Seeing a dirty floor partially washed in a dream. I dreamed about the dirty floor of a house in a dream. Dream Interpretation Wooden floor in a house or apartment in a dream to see why you dream

Why do you dream about gender?

Vanga's Dream Book

Wash the floor - such a dream promises you success at work if you do not contradict your superiors and defend your point of view, and also show leniency towards the shortcomings of influential people.

If you dreamed that the floor opened up under you and you fell, this means that someone is making a lot of efforts to ruin your reputation. And, apparently, he will succeed.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Gender is a symbolic reflection of the reliability and stability of your position.

A strong, clean floor indicates the strength of your position and a stable income.

If a beautiful-looking and non-threatening floor turns out to have a problem, for example, slippery or shaky, the dream suggests that you are mistaken about the stability of your position. Be more careful in your affairs: you may soon have serious problems.

A dirty floor is evidence of neglect and negligence in business, which can cause your well-being to suffer greatly.

Why do you dream about gender?

Spring dream book

Wooden floor - to illness.

A slippery floor means the fragility of your actions.

Why do you dream about gender?

Summer dream book

Washing a wooden floor in a dream means peace.

Slippery floor - you need to be careful.

Why do you dream about gender?

Autumn dream book

Washing a wooden floor in a dream means washing away money.

A slippery floor means you will lose your job.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Falling on the floor in a dream portends illness. Sweeping or washing the floor portends significant changes in life. Re-laying, repairing or painting floors means large financial expenses. A floor covered with linoleum or carpet portends an act due to which your reputation may be tarnished. Dirty floor - expect changes for the worse.

A rug or carpet on the floor portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet flooring - build your own home. Seeing a cement floor in a government institution - a dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities.

A dream in which water suddenly began to appear from under the floor and flood the apartment - to an unexpected and unwanted meeting for you.

Hearing mice scratching under the floor - your insight will help you avoid misfortune in time.

Why do you dream about gender?

Esoteric dream book

The floor is your support, your rear.

Solid, beautiful - you have strong support, solid rear.

Flimsy, swaying - you can be betrayed by those on whom you rely most.

Gender change - exciting events that can change your views and ideas.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Washing the floor in a dream is a harbinger of success at work, on the condition that you will not contradict your superiors and defend your innocence. In addition, you will benefit from being more forgiving of the shortcomings of powerful people.

If you dreamed that the floor opened up underneath you and you fell into a hole, this means that someone is putting a lot of effort into ruining your life. It is very likely that he will succeed.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Gender - health; relationships in the home; wet - quarrels, separation; new flooring is a serious illness.

Wash the floor - to death; to lay it again - to a serious illness; brought to the end - to death.

Why do you dream about gender?

Modern dream book

If in a dream you sweep or wash a dirty floor, this portends a deterioration in your health, illness.

If you have been tasked with painting the floors, but you don’t know where to start, it means that you are avoiding in every possible way what complicates your life.

If you dropped a ring on the floor and it rolled into the gap between the floorboards, you will soon find the lost item.

Walking on a swaying floor and falling means an easy victory in a difficult task.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Floor - You see a dirty floor in a dream, you sweep or wash the floor - your health will soon worsen; sometimes sweeping the floor in a dream means that in reality guests will come to you and stay late. A clean floor in a dream means good health in reality. The floor beneath you seems to be shaking - a difficult task will be easy for you, probably because you start it correctly. It’s as if you are obliged to paint the floor - you are not a fighter by nature; you try to avoid difficulties in life, rather than overcome them; leaving the rapids, you will find yourself in a quiet backwater; Apparently, a quiet backwater is exactly what you were striving for, but don’t expect brilliant opportunities from your future, don’t dream of great achievements.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gender - family relationships, position of stability or self-doubt; health.

Water floods from below - danger.

Wash - quarrel; death.

Sweep - guests; losses; publicity; parting.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of Vrublevskaya

The floor is what we stand on. Our life position, habits, the basis of our existence.

Why do you dream about gender?

British dream book

Floor - The floor and, of course, the foundation underneath it embody the foundations on which the entire building stands. Why do you have a dream: Did the condition of the floor or foundation reflect the condition of your foundations? real life? Was the floor secure and level or damaged and dangerous?

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Gender - This is where we stand, our life position, habits. Sweeping, washing the floor - you will have to get rid of someone or something. Seeing dirt and garbage on the floor means inability to organize your life, subjection to random circumstances.

Why do you dream about gender?

Women's dream book

Floor - Washing the floor in a dream is a harbinger of success at work, on the condition that you will not contradict your superiors and defend your innocence. In addition, you will benefit from being more forgiving of the shortcomings of powerful people. If you dreamed that the floor underneath you was opening up and you were falling into a hole, this means that someone is making a lot of efforts to ruin your life. It is very likely that he will succeed.

Why do you dream about gender?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed that you were repairing the floor at home, you will soon gain financial stability. To make this prosperous time last longer, scatter before front door a handful of cornmeal.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were breaking the floor, very soon your relationship with your superiors will deteriorate. To avoid this, give your boss a clay figurine tied with a green ribbon.

Why do you dream about gender?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, cleaning the floors means health problems.

Opening it up with paint is a sign of rejection of what weighs you down and limits your comfort.

If the boards in it are bad, and you stumble, you will easily achieve what others would spend a lot of effort on.

Dreaming that you are repairing the floor means big expenses.

You fell on him - you risk getting a knife in the back; those you would never doubt are using you for their own selfish interests, which will greatly harm you.

If you dream that you are polishing the floor, it means that you need to show a certain psychological flexibility in communicating with management, and you are guaranteed career advancement or an increase in salary.

If in a dream you sat on the floor, be sure that everything you have planned will be successfully realized and will bring you a lot of joy.

But if you position yourself very pretentiously and arrogantly, you are unlikely to be able to achieve your goals, you will be disappointed.

If you dreamed about a rotten floor - you have been worried about your relationship with your chosen one for a long time, and in the near future a serious conflict may break out due to your misunderstanding.

According to the dream book, a wet floor is a warning that your relationships with others may deteriorate, become mired in scandals, or even break up with a loved one.

If the boards in it are rotten and it fails, some serious disappointments await you associated with separations and losses.

The dream book interprets the process of washing floors as a sign that you want to understand yourself and thoroughly organize your destiny.

Seeing a floor polished to a shine in a dream means finding true family happiness, your home will be a full cup, and complete mutual understanding will reign between your relatives, which will always make your soul calm and at ease. This means that harmony will reign in other areas of life.

If it is made of wood, it means that sober calculation is alien to you, you are used to listening to the voice of your heart, this is how you chose your life partner and are now building a relationship with him.

If you dreamed of a newly installed expensive and beautiful floor in your home, dramatic changes await you that will make your life much better.

If it is dirty, and neither a broom nor a mop has touched it for a long time, get ready for problems, business failures and great disappointments.

You are trying to fight the dirt in an emergency

Why do you dream about gender?

American dream book

Gender is the basis and support.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

The dreamed floor of a house or apartment is a symbol of the health, condition and relationships of the people living there.

Seeing a wet floor means quarrels and separations; laying the floor - to illness; paint - to something new in the house; sweep - to guests or news; someone sweeps - someone leaves home or even family.

Wash the floor - to separation, change of residence or to death.

If water comes out from under the floor, some kind of threat awaits the family.

Hacking the floor means ruining a relationship with a loved one.

Why do you dream about gender?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Floor, a simple and necessary household item, carries a deep symbolic meaning in a dream.

If the floor is clean and smooth - a state of joy, if the floor is destroyed and dirty - disorder and danger.

Seeing the floor in a house in a dream (looking at it) means seeing the family foundation, realizing your contribution to it.

A clean, smooth floor means peace of mind and confidence in the full value of your contribution to the family (your half) and at the heart of the family as a whole. Complete, beautiful, healthy family gives only positive emotions, mental stability and ease in solving problems.

A destroyed, littered or dismantled floor is destruction due to mental disorders of one half of the family. The remaining one will strive to balance herself, so a broken floor indicates the destruction of relationships and severance of ties. Sleep is unfavorable. This additional information should be attached to the favorable and unfavorable interpretation of the dream.

The floor is wooden - the family is based more on emotional relationships than on economic ones.

The floor is stone - economic relations in the family are more fundamental than emotional ones.

Stone - the floor is stronger; it is more difficult to break, but also more difficult to repair: anger/wood dries up faster than thoughtfulness/metal and sadness/earth.

Washing the floor in a dream is not bad sign. In truth, such dreams are quite common. For a more accurate interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember such nuances as the room in which you worked, how exactly you did it.

Why do you dream that you are washing floors?

A dream where you diligently mop the floor promises a reward for your efforts in the form of a successful career. However, you shouldn't argue with your boss. It is better to leave defending your positions for later. Bickering and contradiction will not lead to anything good, but diligence and willingness to compromise will definitely be appreciated.

In addition, the dream book warns that washing the floor in a dream symbolizes that you have to prepare for some important event that will happen in your life. Perhaps it will entail a lot of changes.

What is the purpose of washing floors in a dream besides all of the above?

Wash the floor in a dream

As the dream book notes, someone else can wash the floor. This means you risk losing your job. Soon, your position will probably be taken by a colleague who has distinguished himself with greater success in this type of activity than you.

How the dream book interprets washing the floor in a dream - expect a change in love relationships. They will happen soon and will affect your life.

Know that your actions will greatly affect the people around you if you have previously seen yourself washing the floor in someone else's house or apartment. Therefore, be more attentive and careful, try not to harm your loved ones with a rash act or word.

What kind of floor do you wash in your dream?

Pay attention to the quality, properties and color of the floor you are trying to clean. If the flooring is reliable and solid, it means that in real life you have someone to rely on. They will not abandon you in difficult times and will help you overcome all difficulties.

If the surface is unstable and the floor itself is shaking under you, you should reconsider your surroundings. Be careful - intentionally or not, even your closest person can betray you. Holes in the floor symbolize a sieve, i.e. holes through which happiness and peace can leave you, leaving failures, troubles and losses.

Pay attention to the level of cleanliness of the floor. If in a dream you have a desire to wash dirty floors, then this is a completely positive sign. Changes await you. But these changes are favorable.

But a clean floor, on the contrary, leads to problems. If you wash such flooring, then troubles await you, and maybe even illness.

If you wash wood flooring, this indicates your desire to wash away all gossip, petty squabbles and squabbles from your life. The dreamer wants to establish relationships with people.

In addition to wood, the floor can be made of tiles or any similar material. Such a dream indicates that stability and consistency are coming in a person’s life. You will reach peace of mind and financial balance.

Floor color

Pay attention to what color the floor was that you had to wash in your dream.

If the color palette was dark (meaning shades such as blue, gray, green, brown or burgundy), then you should do a little digging within yourself. Perhaps you are thinking about completely unnecessary and insignificant things. A dream can warn of causeless worries that you are dooming yourself to in vain.

It's another matter if the floor was light in color. Firstly, this speaks of correct perception peace and adequate assessment of events by the dreamer. The sleeper follows the right path and fulfills his plans. This dream may indicate that there will soon be joyful events and news in your life.

In some dream books, washing floors is deciphered as a warning that you will soon leave your home - temporarily or for a long time. Also, such a dream may mean that you will have guests at your place.

If you are not just cleaning the flooring, but carefully washing it, there is reason to think about it. Perhaps in reality you have a feeling of undervaluation, you lack self-realization.

Much depends on the place where you started wet cleaning.

Wash the floor in a dream at work

If you dream about how you carry out this process at your work, don’t worry. This does not at all foreshadow unexpected “blockages” and difficulties. In fact, it's quite auspicious sign. It symbolizes that your boss considers you indispensable. You are very valuable and good worker. Continue in the same spirit and you are guaranteed to receive a promotion or salary increase.

It also matters where exactly in the dream you wash the floors. Is it your own apartment/house or someone else’s? There are motives in dreams when the sleeper washes floors not in a living room at all. All this affects the semantic message of the dream.

Wash floors in a dream dream book

The dream book interprets washing the floors in a church as washing away one’s sins.

If you had such a dream, it means that you have committed some act that does not give you peace. The dream symbolizes a person’s desire to atone for this sin and start a completely new, righteous life.

Why dream of washing the floors in the entrance? Such a dream promises a quick change of your place of residence. In the very near future you will have to move from your usual home.

All dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of why you dream of washing floors at school. This means that the dreamer will soon change his school. So you can start preparing for this event in advance.

As in life, in your dream you can wash the floor in two ways. Mopping floors in a dream means imminent conflicts in your life. These could be quarrels with your loved ones, scandals at work, or various kinds of showdowns. Also, such a dream warns that you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To dream of washing the floor with your hands means that you will have to work hard at this stage of life before any changes occur.

Vanga. Dream interpretation of washing the floor in a dream

Vanga gives an optimistic explanation of such dreams. As a rule, mopping floors signals the beginning of a successful career if you do not spoil your relationship with management.

Psychology has its own interpretations of this motive. Freud believed that washing floors means wanting to dot all the i’s in a relationship with your significant other. You are probably tired of the monotony and are looking forward to new sensations.

Interpretation of a dream in which you wash floors, according to Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus, washing floors in a dream means the beginning of a new stage in life. personal life, as well as changes in relationships with a partner. If you are washing the floor in an unfamiliar place, this means that soon the decisions you make will have a great impact on the people around you.

Wash floors Miller's dream book

In this dream book, the vision of washing floors is interpreted as a harbinger of serious life changes. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the flooring. If it is dirty, then the changes will be negative. A clean floor speaks of success that will soon come into your life.

A dream about washing floors - will there be trouble?

Although such dreams are popularly considered unfavorable, do not rush to panic. Such a vision may well tell you something pleasant. Why you dream that you are washing floors is explained by many dream books, but it all depends on individual characteristics sleep.

Dream theme: ,

The floor in a dream is a symbol of a stable position, and its features warn of future events or even changes. Dream books will tell you how to get the most exact interpretation sleep.

Why do you dream about gender according to Miller’s dream book?

If you dream that you are falling on the floor, then Miller’s dream book interprets this as an illness. If you are repairing the flooring, this will mean rapid expenditure of money. It is considered a bad sign, meaning that a misfortune will soon occur, to see a dirty floor in a dream.

Floors in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

Seeing yourself falling to the floor in a dream means that someone else is trying to annoy you. Make every effort, otherwise he will undoubtedly succeed in doing this. Washing floors according to Vanga promises you successful career advancement, the main thing is not to argue with management!

Why do you dream about gender according to Freud?

Freud's dream book interprets all visions in a sexual context. So, if you dreamed of washing floors, this is interpreted as the need to discuss your relationship with your significant other. Gender in a dream, in general, foreshadows changes for which you need to prepare in advance.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation interprets gender as our relationships with loved ones. Accordingly, washing floors in a dream is a bad sign: soon there will be a quarrel with a friend or in the family. On the contrary, one dreams of sweeping floors when guests arrive.

Why do you dream about floors according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea?

Dreaming of a dirty floor symbolizes the realization of the fact that we cannot understand our own life. The sorceress Medea understands gender as our position in life. Washing the floor means that you will have to get rid of something or someone in your life, change the usual order of things.

What does it mean to dream about gender according to the spring dream book

Seeing the floor in a dream spring dream book to illness. If you dream of a slippery floor, then you should think about your last actions. They were received ambiguously

Gender according to esoteric dream book

A hard floor means reliability in your life, you have reliable friends and partners. If you dream of a dilapidated floor, know that those on whom you rely are not so reliable, they can betray you at any moment!

Why do you dream about a dirty floor?

Different dream books interpret the vision of a dirty floor in a dream in different ways. Thus, some experts interpret such a dream as an opportunity to soon receive significant financial profit. On the other hand, it is widely believed that a dirty floor dreams of a serious quarrel in the family, illness of loved ones and the possible death of relatives.

Washed floor in a dream - what does it mean to wash floors?

Washing floors in a dream most often means a quick promotion. However, there is no need to rush to rejoice. If, in a dream, you washed the floors in someone else’s apartment, then success in moving up the career ladder awaits not you, but one of your colleagues. On the other hand, some dream books interpret washing floors as a warning. Someone is probably trying to annoy you at work and ruin your career.

Why do you dream that you are sweeping the floor?

Exist different interpretations such a dream. The dream book for women says that if you swept in a dream, then a quick move awaits you. On the other hand, if you swept the floor of a friend’s house, then this is far from leading to mutual assistance, but, on the contrary, to an imminent quarrel.

Miller's dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of imminent prosperity in all areas of life. If in a dream a representative of the stronger sex sweeps the floor, then you should expect the most unexpected news.

Why do you dream of water, blood, garbage on the floor?

Clean water on the floor is a good dream. In this case, success awaits you, both at work and in your personal life. Dirty water, on the contrary, hints at your health problems. Perhaps you should think about it and go to a doctor for examination.

Muddy water on the floor in the apartment loved one may portend a tragedy, even death. Freud's dream book also indicates that if water is pouring on the floor of the bedroom, then a woman should diversify her sex life and experiment with new sensations. If a man dreams about this, then you should be careful; you will probably soon fail in your sex life.

Blood on the floor is not always a bad sign. Sometimes this is interpreted as a smile of fortune: you will soon be lucky in the lottery or you will be able to make a profitable deal for yourself. On the other hand, if you dreamed of a large puddle of blood on the floor, then expect trouble. You are at risk of serious illness.

When a girl dreams of a pool of blood, it promises problems in her sex life. In general, experts urge a very careful approach to the interpretation of such dreams, advising to take into account all the details seen. It is better to turn to the interpretation of several dream books.

Garbage scattered on the floor of your apartment promises you trouble in the family sphere. Try not to argue with your significant other in the coming days and strive to solve pressing problems, avoiding sharp corners.

Why else do you dream about the floor?

  • wooden floor

You dream of a wooden floor if you subconsciously feel envious of the success of your competitors. If you wash a wooden floor, then you may soon be involved in money laundering.

  • collapsing floor

A sinking floor in your home is undoubtedly a bad sign. Failures await you, perhaps serious illness. According to other interpretations, this may mean a deterioration in the relationship with your loved one, including in sexual life.

  • painting floors in a dream

Painting floors in a dream, like renovations, promises change. These could be changes in your personal life, or a change in your appearance. Moreover, painting floors in a dream can be a harbinger of an imminent move to a new place of residence or to another city.

  • dead man mops the floors

If a person you knew, but he has already died, washes the floors in your house, then such a dream promises misfortune. Perhaps death will soon come to your home. However, experts in the field of dreams advise not to rush into depression; perhaps the deceased is simply reminding of himself.

  • Why do you dream about hair on the floor?

If in a dream you see that your hair is falling to the floor, this means that at the right moment, close people will support you. Another interpretation of such visions is diametrically opposite. The Enigma dream book regards such a dream as a warning that you will soon encounter deception or betrayal.

  • sweep the floor with a broom

Sweeping the floor with a large broom in a dream means your desire for a wild life. It’s probably worth listening to this interpretation and getting a good rest. In addition, such stories may indicate imminent changes in life or the success of an upcoming financial transaction.

  • mop the floors

Unlike sweeping, washing floors in a dream with a mop does not bode well. Most likely, you will soon face the risk of falling into extreme uncomfortable situation. Be on the lookout!

  • Why do you dream that another person is washing the floor?

If you dreamed that a stranger was managing your house, this means: someone is aiming for your place. This may apply to both family life, and professional activities.

  • if your husband washes the floor in a dream

If a woman dreams that her husband is doing the cleaning, this means changes in the family. Talk to him, he is probably planning an escape route and wants a divorce. Other dream books interpret such a vision as the husband’s imminent departure for a long period, perhaps on a long business trip for work.

Soap According to the dream book, floors (washing) means showing interest in the patron, taking care of nearby people. In a dream, washing the floors at home (in an apartment) means caring for someone who can bring you considerable benefit. Wash the floors in someone else's house (someone else's apartment, in an unfamiliar place) - show attention to a stranger who patronizes you. To wash in one’s parents’ house means to take care of relatives, perhaps just parents. Washing at the entrance means doing something good with future benefits in mind. Washing floors at work is an action with an eye to professional benefits. Why dream of washing floors in a hospital - worry about health (your own or that of loved ones). Washing in a store is a mutually beneficial agreement; mutual support and patronage. Washing at school - you have a lot to learn from your patrons. Wash in a bank - the meaning of the dream is to make efforts to stabilize your financial situation. Wash in a temple (church) - atone for sins; feel guilty; self-flagellation. Washing a dirty floor in a dream means providing a service despite personal prejudices. In the hope that it will be rewarded. Washing the floors with a mop - interpretation - you have a difficult job, for which you expect to receive a significant sum, significant protection. To wash is to personally conduct business and control the result, which directly affects your progress. To see someone else washing my floor - all the dirty work will be done for you, and will you collect the fruits of someone else’s diligence? The deceased is washing (the deceased) in the house - you just have to wait out this difficult period, everything will work out over time. The husband washes - the spouse will take on the lion's share of the labor. A man is washing - unexpected help will arrive just in time, all you have to do is rejoice and receive praise. A woman washes - do not let gossips interfere in your relationship with your patrons. To see how a mother washes - a parent will help at the most necessary moment.

Wipe floor (collect water with a rag, remove water) – accept correct solution, establish your own opinion. scoop water - to attract attention, to try to interest an influential person in one’s own person, to become someone’s protégé. Wiping away blood means establishing connections with relatives. Wiping away urine means solving problems.

On the contrary, spill pour water (pour out) - to disagreements and misunderstandings with closest people. Accidentally spill - an accidental action will lead to quarrels and irritation.

According to the dream book sweep floor with a broom (revenge) - solve problems of people who are significant to you. Sweeping the floor in your house means putting your parents' troubles on your own shoulders. To see in a dream how you sweep the floor in someone else's house is to settle the concerns of those people who have previously provided significant service to you. A dead man sweeps (sweeps) in his house - your efforts will be useless.

“What does it mean, according to the dream book, to sweep the floor with a broom in someone else’s house and sing songs while doing it?” It is easy to solve problems regarding your patrons, while not forgetting about your own benefit. No one will be left behind.

Clean the dust from the floor surface - to visit those to whom you owe a lot in life.

Something collect from the floor- to have something from communicating with those who protect you. Collect needles - negative emotions from communication. Collect hair - use help. Collecting coins (trifles) is a minor hassle. Vacuuming– try to smooth out your own inattention by increasing zeal for those who have always helped you. Dreaming lay something (for example a palace) – to render Special attention dear people.

See how the floor failed- according to the dream book, it means that you should not rely on anyone now - they will let you down very badly.

paint paint gender in the interpretation of dreams according to Magini’s dream book is to prepare people you care about for some kind of surprise. Do– work on relationships with helpful people. Repair gender (repair) – put up with the right people, show affection and provide support. Change floors (change, new laying) - make new connections with important people. Disassemble– loss of favor with those who support you, severing significant connections.

Lie on the floor in a dream (to sleep) - the need for mental rest, which only parents can give. Fell- suddenly find yourself in a vulnerable position, despite the patronage taken over you. Ride- sometimes you abuse the protection provided to you and behave extremely unseriously. Sit– you have every reason to move forward confidently, but for some reason you prefer to remain inactive. Go– move towards the goal with confidence in your right and benefactors. Walking on a freshly washed floor means trusting your patrons and boldly achieving what you want. But walking in the dirt means suspecting everyone and everything on your way, even those who have never let you down before.

In a dream urinate on the floor (write) - reproaches and unfair fault-finding about one’s protectors. Spit- neglect the people who patronize you. Scatter salt - to organize discord.

Other dreams

floor rag– to the manifestation of soft character, when a person allows himself not only to be manipulated, but also to be humiliated for no reason.

Water under the floor covering - your gratitude to your helpers and devotion to your family does not allow you to achieve your own goals and benefits, being a significant burden.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Paul's absence?

The symbolism of floor images in a dream is very simple and rational - just like in life: on a strong floor you can safely walk through the most dangerous places. The meaning of such a dream plot usually varies depending on what gender you dreamed of and when, and with the help of symbolism the dreamer will even be able to look into the near future in order to predict his actions regarding family or relationships at work.

  • Did you dream of a floor with a tile or stone base? This symbolizes strong ties that are not subject to time and intrigues.
  • A wet surface in a dream is a sign of something that makes every step sliding and unstable. Such a plot foreshadows quarrels and conflicts out of nowhere.
  • But washing the floor, according to the dream book, means successful attempts to build a life or welcome guests.
  • Why do you dream about the floor, creaky floorboards are a harbinger of trouble: if you continue to walk on them, life will throw you dangerous situation, from which it is difficult to get out.
  • Seeing yourself re-laying a floor of planks is a warning about the risk of injury or serious illness, and if you managed to lay the last plank, the dream indicates the inevitability of death.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about the floors?

The key idea of ​​the psycho-emotional symbolism of this image is based on the thesis that maintaining balance in changing circumstances is always difficult. And if the dreamer needs solid ground and is looking for support, his own subconscious will help with this: seeing the floor is a symbol of finding harmony and confidence. Depending on the texture of the flooring and plot details, the dreamer is armed with a complete understanding of the nuances of the upcoming twists of fate.

  • Stories where the floorboards are strong and do not creak foreshadow a positive outcome, when the sleeper, supported by family and friends, will feel the long-awaited peace. This applies to both family/work relationships and self-improvement work.
  • A swaying floor symbolizes possible betrayal; the dreamer needs to accumulate a financial “safety cushion” and enlist the help of influential patrons, otherwise hopes will be dashed.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about Paul?

Life consists of many little things, including everyday habits. Short review will signify what gender means in a dream, shows a strong variation in interpretations. However, most love dream books It agrees that such an image symbolizes the dreamer’s need to understand his own emotions.

  • In a dream, you grab a broom and diligently sweep away the dirt; you better quickly get rid of an intrusive person, be it a courteous colleague or an overly helpful lover. They lie for their own benefit and lead you into a trap.
  • A clean surface symbolizes an easy life without worries, and the appearance of dirt and attempts to get rid of it is a guide to action.
  • Do you see heaps of garbage or stains of dirt on the floor? This indicates circumstances that you put up with even in your personal life.
  • The floor disappearing from under your feet is an insidious intrigue aimed at your loved one, which will be crowned with success.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about gender, what does it mean?

  • Dreaming of sweeping the floor means that you will have to get rid of someone or something.
  • Seeing dirt and debris on a leaky floor in a dream foretells that you cannot improve your life and are subject to random circumstances.
  • If you dreamed of washing the floor, it means success at work if you don’t contradict your boss and defend your innocence.
  • A floor that moves apart and collapses under you - someone is making a lot of efforts to ruin your life.
  • I dreamed of a stone floor in a house - healthy relationships in the house.
  • Seeing a wet floor in a dream means quarrels and separation.
  • If you dreamed of laying a new floor - be more attentive to your health.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Paul?

  • Dreaming of washing the floor means success in your work if you show leniency towards the shortcomings of influential people.
  • Seeing a hard, beautiful floor in a dream symbolizes strong support, solid rear.
  • If you dreamed of a flimsy, swaying floor with holes, you may be betrayed by those on whom you rely most.
  • The floor under your feet is changing - exciting events that can change your views and ideas.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Gender

The floor and, of course, the foundation underneath embody the foundations on which the entire building stands. Why do you dream about the floor? Did the condition of the floor or foundation reflect the condition of the foundations in your real life? Was the floor secure and level or damaged and dangerous?

  • According to the dream book, if you see a dirty floor, you are sweeping or washing the floor - your health will soon worsen; sometimes sweeping the floor in a dream means that in reality guests will come to you and stay late.
  • A clean floor in a dream means good health in reality.
  • The floor beneath you seems to be shaking - a difficult task will be easy for you - probably because you start it correctly.
  • It’s as if you are obliged to paint the floor - you are not a fighter by nature; you try to avoid difficulties in life, rather than overcome them; leaving the rapids, you will find yourself in a quiet backwater; Apparently, a quiet backwater is exactly what you were striving for, but don’t expect brilliant opportunities from your future, don’t dream of great achievements.