How long can red-eared turtles stay underwater? How long can a red-eared turtle live without water? An adult turtle and babies - fighting for food

“How long can they live without water,” the kids asked me carefully and pulled their heads into their necks.

- Escaped? Both? – a childish attempt to cheat or prepare for a “surprise” could not mislead. - For a long time?

- A couple of hours ago. We took them out to play, and then we called, then the computer froze... Well, we forgot about them. And when they remembered, they were no longer in the room.

“Let’s sit down and sit quietly,” I hastened to reassure the guys. “They won’t hold out for long; they will still go to explore the territory.”

In a few minutes rustling and scraping could be clearly heard in the silence. One of our inhabitants of the aquarium came out from under the sofa and looked at everything importantly; the bolder one ran to the middle of the room and curiously turned its head with distinct red oblong spots near its eyes.

Only then did his friend run out into the light. Smiling widely with their cunning faces, they rushed straight into the children’s arms.

I did not tell the children that our pets, red-eared turtles, can go without water for even several hours without any harm to their health; there is no point in experimenting with children.

Once they told me about one of the young “researchers” who could not find his red ear for a week, and when he found it, and, surprisingly, alive, he rushed to the veterinarian and became a regular client there.


Charming red-eared turtles (Pseudemys scripta) are very funny creatures, cute, unpretentious, and require almost no care. They express their joy in a very interesting way when their owner approaches; they rejoice at the “sweets” by gurgling and whistling. You don’t need to play with them a lot or walk them for a long time; in the aquaterrarium they perfectly entertain themselves.

Having fallen in love with these creatures from friends, having played enough with them both in the house and in the sunny meadow, and asking about the problems with maintenance and care, we decided to definitely set up a house for amphibians in our apartment.

And now almost flat green patterned “pebbles” the size of a fingernail lie in warm water at the bottom of our aquarium. They lie there for half an hour, an hour...

There was no limit to delight when, after more than two hours, our “pebbles” came to life. We held our breath. The babies carefully poked their heads out from under the shell, showing those same bright red oblong spots near the eyes for which they are called red-eared.

Then tiny paws with claws appeared. And then the kids swam, choosing a place to get to land. A barely noticeable movement - and there were two “pebbles” at the bottom again, although this time the kids sat motionless for only a short time.

Curious eyes sparkled with beads, heads were drawn to the treat: small earthworms and pieces of fish. And then the crumbs grabbed onto one of the worms. We were simply amazed by the appetite of the turtles.

They turned out to be real predators. But they stopped being afraid only after a week, and for 7 days they hid at any movement, not wanting to get out onto land, run around the floor and play in front of witnesses.

We learned that the “babies” love to spend time under a lamp on a snag, warming themselves, stretching their paws and necks, drying every part of their tiny body. And we decided to get something more attractive and convenient.

Gradually, the aquaterrarium began to take on a lived-in appearance: islands for relaxation, ladders, platforms with sand, an ultraviolet lamp, driftwood. Our kids somehow climbed out along one of the ladders and platforms and plopped down on the table. They picked him up, examined him, saw that everything was fine and released him into the water. Since then, we have been carefully monitoring to ensure that there are no opportunities for pinnipeds to escape.

Video: proper care

How long will the “fugitives” live?

Didn’t our experience make you immediately carefully examine all the “toys” in the aquaterrarium? Using them, these tenacious and dexterous creatures, despite their apparent clumsiness, can climb to any height and fall to the floor, and then quickly hide in dark corners?

Then it is worth adding that it is dangerous for the health of red-eared turtles to stay in the air without the opportunity to plunge into water for more than 2 - 3 hours. Why?

Turtles of this species are amphibians, in nature they need fresh water, dense vegetation, a place to bask in the sun and to build nests.

Lakes and swamps with warm water, a small current, a sandy bottom - what else is needed for happiness? In nature everything is balanced. We basked in the sun, swam in the sand, and then in the water. Turtles never go far from moisture.


  1. In the beginning Try putting a cup of water in a visible place and another cup with your favorite food. These creatures are very curious and have excellent eyesight, so a few minutes in silence and they should approach the treat.
  2. If 2–3 hours have passed since the escape, and you still haven’t been able to find your pet, place saucers of water in all places accessible to it. In every dark corner, under the sofa, under the table. This is necessary so that the baby can find water and stay in it at least for a little while.
  3. Several hours in the air can have a very bad effect on his skin and shell. Drying causes delamination of the shell, damage to the delicate skin, on which wounds and cracks subsequently appear that take a very long time to heal.
  4. Don't waste time, inspect all the places where the turtle could have fallen, where it could have been trapped. Distance does not matter much for turtles: they are very nimble, able to move quickly, overcoming obstacles.
  5. Remember that a turtle can hide in any dark corner for a long time. If you find contact with a pet, he will quickly make himself known; red-eared cats have good intelligence and can whistle, hiss, click, attracting your attention.
  6. Adult Red-eared has difficulty turning over from his back to his stomach, so if he falls badly, he may not be able to cope on his own.

Video: what should not be allowed?

And a few more tips

We have never had to regret that we had these glorious creatures. But we made a lot of mistakes in the content.

Now our beauties have a shell with a diameter of 8 centimeters, they rejoice in the morning when people approach, willingly play with tennis balls, take food from our hands and even hear when we call them by name, rushing towards them slowly or very quickly.

One of the interesting varieties of turtles is the red-eared turtle. This is a wild reptile that prefers small fresh water bodies to live. She is an amphibian because she loves to be on the shore. In addition, it needs proximity to land to lay eggs. It is worth finding out what is remarkable about this species of animal and what is characteristic of it.

The red-eared turtle differs from other such reptiles by the presence of a red or orange stripe, which is located on the head - from the eyes to the neck. The top of the shell (carapace) has an olive-green tint. It is covered with lines of yellow and black colors. The plastron (bottom of the shell) is also smooth. Its color is yellowish with the addition of several dark inclusions. The younger the turtle, the brighter the color of its shell. Subsequently, it becomes darker, and the bright stripe on the head becomes pale.

The size of the animal can be determined by measuring the length of the shell. The bending of the shell is not taken into account, so it is most convenient to use a ruler. A small turtle that has just hatched is 2.5 cm long. By the end of the first year, individuals reach a length of 5-7 cm.

In red-eared turtles, males are smaller than females. The red-eared turtle grows throughout its life, and its average size is from 25 to 30 cm. This is influenced by the conditions of its existence, characteristics of care and, of course, gender.

By the size of a turtle you can determine its age. Although here you need to take into account that domestic turtles are larger in size than those that live in the wild, especially if they are provided with proper care.

The approximate sizes (in cm) of male and female individuals of different ages can be seen in the table.

The rate at which a red-eared slider grows is greatly influenced by how it is kept. If a red-eared slider lives at home and is given proper care and feeding, the pet will grow faster. But lack of knowledge about this often leads to death.

Sense organs

This animal is distinguished by a high level of development of sensory organs. The main features are as follows:

  • Vision. Red-eared turtles distinguish colors, choose the most suitable places to lay eggs, and look for other turtles. They also see moving objects, the distance to which can reach 40 m, well distinguishing predators and prey from each other.
  • Smell. These reptiles search for food thanks to their developed sense of smell.
  • Hearing. These animals hear poorly. This is due to the fact that their ears are hidden under the skin. Therefore, red-eared turtles react only to vibration.
  • Touch. The turtle's shell is equipped with nerve endings, so it feels touch. The presence of taste buds allows these creatures to choose tastier foods.
  • Voice. The vocal apparatus of turtles is not developed; they are only capable of snorting and hissing. Sometimes they make a squeak.

Where does the red-eared turtle live in its natural environment?

The red-eared freshwater turtle is a resident of North America. The Mississippi River is called its homeland - these animals can be seen there most often. It prefers a warm climate, so it is common in the southern states of the United States. But at the present stage, this animal has spread throughout the world. In some areas its presence causes problems for local fauna.

The conditions in which the red-eared freshwater turtle prefers to live are characterized by the following features:

  • warm fresh water,
  • the presence of dense vegetation,
  • weak current,
  • islands of land or shore where you can bask.

Such turtles live in lakes, swamps and ponds - it is these reservoirs that satisfy their needs. They prefer the water's edge, without moving long distances from the shore. An adult red-eared turtle lays its eggs in hard ground.

The lifespan of a pet is a very important aspect that worries all owners. Therefore, when choosing such an animal, people are often interested in how long the red-eared turtle lives in the wild and at home.

Being in their natural environment, red-eared turtles eat what is necessary for their full life. They are omnivores, so they eat both plant and animal food. At a young age, these animals need food of animal origin, so they actively hunt small fish, snails, insects, and tadpoles. Growing up, the reptile increasingly chooses plants growing in water bodies and coastal areas for food.


How ready an individual is for reproduction is determined by its size. The length of the carapace of a sexually mature male is 10 cm (it is typical for individuals 2-4 years old), females - 12-13 cm (age 2-5 years).

Mating games in these animals begin with the active actions of the male. He turns his muzzle towards the female, swims in front of her and waves his paws. This happens in March and June (if the turtles live in the wild). For a successful pregnancy, it is necessary to be warm. In addition, the female requires increased nutrition.

Shortly before laying eggs, the female looks for a secluded place to lay eggs. This is done on land. A few months later, babies hatch from the eggs. Usually this takes about 2 months, but in bad weather the period of formation of small turtles is delayed. The female does not look after the clutch and does not take part in the life of the cubs.

A pet such as a red-eared turtle is quite difficult, since it is difficult to organize the care required for it at home. She needs a large aquarium, shore decoration, temperature control, etc.

If you purchase a red-eared turtle, caring for it should begin with the purchase of an aquaterrarium measuring 150-200 liters. This is necessary even if the pet is small - because turtles grow. You need to pour enough water into the aquaterrarium so that the reptile can roll over in it. The water should not be allowed to be colder than 20 degrees, although the optimal temperature is 22-28 degrees. The water should be changed at least once a week, and the less it is, the more often it should be done.

An artificial island should also be created. You can buy it in the store - it will be easier. But you can do it yourself by choosing a non-toxic material without sharp corners.

The volume of the island must be at least 25% of the territory. It definitely needs heating. Its surface should be 10 degrees warmer than the water. Its stability is also important so that the reptile does not turn it over.

You can heat the aquaterrarium using a lamp. It should be placed above the shore, but not too low so that the pet does not get burned. Be sure to hang up a thermometer and monitor its readings. The lamp should be placed so that it is not exposed to splashes or fumes.

Another condition is UV lamps, which are required to create suitable lighting. In their absence, the pet will not be able to absorb calcium, and the production of vitamin B in its body will stop. These devices should operate throughout the daylight hours (about 12 hours).

Features of behavior

It is quite difficult to interact with these pets. They have a slippery body, the animals tend to hiss and resist. The presence of sharp claws creates even more difficulties. An unhappy turtle can bite painfully, so you need to handle it carefully.

It is better not to handle small reptiles at all. They don't cause as much trouble as adults, but they are very afraid of being touched, which can cause them to become stressed and get sick. If they were recently introduced into the aquarium, you should not approach them too often, look at them, or knock on the glass.

Aggression can often be seen in the behavior of these animals. In relation to individuals of other species, they try to take a dominant position. They get into fights, biting and scratching, leaving quite serious wounds. Males tend to attack females, and these attacks can result in serious injury and even death. It is especially risky to introduce new individuals into an already formed terrarium. The adult red-eared turtle prefers solitude, and it is best to take this into account.

If you have a red-eared turtle at home, you need to find out why it is dangerous for the child. Some people mistakenly consider these animals to be harmless, but if you take into account the peculiarities of their behavior, you can understand that this is not the case. The pet's tendency to aggression requires careful interaction with it. Bites can be very painful for children, as can injuries caused by claws.

But the most important thing that makes such a reptile dangerous for a child is its ability to carry certain diseases, such as salmonellosis, fungal infections, and helminth infections.

Lifespan in captivity

How long a red-eared turtle lives at home is determined by the conditions created for it. Before purchasing such a pet, a person must find out how to take care of it, what to feed it, and so on.

The main factors that influence how long a red-eared slider lives:

It is also important to find out how long a red-eared turtle can live without water, because water is one of its most important needs. People who accidentally left their pet without access to water for several days are especially worried about this.

How long a red-eared turtle can survive without water is influenced by various factors. This:

  • age,
  • features of the environment,
  • pet health.

Experts do not recommend keeping it on land for long. It is better to avoid such situations altogether and not find out how long a red-eared slider can live without water, because it is unknown how such an experience will affect the well-being of the reptile. Usually turtles live 4-5 days, the maximum period was a week.

Eating at home

It is very important to find out what a red-eared slider living at home eats. Its health depends on how well the reptile's feeding is organized.

The red-eared slider eats a variety of foods at home. For example:

  • food intended for aquarium fish,
  • vegetables,
  • small fish,
  • insects,
  • aquarium plants,
  • animals from the invertebrate class.

With a pet like the red-eared turtle, you need to make feeding not only varied, but also balanced. In addition, overeating should not be allowed.

Young individuals tend to be omnivorous. As they grow up, they begin to choose plant food. It will be most convenient to use special food for aquatic turtles, since they contain all the substances and elements they need.

It is also worth finding out how long a red-eared turtle can go without eating. This will help you figure out how often to feed her. This question is ambiguous. How long a red-eared turtle can go without eating depends on its age and well-being. Small turtles require more food than adult turtles. They should be fed daily. After a year, the frequency of feedings should be reduced to once every two days. Mature individuals can go without food for a week, sometimes even two.

Reproduction in captivity

These reptiles have the opportunity to reproduce while living at home. The difference between this process is that it is not tied to the time of year. A constant temperature is maintained in the aquaterrarium, which ensures the success of reproduction.

When preparing to lay eggs, red-eared turtles become anxious, look for a place suitable for a nest, and dig the soil. Therefore, the owner should organize a place for laying eggs. If this is not done, the female will wear them longer than expected, which can lead to illness. Also, for successful reproduction, it is necessary to provide the female with plenty of nutrition with plenty of calcium.

However, breeding in captivity is not an easy process for an animal. The female may be unwell, which is why she will not be able to lay a clutch. Then it is necessary to show it to a specialist in order to prevent the death of the pet.

With a successful combination of circumstances and the necessary conditions are met, the cubs hatch after 2-5 months.

Diseases of the red-eared turtle

Many turtles of this species die from various diseases. When keeping this animal at home, you can avoid such an unpleasant outcome if you seek help in a timely manner. But for this you need to know what diseases this animal has. This:

  • Pneumonia. Symptoms of this disease are lethargy and lack of appetite. Heating chamomile over steam can help.
  • Eye infections. They are indicated by swelling of the eyelids and inflamed eyes. The pathology should be treated with eye drops - antibiotics.
  • Rickets. This causes the shell to soften. Also, the softness of the shell can be caused by an insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Skin diseases. Their main symptom is peeling. This may be caused by skin damage or vitamin deficiencies.

Any disturbances in behavior or changes in the appearance of the animal require contacting a specialist. You cannot treat them yourself.

Interesting facts about the red-eared slider

  • To breathe, red-eared turtles are forced to rise to the surface of the reservoir.
  • You should not add aquarium fish to these animals. They eat small fish, but can injure large ones.
  • The sex of turtle hatchlings is determined by the temperature in the nest during incubation. If the temperature is 27 degrees or less, exclusively male cubs hatch from the eggs. At temperatures above 29 degrees, all newborn turtles will be girls. Mixing of sexes in cubs is possible with frequent changes or at temperatures from 27 to 29 degrees.
  • Cubs should be kept separate from adults, since these reptiles are prone to aggression towards neighbors, even small ones.

is an amphibious animal that spends most of its time in the water, but from time to time crawls onto land to warm up and take sunbathing. She needs them as much as water. Without sunbathing, which supports her vital functions, she simply will not be able to lead an active lifestyle. If the ambient temperature is too low, it may hibernate, thereby saving itself from the cold.

Despite its unpretentiousness, for, you need to know certain requirements that apply to home care. First, you need to have a separate area that is spacious enough for the turtle to actively move around. Secondly, there should be enough water in this corner, but there should also be heated land. Heating is usually provided by an incandescent lamp. In addition, you need a quartz lamp to irradiate the turtle with ultraviolet rays, which is very important, otherwise it may get sick. For normal development, the pet must be provided with a varied menu, which should include a variety of foods, both animal and plant origin.

At first glance, they are slow and are unlikely to be able to leave their corner in order to explore the surrounding territory, but this is far from the case. If the surface allows, for example, wood, then turtles can climb to any height and escape. But given the fact that aquariums are usually made of glass and at a certain height of the aquarium walls, it is unlikely that they will be able to do this. The only option left is children. They can take the turtles to play with them and just play enough and forget about them. In such cases, they may face several dangers: lack of water, long stay in uncomfortable conditions associated with lower temperatures, and receiving various injuries.

If a turtle climbs somewhere at floor level and the temperature is low enough, then after its body cools, it may fall into hibernation or simply lose its activity and be very difficult to find.

And yet, the main danger is the lack of water, without which turtles can live without problems for their health no more than 2-3 hours. During this period of time, they definitely need to plunge into water, otherwise the shell will begin to dry out, as a result of which microcracks may appear on the shell, and subsequently various diseases. To prevent anything from happening to your pet, it should not be exposed to extreme conditions.

How long will the fugitives live?

Didn’t this experience force you to immediately carefully examine all the “toys” in the aquaterrarium? Along them, these tenacious and dexterous creatures, despite their apparent immobility, can climb to any height and fall to the floor, and then quickly scatter into dark corners?

Then we must add that it is very dangerous for the health of red-eared turtles to stay in the air without being able to plunge into water more than 2-3 hours. Why?

This type of turtle is an amphibian, in nature they need fresh water, dense vegetation, a place where they can bask in the sun, and to build nests.

What to do if the turtle managed to escape?

  1. First you need to put a bowl of water, and next to it a bowl of your favorite food. It is impossible that fresh and clean water could not interest this amphibian, and even more so, its favorite food. They have excellent eyesight and are able to spot treats from a great distance.
  2. If there is no reaction, and about 2 hours have passed since the escape, then you should fill several containers with water and place them in different places, such as dark corners, the space under the sofa, bed, under the table; this is necessary so that the turtle can find the nearest water and at least a little, but stay in it.
  3. Several hours without water can negatively affect its health: both its shell and skin can suffer. Under such conditions, the shell may begin to delaminate, and the delicate skin will begin to crack, as a result of which microcracks may appear on the skin, which will take a long time to heal.
  4. If time is running out and the turtle does not appear, then it is advisable to intensify the search, looking at all potentially dangerous places, since the pet could simply fall into a “trap”, despite the fact that they are able to actively move and overcome obstacles.
  5. The turtle can simply hide in a secluded place. As a result of active searches, contact with the turtle can be established. If she sees that someone is approaching her, she will certainly react to this by giving a kind of signal in the form of a whistle or clicks.
  6. If an adult turtle falls unsuccessfully onto its shell, it will be very difficult for it to get up, especially if there are some obstacles nearby.

  • You should not place the aquarium in direct sunlight, because overheating is possible, and this will also negatively affect her health. The aquarium should be divided into zones: a zone for heating and eating food and a zone for food, while the temperature is maintained at an optimal level in one or another zone.
  • It is not advisable to install the aquarium in drafts.
  • There should be 2 thermometers in the aquarium: one thermometer controls the water temperature, the other controls the air temperature on the island.
  • The diet may include food of plant and animal origin, and such food is given alternately.
  • Feed is provided only for feeding time. After eating, the dishes are removed with any remaining food so that it does not get into the water.
  • It is advisable that a powerful filter be installed in the aquarium to purify the water. If there is no filter, then it is advisable to change the water every 2-3 days. The fact is that turtles recover in the water, and if you consider that the water temperature is around +25ºС, then the rapid development of microorganisms is possible.
  • Turtles need to take baths and then clean their shells of dirt and algae.
  • In summer, when the temperature rises above +20ºС, turtles can be taken out into the fresh air for sunbathing. For these purposes, you can use an inflatable pool, installing it with a slope so that there is some dry land.
  • If it is not possible to expose them to the sun, then the turtles can be irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp, and this procedure must be done regularly, otherwise rickets may develop.
  • For the sake of the interior of the aquarium, you should not place all kinds of driftwood and sticks in the water. Due to the fact that the water is warm, the wood begins to quickly decompose and spoil the water.
  • You should not add neighbors to turtles in the form of aquarium fish. Turtles love fish very much and will not mind eating it, so they will soon catch them and eat them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter who you have at home, they need care, constant attention and constant costs. As a rule, children insist on such a choice, and parents cannot refuse them, and they do the right thing, since such a living corner of the house not only introduces children to the animal world, but also contributes to the formation of a certain worldview, the basis of which can be love for our smaller brothers . But this does not mean that, having satisfied the wishes of your child, the worldview will develop by itself. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Medium sized turtle. The length of the shell is from 18 to 30 cm, depending on the sex of the turtle and the subspecies. Males are noticeably smaller than females. In young animals the carapace is bright green; with age it becomes olive or yellow-brown, decorated with patterns of yellow stripes. On the head, neck and limbs the turtle is decorated with a pattern of white and green wavy stripes and spots. The turtle got its name because of two elongated bright red spots next to its eyes. This spot can be orange, bright yellow in the subspecies of the Cumberland turtle, or Trust's turtle, or yellow in the subspecies of the yellow-bellied turtle. The bottom of the shell is oval, usually dark in color with yellow lines and a yellow edging along the edge.

Red-eared slider can be considered a long-liver. Under favorable conditions, it may well live 30 - 40 years. At the same time, the turtle has a fairly high level of intelligence, which is several times greater than the intelligence of many reptiles. It is able to perceive sounds at very low frequencies. For example, the red-eared turtle senses soil vibrations and the approach of a person or animal at a level of 1000-3000 hertz. At the same time, representatives of this species are endowed with very acute vision. So, when looking for food, they first pay attention to the color of the object, and only then to the smell and taste. In addition, the females are very fertile, and the small turtles that are born are very hardy and grow quickly. The size of a newborn baby is about 3 cm; in adults it is 10 times larger. Moreover, females are much larger than males. Over the course of a year, the shell grows by 1 cm; this rapid process is facilitated by food high in protein. But turtles kept at home are 15-20 cm smaller than their free-living relatives and do not experience discomfort due to cramped housing.

The red-eared turtle is widespread in nature. Its range covers the United States from southern Virginia to northern Florida and Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico in the west, Mexico, all of Central America, northwestern South America (northern Colombia and Venezuela). The species was introduced to the south of Florida, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel, South Africa and some European countries. In particular, to Spain and Great Britain. The red-eared turtle has entered Australia, where it is officially recognized as a pest, displacing local endemic fauna.

In nature, it lives in small lakes, ponds and other bodies of water with low, swampy shores. Leads a relatively sedentary lifestyle. Extremely curious. If the turtle is full, it crawls ashore and basks in the sun. If hungry, it swims slowly in search of food. When the water temperature is below +18 °C, the turtle becomes lethargic and loses its appetite. The turtle is able to notice danger at a distance of 30-40 m, after which it slides into the water with lightning speed, which is why it received the name “Slider”.

The turtle's vocal cords are not developed. All he can do is hiss and snort with excitement. The red-eared turtle has well-developed vision and sense of smell. In contrast to vision, hearing is poorly developed. However, red-eared turtles are very good at navigating by hearing and hide in the water at any rustle. It not only hisses, but also makes a sound similar to a short squeak.

The red-eared turtle, contrary to popular belief among ordinary people, is very agile and fast. With these qualities, she could well compete with some types of fish, and it is not a fact that she would come to the finish line second. This representative does not lose its agility even on land. Here, as quickly as in water, she is able to avoid obstacles in her path and hide from her pursuers.

The red-eared turtle has no teeth, but thanks to the remarkable strength of its jaw muscles, it can crush a fairly strong object. When threatened by other inhabitants of flora and fauna, the individual throws its head forward with lightning speed and bites its offender. Adults of this species can inflict serious wounds while defending their lives. At the same time, the red-eared beauty can scratch, her nails are strong and very sharp, which she also often uses for self-defense. People should beware of the hind legs of this creature, because the turtle will try to push off their hands with them. Therefore, experts do not recommend pulling the red-eared turtle out of the water for children. This should be done by adults: very carefully and without squeezing the shell, while keeping it at a decent distance from the face and areas with open skin.

An adult turtle needs an aquaterrarium with a volume of 100-150 liters, preferably that land occupies about 25% of its area. If possible, soil or crushed stone is poured on the shore. A gentle ascent with a rough but non-scratching surface is arranged to land. The water level must be greater than the width of the shell, so that if the turtle finds itself on its back, for any reason, it can turn over and not drown.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lowered below 20°C, the normal temperature is 24-30°C (it is advisable to install a heater to maintain the temperature). The water in the aquarium is replaced as needed, 1 - 2 times a week. A water filter allows you to do this much less often. However, a complete water change should be done at least once a month. It is advisable to install an incandescent lamp above the island in the aquarium. Turtles love to bask on dry land. Also, for the normal maintenance of a red-eared turtle, a source of dosed ultraviolet radiation is required.

In captivity, the diet of red-eared turtles includes small crustaceans such as gammarus or shrimp. Small aquarium or river snails, small or cut into pieces fish, meat cut into small strips, liver, small frogs, tadpoles, various insects and their larvae, earthworms, bloodworms, and tubifex are also suitable.

Do not forget that the diet of red-eared turtles should include foods rich in calcium: fish heads, bone meal, chalk, eggshells, etc. The diet of adult turtles also includes plant foods. Pets eat well dandelion leaves, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and plantain. Among algae, duckweed, elodea, spirogyra, seaweed, anacharis, water beetle, edogonium, etc. are well eaten. Young red-eared turtles are fed 2 times a day. Later they are transferred to single meals. Turtles over 2 years old should be fed no more than 2-3 times a week.

You should not feed your turtle the same thing; the diet should be varied. The amount of food is selected so that the turtles eat everything without leaving anything in the water. Turtles should be fed at the same time every day. It’s good if the turtle has warmed up well before this. At a temperature of 28-30°, turtle digestion is much more intense. You can also feed turtles outside the aquarium, for example in a basin with water. This will help keep the aquarium clean. If the turtle's food is not particularly varied, it should be given vitamins or vitamin complexes. You can find them in pet stores; choose ones marked “for reptiles.” Vitamins are fed to hungry turtles in their food. The dosage must be looked at in the instructions for the drug.

Reproduction of red-eared turtles

Juvenile red-eared sliders are essentially the same regardless of gender. Determining the sex of animals becomes possible when they become adults. Already at the age of more than one year, sex differences begin to be observed in turtles. The sex of the red-eared slider is easier to determine in comparison with other individuals. Females, as a rule, grow much larger than males. Although, given the age difference between animals, this sign cannot be used. Males have longer claws on their front paws than females. They serve for the mating dance and help to stay on the female during mating. The male's tail is thicker and longer than that of the female. The lower part of the body in females is flat, while in males it is concave. The spots on the turtle's head are larger and brighter in color in males. In nature, turtles reach sexual maturity at 5-6 years; in captivity, this occurs somewhat earlier.

The courtship period for red-eared turtles occurs between March and July, and in captivity it can occur at any time of the year. The male swims in front of the female, tail first, and gently touches her muzzle with his claws, as if trying to stroke her. If the female is ready to reproduce, then she accepts courtship, otherwise the female drives the male away. In some cases it comes to a brawl. Young turtles can also perform a mating dance, but before they reach reproductive age they are unable to reproduce.

After successful mating, the female spends more time in the sun. Her eating habits may change, the amount of food she eats will change, and she may refuse some types of usual food. This is a normal reaction, you should try feeding her other foods and adjusting the amount of food.

Pregnancy lasts on average about two months; if the female cannot find a suitable place for laying, this period can be extended. During the last two weeks, the female spends a lot of time on land, sniffing and digging. Having chosen a place, the turtle generously wets the soil from the anal bladders and digs a nest with its hind legs. A female red-eared turtle can lay from 1 to 22 eggs, with an average of 5-10. She has no instinct to care for her offspring. Having laid eggs, the female leaves the nest.

The incubation period lasts 100-150 days. Incubation time and sex of young turtles depend on the temperature at which the eggs are incubated. At temperatures above 29°C, females are born; below 27°C, only males are born. To pierce the egg shell, turtles use an egg tooth, which falls off an hour after birth. After the egg hatches, a small pouch is present on the newborn’s stomach; it contains the remains of food from the incubation period. Soon it will disappear, and the small wound remaining in its place will heal happily.

Diseases and treatment of red-eared turtles

The most common disease in red-eared turtles is pneumonia. Experts do not recommend keeping these exotic pets outside of an aquarium. The owners of a turtle sometimes let it walk around the apartment, thinking that it will be useful for their pet. In fact, this can be very dangerous, because the reptile can get caught in a draft and catch a cold. This also applies to the location of the terrarium; try to place it only in a place protected from wind and drafts.

If you notice that your animal is lethargic, is not eating well, or has refused to eat at all, it is most likely suffering from pneumonia. In an aquarium, the reptile swims only on the surface; it simply cannot dive. Your pet is probably hypothermic. It can be treated in two ways.

The traditional medicinal method involves a course of intramuscular injections. Keep in mind that red-eared turtles should only be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. Self-medication can cost your pet's life. And don’t forget about an important point: when you calculate the amount of medicine by the weight of the turtle, you need to subtract the weight of the shell. To do this, just divide the total weight in half.

Some turtle owners are afraid to use medications and resort to traditional medicine. One of the methods is based on steam baths. You need to prepare a chamomile decoction. Next, you should slightly heat the broth and hold the turtle over the steam for a while. Monitor the steam temperature. it shouldn't burn your hand. Now we are preparing a warm bath. In a ratio of 1:3, dilute chamomile decoction in water, the temperature should be about 30°C. A turtle should take medicinal baths for about an hour.

Eye diseases of red-eared turtles. Monitor the animal constantly. Examine your eyes. If you notice swelling of the eyelids, excessive discharge from the eyes, or a purple color of the mucous membranes, be sure to go to a specialist. To treat eye diseases in red-eared turtles, they must be kept on land. It is necessary to treat the affected mucous membrane with a veterinary agent. These may be antibiotics or sulfonamides. You should take a clean bath at a temperature of 28°C once a day for several hours. The water must be absolutely clean. Treatment is carried out until the veterinarian confirms recovery.

Shell diseases of red-eared turtles. Symptoms of pet turtle disease include soft-touch shells, lethargic behavior, and poor appetite. Most often, symptoms appear from a lack of ultraviolet radiation, poor absorption of calcium and vitamin D3. To eliminate such problems, expose your pets to a UV lamp daily. This lamp can be purchased at a pet store.

To treat this disease, red-eared turtles should have raw fish in their diet daily, preferably with small bones. Include calcium and vitamin supplements in your diet. Turtle shell diseases are dangerous and their treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is worth responding especially quickly if the animal experiences detachment of the horny plates from the shell. With active growth, this phenomenon is acceptable, but with age it can only occur if the reptile is not kept properly. Preventing and treating disease for red-eared sliders means careful care. This also applies to diet. Perhaps this violation is a consequence of drying out. Detachment can be caused by fungus or blue-green algae.

And in the end, in a concise form, we will present all the rules that must be followed when keeping red-eared turtles.

When keeping red-eared turtles, you must not:
keep in close quarters;
keep the turtle in an aquarium without land; a turtle is capable of drowning, despite the fact that it is aquatic;
keep the turtle without heating;
feed turtles only raw meat;
feed turtles only plant food;
if the turtle does not receive food rich in calcium, it is necessary to give mineral supplements;
add oil vitamins to the food “by eye”;
keep turtles in dirty water, especially if a film forms on the surface;
clean the turtle with rough brushes and even more so remove the horny scutes if it is overgrown with algae;
keep several males in one aquarium and introduce new animals without prior quarantine;
use only smooth materials (glass, plastic) for the construction of the ladder and island;
wash the aquarium in the kitchen and use dishes for turtles in which food for people is prepared.
Clean the aquaterrarium irregularly;
hibernation is not necessary for turtles;

Red-eared turtles are one of the most common pets, perfectly adapted for living in apartment conditions. They can rightfully be called long-lived reptiles, which is quite rare among domestic animals. There are known cases of turtles being inherited.

When a red-eared turtle is purchased, how long the reptile lives is interesting for any owner to know. The number of years lived in captivity directly depends on the conditions created by man.

How long do red-eared turtles live at home?

When planning to have a reptile at home, you should take into account how many years red-eared turtles live; you may have to care for it for decades. But this is more of a plus than a minus. With good care, a turtle lives for about 30-40 or even more years. But with an inexperienced or irresponsible owner, the turtle may die without even living for a year.

The main factors on which the lifespan of a turtle depends:

1. Balanced diet, optimal balance of plant and animal foods.
2. Living conditions as close as possible to natural ones: large aquarium, proper heating, UV lamp, etc.
3. Maintain hygiene, regular cleaning and maintenance of the terrarium. Caring for a turtle does not involve complex manipulations: regularity is important here.
4. Timely treatment of diseases. If the behavior of the turtle has changed, its appearance has changed, it is lethargic and inactive, you should contact a specialist.
5. Communication with brothers. This recommendation applies more to small turtles, since adults prefer the company of their relatives to splendid loneliness.

Life expectancy of a red-eared turtle in its natural environment

Turtles living in their natural environment are in good health. Natural selection also operates here, in which, as is known, the strongest individual survives, so on average, in the wild, a red-eared slider lives about 40-50 years, but some reptiles can live up to a hundred years of age. In many ways, the longevity of a turtle is related to its diet, therefore, when deciding, it is better to carefully read the recommendations and prepare a diet in advance, based on the pet’s age, lifestyle and period of life, etc.

It is hardly possible to answer this question accurately. Firstly, it depends on the age of the reptile; secondly, from the environment and, thirdly, from the well-being of the pet and its general physiological state. In any case, the red-eared turtle will not live long without water: up to 4-5 days. However, there are cases where a domestic reptile has survived without water for more than a week.

This period is quite long: up to 2-3 weeks. However, you should know that a turtle’s lack of appetite is often associated with illness or improper care. Therefore, if it is soon to appear in the house, it is good to know firsthand.

How to determine the age of a red-eared turtle

Method one

To determine the age, you should find out what gender the reptile is: . Then measure the carapace (the dorsal shield of the shell, which has a convex shape and consists of a bone base and a horny covering) and, based on the data obtained, the age of the turtle will be determined:

1st year of life: in both females and males the carapace length is about 6 cm;
2nd year of life: for females? 9 cm, in males 8 cm, respectively;
3rd year of life: for females? 14 cm, in males? 10 cm;
4th year of life: for females? 16 cm, in males? 12 cm;
5th year of life: for females? 18 cm, in males? 14 cm.
6th year of life: for females? 20 cm, in males? 17 cm.

This method of determining age is suitable only for young red-eared turtles while their carapace is still growing.

Method two

You can determine the age of a red-eared turtle by the pattern of its shell. To do this, count the number of rings on the shell and divide by two.

Third way

You can tell the age of a reptile by the color and shade of its shell. The color intensity changes over time. So, the younger the turtle, the lighter and brighter the shell will be; in older individuals it is almost black. The shell begins to darken only after four years. Also, in adult red-eared turtles, it loses its roughness over time and acquires an oval shape.

Fourth method

Natural behavior can also tell the age of a red-footed slider. However, this method is best used as an additional criterion rather than as a basis. The younger the red-eared turtle, the more active and curious it is. Adult reptiles are sedentary and sleepy.