Causes of enlarged axillary lymph nodes in women. Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms: in women, during pregnancy, men, children. Types of skin diseases that contribute to inflammation

Normally, the size of the axillary lymph nodes in women and men varies from 1.5 cm to 2 cm. They are located in the armpit and receive lymph from the vessels that drain the arm and walls chest, chest and upper abdominal walls. These The lymph nodes are responsible for draining lymph, a clear or white fluid made up of white blood cells. Divided into five groups:

  • subcapsular (posterior);
  • apical (medial or subclavian);
  • pectoral (front);
  • shoulder (side);
  • central.

Normal axillary lymph nodes are kidney-shaped with a central radiolucency representing fatty tissue. Abnormal lesions are more likely to be round, firm, and larger than 2 cm. Hard, fixed, or matted immune glands often indicate malignancy, usually from the lungs or breast. However, the increased size of the axillary nodes in itself is not a malignant indicator.

Relative ultrasound may show lymph nodes with eccentrically thickened cortices or loss of normal kidney shapes and fatty bone. In the absence of a primary malignant tumor the presence of unilateral abnormal axillary nodes should prompt an imaging evaluation for occult breast cancer.

Exceeding the normal size of axillary lymph nodes in adults can develop for a number of reasons. Some of them threaten serious health consequences, while others do not:

Size and clinical significance

There is little information to suggest that lymph node size can lead to a specific diagnosis. However, one study found that of 213 adults with unexplained lymphadenopathy, no patients with a lymph node smaller than 1 to 2 cm had cancer. At the same time, cancer cells were present in 8% of patients with nodes ranging in size from 1 cm to 2.25 cm, and in 38% of them with nodes larger than 2.25 cm.

In children, lymph nodes greater than 2 cm in diameter (along with an abnormal chest x-ray and absence of ear, nose, and throat symptoms) were predictive of granulomatous disease (tuberculosis, cat scratch disease, or sarcoidosis) or cancer (primarily lymphoma).

Features of the size of nodules in women

The norm for axillary lymph nodes in women is usually less than 2 cm in maximum size. In the upper part they have an x-ray notch. Increased size and/or increased density of a nodule on mammography raises concern for pathology.

A normal or benign-looking axillary lymph node should be oval or lobulated in shape, with a smooth, well-defined edge. The lobulated shape is due to simultaneous narrowing and convexity of both the cortex and the fatty membrane. The cortex should be slightly hypoechoic and uniformly thin, measuring 3 mm or less.

Nodes that correspond to the description above have a high negative predictive value for excluding metastases.

Morphological criteria such as cortical thickening, hilar erosion and cortical blood flow are more important than size in detecting metastases. Indicators in the axillary lymph nodes that are related to malignancy, in addition to overall size, include:

  • rounded shape;
  • absence of fatty membrane;
  • increase in concentric or focal cortical thickness of more than 3 mm.

How to act

If the axillary lymph node is larger than normal and the enlargement is unexplained, an observation period of 3-4 weeks may be required, possibly with the addition of empirical antibiotics.

If inflammation persists after the observation period, the patient should seek medical care which will require further research using.

Lymph nodes in the axillary area enlarge quite often, it is simply not customary to pay attention to this.

  • redness of the area of ​​skin under which the inflamed lymph node is located
  • when palpating this place, a feeling of discomfort is felt
  • painful sensations with advanced inflammation
  • increase in body temperature
  • feeling of weakness in the hands
  • nausea
  • upon palpation, their pulsation is felt

Symptoms manifest themselves clearly when purulent inflammation lymph nodes in the axillary region.

An increase in temperature is a sign inflammatory process

Danger for men

Enlarged axillary lymph nodes in men have their own reasons, which include:

  • general intoxication
  • blockage of the glands responsible for sweating
  • skin diseases
  • tuberculosis or rheumatism
  • purulent inflammation on the shoulder, arm or sternum
  • inflammation of organs in the chest area
  • increased sweating, which provokes the proliferation of microbes and viruses
  • oncology in the sternum area
  • ARVI currently or already cured
  • infectious diseases of the ear, nose and throat
  • complications after infectious diseases
  • lymphoma – cancerous tumor of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the nodes develops with increased pain, weakness and pain in the head. If a man discovers a lump, he needs to see a doctor, and not hush up this problem and think that it will resolve on its own.

Folk recipes

Treatment of lymphadenitis with folk remedies is possible only after the permission of the attending physician. Recipes help fight the disease along with drug therapy, speed up the healing process and prevent complications. From popular recipes therapy of axillary lymph nodes:

  • Echinacea tincture - you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Based on it, you should make compresses at night, for which you should dilute the tincture warm water in a ratio of 1:2, moisten cotton wool or gauze with the solution and apply to the diseased lymph node. The plant tincture can be taken orally. Add 25-40 drops of tincture to half a glass of water and drink three times a day, regardless of intake. It boosts immunity well, so the body fights the disease.
  • Infusion of calendula and tansy - mix dry crushed herbs of these plants and pour half a liter of boiled cold water. Leave for at least 4 hours, strain and drink three times a day for no longer than two weeks.
  • Mint leaves – Take the leaves of a fresh peppermint plant and crush them in a mortar until the juice comes out. Apply the resulting paste to the inflamed nodes and secure with adhesive tape. Leave the compress for 2 hours, do this procedure 2 times a day. Mint relieves inflammation well.
  • Vitamin C is a substance necessary to accelerate biochemical reactions for speedy recovery. This vitamin is found in abundance in cabbage and citrus fruits.
  • Pine – collect 100 pieces of pine tree tips and young shoots. Grind the raw materials, put them in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water to it and cook over low heat for at least two hours. Then strain the broth, add a liter of water, add 200 g of sugar and cook over low heat for another 2 hours. You need to drink a tablespoon of syrup every day.

Inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpit is a serious problem that is worth paying attention to. You cannot delay visiting a doctor, otherwise you could develop a serious illness.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to palpate the area of ​​the lymph nodes daily, and not only in the axillary region.

How to treat inflamed lymph nodes with folk remedies - on video:

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Normal lymph nodes under the armpit are not palpable, since their size does not exceed a pea and in a non-inflamed state they cannot be felt through the thickness of the pancreas. Many people do not know about the existence of these elements lymphatic system before any problems develop with them.

Inflammation of the lymph node under the arm is a sign that makes itself felt almost immediately. The fact is that the inflammatory reaction is accompanied by significant swelling, so even with a slight touch, the inflamed lymph nodes under the arm will hurt. As a rule, axillary lymphadenitis most often occurs after a respiratory illness. Therefore, if such a complication occurs, it is necessary to seek help from a qualified specialist as soon as possible.

The main etiological factors contributing to the development of lymphadenitis include:

  • previously rescheduled infection, for example, ARVI;
  • the development of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​hair follicles, which are located in this anatomical area;
  • severe intoxication of the body, which develops after an illness;
  • increased sweating, leading to an increase in the number of pathological microorganisms in the armpit area;
  • an allergic reaction as a response to the use of deodorant that prevents sweating;
  • oncological lesions of individual regional lymph nodes. It is worth noting that on initial stages the lymph nodes will not increase in volume, and pain in the lymph nodes in the armpits will not manifest themselves due to the absence of swelling;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • Hodgkin's disease is a pathology characterized by the development of malignant granuloma.

Parents need to remember that in children, the cause of swollen lymph nodes can be cat scratch fever, which does not pose a particular threat. If you notice that the lymph nodes in your armpits have become enlarged, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. With a timely visit to a specialist’s office, you can achieve complete recovery from almost any disease that led to the development of lymphadenitis.

photo of an inflamed lymph node under the armpit

Symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis

The inflammatory process in the regional axillary lymph nodes is isolated and, as a rule, is characterized by a catarrhal or purulent course. Below are the most common clinical pictures of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.

  1. Acute catarrhal form. This inflammatory process is more common than others and often occurs in mild form. It is characterized by severe pain, enlarged lymph nodes and their hardening. With catarrh, the lymph nodes are easily separated and do not lose their mobility. In the axillary area, hyperemia and mild swelling may develop. The patient may notice worsening of the condition, discomfort during shoulder abduction, and mild low-grade fever.
  2. Purulent form. This type of inflammatory process is greatest danger due to the formation of a purulent focus, which can be represented by single or multiple abscesses. The lymph node itself loses its mobility and becomes painful and swollen. Nearby tissues are sharply hyperemic and may be subject to alteration or melting. Possible fusion of lymph nodes with the skin.
  3. Chronic course of lymphadenitis. Sluggish inflammatory processes occur quite often, in which the lymph node under the arm becomes inflamed when weakened immune system and reducing the body's resistance to various infectious agents. Symptoms in this form are mild, the lymph nodes are mobile, but there is slight pain.

Diagnostic examination

Conducting laboratory and instrumental studies and collecting anamnesis is the main way to diagnose and establish the etiology of enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Initially, a primary diagnosis is carried out, which consists of a detailed interview with the patient. Its main focus is the need to determine the moment when the patient began to notice an enlargement of the lymph node, the presence and severity of related symptoms. Anamnesis is also collected and the medical history of an individual patient is studied, a thorough examination of the patient according to the systems is carried out, which consists of assessing the local status of the armpit and palpating this area to assess the condition of the lymph nodes.

The second stage is to carry out laboratory diagnostics, which consists of:

  • general and biochemical research blood to determine signs of inflammation;
  • clinical urine analysis;
  • performing a Mantoux test if Koch's bacillus is suspected of multiplying in the patient's body;
  • testing tumor markers to exclude this pathology.

Instrumental techniques include:

  • axillary lymph nodes;
  • X-ray examination;
  • for women - mammography;
  • biopsy if the development of oncological pathology is suspected.

Treatment of lymph nodes

Treatment of lymphadenopathy of the axillary lymph nodes consists of selecting the correct etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy. The main thing is to remember that patients are strictly prohibited from attempting to independently eliminate this manifestation of the inflammatory reaction.

As a rule, all treatment is based on the elimination of the inflammatory focus, which caused the development of axillary lymphadenitis. Often a course is prescribed for this antibacterial therapy or a number of anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, it is advisable to use compresses with Dimexide, immunomodulating drugs and a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, which will contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

If a malignant process develops with concomitant lymphadenitis, the patient is advised to undergo a course of chemotherapy or surgical treatment.

Lymph nodes play an important role in the human body. They are the basis of the immune system and are actively involved in cleansing the body of bacteria, viruses, as well as bad (cancer) cells. There are more than one hundred such nodes in the human body. However, sometimes they become painful and take on the appearance of bumps. This indicates that inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit, on the neck, or in the groin has begun. More details about the causes of this process in women and men and its symptoms, as well as methods of elimination will be discussed in this article.

Symptoms and causes in women

Women are more susceptible to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits. And they should treat this with extreme caution - immediately consult a doctor as soon as they notice painful tubercles.

Several different factors can provoke inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes in women, which include:

  • Diseases that weaken the immune system and overload the lymphatic system - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, as well as chronic diseases;
  • Changes occurring in the structure of the mammary glands, the formation of fibroids, cysts or cancer cells;
  • Microtraumas sensitive skin in the armpits, facilitating the entry of a bacterial infection;
  • External irritation leading to inflammatory processes in sebaceous glands and hair follicles;
  • Purulent inflammation developing in sweat glands, leads to hidradenitis - their clogging and the appearance of compactions in the armpits.

The factors listed above provoke the formation of inflammatory foci near the lymph nodes, which makes their condition worse. However, not in every case the lump that appears in the armpit is an enlarged lymph node. In order not to make a mistake, you need to navigate the symptoms that are characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  • Pain in the armpit, aggravated by pressure;
  • Redness or swelling of the skin on one or both sides;
  • Lethargy, severe weakness;
  • Elevated body temperature, characterized by persistence.

An inflamed lymph node is externally easily distinguishable from wen, boils, hidradenitis and folliculosis, since it is a painful red lump the size of a walnut, hard or soft to the touch.

As for the other named entities:

  • Wen is a soft formation under the skin, without redness or pain.
  • A boil is a red-violet abscess, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 cm.
  • Hidradenitis is a large lump, accompanied by itching at the initial stage, and dense to the touch.
  • Folliculosis is a skin rash that consists of small red inflammations.

As it turned out, it is not so difficult to independently determine inflammation of the lymph nodes, but only a specialist can identify the causes and properly treat it.

Symptoms and causes in men

In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits of men is diagnosed only at the moment when it already causes a feeling of discomfort, and the disease moves to another stage, more severe.

Since men's follicles are larger in size and men's skin is oilier, they sweat more women, as a result, ulcers appear on their skin. In addition, men are more likely to injure themselves while shaving their armpits. skin covering. One way or another, but the appearance pain in the armpit area may indicate inflammation occurring in the organs located next to them. Lymph nodes in men can become inflamed due to various reasons, the main ones being:

  • ARVI, influenza, purulent tonsillitis;
  • Blockage of sweat glands;
  • Poisoning of the body;
  • Folliculitis;
  • Purulent lesion of the skin;
  • Decreased immunity at certain times of the year;
  • Bursitis of the shoulder, wrist and elbow joints;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Oncology;
  • Excessive sweating.

The nodes themselves increase in size gradually, which is why the symptoms developing disease appear with a delay. That is why men turn to a specialist at the moment when the disease reaches a severe stage.

  • The appearance of weakness;
  • Persistent increase in temperature;
  • Headache;
  • Chills;
  • Redness in the armpits;
  • Painful sensations when pressing on the lymph node;
  • Pain that appears when moving your arm;
  • It is not possible to sleep on the side where there is inflammation.

When the body temperature rises above 38 °C, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, purulent inflammation can be suspected. In this case, the patient needs urgent help specialists to prevent the development of lymphadenitis, which will be much more difficult to cure and will take more time.

How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, then before you understand how to remove it, you will need to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the nature of the disease. This is important because acute, purulent, chronic, local, generalized, specific and nonspecific lymphadenitis are treated differently. If there is an infection in the patient’s body, he will have to be tested and undergo an ultrasound to detect complete clinical picture and selection of the most effective therapeutic method.

Inflammation can be easily relieved using physiotherapeutic methods. The most effective of them are UHF therapy and electrophoresis. They bring lymph flow back to normal and restore the functions of lymphoid tissue. Excellent results achieved by electrophoresis using heparin. From this pain syndrome decreases, the functioning of the lymphatic system improves and the production of blood cells is activated.

UHF therapy is indicated for lymphadenitis in the inflammatory stage, as well as for the rehabilitation of the patient after surgery. This method relieves inflammation and activates the immune forces of the human body. Thanks to UHF exposure, microcirculation in the inflamed area improves and damaged tissues begin to recover. The healing process itself is accelerated, and the risk of re-infection is minimized.

How to treat

After the patient will undergo examination, a treatment regimen will be drawn up for him, the purpose of which is to suppress the primary source of the inflammatory process. While the treatment lasts, the patient will have to moderate his physical activity and take medications prescribed by the doctor.

Axillary lymphadenitis is treated with:

Treatment at home

You can supplement the main course of treatment with traditional methods of treating inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm at home. It’s just important to discuss this point with your doctor first.

Echinacea is very popular, helping to strengthen the body’s defenses, activating the immune system, and general condition has a beneficial effect on a person. Its tincture is suitable for:

  • Ingestion. Dilute 10 drops of tincture in 100 ml of water and take 0.5 tsp three times a day.
  • Compresses. Mix 1 part tincture with 2 parts water. The prepared solution is moistened with gauze and applied to the inflamed lymph nodes.

Calendula, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, has proven itself well. From tinctures diluted in water, lotions are made, from decoctions - compresses for the whole night, and from infusions prepared from dried flowers of calendula and tansy - a remedy for oral administration before meals three times a day.

To eliminate redness and swelling, you can prepare compresses from:

  • Onions baked in the oven. Make a puree out of it and pour in pharmaceutical tar (1 tbsp). Apply the paste onto gauze and apply to the sore spot for at least 8 hours.
  • Alcohol tincture of leaves walnut. The leaves are poured with alcohol and left for 5 days to infuse. The finished tincture is used for compresses throughout the night.

Which doctor should I contact?

If inflammation of the lymph node occurs, it is better to trust the doctor than to treat yourself. Many people wonder: which doctor should I make an appointment with for such a problem? It's always worth starting with a therapist. He will give directions for change necessary tests, which will help to identify whether the inflammatory process is a consequence of an infectious disease, or whether the cause is something more serious. Additionally, the therapist can refer you for tests for tumor markers, ultrasound and mammography.

Next, you should go to a surgeon who will examine the inflammation to determine whether surgical intervention is necessary or whether it can be done without it.

An oncologist will be needed if inflamed lymph node the patient feels tired, pale, short of breath and lacks appetite. This doctor will help to timely detect a malignant tumor or refute its presence.

Since the lymph nodes become inflamed for various reasons, the course of therapy in each case will be specific. If in one case you can get by with vitamins and immunostimulants, in another you can only cure the patient with antibiotics. But in any case, increasing immunity is very important, because it is interconnected with the human lymphatic system.


In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes can be treated conservative treatment. But it happens that it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. We are talking about purulent lymphadenitis. If it is diagnosed, then urgent surgery is required. Having opened the abscess, exudate is released from it, and the wound is cleaned antiseptic solutions, and place a drainage in the diseased node to remove the purulent substance out.

Another disease for which surgery is indicated is a malignant tumor of the lymph nodes. Conduct complete removal diseased node, and treat patients with special anti-oncological medications.

If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, this indicates problems and malfunctions in the human body. Lymph nodes are located in parts of the human body; there are 150 locations. Common ones are in the armpits and neck. The lymph nodes under the armpit are the most susceptible to inflammation.

To identify the root cause, a consultation with a therapist is necessary. If inflammation occurs in a child, go to the pediatrician. Causes of pathology:

  1. Viruses and colds. Inflammation can occur due to infection with an acute respiratory viral infection, sore throat or influenza. To relieve the symptoms of lymphadenitis, the disease that caused the inflammatory process must be cured.
  2. Direct penetration of foreign agents into the lymph node. Bacterial infection with staphylococci or streptococci directly in the lymph node can cause inflammatory processes.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. Impaired blood circulation in the vessels also leads to lymphadenitis. When blood thickens, associated with excessive consumption of sweets, the veins become clogged and circulation is impaired.
  4. Toxic poisoning. Lymph nodes are a link in cleansing the body; in case of poisoning, toxins will try to be eliminated through sweat, leading to inflammation of the axillary nodes.
  5. Allergy. It may occur in response to deodorant, and again the lymph nodes will try to remove foreign agents through the armpits.
  6. Excessive sweating. Sweat is a favorable environment for the development of diseases and bacteria. If there is an excess of sweat secretion, the lymph nodes may not have time to cope with the amount of bacteria. The germ slips through, causing inflammation.
  7. Furunculosis. It is an independent disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the hair follicles. Inflammation can gradually spread to the lymph nodes. An enlarged lymph node is possible due to shaving.
  8. Malignant neoplasms. Oncology. Cancer can affect the human body, the symptom will be inflammation in the axillary, intramammary and para-aortic lymph nodes. The tumor can form in the chest, larynx, lungs or throat.


If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, a course of treatment will be prescribed by a general practitioner. The doctor, using numerous diagnostics, will determine the cause of the inflammation and make a diagnosis. After treatment of the disease, the lymph nodes will decrease in size on their own.

To relieve symptoms, eliminate pain and swelling, you will need to follow a number of medical recommendations:

  • In case of inflammation, you need to give rest to the nodes, therefore, you should not load the protective elements. You need to stop using deodorants and try to stay in a ventilated area so as not to sweat.
  • Treatment must be comprehensive, using medications and physiotherapy, compresses, ointments, etc.
  • When prescribing a course of antibiotics, they must be taken in consultation with a physician, since the body’s reaction must be under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Take vitamin supplements to boost immunity. The selection of vitamin supplements will have to be done by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Antibiotic therapy for inflammation

To stop the spread of a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The doctor prescribes medications to solve problems with infection, early stage the disease is amenable to the specified treatment.

If tuberculosis is excluded, therapy is prescribed for a period of 7 to 14 days. The allotted time is enough to relieve or reduce the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. With tuberculosis, treatment becomes more complicated, complex and inpatient.

Local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments

To speed up the relief of symptoms, ointments are used that accelerate the relief of inflammation. They do not treat the disease, but eliminate external effects. Compresses and other methods will help. The methods help improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of resorption of stagnation.

Application of chloroethyl

Prescribing chlorethyl is necessary if the patient’s lymph node hurts. Due to the content of an anesthetic in the composition, the drug relieves inflammation, shrinks the lymph node, reduces the sensitivity of this area of ​​​​the skin, which will help relieve pain. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a spray applied to the area. The skin will darken after application, this is normal. To completely eliminate the inflammatory process, the course consists of 5-6 sessions.


To strengthen the immune system and influence the lymph nodes, physiotherapy is often prescribed for inflammation. As an addition to the course of treatment, it performs a strengthening function.

The procedures consist of electrophoresis with medications and ultrasound therapy in the axillary area. The effect is elimination of the inflammatory process and reduction of pain.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are responsible for cleansing the body, medical supplies And traditional methods are able to help. Focus folk remedies– treatment of inflammation, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agents.

Surgical intervention

In the absence of pathology, treatment does not require surgical intervention, but if a purulent infection spreads, it is necessary. Pus can cause side problems, including rotting of the flesh. Urgent surgical intervention will be required to clean out the cavities.

Also necessary for oncology. If the lymph node is already affected by malignant neoplasms, it is removed and courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed.

Inflammation of the intramammary node in women

For women on the planet, an additional danger is inflammation of the lymph node located in the mammary gland or armpit.

Intramammary lymph nodes

They are localized in the upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland. Present on both sides in the armpit area. Absent in men, only in women. The location of the lymph nodes is designed so that the infection does not spread.


The lymphatic system will perform the function of a filter due to immune reactions occurring in the thymus and bursa-dependent areas. In the lymph nodes, distribution occurs into lymph and other foreign bodies, lymph flows from adjacent organs and tissues. If there is an excess of antigens in the inflowing lymph, inflammation of the nodes occurs and their size increases.

When to worry

A lymph node tumor is considered a consequence of the disease, and not a pathology. You should be concerned if the lymph node is enlarged, which indicates abnormalities in the human body. During an X-ray or mammographic examination, the lymph nodes should not be visible, but during inflammatory processes the elements are enlarged and compacted, appearing as a white spot on the pictures.

Lymphadenopathy is the so-called enlargement of intramammary nodes, which is a consequence of inflammatory and infectious or bacterial diseases. Although this is a consequence, the symptom cannot be ignored; the inflammation will go away after treatment of the disease. If you notice the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Possible diseases

Lymph nodes do not become enlarged without a reason. A doctor should diagnose the disease; there are many possible causes. And the degree of threat of diseases ranges from mild to difficult to treat and even fatal.


Most common during breastfeeding, after childbirth. No safety or hygiene precautions for breastfeeding pathogenic organisms can get into the mammary glands, inflammation will occur. Also, during lactation periods, with incomplete expression of milk, symptoms may develop. bacterial infections. Stale milk becomes a favorable substrate for the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Symptoms: increased basal temperature body up to 40 degrees, chest pain, increased breast size or redness of the skin in the area of ​​pain, headaches may be present, as well as pus discharged from the nipple.


Means benign tumor, which can develop in the chest. The cause is a disruption in the production of hormones. When palpated, hardening is detected on the nodule, and with light pressure, drops of liquid may be released from the nipple.

Silicone implant

After surgery to install a silicone implant, it is necessary to monitor your breast health. Possible enlarged lymph nodes. If installed incorrectly, swelling or increase in breast size may occur. For two months, you will have to carefully monitor the shape and size of your breasts to identify pathologies. There is a low probability of silicone leakage. The situation is not dangerous for the woman. But the need to contact a plastic surgeon remains.

Oncological neoplasm

Not every tumor fits the description of cancer. It is necessary to take into account a number of signs in which it is necessary to consult a doctor - oncologist. TO warning signs include: violation appearance, change in volume, discharge from the nipples, changes in the structure of the epidermis, weight gain.


Tuberculosis produces symptoms throughout the body, including axillary nodes, capable of starting an inflammatory process in the nodes near the bronchi and trachea. The nodes are considered the center of lymph maturation, which influences the correct response that the body gives to foreign agents. It is necessary to track the dynamics of changes.


Inflammation or swelling in the armpit is normal during pregnancy or before menstruation.


If the symptoms described above are identified, you should urgently consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis, make a preliminary diagnosis and refer you to a specialist for further treatment.

Doctors involved in diagnosis: mammologist, gynecologist, surgeon and oncologist.


After palpation of the mammary glands and the area of ​​the armpits, compactions may be revealed. Directions are provided for additional examinations. During a routine visit, symptoms of a serious illness are sometimes identified.


An imbalance of sex hormones and the presence of sexually transmitted infections can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes. A gynecologist can identify these problems and prescribe a course. Treatment consists of hormonal pills in case of disruptions in the production of hormones. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in case of infection.


Takes part in the treatment of mastitis ( purulent form). Treatment consists of surgery. Introduced local anesthesia, then a skin incision is made, the pus is removed and the cavity is cleaned. After suturing the wound, the lymph node will return to normal within one to two weeks, without additional stimulation.


The first step is to confirm the presence of a malignant tumor. There are two stages of oncology, and two methods of fight. On initial stages treatment is minimal. It will be necessary to remove the tumor regionally without affecting other tissues. In advanced stages, a complete mastectomy is necessary. Treatment is not limited to this, but rehabilitation period you will have to undergo procedures aimed at improving your health. Medical gymnastics and health-improving exercises are used.

Diagnostic methods

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo clinical examinations and find out the results, which include blood and urine tests, as well as special clinical studies for a range of diseases.


The basis of health is self-examination. At home, it is possible to detect symptoms: malaise, pain in the chest area or enlargement. For a correct and competent inspection, a number of rules must be taken into account. It is better to perform the procedure on the 10th day of the cycle, including visual inspection and palpation of the mammary glands. Palpate on both sides, carefully palpating the chest in a circular motion. If the lymph node continues to enlarge, the disease develops. If any lumps or clots are detected, immediately contact a mammologist.


This method is a non-invasive method for identifying compactions. Held X-ray separate from the mammary gland. The detail determines the location, shape and density of the tumor.

To avoid radiation exposure that can lead to mutations, it is possible to use MRI mammography. But the price this method higher, and the image resolution is lower, therefore the diagnostic benefit is less.


The difference with mammography is that it produces dynamic images. Purpose – used for detailing pathological process or clarifying the diagnosis. The analysis will show tissue differentiation, breast structure and the status of the lymph nodes.


The area with pathological processes has a different temperature compared to the body. These areas heat up the tissue due to inflammatory processes. In the picture this area They are distinguished by the presence of red shades, and a healthy one will be light. Thermography allows you to obtain such a temperature analysis of the body on film.


If malignancy is suspected, a biopsy is prescribed. The method is invasive. A section of tissue is grabbed and examined using a special device. Within 1-3 weeks, a result will come that will show the type of tumor - benign or malignant, or its absence as such.


When receiving results that indirectly indicate oncology, additional analysis. Axillography reveals metastases. The mechanism is an x-ray of the tissues of the axillary region.

CT scan

Indicated to exclude or monitor a pathological process. The analysis mechanism helps to assess the course of the pathological process, the size of the lesion, and detect metastases. The computer calculation is based on information from x-rays.

Treatment for various diseases

Timely handling and delivery of rows clinical trials allow the doctor to prescribe a course of treatment. Self-medication must be avoided so as not to aggravate the situation. To familiarize yourself with the procedures, possible treatment options are presented below.

Two approaches to treatment are used: conservative and surgical. Eliminating pain in the chest area without relying on a diagnosis - using topical ointments. They help relieve pain, improve blood circulation, which helps reduce the inflammatory process and resolve the seal.

For mastitis

An infectious disease can be treated with antibacterial agents. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce body temperature and chest pain. Surgery is necessary if there is pus in the chest; the affected areas will be cleaned and washed.

Women who are breastfeeding need a product to suppress lactation. Excess retained milk can cause bacterial infection.

If the inflammation progresses to chronic form, To drug treatment You also need to include physiotherapy: electrophoresis and ultrasound.

For mastopathy

Treatment depends on the diagnosis:

  • Nodal form. Not amenable to drug treatment. Subject to surgical cutting. Dangerous form, poses a threat to human life.
  • Cystic fibrous form. After testing for hormones, the endocrinologist will prescribe hormone therapy in the form of tablets or hormonal contraceptives.
  • Fibrous-diffuse form. Therapy consists of a course of medications and a complex integrative approach to treatment. It includes a change in lifestyle, a change in diet, right choice underwear, which does not restrict blood circulation. A course of treatment with hormonal and non-hormonal medications is forthcoming.

When implanted

An urgent consultation with a plastic surgeon is required. Preferably, the same specialist who performed the operation and knows about the patient and the installed implant. After collecting information, a decision will be made on the need to remove the implant and subsequent treatment. The reasons may be a change in the shape of the implant, its rupture, which requires urgent surgery, and threatens the patient’s life!

For malignant tumors

After diagnosis, suspicion of cancerous tumor. The course of treatment will be planned and prescribed by a doctor. Items included surgical intervention, the use of radiation, radio and chemotherapy. Molecular targeted therapy, which consists of drug treatment, is possible.

Such procedures help eliminate or destroy malignant cells. To eliminate the risk of developing metastases, it is necessary to remove the lymph nodes of the affected area. Treatment is selected based on tests that will help the patient eliminate the consequences of therapy. You will need to visit your therapist annually to avoid periods of remission.

For tuberculosis

These diseases - inflammation of the lymph node and tuberculosis - can occur in parallel. There are two stages of the disease. Depending on the course of the disease, appropriate treatment is selected.

In the initial stages, surgery should not be performed, as it is possible to cause a re-infection from the remaining bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to take anti-tuberculosis tablets and other medicinal methods. In this case, the lymph nodes will retain function.

During the second stage, tissue destruction occurs and combination therapy will be required. In addition to the course of pills, this includes operational activities. The procedure involves cutting out lymph nodes that cannot be treated. If nearby tissue is also damaged, according to medical instructions, it also has the right to be removed. In the latter case, the tissues may become encapsulated and then heal. Then the capsule is impregnated with calcium and its salts, forming a dense lump.

Things to Remember

Enlarged lymph nodes in any organ or tissue are a symptom of an inflammatory process and disorders in the human body. To exclude a possible danger to life, consultation with a therapist is necessary to make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Treatment takes place under the supervision of a doctor, with timely tests and all therapeutic measures the recovery rate is 90%. After treatment, the breasts will return to normal outside and inside.

Para-aortic lymph nodes

These lymph nodes include organs located on the periphery of the lymphatic system. Localized in the space between the stomach and spine. Receive lymph from organs abdominal cavity, armpits also have a way out here.

The location of the lymph nodes is designed so that the infection does not spread. Para-aortic nodes prevent infections from spreading from the area of ​​the iliac node, male and female genital organs, and the pelvic region to the overlying tissues, for example, in the armpit. Location – in front of the spine, near the psoas muscle, close to the lower leg of the diaphragm.


Like the lymphatic system, its normal function is filtration, it is achieved through immune reactions. The response occurs in the thymus and bursa dependent areas. In the area of ​​the nodes, inflowing lymph from nearby tissues and organs is divided into pure lymph and foreign agents. When there are a lot of foreign agents and antigens, the nodes do not have time to cope with the work and inflammation occurs.


The normal size of lymph nodes should not exceed 1.5 cm; with age or after illness, the size changes. But an increase in excess of 2 cm most likely carries pathology. The person should see a therapist.

Seeing a doctor

Feel the lymph nodes healthy person it’s difficult, he doesn’t feel them. At the first signs of swelling or tenderness in the area, you should consult a doctor; infections and pathologies are likely.


Common causes of inflammation:

  • Disturbances in the organs of the urinary system.
  • Appearance in lumbar region abscesses.
  • Skin lesions in the area of ​​inflammation, dermatitis or other eczema.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Penetration of metastases from other lesions into the lymph node. The focus can be the kidneys, stomach, intestines, uterus in a woman or prostate in a man.


A painful sensation indicates positive signs that the lymph nodes are inflamed. But during oncological processes, pain is not accompanying symptom. In addition, weakness, fever, excessive sweating, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. In addition, the patient will be disturbed characteristic symptoms disease causing inflammation.


Diagnosis is complicated by the impossibility direct inspection node due to its location. The diagnosis is made from indirect reasons, such as examination, tests and medical history. Lists of required clinical examinations include: general tests blood, ultrasonography abdominal organs, magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray examination of the pelvis, histological examination - lymph node puncture.


The inflammatory process in the lymph nodes is not a disease; treatment is prescribed according to the diagnosis. And the lymph nodes will decrease in size on their own a week or two after recovery.

As mentioned above, the nature of treatment will depend on the disease: for acute respiratory viral infection will have to take antipyretics. If there is a bacterial infection, you will need to take a course of antibiotics. For malignant neoplasms (cancer), the therapist will prescribe complex therapy, which will include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as surgery in later stages.

The operation takes place in stages. The skin over the lymph nodes is cut, excess blood and lymph are pumped out. Remove pus and surrounding soft fabrics, as well as tissues susceptible to necrosis. IN open wound A sponge with an antimicrobial or antiseptic drug is introduced to avoid infections. It is then removed and the patient is sutured. After the operation, dressings are made for 7-10 days. Antibiotics are prescribed to exclude secondary infection. Fabrics that have been cut are sent to histological examination to exclude malignant neoplasms.

If, when inflammation is detected, a person neglects therapeutic measures, lymphatic drainage is impaired. This threatens the development of lymphostasis, which can provoke a decrease in the amplitude of movement of the limbs. With timely initiation of drug therapy, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.