The most intelligent dogs. Intelligence in descending order. High learning ability

Dogs considered best friends people are famous for their loyalty, desire to please and, of course, intelligence.
The owners value their pets and consider them family members and treat them
treats for dogs. They know that dogs are very smart and can be trained to do a whole range of tricks! However, the level of intelligence varies greatly from breed to breed. As you might imagine, measuring a dog's intelligence is not that easy, however, there is an internationally recognized study that was conducted specifically for this purpose. A book called The Intelligence of Dogs, published by Stanley Coren, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, classifies dog breeds according to their level of intelligence. This classification is now accepted as the official description of the differences between dog breeds in terms of their ability to train. So, is your dog the smartest dog in the world? There is only one way to check this.
We present to your attention the 25 most smart breeds dogs:
25. Hungarian Vizsla (Vizsla)

The Hungarian Vizsla is a medium-sized dog bred for hunting birds and game. They are known for their excellent sense of smell and, as you can imagine, are easy to train.
24. Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is strong dog medium-sized, bred in Ireland, where it was used in hunting game and poultry. This is an energetic companion and is sometimes called the clown of the spaniel family.
23. Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz is a dog small size Spitz type. Their weight reaches 3.5 kilograms, and the height at the withers ranges from 13 to 28 centimeters. The Pomeranian is an intelligent dog, especially popular with the British royal family.
22. Malinois / Bernese mountain dog

The Malinois is a medium-sized dog used to detect explosives and narcotic substances, search and rescue missions and so on, while the Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed developed in the Swiss Alps, where it was used to help local shepherds.
21. Weimaraner

Weimaraner, this is short-haired breed dogs bred in Germany to hunt big game. These are very cheerful and energetic dogs, notable for their unusual light gray or blue eyes. They are athletic dogs that are easy to train. They are showing excellent results in a number of dog sports disciplines.
20. Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel, originally bred as a hunting dog in Great Britain, is a small, long-haired dog from the spaniel family. At the moment there are two subspecies of this breed, American Cocker Spaniel And english cocker spaniel.
19. Brittany

The Breton Epagnole, named after the French northwestern province of Brittany where the breed was developed, is a hunting dog used for hunting birds. With proper socialization and training, these dogs become excellent companions, pets and dogs for hunting field game.
18. Flat-Coated Retriever / Miniature Schnauzer (Standard Schnauzer)

The Flat-Coated Retriever and the Miniature Schnauzer together took 18th place. The Flat-Coated Retriever is an active dog with many talents and a great desire to please people. The Miniature Schnauzer is a strongly built, squat and very intelligent dog that is easy to train.
17. Kurzhaar

The shorthaired pointer is a medium to large dog bred in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. These dogs, as a rule, get along well with children, are smart, courageous, playful, eccentric, easy to get along with and easy to train.
16. Collie / Keeshond

In 16th place were Collie and Kishonde, a pair of fluffy and adorable dogs. The collie was bred in Scotland and northern England. This is a medium sized dog, active by nature, which has been kept as a helper, hound and just pet. The Keeshond is also a medium-sized dog with a plush, double-layered silver-black coat with a curled tail.
15. Schipperke / Belgian Shepherd

The Schipperke breed was developed in the early 16th century in Belgium. This is a small dog that was used to help shepherds. Belgian Shepherd, distinguished by its black wool, is an active and loyal medium-sized dog who loves children.
14. Tervuren

The Tervuren, also known as the Belgian Cattle Dog, is another long-haired dog developed in Belgium that was used to help shepherds herd livestock. Tervurens are very energetic, smart dogs that always need to be occupied with something. They also love to compete in agility and obedience competitions.
13. English Springer Spaniel

The English Springer Spaniel, developed in England in the 18th century, is a breed of hunting dog from the spaniel family. These dogs were used to fetch shot game. The average lifespan of an English Springer Spaniel is 15 years and these dogs are always eager to please. They are easy to train and ready to obey.
12. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer was developed in Germany as a cross between the Miniature Schnauzer and one of the smaller dog breeds. These dogs were used to exterminate rats. Thanks to their intelligence and excellent disposition, dogs of this breed are among the most popular in the world.
11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been a favorite of the British royal family for over 70 years. This is one of the smallest herding breeds. These dogs are easily recognized by their distinctive large and erect ears. These dogs love their families, are always willing to learn and are very easy to train.
10. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is another herding dog breed bred in Australia for long-distance herding of livestock. These dogs are famous for their endurance, lively mind and ability to train. These dogs are ranked tenth on the list of the smartest dogs in the world.
9. Rottweiler

Developed in Germany, the Rottweiler is a large, tough and muscular dog that was once harnessed and pulled carts. Currently, due to their calm disposition, lively mind and willingness to work, Rottweilers are used as rescue dogs, guide dogs or police dogs.
8. Continental Toy Spaniel

The Continental Toy Spaniel, easily recognized by its characteristic long and fluffy ears shaped like butterfly wings, is a breed in the Toy Spaniel family. This breed was developed in France. The Continental Toy Spaniel is a popular dog breed known for its intelligence and cheerful disposition.
7. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever, most commonly known as the Labrador, is a large and playful dog breed originating in Canada, where they have been the most popular dog for many decades. Labradors are famous for their intelligence and friendly disposition. They are often used as guide dogs and therapy dogs.
6. Sheltie

The Sheltie is a medium-sized dog bred in Scotland, where it was used to help shepherds. Shelties are active and energetic dogs that always strive to please their owners, are easy to train and are willing to work hard.
5. Doberman

The Doberman Pinscher is a medium-sized short-haired dog. Dobermans were originally bred to be guard dogs, but now they have a friendly disposition. These are loyal and intelligent dogs that are easy to train.
4. Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is called a retriever due to its ability to retrieve shot birds and game. This large breed dogs were bred in Scotland. The Golden Retriever ranks 4th on the list of the most intelligent breeds in the world and is capable of performing various roles - guide dog, hunter's assistant, sniffer dog, rescue dog and many others.
3. German Shepherd

Despite being one of the most popular breeds in the world, German Shepherds are actually a relatively new breed. This breed was originally bred to help shepherds. However, it is currently used for various types activities, including rescue operations, work in the police and army, and even filming.
2. Poodle

This breed was developed in Germany, but was later developed in France. There are several subspecies of poodles ranging from toy to medium-sized dogs. Poodles have thick, curly coats of varying shades. These dogs have high intelligence, they are very energetic and social, so they constantly need physical and intellectual exercise.
1. Border Collie

The Border Collie was developed in the area straddling the border of England and Scotland. Initially, these dogs were used to help shepherds. These are extremely energetic dogs with exceptional intelligence, which is why they are in first place in this classification. According to the study, one of the dogs of this breed learned more than a thousand words and performed corresponding actions after hearing people pronounce these words.

Vasily 07/06/2015 01:59

I quote Elena:

Why devote all the time to a dog if I can devote it to my child? And the dog’s intelligence lies precisely in the fact that it understands the commands and rules of life in the family right away, and there is no need to study with it for years. You know, if I devote a couple of years exclusively to a dog, I’ll turn a dachshund into the smartest dog.

It is immediately obvious that an amateur is writing.

You will never make a dachshund the smartest dog, don't write funny things. This will happen on a bench with grandmothers, but not here.

One of the smartest collies remembered more than 1 thousand words; your dachshund will never remember so many.

And I didn’t say that you need to devote all your time to a shepherd dog. You are twisting my words. I said that most people don’t work with dogs at all. What will smart dogs do with such owners? Howl from boredom? Go crazy? By the way, some working dogs can, if they don't have a job, get mental illness.

Therefore, they are not needed for people who have neither experience nor desire to work with dogs.

And anyway, what is the point of my posts here? Write a response to a woman who will make a dachshund the smartest dog. Ha ha ha, it’s immediately obvious that the person has never really seen smart dogs, and never worked with them. And it’s good that such people get show dogs.

The more popular the breed, the worse it becomes, because when Stefanitz (the founding father of the breed) was engaged in the German Shepherd, he bred super-dogs. But when Germans are hired by lazy people and those who don’t work with dogs at all, then they don’t need the same qualities that experts like Stefanitz respect. But lazy people want to brag to their friends that they have a German. Thanks to millions of such lazy people, the show German Shepherd appeared.

But the real German Shepherd, the working German Shepherd (these have long been two different breeds), remains. And if Stefanitz were alive today, he would be horrified by the modern show German shepherd. This is the result of the influence of fashion. Millions of lazy people want Germans, but they don’t want to deal with Germans. For such people there is a show German: it seems to be called a German, he seems to look beautiful, but he is stupid, cowardly, but you don’t need to do anything with him.

And those who understand dogs, they have other Germans. It’s funny, of course, to read amateurs who claim that they will make the smartest dog out of a dachshund. But this is forgivable, because people have never seen the smartest dogs.

Well, try Elena, make your dachshund obey like the dog from the following video (you can find it on YouTube): Jozef Adamuscin 97 FCI IPO 2013. You will never teach your dachshund like this, you can only say this to grandmothers on a bench in the garden ( and this working German Shepherd also perfectly protects the owner, and is amazing at following the scent, and the dog is tough, a real German, what Stefanitz wanted to get when he started breeding dogs).

And your dachshund will never remember 1 thousand words like a border dog, or even a couple hundred.

You just say such things because you have never seen smart dogs, and what you saw on the benches are not dogs at all, but a parody of dogs. I'm not talking about decorative dogs, because they are not supposed to be smart, but about Germans and other serious service dogs.

It's a pity for dogs that so many of them end up with amateurs and lazy people. The fate of the German is unenviable, who is forced to walk for 5 minutes a day in the morning and evening, and sleep the rest of the time. But this happens all the time. That's why we have such Germans.

| | No matter what breed the dog is, it will still be devoted to its owner. But all dogs have different intellectual abilities. In 1994, Canadian professor Stanley Coren created a canine intelligence scale. He took into account 3 aspects: instinctive and adaptive intelligence, as well as obedience intelligence.


From 1st to 10th place are occupied by the most intelligent dog breeds with the most high level obedience and working qualities. Moreover, they respond to commands almost instantly! Training dogs of these breeds is easy and enjoyable even for a beginner.

1. Border Collie

These dogs love to work. You will never see them lying in the sun. They are very easy to train, friendly and love children. They can be used anywhere: as security guards, as nannies, and simply as smart pets.

2. Poodle

This breed is underestimated by most people due to their funny appearance. Poodles are very smart dogs and are capable of not only entertaining spectators at the circus by performing tricks. Previously, poodles served as both rescuers and observers. They swim well and are able to save a drowning person. Depending on the size, they can be used for hunting and protection.

3. German Shepherd

These dogs are just perfect for home. They are very loyal and ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their owner. They can be used as guards, as pet dogs, and for police purposes. For some reason in Lately The popularity of this breed is declining, and it is being replaced by exotic breeds that are not nearly as smart and not as beautiful.

4. Golden Retriever

It can easily be confused with a Labrador Retriever. But the Golden Retriever is much smarter and more capable. These dogs can be rescuers, drug detectors, and guide dogs. By the way, retrievers are very patient, so you don’t have to be afraid to get them if you have kids in the house.

5. Doberman

There is something noble and incomprehensible about this dog. Dobermans need to be trained, otherwise you will grow up to be an uncontrollable dog who will do whatever he wants. These dogs appeared in 1800, when there was a need for a breed that could protect and attack. It is worth noting that these dogs are very active.

6. Sheltie

Dogs of this breed have a strong resemblance to collies. Shelties have very good hearing and sense of smell; despite their apparent decorativeness, they are able to protect their owner.

7. Labrador Retriever

Labrador retrievers live in almost every country in the world. They, like Rottweilers, serve in the police - after all, these dogs are capable of detecting even small doses of drugs. They are used as guides by blind people. Labrador retrievers also work as rescue dogs.

8. Papillon

Such a small, cute and funny dog ​​breed. Papillons have been and remain a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, many high-ranking people, including kings, kept dogs of this breed with them. They are very smart and reserved.

9. Rottweiler

Many consider these muscular handsome men to be dangerous and difficult to control. Yes, once these were killer dogs that could cope with a cow and even a large bull. Today's Rottweilers are somewhat smaller in size, but still very strong. Their mental abilities are widely known.

Rottweilers sometimes work for the police, and in the past the owners of these dogs trained them to carry firewood and other heavy loads to markets or home. An ideal protector for the home, but it requires training and training.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

This breed is famous for its intelligence, ability to understand its owner at a glance, and is easy to train. These dogs are very obedient and efficient.


These dogs remember commands well and will respond to a given command in 85% of cases or more often. Any owner can train dogs of these breeds to an excellent level, even without special patience or experience.

1. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

2. Miniature Schnauzer

3. Springer Spaniel

4. Belgian Shepherd

5. Collie

6. German Spitz

7. Kurzhaar

8. English cocker

9. Pomeranian

10. Cardigan Welsh Corgi


These dogs begin to understand simple new commands after 15-25 repetitions, but you must periodically repeat the learned commands with them. Dogs of these breeds respond to the first command in 70% of cases or more often. But not everyone can cope with training these pets.

1. Yorkshire Terrier

2. Giant Schnauzer

3. Airedale Terrier

4. Bouvier

5. Briard

6. Springer Spaniel

7. Samoyed

8. American Staffordshire Terrier

9. Gordon Setter

10. Cairn Terrier

11. Kerry Blue Terrier

12. Irish Setter


They understand commands after 15-20 repetitions, but require 25-40 repetitions for sustained effect. Without regular practice, dogs of these breeds lose skills quite quickly.

1. Bedlington Terrier

2. Toy Terrier

3. Irish Wolfhound

4. Saluki

5. Pointer

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

7. Husky

8. Greyhound

9. Boxer

10. Fox Terrier


These dogs love to walk on their own, make their own decisions, and only respond to their owner if he is nearby. These pets are not for beginners, training them even for an expert will not be the easiest thing.

1. Pug

2. French Bulldog

A smart dog is every person's dream. When choosing a four-legged friend, everyone asks the question: “Which dogs are the smartest and most loyal?” It should be noted that all animals are quite intelligent, but some breeds cope with certain tasks better than others. In our article we want to find out which dogs are the most trainable and reliable. What is the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence?

Border Collie

According to the largest organization of dog breeders in the United States, which ranked dogs by intelligence, the Border Collie breed, bred in Great Britain, took first place. These animals have serious mental abilities and a desire to serve humans. According to many independent surveys, this breed is leading the list.

She was bred in England by selecting the best specimens from which new puppies were obtained. The border collie was supposed to herd animals, so the dogs were taught to be hardy and unpretentious in food, attentive, able to learn quickly, remembering everything new on the fly. The breed was officially registered in 1915, although it was known about it back in the 18th century.

The Border Collie is very wary of strangers, but does not show aggression. But with her owners she is playful, sensitive and attentive. The collie dog, whose characteristics are given in the article, is distinguished by obedience, which means it is very easy to train. Puppies begin to be trained at eight months. And after a year and a half to two years, the dog will easily carry out all your commands. This is probably why the border collie is recognized best dog for all competitions. It is quite easy to prepare it for exhibition, agility, freestyle, flyball. Obedience makes it possible to use representatives of this breed to help rescue groups.

Habits of the smartest dogs

The Border Collie has a rare work ethic. She likes an active lifestyle. Dogs willingly perform at exhibitions and can herd sheep. Because of this thirst for activity, the Border Collie is not recommended to be kept in an apartment, since it constantly needs to engage in physical and mental labor.

Dogs of this breed are very playful and cheerful; from a very young age they need company, and therefore they need to devote enough time. They may be wary of strangers until they become friends. But sometimes they can show some aggressiveness towards their relatives, but only at first.

When it comes to mental abilities, the Border Collie tops the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence. At a young age, animals can allow themselves to be pampered; as they mature, they behave like smart, calm creatures. This makes them excellent companions.

In general, when thinking about what breed of dog to get, be sure to think about the border collie. A friendly, active, cheerful, intelligent animal will become the most wonderful friend of the whole family. Since the dog loves communication, you won’t be bored with it. She will not sit still, looking for new entertainment and work. In addition, the Border Collie is distinguished by its devoted attitude towards its owners.

Representatives of this breed can have both long and short hair of medium hardness. It protects the animal well from bad weather and almost does not absorb bad smells. Therefore, contrary to what many people think, caring for an animal is not as difficult as it might seem. The dog just needs to be brushed several times a week. But training must be approached with all seriousness, starting as early as possible.


The rating of dogs by intelligence can surprise inexperienced dog breeders with its representatives. Who do you think takes second place in it? Very unexpected, but this is a poodle. It turns out that these are very smart dogs. They are capable of not only performing circus programs (although not all dogs can do this), but also many other actions. For example, poodles are excellent swimmers and can save a drowning person. quite a lot: there are small and large. There are even hunting poodles that help their owners during bird hunting. Therefore, it should be noted that it was not by chance that they ended up in second place in the ranking.

Since childhood, we have somehow become accustomed to the fact that a poodle is such a curly-haired, funny baby. And in fact major representatives breeds are excellent protectors of their owners, so you should not treat them with disdain.

There is an opinion that the poodle is a female dog, but this is not entirely true. This is a beautiful, athletic, active animal, proud and strong. This breed has become one of the most popular in the world. Meanwhile, poodles have a long history. Although they are the national breed of France, their roots go back to Northern Europe. They were once exclusively hunting dogs.

Poodles come in four sizes. The largest representatives are capable of protecting their owner, but you should not take such a dog as a guard, since poodles are very good-natured creatures and will never attack the enemy themselves. In addition, the animal needs to pay a lot of attention; it needs your praise and affection.

A large poodle should certainly undergo a dog training course; its extraordinary abilities will find worthy use. Even toy breeds don't want to just sit on your hands. They need active leisure. They love long walks. It is important for them that the owner is near them. Poodles are always ready to fool around and play. If you take care of your dog and give it due attention, it will bring a lot of joy and fun to your family.

German Shepherd

Continuing to discuss the ranking of dogs by intelligence, it should be noted that the third place in it is occupied by the German Shepherd. There are many guesses about the origin of this breed, but the truth is lost somewhere in the mists of time. However, it is known for certain that in the seventh century AD such a dog already existed in Germany.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and devoted to people, so they rightfully took their rightful place in the list of the smartest dogs. Shepherd dogs are perfect for the role of guards, unlike soft and good-natured poodles. It’s not for nothing that the police use this particular breed of dog as assistants.

I would like to note that on the territory of the USSR in the service internal organs and there were no border guards simple dog- East European Shepherd. It was bred in the thirties specifically as service breed for the army and the needs of the national economy. The ancestor of the breed was the German Shepherd, imported from Germany.

In general, these animals are among the most trainable and intelligent, but they definitely need to be exercised. German Shepherd training should begin at a very young age. This is not an easy process, but there is no way to do without it. This will require great patience and firmness. However, under no circumstances should you be cruel, otherwise the dog may become disobedient.

There is a stereotype of aggressiveness regarding shepherd dogs. But this is a wrong judgment. Such behavior in an animal can be formed under the influence of improper upbringing. The German Shepherd will certainly protect its owners and be distrustful of strangers, but by its nature it is non-aggressive.

Golden retriever

When ranking dog breeds by intelligence, experts gave the golden retriever an honorable fourth place.

He has a calm, sometimes even too imposing character. The character of the animal perfectly combines such traits as sensitivity, calmness, and the ability to easily learn new knowledge and skills. During the training process, dogs show exceptional hard work and efficiency. The animal is always ready to help and gets along well with children. In addition, the Golden Retriever is completely non-aggressive towards strangers and animals.

Very often, representatives of this breed are used as guides for blind people and in medicinal purposes. This dog is great for children with psychological problems. Training a retriever usually does not cause any problems at all. Dogs are excellent swimmers and also love water. They take root well both in apartments and in private houses. Life expectancy ranges from twelve to fourteen years.

Doberman pinscher

Dobermans, shorthair service dogs, which were bred in Germany, take fifth place in the ranking of the smartest dogs.

Representatives of the breed are extraordinary individuals who need not only good care, but also in a healthy family climate. They can reveal all their potential abilities only in patient and smart hands. Dobermans are very smart, but need good training, otherwise they may simply become uncontrollable. Training is a mandatory element of education, otherwise a remarkable mind can only work towards mischief and mischief. This breed of dog can protect its owner if necessary.

Scottish Sheepdog or Sheltie

Among the huge variety of Tervurens, Malinois, Groenendaels) I would like to highlight the Sheltie. It is essentially a miniature collie. Those who have long wanted a collie and were hesitant to get one because of their size should consider a Scottish Sheepdog. It should be noted that the animal is not only very beautiful, but also capable. Sheltie is distrustful of strangers, she does not like the obsessive desire to scratch her behind the ear. The Scottish Shepherd is highly trainable.

Labrador Retriever

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the dog breed Labrador and Retriever are two completely different types. In fact, they are the same animal. The breed was bred for hunting. However, the creature turned out to be playful, perky, and loving. Therefore, representatives of the breed have become ideal family dogs all over the world. Labrador Retrievers love to walk, play and frolic. They are ready to engage in active entertainment all day long. Such a dog is suitable for any family; the only condition for keeping it is sufficient time for walks. The Labrador's character is so flexible that even a ten-year-old child can cope with his upbringing.


Eighth place in the list of the smartest dogs is the Papillon. This breed has a regal history, as ancestors modern look were favorites at the royal court. Not every breed can boast of such a past.

Papillon, a descendant, originated in the fourteenth century, and France and Belgium are considered its homeland. Distinctive feature This species has beautiful ears, similar to the wings of butterflies. The breed owes its colorful past at court primarily to its intelligence.


The Rottweiler rightfully ranks ninth among the smartest animals. Dogs of this breed are distinguished not only by their power and strength, but also by their balance of character.

Rottweilers are very hardy, they love to work, they are always energetic and full of strength. They are devoted protectors of their owners. Typically, dogs tend to form very close relationships with only one family member.

Rottweilers are courageous and confident. But a timid person is absolutely not suitable for them as an owner, because in raising an animal they will need firmness and confidence. With a good trainer, Rottweilers learn everything they need very quickly, but they definitely need training and firm discipline. They need a lot of space to play because they have a lot of energy. An important quality The Rottweiler is able to get along with even the smallest children.

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd rounds out the top ten smartest dogs. It was bred artificially in America in the twentieth century. It has not been established exactly what breeds were mixed, but the experiments were so successful that nowadays people all over the world enjoy the company of a devoted and reliable friend.

Continuation of the list of the smartest dogs

Further on the list of the smartest dogs there are sixteen more representatives. All of them have good performance characteristics. Learning different commands occurs in five to fifteen repetitions. Dogs quickly remember everything new, but they can only improve their results practical lessons. So, the list continues with the following breeds:

  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
  • Miniature Schnauzer.
  • Springer Spaniel (English).
  • Belgian Shepherd Tervuren.
  • Groenendael.
  • Collie.
  • The shorthaired pointer is a hunting dog and companion.
  • Cocker Spaniel (English).
  • Epagnole Breton.
  • Belgian Shepherd Malinois.
  • Pomeranian Spitz.
  • Irish Spaniel.
  • Hungarian pointer.
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

Perhaps all the breeds we have listed are distinguished by excellent mental abilities. It’s not for nothing that many of them have gained popularity all over the world. Of course, many breeds have long lost their true purpose, such as the Belgian Malinois and many others, and are now simply wonderful pets and just friends of humans.

Each breed has its own history, and some types have been formed over centuries, acquiring the best performance characteristics. However, it should be noted that times change, and the requirements for dogs change. If, for example, strong, hardy animals were previously valued, like the shorthaired pointer - a hardy and athletic dog, now completely miniature salon dogs have come into fashion, requiring increased attention.

Perhaps many will not agree with the presented ranking of the smartest dogs and they will be right, since for every owner his four-legged friend is the smartest and most talented.

And those who are just thinking about getting a pet should definitely think about what kind of dog you want to have next to you. It's no secret that everyone wants to get smart pet who will become a real member of the family. However, you should understand that any dog ​​will require a lot of attention from you. In order for an animal to show all its abilities, it is necessary to regularly train it and surround it with care.

In 1994, in Vancouver, Canadian professor Stanley Coren published the publication “The Intelligence of Dogs” (literally: canine intelligence).
The work immediately took a leading position among its analogues, and is currently published around the world in 26 languages, except Russian.
In his book, the professor identifies the main components of canine intelligence: intelligence based on instincts, intelligence of adaptation, and intelligence of obedience.
Intelligence based on instincts allows the dog to perform its tasks automatically, that is, according to the set of genes that were inherited to it (security functions, detective functions, herding, and so on). Adaptation intelligence helps an animal adapt to external factors using your powers. And the most distinctive is obedience intelligence, which shows the dog's receptivity to learning and understanding human commands. It was obedience that Stanley Coren took as the main criterion in the ranking of the smartest dogs. The author made this conclusion based on a survey of American and Canadian professional trainers. However, the professor admits that the reliability of his determination of the intelligence of dogs different breeds, influenced by various factors. That is, it cannot be said that one breed is definitely smarter than another: they are in different conditions, and different qualities are required of them (for example, domestic and hunting dogs). And also, the author points out that modern breeds They learn easier and faster than ancient breeds, since their genes are closer to those of wild wolves. That's why oldest breed— the Afghan hound is in last place in the ranking.
The writer divided the breeds into groups based on their ability to assimilate and execute the trainer’s commands.

The first group with the lowest learning ability included the following breeds: English bulldog, Shih Tzu, Pekingese, Afghan hound, Basenji, beagle, bloodhound, mastiff, chow chow, basset hound, Russian greyhound. To master the command, these dogs needed more than 80 repetitions; the execution of the order was about 25% immediately.
TO next group Koren classified dog breeds with training abilities below the average level: Lhasa Apso, Lakeland Terrier, Bullmastiff, Chihuahua, Bull Terrier, Pug, Tibetan Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Pyrenees mountain dog, Chinese Crested Dog, Maltese, Vendean Basset Griffon, Japanese Chin, Brussels Griffon, St. Bernard, Scotch Terrier, French Bulldog, Italian Greyhound, Norfolk Terrier, Skye Terrier, Bobtail, Sealyham Terrier. To master the command, it took from 40 to 80 repetitions. They occupy from 69 to 55 places in the ranking.
In positions 54 - 40 there were breeds with average training abilities: a new command took from 25 to 40 repetitions, execution of the order the first time was about 50% or more. These breeds include: Wire Fox Terrier, Shar Pei, Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Whippet, Boxer, Alaskan Malamute, Scottish Deerhound, Kuvasz, Dachshund, Great Dane, Greyhound, Otterhound, Irish wolfhound, Siberian Husky, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Black and Tan Coonhound, Drahthaar, Australian Shepherd, Boston Terrier, English Foxhound, West Highland White Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Curly Coated Retriever, Corthals Griffon, Akita Inu, American Foxhound, Ibizan Dog, Bichon Frize, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Bedlington Terrier Pointer, Tibetan Spaniel, American Water Spaniel, Saluki, Finnish Spitz, Welsh Terrier, Fox Terrier, Irish Terrier.
At the next level, from 39th to 27th place, there are breeds with aptitude for training, higher average norm: a new command took 15-20 repetitions,
order fulfillment the first time was more than 70%. These include: Newfoundland, Dalmatian, Norwegian Elkhound, Irish Setter, Norwich Australian Terrier, Field Spaniel, Kerry Blue Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Manchester Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Briard, Puli, Terrier, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Cairn -terrier, Samoyed dog, English Setter, miniature pinscher, Border Terrier, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Clumber Spaniel, Gordon Setter, Pharaoh Hound, Bouvier des Flanders, Australian Silky Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Affenpinscher, Bearded Collie, Giant Schnauzer.
At the next level: (from 26th to 11th place) there were breeds with excellent training abilities: it took from 5 to 15 repetitions to master a new command, and the performance the first time exceeded 85%.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi 26th

Hungarian Vizsla 25th

Irish Water Spaniel 24th

Bernese Mountain Dog-22,

And Belgian Shepherd (Malinois)-22

According to the professor, these smart people include the border collie, which is confirmed by a dog of this breed named Rico. For the first time, this dog not only remembered more than two hundred human words, but also knew their meaning. The Rico phenomenon was studied by scientists in Leipzig at the Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology. The results were amazing: the dog took independent decisions, had an excellent memory and remembered all the commands and words, even after stopping research.
Here is one example of research. Rico, at the request of the owners, found both his toys and other people's objects, being in different rooms. According to the owners, the dog understood the description of both his own and someone else’s object and brought it. Experts concluded that mental development dogs corresponded to the development of a child in the first years of life, when language learning skills are laid.