Boric acid solution for eyes. How to properly use boric acid to wash your eyes? Boric acid for eyes

Rather, it is now used for conjunctivitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Despite concerns, it is allowed to use this drug to wash the eyes. They treat the eyelid cavity and eyeball in inflammatory processes.

Action of the drug

This drug is characterized by an antibacterial and antifungal effect, and also has an insecticidal effect.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! This component breaks down proteins at the cellular level and changes the isolation of these microelements. Perfectly absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes.

Boric acid is easily absorbed into most tissues internal organs person and accumulates in them. It leaves the body very slowly, for example, half of the taken solution is excreted through the kidneys after 12 hours, and the remaining portion is released within a week.

Indications for use

Since the mucous membranes are characterized by increased irritability, ophthalmologists recommend using only an aqueous solution.

This drug is useful for conjunctivitis, but it can be instilled at home only after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

If 1-2 drops are instilled into one eye, the inflammation subsides after 2-3 days. In this case, the drug can be used until complete cure.

Which is better: solution or eye drops?

It would seem that the answer to such a banal question is clear - of course, eye drops. But there are times when the use folk remedies, and boric acid preparation, among others, is quite appropriate.

In case of inflammation of the inner cavity of the eyelid, a solution of boric acid can be used with greater effect than with the use of some eye drops.

Essence cost

"Okapin" - eye drops, is now a very popular solution, it is advertised on the Internet, in the media and even at the fair.

But in order to purchase a real drug and not a fake, pharmacists recommend going to the official website of ApiFitofarm. There, a 10 ml bottle costs 640 rubles.

The price is high, but there is Alternative option– these are zinc sulfate eye drops. In addition to the above-mentioned online pharmacy website, this solution is available in pharmacies and on other official resources, such as,

It is available in a 5 ml dropper tube and its price starts from 160 rubles, depending on the concentration. Typically, eye drops are sold in dosages of 0.1, 0.25 or 0.5% zinc sulfate and 2% boric acid.

Instructions for use


First, let's look at how to dilute the composition:

  1. To obtain a two percent acid solution for the eyes, you first need to prepare a vial, preferably with weighted strokes applied. First, wash and rinse it.
  2. Place 2.4 grams of boric acid in a measuring bottle and pour 120 ml of boiling water into it. Mix this mixture thoroughly.
  3. Then you should strain the solution through cotton wool or a multi-layer gauze bandage.
  4. Pour into another prepared (sterile) vial and cap tightly. Store on the top shelf in the refrigerator.

When using such a drug, this procedure is carried out by placing a piece of cotton wool soaked in the solution on closed eyelids, while using a piece of swab for each eye.

Selection of ready-made medicines

- antiseptic substance. And together with “Zinc sulfate”, which is used in eye drops, this product is absorbed in the smallest proportions.

And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the eye and does not cause side effects, which could be possible with the separate use of these solutions.

IMPORTANT! These eye drops are effective and promote faster recovery.

Can it be cleaned for children?

To date, there are no data on ongoing trials in children under eighteen years of age. In this regard, ophthalmologists have no right to recommend this drug for treatment in this age group, since due to their unformed organism, the possible occurrence of a toxic reaction is increased.

Before use, adult patients must:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then treat with an antiseptic.
  2. Then carefully open the tube according to the enclosed instructions.
  3. Put on the dispenser attachment and drop one or two drops into the outer corner of the eye. To do this, the head should be thrown back and tilted to the side so that the drops flow to the inside of the eye, while the lower eyelid is pulled back.

The solution is applied with a break of 12 hours in the morning and evening. You can store it in an open tube for two weeks.

Duration of treatment

For conjunctivitis, the drug promotes recovery if:

  • lacrimation;
  • purulent discharge;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

The duration of treatment depends on nature of the disease, As a rule, therapy lasts 7 days. It should be borne in mind that the treatment is strictly professional. When prescribing drops, the ophthalmologist takes into account their properties.

Side effects

It is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • elevated temperature.

In special cases it happens:

  • changes in the central nervous system;
  • pain inside;
  • rash;
  • convulsions.

Disease Prevention

Many people develop eye diseases during their lifetime. This means that most problems can be avoided with the help of preventive measures.

To do this you need:

  1. Have regular medical examinations with an ophthalmologist. They identify all eye diseases on early stage, which will prevent its development in a timely manner.
  2. Smart nutrition. You need to consume foods that have a beneficial effect on eye health. It is necessary to include in the diet foods that contain vitamins A, C and E.
  3. Keep your figure in shape. It's no secret that excess weight has an adverse effect on the quality of vision, since in this condition a person experiences increased pressure on the vessels that supply blood to the eyes. And if you take into account that they are too thin, then, accordingly, they can be easily damaged.

In addition to those mentioned, there are several more mandatory conditions for prevention eye diseases, namely:

  • timely rest;
  • use of sunglasses;
  • to give up smoking.

If you follow these simple preventive measures, you can prevent many eye diseases, and if they occur, you can successfully slow down their development. Take care of your eyesight.

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Part solution included boric acid at a concentration of 5, 10, 20 or 30 g/l, as well as 70% ethyl alcohol in a volume of up to 1 l.

Boric acid powder- this is 100% active ingredient.

Release form

Alcohol solution for external and local application 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%. It has the appearance of a transparent liquid without color and with a characteristic alcoholic odor.

Powder for external use 2, 10, 20 and 25 g. Represents crystalline substance or greasy to the touch, shiny scales.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

It provokes the coagulation of microbial cell proteins and disrupts cellular permeability.

Absorbed through mucous membranes, wound surfaces, damaged skin, as well as through enteral administration. Penetrates into many tissues and organs and can accumulate in them.

Elimination occurs slowly (with regular use, boric acid accumulates). About half of the substance is excreted in the urine within 12 hours, the remaining amount is excreted within 5-7 days.

A five percent aqueous solution inhibits phagocytosis, a solution with a concentration of 2-4% retards the growth and development of microorganisms.

The product has an irritating effect on granulation tissues and mucous membranes. When absorbed, it provokes the development of systemic toxic effects. There are descriptions of deaths caused by the use of boric acid on damaged skin and accidental ingestion of the product.

Upon re-entry children's body- after breastfeeding, if the breast was previously treated with a solution of boric acid - violations are possible functional state kidney, hypotension And .

Indications for use: what is Boric acid used for?

Application alcohol solution indicated for the treatment of ears (in particular, the remedy is used for otitis - acute or chronic), diaper rash, (including getting wet), pyoderma , .

Application Boric acid powder appropriate when skin diseases and ear diseases. In addition, the powder is used to prepare an aqueous solution, which is used to wash the eyes when conjunctivitis (prepared according to an extemporaneous recipe - immediately before use).


In pediatrics, it is prescribed to children over one year of age.

Restrictions for use are:

  • extensive area of ​​skin surface damage;
  • lactation (during treatment, the woman should stop breastfeeding).

Side effects

Side effects associated with the use of Boric acid are expressed in the form of symptoms of acute and chronic intoxication:

  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • skin rashes;
  • headache;
  • confusion;
  • desquamation (scaly peeling) of the epithelium ;
  • reducing the volume of urine output ( oliguria );
  • development state of shock (rarely).

Boric acid: instructions for use

Instructions for use of Boric acid

At dermatitis And weeping eczema they use lotions using a 3% aqueous solution, which is prepared from powder according to an extemporaneous recipe (i.e. immediately before use, in Latin - extempore).

In ophthalmology for cavity rinsing conjunctival sac eyes a two percent solution is used.

In gynecology, the powder is used for disinfectant douching of the vagina. To do this, a tablespoon of Boric acid is diluted in a liter of warm water (optimal temperature 37-40 degrees Celsius).

During the procedure, the woman should lie with her knees bent and legs apart on a bed or couch. Esmarch's mug is filled with the required volume of liquid and hung so that it is approximately 75 cm above the level of the vagina (this will ensure a weak flow of liquid during douching).

After the air has been released from the tube, insert the tip into the vagina to a depth of 5-6 cm and open the clamp.

For greater effectiveness, you should remain in a lying position for some time after the procedure. Initially, douching is carried out twice a day - in the morning and at night. evening hours, as the patient’s condition improves, the number of procedures is gradually reduced: first to 1 per day, then to 3, 2 and 1 per week.

An alcohol solution, according to the instructions, is prescribed for treating the affected eczema or pyoderma skin, as well as - in the form of drops or turundas soaked in a solution - when otitis . The course duration is usually 3-5 days.

How to dilute Boric acid?

To prepare an aqueous solution, use 3 grams of Boric acid in powder and 4-5 tablespoons of hot boiled water.

When the medicine has cooled to room temperature, soak a gauze pad with it and cover the affected area of ​​skin.

Application of Boric acid in the ear

For the ears Boric acid in powder is used for insufflations (infusions) after surgical treatment middle ear diseases.

Before treating the ear, it is necessary to clean the ear canal and the outer part of the ear from earwax and dirt with a piece soaked in a 3% solution bandage or cotton swab.

It is also possible to simply inject a few drops of peroxide into the ear and gently rub at the base of the tragus. auricle and, turning the patient’s head to one side, remove all discharge from it.

Before instilling a solution of Boric acid into the ear, it must first be warmed to body temperature. The patient's head is placed with the affected ear up, and then 3-4 drops of medicine are injected into the ear canal with a pipette. In order for the drug to be evenly distributed in the ear, you need to lie with your ear up for 10 minutes.

The remaining solution is removed from the outer part of the ear with a dry cotton swab. If necessary, Boric acid is also instilled into the other ear.

During the day, the procedure is repeated 3 to 5 times. The course usually lasts no more than 1 week and sometimes, according to indications, treatment is supplemented with prescription antibacterial agents for local use. The latter are instilled into the ear canal an hour after the boric acid solution is introduced into the ear.

In some situations, to prolong the effect of the drug, the doctor may recommend placing gauze flagella (turundas) soaked in a solution in the ear at night.

Use of Boric Acid for Acne

To disinfect pores, remove blackheads and excess sebum, you need to apply the solution to a cotton swab twice a day and wipe the problem areas with it.

Girls who used Boric acid from acne , - reviews and photographs are convincing confirmation - they note that in the first days the skin condition often worsens, but after 5-7 days of regular use, the face noticeably cleanses, and the skin becomes more even and smooth.

When quantity acne and blackheads will decrease, you can switch to one-time wiping of the skin, targeted use of the solution.

The product is suitable for systematic care, since there is no effect of skin getting used to Boric acid.

For the face, the solution can be used as in pure form, and as part of “talkers”. One of the most beloved by cosmetologists is “chatter” based on (2 g), Bornoy And (2 g each), 95% alcohol (up to 100 ml).

To prepare another “chatter” for the face with problem skin, you should mix purified sulfur and (7 g each) s Salicilova And Boric acid (50 ml each).

Why is Boric acid used in folk medicine?

The use of Boric acid in traditional medicine is indicated for otitis , conjunctivitis and a number of skin diseases. IN folk medicine the drug is also used as a remedy for sweaty feet and to treat pityriasis versicolor .

Treatment pityriasis versicolor or multicolored (beach) lichen carry out a ten-day course, lubricating the affected areas of the skin twice a day with a solution of boric acid powder.

To prepare the medicine, pour 1 teaspoon of powder into a glass of hot water and dissolve it until the solution is completely saturated (until the powder stops diluting and crystals fall out).

At hyperhidrosis boric acid powder is generously sprinkled on the fingers and soles of the feet. To wash away the remaining crystals, wash your feet every evening. warm water. For elimination unpleasant odor Usually 2 weeks of regular use of the drug is enough.

Why is boric acid needed in everyday life and industry?

Wikipedia states that the uses of boric acid are very diverse.

IN agriculture it is used as a fertilizer (boron fertilizer is especially valuable for grapes), as well as for spraying tomatoes and a number of other crops.

In laboratories, the substance is used to prepare buffer solutions, in nuclear reactors- as a neutron absorber dissolved in a coolant, in photography - as part of solutions and gels for developing and fixing a photographic image, in Food Industry in some countries - as a preservative E284.

In foundries, boric acid acts as a binder in the acid lining of furnaces, and also protects against jet oxidation when casting magnesium-based alloys. Jewelers add it to soldering fluxes.

At home boric acid used to kill cockroaches and ants. In addition, it is used for fishing: mixed with bread and thrown to fish for feeding. According to fishermen, the fish “get drunk” from such a treat and float to the surface.


To date, no cases of overdose have been observed with external use.

Acute poisoning due to accidental ingestion of Boric acid is accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • depression of the central nervous system and circulatory system;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • diarrhea ;
  • erythematous rash ;
  • shock and development .

Within 5-7 weeks there is a possibility of death.

Symptoms of chronic intoxication are:

  • exhaustion;
  • local tissue swelling;
  • disorders of the menstrual bleeding cycle;
  • anemia ;
  • convulsions .

The patient is shown symptomatic treatment, hemo- And peritoneal dialysis , blood transfusion.

A dose of 5 to 20 g is lethal for an adult. Such a wide range is due to the fact that the substance is excreted from the body by the kidneys. Consequently, the better this paired organ works, the easier a person will tolerate poisoning.

Since kidney function in children is relatively underdeveloped (and the younger the child’s age, the more pronounced this underdevelopment), boric acid is most dangerous for children younger age and, in particular, for newborn babies.


Cases drug interactions for external use are not described.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

The optimal temperature for storing Boric acid is considered to be from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The substance is toxic, so it should be stored out of the reach of children.

Best before date

special instructions

What is boric acid?

Boric or orthoboric acid, in accordance with the value of its dissociation constant, is a weak acid. Acid properties are determined not by the abstraction of the H+ proton, but by the addition of the hydroxide anion.

Boric acid is easily replaced by most other acids from solutions of their salts (borates). Salts are produced, as a rule, from polyboric acids, the acid properties of which are much more pronounced (for example, tetraboric acid H2B4O7).

The formula of the substance is H₃BO₃. The name in Latin is Acidum boricum.

Use of Boric acid in gardening

Boric acid has found wide use in vegetable gardens and gardens as a microfertilizer for a wide variety of crops.

The use of boron preparations in gardening and horticulture for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, basic application to the soil before planting seed, spraying and foliar feeding of plants during the growing season helps to improve the nutrition of the ovaries and increases the flow of sugars to the sexual reproductive organs of plants.

Dicotyledonous plants, which include almost all fruit and vegetable crops, absorb 10 times more boron than cereals, which belong to the class of monocotyledonous plants. Largest quantity microelement accumulates in the pulp of apples.

The most sensitive to boron deficiency are grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, fodder root crops, pears, apple trees, and sugar beets. If its supply is insufficient, the growth point is suppressed, the internodes are shortened, the fragility of the leaf petioles increases, the tubers grow small and some crack, the growing point of the stem in tomatoes turns black and the fruits become covered with brown spots of dead tissue, fruit necrosis develops on apple trees and pears.

The effectiveness of using boron as a fertilizer for plants is highest on sod-podzolic and peat soils.

Spraying tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, and cabbage with boric acid helps increase the ovary and stimulates the formation of new growth points, increases the concentration of vitamins in fruits and increases the resistance of crops to adverse meteorological conditions.

Feeding tomatoes and strawberries (as well as a number of other fruits, berries and vegetables) with boric acid can reduce the likelihood of diseases associated with boron deficiency (including hollow stems and red/brown rot in cauliflower; heart rot, scab and cork tissue in root crops, scab on root crops).

How to spray grapes and other fruit and berry plants? The greatest increase in yield can be achieved by spraying twice: during the period of bud setting and during flowering.

For treatment, use a solution of boric acid (5-10 g) and zinc sulfate (5 g). Even a one-time procedure before flowering can increase plant productivity by 20-36%. The addition of boric acid mixed with superphosphate during the softening period of the berries helps to increase the sugar in the berries and improve their taste.

Boric acid for ants and cockroaches

Boric acid for cockroaches is used in several ways. Each of them is based on the fact that the insect will eat the substance. When a cockroach enters the body, boric acid provokes dehydration. Death after contact with the powder or eating bait occurs within 1-3 days (the poison acts most quickly on young individuals).

Most often, the product is simply sprinkled on all baseboards in the house, as well as other places where insects may appear. If you succeed, you can sprinkle the powder on the cockroach: when it returns to the nest, it will “infect” its other relatives.

The correct way to use the powder involves spraying it in a thin layer through a special spray bottle or bottle.

If using a plastic bottle with a flat cap, add a few small coins to the powder (they will loosen the product each time you shake the bottle), then cut a small hole in the cap. Use rubber gloves when spraying the product.

Having closed the hole in the cork with your fingers, you need to shake the bottle several times (a mist of powder will float inside). Now you can remove your finger from the hole and lightly squeeze the bottle so that the powder particles from the bottle are sprayed over the surface to be treated. All crevices, cracks and baseboards need to be treated (especially in the bathroom and kitchen), as well as the area around the sink and refrigerator.

Another popular recipe against cockroaches involves the use of powder (50 g) with 1 yolk chicken egg. Balls are formed from the resulting mixture, which are then laid out in the favorite habitats of cockroaches.

In addition, you can fight cockroaches by placing them near the baseboards. water pipes and cardboard batteries, sprinkled with a mixture of boric acid and flour. It is very important that insects do not have a chance to get to the water: unlike ants, cockroaches cannot do without water. To do this, you should thoroughly wipe the sinks at night and tighten all the taps well.

Boric acid affects ants at a level nervous system. After absorption in the intestines of insects, the substance begins to spread along their peripheral nerves and seriously disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. After a few hours, disturbances lead to paralysis and then death of the ant.

Grains of the product cling to the legs of insects and thus end up in the anthill. That is, an ant that runs through a scattering of boric acid not only becomes infected itself, but also infects those ants that do not leave the colony.

Precautionary measures

Boric acid should not be used to wash mucous membranes, as this can lead to the death of the patient.

You should know that the minimum concentration at which it manifests itself antimicrobial effect Boric acid is a concentration of 2%, while others antiseptics show activity already at a concentration of 0.005-0.1% ( — 0,005%, — 0,05%, Furacillin — 0,01%, — 0,1%).

Boric acid is tasteless and odorless and does not have an irritating effect, but it is a general cellular poison. It is relatively harmless to humans only due to its high stability in the body.

If 1 drop of a two percent solution contains 1 mg of boric acid, then when 2 drops of the medicine are instilled into both eyes 5 times a day, the child will receive a toxic dose of the substance within 10 days of treatment.

Use during pregnancy

Boric acid is contraindicated during pregnancy. Even a single intake of a non-toxic dose of a substance into the mother’s body can provoke pathological changes in the fetus.

Almost every family has a standard pharmacy kit for quick assistance in case of injuries and illnesses. Usually it includes such well-known products as hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine. Not inferior to them in popularity, it has long been used in medicine as an excellent bactericidal and disinfectant.

When applied to the skin, this product accumulates in its upper layer, destroying various bacteria and preventing them further development and distribution. Despite its apparent simplicity, boric acid, like any other medicinal drug, requires a thoughtful approach and compliance with the instructions for use.

Application of boric acid

The composition of this product is quite simple: borax and sulfuric acid. In its original form, it is a fine white or transparent powder that must be diluted before use. Pharmacies also sell a ready-made solution or ointment. Certainly, the use of such means is much more convenient and safer, since you need to be very careful when diluting the powder yourself. If the correct proportions are not observed, there is a high probability of getting chemical burn. The ready-made diluted product, sold in pharmacies, comes in different concentrations from 0.5 to 3%, but doctors, as a rule, prescribe the most strong solution boric acid.

Indications for use

Boric acid can cope with many unpleasant diseases:

This product is also widely used in cosmetology. For example, skin care for hyperhidrosis is carried out using lotions with the addition of boric acid.

There are not many contraindications to the use of this remedy. You should refrain from using it in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under one year of age;
  • skin ulcers and open wounds;
  • impaired kidney function;
  • allergy to the drug.

Boric acid should not be applied to very large areas. skin , otherwise an overdose may occur. Symptoms may include performance problems gastrointestinal tract: nausea, loose stool, vomit. There may also be a rash, seizures, headache, sometimes shock. If you use boric acid for too long, you can develop eczema, stomatitis, swelling and anemia. In women in such cases, violations are also possible menstrual cycle. But you can avoid all unpleasant symptoms if you follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Treatment of conjunctivitis with boric acid

For the eyes, you can use only an aqueous solution of the drug, since their membrane is very sensitive. There are two ways to use boric acid to treat conjunctivitis.

  1. The aqueous solution is instilled into each eye, 2 drops. The unpleasant symptoms of the disease subside after 2-3 days, but treatment should be continued until complete recovery.
  2. For this method, it is better to make the solution yourself. One teaspoon of boric acid powder is diluted in 300 ml of pure distilled or boiled water at room temperature. You need to lower your face into this solution so that your eyes are completely immersed in the liquid. Then you should blink several times. Such washing helps not only with conjunctivitis, but also with inflammation of the retina. Please note that before each procedure you need to prepare a fresh solution.

Before treating your eyes with boric acid, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The drug will help get rid of conjunctivitis only with the parallel use of antibiotics. By her own boric acid can only temporarily relieve symptoms, therefore, it is imperative to develop a complete treatment regimen with your doctor.

Treatment of ear inflammation

Many of us are familiar with otitis media. Pain in the ears terribly interferes with life, it is comparable only to toothache. When lumbago occurs in the ear canal, you want to get rid of these sensations as soon as possible. Boric acid will quickly help with this, as it has a double effect in case of ear inflammation: it not only destroys bacteria, but also warms up the affected area. Used to treat otitis media alcohol solution drug. It can be used in two different ways.

Before using boric acid to treat ears, be sure to consult with an otolaryngologist. Otherwise, the condition may worsen.

Treatment of skin diseases

To treat various dermatitis and eczema, a 3% aqueous solution of boric acid is used. To prepare it, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of powder in 80-90 ml of boiling water, mix thoroughly and cool. When the solution has cooled to room temperature, moisten clean gauze with it and place this lotion on the affected part of the skin. It should be remembered that similar treatment Suitable only for small areas of the body. In case of extensive lesions, you should definitely discuss other methods with your doctor.

Besides treatment dermatitis, boric acid has proven itself in cosmetology as excellent remedy to get rid of acne. Using it for this purpose is very simple. You need to moisten a cotton pad with an alcohol solution of boric acid and wipe those areas of the face or body that are affected by acne. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once a day, before bedtime. In the first days of use, the number of acne may increase. This is absolutely normal in this situation.

After a few days of regular use of the solution, it will remove inflammation, dry the skin, reduce its oiliness, and thanks to all this, very quickly get rid of the unpleasant problem of acne. After treatment, you can sometimes use boric acid for preventive washing.

Treatment for nail and foot fungus

Strictly speaking, boric acid is not an antifungal agent. But thanks to its properties it very effective fights this disease. The simplest treatment method is baths. To prepare them, you need to dilute 2-3 teaspoons of boric acid powder in a tolerant amount. hot water. The amount of solution should be such that it is enough to cover all affected areas on the feet. Soak your feet in this bath for 20 minutes and then dry them with a clean towel. The procedure must be repeated every three days.

Use of boric acid in everyday life

Besides the beautiful medicinal properties, boric acid helps get rid of the most unpleasant everyday problems. For example, it can be indispensable in the fight against insects.

  1. To get rid of cockroaches, there is a long-proven method - poison, which includes boric acid. To make it, raw egg yolk is mixed with 50 grams of the drug powder, then you need to roll small balls from the resulting mass and place them in the corners. At the same time, we should not forget about safety: when preparing the poison, you need to wear gloves so that there is no contact with the skin, and after laying out the balls, you need to remove pets from the room. Otherwise they may get poisoned.
  2. Boric acid will also quickly and easily serve as your ally in the fight against ants. To get rid of these almost indestructible insects, you need to mix the powder of the drug with a product to which they are especially partial. It can be minced meat or fish, mashed potatoes, eggs. As in the case of baiting cockroaches, you need to make balls from the resulting mixture and place them around the apartment. You can also simply spray the room with an aqueous solution of boric acid. When processing, do not forget to isolate the room from animals and small children.

As you can see, boric acid is a tool worth having on hand. It is inexpensive, the cost of the powder is about 40 rubles, and the alcohol solution will cost about 100 rubles. At the same time, the shelf life of boric acid is 3 years, which allows you to keep it in your medicine cabinet for quite a long time. This inexpensive and simple remedy can repeatedly provide you with invaluable assistance in various situations.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of boric acid make it possible to use it to eliminate the inflammatory process of the organs of vision. The drug should be used in the form of an aqueous solution, which will avoid complications. The substance is sold in the form of a white crystalline powder at any pharmacy. But before you use it, you need to know how to dilute boric acid to treat eye inflammation without negative consequences for good health. The main indications for use are conjunctivitis and inflammatory process inner cavity of the eyelid. The drug is effective in eliminating: excessive lacrimation; purulent discharge; hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Boric acid can be used to wash a child’s eyes only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. To prepare a medicinal aqueous solution you will need: a sterile container; boric acid - 2.4 g; boiled water - 120 ml; filter made of multilayer gauze. Pour the crystalline substance into water, shake the tube until completely dissolved. Pass the resulting liquid through a filter. In this form it can be used for its intended purpose. Storage duration: 10 days in the refrigerator. The principle of the procedure: moisten a cotton pad in the resulting product; Lightly squeeze out excess liquid; wipe the inside and outside of the inflamed eyelid with it; Repeat rinsing on the other eye using a different cotton pad. The frequency of use is every 12 hours for 7 days. Positive result Therapy is achieved after 2-3 times of use. You can go outside after washing after 2 hours. Knowing how to properly dilute boric acid, you can cook aqueous solution in small doses immediately before use. This will increase the effectiveness of the product and eliminate the possibility of contamination during storage.

Boric acid for the eyes is often used in folk medicine to treat various. This substance was used for disinfection by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. However, boric acid must be used very carefully, as doctors have identified some side effects from using such a solution. Most often today, this drug is used to get rid of inflammation of the eye mucosa. It is noteworthy that boric acid solution can be used to wash the eyes for both adult patients and children.

The organs of vision experience daily heavy loads. We work at the computer, watch TV, and dust, dirt, smoke and many other irritants constantly get into our eyes. To improve the health of your eyes and protect them from the development of dangerous infectious diseases, it is recommended to take special baths with a solution of boric acid every day. It is best to carry out this procedure in evening time, just before bed.

The drug solution should be mixed with a small amount of warm boiled water. Below we will describe in detail how to dilute boric acid for washing the eyes. So, the healing liquid is ready. Now let's proceed directly to the baths.

  • Pour the liquid into a small but deep container.
  • Slowly dip your face into the boric acid solution and try to blink several times.
  • Gently dry wet face and eyes with a clean, lint-free towel.

This procedure is much easier for adults than for children. Babies are often afraid to open their eyes in water. If your child categorically refuses to “dive” into a boric acid solution, simply wipe the child’s eyes with a cotton swab generously soaked in the medicine. First, the small patient should tilt his head back strongly.

To improve your vision, you can only use pharmaceutical boric acid. The technical substance will not only not help disinfect the eyes, but will also cause enormous harm.

How to properly prepare a solution of boric acid for the eyes?

In order for rinsing your eyes with boric acid to be effective and safe, you must first consult with your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to this method of treatment.

Boric acid powder is the best eye sanitizer

It is recommended to use this remedy if you feel even a slight rash. Boric acid really helps relieve discomfort. This method is time-tested, it has received many positive feedback from patients. The main thing is to exercise extreme caution when using boric acid. To cook properly disinfectant solution, follow the diagram below exactly.

  • Buy high-quality boric acid powder at the pharmacy. Be sure to make sure that the drug can be used for medical purposes. Carefully read the instructions and indications for use on the package.
  • Prepare water for the solution. It must be clean and boiled. It is better to use a slightly warm liquid, but not cold or hot.
  • Mix the ingredients for the solution in a deep container. For 300 ml. Add 1 teaspoon of boric acid powder to boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly, making sure that the substance is completely dissolved.

The medicinal disinfectant solution for the eyes is ready, you can use it for its intended purpose. There is no need to store the prepared liquid. It is better to mix the ingredients immediately before use.

If you have any pathologies of the organs of vision, damage to the mucous membrane, it is not recommended to use a solution of boric acid. If you still want to get treatment traditional methods, you must first consult with an ophthalmologist and make sure that it is safe for you.

After you have taken baths with boric acid, do not rush to dry your eyes. Doctors recommend performing several circular eye movements or 2-3 exercises therapeutic exercises. This will not only help train and heal the eye muscle, but will also help distribute the medication evenly in the eye socket.

It is strictly prohibited to treat severe inflammation and advanced conjunctivitis on your own. Adult patient or child with alarming symptoms(pain, lacrimation, discharge) should urgently undergo an eye examination by a doctor.