Project activity in the garden on the theme of a cat. Passport for the creative project “Such different cats” (preparatory group). Message to parents about the start of the “The Wonderful World of Cats” project

Project "Cats" Preparatory group

Target: update and supplement children’s knowledge about the pet cat; learn something new and interesting about the cat. Project objectives:- Continue to introduce children to the animal in their immediate environment - the cat; - Through legends, myths, signs, superstitions, works of art to introduce

children with the origin, lifestyle, habits of a cat.

Expand children's knowledge and horizons about different breeds oh cats.

To develop in children the desire to reflect their ideas and impressions in productive activities (visual, constructive, writing stories, fairy tales, poems, riddles), role-playing and outdoor games.

Teach the expression of various emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits of a cat.

Foster a love and interest in literature;

Foster a caring and kind attitude towards animals.

Involve parents and children in joint creativity.

Age of participants: 6-7 years old, preparatory group kindergarten.

List of participants: the whole group of children.

Implementation period within a month.

Project type: The project is complex in nature - it includes research, creative, educational and practical activities. Relevance of the project

To achieve the goal and implement the tasks set in the project, I conducted a survey of parents on the topic: “Cultivating a love for animals.” Most families in our group do not have pets. Consequently, conditions have not been created for raising and loving animals and communicating with them. It was also found out that children would like to have some kind of pet at home, but due to parental fears about the possibility of the animal harming the child, the children were refused. We should not forget that a pet in a family is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities.

Since not all children have the opportunity to observe an animal (cat) next to them every day, in kindergarten he participates in different types activities that help you learn a lot of new and interesting things about the cat.

Preparatory stage


    1. Arouse children's interest in the project object.
  • Form a team, develop a plan.
  1. Encourage parents and children to create together; develop children's creative abilities; create an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding.
  2. Forms of working with children
  1. Tell a legend about a cat (riddle).

“Guys, who do you think this is about? There is always some mystery associated with this animal. Before becoming a pet, this creature suffered hardships, experiencing hunger and cold. Only in the 3rd millennium BC did it appear in a person’s home. In Egypt, these animals protected granaries from rodents and homes from snakes. In Japan, people still give a figurine of a sitting animal with its left paw raised when they wish someone wealth. Buddhists considered them a symbol of beauty and energy. We stroke the fur of our favorite animal and watch with pleasure the amazing grace of its movements, look fascinated into the magical eyes and seem to be waiting for a secret about ourselves. Have you guessed who we are talking about?”

  1. A team of researchers is formed from children. It is suggested to find out where you can get the information you are interested in (listen to the stories of adults, look at encyclopedias, books and magazines with your parents, study the piggy bank folk wisdom from the library in the group). A plan is being developed that will help answer the question:
  • Collect as much initial information about cats as possible.
  • Conduct a series of observations of the object, a series of educational sessions on this topic.
  • Present the results of the information obtained using drawings, applications, collages.
  1. Creation of an exhibition of creative works in the group “Cats” (sculpting cats from salt dough).
  1. Information sheet for parents about the beginning of the project.
  2. Together with parents, filling the group’s library with books about cats (works of fiction, encyclopedias).
  3. Selection of illustrative, audio and video materials for outdoor, speech and didactic games.
  4. Drawing up notes for thematic lessons in different sections of the program.

Main stage


  1. Continue introducing children to pets; draw children's attention to how the animal moves, its color, behavior in different situations; learn to synthesize previously acquired knowledge and apply it in practice, cultivate a caring attitude towards the cat. 2) Find out as much as possible about cats, their lifestyle, habits; introduce different breeds of cats, note their similarities and differences; introduce them to their habitat and habits; 3) Increase the motor activity of children; create a positive emotional atmosphere; develop fine motor skills of the hands. 4) Learn to assemble a picture from parts; among many silhouettes, find two identical ones; give the animal a nickname in accordance with the image; learn to create a descriptive image; make riddles based on existing knowledge. 5) Develop motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus; updating and expanding the dictionary on the topic “Pet-cat”.

6) Improve and expand children’s play ideas and skills; to create a desire to organize role-playing games; teach to develop a plot based on knowledge when perceiving the environment; teach children to agree on a sequence of joint actions; develop emotions that arose during role-playing and plot game actions with characters; encourage the expression of emotions in relation to the game material; develop imagination, thinking, speech.

7) Encourage children to actively help the teacher when composing a story, develop children’s coherent speech, and enrich their vocabulary. 8) Learn to follow the rules in outdoor games, develop children’s activity in the process of physical activity.

9) Introduce children to signs and superstitions associated with cats, find out their true meaning with children; cultivate curiosity and observation. 10) Introduce children to the values ​​of folk culture: introduce children to signs, proverbs, sayings, teach children to emotionally perceive the content of nursery rhymes; teach to understand their meaning; develop active dictionary children.

11) Stimulate the motor activity of children, develop initiative, imagination, creativity; evoke an emotional response; to cultivate the moral and volitional qualities of the child’s personality.

12) Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children; generalize and expand children’s knowledge on these topics; learn to synthesize previously acquired knowledge and apply it in practice; develop a caring attitude towards your cat

13) Develop a sense of rhythm and color in children; continue to develop hand-eye coordination; teach children to create an image of a mouse from a wad of paper; develop fine motor skills of the hand; cultivate neatness 14) Arouse children's interest in creativity and making crafts; introduce children to the technique of modeling from salt dough; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

15) Continue to teach children to analyze the image and recreate it from parts; learn to distinguish shades of mood in painting and use color as a visual means; cultivate perseverance and interest in visual arts.

16) Develop children's horizons; develop memory, creative imagination and oral speech of children; cultivate interest in plot compositions.

Forms of working with children

1) Observation of the cat’s behavior while walking outdoors or indoors

2) View the presentation: “Such different cats».

3) Conducting physical education minutes “Cat Habits”, “Show the Answer” and finger games.

4) Didactic games and exercises: “Find two identical cats", "Let's feed our Murka", "Come up with a nickname", "Collect a picture" (puzzles). 5) Verbal games: “Describe the cat”, “Make up a riddle about the kitten” 6) Role-playing games: “Kitten - beloved, good, obedient”; “The cat got sick”, “Journey to the world of toys”, “I will turn into...” 7) Reading and retelling of works where one of the characters is a cat: A. Fet. “The cat is singing, his eyes are squinted...”; S. Gorodetsky “Kitten”; N. Nosov “Living Hat”; K. Paustovsky. "Cat Thief"; L. Petrushevskaya. "The Cat Who Could Sing";

8) Listening and singing songs: “We sewed boots for the cat for the holiday” (development of hearing and voice); "Vaska the Cat", music. G. Lobachev, lyrics. N. Frenkel (playing with singing); 9) Development of coherent speech in older preschoolers through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures.

10) Reading words (animal names), laying out words from cubes, sound-letter analysis, composing and analyzing sentences with these words.

11) Introducing children to signs and superstitions associated with cats. 12) Acquaintance with sayings, proverbs, nursery rhymes about cats. 13) Outdoor games different nations: “Brave Mice”, “Mice and the Cat”, “Cat and Mice”, “Vaska the Cat”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Cat’s House”.

14) Cognitive development“Do you know how to handle animals?”, “Cat relatives.” 15) Application: “Rug for your beloved cat”, “Toys for Murzik”.

16) Modeling from salt dough: “Kitty”

17) Drawing “Cat - a mustachioed tabby” (smiling or sad cat) 18) Funny stories from the life of cats, recorded from the words of parents, or compiled by the children themselves, watching a video.

The final stage

Teamwork. Silhouette applique “Cats on the window”

All-Russian conference “First discoveries: project activities children in preschool educational institutions"


Guess the riddle:

The muzzle is mustachioed,
Striped fur coat,
Washing frequently
But I don’t know about water.
Who is this?

Cat beautiful and smart animal. Cats have always been loved. You come home from kindergarten and are happily greeted by a four-legged friend who simply loves you.

Hypothesis: I guess the cat is an unusual animal.

Target: Learn and spread Interesting Facts about cats.


  • find out why they love cats.
  • Find out how to properly care for a domestic cat and make your pet your friend.
  • find out what kind of cats there are?
  • Using Internet resources, find out cat signs and why cats purr.
  • conduct an experiment: take pictures of a cat's eyes in different time days.

Object of study: Cat.

Research methods:

  • Observation method
  • Photography method
  • Experimentation method
  • Conversation
  • Survey
Main part.

A cat is like a cat, but there is something special about it...

The domestic cat was domesticated by ancient people. They say that it was not man who tamed the cat, but the cat “tamed” man. All cats are predators. Although they live in our houses, they all hunt mice and small birds.

I have a cat. Her name is Stella. She is already an adult cat, she is two years old. Our Stella is an extraordinary cat, she has soft pads on her paws. Stella's ears are pointy.


I asked my friends if they had pets and what kind? 19 people took part in the survey.

Conclusion: 9 guys have cats at home.

What types of cats are there?

I have unusual cat, and the thoroughbred and her breed is Sphinx. Mom showed me photographs of different cat breeds, look at them. Different cat breeds:

Siberian cat

Persian cat.

These cats are beautiful, but my cat Stella is the best.

I decided to tell the guys what a wonderful cat I have and how I care for it, play and feed it.

My favorite cat Stella

Stella loves to sleep on a pillow; she has her own place.

Stella only eats fish and dry food instead of dessert.

She has a bowl. I pour her water and milk myself.

My cat is neat. She licks herself like this and washes herself with her paw. I wanted to wash her with shampoo, but dad told me that the cat doesn’t like to bathe, that’s what she has a paw for.

I play with the cat and build houses for it. I really love coloring pictures with cats and I’m even learning to draw cats.

Stella doesn't like to be alone. When I'm getting ready to leave for kindergarten, Stella sits down near the door and sees me off. My cat is my favorite and most beautiful!

My mother and I read a lot of fairy tales and poems about cats: “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster”, “The Little Cat is a Trickster”, “The Cat’s House”, “The Mustachioed Tabby”.

I read nursery rhymes and songs to my cat:

Like our cat’s fur coat is very good,
Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty,
Bold eyes, white teeth.

The cat went to market,
The cat bought a pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.

Do you have it yourself?
Or demolish Valenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, and I’ll demolish Valenka.

Little kitten,
Where were you?
- At the mill.
- Little kitten,

What were you doing there?
- I ground flour.
- Kitty-murysenka,
What kind of flour did you bake with?
- Gingerbread cookies.
-Little kitten,
Who did you eat gingerbread with?
- One.
- Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

Cat signs.

People believe in cat omens: they believe that a cat is a magical animal. My cat Stella predicts the weather. If she hides her nose, it will be cold. Washing the face of guests with its paw means that a friend will come to visit me.

Why does Stella purr and why does the catdo your eyes glow in the dark?

And how cats purr is very interesting to me, and using Internet resources, Nargiza Rustemovna and I learned that the sounds of a cat purring come from its mouth and nasal cavity, and the vibration spreads to the entire body of the animal.

Therefore, it seems that no matter what part of the cat’s body you put your ear to, a peaceful rumbling is heard everywhere. It is not even possible to listen to the heart and lungs of a purring cat. Why do cats purr? With the help of purring, a cat maintains its health - purring directly affects the blood circulation process, making it more efficient.

Another amazing thing I noticed about Stella is her amazing eyes that glow in the dark! We again turned to the Internet resource where we learned that the cat, like most predators, most often hunts at night, since its eyes see perfectly in the dark. During the day, a cat’s pupils narrow so much that they turn into slits, and at night they dilate to the limit, absorbing even very weak light. Cats need the faint glow of the night sky to reflect light and see in the dark.

To check this, I decided to watch Stella. Together with my mother (she helped me), we took photographs of the cat’s eyes in the dark and during the day. We took the first photo during the day.

The cat's pupils are constricted. The eyes sparkle, but do not glow. Then we took a photo in complete darkness. There was no light in the room at all, so we used flash. The pupils of the cat's eyes are dilated. The eyes shine, but still do not glow.

We took the last photo in the evening. The cat was sitting in a dark corridor, the light was falling from the room. The cat's eyes really glowed.

III. Conclusion.


Watching the cat Stella is interesting and exciting. I became convinced that the cat is an unusual animal. I love my cat very much! And you love cats, then you will be kind and happy.



Dymova N. Article: “Let's be friends!” [Text] / Dymova N., monthly magazine “GEOlenok” (GEOlenok), No. 3 / 2008

Cats pictures [illustrations, photos] [Electronic resource] Access mode: http:// - Cap. from the screen.

The most beautiful pictures animals Cats [photos] [Electronic resource] Access mode: koshki3. Cap. from the screen

  • Teachers - Gromovik Svetlana Grigorievna, Tolstopyatova Olga Alekseevna
  • Speech therapist teacher - Semeshova Elena Viktorovna

MBDOU "Lukomorye" Chernogorsk RH

Problem: Children do not know the history of cat domestication.

Project participants: preparatory school children speech therapy group, educators, teacher - speech therapist.

Object of study: domestic cat.

Hypothesis: There are many breeds of cats.

Project type: short-term, informational and creative.

Project goal: To create conditions for getting to know the variety of domestic cat breeds and the history of their origin.


  • cultivate respect and love for pets;
  • stimulate children's cognitive activity;
  • focus on the use of accumulated knowledge;
  • contribute to the enrichment of children's vocabulary through clarification characteristic features cat breeds;
  • support children's initiative and independence.

Short term project map "Domestic cat"

Monday Conversation "Story domestic cat»

  • Looking at the album "Domestic cat breeds"
  • GCD (modeling) "My favorite animal"
  • Board game "Dress the cat"
  • Reading nursery rhymes, jokes
  • GCD “Composing a story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens”
  • Finger gymnastics "Kittens"
  • Articulation gymnastics "Morning with the cat Murzik"

Tuesday Conversation "Cat Day"

  • GCD (non-traditional application - with cereals) "Kitty"
  • Learning counting rhymes “One, two, mice scratching”
  • GCD (non-traditional drawing - mosaic) "Where the cat lives"
  • Finger gymnastics "Our cat"
  • Reading Marshak "Cat house"
  • GCD (mathematics) "Cat house"

GCD environment “Compiling a story based on a series of pictures - Fishing”

  • Reading Russians folk tales "The Cat and the Blackbird"
  • Finger gymnastics "Kitty"
  • GCD (silhouette drawing) "My favorite breed"
  • "Dressmaker" , P. Picasso "Cat" , J. Groyts "The Wool Winder" , A. Steinlen "Cat" , O. Renoir "With cat"
  • Transformation game using face painting
  • Collage design "Domestic cat"

Unconventional applique (cereals) "Kitty" . Each student chose their favorite cat breed for the application.

And now the work is finished.

Examination of paintings by famous artists F. Boucher "Dressmaker" , P. Picasso "Cat" , J. Groyts "The Wool Winder" , A. Steinlen "Cat" , O. Renoir "With cat" .

Breeds of domestic cats. We talk and examine, we see distinctive features, we study the habitat.

The story is very interesting.

Collage design "Domestic cat"

The collage is ready. Now any student, moving along the auxiliary arrows, will be able to independently compose a story about domestic cats.

Our project is completed.

Girls and boys transformed into kittens (using face painting) confirmed the previously stated hypothesis - there are many breeds of cats, and all of them are incredibly beautiful interesting stories its origin and existence.



· Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about the pet cat – through various activities

· Expand children's horizons about the place of cats in art and folklore.


· Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children

· Involve children, parents, teachers in joint activities

· Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary.

Project Implementation Plan

Program section

Types of children's activities

Play activity

Role-playing game“Pet shop”, “Veterinary clinic”

Dramatization game based on the work “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”

Speech development

Creative storytelling for children on the topics “My cat”, “The breed of cats that I like”

Creation of a didactic album “Favorite cats of our group”

Health and physical development

Learning and performing invigorating gymnastics “We are kittens”

Physical education lesson “Three cats”

Cognitive development

Compiling the album “My Family’s Favorite Cat”


Learning proverbs and sayings about cats

Construction of "Cats"

Modeling "Cats"

Napkin applique “Cat”

Beadwork “Indonesian cat”

The progress of the holiday

Good morning! I'm glad to say:

I'm very glad to see you again.

And I invite you to go there.

Where cats live and there are a lot of them.

And most of all cats live in the amazing country of Murland. It has no less interesting cities: Koshkograd, Myaukogorsk and Murgorod.

Residents of Murgorod invited us to visit you.

Children dressed as cats enter.

Ved: Now we are in the central square of this city of cats. I think our journey (our excursion) will be interesting. After all, a cat has lived next to humans for many thousands of years, but still remains a largely mysterious and enigmatic creature.

It’s really a mystery, where did these amazing animals come from, how did they live before? And we have the opportunity to learn about this from historian cats.

Cat historian 1:

The history of cats is rich in events; temples and monuments were erected in their honor. They were buried magnificently. As a sign of mourning, the owners of the deceased deity cut off the hair on their heads and shaved their eyebrows. The Egyptians believed that cats brought happiness. In every house, except for a living cat, there were its images or small figurines made of clay and stone.

Cat historian 2:

It was Golden time for cats. The Egyptians put gold collars on their cats, by which the owner could be identified. Cats protected their owners from snakes, as well as from hordes of rodents that carried dangerous diseases.

Cat Historian 3:

In Europe in the Middle Ages, cats were persecuted; they believed that they were witches and that black cats brought bad luck.

Ved: There is still a superstition: “If a black cat crosses the road, there will be trouble.” Is this really true? We’ll find out from the collector of omens.

The collector will accept:

· In Scotland there is a saying: “A black cat on the porch means prosperity in the house.”

· An English belief says: “If a black cat sneezes not far from the bride, there will be happiness for the young.”

Ved: It turns out that a black cat brings happiness, just like all other cats. It’s not for nothing that people have come up with so many proverbs and sayings about cats. I wonder if the kittens themselves know these proverbs about themselves. Let's check it now.

· Do not stroke a cat against its grain.

· The cat laughs, and the mouse tears.

· You can’t buy a pig in a poke.

· Cat on the threshold, mouse in the corner.

· The cat sleeps, but sees mice.

· The cat is not at home - the mice are at liberty.

· You can't hide a cat in a poke.

Ved: And really, why hide these wonderful animals. All over the world and at all times there have been many people who sincerely loved cats. And now the number of cat lovers is not decreasing. IN different countries Exhibitions began to be held and cat museums were created. There is such a museum in Murgorod. We will definitely visit it. But the cat guide meets us.

Cat guide:

Our museum is open to everyone,

There are all sorts of cats here.

Smooth-haired and fluffy

For every taste and color.

There are little plastic ones

A little bigger - made of glass,

From rubber, from metal,

And from fur, gentlemen.

Our museum is open only during the day,

Come, we are waiting for you.

Ved: What interesting exhibits there are in cat museums and they are constantly being replenished. Various books and magazines began to be published about cats, films and television programs were made. I know two cats - journalists who prepared a report about their pets.

Journalist 1:

Lives at my house

Mark is a nice Angora cat.

For me he is a cat-warmer,

Koto-Murka and Shipelka,

Cat-jump and cat-dance,

Cat-profile, cat-face!

We are quite similar in appearance

Because we are family

Fluffy, snow-white cat

And fluffy, white me!

I sleep with a cat, but without a cat

The situation is not the same:

Uncomfortable, not fluffy,

Unmurky without a cat!

Journalist 2:

The cat is made of fur

Of desires and riddles.

A cat is not a dog

She has her own habits.

People invented the cat

So that when you come home from work,

Ironing while sitting on the sofa,

Forgetting about worries.

The cat sees everything in the dark

Bright yellow eyes,

The cat's paws are soft,

Only, however, with claws.

The cat is a strange creature

It's so difficult with her, it's no laughing matter.

I need a cat like this!

The cat is made of fur!

Ved: Cats have even become heroes of many cartoons. And whoever guesses my riddles will even be able to name their names:

· What was the name of the cat who, together with his friend the fox, deceived Buratino (Basilio)

· This kitten's name can only be pronounced in a foreign dog language (Woof)

· What was the name of the cat, who with great enthusiasm strengthened the farm (Matroskin).

I see you know these heroes well. And to make the cartoons colorful, they were painted brightly by animators.


We watched cartoons

Of course about kittens.

They could be repeated

We're five thousand in a row.

We won't get tired of watching

Like a Cheshire cat

A smile from the screen,

Greets the people.

Matroskin with Sharik

They are looking for treasure somewhere.

And Leopold with mice

Puss in Boots and Garfield

Of course we became friends

And in our coloring books

We found ourselves right there.

We colored them with love with pencils

How did it happen

You decide for yourself!

Ved: Cats have become popular. Any thing or object with a picture of a cat becomes unique. Cats inspire designers and fashion designers. You can learn about the latest fashion trends from the fashion designer.

Fashion designer:

Cats are back in fashion these days.

You will see them everywhere.

On umbrellas and on hairpins.

And on cups and saucers.

And in clothes - yes, yes, yes,

You can't live without cats.

I'm a cat fashion designer

Known all over the world

My name is Alena Moore

My GLAMOR collection.

Ved: Cats are very beautiful, but not only that. They are affectionate, devoted to people, and clean. Agility. The gracefulness and expressive plasticity of cats is amazing. This allows them to stay in great physical shape and walk on the rooftops. And now three masters of sports will conduct a warm-up for all guests and residents of the city.

Physical education minute:

Three cats were walking on the roof,

Three cats of Vasily.

Raised three tails

Straight into the blue sky.

Pussies sat on the ledge

We looked up and down.

And the three cats said:

“What beauty!”

Ved: Cats even perform in the circus. They make excellent gymnasts.

Cat gymnast performance

Ved: Poets and artists sang the beauty of cats. In the 17th century, the artist Goldfried Mignd lived in Switzerland. Contemporaries dubbed him "the cat's Raphael." All his life he painted only cats. His paintings are masterpieces of fine art.

Contemporary artists continued his work and opened the “Cat Vernissage” exhibition.

The cats were slaughtered together,

And they sculpted and painted.

All in the art gallery

For you all to see.

Ved: For a long time It was believed that a cat has one profession - “catching mice.” Now this opinion is hopelessly outdated. Cats are great artists. You can see this for yourself.

Performance by Cats - Violinists

Ved: And how many songs have been written about cats? But cats themselves sing beautifully. Everyone heard their March singing. In the city of Murgorod, cats sing all year round.

Song "Two Cats"

Ved: We sang beautifully, and our souls felt warm. It is not for nothing that cats are excellent healers of mental and physical ailments. Well, of course, they are just cute creatures worthy of human love and respect.

What breed of cat

Should I start a house?

To please a friend,

I was able to find it.


I really Persians like it

They have a snub nose

The coat is long and fluffy.

Shines like sparkles from stars.

But requires care

So beautiful

Try to comb it

From nose to tail.

Loves attention very much

Waiting for me from the garden

And a wonderful song

Purring to me, he sings.


Sphinxes – hairless cats

Everyone knows this

And this breed is for me,

I really like it.

There is not a single hair.

There is only one skin.

Two huge ears

Slightly sad eyes.

Webbed feet

Can swim deftly

And there will be my cat

A champion at swimming.


La Perm–new breed

Not known to everyone.

But you can tell her apart

No visible problems

Wool in small curls

Deftly curled

She doesn't know.

Caress, kiss,

Just loves it

And TV series

She doesn't miss.

Better than a companion

Believe me, you won't find it.

Kitten and La Perm

You need to start it.


Siamese, Siamese

The breed is very strict.

On a darkened muzzle

Read it without difficulty

Smart, beautiful,

But vulnerable at heart.

Always take revenge on your offender.

I love her, I'm sorry

And I protect

We are friends forever

And I know this.


British Fold

How good are they?

With golden eyes

These miracles are babies.

The fur coat looks like it's made of plush

Blue color.

How good are they?

The breed of this baby.

I have only one kitten like this

Nobody's breed is better

He won't find it in the world.

All breeds are good, I just don’t know what to say? Which kitten should I get?

Although you know friends

I heard this...

What breed to choose

You need a horoscope.

The well-known Globo is a cat.

Globo - cat: The cat is a mysterious animal that is friends with the moon and stars, which means that the compatibility of a cat and a person can be recognized by the stars.

Offers cards with zodiac signs,

and on back side cat breeds.

Ved: If you already have a cat in your house, you happy man. If you don't have a cat, but dream of having one, you're in luck again - do right choice An astrological horoscope helped you.

The time of our journey through the city of Murgorod is coming to an end. But according to good tradition, everyone always returns from trips with souvenirs. In Indonesia, craftsmen from the islands of Bali make cat figurines from precious wood. And the craftsmen of the city of Murgorod decorate their figurines with “precious” stones. A cat figurine is a symbol of home comfort, a warm atmosphere in the house, a symbol of femininity, health and longevity.

And if we have such an opportunity, we will be happy to return to the city of cats – Murgorod.

Ved: When the day goes out in the window

And the music of the air will fall silent,

A cat will return hope to the heart -

Messenger of another world.

She is arrogant, but submissive...

The soul and the palm are drawn to her...

And the day was not in vain, no doubt,

If in the evening I pet the cat.

An airplane flies in with a message

"We are waiting for your visit. Residents of the city of Gavgorod"

Municipal preschool educational institution

Creative research project

with pre-school children


Developed and carried out

Teacher at MDOU TsRR-

kindergarten No. 12, Konakovo

Natalia Zyurkalova

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a project for junior schoolchildren, which we prepared with our daughter Valeria.

Valeria is in second grade, and this year those interested in the class prepared projects for a scientific and practical conference. I invite you to get acquainted with our project and evaluate our work.

Project topic:

"My beloved cat Manya"

Slide 1

My project is called “My Favorite Cat”.

I like animals a lot. I have a cat at home - Manya, a turtle Totti and fish in an aquarium. But most of all I love cats. And I decided to find out more about her and tell her about my cat.

Slide 2

The purpose of my work: Find out what breed my cat is


Find out who cats are, how a cat became a domestic cat

find out what breeds of cats there are

Find out what role a cat plays in a person’s life

Observe your pet

slide 3

There is a cat in our family. Her name is Manya. She's 7. I remember her from my early childhood. She was brought into our family as a small kitten, when I was only a few months old. She is an affectionate cat. Manya loves to be where the whole family is.

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Many years ago all cats were wild. It is difficult to determine when a person first started keeping a cat at home. There is an opinion that this animal was domesticated about 6 thousand years ago, when people, in addition to hunting and gathering, began to master cattle breeding and agriculture. People felt the need to save their harvest until next year. For this purpose, people had premises designed for storing grain and other products that had to be protected from rodents, which caused great damage to the household. The best person to cope with this responsibility was wild cat. However, scientists are still arguing about who, in fact, tamed whom - man cat or cat man. It is possible that the cat “domesticated” itself by hunting rodents and following people who quickly adopted these animals into their lives.

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I learned that there are many breeds of cats. For example, Persian cat . Cats of this breed are fluffy and have a depressed nose. The character of these cats is kind. I also found out Siamese cat breed . These cats are light-colored, but their faces and paws are dark. These are very smart cats, jealous and love their owner very much. Eat simple Russian blue cat . She was named that way because her fur is blue.

There is also sphinx - This is a breed of hairless cats. They are like people, they like to sleep under a blanket because they get cold.

There is also cat breeds that look like dogs . This is a dachshund cat and a cat poodle. The Ket Poodle is as curly as a Poodle.

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A cat is a graceful, affectionate, cunning, but at the same time the most charming pet. She feels like the mistress of our home. She can be playful, calm, but still remains a predator.

Cats can communicate using the language of smell. A small, blind kitten will always find its mother thanks to its nose.

They mark their own territory and do not allow outsiders into it. Cats are independent, but they become very attached to the person and place of residence in which they live.

They help people get rid of rodents, thereby saving granaries, warehouses, barns and their own place of residence. These are the only animals that joined people of their own free will.

The role of a cat in a person’s life is very great importance. It takes on all negative impulses and cleanses the energy. When we stroke a cat, its hairs have a beneficial effect on nervous system person.

A cat can calm a crying child, cheer him up, and play with him. When a child or adult is sleeping, the cat will warm him with its warmth.

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After studying the literature, I found out that my cat is an ordinary Russian breed. Smooth-haired, black in color. She loves to eat fish, Whiskas, Kitikat and drink water. Manya loves to ride in a doll's stroller; she sleeps with me or with dad, or on a chair.

Manka has a favorite game called rubber band. She brings it in her teeth and puts it on the floor, and I or dad throws the rubber band and Manka runs after it, picks it up and carries it again. Manya is a very cheerful, playful cat. I love her so much.

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Conducting search work, I learned interesting facts from the life of cats.

1. Cats never meow to each other. This is a sound specifically for people.

2. Average term life of a domestic cat is 15-20 years

3. When the tail starts to droop, it means the mood has changed - you can move away, she won’t be offended

4. Cats see in twilight much better than humans. In bright light, a cat’s pupils are narrow, like slits. And with the onset of darkness, they expand.

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From all of the above, we can conclude:

Cats are animals. They have excellent hearing and vision. They have curved, razor-sharp claws. Cats use their claws to catch and hold their prey. The fur covering the toes and soles of the paws helps them move silently. And my cat: ordinary Russian smooth-haired cat. Black color. Pet, helper and healer.

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And in our city of Tyumen there is a cat alley, and everyone can visit it.

Thank you for your attention.