Daily sleep requirement for a newborn. Sleep norms for a child up to one year old, from one to three years old How many hours do children sleep by month

In the body of a newborn baby, serious changes are observed in the first month of life. He is trying to adapt to life in a new environment, and therefore most day he either sleeps or eats. In case of restless and interrupted sleep, the mother will begin to worry that something is wrong with the baby. But is there a standard for how much sleep one “should” have? month old baby? For what reasons does a child at this age sleep poorly?

Each child is individual, but there are some average indicators that you can focus on. Depending on the temperament spent on fresh air time and unique developmental characteristics, these values ​​may vary from one child to another.

Baby's ageTotal sleep time per day, hours.
1 month17:30
3 months15:00
6 months14 h. 30 min.
9 months2 p.m.
12 months13 o'clock

Birth is stressful for a child. To adapt to a new environment, in the first month of life the baby should mostly sleep and sometimes wake up to eat. Like adults, he has phases of deep and shallow sleep, as well as a state of drowsiness. Over time, the newborn’s body will rebuild itself, and the older the baby gets, the less sleep he will have. In the first week of life, the newborn will sleep for about 18 hours, while waking up and demanding milk every 2-2.5 hours. By the beginning of 2 months, these intervals can reach 3.5-4 hours.

The standard sleep requirement for the first month of life is considered to be between 16 and 18 hours.

Sleep norm for babies at night

The baby does not know how to determine day and night, so the distribution of hours of sleep during the day and the development of a routine rest entirely with the mother. At night, the newborn should sleep longer, and the intervals between feedings, starting from the second week, should be tried to lengthen. Firstly, this way the child will quickly adapt to an “adult” lifestyle. Secondly, due to constant fatigue and lack of sleep, the mother may not produce enough milk, so additional rest at night will not hurt.

Baby's ageTotal sleep time per day, hours.
1 month10 hours 30 minutes
3 months10 o'clock
6 months11 o'clock
9 months11 o'clock
12 months10 hours 30 minutes

Little children sleep well both in the light and in the dark, but the organization of night sleep should be in a darkened room. A newborn's eyes react to light, so this is how he will learn to determine that in the dark it is time to sleep. Do not completely turn off the lights in the room so that the baby does not get scared. A night light in the far corner will be quite enough. If the first months fall in summer in latitudes with white nights and polar days, then at 8 pm you can close the curtains and start putting your child to bed for the night.

Video - how much sleep should a newborn baby sleep and how to properly organize a baby’s healthy sleep

In the daytime, after 2 weeks, the child begins to sleep less than at night. Sleep is often in a shallow phase - the baby can move his arms and legs in his sleep. And if at night during feeding he will often doze off and suckle only due to a reflex, then during the day he should be actively awake and look at what is happening around him.

Baby's ageTotal sleep time per day, hours.
1 month7 hours
3 months5 hours
6 months3 hours 30 minutes
9 months3 hours
12 months2 hours 30 minutes

Probably, a more active wakefulness regime during the day is associated with better lighting in the room, as well as with the fact that it is during the daytime that the baby goes outside with him. From 2 weeks, the newborn begins to perceive reality more consciously, and since more interesting things happen during the day than at night, he has less time to sleep. Walks, planned visits to the pediatrician, guests - all this saturates the life of a newborn, allows him to explore the world and helps him form a sleep pattern in favor of the night.

Why does a child sleep poorly and sleep little?

Among the main reasons, doctors identify the following:

1. The child is hungry, has wet diapers, or has a lot of loud noises around him.

This is the most common reason. Food comes first in the life of a newborn, and only then sleep. Therefore, a hungry baby cannot sleep if he is not satisfied. primary need. As for wet diapers, the baby may be irritated not so much by something wet as by something cold. Over time, the liquid cools and discomfort appears. So, during sleep hours, the child should not be dressed in diapers - it is much easier to change a diaper even under a sleeping baby. In addition, although the child does not hear very well yet, he reacts perfectly to sharp sounds. If during nap time the neighbors are doing repairs, the mother is using a blender, or the cat knocks over a book from the shelf onto the floor, the child will probably wake up.

2. Unfavorable temperature in the sleeping area

In the womb, conditions are constant, and in the first 2-3 weeks the baby’s body is not capable of normal thermoregulation. The room with a crib should not be below +23°C, otherwise all the energy that the baby receives from milk will be spent on heating his own body. The optimal temperature in the room will be when the mother can calmly stay there in a T-shirt and shorts. If the room is cooler, then you should not neglect the bodysuit and cap. Hypothermia of a baby is extremely difficult to notice, and if he is too hot, it is easy to determine by the appearance of perspiration.

3. The baby’s mother cannot develop a routine.

A newborn should be applied to the breast once every 3-3.5 hours. When the baby wakes up and behaves restlessly, some women feed him more often, which is why the baby's body cannot adapt to a specific schedule. IN last years Doctors are against “scheduled feeding,” but because of this, many children develop a sleep-wake schedule much later.

4. The child experiences discomfort associated with the formation of the digestive system

For 9 months the baby was fed through the umbilical cord, and when he was born digestive system completely rebuilt. Colic, bloating and intestinal spasms are all common companions of any child in the first months of life. It is quite logical that, experiencing discomfort, sometimes the baby will be capricious, refuse to sleep and eat. The pediatrician will definitely consult the young mother and check whether everything in the baby’s behavior is normal.

5. Anxiety due to the frequent absence of mother

From the first minutes of life, the baby begins to perceive the reality around him and by the end of the first month he is able to identify his mother. This happens thanks to her face, voice and smell. If your baby doesn't always have one person nearby to focus on and try to “communicate” with, this will affect the baby's appetite and sleep schedule.

6. Mom consumes caffeine

Green tea contains even more caffeine than coffee. Black tea is also rich in this substance. Many carbonated drinks contain caffeine... Almost all mothers know about this, but sometimes they allow themselves a mug of tea without expecting anything bad. And while this may not have any effect on the woman, it doesn't take much for the baby to interrupt sleep. If a young mother regularly drinks tea or coffee, and the baby has restless and weak sleep, then you should give up this habit or opt for decaffeinated coffee and tea.

Does a child's posture affect his sleep?

In the first month of life, the baby can already turn his head and look around. Usually a newborn is placed to sleep on his back, but some mothers give the baby a few hours of sleep on his tummy. There are many prejudices against the latter, although doctors say that sleeping on your stomach can be even healthier than usual. This is due to many factors:

  • a skeleton that is not fully formed experiences less pressure on the hip joint;
  • in case of regurgitation there is no chance of choking;
  • the baby experiences less discomfort associated with gastrointestinal tract When he sleeps in this position, gases come out of the intestines more easily, and optimal pressure on the tummy helps reduce colic.

To prevent the baby from suffocating, he must sleep on a good, hard mattress and always without a pillow (a child under 12 months cannot use a pillow), and he must also check his sinuses every time: breathing should not be difficult.

To ensure normal blood flow, once an hour the mother can turn the baby’s head to the other side. If you put a newborn to sleep on his stomach for at least 2 periods of daytime sleep, then his skeleton will quickly become stronger, certain muscles will develop, and over time he will quickly learn to roll over, sit and crawl.

What to do to help your one-month-old baby sleep better

Let him burp airAfter the baby eats, he must be allowed to burp air. He swallows it during feeding, which can cause a feeling of discomfort in the stomach. In order for the baby to burp, you need to hold him in your arms for 10-15 minutes in a vertical position - you can press him to you with one hand so that his head is on his shoulder. When the air is released, he can be placed in his crib.
Do a tummy massageColic often poisons a baby’s life, so abdominal massage will help prevent discomfort. The mother should stroke the baby's tummy with a warm palm from top to bottom and clockwise. A fitball will be a useful acquisition - this inexpensive exercise machine will be a help for both a pregnant woman and a child. It helps not only to cope with colic, but also promotes the proper formation of the skeleton.
Warm up the crib before placing it thereIf your baby falls asleep in your arms, but when you try to put him in bed he immediately wakes up, then he needs to warm up the bed. Do this with a heating pad or using a plastic bottle with warm water. In the case when a child is laid on an “adult” sofa and then transferred to a crib, it is better to put a blanket under him in advance and send him to sleep in a new place
To walk outsideChildren under the age of 1 month should be taken out at least 1, and preferably 2 times a day. For walks, you need to choose quiet places - a park, quiet streets along houses, but in no case near railway tracks or roadways. When a baby’s lungs are saturated with oxygen, and the background “music” is the sound of rain, birdsong or the rustling of leaves, this not only has a positive effect on his physical development, but also emotionally. And besides, for a nursing mother regular walks will help you get in shape faster and strengthen your immune system

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that some babies develop absolutely normally, but at the same time, due to their innate temperament, they still sleep quite poorly. If the mother notices that the baby sleeps much more (at least 2 hours difference) than indicated in the table, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. An experienced pediatrician will always answer questions and give good advice. If the question concerns children, then you should never be afraid to ask it.

A child needs quality sleep for normal growth and development. The older the baby gets, the less time he needs for daytime sleep. Many parents are interested in how much sleep a child should sleep at 1 year old, and what is the optimal daily routine for the baby. Let's discuss these problems and share useful recommendations.

The meaning of sleep for a baby

To figure out how much sleep you should have one year old child per day, you need to have information about the importance of night and day rest for a little person.

Thanks to quality sleep, the baby not only rests, but also gains strength. While on holiday in children's body work does not stop, and the following processes occur:

  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • tissue restoration occurs;
  • during rest, the body is partially cleansed of toxins;
  • When the baby sleeps, the information received by the brain during the day is absorbed.

Sleep plays an important role during a child's growth, strengthening the immune system and nervous system.

At chronic lack of sleep caused by various circumstances, the baby may develop a stressful condition. Due to stress, complications such as diseases are possible of various nature.

Norms of day and night rest

How much a child sleeps at 1 year of age determines his overall well-being and development of the nervous system. There are certain norms for the duration of sleep for one-year-old children. So, the baby should be awake for 4 to 5 hours a day. Active behavior should include following points:

  1. the child must learn new movements and skills, seeking help from adults if necessary;
  2. the baby learns to listen to his parents and fulfill their requests;
  3. active curiosity;
  4. One-year-old children can spend rare moments calmly. They are constantly on the move, if not resting.

Although a one-year-old child must sleep during the day, this does not mean that there should be more than two such dreams. Observing the baby’s mood and behavior will help determine the amount of daily rest.

It is advisable to plan active activities, combining them with educational games for the first half of the time when the baby is awake.

Sleep during the day

If you ask young parents how many times a day their one-year-old child sleeps, then everyone will have their own answer. But, in any case, the approximate total time of night and daytime sleep will be about 12 hours (plus or minus an hour). Night sleep takes up most of this time period. Daytime rest lasts from 2 to 3 hours.

If the child rests a little less, then there is no need to panic. It’s better to observe his behavior, and then you will understand how much your one-year-old child should sleep during the day. There is no need to worry about the following behavior of your baby:

  • good appetite;
  • falls asleep quickly, and when waking up you can see that the baby is rested;
  • plays actively;
  • feels cheerful;
  • calm, without whims, behavior during the day;
  • cheerful mood.

To correctly understand the question of how many times a one-year-old child should sleep during the day, you need to observe his behavior. It is possible that there are circumstances that interfere with rest (extraneous sounds, uncomfortable pajamas, lighting during daytime or nighttime sleep). In this case, irritating factors must be excluded. You can create a daily routine, which we’ll talk about later.

A well-rested child can easily concentrate on active games and listens carefully to what adults tell him.

If your child sleeps a lot during the day

You may need to seek medical advice if your one-year-old baby sleeps a lot during the day (more than 16 hours per day) to find out the reasons for this behavior. A long day's rest may be the first signal indicating the development of any pathology.

When a child sleeps all day, then possible reasons The following circumstances may occur:

  • overwork, resulting in agitation nervous system;
  • the impact of some irritating circumstances that depress the child’s psyche.

The listed circumstances become not only the reason for prolonged sleep. Because of them, a one-year-old child goes to bed late and finds it difficult to calm down. During daytime rest, the baby is content with only superficial sleep and, as a result, does not receive the required amount of sleep.

At one year of age, a child needs only two naps during the day to regain strength for active wakefulness. But, you should also take into account such a moment as the amount of night sleep. It is clear that if the baby slept little at night, then he will get his watch in the daytime.

What causes lack of sleep?

You should also be concerned if a one-year-old child does not sleep during the day. The reasons for this behavior may be the following:

  • baby teeth grow;
  • pain in the tummy (flatulence, cramps).

It is possible that after eliminating the listed reasons, the baby will calmly fall asleep and rest for the required amount of time.

Daytime routine

A 1-year-old child's sleep schedule should fit optimally into the overall daily routine. To do this, you need to observe the behavior of the little man to find out when he really wants to sleep. It is important to put your baby to bed in such a way that he has only positive associations with the time allotted for rest.

In order to notice certain steps in the baby’s behavior, and adhere to a well-thought-out sleep schedule for the child per year, it is worth paying attention to the following points that indicate the baby’s real fatigue:

  1. involuntary yawning begins;
  2. eyes become red and itchy;
  3. the baby is fiddling with his ears;
  4. tearfulness appears;
  5. stops being interested in favorite toys;
  6. does not respond to parents;
  7. does not want to eat, may throw away the plate or scatter the food;
  8. whines, clings to mom, seeks constant attention;
  9. exhibits increased activity, which usually ends in tears;
  10. begins to stumble, literally falls off his feet;
  11. looks tired.

You need to put your baby to bed at the first signs of fatigue, and not wait until overwork sets in. If you miss the moment, then tears and whims will begin, and as a result there will be no quality rest.

Regarding sleep patterns one year old child, then it could be something like this:

  1. if the baby wakes up at 6 or 6:30 in the morning, then the first daytime rest should be around 10:30, and last up to 12 hours;
  2. the second stage of daytime sleep occurs in the afternoon, and begins at 15:30. The duration of rest depends on the specific organism, but in most cases babies sleep until 17:00;
  3. from 22:00 preparatory activities for the night's rest begin;
  4. Falling asleep occurs by 10:30 p.m. and lasts until 6 or 6:30 a.m.

The given version of the daytime sleep schedule for a 1-year-old child is considered the optimal solution. This nap schedule is suitable for children who need two naps during the day. But there are children for whom one day's rest is enough. For them, the daily routine will look a little different:

  • kids wake up at 7 or 8 am;
  • daytime rest time begins around 13:00 and lasts 2-3 hours;
  • With this regimen, the baby will eat 4 times a day.

The second option for the daily sleep schedule is considered more convenient for parents, because already at 9 o’clock in the evening the one-year-old child is asleep. Parents have a little more time for themselves.

You can switch to a one-time day rest under the following circumstances:

  • when it’s time for the second nap, the baby is still alert and active;
  • the child does not show the signs of drowsiness described above and is ready to stay awake;
  • if you try to put a little man in a crib, then the parents will expect a furious protest;
  • when, despite all the protests during bedtime, the mother continues to insist on sleep, then such actions lead to a final shift in the entire daily routine.

It is worth listening to the biological needs of the child and trying to adjust the daily routine to suit him. Most likely, a single, but longer rest will be enough for the baby. Under no circumstances should you use force while falling asleep.

After a year, a child’s sleep schedule becomes less intense. At night they need up to 11 hours of proper rest. Daytime sleep is reduced and is approximately 2 hours. Older children usually rest after lunch.

How to put a 1-year-old child to sleep?

When parents have decided how many times a 1-year-old child sleeps, the only problem remains proper preparation to rest. It is worth considering that the baby is beginning to grow up, and the approach to him is no longer the same as in infancy.

Before putting your one-year-old baby to bed, pay attention to the following details:

  1. pick up optimal time in such a way that at least 5 hours have passed since the morning awakening;
  2. You can’t suddenly put your baby down if he was actively playing a couple of minutes ago;
  3. prepare good conditions for relax;
  4. ensure that your baby has only positive associations associated with falling asleep;
  5. A sharp transition to a one-time daytime nap from a two-time rest is unacceptable.

By following these rules, you can move on to recommendations regarding how to put a one-year-old child to sleep:

  1. it is necessary to adhere to the drawn up daily schedule;
  2. you cannot suddenly change your rest hours, even by 20 minutes;
  3. prevent the baby from dozing during the day;
  4. pay attention to signs of fatigue, avoiding overwork;
  5. come up with special rules that need to be repeated before putting the child to bed at 1 year old. You can accustom your baby to a pleasant light massage and back stroking. Before each bedtime, sing soothing, gentle songs, tell continued fairy tales;
  6. Create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the nursery that will make you feel drowsy. In the evening, dim the lighting, and during the day, cover the windows with thick curtains. Before each bedtime, be sure to ventilate your child’s room;
  7. do not allow emotional instability in the moments before falling asleep;
  8. Try to take your baby outside a couple of hours before resting.

Parents need to understand that constant lack of sleep for a small family member can lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is worth paying increased attention to such an important period in a child’s life as 24-hour sleep, and wisely fitting it into the daily routine.

Only parents can decide on the amount of time needed for quality rest. And the result largely depends on individual characteristics and the character of the little man.

How much should a child sleep during the day and at night? How to establish healthy sleep.

Parents are always concerned about how much their child should eat, drink and walk. But they rarely ask themselves how long a child should sleep. But many problems can be solved if you give your child healthy and adequate sleep.

The importance of sleep in child development

  • For child development It is important not only to work with children while they are awake, but also to give them proper sleep. After all, in a dream they disconnect from reality, the delicate nervous system rests and gains strength for new active games and exploring the world.
  • In addition, in the first 2 hours of sleep, growth hormone is actively produced in the pituitary gland. Therefore, if the baby does not have good sleep, he may lag behind in growth and physical development.
  • With a constant lack of sleep, the baby may behave adequately in the first days, but it is important for you to know that his nervous system is very overstrained. Sooner or later this will result in hysterics, whims and a nervous breakdown.

How many hours a day should a child sleep depending on age?

  • The newborn sleeps almost all day, and this is understandable. The poor baby needs to recover from the birth and adapt to the outside world. And it’s more common for him to sleep for 18-20 hours, because that’s what he did in his mother’s belly.
  • But in the first year of life, a lot changes. The baby develops by leaps and bounds, a new sleep and wakefulness regime is established. The one-year-old baby is already eager to learn as much as possible about interesting world. Let's look at a table of approximate sleep norms for children depending on age.

Table of sleep norms for a child with explanations

  • Some children over 3 years old can do without daytime sleep, but then at night sleep should fully correspond to the total daily requirement for children of this age.
  • This table should not be treated as a standard. Each child is individual, and if yours sleeps one or two hours less or more, but at the same time his mood is favorable, he is not whiny and develops adequately, then you should not specifically change his daily routine.

Sleep standards for a baby from 1 to 3 months

  • If the baby sleeps constantly for the first month, with only short periods of wakefulness, then at the age of 2-3 months the child already examines and somehow perceives the world around him.
  • But the baby should not go without sleep for longer than 2 hours. His nervous system is still weak and overwork easily occurs. Monitor your child's behavior. If he becomes lethargic, rubs his eyes and yawns, stop all games and go to bed.

Sleep standards for a child from 3 to 6 months

During this period, the baby should sleep 14-17 hours. Moreover, 10-12 hours at night, and the rest of the time is divided between 3-4 daytime sleeps. By the age of six months, he can already sleep the whole night without interruption, but only if you teach him to sleep healthy. To do this, do not rock your baby to sleep, do not put him to sleep next to you, and do not teach your child to fall asleep while feeding.

Sleep standards for a child from 6 months to a year

In the second half of the year, the baby should sleep at least 10-12 hours at night and another 2-3 hours during the day. Daytime sleep is divided into two or three doses, depending on the child's temperament and the established daily routine.

Now the baby may begin to have certain problems with sleep. The reason is that at this time the child learns to crawl and walk, so even in his sleep he can “practice.” If the baby gets up in bed in the middle of the night, he will not be able to lie back down. You will have to come, calm the child and put him back down.

Sleep standards for a child from 1 to 2 years old

A one-year-old child can already sleep through the night. But during 10-12 hours of sleep, you will probably have to lift him to the potty once or twice. Up to 18 months, the baby can maintain 2 naps during the day. Then one is enough for him.

Now it is very important for you to monitor the safety of your baby. Lower the mattress in the crib, because the child may try to climb over the side in the middle of the night. You can also lay blankets or soft toys by the bed if your baby is a real fidget.

Sleep standards for a child from 2 to 4 years old

The daily need for sleep in children 2-4 years old is 11-13 hours. Moreover, starting from the age of three, the baby will be able to do without daytime sleep. At the same time, he can be transferred to a new large bed. Then the child will be able to get up on his own at night to go to the toilet and get up freely early in the morning, when everyone else is still sleeping.

Sleep standards for a child from 4 to 7 years old

  • A child between 4 and 7 years old needs to sleep about 12 hours a day. Those children who go to kindergarten can sleep during the day until they are 6-7 years old. Daytime sleep at this time lasts 1.5 – 2 hours.
  • The baby’s nervous system has already strengthened to such an extent that he can easily withstand 12 hours of active wakefulness.
  • At this age, the child can already go to bed on his own and fall asleep without parental help. Of course, it is still advisable for four-year-olds to read fairy tales before bed, but seven-year-olds should already fall asleep on their own.

Why do children sleep during the day? How to improve your child's daytime sleep?

Many scientists and pediatricians have proven that sufficient nap child has a positive effect on his psycho-emotional and mental development. A rested child's attention and memory improves, he plays more willingly, is calmer and more sociable.

But not all children over 2.5-3 years old need daytime sleep. If your child does not sleep during the day, but does not fall asleep on the move at 5-6 pm and is not capricious, then he does not really need this sleep. Such children compensate for the lack of sleep at night, so they need to be put to bed 1-2 hours earlier than usual.

What if the child is not yet ready to give up naps? How to establish a regime?

  1. Carefully monitor your child's diet. All food should be easily digestible, no fried or fatty foods
  2. In the first half of the day, walk a lot and actively. Believe me, 2 hours of climbing slides and ladders will lull even a hyperactive child to sleep.
  3. The room should have dim lighting and a quiet, calm atmosphere
  4. Don’t scold your baby or punish him with naps during the day, otherwise bedtime will turn into torture for both you and your baby.

Until what age should children practice napping?

  • Until the age of 2.5-3 years, a child must sleep during the day. And the further regime depends on whether the child goes to kindergarten, on his temperament and environment.
  • “Sadikovsky” children are accustomed to a two-hour daytime sleep, and observe it right up to school. Some particularly calm individuals manage to sleep during the day even in first grade after school.
  • In general, whether or not your child needs daytime sleep at an older age, you will see for yourself, judging by his condition.

Why does a child refuse naps during the day: what to do?

There may be several reasons for not taking a nap during the day:

  • waking up late in the morning
  • the child was not tired, there was little physical activity
  • disrupted bedtime routine
  • Mom is annoyed, and accordingly, the baby is also nervous

In order to put your child to sleep, try to create a complacent mood in yourself and your baby. Play some quiet games, read a book, and then put your child to bed and tell him it's time for bed. If this does not work, take a closer look, what if your baby has already outgrown the period of daytime sleep?

Video: Baby sleep rules

Why does a child sleep more than normal?

It is important for parents to remember that all standards are relative. If a child sleeps more than he should at his age, but is cheerful and active while awake, then he has different standards.

But if your baby suddenly starts sleeping more, pay attention to his health. Increased drowsiness may be a symptom of a cold or acute respiratory infection, acetone syndrome or low hemoglobin.

What to do if your child sleeps less than normal?

Again, it all depends general condition child. There are children who sleep little, and this does not in any way affect their mental and physical development.

If your child suddenly begins to sleep less, first try to establish healthy sleep for him. If sleep duration does not increase, consult a neurologist.

How to instill in your child the skills of healthy, full sleep?

  • You need to accustom your baby to proper sleep from the diapers. If a child wakes up in the middle of the night and does not go back to sleep, you should not play with him. Leave the lights dim and talk calmly to your baby. Gradually he will understand that night is a time for sleep, not for games.
  • It is very important to follow certain bedtime rituals to fall asleep peacefully. You can begin to teach these rituals as early as three months of age. The baby should know that after a bath and changing clothes, it is time to go to bed and listen to a fairy tale. But once you’ve accustomed yourself to rituals, you shouldn’t break them yourself. This will cause protest in the child and bedtime may be delayed indefinitely.
  • The quality of sleep also depends on the external environment. Optimal temperature for healthy sleep– 18-21°C, humidity – 50-70%. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. The baby's bed should not be placed under a window or near heating radiators. A child may overheat near the radiator, and excess light from the window will wake him up too early. In addition, drafts from the window do not contribute to healthy sleep.
  • 1.5-2 hours before going to bed, it is better to play quiet games, read a book, or draw something. Ideally, if you manage to go for an evening walk with your child. Avoid large crowds of people on the street and at home. There should be as relaxed an atmosphere as possible around the baby.
  • Another cause of sleep disturbances in children is malnutrition and overeating. Feed baby's lungs dinner 3-4 hours before going to bed. If your baby gets hungry before bedtime, you can give him a glass of kefir to drink.

How and why to change a child’s daily routine?

  • Child mode is not always convenient for parents. The baby may get up too early or go to bed very late. In this case, it is quite possible to move the children's mode a little.
  • When switching the regime, you cannot do everything hastily; children are very sensitive to changes. It is better to gradually shift your sleep time by 15 minutes. If your baby gets up early, put him to bed 15 minutes later; if he goes to bed late, wake him up 15 minutes earlier. This way you will gradually move the mode to a time convenient for you.
  • Be prepared that the entire process may take about two weeks. It all depends on how long you want to make the shift. And it is also very important to remember that by shifting sleep, you are shifting feeding time.

Children's sleepwear

Fragile children's sleep nothing should get in the way, so choose loose, natural sleepwear. Cotton is suitable for the warm season, and flannel pajamas will warm the child on cold winter nights.

What should an infant sleep in?

  • In the first months of life, a child can sleep in the same clothes in which he is awake. When the baby grows up and begins to actively toss and turn in his sleep, it’s time to choose pajamas
  • When choosing clothes, remember that a newborn will have to change his diaper several times a night. Choose clothes that will allow you to carry out this procedure quickly and without unnecessary movements.
  • Young children often open up at night. In this case, a warm “man” flannel suit will help parents. This way you will be sure that the baby will not freeze, even if he crawls out from under the blanket

What should an adult child sleep in?

  • The older child already more or less controls himself during sleep. He will open up when it's hot and crawl back under the covers when he's cold.
  • Such children can buy light cotton pajamas; they no longer need insulated clothes for sleeping
  • Make sure that pajamas do not have tight elastic bands, large buttons or bulky decorative elements that may disturb the child at night

How should a newborn baby sleep: signs of sleep disorders in newborns

Newborn babies need to sleep. If your baby has difficulty falling asleep, he tosses and turns for a long time, cries, you need to figure out what is bothering him. This could be intestinal cramps, overheating or fatigue. After all, if a baby stays awake for too long, his nervous system becomes overexcited. But there are more serious reasons sleep disorders in newborns.

You should be alert to the following symptoms:

  1. The child cries hysterically while sleeping.
  2. The baby arches.
  3. He constantly whines while sleeping, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t look rested.

If you observe something similar in your baby, you should definitely consult a neurologist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the disturbances and help improve your child’s sleep.

How and how much a child should sleep depending on age: tips and reviews

Julia:“At the age of two, my son began to have very difficulty falling asleep at night. Getting to bed lasted an hour and a half, and when he finally fell asleep, he constantly tossed and turned and talked in his sleep. It turned out that the whole problem was in the cartoons. I stopped playing cartoons for him in the afternoon and his sleep improved.”

Inna:“It turned out that overheating was preventing my daughter from sleeping. She spun around all night, cried, opened up, I covered her again, and she spun around again. And so on all night. I began to properly ventilate the room before going to bed, dressed her more lightly, and did not put warm little things on her. Now my daughter falls asleep quickly and sleeps all night without interruption.”

Tanya:“At three years old, my son refused to nap during the day. The first couple of weeks everything went well, I didn’t notice any difference in his behavior. But then the nightmare began. He threw tantrums several times a day and became aggressive and moody. One day I finally put him to bed for a nap. So he slept for 3 hours and the rest of the evening was absolutely calm.”

Video: How long should a newborn baby sleep?

The birth of a child is, of course, happiness. But along with the baby, concern for him is also born. How often should he be fed? How long can you walk? How long should a baby sleep? New parents constantly ask themselves these and other questions. Let's talk about children's “quiet hour” today.

Why is napping so important?

Not long ago, a very interesting study was conducted at the University of Colorado. At the request of the doctors, the parents of the babies did not put them to bed during the daytime. Naturally, only once! After this, the children were asked to take several tests.

The results were disappointing. Psychologist, Professor Monica LeBourgeois, who led the study, came to clear conclusions - if a child sleeps little during the day, this is detrimental to his psyche. The abilities of perception and cognition are reduced. Positive emotions become less vivid. And negative ones are perceived more negatively.

Scientists believe that constant “lack of sleep” can, over time, develop chronic Bad mood, which will accompany the baby all his life. In addition, according to psychologists, it will be much more difficult for such children to adapt to the world around them and find their place in it.
So a strong and healthy daytime sleep is an urgent need for a little man. But how long should a child sleep during the day?

Science comes to the rescue

Based on numerous studies, the following table has been compiled.

Baby sleep chart

Child's age

Daytime nap

Night sleep


Up to 3 months

8 hours 30 minutes

15 hours 30 minutes

From 3 to 5 months

From 5 to 8 months

3 hours 15 min


9 to 11 months

From 1 to 1.5 years

2 hours 30 min

11:15 am

13 hours 45 minutes

From 1.5 years to 2 years and older

1 hour 30 min

12 hours 30 minutes

From 3 to 7 years

1.5 – 2 hours

About 12 hours

Of course, it provides “averaged” data. Each child is individual - some need more sleep, some less. Nobody better than parents does not know all the features of the baby. But using these numbers as a guide is quite possible. And if you notice that they are very different from your baby’s usual routine, then you need to urgently find out the reason.

What prevents your baby from sleeping?

Why does my child sleep little during the day? There may be several reasons. If the baby looks healthy, is not fussy and eats well, but woke up early once, then there is no need to worry. Most likely, something just bothered him.

What could it be? Yes, practically anything. Perhaps he was lying in an awkward position. Or hungry. Maybe he felt hot or stuffy. Or maybe he “woke up” wet diaper. Try to identify the cause of the discomfort and eliminate it. As a rule, this is not difficult. Then next time the child will sleep sweetly for the time allotted to him.

But there may be other causes of sleep disturbance. They are related to the baby's health. And here parents need to be extremely careful. After all, at these moments the baby needs your help.

Very often a child does not sleep well when he has elevated temperature, teething or stomach pain. If you are unable to independently find out the reasons for the violation of the regime, be sure to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to get your baby to sleep during the day?

How to lay the baby down? And what should parents who want their baby to sleep peacefully in the crib for the allotted time not do? There are several very simple rules. Try to follow them.

  • Do not start noisy, active games before putting your baby to bed. On the contrary, try to calm him down. For example, read a book.
  • Warn your child in advance that he will soon go to bed.
  • Don't let your child fall asleep in the same bed as adults. He must sleep in his own crib.
  • Do not forbid your child to take his favorite toy to bed. This way he will be calm and comfortable.

Compliance with these requirements will allow you to normalize your baby's sleep. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about them. Let your child sleep sweetly and have bright, colorful and good dreams!

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In fact, you should always keep in mind the fact that a child, due to his individuality, cannot meet the average statistical standards accepted in pediatrics. How much sleep a day, how to gain weight and how often to eat are purely individual things and completely depend on yourself. The child will sleep exactly as much as he needs. If, despite small deviations from the average norms, the child behaves calmly, he is full and satisfied, then you should not force him to bed in order to reach the mythical norm. But in the case when the baby is restless, cries angrily and rubs his eyes, but he can’t fall asleep, and this continues day after day - these situations require special attention.

How long does a newborn sleep?

According to the classification adopted by the World Health Organization, a newborn is considered a baby under the age of one month. During the newborn period, a small family member spends most of his life in a state of sleep - approximately 17-18 hours a day. This, of course, does not mean that sleep time will last continuously. The baby will wake up approximately every 2-3 hours to eat. Children who are on bed wake up more often breastfeeding, but babies, who, as a rule, can sleep continuously for up to 3-4 hours. At this age, the sleep-wake pattern has not yet been established, so just help your baby fall asleep: swaddle him, hold him in your arms a little longer after feeding, quietly sing a lullaby.

Sleep standards for a baby up to three months

At this age, the time a child spends sleeping may be reduced by two hours and will amount to 15-16 hours during the day. However, it is at this age that most often little man suffers from colic, which will prevent him from sleeping peacefully. If the cause is colic and feeling unwell If the child is eliminated, then at night he can sleep continuously for 5-6 hours, and during the day the total sleep time will be about 10 hours. The baby's periods of wakefulness increase, because he studies the world around him with interest.

Sleep time for infants under six months of age

The little man has grown up, he is becoming more active and he is very interested in everything that happens around him. Accordingly, periods of wakefulness are becoming longer and longer. At this age, the baby can sleep during the day for 3-4 hours continuously, after which he will definitely want to eat and play. There should be three stages of daytime sleep. Night sleep in a child under six months of age, as a rule, lasts 10-11 hours. It is the period from 4 to 6 months that is considered the most favorable for working on a child’s daily routine. By this time, mommy has already studied the characteristics of her baby and understands when he wants to sleep, and what exactly helps him fall asleep.

Baby's sleep between 6 and 9 months

After six months of life, the child is able to sleep peacefully throughout the night without waking up for night feedings. The duration of night sleep can be up to 12 hours if the child is healthy and not bothered by teething or other problems. In the morning, the baby is able to entertain himself for 2.5-3 hours continuously, then he will sleep for exactly the same amount of time. By the ninth month of life, there may be two stages of daytime sleep, at which time the baby will sleep for 2-3 hours, no more. The rest of the time the child gets to know the surrounding space - he begins to crawl, learns to stand up with support, and becomes more excitable. Therefore, at this time it is very important to develop a bedtime routine - play only calm games, hold your hand while falling asleep, tell a fairy tale. Habitual actions will help your child get ready for sleep, and the process of going to bed will be much easier.

How long does a baby sleep under one year?

After 9 months of life, the child needs less and less daytime sleep, while at night the child sleeps peacefully, without waking up, as before, for at least 11-12 hours. Many children, as they approach one year of age, switch to a one-time nap lasting 3-4 hours, and spend the rest of the time in vigorous activity. However, this is still rare. Most children continue to sleep during the day in two stages, each of which lasts 1.5-2 hours. It is very important to stick to a routine and try to put your baby to bed at the same time every day. This sequence of actions will help your baby fall asleep on his own, and you won’t have to sit by his crib. for a long time or rock him to sleep.

And yet, despite all the existing norms, allow the baby to deviate from them to some extent, especially if you see that the child is getting enough sleep, feels active and cheerful. Observe your child, and you can determine for yourself what distribution of periods of sleep and wakefulness is required for him to fully develop.