Social worker assistant working hours. Social worker. Job responsibilities. What documents are needed to register as a social worker?

Social worker documentation
Services for wards are carried out according to the work schedule (visits to wards), which indicates the days of visits to the ward and the time of service (according to the list or calculation of the services provided).
social worker _____________________________________




Days of the week and visiting times







Komarova N.P.





Peydan A.A.





Savchenko T.I.



Services are provided in accordance with the concluded agreement for the provision of (paid or free) services and the annex to the agreement (calculation of payment or list of services provided).

The social worker records all services provided in his journal (the ward’s signature confirms the receipt of these services) and the ward’s journal (the social worker’s signature confirms the execution of these services).

The social worker’s journal is a document reflecting the content of the social worker’s activities in accordance with the regulatory documents of the department. This journal contains information about the work performed in accordance with the list of services provided and is the basic document for summing up the work done for the current period. A record of services provided, as well as monetary payments, are recorded on the day of the visit and secured by the client’s signature.

Social worker's journal (sample design)

On the first page we enter information about the wards (recommended in the form of a table).


Home address



and benefits

Form of service provision

(b/p, 25%, 100%)

Visiting days

Relatives details





The following pages contain information about the work performed:


Types of services provided in accordance with the list (calculation) of services provided


  1. Conversation.

  2. Purchase of food products and home delivery:
- milk - 29 rub.

Bread - 18 rub.

I took 50 rubles for shopping, spent 47 rubles, returned 3 rubles in change. If you have a receipt confirming the purchase, you must paste it and sign it: I bought products in the amount of 47 rubles. according to the check.

  1. Helped with cooking (cooked buckwheat porridge).

  2. Provided sanitary and hygienic services (change of bed linen, underwear, diaper change, washing, wiping, cutting nails, etc.).

  3. Carried out cleaning (vacuumed, dusted, washed the floor, etc.).

  4. Paid utilities. I took 2500 rubles for payment.
Paid for:

SVR - 223 rub.

Housing office - 622 rub.

Phone - 384 rub.

BGRES - 1061 rub.

2500 rub. – 2290 rub. = 210 rub. - cash balance. We leave them to pay for electricity.

  1. Help with paperwork (I took a receipt confirming the purchase of diapers, took it to social insurance and wrote an application for a refund).
Or: applied for a subsidy (put together a package necessary documents (clarify the documents taken from the ward) and handed it over to the subsidies department).
_________(the signature of the ward is required)

At the end of the current month, the following are submitted to the head of the department:

Report on the quantity and types of services provided;

Certificates of completed work, filled out in accordance with lists and calculations of services provided, supported by the client’s signature;

Advance report on travel documents;

Data in the client’s card (we enter additional services received by the client).


for services provided at home to elderly and disabled citizens

for________________20_____ department______________________________

Social services

total services


disabled people


Purchase and home delivery of food products (hot lunches)


Assistance in preparing food from customer products


Purchase and home delivery of essential industrial goods


Assistance in providing fuel


Water delivery


Assistance in organizing residential cleaning


Assistance in paying for housing and utilities


Assistance in organizing work on personal plot


Assistance in providing books, magazines, newspapers


Assistance in cultural events, walks


Assisting with writing letters and reading letters and newspapers


Organization of funeral services (if the deceased clients do not have relatives or their unwillingness to take care of the burial)


Assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade, public utilities and everyday life enterprises. services, communications and other services. services to the population


Socially – medical services, including:


Assistance in conducting a medical and social examination (accompaniment to the doctor and back)


Assistance in providing medications according to doctors’ conclusions (purchase and delivery medicines, issuing prescriptions)


Performance medical procedures as prescribed by a doctor


Providing emergency medical care (calling a doctor to your home, accompanying served citizens to health care institutions, delivering tests, visiting in case of hospitalization).


Health monitoring (measurement of body temperature, blood pressure)


Assistance in providing technical means of care and rehabilitation, obtaining prosthetic, orthopedic and hearing care



Providing sanitary hygiene procedures, holding a partial toilet

Socio-psychological services:


Rendering psychological assistance, including conversations, communication

Social and legal services


Help with paperwork


Assisting the population of all categories and groups in obtaining the required benefits, allowances and other payments in accordance with current legislation


Assistance in obtaining a medical insurance policy


Receiving pensions, benefits, and other social benefits by proxy


Consulting on social and legal issues


Total services provided

Including: paid services

free services

Total number of people served (currently)

Total people served (served + accepted) people

Persons served on a paid basis

Including: partial payment per person

full payment per person

Total visits:

Removed from service

Accepted from service

Social worker ______________________________

Travel report for February 2011

Social employee, position: full name Ivanova Tatyana Viktorovna

Department No. 1



Purpose of the trip


use of tickets

from where (street or


where (street or business)


ost. " Shopping mall»

ost. "Children's Hospital"

Provision of services to Sidorova T.A.

1 b.


ost. "Bread Factory"

ost. "Polyclinic"

Issuing prescriptions Ivanov T.S.

1 b.

In our age of high speeds, people spin like squirrels in a wheel in a constant pursuit of material wealth, often forgetting those closest to them. They do not have the time or desire to be responsible for their relatives; relatives are perceived as an unnecessary burden.

Increasingly, people are left alone, sick and frail, in need of attention and care. How many children, just born, already become orphans! Social workers come to the aid of people whose condition does not allow them to lead a normal life.

Purchasing food and medicine, minor house cleaning, laundry, filling out various receipts, accompanying people - all this is his responsibility. You need to be morally strong, most of the wards are lonely people, offended by life, and may not always be friendly.

But if a social worker has a pure and open heart, then gradually these people completely open up to him and become truly close. Social workers also provide psychological support to people who have experienced environmental disasters, family tragedy, loss of property or other blows of fate.

I wonder how much social workers in Moscow and other regions of Russia receive per month? The figures are as of 2015.


The salary of an employee of the Social Service Center is low. Average figure in Russia was 25,000 rubles in 2015. Most high level salaries in Moscow. It is about 30,000 rubles per month. More accurate figures depend on how many clients the social worker has, his work experience and qualifications.

You can find a part-time job on the Internet that won’t require a lot of time. An example of such a story in an article about ordinary office worker, to whom

On average, a social worker spends time every day with four people in need of care. Taking into account an eight-hour working day, this is approximately two hours per person. But for some, it is enough to “drop in” three times a week, while others need daily care.

Therefore, eight wards are assigned to a full-time worker in the city. In rural areas, due to lower population density and greater distances, one social worker will serve four people.

The differences concern not only the number of assigned wards, but also the region in which the social worker works. Let's compare salaries in Moscow and other Russian cities as of 2015:

  • St. Petersburg – 27,500 rubles;
  • Irkutsk – 27,000 rubles;
  • Ulyanovsk – 25,000 rubles;
  • Volgograd – 22,500 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk – 20,000 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg – 19,500 rubles.

As already noted, salary depends on work experience. After three years, the salary is increased by 10%, after four years by 20% and after five years by 30%. If a social worker moves around the city on public transport, he is paid ticket. If he has his own car, then a certain part of the money spent on gasoline is returned to him.

If it is necessary to travel out of town to visit a ward, expenses are also covered.

Private traders also have work. Earnings are higher there, but conditions may differ. If the average state salary is 25,000, then here it can reach up to 80,000 rubles. However, some compassionate neighbors may work for free, hoping that the dear grandmother will sign off her apartment to the irreplaceable assistant. What is the salary in this case?

Many, having children and relatives, loving them with all their hearts, due to life circumstances, are very lonely. They want kind words and attention. Some people want to speak out, just to sit next to them or have tea with them, some need help filling out a receipt, others need more serious help.

You cannot be indifferent, leaving people alone with their worries. This work requires a person to have humanity, the ability to empathize, a sense of tact, and sometimes knowledge of law, economics and medicine. When working with children, you need pedagogical education. Therefore, now more than ever, the profession of a social worker is very valuable and in demand.

If someone's strength has left,
There is no need to look for the guilty here.
Those who were healthy in the past have become powerless.
It is human duty to help them!

Yes, in this difficult world
life lovers still survive

Caring for elderly lonely people is an important part of the activities of social services. There are many helpless elderly people living in our village, and caring for them falls on the fragile shoulders of social workers from the home social services department.
The profession of a social worker has been and remains in demand in rural areas. She is one of the most humane and respected.

Getting some water into the house is better than sitting around being bored and wasting time.

Social workers are people with high feeling responsibility, giving spiritual strength, energy, which have such qualities as kindness, endurance, patience, compassion, tact. He must possess not only pedagogical skills, but also psychological knowledge, help overcome everyday difficulties, understand the characteristics of the character and behavior of older people - this is difficult, but necessary for this profession. Such character traits as firmness, perseverance, and determination are very important for a social worker in order to bear a heavy load of worries.

Social worker is my calling. I always dreamed of working with people and in 2001 my dream came true. I knew that the work was not easy. Not high wage, difficult clients and working conditions did not stop me. The very first days were the most difficult, due to inexperience in communicating with older people, ignorance of their character traits, inability to listen carefully, sympathize, and support with words. Listening to the advice of colleagues, observing their work, drawing the necessary information from methodological literature, I gradually gained experience, which helped me in my work. I was once again convinced that helping those who cannot cope with their problems on their own due to loneliness is MINE.

At first glance, my work is not original. But I always try to find and do something that will bring joy to a person, lift their spirits, and instill hope. I think that you just need to do your work from the heart, conscientiously. The main thing for all of us, without exception, is to look at older people without irritation or superiority. They know and can do more than we do. We just have to learn to see older people as full and unique individuals.

With all my heart open
I hasten to help the grandmothers
I am a social worker in every home. protection
And in each there is an affectionate daughter.

I serve five grandmothers who are over 80 years old, I regularly visit them, relieving them of forced loneliness. Like all employees, I deliver food from the store, medicines from pharmacies, call a doctor to your home, arrange and pay utility bills at the post office. Water, firewood, floors, dishes, cooking - all this is on the shoulders of the social worker. I am not limited to providing social services within the scope of my duties; I also fulfill their other requests and instructions. I try to keep clear and concise records: I keep visit diaries on time, submit monthly reports on the work done.

We are not afraid of any work, because our concern is about our grandmothers.

The work of a social worker in rural areas has its own specifics. Difficulties arise in providing some services: after all, in order to buy necessary medications or food, get advice from public organizations, recalculate utility bills; the social worker has to travel to the city by transport, which creates certain difficulties. And still, in a village, unlike a city, working is much more interesting. There are people of a different character here.

I try to get my charges out into the air, we work together in the garden, sing songs, and sunbathe. And how happy the grandmothers are when I wash them in the bathhouse, wash them, and make tea! I listen carefully to stories about their youth, first love, children, war, difficult post-war years, in a word about life. Social work is unthinkable without the ability to listen and compassion.

While all possible work continues

For example: Granny Tonya doesn’t see well, but she still helped me pick cherries for jam. Time passed quickly during conversations: they picked cherries and discussed the news from Tersinsk. Grandma Tonya does not remain on the sidelines even in winter, she also takes a shovel in her hands, together we clear the yard of snow, here and Fresh air, And exercise stress, and communication.

Pensioners are in greater need of communication. Perhaps even more than in financial assistance. Therefore, we need to arrange these meetings more often. Due to its physical condition Nina Nikolaevna does not see her friends very often, so I try to organize these meetings at her home. I’ll call her friends, set a time to meet, buy sweets for tea. What do they not talk about... These gatherings end late in the evening with indescribable delight, with a charge of energy, with good mood and anticipation of the next meeting.

Joint trips to the store with Antonina Yakovlevna and Alexandra Fedorovna are a tradition, small, but ours. It would seem that it would be easier for me to perform these services myself, but then they would be deprived of additional communication and physical activity. As long as feasible work continues, youth continues in old age.

My grandmothers no longer take part in ceremonial rallies, laying wreaths at the monument on May 9, on the Day of the Elderly due to their age and physical condition. It is very important to surround with care and attention those who forged victory at the front and in the rear. All my old ladies are home front workers. Every year I organize holidays for them at home, set the tables, congratulate them, pamper my charges on these holidays with “delicacies” - fruits, cakes, candies.

To introduce something unusual requires a creative approach. It's interesting how we celebrate birthdays. I congratulate the birthday girl, bring gifts, over a cup of tea we remember how we spent the past year, and outline plans for the future.

Before the New Year, I go to them as the Snow Maiden or Father Frost. How nice it is to see happy faces, hear jokes and cheerful laughter!

A trusting relationship similar to friendship arose between me and my grandmothers. This year, with the help of my grandmothers (they helped me write the words to the song), I took second place in the Volsky district in the “Social Worker 2007” competition. Thanks to them for their help and support!

I am diligent at work and love my grandmothers, and they give me their smile

Entering old age, people retain the same needs and desires as in middle age, and in every possible way resist any intentions to exclude them from society. Every person should be prepared for the fact that one day they will grow old. But, as a rule, at the same age as my charges, they are already a little unkempt, a little slow, a little capricious, a little touchy. Everyone needs to be treated more tolerantly, everyone needs an individual approach. Some value listening skills, others value speaking skills, and others want you to do your work silently. I try to accept people as they are.

I know one thing: professional knowledge is necessary for successful work. A real social worker must have deep knowledge in the field of human sciences: psychology, pedagogy, law, sociology. Therefore, in 2006, I entered the Russian State University of Social Sciences to become a social worker. work. When I'm in Saratov for a session, I really miss my grandmothers. Sometimes I call and inquire about their health.

I hope that as a student I will acquire the real qualities of a social worker: the ability to think logically, competence, outlook, personal charm. And now we need to rely more on the help of our colleagues.
Thank you very much the head of our department, Zhilyutova O.V. At any time, she will prompt, advise, and help get out of any situation.

Our team follows a special path:
In the slush, in the heat and frost, and in the blizzard
Along with the products, the heart carries,
To distribute the warmth bit by bit.
Social work inspires, raises tone, gives strength.

Every year on Social Worker’s Day, our team relaxes on the banks of the Volga: we swim, sunbathe, play outdoor games, and discuss work issues. On sanitary days we work to improve the village. Time proves that in social services random people No. Our team is cohesive, friendly, reliable, and cheerful.

All women are kind and strong.
How much my heart wants to say about you!
You are all divine and beautiful.
We need to write songs about you more often.

Bringing people joy from communication and care is great happiness. My charges are looking forward to my arrival, because these are lonely old people and for them I am the only thread connecting them with the surrounding reality.

“You come to us more often” -
Old people ask for this.

The social worker, whose job responsibilities will be discussed further, is hired and dismissed by the head of the CSO. Withdrawal from the state is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in articles 77-81 of the Labor Code.

General information

Persons who have:

  • higher;
  • initial professional;
  • secondary special education.

Persons who do not have training in their specialty may be involved in activities. The people who are to be served are called wards. Persons acquire this status when applying to the Veterans Council, Central Social Security Center or Social Protection Committee, as well as when a social worker identifies those in need of care during a special round. Persons in their care who have completely lost the ability to self-care are sent to a nursing home.

Social worker: responsibilities, employee salary

A CSO employee can carry out certain instructions for his wards. They may not be included in the list of responsibilities of a social worker, but they arise from the general meaning of his activities. Its essence is to provide support and assistance to lonely people and disabled people. For example, an elderly woman has difficulty moving due to serious problems with health. A social worker can take her to a bathhouse, after which the person will feel better and will be able to take care of himself. The day of a CSO employee begins with a phone call to his wards. The responsibilities of the social worker include finding out the instructions that need to be carried out and the list of necessary products. All information is recorded in a special notebook for each ward. At the end of the year, based on an assessment of the employee’s performance, he is assigned or not assigned a rank. In the first case, among other things, he can count on a salary increase. After another three years, the premium will be 10, and after five years - 30%.


The following categories are established:

  • Fifth category. It is assigned to an employee who has a professional (primary) education. However, there are no requirements for his experience. Also, category 5 are employees with complete secondary (general) education. In this case, they must carry out activities in their profile for at least three years.
  • Sixth and seventh categories. To obtain this category, an employee may have professional higher education. In this case, there are no requirements for his experience. An employee may also have a specialized secondary education. In this case, he must remain in the state for at least three years.
  • Eighth category. It is assigned to employees whose work experience is at least five years and they have a higher education in their specialty.

Important points

IN functional responsibilities A social worker's job includes providing everyday services to people in need of help. The CSO employee is directly subordinate to the head of the department, deputy director, and head of the center. An employee needs to know the regulations and laws of the federal, local and regional levels, and other regulations related to the regulation of his activities. A social worker, whose job responsibilities are contained in the relevant instructions, is responsible for his activities before the law. He must comply with the rules of the CSO, know the norms and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety precautions, and fire protection. An indispensable condition for the high-quality execution of tasks is compliance with the requirements for organizing consumer services for the elderly and disabled. The employee needs to know the basics of the psychology of the wards and master first aid techniques.

Basic instructions

IN professional responsibilities social worker includes:

  • Provision of services that are included in the list of state-guaranteed services.
  • Compliance with the visiting schedule.
  • Identification of citizens in need of service and support.
  • Conducting a survey at the enterprise among employees.
  • Participation in the preparation of documents for employees who need it.
  • Informing employees about their responsibilities, rights and conditions for the provision of services.
  • Maintaining confidentiality in relationships with wards.
  • Execution of orders and instructions from the management of the Central Security Service.
  • Coordinating your activities with your superiors.
  • Timely warning of the onset of disability.
  • Petition for financial assistance to employees in need.
  • Filling out documentation in accordance with business management recommendations, making timely additions and changes.
  • Participation in public life CSO.

The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


In case of violation labor discipline The employee is subject to the provisions of Art. 419 TK. The timely performance of official duties by a social worker guarantees effective assistance people who need it. This attitude towards one’s activities has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere within the team, the ability to work and the interests of employees. The duties of a social worker must be performed conscientiously and clearly. In many ways, the timeliness of assistance often depends not only on general state the ward, but also his life.

Defining Criteria

To perform the duties of a social worker, it is not enough to have certain skills or knowledge. An employee must also have certain personal qualities. Formed moral and moral beliefs, objectivity in assessing the problems of the ward, honesty, tact, fairness, attentiveness, creative thinking, sociability, adequacy of self-esteem, tolerance, humanity, willpower, kindness, patience - this is not the entire list of qualities that a social worker should be endowed with.

Methods used in activities

Responsibilities of employees social protection consist not only of providing necessary assistance ward. To carry out their activities most effectively, employees are required, in accordance with the Instructions, to develop and implement various methods, allowing you to study problems in more depth and detail and choose the optimal means of solving them. Thus, a social worker in a school, whose responsibilities are related to helping children, must act, among other things, as a consultant and, in some way, a teacher. Using an educational approach in his work, the employee gives recommendations, teaches demonstration and modeling of correct behavior, uses role-playing games, establishes interaction between student and teacher. Special attention deserve the duties of a social worker in a hospital.

IN in this case There is a great responsibility on his shoulders. A person in medical institution, requires maximum sensitivity, care, and help. In this case, the social worker not only fulfills his duties in serving the ward. He also plays the role of a supporter or mediator in overcoming personal disorganization and apathy in cases where it is not possible for a sick person to do this on his own. The facilitative approach is aimed at explaining the situation, encouraging and focusing on mobilizing the mentee’s existing internal resources. During the recovery or rehabilitation period, this has fundamental importance. There is also an advocacy approach to the activities of a social worker. In this case, the employee acts as a representative of the ward or a group of people in need. In this case, the duties of the social worker include, among other things, assistance in putting forward arguments and selecting justified charges.

Employee capabilities

The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are two categories that are closely related to each other. Using his powers, an employee can effectively carry out his activities, the purpose of which is to provide timely assistance to those in need. The rights of a social worker are established in Articles 1, 379-380, 353-369, 209-231 of the Labor Code. Also, its capabilities are defined in the collective agreement and the rules of the CSO. In the process of performing his activities, a social worker has the right:

  • Involve loved ones and relatives in providing assistance that goes beyond the scope established by the Instructions.
  • Receive information from clients about their health status and relationships with other family members.
  • Use the client’s personal data when filling out the necessary documentation.

International practice

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the basis of the activities that a social worker performs are responsibilities. Ukraine, Russia and many other countries are taking part in a large-scale humanitarian program to eradicate poverty, provide primary education, and provide stable support for the most disadvantaged segments of the population. As the experience of foreign countries shows, the need for a multifaceted, comprehensive social work especially high during periods of crisis. At these moments, there is a significant deterioration in the well-being of the majority of citizens. Ukraine, like Russia, has experienced such periods more than once throughout its history. However, the governments of these countries always strive to eliminate emerging problems. A special role in the implementation of this task belongs primarily to the social protection service.

Role of the State

In the issue of providing citizens with real assistance, the state today takes a side, secondary position. At the same time, a social worker, on the one hand, serves people. It helps to overcome one or another specific problem. On the other hand, he is also in the service of the state. Power through CSO employees reduces social tension. To put it bluntly, the state, using a social worker, “calms down” the needy population. In this case, the employee is in sufficient difficult situation. Due to duty – professional and human – a social worker acts primarily in accordance with the principle of humanism. At the same time, he is responsible for fulfilling the state task of maintaining balance in society.


To perform his duties most efficiently, a social worker must possess various skills, abilities, and knowledge in such areas as psychology, medicine, sociology, and others. Only in this case can he be considered a worthy implementer of the set state goals. The skills and knowledge that a social worker possesses, in combination with his individual qualities, must be assessed using appropriate methods. Analyzing the results, correcting shortcomings, and filling in missing information will undoubtedly contribute to a more effective performance of one’s duty. The desire for improvement is manifested not only in the desire to acquire more extensive practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Of no small importance is the improvement of personal qualities, overcoming shortcomings, especially those that negatively affect his activities. Individual qualities employee act as the basis for successful interaction with the ward and are considered an integral condition of his professional suitability.