting of fibrinogen and thrombin. When introduced into the anal canal, they dissolve, forming a fibrin film.

Minimally invasive therapy

When conservative therapy does not bring the desired result, a more aggressive method of eliminating hemorrhoids is required. In the past, this meant a painful operation, with all the hardships of hospital treatment and the postoperative period. Currently, there are new comfortable, outpatient ways to combat this disease, which have forever driven away a person’s fear of this disease. We will try to help you understand how these methods work, with which you can eliminate most hemorrhoids without surgery.

In developed countries, a typical hemorrhoidectomy ( surgery) are currently performed only in 17 - 21% of patients, and in the rest, minimally invasive treatment methods are used. At the same time, in Russia the most common method of treatment is still hemorrhoidectomy, performed in 75% of patients, and minimally invasive methods are used in only 3%.

Contraindications for minimally invasive treatment methods are thrombosis of hemorrhoids, acute and chronic paraproctitis, and others. inflammatory diseases anal canal and perineum.

A distinctive feature of the use of minimally invasive techniques in the treatment of hemorrhoids is that they are performed on an outpatient basis and do not require anesthesia, or the patient’s hospital stay.

Alloying with latex rings- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which involves placing a latex ring on the stem of the hemorrhoid to stop its blood supply. This leads to necrosis (death) and rejection of the node during stool. Indications for use are chronic hemorrhoids of stages 1 and 2. Limited use is possible for grade 3 hemorrhoids, when there are contraindications to more radical methods of treatment. It is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require pain relief. The duration of the manipulation is 1-2 minutes. Quantity necessary procedures from three to six with an interval of 7 days each. It has been used for the treatment of grade 1 and 2 hemorrhoids in the European Union for more than 15 years and is the “gold standard” in proctology. Started to be used in Ukraine last years. The effectiveness of the method is 85%.

Sclerosis- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which consists of injecting a sclerosing substance (toxicsclerol) into the cavernous tissue of the node for the purpose of its further obliteration. Indications for use are chronic hemorrhoids of stages 1 and 2. Performed on an outpatient basis. Currently, it is used more often as an additional method in combination with other minimally invasive techniques. How independent method Treatment of hemorrhoids is used to a limited extent.

Cryodestruction- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which involves destruction (destruction) of the cavernous tissue of the hemorrhoid as a result of exposure to ultra-low temperatures (-180 degrees Celsius). The method is used for chronic hemorrhoids of 1, 2 and 3 degrees. Performed on an outpatient basis. Widely introduced into proctology in the late 80s and early 90s. With the advent of more advanced technologies, as well as due to possible complications, it is currently used to a limited extent.

Infrared photocoagulation- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which consists of using infrared radiation to coagulate the vessels and cavernous tissue of the hemorrhoid. The technique is used on an outpatient basis. It is used as an additional method for bleeding hemorrhoids of grade 1 and 2 to stop bleeding when other methods cannot be used for some reason.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

In cases where minimally invasive techniques are ineffective and cannot be used, surgical treatment is indicated.

Operations to remove hemorrhoids, anal fissures, condylomas, polyps, rectal fistulas, epithelial coccygeal tract are performed under general anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is widely used in the anesthetic management of operations.

To remove hemorrhoids, in addition to classical surgery, it is also used Longo operation And THD technique.

Operation Longo- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which involves removing hemorrhoids using a circular endostapler. The knife of the stapling device circumferentially excises the entire cavernous tissue of the anal canal with simultaneous suturing of the mucous membrane along the entire circumference with titanium staples.
Indication: chronic hemorrhoids stages 1 and 2. It can be used for stage 3 hemorrhoids in combination with anoplasty.
The duration of the operation is about 1 hour.
Requires general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.

TGD (transanal hemorrhoidal disarterialization)- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which is based on suturing the hemorrhoidal arteries under the control of an endorectal ultrasound sensor. The goal is to empty the cavernous tissue of hemorrhoids. It is used for chronic hemorrhoids of stages 1 and 2, as well as for stage 3 hemorrhoids in combination with anoplasty.
The operation requires general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. The duration of the operation is about 1 hour.
Stay in the hospital for 1-2 days.
Disability in postoperative period 1-2 weeks.

Classic hemorrhoidectomy and its various modifications- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which is based on the removal of hemorrhoids with simultaneous suturing of the vascular pedicles and restoration of the integrity of the anal canal mucosa. It is rightfully considered the most radical and effective method removal of hemorrhoids. Can be used at any stage of disease development. However, most often the indication is chronic hemorrhoids of grade 3 and 4, as well as complications of hemorrhoids in the form of thrombosis of hemorrhoids or bleeding.
Requires anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.
The duration of the operation is 30-40 minutes.
Stay in the hospital for 3-4 days.
Disability in the postoperative period is 3-4 weeks.
The effectiveness of the operation is 95-98%.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

If an expectant mother develops this delicate disease, quite logical questions immediately arise: how to cure this disease, when to start treatment, what means to use?

Treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy should begin as soon as the diagnosis is established. Usually used conservative methods. TO surgical removal nodes are used in extreme cases, only with the development severe complications threatening the health of the mother or child.

Before doing anything, you need to carefully consider how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, because it is necessary to help both the woman and not harm the fetus. Mother and child share a common bloodstream, and many medications for hemorrhoids are contraindicated during pregnancy due to possible adverse effects on the fetus. Therefore, preference is given to local remedies.

The easiest way to treat external hemorrhoids is during pregnancy. The nodes in this form of the disease are located in plain sight, and it is convenient to apply antihemorrhoidal creams and ointments to them. It could be “Hepatrombin G” - an ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, which has proven itself very well. It prevents thrombosis of the node, eliminates its swelling, itching, and relieves pain.

Relief ointment, containing shark liver oil, perfectly treats the disease.

In addition to ointments and creams, both externally and internal location nodes, you can use suppositories for hemorrhoids - this is also acceptable during pregnancy. They are usually inserted into the rectum once a day, preferably at night.

Suppositories containing several components at once are effective in removing hemorrhoids: anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, blood thinning and strengthening the vessel wall. These are the same “Gepatrombin G” and “Relief”.

Tablet medications for hemorrhoids are usually not prescribed during pregnancy due to possible effects on the child.

As an alternative to traditional methods, treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is allowed folk remedies. Viburnum decoction, rowan juice, and infusion of stone fruit can be taken orally, but only if there is no allergy to these berries. And to strengthen vascular wall Carrot decoction works well.

It is also permissible to combine the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy with folk remedies with conventional ointments or suppositories.

It is better not to use baths with anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herbs as a remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as it is possible for infection to enter the genital tract from the rectum.

Sometimes you have to choose how to treat this ailment during pregnancy - use folk remedies or medications. It is better, of course, to consult a doctor, because in some cases, treating hemorrhoids with folk remedies during pregnancy is simply unacceptable, for example, in the acute form of the disease.

You should not postpone your visit to the doctor, because if the proctologist begins to treat hemorrhoids as early as possible, and the treatment is carried out in full, it will be possible to avoid further development of the disease in the postpartum period.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids

Important! Before using folk remedies for hemorrhoids, be sure to consult with your doctor!

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches. Leeches are widely used for hemorrhoids. They are able to activate immune system the whole organism, their biological active substances suppress pathogenic microorganisms. Leeches cleanse the body of toxins and harmful toxic substances. Leeches, by sucking blood, cause the outflow of blood from distant organs, which makes it possible to treat many diseases: hemorrhoids, diseases digestive system, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and Bladder and many other diseases, including postoperative complications.

Since the active substances secreted by leeches have anti-inflammatory processes, leeches have a positive effect on hemorrhoids. A circulatory disorder in the portal vein leads to stagnation in the abdominal area. For hemorrhoids, leeches are placed directly on the area of ​​the coccyx or sacrum, and in no case are they placed on the mucous membranes! The place where the leech is placed is wiped with alcohol and then with water to keep the skin clean. The leeches are placed one at a time, taken with your fingers near the head and placed on the cleansed skin; as soon as the leech sticks, the next one is placed in the same way. It is recommended to place 3-4 leeches on the tailbone to get rid of pain from hemorrhoids and stop bleeding. The session usually lasts 15-20 minutes, the leech should fall off on its own, but if this does not happen, then you cannot tear it off, you need to sprinkle the leech and it will fall off. After the procedure, you need to apply a bandage to the bite site for 2-3 days. Leeches for hemorrhoids should not be used by people with poor blood clotting or pregnancy. The course of treatment with leeches depends on the complexity of the disease and the patient’s well-being.

There are cases when only 2 leeches save people from hemorrhoids, but even if they don’t cure them completely, then at least hemorrhoids for a long time not progressing.

Leeches for hemorrhoids prevent relapse of the disease, relieve venous congestion, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the resorption of formed venous nodes.

- it is advisable to establish regular meals at the same time;

- people who are prone to constipation should eat more foods containing fiber and drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. In addition, for frequent constipation, it is useful to eat black and bran bread, raw vegetables and fruits, prunes, oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge. Dietary fiber is an indigestible cellulose that is not digested by the intestines, but acts as a water adsorbent and is involved in the binding of bile acids that have carcinogenic activity, which leads to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood. Most of it is found in bran, vegetables and rye bread. Dietary fiber affects stool quality. By absorbing water, it increases the volume of feces, which leads to stimulation of the intestines to move its contents. Thus, to obtain the desired effect (i.e., preventing constipation), along with eating foods containing dietary fiber, you need to drink a lot of water;

— you should not eat too much flour and dairy, especially products made from fine white flour and whole milk. At the same time, fermented milk products are useful, especially those containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;

- It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods rich in animal proteins. These include meat, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. They can lead to constipation. However, completely abandoning them will lead to a negative result - intestinal function may be impaired;

- undesirable foods for hemorrhoids are also cabbage, black bread, legumes, mustard, pepper and unripe fruits;

- Potatoes, meat, rice, honey, fish, as well as grated carrots, fresh apples, grapes, onions or their juice, taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, are useful;

- It is also useful to drink mineral waters, which stimulate intestinal motility. Highly and moderately mineralized waters enriched with ions and sulfates are especially recommended, for example mineral water Essentuki. Every day you should drink 1 glass of water at room temperature 3 times a day. The water should be without gas.

Lubricate the anus. To make intestinal contractions softer, you need to lubricate the anus with Vaseline. This is done with a cotton swab or just your finger. Vaseline is applied to the rectum to a depth of about 1.5 cm.

Good bowel hygiene. Defecation hygiene must be observed. Do not use toilet paper that is harsh or contains chemicals that cause skin irritation. It is recommended to purchase non-scented and non-colored toilet paper. Before use, you can moisten it a little with tap water (the paper will become softer). It is good to use special oiled paper. Instead, facial wipes soaked in moisturizer are also suitable.

Cool water. Useful for hemorrhoids cold water. Old medical prescriptions recommend drinking 1 glass of cold water 3 times a day before meals, taking a cold shower if possible, and always rinsing the anus with cold water after defecation.

Endure the itch. If you feel itching with hemorrhoids, it is recommended to refrain from scratching the anus, since you can injure the walls of the hemorrhoids and cause even more bleeding.

Don't lift heavy things. You should refrain from lifting weights, which is tantamount to straining on the toilet. This is especially not recommended for people who are predisposed to hemorrhoids. When moving or buying new furniture, it is better to hire movers or ask someone to help move the weight.

Sit in the bath. Useful procedure sitz bath with warm water. In this case, you should raise your knees by 10-15 cm. This will not only reduce pain, but also improve blood circulation in the body, including in the rectum. This method of prevention is considered one of the best.

Limit alcoholic drinks and spicy foods. A mandatory feature of the anti-hemorrhoids diet is the exclusion from the diet of hot, spicy, fried, smoked and similar foods, as well as strong alcoholic drinks: all this contributes to the expansion of the venous network and disruption of local blood flow. It is acceptable to drink light wines, cocktails, punches, and cider. You can expand the flavor range of food with the help of mild sauces, a moderate amount of fresh herbs: parsley, marjoram, basil, cumin, cilantro and others. This rule underlies the anti-hemorrhoid diet.

Control your salt intake. Use large quantity salt also negatively affects the circulatory system. The result is swelling of the veins, including the veins of the rectum. To avoid trouble, do not over-salt your food.

Avoid hypothermia. If you have hemorrhoids, you should be wary of them, which leads to poor circulation. Disease in in this case may worsen.

Watch your weight. The situation of a patient with hemorrhoids can be aggravated by their heavy weight. The heavier a person, the more pressure his lower limbs experience, which is why obese people often have problems with both varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy. Pregnant women, in order to avoid stagnation of blood in the veins, must do exercises, walk more often and adhere to a diet that includes laxative foods. They should also not wear tight belts.

Normalize physical activity. You need to try to move as much as possible. When working sedentarily, you should take short breaks every hour, during which you can do light exercises or walk. It is better to replace a soft seat in the workplace with a hard or semi-hard one.

This type of gymnastics can be performed anywhere; no equipment or special environment is required. However, it is best to try to keep yourself in good physical shape by doing gymnastics, swimming, aerobics, etc., for which you can use the time after work. On weekends it is useful to go out into nature for active recreation.

Don't overexert yourself. However, you should not overstrain your muscles when exercising. physical exercise. In this regard, cycling, horse riding and strength exercises are contraindicated.

Sedentary work. Those who work as drivers should not drive for more than 3 hours at a time. During long trips You should make short stops along the way in order to actively move.

If hemorrhoids occur, people engaged in heavy physical labor should change their work to an easier one.

Pay close attention to your health. It is necessary to constantly monitor your health, since any other disease can negatively affect the course of hemorrhoids. For example, diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. can lead to its complications. In this regard, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations in order to identify and begin treatment of diseases in a timely manner.

Consult your doctor promptly. You should not try to diagnose yourself, as a mistake can lead to a tragic result. Diagnosis must be carried out by a specialist in order for treatment to be adequate and effective. Due to an incorrect diagnosis, the patient may discover it too late serious illness and start treating her.

Therapeutic gymnastics is very helpful for hemorrhoids. It is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, buttocks and perineum, which helps normalize blood flow in the rectal area.

A few exercises:

№1: To improve blood circulation, you need to walk with your knees high and your legs crossed, that is, putting one leg in front of the other.

№2: perform while sitting on a hard chair. The back should be straightened, the body should be slightly tilted forward, and the muscles of the anus should be tense. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.

№3: lying on your back, extend your arms along your body. Slowly counting to 5, squeeze your buttocks, simultaneously drawing in your rectum, then relax on the same count; repeat this exercise up to 15 times. Then take a few deep breaths and exhales.

№4: perform lying on your back. The legs need to be straightened and raised by 45°, then spread apart and brought together again, crossing them (imitating the movement of shearing scissors). Repeat 10 times.

№5: starting position: lying face down. With emphasis on your knees, palms and elbows, alternately rotate your pelvis in both directions so that your buttocks touch the floor. Repeat 10 times.

№6: cross your legs, rhythmically tense the muscles of your buttocks and anus. Repeat 10 times.

№7: lying on your back with raised straight legs, perform an exercise simulating pedaling a bicycle. Repeat 10 times.

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?


Hemorrhoids can rightfully be considered one of the most unpleasant diseases. Many people are embarrassed by this illness, considering it something shameful and because of this they are afraid to go to the doctor. Although, contrary to popular belief, more than 80% of the planet's population of both sexes face this disease! From our article you will learn how to treat hemorrhoids at home, as well as means to prevent this disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids develop as a result of dysregulation of blood flow in the cavernous bodies of the rectum, which causes them to become overcrowded and form hemorrhoids. Along with this, weakness of the longitudinal rectus muscle and the Parkes ligament, which hold the cavernous bodies, begins to develop. Because of this dysfunction, hemorrhoids are becoming increasingly advanced. Once started, this disease progresses rapidly if the patient does not comply with treatment.

The causes of hemorrhoids can be different, but the following are especially common:

  • Poor rectal hygiene;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Excess sedentary work;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Poor diet and alcohol consumption;
  • Frequent constipation or vice versa – diarrhea;
  • The habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time;
  • Postpartum complications.

Development of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids have four stages of development.

First (initial) stage: when hemorrhoids are just beginning to appear under the skin in the anus. In this case, the person practically does not feel pain, although burning or itching may be present. You can also occasionally see blood stains on toilet paper.

At the second stage, the hemorrhoids are so enlarged that they can fall out during bowel movements. It is also possible that blood may be released not even while going to the toilet, but due to stress or physical exertion. At this stage, the nodes can still be adjusted.

The third stage is characterized by pain, which can occur not only during exercise or bowel movements, but also during rest. Now the hemorrhoids fall out from a slight strain, although it is still possible to set them back. This is the so-called “external hemorrhoids”.

After the onset of the fourth, most painful stage, hemorrhoids become so enlarged that it is almost impossible to reduce them. In addition to severe pain and discomfort, there is also a danger of tissue necrosis, blockage of blood vessels (thrombosis), numerous inflammations and blood loss. Because of this, extremely severe anemia can develop.

Hemorrhoids of the fourth stage are considered an acute form and are in turn divided into three stages:

  • Hemorrhoids without inflammation - when the hemorrhoids are quite dense, but not very large;
  • Hemorrhoids with developing inflammation - symptoms include redness, swelling, painful sensations when walking;
  • And hemorrhoids with severe inflammation, which also affects the skin around the anus, causing ulcers and tissue necrosis.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

The most important thing when the first symptoms appear is not to put off visiting a doctor!

After all, many people are embarrassed by this problem and ignore the disease in its first stages, which leads to more running forms and causes complications during treatment and rehabilitation.

Treatment methods for hemorrhoids depend on the stage at which the disease is located. If, when diagnosing the first stage, treatment with medications (ointments, suppositories and tablets) is still possible, then in the second stage additional measures are necessary. Usually in such cases, doctors prescribe sclerotherapy, latex doping and therapeutic injections.

Starting from the third stage, treatment with these methods becomes almost impossible. Any medications can be prescribed by a doctor only as a remedy for pain and bleeding. Along with them, invasive techniques are also used that are designed to remove inflamed hemorrhoids.

Among them, the following are worth noting:

  • Desarterization - removal of the arteries feeding the nodes;
  • Surgical removal of nodes;
  • Latex doping – squeezing the hemorrhoid with a latex ring with its subsequent preservation and necrosis;
  • Laser removal is the most modern and safe method, which avoids bleeding and further complications.

When using any method other than laser removal, there is always a chance of additional complications and inflammation. Therefore, often after removing hemorrhoids, the doctor also prescribes a course of antibiotics.

When treating hemorrhoids at home, you need to be extremely careful! Try not to delay your visit to the doctor and not prescribe treatment medications on one's own.

To begin with, if bleeding occurs, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor to rule out other possible diseases with similar symptoms. This will avoid further complications.

After consultation with a proctologist, if the hemorrhoids are in the initial stage, a course of medications suitable specifically for your situation is usually prescribed. For bleeding, well-known suppositories containing drugs for constricting blood vessels are usually used. This helps prevent anemia. Such drugs are used in combination with hemostatic agents such as Adroxon.

If the patient is most concerned about pain in the hemorrhoids, analgesic ointments are the best remedy. If thrombosis develops, use anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory drugs: heparin ointment and Diclofenac. Sometimes, if itching appears in the area of ​​inflammation, it is advisable to use corticosteroids.

Drugs for local treatment are usually combined with the use of phlebotropic drugs, such as Troxevasin, Detralex, Diosimin. Usually the course of treatment with medications is at least a week.

During an exacerbation of the disease, cool compresses on the sore spot and cool baths with chamomile will be very desirable. It is also advisable to change the sitting position to a lying one. Read more about what folk remedies to treat hemorrhoids.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

The most important thing in preventing this disease is to adhere to it regularly. To avoid the recurrence of symptoms, you need to change your lifestyle a little.

You should start with a diet, because proper nutrition will help get rid of constipation and diarrhea, the main causes of hemorrhoids. Moreover, at the initial stage, a proper diet can not only complement, but also replace drug treatment.

For hemorrhoids best choice there will be a diet consisting of five meals throughout the day, three hours apart each. It is worth giving up tea, coffee and carbonated water, which interfere with the normalization of stool. Try to replace pastries, sweets and chocolate with vegetables, herbs and fruits: eat more broccoli, bananas, apricots, apples, carrots, beets. For porridges, it is advisable to eat buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley. It is advisable to eat boiled meat, and grain bread. The most important thing is to drink as little alcohol as possible!

To normalize stool, it is also advisable to add more to your food. vegetable oil, you can replace mayonnaise with it in dishes. In addition, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water daily.

To avoid the recurrence of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to use this diet not only during the period of treatment and rehabilitation, but also for a long time after.


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Whatever you say, the word hemorrhoids causes nervous giggles from many men. Most often it is used in a figurative sense, but more and more modern men are faced with this disease personally. Moreover, the number of cases of the disease is growing steadily, and so rapidly that soon almost everyone can be predicted to get hemorrhoids in the literal sense.

Causes of hemorrhoids

It does not develop immediately. You really have to earn it. The reasons for the development of hemorrhoids are based on the biological features of the structure of the final section of the rectum. The outflow of blood from the anal area even in normal conditions difficult, and its deterioration due to the influence of any additional factors will be the cause of hemorrhoids.

The main reasons for the development of hemorrhoids include:

  1. frequent lifting of weights;
  2. frequent constipation or diarrhea;
  3. strong physical activity;
  4. abuse of spicy foods;
  5. traumatic injuries;
  6. oncological diseases.

As you can see, there are quite a few causes of hemorrhoids. The impact of any of these factors can lead to disruption of the outflow of blood, which will stagnate in the vessels. The vessels will enlarge and form hemorrhoids. Stretching of the blood vessels will lead to thinning of their walls and it turns out to be very easy to damage it - just go to the toilet “for a long time”. If the wall is damaged, bleeding begins, which can be difficult to stop. A bunch of terribly unpleasant experiences are guaranteed.

Let's look at the list of the main causes of hemorrhoids in more detail.

If you work while sitting in an office, travel by car or take public transport, then you are at risk. Not only is the outflow of blood disrupted while sitting, but the temperature between the butt and the place where it is applied turns out to be increased, which causes additional harm.

If you stand a lot, lift weights all day long and experience heavy physical activity, then regular muscle tension will lead to impaired blood flow and cause the development of hemorrhoids.

Frequent constipation leads to the fact that the accumulation of feces impedes the outflow of blood, and straining further aggravates this problem.

Important: you should remember about the liver, because it is the liver that is responsible for the production of bile, and bile is responsible for fecal formation.

Perhaps the root cause of your constipation is impaired liver function.

The irritating effect of undigested spicy food or feces during diarrhea causes irritation of the mucous membrane. This cause of hemorrhoids is often underestimated, since a person associates discomfort with eating, and not with the disease, and waits for it to go away on its own.

Alcohol abuse leads to vasodilation, which aggravates the situation with dilated veins in the anal area.

Traumatic injuries, like cancer, can again impede the outflow of blood and contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

The list of causes of hemorrhoids can be continued: overweight (and even more so obesity), stressful situations, inflammatory diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal and circulatory systems. We think that the information presented is already enough to understand the main causes of hemorrhoids, so let’s stop there and move on to the symptoms.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

The first symptoms of hemorrhoids will be itching and burning in the anal area. In fact, at this moment there are no hemorrhoids yet - this is the first alarm bell of its development. But if bleeding appears, then you can make a diagnosis with confidence, although it is highly undesirable to bring it to this point.

At first, bleeding from hemorrhoids is small. Toilet paper gets dirty, a little dirty underwear and that's all. “It will go away on its own,” most people think and let the disease take its course. Sometimes it really goes away, but often it gets worse and leads to more active bleeding.

Another symptom of hemorrhoids that cannot be missed is nodules (swollen blood vessels) with accumulated blood can fall out during bowel movements or even during normal physical activity. They can also cause a feeling foreign object, pain when going to the toilet. Moreover, the pain may intensify when pressed.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Work to improve methods for treating hemorrhoids is ongoing. Ointments and suppositories are being invented, surgical treatment methods are being improved, physiotherapeutic procedures and massages are being carried out, but all this only helps to muffle the disease. Unfortunately, we can say that treatment of hemorrhoids does not lead to complete relief.

The arsenal of doctors is really wide. But they usually go to doctors with advanced cases of hemorrhoids, and until then they try to self-medicate. Treating hemorrhoids with folk remedies is one of the stupidest ideas. Why waste time if you end up having to see a doctor anyway?

It would be good if conservative treatment of hemorrhoids could be used. This is possible on initial stages or to prevent possible exacerbations. Enemas, baths, massages, suppositories, ointments and much more can quickly get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

At the first signs of the development of chronic hemorrhoids, when bleeding periodically appears, it is necessary to resort to surgical, but rather gentle procedures: sclerotherapy, doping (pulling), infrared photocoagulation.

Advanced cases of hemorrhoids require serious surgical treatment. Those who have brought themselves to this state will have to undergo hemorrhoidectomy, cryodestruction, Long's operation, doping with latex rings, sclerotherapy, etc.

The choice of the most optimal tactics and method of treating hemorrhoids depends on the stage and type of the disease, the severity of symptoms, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases and conditions.

Conservative (medicinal) Treatment of hemorrhoids is mainly aimed at combating exacerbations of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it should be understood that due to the chronic nature of the disease, any conservative treatment is exclusively temporary.

The successful treatment of most patients with hemorrhoids is facilitated by the use of modern minimally invasive treatment methods and their combinations: infrared coagulation, sclerotherapy, ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings, ligation of hemorrhoids under ultrasound Doppler control etc. Low trauma and minor pain make these methods very attractive for both doctors and patients. However, despite the fact that minimally invasive methods are safer than traditional hemorrhoidectomy, it should be borne in mind that complications are sometimes observed after these manipulations. Therefore, their use certainly requires the surgical skills of the doctor, his compliance with the rules of asepsis and compliance with the basic principles of their use, namely:

In the later stages of hemorrhoid development, surgical intervention(hemorrhoidectomy), aimed at radical removal of cavernous tissue collectors, which are the basis of hemorrhoids. Modern surgical techniques performed in specialized hospitals make it possible to reduce the number of complications, shorten the length of hospital stay and achieve good functional results.

At different stages of the disease, different treatment methods are used:

  • For stage 1 hemorrhoids, the following are indicated: conservative therapy, infrared photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, disarterization (“suture ligation”).
  • For stage 2 hemorrhoids, the following are indicated: conservative therapy, ligation with latex rings, disarterization, Longo's operation, combined methods.
  • For stage 3 hemorrhoids, the following are indicated: ligation with latex rings, transanal resection of the mucosa using the Longo method, combined methods, surgical treatment (hemorrhoidectomy).
  • For stage 4 hemorrhoids, surgical treatment (hemoroidectomy) is indicated.

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids (treatment of hemorrhoids with ointments, suppositories, tablets)

Conservative (drug) therapy for acute and chronic hemorrhoids has several specific goals:

  1. Relief of symptoms of acute hemorrhoids.
  2. Preventing complications.
  3. Prevention of exacerbations in chronic conditions.
  4. Preoperative preparation.
  5. Postoperative rehabilitation.

When prescribing drug therapy, the doctor solves several problems:

  1. Relief of inflammation.
  2. Elimination of pain syndrome.
  3. Improving blood flow and blood microcirculation in cavernous formations.
  4. Stop bleeding.


Start running short distances, gradually increasing your mileage. When finishing your run, gradually switch to deep breathing and fast walking, slowing down your pace more and more.


Laxatives differ in their mode of action into several groups.

  • Increasing the volume of intestinal contents. Plant fibers- bran, seaweed, flaxseed, plantain seed, agar-agar; salt products - magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate. These drugs begin to act at the level small intestine(1-3 hours after administration), so they are prescribed in the morning. Flax seed is the best remedy against constipation. It is taken in uncrushed form 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., washing down with 250-300 ml of water each time, otherwise dense lumps of flaxseed may form in the intestines.
  • Softening contents. Vaseline oil. Take 15-45 ml at night. Used in cases where you need to achieve a quick effect.
  • Stimulating intestinal motility. Rhubarb, buckthorn, laxative zoster, senna. Choose one of the herbs and take 1/2 cup in the morning and at night. The laxative effect occurs after 8-10 hours.

Diet for hemorrhoids

First of all, it is recommended to clean all digestive tract using a mild laxative, preferably Alexandria leaf, since other drugs can aggravate the disease. It is advisable to fast for several days while following a fruit diet. Then, as the condition improves, switch to gentle nutrition. Vegetables, fruits and berries, preferably raw, contribute to the proper emptying of the intestines. For optimal results, you should consume at least 200 g per day.

It is good to include in your daily diet: prunes or dried apricots (8-12 pieces); bananas and apples (2-3 pieces); vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach (stir in yogurt or kefir and take at night); buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley porridge, honey (1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day); wheat bran (20-30 g per day should be added to almost any dish).

It is useful to eat during the treatment of hemorrhoids cauliflower, meat, fish and especially honey. WITH therapeutic purpose You should eat more fresh onions or juice from them (1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day); raw grated carrots; fresh ripe apples and grapes (relieves pain); It is useful to swallow whole pieces of peeled garlic (garlic is not digested and, when leaving the rectum, burns it, promoting healing); drink 1-2 glasses of whey on an empty stomach.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Guys, when it comes to hemorrhoids, it’s better to be “over-safe than under-safe.” Why do you need to bring yourself to such a state when it will be almost impossible to completely get rid of hemorrhoids? Prevention of hemorrhoids is not something extraordinary; it does not require any feats. The recommendations are simple, banal and accessible to everyone.

Get rid of the habit of sitting on the toilet, reading newspapers or working with a laptop in it!

Watch what you eat and drink. As little alcohol and spicy food as possible. Beware of low-quality products that can cause bowel disorders. Proper nutrition plays a significant role in the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Move as much as possible. Did you sit all day? Walk home, stand on public transport. Go to the gym, pool, play active sports.

It's clear that your work is important, but breaks should be used for movement, not browsing the Internet. Don’t spare money on a good chair, and not a soft one, but a hard one.

As you can see, the prevention of hemorrhoids clearly correlates with in a healthy way life. The recommendations are universal for many diseases. By taking care of your health today, you save a lot of money and time in the future. The choice is always yours.

Statistics on the incidence of hemorrhoids are harsh and disappointing. According to these data, almost a quarter of the adult population belongs to the risk group that has a chance of getting a “hemorrhoids” entry in their hospital record. The main danger of hemorrhoids lies in the specific location of the disease.

It is for this delicate reason that many patients prefer not to think at all about what is happening in their body pathological changes, or are engaged self-treatment hemorrhoids at home and trigger the course of the disease to the most extreme stage. In the latter case, only surgical intervention can help the patient, and surgery on hemorrhoids is an extremely painful procedure, with large blood losses and requires a very long rehabilitation period.

Causes of hemorrhoids

The total and rapid increase in the number of cases of this serious disease these days is explained by the large number of causes of hemorrhoids that provoke it. This is primarily due to the sedentary and mostly sedentary lifestyle characteristic of modern man. In the absence of necessary physical activity, stagnation occurs venous blood in the pelvic area, which serves main reason hemorrhoids. That is why people in sedentary professions (drivers, programmers, accountants, other office workers, etc.) are considered to be the main risk group.

Another common cause of hemorrhoids in women is childbirth and pregnancy. During pregnancy, large vessels located in the rectum are compressed and the cavernous veins overflow with blood. The result is enlarged nodes in the rectum, the condition of which is aggravated by the process of intense pushing during childbirth.

Also, chronic constipation must be included among the main causes of hemorrhoids. Intensified efforts during the act of defecation, impaired blood flow, as well as a general disruption of the processes of formation and movement of feces in the rectum will inevitably lead to the fact that sooner or later, without appropriate treatment, constipation will be complicated by another concomitant disease - chronic hemorrhoids. If you decide to undergo colon hydrotherapy and you are not aware of its contraindications, be sure to consult with your doctor.

In most cases, hemorrhoid treatment involves steps you can take on your own, such as lifestyle changes. But in some cases, medications or surgical treatment are necessary.


If hemorrhoids cause only mild discomfort, your doctor may prescribe creams, ointments, suppositories, or tablets sold in pharmacies. These products contain ingredients (hazelnut, hydrocortisone) that can relieve pain and itching, at least temporarily.

Do not use creams and ointments sold in pharmacies for more than a week, without first being prescribed by your doctor. These medications may cause side effects such as skin rash, inflammation, or itchy skin.

Minimally invasive procedures

If a blood clot has formed inside an external hemorrhoid, your doctor can remove it with a simple incision, which may provide prompt relief.

For persistent bleeding or painful hemorrhoids, your doctor may recommend another minimally invasive procedure.

Ligation with a rubber band. Your doctor will place one or two tiny rubber bands around the base of the internal hemorrhoid to cut it off in a circular fashion. The hemorrhoid will dry out and separate on its own within a week. This procedure, called rubber band ligation, is effective for most people.

Ligation of hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and cause bleeding, which may begin two to four days after the procedure, but it is rarely severe.

  • Injections (sclerotherapy)- during this procedure, the doctor will introduce chemical solution into the tissue of the hemorrhoid to reduce it. Although the injections cause little or no pain, they are less effective than bandaging.
  • Coagulation (infrared, laser or bipolar). The coagulation technique involves the use of a laser, infrared beam or heat. These methods cause the small, bleeding nodes of internal hemorrhoids to harden and shrink.

Although coagulation has few side effects, its use is associated with a higher risk of recurrence of hemorrhoids than treatment with rubber band ligation.

Surgical methods of treatment

If other procedures fail or your hemorrhoids are large enough, your doctor may recommend surgery. Surgery may be provided on an outpatient basis, or an overnight hospitalization option may be used.

  • Removal of hemorrhoids. During a hemorrhoidectomy, the surgeon removes tissue that is causing the bleeding. Various techniques can be used. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia using sedatives, under spinal anesthesia, or under general anesthesia.
  • Hemorrhoidectomy- the most effective and complete method for the treatment of complicated or recurrent hemorrhoids. Complications may include temporary difficulty emptying the bladder and subsequent urinary tract infections.

Most people experience pain after the procedure. Medicines can relieve pain. Warm baths after treatment may also help.

  • Stitching hemorrhoids with a stapler. This procedure, called a stapled hemorrhoidectomy or stapled hemorrhoidopexy, blocks blood flow to the hemorrhoidal tissue. Stapling in most cases causes less pain syndrome than hemorrhoidectomy and allows you to return to normal activities earlier.

When compared with hemorrhoidectomy, however, stapling is associated with a multiply greater risk of rectal relapse or prolapse, in which part of the rectum prolapses through the anus. Discuss with your doctor which option might be best for you.