Moscow State University of Printing. Types of syntactic connections and ways of expressing them

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Means of expressing syntactic connections

To express syntactic connections, the modern Russian literary language has a variety of means: these means are different in phrases and simple sentence, on the one hand, and in a complex sentence, on the other.

1. The Russian language is an inflectional language, therefore syntactic connections in phrases and simple sentences are expressed directly by those forms of words that convey not nominative, but syntactic meanings, or both at the same time, namely: case forms of nouns; number, gender and case of adjectives; person, number and gender of conjugated forms of verbs.

2. To express syntactic connections of forms indirect cases prepositions serve as nouns: believe in victory, enter the house, jump over the stream, prone to laziness, the strongest of fighters, far from home, alone with oneself, victory over the enemy, a film about youth.

3. Syntactic connections at the level complex sentence, as well as some types of connections between word forms in a phrase and a simple sentence, are expressed by conjunctions, as well as their functional “substitutes,” in particular relative pronouns (conjunctive words).

4. Word order is involved in the expression of syntactic connections. However, in Russian this is not the only means of expressing communication. Syntagmatic division “works” together with it, combining syntactically related word forms into one syntagma. In addition, the direction of the syntactic connection (what depends on what) is often uniquely determined by the relation lexical meanings related word forms.

The order of words (together with syntagmatic division) distinguishes the direction of connection, showing the syntactic dependence of the forms of oblique cases of nouns, prepositional case forms and adverbs from the verb or, conversely, from the noun; compare: Alongside the door stood there is a vase on the table With flowers.- There was a vase of flowers on the table near the door; Behind the hillock the bright stripe has already completely faded.- Bright strip behind the hill it has already completely gone out; Not far from the road blackened uneven jagged ridge forest.- The forest not far from the road was a black, jagged ridge.

It is generally accepted that word order is involved in expressing the direction of syntactic connections between identical forms of words, distinguishing the determined and the defining (subject and predicate) in sentences like My father- teacher; Teacher- my father; Moscow-capital of Russia; Capital of Russia- Moscow. Word order performs a similar function in sentences such as: Being determines consciousness(cf.: Consciousness determines being); The paddle hit the dress(cf.: The dress hit the oar); Mother loves daughter (cf.: Daughter loves mother) where he distinguishes between homonymous forms of the nominative and accusative cases. However, in such constructions, the very relationship of word meanings often shows the direction of the connection; Wed with examples given He's an eccentric; The clock counted down the seconds in which the word order does not directly express the syntactic connection, but only clarifies it. The same occurs in all cases typical for the Russian language (as an inflectional language), when a syntactic connection is conveyed by the form of a dependent word.

5. Intonation is involved in the expression of syntactic connections at different levels. Intonation means divide structures of spoken speech into syntagmas, usually in accordance with syntactic connections. Sometimes such division becomes the only indicator of communication. Yes, in a sentence She sang and danced well(we write it without punctuation to escape from the syntagmatic division) syntactic connection of the word form Fine unclear: it can equally relate to both sang, so and to danced. This or that syntagmatic division expresses a syntactic connection; in writing this is indicated by a comma. Wed: She sang well and danced.- She sang, danced well; same in sentences The forest drops its crimson headdress(P.); A seller of dried roach stuck out between the boxes(Ol.), but with the difference that in writing word form connections scarlet And roach not marked.

Syntactic connections may remain unambiguously expressed, as a result of which homonymy of syntactic constructions arises (as in the last two examples), which is usually removed by the context.

Material index
Course: Basic Syntax Concepts
Subject and tasks of syntax
Syntactic units – units of language and speech
Means of expressing syntactic connections
Types of syntactic connections

In phrases, sentences and texts, words (more precisely, word forms) with their inherent signifiers and signifiers are used as building material. Performing tasks such as connecting words in speech, designing sentences and texts (expanded statements) as integral formations, dividing text into sentences, and sentences into their components (constituents), distinguishing sentences and statements of different communicative types, expressing syntactic functions highlighted in a sentence constituents and their syntactically dominant or subordinate status, accounts for formal syntactic means. In most cases, several formal indicators are used simultaneously (for example, intonation indicator + linear indicator, or arrangement).

The most universal syntactic means is intonation. In formal terms, it is the presence of intonation that distinguishes a sentence-statement and a sounding text as communicative units from a phrase. With all its components (and above all the melodic and dynamic components) it ensures the unity of communicative formations. Phrase intonation can highlight sentences in a text and syntagmas in a sentence, ensure the integration of a phrase and a syntagma around stressed words, highlight the most semantically important parts of a sentence and a syntagma, and distinguish between the topic and rheme of a statement. Intonation means can help distinguish interrogative and declarative, exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences, signal the presence of enumerative structures, etc.

Another most universal syntactic device is word order (their arrangement), and in more complex constructions, the order of sentences. The order of words in sentences is characterized by a tendency towards direct juxtaposition of constituents connected with each other, i.e. their positional proximity, adjacency to each other. (Here we mean positional adjacency in general, regardless of whether a given syntactic connection is expressed or not expressed morphologically. In the Russian grammatical tradition, adjacency as a morphologically unmarked syntactic connection is distinguished from morphologically marked agreement and control, although in reality the adjacency of the dependent word to the dominant is not excluded in the case of a syntactic connection such as coordination and control.) Usually they talk about the adjunction of a syntactically dependent word to a syntactically dominant one (for example, the adjunction of a definition to the defined noun: English “Blue eyes” Blue eyes"; Kalm. khureh makhla"merlushka hat"; Chukot. Ergatyk Treeg'e"I'll come tomorrow").

If the subordinate word is in front of the dominant word, then they speak of preposition (regressive word order: interesting lecture). If the subordinate word follows the dominant one, then we are dealing with postposition (progressive word order: read the text). The predominant use of preposition or postposition of the definition is one of the important typological characteristics of the syntactic structure different languages. Thus, the preposition of the definition dominates in Slavic and Germanic languages, the postposition of the definition is characteristic feature Romance languages.

Adjunction as a contact method of syntactic communication can be resisted distant location syntactically related words. Yes, in it. in a sentence with several complements, the one that is more closely related in meaning to the verb (usually the addressee's complement) can be separated from it by other complements. Sometimes they try to explain such distancing by the fact that in Proto-Indo-European the tendency to final position verb, which was correspondingly adjoined by a more closely related word.

If a given dominant word has several subordinates, one of the dependent words can, together with the dominant word, form frame design, closing other dependent words. Such a frame is formed, for example, in English. language article and noun: A new book"new book" (in both cases).

The order of words in a sentence can be free or fixed. In typological studies of languages, the relative position of the subject (S), verb (V) and object (O) relative to each other is taken as a basis. There are 6 options: SVO, SOV, VOS, OSV, VSO, OVS.

Some languages ​​are characterized by a tendency towards free word order. These are, for example, Russian and Latin languages, which have rich capabilities for morphological marking of syntactic functions (members of a sentence). Wed: Students take an exam.- Students take the exam.- Students take an exam. - - Students take the exam.- Students take the exam.- Students take the exam. Other languages, especially those where syntactic functions are not morphologically marked, tend to have a fixed word order. So, in Spanish language from 6 possible options 4 are being implemented, and in France. only two. The word order is mute. sentences are more strict than in Russian. language. In English in the sentence it is stricter than in it, but freer than in French.

In principle, the arrangement of words must correspond to the movement of thought (the principle of iconicity of linguistic signs). In this case, they talk about the objective order of words, which performs a kind of iconic function (first, what is called is what is initial in the description of a given state of affairs). But deviations from the standard word order for a given language are allowed:

a) with inversion due to the need to distinguish between communicative types of sentences. Yes, in it. In a declarative sentence, direct word order is common, with the subject in the initial position (Er kommt morgen “He will come tomorrow”), and in an interrogative sentence ( general question) verbal predicate precedes the subject (Kommt er morgen? “Will he come tomorrow?”);

b) when moving to the initial position of a word that serves to connect the sentence with the pretext (Currently we are studying an introduction to theoretical linguistics. Lectures on this course are given by Professor N);

c) when placing the thematized in the initial position, i.e. used as a topic, a component of a statement (for example, the topic of a statement can be an indication of the figure: My grandson will go to Moscow tomorrow, destination indication: My grandson will go to Moscow tomorrow, etc.);

d) when the speaker expresses his emotions (in this case, the unusual, emphatic arrangement of words is reinforced by emphatic stress: I don’t want to take the exam with THIS teacher);

e) if necessary, express an additional value (for example, an approximate value: two hours- two hours).

Close to positional abutment syntactic basis, used to create incorporative structures in which roots (or bases) are loosely connected. Corporate complexes can serve as:

to express attributive connections (Koryak, echvy-v"shshta"with a sharp knife" kytpylv"yet-v"achata"steel knife");

to express the relationship between an action and its object or circumstance (Chukot. Tumg-yt kopra-ntyvat-gat“Comrades set up nets,” lit. “set up nets,” Myt-vinvy-ekvet-yrkyn"secretly departing");

to construct a sentence as a whole (Nootka language unikw-ihl-‘minih-‘is-it-a“There were several lights in the house,” lit., “fire-house-plural - diminutive - past tense - will express, noun.”).

Further, as a formal way of expressing syntactic relationships and functions, the use of official, words(conjunctions and allied words, particles, prepositions and postpositions, connectives).

Morphological indicators are widely used in affixed languages. They signal the presence of control, in which the syntactically dominant word predetermines the presence in the structure of word forms of the dependent word of one or another gramme (for example, a gramme of one of the indirect cases), and coordination, in which one or more grammes of the word form of the dominant word are repeated in the structure of the word form of the dependent word, those. there is a kind of likening of one gramme complex to another (for example, in a Russian adjective, when used attributively, its word form contains grammes of case, number, and also, in the case of the singular, gender: difficult exam). In languages ​​that have a concordant grammatical category nominal classes of a noun, indicators of a certain class appear in syntactically related words: language. Lingala Lo-lenge lo-ye l-a lo-beki lo-nalo-ko lo-zali lo-lamu “The shape of this pot is good.”

It is possible to simultaneously use management indicators and coordination indicators: five tables(here the connections are multidirectional: the numeral controls the noun and at the same time itself agrees with it); cargo. Deda shvils zrdis “The mother (abs. p.) of the son (dat. p.) raises (present, vr.)” (here the verb agrees with the subject (postfix -5) and at the same time controls the noun, requiring its use in the dat. p. ).

The indicator of syntactic connection usually appears in the word form of the dependent word. But it can, however, characterize the word form of the dominant word.

In Arabic studies (and under its influence in descriptions of Turkic and Iranian languages) the presence of the so-called Izafeta: Persian. Ketabe xub" good book", lit. ketab "book" + -e "indicator of attributive connection" + xub "good" (without any morphological indicators) 1; similar to Azerbaijani. at bashi"horse + head + connection indicator."

Unlike izafet, idafa is a connection between two nouns - dominant and dependent, in which the leading component, with its so-called conjugate form, which has neither the necessary endings nor the definite article, thereby already signals the presence of a component dependent on it: Arab, jaamuusatu-ya-fallaahi"peasant's buffalo"

Morphological indicators can mark the syntactic functions of nouns (subject, objects, predicate, definition, adverbial circumstances), adjectives (definition, predicate), verb (predicate), etc.

Lecture No. 13. Syntactic relations and ways of expressing them in English

Traditionally in linguistics, the terms “syntactic relations” and “syntactic connections” are used as synonyms, although attempts have been made to distinguish between them. The traditionally distinguished types of syntactic relations include:

1. composition and subordination - determining the status series

2. predicative, adverbial, objective, attributive connections - defining the combinatorial series

Status row

1. An essay is a type of connection in which the combining units are relatively equal and formally independent of each other (used with or without a conjunction). But in English language the elements connected by the composition are strictly fixed in relation to each other. This depends on the following factors:

· According to the meaning or depending on the semantics of E.g. It was cold and we stayed at home the phrase we stayed cannot precede the phrase it was cold

· Etiquette rules E.g. My sister and I- element I is used in last place

· Volume of units - a smaller unit must precede a larger unit, and by volume we mean the number of syllables E.g. cold and hungry, ladies and gentlemen, men and women.

2. Subordination or a subordinating relationship, unlike a coordinating relationship, is characterized by the inequality of combining elements. An element (core) is identified that dominates other components that act as subordinate units. In inflected languages, subordinate units show their dependent position by changing their form. In English, there are other means of identifying the status of subordinating and subordinate elements (through a syntactic function) (see lecture 12 table*).

A subordinate element is a syntactic element that reveals its syntactic function at the level of the analyzed phrase.

A subordinate element (leading) is a syntactic element whose syntactic function is not disclosed at the level of the analyzed phrase.

E.g. to park carefully – carefully – a subordinate element that performs the function of an adverbial circumstance; adverbial type of connection; to park – a subordinating element that does not reveal its syntactic function.

Useful information - Useful is a subordinate element that performs the definition function; attribute type of connection; information is a subordinating element that does not reveal its syntactic function.

Essay and submission determine status combining units in relation to each other, i.e. indicate their equality or inequality, determine the status series of syntactic relations.

But these two types do not reflect all possible relationships. In addition to them, there are two types, which are unconventionally distinguished:

1. Interdependent or predicative relationships - a type in which the first unit depends on the second, and the second on the first. According to V.V. Burlakova, the term predicative connection is unsuccessful, since it focuses not so much on the status of units in relation to each other, but on their syntactic function. The best term is considered to be “interdependence”, introduced by L. Elmslev.

E.g. I am he loves the lesson being over

2. Accumulative relations or relations of addition, adhesion (according to V.V. Burlakova)

E.g. his own (invitation) – dependent phrases.

There is no between them

1) the relationship of the essay *his and own (invitation) (* - no form);

2) relations of subordination, since none of the elements determines the syntactic function.

But there are relationships between these elements, since their location is fixed in relation to each other * own his (invitation).

Combinatorial series

A combinatorial series (a series of syntactic relations) includes those types of connections or relations that not only indicate the presence of syntactic dependence between components, but also signal the syntactic function of the element(s).

The difference between a combinatorial series and a status series

The status series includes only those types of relations that serve to identify the status of units in relation to each other, while the combinatorial series includes those types of relations that allow the identification of the syntactic function of units.

The types of relations in the combinatorial series arise depending on which morphological classes of words are combined with each other, forming syntactic groups, i.e. relations arise as a result of combinatorics.

In a combinatorial series traditionally The following types are distinguished:

In addition to this classification, unconventional distinguish the existential type of connection. According to V.V. Burlakova, the existential type characterizes the relationship between the linking verb and the nominal part.

E.g. to be clever being famous looking ill

It should be noted that the following can act as connective verbs: to look, to become, to get, to keep, to turn etc.

Syntactic connections should be distinguished from methods for their implementation. Among the techniques for implementing syntactic connections, there are 3 main ones:

· adjacency

· approval

· management

Adjunction is a technique based on the actualization of the mutual valency of morphological classes of words, and therefore does not require the contact arrangement of units. Contiguity does not have a change in form or influence on the components, but indicates that the elements are connected to each other by a certain syntactic device.

E.g. to write letters is a technique of adjacency, since the valence properties of the verb (combinability) presuppose the use of a noun that acts as a direct object.

To write letters regularly – between the elements To write and regularly, as well as between To write and letters, the adjacency technique is used, since, in addition to a noun, a verb can also be combined with an adverb, despite the distant location of the verb and the adverb.

Valence (the term was introduced by L. Tenier) is the ability of a verb to form certain positions around itself that must be filled. According to his theory, the verb or nominal predicate determines the future composition of the sentence. Initially, in accordance with the theory of L. Tenier, only the subject and object (actants) are included in the valence set of the verb. Later, the necessity of including adverbial adverbs in the valence set of the verb was proven.

E.g. to be situated. The village is situated in a valley. A sentence without the adverbial location in a valley will not make sense. *The village is situated.

According to L. Tenier, the verb to sing is divalent, since it forms positions that must be filled with the subject and direct object (I, we, etc.) sing (a song, a tune etc.). To send is a trivalent verb that forms positions for subject, direct and indirect objects.

Coordination is a technique based on the likening of number, case and gender of combining units. But in English, agreement is accepted by the category of number: E.g. this book – these books he reads – we read.

Control is characterized by the fact that the control word predetermines the form (case) of the controlled word. But since the case system has collapsed in the English language, we can only talk about the use of control in relation to personal pronouns in object positions.

There are 2 types of control:

1) prepositional (to see him, meet me etc.) and 2) prepositional (to agree with me, to depend on him etc.)

Means of expressing syntactic connections

Syntactic connections have certain means of expression: formal and informal.

Formal means include:

  • 1) endings (since Russian is an inflectional language), prepositions, conjunctions and allied words;
  • 2) word order in a simple sentence coupled with syntagmatic division, which combines syntactically related word forms in the speech stream into one rhythmic-intonation group:

I visited my birthplaces

That village

Where did you live as a boy?

Where is the tower with a birch tower

A bell tower without a cross rose up.

(S. Yesenin)

Only the location of the prepositional-substantive combination without a cross next to a noun Bell tower allows you to combine them in one syntagma. In meaning, this combination could stand with other nouns: tower(without cross), tower(without the cross), but then the syntagmatic division of the sentence and the syntactic connections between its members would be different. Wed: tower with birch tower And tower without a cross.

Intonation is an informal means of syntactic communication. Of course, this only occurs in spoken language. In Pushkin's lines:

And we will all die if we don’t have time soon

Find refuge; And where? oh woe, woe!

depending on whether you connect an intonationally emphasized adverb with a verb we'll have time or gain, the meaning of the statement changes.

... "Don't you see, Tell, something" -

The young man told me, pointing into the distance with his finger.

When reading these lines in accordance with punctuation marks, it stands out intonationally as an introductory word Tell. But if there are no commas in the first line, it can be read and understood differently: "Don't you see, say something".

As part of the text most of sentences and parts of the text are also connected in meaning and formally. There are special means of communicating them, primarily in book styles (scientific, journalistic).

1. Noun repetition(without definition or with definition). There are two cases of repetition:

  • a) repetition of the noun that ends a sentence at the beginning of another sentence. For example: Matter is in continuous movement. Movement is an inherent property matter. Matter exists and moves in space and time. Space and time are forms of existence of matter; IN Russian Federation recognized and guaranteed local government. Local government within the limits of their authority independently(Constitution of the Russian Federation) ;
  • b) repetition of the same noun at the beginning of each sentence. For example: are used and protected in Russia as the basis for the life and activities of peoples, residing in the relevant territory. Earth and others Natural resources may be in private or other forms of municipal ownership(Constitution of the Russian Federation).

2. Personal pronouns 3 l., used when talking about specific objects and persons, and a demonstrative pronoun This, usually used when talking about generalized facts and events. For example: International treaties of the Russian Federation are part of its legal system. They define the rules of some federal laws; The main thing in marketing is a thorough and comprehensive study of the market, demand, taste and needs, orientation of the organization's activities to meet these requirements, active influence on the market and existing demand, to shape needs and consumer preferences. This , as well as consistency, goal-oriented actions bring marketing and public relations closer together.

3. Words like Then, here, from here, So, there, higher, below. For example: We see displacement every day in everyday life. From here clarity of mechanical representations follows; Movement occurs not only in space, but also in time. Higher , considering the subject of physics, we wrote, that space and time are an integral property of matter.

4. Words like what was said, last, mentioned; both, first, second. For example: The movement occurs as if in space, as well as in time. From what has been said should, that to describe the movement it is necessary to decompose into two main types - translational and rotational. First- this is such a movement, in which any straight line, associated with a moving body, remains parallel to itself.

5. Words and phrases like let's get started, let's stop at, Firstly, first of all, indicating a transition to a new question. For example: It was said above, that a point relates to the basic concepts of geometry. Let's move on to consider the projection of a point; First of all, let's address To a question, which has great importance when solving physical problems; Let's install , - the candidate spoke seriously, - What are we talking about? What is the subject of our conversation?(V. Shukshin).

6. Words and phrases like then (Further), Besides, simultaneously, at the same time, Firstly, Secondly, used when continuing a conversation on any issue. For example: At the end of the 19th century. the concept of quantum was introduced. Then the electron was discovered; Further we will turn to consider two elementary concepts geometry - points and straight lines; Besides , Promotion of social, racial, national, religious and linguistic inequality; A little historical background, I say. But, Firstly , not you, and you. And secondly , Vladimir Mikhailovich Bastrygin is me(G. Nemchenko).

7. Words and phrases ( And) finally, Finally, all this, So, used at the end of a final sentence. For example: Automation is characterized by the use of technical means and the use of mathematical calculation methods. Finally , automation is characterized by the use of control systems, which free a person from direct participation in production; So , management as an activity is carried out by communication management, communications of the organization and the social environment.

8. Words and phrases like So, For example, set an example, Let's give an example; as stated, speaks, writes; let, let's say, Let's imagine. For example: Oscillatory processes lie at the very basis of various branches of technology. So , All radio technology is based on oscillatory processes; As they say (They say ) witnesses, the accident occurred due to the fault of the victim; Let (let's say ) the body moved from point A to point B; But the phenomenon was discovered recently, that's why I'm asking. Natural philosophy, let's say, will determine this, strategic philosophy is completely different...(V. Shukshin).

Types of syntactic connections and ways of expressing them

A significant place in syntax is given to types of syntactic connections between words and methods of formal expression of syntactic functions.

Usually they talk about two most important types of syntactic connection: essay and about submission. For coordinating connection The elements are characterized by equality of rights, which is externally expressed in the possibility of rearrangement without changing the meaning: wife and me / me and wife. When composing, the related elements are homogeneous and functionally close. Examples: table and chair / me or you / strict but fair. Subordinating connection: table leg/down pillow/down pillow/reading a book. Here the relationship is unequal: one element is dominant (leg, pillow, reading), the other is subordinate ( ... table. …. made of down, down….,…. book).

Among the ways of formally expressing syntactic connections, it is customary to distinguish:

1) agreement; 2) management; 3) adjacency; 4) union and non-union composition; 5) union and non-union subordination;

The first and second methods use morphological forms, the third - non-morphological forms (word order, intonation). Conjunctive composition and subordination use function words (conjunctions). Non-union composition and subordination - word order, intonation.

The morphological way of expressing syntactic connections includes:

1) Agreement consists of repeating one, several or all grammes of one word in another, related word, for example, agreement of the predicate with the subject in Russian: I read / she sings / we work (grammemes of persons, numbers). Coordination is used as a means of expressing subordinate relationships between the definition and the defined, while the grammes of the defined are repeated in the defining: new book, new book, new books (gender, number, case).

2) Control consists in the fact that one word causes the appearance of certain grammes in another word associated with it, which do not, however, repeat the grammes of the first word. Control is widely used as a means of expressing subordinating relationships, for example: in Russian transitive verb requires addition to accusative case: I'm reading a book. Other verbs: I rejoice in spring (Danish case); I achieve results (gen. case).

The placement of words dependent on them in certain cases also requires: 1) nouns: ballet lover(genus case); hunger for knowledge(genus case); 2) adjectives: full of energy(genus case); happy with the purchase(TV case); 3) adverbs: along with me (TV case).

A non-morphological way of expressing syntactic connections includes:

    Word order

a) positional contiguity, that is, designating the connection of words by simply juxtaposing them, placing them side by side, for example:

1) Heloud arguedfor a long time didn't agree, butfinally conceded.

2) An English book – english book; a sweet smell – a sweet smell (adjacent adjective-attribute to a noun).

2) Preposition and postposition:

in Russian, the postposition of a numeral in contrast to its preposition serves to express a shade of approximateness:

two kilograms / two kilograms.

In French, the adjective is used in postposition - drapeau rouge, in Russian – in preposition: Red flag.

In English in combinations like stone wall- "stone wall" a noun in preposition to another noun performs the function of defining it and thus does not differ from an adjective.

3) The tendency to assign certain places in a sentence to certain members of the sentence:

when there is a coincidence (homonymy) of the nominative and accusative cases of nouns used in a sentence as subject and object:

    Mother loves daughter (Daughter loves mother?).

    The paddle hit the dress.

    Being determines consciousness.

    A motorcycle overtakes a truck.

In these examples, only the order of the words makes us understand the first noun as the subject, and the second as the direct object. Languages ​​without a case system have a fixed word order:

English language: The father loves the son/ The father loves his son;

French language: Le père aime le fils /Father loves son.

Inversion while preserving the meaning of the entire sentence is impossible.

4) Word order can differentiate between sentence types, For example:

a) declarative sentence / general interrogative sentence:

Russian: You wanted this / wanted You this?; English: The house has a garden / Has the house a garden?

In this case, the inversion is accompanied by a questioning intonation.

Intonation as a means of expressing syntactic connections occupies an important place in syntax. First of all, intonation distinguishes between types of sentences - interrogative, imperative, narrative. Intonation carries out the actual division of the sentence, isolation and logical, or emotional, selection of individual members of the sentence. Examples:

    Yesterday I was at the theater(final, narrative intonation).

    Yesterday youwas with him in the theater?(raising the tone on the word “was” - interrogative intonation).

    Petrov is an excellent specialist!(emphasizing, dividing intonation, where the main role is played by a pause, creating a two-part sentence); The always frowning mother-in-law / spoiled her mood(intonation adjacency).