The cat has a squelching sound in his ear. What to treat. Internal otitis is a severe pathology of the ears in cats. Ear medications for otitis media

Otitis is inflammation of the ear in cats, dogs and other animals. In cats, inflammation of the outer and middle ear most often occurs; inflammation occurs more rarely inner ear. In a pet, this disease affects either one or both ears at once; otitis media can be caused by a variety of factors.

Causes of otitis media in cats

Most often in a cat, otitis media occurs as a result of damage to the outer ear (for example, from a tick bite, a scratch received by a pet after a fight with another cat, or even after an allergic reaction to food, shampoo or medicine).

Symptoms of otitis media in cats

Have you noticed that your cat constantly shakes its head or feels pain when you touch its head in the ear area? It is quite possible that these are the first signs of otitis media. To have a better understanding of this disease, let's look at the symptoms of otitis media in cats in more detail.

Symptoms of otitis media:

  • the skin on the inside of the ear is red;
  • coming from the ears bad smell;
  • there is purulent/blood discharge;
  • periodic deafness;
  • it is difficult for a cat to chew dry food (or natural solid food);
  • there is discharge from the eyes;
  • in case of complications, inflammation is observed submandibular lymph nodes, vestibular apparatus, as well as meningitis.

If your cat develops symptoms of otitis, you should immediately show it to a veterinarian so that he can prescribe treatment depending on the type of otitis.

  • Purulent otitis in a cat. The animal's ear is leaking pus (liquid with an unpleasant odor). When the advanced phase of purulent otitis occurs, a cat may experience perforation of the eardrum and ulcerative processes. Antibiotics, chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxides are used for treatment.
  • Chronic otitis media is a consequence of infection with bacteria of streptococcus, staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This type of otitis must be treated according to the instructions and under the supervision of a veterinarian. For treatment, antibiotics, compresses with dexamethasone, and Candibiotic drops are used.
  • Otitis externa in cats- these are diseases of the outer ear, a sign of which is bacterial and fungal infection of the ear canal or inflammation of the hair follicle, which are accompanied by itching, eczema and swelling. Wetzim drops are used as treatment.
  • Fungal otitis in cats, also known as otomycosis. It can be not only an independent disease, but also a secondary disease. Due to inflammation, the skin loses its protective properties, as a result the fungus provokes infection and otitis media occurs. Appears first severe itching, Then a large number of sulfur, then the ear turns red - this is the beginning of inflammation. It may be followed by swelling, pus discharge, and an unpleasant odor. To treat fungal otitis, a solution of phosphoric acid is used (the ear is treated with it) and the drug Gaselan 2%.
  • Bacterial otitis in cats- it occurs quite often and can affect both or only one ear. Accompanied by itching purulent discharge, redness and unpleasant odor. For bacterial otitis, Surolan drops are used for treatment.
  • Allergic otitis media in cats- This ear disease is a consequence of an allergic reaction, but can also be caused by hormonal imbalance. A lot of earwax is released and itching appears. For treatment, the cause of the allergy must be eliminated.

How to properly clean a dog's ears (part of the prevention of otitis media):

When long-term treatment and the lack of visible results, the medications were probably chosen incorrectly, which is why the treatment is not effective. Remember that although medicine for otitis media for cats can be found in any veterinary pharmacy, it is better that it be prescribed by a doctor after examining the animal.

Treatment of otitis media in cats at home

Once again, we note that treatment for otitis should be prescribed by a veterinarian who will confirm the signs of otitis in the cat. The prescribed drugs can be used at home according to the instructions given for them. And if you can’t see a doctor immediately after identifying symptoms, you can try to help your pet in the following ways:

  • treat the cat's ear with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine (the solution is applied to a gauze swab and the treatment is already carried out with it).
  • remove earwax from the ear using exudate solution (sold in pet stores).
  • Using a clean cotton swab dipped in boiled water, remove the discharge and crusts. If the ear opening is clogged, we clean it with saline using the douching method.
  • after these procedures should be applied ear drops for cats against otitis (for example Otinum, Otipax, Sofradex, Anandin plus). For how many times to drip a particular product, see the instructions for it.

If no improvement is observed a couple of days after treatment, you need to try other drops, but it’s better to still visit veterinary clinic. After all, chronic otitis media takes much longer and is more difficult to treat, so it is better to avoid complications.

The article discusses basic information about what constitutes this problem with cat health and how you can deal with it at home, but you need to understand that the article is for informational purposes only and only a veterinarian can help your pet.

Otitis media in cats: types, symptoms, signs and complications, consequences, whether it is contagious to other cats and humans or not

There are three types of otitis in cats: internal (the most complex), middle and external. Signs of otitis may include strange behavior in your pet: head shaking, scratching, refusal to eat. There is also a discharge of pus, redness of the ears and a build-up of black deposits in the ears.

The consequence of otitis media is the destruction of the tissues of the ear and eardrum, which subsequently leads to deafness. Also, the accumulation of pus may not go outside, but inside, which can cause death.

When it comes to the transmission of the virus that causes otitis media, we can say that relatively yes, it is transmitted, but only under certain conditions. If cats feed from the same bowl or sleeping place, then infection is quite possible.

In humans, transmission of the disease is very rare. But even in a small percentage of cases, you should protect yourself and your children from close contact with a cat suffering from otitis media.

Ear otitis in cats, what to drip at home and which antibiotic is effective, folk remedies

Treatment of otitis media in cats different stages a little different. If otitis has not yet fully developed and has affected only the upper part of the ear, then you can use lotions like Otifri, rinse the ear, but under no circumstances heat it, this can lead to deafness.

At the middle stage of otitis, washing the ear should only be done with saline solutions; cleaning is done with tampons, but not with cotton wool, so that cotton particles do not remain in the ear. However, rinsing is not enough, so you need to give drops to combat inflammation and prevent the spread of infection - Aurikan, Otonazole and others.

Among folk remedies There are many that will speed up your cat’s recovery from otitis media. Zelenka, boric alcohol, hydrogen peroxide will cope perfectly with the development of the disease.

Otitis in a cat treatment with otipax, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Otipax is a drug in the form of drops that can be used to treat otitis media in cats. After examining your pet’s ear, veterinarians will give precise instructions for using the drug. Usually drop 2 drops 2 times a day for 10 days. The price for Otipax reaches 250 rubles.

According to customer reviews, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is very important in the treatment of otitis media. It also acts very quickly on the cause and relieves the disease in a short time.

Otipax has analogues that are suitable in composition: Oticaine, Otibru, Ototon and others.

Do you suspect that your pet has ear problems? It is very correct that you decided to figure everything out and not trigger a possible disease. Otitis in cats - quite frequent illness, in which the middle ear becomes inflamed. There are many reasons for this disease. Among them, the most common are ear injuries, wax accumulation, fungus, infections, and foreign objects entering the ear canal.

This may also be due to allergic reaction or with reduced immunity. There can be several causes of otitis, the important thing is that it needs to be treated, because if this disease is allowed to develop, suppuration may appear, which can contribute to the spread of the disease.

Symptoms of otitis media in a cat

Determining otitis media is not so easy, because the symptoms of this disease are not typical. The cat's temperature rises, she stops eating and playing, and becomes very lethargic. There may be an unpleasant odor, as well as fluid discharge from the affected ear. It is necessary to carefully examine your pet's ears and highlight all the symptoms of the disease.

The animal may react inappropriately to the owner’s touch on the sore ear, that is, it will begin to hiss, scratch or bite. Therefore, the cat must be lightly stroked and calmed, and if aggression occurs, the examination must be stopped immediately. If you press on the base of the ear, you can hear a sound similar to squelching. The cat rubs its ears and shakes its head.

Once your pet’s health has worsened, he should be immediately taken to the veterinarian, because otitis media can affect the inner ear and then the brain. This is dangerous for the animal’s hearing and life, so you should not neglect visiting a doctor.

Depending on the cause, the veterinarian will prescribe medications to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Should be carried out full treatment to completely cure the animal of the disease.

Treatment of otitis media in cats

As a rule, wounds appear in cats due to otitis media, because pets often scratch sore spots. In order for them to heal faster and not fester, healing preparations should be applied. It is better that the treatment is carried out by the doctor himself, because the owner may inadvertently damage the ear and the cat may become deaf. But even an unqualified person can apply ointment to the ear.

It is important to do this carefully. The cat needs to be picked up, caressed and calmed down. Squeeze a little ointment onto your fingers and gently rub it into the affected areas of the skin. It is better to have gloves on your hands. This reduces the chance of infection. To prevent the animal from trying to get rid of the medicine, the ear should be covered by tying a towel or scarf on the cat's head. The fabric must be clean. You can also use gauze bandages.

Otitis media can develop against the background of tick-borne infestation. In this case, you need to carry out complex treatment together with anti-tick agents. These are drops Bars, Decor-2 and Otovedin.

1. It is necessary to cut the hair inside the ear.

2. Carefully treat the ear canal with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (three percent), aurican, iodine, which is presented in the form of one percent alcohol solution or epicidom-alpha.

When you have thoroughly cleaned everything of crusts and scabs, apply the product emulsion concentrate with a swab dipped in it. Calculation up to one and a half ml. Then, when the affected area of ​​the ear is dry, you can apply prednisolone ointment. Existing sores can be lubricated with otodepin or firtoin. If necessary, the veterinarian will administer a novocaine-antibiotic blockade.

Drops are instilled 2 times a day. The pet's ear is folded in half and gently rubbed. For greater effectiveness, use gamavit, which is used twice a day for 3-5 days.


The disease can be prevented if prevention is carried out. The cat must be regularly taken to the veterinarian, vaccinated and tested to eliminate the minimal risk of disease. You should also avoid long walks in the cold and baths in cool water. The ears should be checked regularly for any injuries or redness.

By localization main pathological process the disease is divided:

  • for external otitis;
  • otitis media;
  • internal otitis.

The structure of the organ of hearing and balance

The auditory and vestibular apparatus consists of three sections:

  • Outer ear- This is the auricle and auditory canal, which ends in the eardrum.
  • Middle ear is a round chamber behind the eardrum. This is also where the ossicular system is located, consisting of the stapes, anvil and malleus. These ossicles transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.
  • Inner ear consists of the cochlea and semicircular tubules. The snail is responsible for processing sound waves into nerve impulses, approaches her auditory nerve, which transmits these signals to the brain. The semicircular tubules are the organ of balance.

Causes of purulent otitis media

Purulent inflammation develops as a complication of ordinary otitis, and they in turn are caused by the following reasons:

As a result of the proliferation of bacteria or fungi, purulent otitis media develops. Gradually, the inflammation spreads to the middle ear, and the escaping pus deforms the eardrum, causing partial hearing loss.

IN difficult cases the disease reaches the inner ear, then a lack of coordination is added to deafness, and paralysis of the facial nerve is possible. In the last stage, the disease spreads to the bones of the skull, and then to the meninges, which leads to neurological disorders, including death.

Symptoms of the disease

Before the occurrence of purulent otitis media, you should pay attention to some signs of incipient inflammation:

  • redness of the ears;
  • pathological discharge;
  • the cat often scratches its ears;
  • hair loss at the site of inflammation.

With the development of purulent otitis media appear characteristic symptoms:

  • purulent exudate flows from the ear with unpleasant odor, its color may vary (yellow, gray, black);
  • scratches and ulcers are visible, the cat constantly scratches its ears;
  • there are signs of intoxication with an increase in general temperature;
  • the auricle is swollen and hyperemic.

P ri purulent inflammation middle and inner ear appear new signs:

  • hearing is quickly lost;
  • the cat sits with its head tilted towards the sore ear;
  • purulent discharge from the ear canal;
  • Coordination is impaired, and causeless vomiting often occurs;
  • if the disease process involves facial nerve, then there is sagging of the lip and eyelid on the side of the affected ear.

During development chronic otitis the symptoms are smoothed out, the disease becomes less distinguishable:

  • the pet is periodically restless (recession stage);
  • the skin thickens, which can cause the ear canal to close.

Sometimes found specific symptoms , which indicate the cause of the disease:

Treatment of the disease

Treatment at home should be avoided, as the disease is dangerous and, if not treated correctly, can lead to the death of the animal. At home you can (and should) only clean the ear of pus, medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Cleaning a cat's ears

It is advisable to use cotton swabs for cleaning, as the swabs can injure the ear canal and eardrum. In this case, you can only clean it yourself auricle, diving deep is not recommended. In addition, it will not be possible to clean the ear canal with cotton wool; for this you need to use a special syringe.

Special tools can be used: Otifri, Epi-Otik, Otoklin. They need to be poured into the ear according to the instructions, massaged so that the product is evenly distributed over the surface, and then remove the drug along with the dirt using a cotton swab.

To kill bacteria on the surface of the ear, you can use hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green. These products can also only be used on the auricle, as they can increase inflammation in the ear canal.

To make wounds heal faster, you can use Levomekol, Safroderm or Sanatol. Before using them, you need to cleanse the skin of scabs and exudate; apply the products in a thin layer to the wounds and ulcers. It is necessary to prevent products from getting into the ear canal.

Against itching and inflammation

Specific treatment

This group of drugs is prescribed by a veterinarian and depends on the cause of otitis media:

For otitis of fungal etiology, antifungal drugs are prescribed: Clotrimazole in solution, Nitrofungin, Terbinafine. The drugs are instilled into both ears, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms. For complete recovery, it is necessary to pierce the ears for 2-3 weeks.

Antibiotics and antibacterial drugs prescribed for otitis of microbial nature. These means include Anandin, Otibiovet, Otibiovin, Sofradex, Fugentin, Tsipromed. Each of these drugs can be used for no more than a week; if there is no result, the course of treatment is not extended, but the drug itself is changed.

Since the disease often occurs due to low immunity, the treatment of purulent otitis in cats must necessarily contain vitamins, dietary feeding, and in severe cases, immunomodulators.

Inflammation of the ears or otitis leads to irreparable consequences: deafness, damage to the meninges.

It is important to take your cat to the doctor when it appears initial symptoms. Treatment consists of eliminating the root cause and relieving inflammation. Preventive measures help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

a brief description of

The cat's ear consists of 3 sections: outer, middle, inner.

The classification and severity of the disease depends on the location of the inflammation:

  • Otitis externa affects the visible part of the auditory canal and the auricle. The disease is not difficult to eliminate, but if left untreated, the pathology spreads deeper.
  • Otitis media develops in the area behind the eardrum. This form is more difficult to cope with; the disease goes away without complications with early diagnosis and proper therapy.
  • Deep affects the internal department, the vestibular apparatus. This form is more difficult to treat and more often than others causes complications. In advanced cases, inflammation spreads to the membranes of the brain.

Otitis occurs in both chronic and acute form, can be both one-sided and two-sided.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Otitis media occurs as a consequence of a number of pathologies, these include:

The risk group includes cats with weakened immune systems; their body is not able to resist the development of pathogenic flora, regardless of the original reason.

Signs of otitis media

The disease is signaled by changes in the pet's behavior:

  • the cat rubs and scratches sore ear paw and surrounding objects;
  • does not allow himself to be stroked;
  • meows for no apparent reason;
  • suddenly cries out due to painful shootings;
  • shakes and tilts his head towards the unhealthy ear;
  • the animal stops playing and looks depressed;
  • appetite decreases or disappears.

Upon examination, the following changes are visible:

  • redness, irritation, swelling of the ear;
  • skin damage due to scratching: scratches, sores, crusts;
  • discharge: transparent, yellow, gray, black.

These include:

  • Otibiovet;
  • Otidez;
  • Otospectrin;
  • Candibiotic;
  • Oricin;
  • Otonazole.

Once the diagnosis is made, the choice of medication depends on the cause of the inflammation.

Used for treatment the following groups drugs:

At purulent otitis antibiotic injections are prescribed Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone . Immunomodulators are used to maintain defenses Immunofan, Ribotan . The dosage of medications and duration of use are determined by the veterinarian based on the weight of the cat and the stage of the disease.

Prevention of otitis

The need is determined only by a doctor; a healthy animal does not need treatment. In case of increased sulfur formation, use saline solution or lotion as prescribed by a doctor. The product is poured in, the ear is massaged for half a minute, the pet is allowed to shake its head and the discharge is removed with a gauze swab.

You can't get inside the canal. cotton swab, tweezers, finger with a bandage.

On early stage Symptoms of otitis media disappear in 2 to 3 weeks. It is important to begin treatment immediately to prevent complications and the disease from becoming chronic.