Urethritis in boys: symptoms and treatment. Urethritis symptoms and treatment in girls. How is urethritis treated in children?

Nobody likes to be sick. It's especially annoying when children get sick. Children, due to their age, do not always report on time initial symptoms. Often, parents have to deal with a long-progressing infection, and this lengthens and complicates the treatment process. Urethritis in children is an insidious disease, the slightest hypothermia, digestive problems, weakened immunity can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Urethritis is a pathological inflammation of the walls urethra caused by pathogenic bacteria or resulting from injury. Most often the disease manifests itself in boys. Girls' bodies have anatomical features, due to which the infection quickly penetrates the bladder.

List of reasons

The causes of urethritis in children are different and can be associated, for example, with external irritants, diseases, and dietary errors. They are divided into two groups. The first is non-infectious, it includes the following factors:

Another type of conditions for exacerbation of the disease include genitourinary infections:

  • cystitis – pathology of the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis – kidney disease;
  • prostatitis – pathology of the prostate gland;
  • balanoposthitis - inflammation of the head of the penis in boys;
  • vulvitis is an infection of the external genitalia in girls.

There are certain elements of microflora that can also activate the disease when “favorable” conditions appear. Here is a list of common components of every human body that can cause the development of urethritis:

  • mycoplasma;
  • Trichomonas;
  • coli;
  • ureaplasma;
  • staphylococci and other microorganisms.

Important to know! The most common, main cause of this disease is hypothermia. When boys or girls get cold lower limbs, this becomes a stress factor for the body, which instantly responds with the appearance of symptoms of urethritis.

Recognizing symptoms

Symptoms of urethritis in children have general characteristics: unbearable itching, burning in the genitals, discomfort during urination. There is not always an increase in body temperature. Children complain of discomfort in the pelvic organs. Constant scratching of surfaces aggravates the development of infection through the penetration of pathogenic agents.

Signs in girls

The first unhealthy manifestations cannot be ignored. Treatment should be started if the following symptoms of urethritis are present in girls:

  • redness, irritation of the external genitalia;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain when emptying the bladder.

Infection in the female genital organs quickly ascends and transforms into a disease of the bladder and kidneys.

Manifestations in boys

Symptoms of urethritis in a male child may vary slightly. They usually manifest themselves as follows:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • presence of blood in urine;
  • purulent discharge;
  • urine is cloudy, dark in color.

Due to anatomical structure urethra in guys, the disease has a more complex course.

Features of urethritis in early childhood

From approximately one to five years of age, inflammation of the urethra in a child appears in a slightly altered state. Signs of urethritis in the youngest children can appear indirectly, in the form of “unreasonable” whims, general lethargy and frequent visits to the toilet. little child cannot explain in detail what is bothering him. Fear of the doctor and reluctance to take medications contribute to the fact that the baby will not consciously admit to pain, discomfort. Therefore it is important when early symptoms, similar to ARVI, pass general tests urine and blood. Results laboratory research will help determine an accurate diagnosis.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Urogenital infections in one-year-old children are dangerous because they turn into chronic form. This type of urethritis is characterized by frequent relapses and difficulty in treatment.

Important to know! The inflammatory process can become a “start” for the development of side diseases of the pelvic organs, for example renal failure. Prolonged urethritis in childhood can cause infertility in adult girls and boys.

Chronic pathology contributes to increased sensitivity of the genitourinary organs to various infections. This is especially evident during puberty. As a result, the teenager’s immune system suffers.

Set of diagnostic procedures

Complex medical examination for an accurate diagnosis of childhood urethritis includes the following points:

Then the attending physician prescribes a series of laboratory tests to identify the pathogenesis and true reasons development inflammatory process in the urethra:

  • general and detailed blood test;
  • laboratory study of urine;
  • bacteriological culture of urine;
  • smears: from the vagina in a girl, from the urethra in a boy.

To determine the exact location of the source of inflammation, an examination of the contents of the bladder is carried out according to Nechiporenko. When there is a suspicion of a progressive complication or the presence of “parallel” ailments, ultrasound diagnosis is performed.

Description of the treatment process

Modern pediatrics has a variety of methods for getting rid of genitourinary infections. The method of treating urethritis in children depends on the type of disease. At acute symptoms Antibacterial therapy is usually used. In the vast majority of cases, a home recovery regime is assumed. Hospitalization is only relevant for serious forms of pathology. Chronic infection requires direct insertion into the urethral opening. medical solutions, it would also be a good idea to take medications that restore the body’s immune forces.

In addition to the medication course, the sick child must adhere to a special diet. Cannot be consumed fatty foods, spicy, salty, smoked foods. It is necessary to drink an impressive amount of liquid, which helps to quickly remove microorganisms from damaged organs. Bed rest, reduction physical activity- factors that positively influence the healing process. Warm sitz baths have mixed reviews from patients. Therefore, before treating a child with this method, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Medicines for children

If the causative agent of the infection is difficult to identify, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics.

This table shows the most used medications and their “strengths”.

Antibacterial agentsMain characteristicsContraindications
"Cefixime"Disrupts synthesis cell wall bacteria. It has a wide “sphere of destruction”.Renal failure, pseudomembranous colitis. Not for use by elderly people and infants under 6 months.
"Amoxicillin"Penicillin drug of semi-synthetic origin. It has good absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and has high bioavailability.You need to consult a specialist if you have kidney or liver diseases. Pregnancy, breast-feeding infant, age up to 3 years, the presence of an allergic reaction - factors in which this medicine not prescribed.
"Cefaclor"Release form: white or yellowish powder. After mixing with water it turns into an orange-scented suspension.Leukopenia, hemorrhagic syndrome, increased sensitivity to the constituent elements.

Herbal therapy

Herbal medicine - effective remedy relief from many symptomatic manifestations. For urethritis in boys and girls, they are often used for treatment. urological fees in the form of infusions. Here are the most popular folk recipes:

You can prepare herbal ingredients yourself or purchase a ready-made herbal mixture at any pharmacy.

Prevention of inflammation of the urethra in a child

To protect your child as much as possible from inflammatory processes in the urethra, you must regularly follow the preventive rules:

  • Maintain personal hygiene. Parents should teach their child to wash thoroughly every day. Underwear also requires regular changes.
  • Appropriate clothing. In cold seasons, it is especially important to select a set of “equipment” that will allow the body not to become overcooled.
  • Healthy diet. We must say “no” to spicy, salty, pickled foods in excess.
  • Strengthening the immune system “according to Komarovsky”: walks on fresh air in any weather, eating only if you have a natural appetite, physical activity.

Advice! When washing boys, do not move them away foreskin, because you can injure it and provoke the development of inflammation of the urethra.


Urethral infection in children is far from a harmless phenomenon that requires adequate attention from adults. There is no point in hoping that the inflammatory process will go away on its own. This disease should be treated comprehensively, including antibiotics. In the absence of adequate therapy, the disease transforms into a chronic form.

The consequences of the disease in the future may negatively affect reproductive functions adult organism. Greater role in health genitourinary system play preventive measures. From the very early years It is necessary to instill hygiene habits in the baby and strengthen the immune system, especially during the off-season.

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Antibacterial therapy for inflammation of the urethra

Even children are not immune from the inflammatory process in the urethral canal, although it occurs most often in adults. called an infectious or non-infectious lesion of the walls of the urethra, which, if left untreated, can develop into serious complications.

The urethra belongs to the organ of the excretory system, its work is closely related to the kidneys, bladder and ureters. In children, the structure of the system differs only in size.

Urethritis is often accompanied by cystitis or another infection, which jeopardizes the health of the kidneys. Inflammation of the canal walls in children, if left untreated, can lead to the development of urosepsis. This is a serious condition of the body, life-threatening little patient.


Factors in the development of urethritis vary depending on the nature of the pathology:

  • Infectious

Children do not have sexual activity, but this does not exclude the entry of an infectious agent into the urethra. Infection can occur in public or living conditions in the absence of normal hygiene or from hypothermia. The main pathogens are ureplasmas, viruses of various natures, E. coli, gonococci, Trichomonas, fungi or bacteria.

  • Non-infectious

These factors do not carry infection with pathogens:

  1. urethral injuries;
  2. passage of small stones through the urethra;
  3. after catheterization;
  4. congestion in the pelvis;
  5. allergic reactions;
  6. irritation of the canal due to medication.


Acute urethritis is pronounced. The child's condition worsens and general signs illnesses - fever, chills and sleep disturbances.

TO specific symptoms include:

  • burning in the urethra;
  • blood impurities (in acute cases);
  • itching and burning of the genitals (more common in boys);
  • white mucous discharge (if infected with Trichomonas, it can change color to yellow with an unpleasant odor);
  • increased urge to urinate, pain when going to the toilet.

In the chronic form, the symptoms have a minor manifestation, which is greatest danger. The inflammatory process becomes focal. As the infiltrate resolves, numerous scars form, which leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.

If the pathology has long developed into a chronic form, an inflammatory process may occur in all urethral parts with the involvement of the bladder. This indicates total urethritis, treatment of which lasts several weeks or months.

Infectious urethritis can cause infection to spread to the kidneys or cause early infertility. The vessels of the urethral canal dilate, the mucous membranes are destroyed, and infiltration with leukocytes is formed.

If the effect on the urethra was associated with chemicals or an increase in temperature, areas of the mucous membrane die. Symptoms of urethritis in children vary depending on the nature of the disease and severity.


To determine the cause of urethritis and further treatment tactics, a detailed study is carried out. It uses laboratory and instrumental methods. Before prescribing tests, the doctor conducts a general examination. Research and treatment is carried out by a urologist:

  1. It is impossible to determine the exact cause of urethritis in children by symptoms alone. An important indicator will be urine composition, bacteriological tests and urethral smears.
  2. During the initial examination, the doctor may observe redness and swelling of the genital organs in the area of ​​the urethral canal. When palpating the posterior part of the urethral wall the child experiences pain.
  3. The child is sent to blood and urine tests. In the standard, blood is taken from a finger to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of leukocytes and hemoglobin. In the urine of urethritis, protein and impurities, mucus are found, and sometimes salts are included. When pyelonephritis is added to urethritis, a Nechiporenko analysis will be required.
  4. Taken from the urethral canal smear to determine the pathogen in case of infectious urethritis.
  5. On Ultrasound The condition of the bladder, kidneys, tubes and ovaries is determined. The study provides a detailed picture of the condition of all pelvic organs, which allows you to accurately determine their structure and deviations.

If urethritis develops in a girl, a consultation with a gynecologist is required to identify a possible inflammatory process in the reproductive organs.


Treatment of urethritis in children is complex. If the child is too small, use many medicines forbidden. IN in some cases If the inflammatory process is complicated, hospitalization may be required:

  • For infectious urethritis Antibacterial therapy is indicated. It is aimed at suppressing and destroying the pathogen. There are highly targeted drugs and antibiotics wide range actions. Typically, taking antibiotics lasts 7-10 days. To avoid suppression of good microflora, probiotics are taken along with medications.

List of drugs for children:

  1. Tsedex (from 800 rubles);
  2. Trimoxazole (from 500 rubles);
  3. Terzef (from 200 rubles).

Even after the symptoms disappear on the third day, the course of treatment does not stop. After treatment, tests and smears are taken again. If the pathogen is not detected, the therapy was correct. If the pathology progresses, the doctor may change treatment tactics and change the antibiotic.

  • To support the body and strengthen the immune system Be sure to take multivitamins. Sometimes to maintain water balance for a long time elevated temperature glucose is administered. Vitamin C is taken in tablets or intravenously.
  1. Supradin (from 250 rubles);
  2. Multitabs (from 180 rubles);
  3. Undevit (from 50 rubles).
  • The child is put on a diet. Often this is . Excluding salty, fried and spicy foods will not irritate the walls of the urethra. Proper nutrition will contribute better job kidneys and stabilization of the urinary process. During treatment, the diet is not stopped.

Prohibited products:

  1. salted tomatoes, cucumbers;
  2. chips, crackers, instant food;
  3. chocolate, increased amount of sugar;
  4. carbonated drinks, strong tea.
  • For allergic urethritis It is important for your child to be tested for allergens. This will identify the irritant and eliminate its contact with the body. There are many antiallergic drugs. If urethritis develops due to the use of hygienic and cosmetics, they are excluded. If there is a food allergy, irritating foods are removed from the diet. Sometimes the drug is not an antihistamine, but a systemic one, which is administered intravenously.
  1. Grandim (from 100 rubles);
  2. Suprastin (from 120 rubles);
  3. Pipolfen (from 900 rubles);
  4. (from 400 rubles).

During treatment, the child needs complete rest and no stress. To better flush out pathogens from the urethral canal, follow a drinking regime. You can support the urinary system with teas based on kidney teas.

In case of severe pain, the child is given antispasmodics. To the very safe drugs refers to papaverine and No-shpa (from 200 rubles). Take pills when you feel stressed pain syndrome or according to instructions 3 times a day.

Folk remedies

  1. Horsetail, bear's ears, sage. To maintain urinary system It is useful for a child to take decoctions based on horsetail, bear's ears and sage. They have a calming effect on the inflamed canal.
  2. Baths with antiseptic herbs. In the absence of purulent infection, warming up in a bath at medium temperature is allowed. To speed up the effect, take sitz baths with the addition of antiseptic herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort and others).
  3. Parsley has proven itself as a medicinal plant for the urinary system. Works great for urethritis different stages. To prepare the recipe you will need one tablespoon of fresh chopped parsley leaves. It is filled with 250 ml warm water and leave for 12 hours. Take 20 ml every 2-3 hours.
  4. Currant leaves and berries. Tea made from currant leaves, which can be brewed with berries, washes the urethral canal well. The liquid is not made too concentrated. 15 grams of dry or fresh leaves per 500 ml of boiling water is enough. The child is given the drug when he needs to drink.


The main prevention of urethritis in a child is to protect him from hypothermia. It is easier for pathogens to penetrate into a weakened body and develop at high speed. If the child is noticeably hypothermic, steaming the feet and warm tea with lemon is recommended.

It is important to teach your baby good genital hygiene and constantly monitor this process. Worn linen is changed daily. During illness, girls are recommended to use daily sanitary pads.

Timely identified and treated urethritis will not provoke the spread of infection to nearby organs. It is important to prevent it from becoming chronic, which is difficult to get rid of.

You can also familiarize yourself with the most common genitourinary infections that occur in children after watching this video.

Urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the urethra that occurs due to various reasons. Most often, girls suffer from this problem, since their urethra is wide and short, so it is easier for an infectious agent to penetrate the urethra.

In boys, the disease develops more often for other reasons that have nothing to do with infection. We will talk in more detail about the symptoms and treatment of urethritis in children in this article.

Childhood urethritis may be caused by for various reasons infectious or non-infectious:

  • Infectious causes:
  1. viruses;
  2. (transmitted to children from infected parents with personal hygiene items or when using washcloths, towels, etc.);
  3. chlamydia;
  4. yeast-like fungi Candida (penetrate into the urethra from the vagina in a girl, for example, after long-term use of antibiotics);
  5. ureaplasma.
  • Non-infectious causes:
  1. diagnostic procedures, for example, cystoscopy, during which the mucous membrane of the urethra is accidentally injured and an inflammatory process develops;
  2. injuries groin area– blows to the genitals;
  3. stagnant processes due to a lack of fluid in the body and rare urination;
  4. allergic reactions, for example when using synthetic underwear, detergents for washing children's clothes;
  5. injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra with stones and sand, which can be discharged in the urine.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of urethritis in a child differ somewhat by gender, for example, urethritis in a boy appears more intense and brighter than in girls.

Signs of urethritis in boys

The onset of the disease is acute and is characterized by an increase in body temperature in most cases, especially if the inflammatory process is caused by an infectious agent.

The following symptoms are typical:

  • pain and burning during urination;
  • discharge of a few drops of blood in the urine at the end;
  • itching and redness of the glans penis; when trying to move the foreskin back, the pain intensifies;
  • possible discharge from the urethra of a mucopurulent nature or in the form of curd flakes;
  • frequent false urge to urinate.

Signs of urethritis in girls

In girls, the symptoms of the disease are similar, but not so pronounced:

  • itching of the genitals;
  • redness and slight swelling in the urethra;
  • discharge of mucus or whitish flakes from the urethra;
  • burning when urinating;
  • increased urge to empty the bladder;
  • complaints of pain in the lower abdomen.

Intensity clinical symptoms diseases in boys and girls also largely depend on the form in which the inflammation occurs. At acute form all of the above symptoms occur in full, then, as with chronic urethritis clinical picture will be blurry, which often makes diagnosis difficult.

Varied infectious diseases urinary tract are characteristic not only of the adult population, they are often found in children. One of these pathologies is urethritis. In children, the disease is more often observed in boys than in girls, and all due to the structural features of the genitourinary system. Urethritis is an inflammatory process localized to the urethra (the wall of the urethra).

Classification of the disease

There are several types of classification of pathology, in particular, according to the nature of the course:

  • acute form, characterized sudden appearance pain when urinating, accompanied by false urges to the toilet;
  • The chronic form is a consequence of the untreated acute form of the disease.

Based on the factors that provoke the development of urethritis in children, several types of the disease are distinguished.

Primary and secondary urethritis are also distinguished, in which an infection or bacteria enters the urinary canal from other organs, through the blood or lymphatic tract, that is, it is actually a complication of another disease.

Causes of pathology

The risks and causes of the development of urethritis in children are much greater than in adults, since the child’s body is much more vulnerable and it is more difficult for it to resist infections.

Doctors identify a number of main reasons:

  • Hypothermia, it is unacceptable to dress the baby inappropriately for the weather or allow a long stay in a draft.
  • Insufficient hygiene procedures, simply put, the baby should always have clean diapers and dry diapers. The child must be taught to wash their hands before and after using the toilet. The baby should from the very early age learn to wash yourself regularly. In 85% of cases, the development of urethritis in children is associated precisely with non-compliance with normal hygiene rules.
  • Infection inside the womb. This is a fairly rare phenomenon, but still occurs in medical practice. Pathology may appear if the mother had pathogenic microorganisms in her genitourinary system during pregnancy;
  • Weakened immunity. This reason is also quite rare and is typical for children under 3 years of age. It is during this period of life that the activity of blood cells in babies is still very low, so they are not able to protect the body from infection. In this case, only microbes or viruses that directly cause an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the urethra can act as the causative agent of the disease.
  • Chronic diseases. This means that if there is any infectious or bacterial disease in the child’s body, microbes can constantly penetrate the urethra and thereby become a source of inflammation.

Characteristics of the course of the disease

Symptoms of urethritis in a child largely depend on the type of urethral lesion, age and gender, as well as on the duration of the disease. Although doctors still identify a number of symptoms that can generally characterize the pathology.

First of all, when urinating, the child feels discomfort, including itching and irritation. Babies are bothered by frequent urges. Girls may complain of itching in the internal genital organs. Boys may complain that after emptying their bladder they feel a burning and itching sensation in the genitals.

Children of both sexes may experience discharge, mucous or purulent, even mixed with blood. The smell of such discharge is usually unpleasant and pungent. Some children even develop a fear of going to the toilet, as they are afraid that they will be in pain again. There may even be an involuntary delay in urination. It is very rare, but there are still cases when a child also exhibits signs viral disease, that is, general health worsens and the temperature rises.


Before determining how to treat urethritis in a child, the doctor interviews the child and parents. One of important indicators- lifestyle and the presence of chronic pathologies. After collecting an anamnesis, it is necessary to undergo some examinations and an examination by a highly specialized doctor. Boys visit a urologist, and girls see a gynecologist.

Smear microscopy, urethroscopy, urethrography, bacteriological culture, ultrasound and other studies are performed. All diagnostic methods are used that can give a complete picture of the child’s health status.

Therapeutic measures

Therapy is prescribed depending on the form, provocateurs and in children. Treatment mostly involves taking antibacterial drugs and means that increase the body's immune strength. Local treatment is also completely justified: douching, baths with special compounds. It is usually prescribed for acute forms of the disease.


The choice of drug depends entirely on the cause of the disease and the form of the pathology. If we are talking about children, then Clotrimazole or Fluconazole may be prescribed. The main drugs for treatment in childhood are "Cefix", "Augmentin" and "Cefalox". Immunocorrectors are also prescribed, this could be “Cameton” or Echinacea. Depending on the factors that influenced the onset of the disease, in addition to standard medications, medications that relieve the inflammatory process: “Cistane” or “Urolesan” may be added.

The hardest thing to pick medicines when urethritis occurs in a child of 3 years or more younger age. Then the choice antibacterial agents very small. If the clinical picture makes it possible to refuse them, then treatment is carried out with immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics. But such treatment is still possible provided that the disease is not of an infectious nature, that is, urethritis appeared against the background of hypothermia, or there was a previous injury.

Treatment allergic form pathology occurs through antihistamines, it could be Zyrtec, Zodak or Fenistil. As a rule, hospitalization is not required when dealing with urethritis in childhood.

Therapy with herbal medicines

Recipes traditional medicine well suited as auxiliary treatment in the presence of urethritis and mono-recipes and multi-component herbal preparations can be used. For these diseases, sage, chamomile, horsetail and bearberry are suitable. You can make a collection of aloe and chamomile, this will improve the work immune system. IN herbal tea you can add cranberry juice and black currants.

It would not be superfluous to use baths (sitz baths). They may contain calamus, mint, St. John's wort and juniper. Such procedures can be done three times a day, duration - 20 minutes. The course is about a week.

How else can parents help?

In addition to treatment with traditional drugs and herbal medicine, it is necessary to provide the baby with dietary nutrition during treatment. It is necessary to eliminate pickles, smoked meats, fatty and fried foods. Throughout the day, the child should drink enough water, as it will allow all germs to be removed from the bladder and body as quickly as possible. In the acute form of the disease, until the inflammatory process is reduced, the child must be provided with bed rest.

Possible complications

Without treatment, urethritis can become chronic. In such cases, any weakening of the immune system will lead to a new inflammatory process in the urethra. Against the background of urethritis, other diseases may appear: kidney pathologies, cystitis, vaginitis, urinary incontinence. In the future, both girls and boys may have problems conceiving a child.

If we talk about good things, then in cases where the disease is detected on time and treated correct treatment, the child will not have any health problems in the future.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process that appears in the area of ​​the walls of the urethra or its direct inflammation. Inflammation of the urethra is a fairly common disease that occurs in men and women of all ages.

Urethritis often occurs in children, who, due to a number of objective factors, are more susceptible to this disease than adults. How is this disease characterized, what symptoms and treatment and preventive measures should be used to eliminate it?

Traditionally, the following causes of this disease are identified:

  • hypothermia;
  • carrying out medical actions– taking a smear from the urethra, catheterization of the bladder for certain diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, cystoscopy;
  • urethritis may occur due to concomitant diseases genitourinary system as a result of lack of treatment;
  • improper diet, including consumption of food with a pronounced taste (spicy, sour, salty), alcohol-containing drinks;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system caused by infectious agents. This includes (inflammatory process in bladder), inflammation of the genital organs in girls () and boys (), (infection in the renal pelvis);
  • lack of personal hygiene.

Clinical forms

Urethritis in children can manifest itself in two etiological forms - infectious and non-infectious.


The infectious form occurs due to the pathological action of microorganisms - protozoa, viruses and bacteria. This form is divided into two types - specific (implies the presence of pathogens - gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia, trichomonas etc.), and nonspecific (infection that can be caused coli).


Non-infectious form of urethritis arises as a result allergic reactions or trauma to the urethra. A non-infectious form may also appear in the case of internal damage urethral walls with sand for urolithiasis.

By pathogen type

According to the type of pathogen they distinguish gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis. In the first case, the disease is caused by gonococcus, in the second, many types of microorganisms are possible - candidomycotic, bacterial, or trichomonas in nature.

  • Be sure to read:

By localization

According to the localization of the inflammatory process, urethritis is divided into anterior (front wall of the canal), posterior and total. According to the duration of the course - acute urethritis (duration – up to 2 weeks), and chronic (more than 2 weeks).


Depending on age, gender, duration of the disease or type of lesion, the symptoms of urethritis are different, but there is also a general clinical picture of the disease that is characteristic of children.

The following symptoms are observed:

  • discomfort is felt during urination, which accompanied by painful sensations, itching, irritation;
  • discharge may appear. Depending on the shape, discharge is mucous, purulent, with or without blood, with a pungent or unpleasant odor;
  • characteristic symptoms of reflex delays in the process of urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate– there can be up to ten per day.

Other symptoms may also be present, but general inflammatory symptoms are not observed in children - there is no fever, no weakness and other similar phenomena.


Treatment of urethritis in a child depends on the form of the disease and the cause of the development of pathology in the body. In most cases doctors prescribe antibacterial therapy , which boils down to receiving special drug for a certain time.

Medicines are also used to increase the immune system’s ability to resist disease. Local procedures may also be prescribed ( douching, use of special baths and topical medications). Application local treatment contraindicated in acute forms of the disease.


Antibiotic drugs are prescribed based on the type of pathogen and the form of urethritis. The tolerability of the drug components, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases, are taken into account. If it is difficult to determine the cause of urethritis, Cefexime, cefaclor or cluvulanate are prescribed.

In addition to antibiotics, immunocorrectors are taken, such as cameton, etc. General anti-inflammatory drugs (urolesan, cistane) can be prescribed.

Herbal medicine

Involves the use of local and common funds. Special ones can be used urological mixtures, including horsetail, sage, bearberry and chamomile. To boost immunity you can take decoctions of chamomile, aloe with black currants and cranberry juice.

It helps to use sitz baths, to which 1-2 liters of decoction of calamus, St. John's wort, juniper or mint are added. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes a day, three times a week.


After treatment, it is necessary to take the following preventive measures aimed at consolidating the result and counteracting a possible relapse of the disease:

  • teenagers who lead sex life, should use contraception, visit a urologist or gynecologist at least once a year, and also maintain personal hygiene, taking into account the choice of the most suitable means for this;
  • diet which includes eating healthy foods.