Monchalovsky forest (3 photos). Monchalovsky forest Molchanovsky forest anomalous

This forest on the territory of the Rzhevsky district of the Russian Tver region is a witness to many human tragedies and the keeper of the dark secrets of the past. During the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of the 29th Soviet Army conducted their last defense here. Our units were exhausted by continuous fighting and suffered irreparable losses. Surrounded by German troops, doomed to death, people fought to the last...

The dashing nineties increased the number of victims who found their last refuge in the land of the Monchalovsky forest: here Rzhev bandits brought people in trunks who no one else saw alive. Often, white searchers, looking for the remains of Soviet soldiers for subsequent reburial, found recent graves in the forest, testifying to the crimes committed in our days... This land, drunk with blood and saturated with the suffering of many people, itself acquired an inexplicable dark power and enjoys a bad reputation among the local inhabitants.

People in the Monchalovsky forest disappear without a trace. “Either the partisans are still active, or the dead Germans are wandering around at night,” the local people joke sadly. Hunters, mushroom pickers, official and unofficial search engines - no one advises ordinary people to go to the ill-fated forest with its oppressive atmosphere. Even a crunched branch here gives rise to panic fear in the soul, and the wind sometimes carries strange, subtle voices and sounds...

There are places in the forest where birds do not sing at all. They say that such dead silence indicates that there are numerous human remains nearby. In general, the influence of the Monchalovsky forest is unpredictable: in one minute here you can feel completely exhausted, discover that the compass does not work, and lose your way. But with the approach of evening or fog, you should quickly leave this dangerous territory, unless, of course, you want to add to the disappointing statistics of disappearances: you never know what or who might be hiding in the darkness or behind a foggy haze? (

However, there are always brave souls who strive to wrest its sinister secrets from the cursed forest. And here's what's interesting: those who explore the safe outskirts, as a rule, return with nothing, and those who delve into the very heart of the forest, as a rule, disappear without a trace.

Law enforcement agencies and official authorities are not too concerned about the mysterious disappearances of citizens. In the Rzhevsky region, people are annually blown up by mines, shells and bombs from the last war. Many ammunition is not hidden deep enough, and therefore can detonate even from slight vibration of the ground, for example, from human steps.

Chronomirages of the Monchalovsky forest

Eyewitnesses tell terrible stories about encounters with evil spirits, mystical mysteries and ghosts of the Monchalovsky Forest in a whisper, and no one can prove or disprove their veracity... For example, in 1990. local residents were fishing on the lake near the forest. Unexpectedly, they witnessed a real bombing carried out by German planes. Falling to the ground in horror, people clearly heard the sounds of flying planes, bomb explosions and gunshots. Suddenly everything stopped; discouraged fishermen tried to find fresh traces of the bombing, but on the ground only overgrown craters from the old war could be seen...

And one day (in the early 2000s), on a rainy evening, tourists saw a company of Soviet soldiers walking past them, dressed in the uniform of the Great Patriotic War. Deciding that a war movie was being made, the vacationers rewarded the “artists” with applause, but they, without reacting, disappeared into the darkness. One of the tourists noticed that one soldier had dropped his flask and picked it up. After several years, this flask ended up in the hands of a learned historian, and he was shocked: the thing looked practically new, but its authenticity (belonging to Soviet soldiers of the Second World War) was beyond doubt...

Such reproductions of past events are called chronomirages. They can resemble holograms, or they can be completely material, posing a serious threat to people (a soldier’s flask materialized from the past). As for the Monchalovsky forest, even today it haunts thrill-seekers who are ready to risk their lives to uncover the dark secrets of the past. But are these secrets within the capabilities of the common man in the street?..

This gloomy forest of the Rzhevsky district of the Tver region keeps many secrets and imprints of past years. It was here that the 29th Soviet Army conducted its last defense during the Great Patriotic War. Exhausted by continuous battles and suffering irreparable losses, the encircled units created a perimeter defense in the Monchalovsky forests. The German troops gradually tightened the encirclement and every day hope became less and less, until it disappeared completely along with the soldiers.

Mushroom pickers, hunters, official search engines and even black diggers - no one recommends visiting the ill-fated forest. Its atmosphere is oppressive, a crunching branch causes paranoia, and the wind sometimes brings subtle strange sounds to your ears. In some areas of the forest there is absolutely no birdsong. They say that this dead silence quite realistically indicates to the traveler that somewhere nearby there are someone’s remains.

The aura of the Monchalovsky forests is unpredictable. Here you can feel powerless in a minute, find your compass not working and, having lost your way, turn from an uninvited guest into a confused prisoner. As dusk or fog approaches, you need to quickly pack up and leave the cursed territory if you do not want to add to the sad statistics of mystical disappearances. After all, it is unknown who or what may be hiding in poor visibility conditions.

The thicket of the forest hides some terrible secret from prying eyes, but sometimes there are curious daredevils who strive to be known as heroes. Those that go to the heart of the forest usually do not return, and those that explore its outskirts find nothing. Official authorities and law enforcement agencies do not attach much importance to the mysterious disappearances of people. In the Rzhev region, every year people are blown up by ammunition from the last war. Many mines, shells and bombs have not been hidden deep enough by time, and they can detonate from any vibration of the earth.

But stories about encounters with ghosts and the evil spirits of the Monchalovsky forests continue to be told in whispers around the night fire, and no one can prove or disprove the veracity of these words... So in 1990, local residents fishing on the lake at the edge of the forest witnessed how German planes carried out a real bombing. Falling to the ground in horror, the fishermen clearly heard explosions and gunshots. But everything stopped as unexpectedly as it began. It was not possible to find any fresh traces of the bombing, but grass-covered craters from shells from the times of the Great Patriotic War could be seen on the ground. To this day, the dark mystery of the Monchalovsky forests continues to attract thrill-seekers. But many who tried to find out the nature of this anomalous zone sank into oblivion without leaving a trace.

Photo by Sergey Trofimov (Deputy Chairman of MMOOO "VPPO "Bridgehead")

See also:

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Ha three times. They haven't died and aren't going to.
The manuscripts do not burn, and the earth, so abundantly watered with blood, will be reborn.

how they live in the village of Esinka, 10 km away. from the city of Rzhev.

What's in the past? - terrible:(((Nearby is the Monchalovsky forest, where two armies fought and died surrounded - the 29th and 39th. This was in January 1942.
marked on the old military map the approximate location of the current village of Esinka

According to German data alone, 30 thousand Soviet soldiers died in the Monchalovsky forests. In the city of Andreapol, in the local history museum, there is a diarama about the death of the 29th Army in the Monchalovsky forests. I'll go and show you.

What's in the present, 73 years later?

view of the village from the meeting room of the village cultural center.

Office of the head of the settlement of Esinka

Drawings of local children doing fine art in the community center

And here is the “collective farmer’s house” itself :) They knocked out the building for many years, more than 10 years, and in the end, using imaginable and inconceivable resources, they built it. Handsome, I think

there is a ballet class for dancing, convenient for selfies

Auditorium and equipped stage

Blogger, he's a strange bitch, he tries everything on himself. Who sees themselves as who:) I’m a bunny. Only the ears are drooping

It’s wonderful today in the tiny village of Esinka, Rzhev district, but the cats are unfriendly, I won’t let them into my hands. Verified.