What does the name Rustam mean in Islam? Name meaning: Rustam. Positive traits of the name

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Rustam, manifestation in love

Rustam, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

What does the name Rustam mean? From Persian - hero. These people are excellent at doing things that they like. Men with this name are impulsive, bright and emotional, with the nature of a commander. They become interested in a subject only when they are completely confident that they can take the steering wheel in their hands.

Somewhat unstable nervous system Rustam. His behavior is often mysterious: you will never be able to guess what he will throw out in the next minute - this is important for communication great value. The name Rustam is usually given to guys who are prone to making rather risky decisions. This is explained more by their courage, rather than by their adventurous nature. This person will never feel afraid of any new endeavor or unfamiliar undertaking. For him, only the result matters. The name Rustam is borne by those who act according to only one rule: the most important thing is to start the battle.

Such people are difficult to influence, but they listen carefully to the advice of their friends. This person’s communication knows no bounds; Rustam has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He quickly gets along with people, but can just as quickly break off relationships. This will be regretted for a long time. best friend Rustam usually has only one and forever.

It also has this: these are very dynamic and active people. They get carried away different types sports and in this area can achieve good results. In order to achieve certain heights in life, they will need to think carefully about the choice of their field of activity - it is worth noting this importance. The name Rustam is borne by people who can do absolutely any business, but only those they love well. Often Rustams give up one thing and take on another, quite often they wonder if this is what they are doing, start looking for something else, then return to the same again. These people are very sexual, but sensuality is controlled by reason.

The meaning of the name Rustam also has the following meaning - these men first accumulate experience, and then start their own business, because they do not like to work for someone, they want to do it only for themselves. They really make great entrepreneurs. Rustam will hold the position of specialist in some company if the profession brings in a lot of money. Only in this case will he want to prove himself and achieve success.

But not everything goes so smoothly for him. family life. Yes, he has high sexuality, as mentioned earlier, which is why he has a lot of fans. However, not every woman will be able to establish contact with such a man. People named Rustam usually choose the girl with whom they will live happily. This man is very amorous, and he likes it if his chosen one is also amorous. He experiences betrayal and breakups very painfully. It may even reach a depressive-manic state. Rustam is not inclined to revenge.

He values ​​committed and decent people. He has a disrespectful attitude towards others, and therefore prefers not to have anything to do with them - this is what this Rustam wears as people who try not to let anyone down, but sometimes this happens - by accident. They don't always keep their promises.

The name is Tatar, Persian, Ossetian, Kazakh. The meaning of the name is “giant”, giant”, “powerful”. Distributed among the Muslim population of Russia and the East. Widely mentioned in Islamic epics.

Name pronunciation options: Rustik, Rusik, Rustamchik, Rusya. Related names in the countries of Central Asia are Rustembay, Rustemkhan, Rustembek, Rustemdzhan.

Rustic has had a decisive and punchy character since childhood. Restless, cheerful, carefree, leadership inclinations are visible. A commander among peers, hot-tempered, can offend.

In the lower grades he studies with desire and has high potential. Pay more attention to classes and Rusya will become an excellent student. He is a favorite of teachers.

Sports inclinations are great. Often becomes an athlete high achievements. There is a need for character building and self-affirmation.

During his childhood, he has many friends, his own company, and needs communication. A brave, emotional person, Rustamchik commits desperate acts.

Prone to shocking, unpredictable. At the same time, he is rational and calculates his moves.

Interests are varied, he wants to make a professional decision earlier in order to prepare for his career.

Without a doubt, he carries out the assigned tasks and tries to work through the task deeply. Initiative employee. He definitely needs to understand and love his profession. Feeling strength and confidence, he becomes inspired. Avoids routine.

Little susceptible to outside influence. Possesses strong character, fearless. Rustamchik is sociable, there is something to talk about with him. He makes friends easily, but also breaks up if he loses trust. His favor must be earned.

Can make an impression, is a subject of imitation, even if he does not understand the essence of the matter. The image of Rustam in society often diverges from the real content.

Self-confident, proud Rustam knows his worth and will be able to protect himself from ill-wishers. Keeps his word and demands from those around him.

Character virtues: nobility, breadth of soul, dedication to work. Rustam is authoritative and you can rely on him. Thinks outside the box, free in judgment.

Disadvantages: rigidity, manipulation, intransigence, explosive nature.

Career, professional preferences and fate

Rustam is an enterprising man, a leader since childhood; will choose a profession where there is a specific result depending on his efforts. It is important to see the product of your activities.

Gaining experience as an employee, he later opens his own business. He will become a very successful businessman.

Professional athlete is also a possible choice.

The desire to be a commander, to command, to manage. Professions: policeman, military man, manager. Successful administrator, organizer.

He has service zeal and is respected by his superiors. A born ideological inspirer, a pioneer in many areas.

Can become a psychologist, mentor, teacher.

Material income is high and stable throughout life. Rustam knows how to both earn money and attract investment.

Various characteristics, astrology, angel day

  • Celestial body – Saturn
  • Zodiac – Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces
  • Rock – volcanic glass, sardonyx
  • Shades, coloring – marsh, black
  • Plant, tree – , ficus, cypress
  • Animal – donkey, camel

Rustam does not celebrate Angel Day, since the name is neither Orthodox nor Catholic.

A man who has been baptized should celebrate his name day according to the name of the saint assigned in the church.


Rustam naturally has good physical characteristics and consistently high tone. The man is not too worried about his health, smokes often, and eats irrationally. Subject to healthy image there will be no health problems in life.

The nervous system is vulnerable, there is a tendency to be overweight.

Love, family, compatibility

Rustam is not indifferent to the female sex and likes himself. He tries to conquer the object of his passion by any means.

He will build a relationship with someone he can subjugate. An attractive, prominent man is always surrounded by girls.

Passionate, jealous, persistent, sexy. At the same time vulnerable, seeking approval and admiration. She loves corporate holidays, hanging out with friends: not every woman will tolerate this.

He will definitely dominate in the family. An explosive nature will bring quarrels into the marriage. Having created a family, he will calm down, become a good husband, a reliable partner.

He devotes a lot of time to work, and may not get enough attention from his family. Rustam is a good father, pays attention to his children, organizes leisure and entertainment. The wife is in charge of raising and studying.

Provides financial support for the family budget.

In his mature years, he is critical of marriage, careful and demanding when choosing a partner. He is sensitive to disappointments in love. She regrets more about her unfulfilled dreams and hopes than about breaking up with her friend.

The mystery of the name Rustam

This man loves nothing more than to dominate people. Can give a false impression and appear to be an indispensable specialist in any field. Often can appropriate collective merits for the sake of approval and benefit of superiors.

Famous bearers of the name

  1. Rustam, hero of Persian folklore
  2. Rustam Ibragimbekov, writer, screenwriter
  3. Rustam Sagdullaev, Uzbek actor and director
  4. Rustam Kasimdzhanov, chess player
  5. Rustam Mamedov, Azerbaijani football player
  6. Rustam Khamdamov, director
  7. Rustamhoja Rakhimov, boxer
  8. Rustam Nugaev, boxer
  9. Rustam Minnikhanov, head of Tatarstan


Capricorn is a straightforward, decent man who does not tolerate pretense and lies. Very hardworking and responsible, but can leave things halfway and needs encouragement and help.

Aquarius is sociable, speaks competently, and has the gift of persuasion. He is endearing and self-interested. Very independent.

Pisces - Rustam dreams of the impossible. Good compatibility married to a determined and self-confident woman. Weak-willed, you can’t do without a strong lady’s shoulder.

Aries is good-natured and naive, vulnerable. In a dispute he is aggressive and does not like to suffer defeat.

Taurus is flighty, independent, proud, irreconcilable. He is picky about little things and likes to arrange surprises, which are not always pleasant.

Gemini – you can rely on this Rustam, he’s decent. He judges people superficially and is not inclined to analyze.

Cancer – good husband, caring dad. Trusting, reliable, but not proactive. Doesn't find fault with details, simple-minded.

Leo is an egoist by nature, narcissistic, isolated. He is not ready to sacrifice anything, he loves when people consult with him and ask for a favor.

Virgo is a serious intellectual. He values ​​constancy and loyalty in women. Family and children are Rustam’s priority. He will listen and give advice to friends.

Libra – calm, polite, knows how to present himself. Has strong moral views and is persistent.

Scorpio – has a difficult character, always dissatisfied. Stands his ground, an avid debater. Does not forgive insults caused, is vengeful.

Sagittarius is a thing in itself, prone to self-flagellation and depression. Needs support and approval. Potential pessimist.

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The name Rustam is widely popular in Muslim powers and among eastern peoples. In Russia, such a name is rare, and future parents are not eager to name their sons that way. Although the designation of the name carries a strong message to its owner.

Name and its meaning

Rustam is found in Tatar, Ossetian, Kazakh and Persian languages. He personifies Muslim culture:

in Persia means “giant”, “giant”;

in Arabic - “hero”.

among the Tajiks - “powerful”.

The meaning of the name combines positive and negative traits. Rustam is magnanimous, noble, generous, loyal and diligent. He has the gift of persuasion, is very independent, striving for freedom. At the same time, he can be cruel, aggressive, touchy and intolerant. He tries to suppress people with his authority.

Despite the characteristic nationality of the name, it sounds acceptable with Russian surnames and patronymics.

Diminutive derivatives of the name: Rustya, Rustik, Rusya, Rustamchik, Rustamushka.


In his childhood, Rustamchik was a fidget. The changeability and unpredictability of nature remains with him throughout his life.

Winter Rustam is an emotional and impulsive person. It's dangerous to argue with him. Zealously adheres to the chosen guidelines. Not afraid of responsibility.

Vesenny is an adventurous person, thirsting for adventure. Too assertive and risky. He performs well in a variety of martial arts.

Summer is incredibly stubborn. At the same time, he is a gallant and charming gentleman almost from the cradle. However, he easily gets along and disagrees with people.

Autumn - sets goals and definitely achieves them. Rustam, meaning “winner,” must become the best in the business he has chosen.

And yet the main secret of this name lies in its unpredictability and some inadequacy. But all his risky actions are actually quite well thought out.

The matured Rustam becomes the unspoken leader in the company. People are drawn to him, although he never singles anyone out. In life he is highly practical, proactive and courageous.


This name predetermines the future for its owner. A born commander and organizer, he must lead people or run a business. He is always in the leading roles, not to stroke his vanity, but because of the characteristics inherent in him.

Rustam can connect his fate with military affairs, police service, and entrepreneurship.

The main thing for him is to decide on his preferences. Selects professional path in such a way as to receive money for the work done, and not just sit through everyday work. Such passion for business helps you quickly climb the career ladder. This is also due to the fact that Rustam does not like to be subordinate.

Name day

In Christian church lists this name does not appear. But Rustic Angel Day is usually celebrated on March 9 and December 19.


Rustem, meaning hero, has the same gigantic body strength.

Most susceptible to:

  • heart disease;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • joint diseases;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • headaches;
  • viral infections in childhood.


The owner of this name is sexy, but with a sober mind. He is popular among young ladies, so he is in no hurry to get married. Male name Rustam will successfully pair with Irina, Lola, Marina, Raisa, Renata, Rimma, Rosa, as well as with oriental female names: Gulia, Deborah, Dina, Zemfira, Zinat, Sati.


The stone is heliotrope.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Element - Fire.

Color - golden.


The male name Rustam is used today in Russian Federation simply stunningly popular, and also found in most countries of the former Soviet Union. It has the greatest significance and is capable of endowing the boy named after it with a huge number of unique characteristics. It has good compatibility with many modern female name forms...

History and origin of the name

At one time, a huge number of researchers worked on studying the meaning and origin of the name Rustam, but they all eventually came to one single conclusion - it turns out that it owes its emergence exclusively to Persian culture. According to legend, translated from the ancient Persian language it is interpreted as “giant” or “giant”, although there are several other versions...

It is alleged that it was even mentioned in the famous “Book of Kings”, known as the “Shahnameh”, which played incredible linguistic significance in the history of the revival of the Persian language, which in turn came under Arab influence as such.

In Tajik culture there is a different version of the interpretation - there it is translated as “powerful” and enjoyed incredible popularity in the last century. True, over time it acquired many derivative forms, including Rustem, Rustembay, Rustembek, and many others.

It is also known that this name can give a boy and his character a huge number of unique qualities, those that together form a nature that cannot be interpreted in one word, a unique and very bright personality. Although, a lot here depends on the additionally influencing symbols...

The meaning of the name Rustam

This name is Persian in origin, and is interpreted according to the main version as “giant”. As for the meaning of the name Rustam, it has long been deciphered by researchers. It turned out to be capable of endowing the boy who was born with such traits of nature as restlessness, disobedience, activity, energy, inability to concentrate on one thing, independence and inconstancy. True, this is only the beginning of the list of characteristics that arise from childhood, and they will appear gradually as they grow older...

In early childhood, this name gives a newborn boy restlessness, self-indulgence, a desire to move and act, playfulness and excessive activity. Parents need to monitor him every minute, because he cannot live without problems and troubles, he always gets into trouble and endlessly invents adventures for himself, which only make things worse for both him and everyone else. He practically does not listen to his parents; the pressure they put on him forces this small representative of the male half of humanity to act reproachfully, that is, in the direction completely opposite to his parents’ requirements. Mom and dad are tormented with his upbringing, but you can’t leave him to chance either, because having felt freedom, he may even go downhill in the future.

He has many friends among his peers, and this is a clear merit of the ruling element, but not all of them are devoted and faithful to him, most often they are just kids who want to have fun, nothing more. He attracts with his ingenuity - the ringleader, unable to sit still, trying to be on the move, and all just for the sake of standing out from the crowd. He loves it when people “dance to his tune”, does not like to remain unnoticed, and does everything to achieve popularity among his peers. Obviously not a role model (with regards to behavior), but his optimism and cheerfulness, lack of laziness and assertiveness are what deserve respect in him.

The influence of talisman stones can also influence the formation in him of such qualities as friendliness and goodwill, although they should already be present in him thanks to the name. In adolescence, eloquence, friendliness, good nature, an optimistic attitude and realism prevail in him. Adult traits also begin to appear - practicality, seriousness, commitment, but their visibility is distorted by his reluctance to “dance to the common tune.” It is unrealistic to force such a person to act not according to his plan, to be like everyone else, to become a spot in the gray mass - he craves popularity, attention, recognition of talents, respect. Determination and perseverance also play an equally important role - he will do everything possible to achieve his own goals. But there are obvious problems with studies - usually they manifest themselves in a reluctance to study the exact sciences and a disposition only in relation to the humanitarian field. But nevertheless, teachers will respect him, and first of all for his efforts...

Further personality development may depend on the influence of the season and zodiac sign, but there are specifics. For example, an adult guy named this way may already have such qualities as hard work, determination, gullibility, the gift of manipulation and sincerity, openness and unprincipledness. It’s easier than ever to communicate with someone like that, he inspires trust, is an excellent listener and just a wonderful friend. True, he is too demanding in choosing his comrades, which affects their number.