Wheat germ oil for nails reviews. Wheat oil - properties and applications. Useful properties of oil

Wheat germ oil was previously and is valued all over the world today; the properties and applications of this product can hardly be overestimated.

Thanks to its unique composition and effect on the body, wheat germ oil has found its use in cosmetology, cooking, and medicine.

Useful properties and composition

Three particularly important active components: antioxidants, tocopherols and carotenoids of the oil determine its unique composition; they are considered a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body. In terms of vitamin E content, the product is recognized as a record holder, especially in cosmetology. Those who strive to always look young and beautiful should take a closer look at this oil.

The oil stimulates and renews the skin at the cellular level, moisturizes it, and nourishes it with useful microelements and vitamins. Scientists have proven that rejuvenation can be achieved even with systematic care of old, rough, flaky skin that has lost its firmness, softness and elasticity.

Listing the components that make up wheat germ oil, it is worth highlighting important fact. 100 grams of oil contains more than one daily norm useful vitamins and microelements, but a few. In addition to a huge amount of vitamin E, it also contains vitamin complex group B, as well as:

  • nicotinic acid;
  • choline;
  • biotin;
  • pantothenic and folic acids.

The oil consists of:

  • Vanadium, silicon, boron and manganese. 100 g contains 3 daily norms of these nutrients.
  • Zirconium, selenium, cobalt, copper and phosphorus are half the daily requirement.

Important! The list of microelements and vitamins is supplemented by proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates. And tocopherols give the oil antioxidant properties.

Use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

Oil by itself does not count. medicine, but its role as a biological supplement is invaluable for health. For what purposes are the properties of wheat germ oil used in medicine? Internal and external use is indicated for:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • fight against skin diseases: blackheads, acne and other rashes;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds, scratches, burns, abrasions and so on;
  • optimization of the circulatory system;
  • disease therapy cordially- vascular system and central nervous system;
  • normalization of the functions of the reproductive system, treatment of prostatitis, infertility, increasing potency;
  • revitalization immune system;
  • has a sedative effect on the peripheral and nervous systems;
  • normalizes hormonal balance, reducing the likelihood of disruptions;
  • preventing the development of varicose veins, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

In all preventive or medicinal purposes Use no more than 2 teaspoons of oil and no more than 2 times a day. When treating not very deep burns, the affected area is lubricated with a slightly warmed product. For bruises or sprains, massage the affected areas using warm oil from wheat germ.

The oil is very useful for people with gastrointestinal problems:

  • At peptic ulcer stomach oral administration 1 teaspoon of oil before meals will help protect the walls from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
  • To prevent gastritis, it is enough to consume a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Taking sprouted wheat extract is also beneficial for bodybuilding athletes. Taking 2 tablespoons of oil per day helps increase the body's tolerance to increased stress.

Advice! Wheat germ oil helps women cope with such unpleasant gynecological diseases as mastopathy, vaginitis and cervical erosion.

Wheat germ oil: contraindications

There is a list of warnings and restrictions on the use of wheat germ oil:

  • You cannot use it if you have an individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.
  • People with a predisposition to the formation of stones in the urinary system or kidneys and those who already have stones.
  • Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding are allowed to use oil, but only after consultation with their doctor.
  • Children under and under 6 years of age should use and take the oil very carefully.

Application in cosmetology

Wheat germ cosmetic oil, its properties and use for cosmetic purposes are no less valuable than for medicinal purposes. It has a positive effect on the condition of nails, skin hair, as well as eyelashes and eyebrows.

Since it is considered viscous and dense in structure, it should be diluted with lighter vegetable oils before use. Oil from olives, almonds, and avocado in proportions of 1:4 are well suited for these purposes. Wheat germ oil is used only on specific areas, for example, on wrinkles, rough areas of the skin, wound, inflammation or burn.

Advice! To achieve the desired effect, you need to take it not just once, or whenever you want, but systematically - over a long period of time.

For wrinkles on the face

To enhance hair growth

Sprouted grain oil is widely used to strengthen and enhance hair growth. For seborrheic dermatitis, dryness, hair loss or brittleness, as well as split ends. The oil, penetrating deep into the epidermis to the bulb, increases blood flow, helps restore damaged areas, and removes oiliness and dandruff.

Using oil as shampoo is also effective. Pharmacists recommend mixing oil and other essential substances in equal proportions. The main thing is to adhere to the desired consistency - it should be thick (like shampoo). The application procedure is very simple:

  • The oil composition should be evenly distributed over the hair and scalp, wrapped in plastic wrap, and a rubber cap placed on top.
  • Then wrap your head with a thick cloth or towel and hold for 30 minutes, warming your head with a hair dryer as it cools.
  • Finally, wash your hair and hair with traditional shampoo several times. This is very important, since this oily substance will not be washed off the first time.

Advice!If the oil is used for the first time, you need to test for an allergic reaction before use. To do this, apply a few drops of the product to the skin. upper limb just above the elbow. Leave for 40 minutes at rest. If swelling and redness are clearly visible, the allergy test is positive and it is strictly not recommended for this person to use it.

Masks for oily and dry hair

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 4 tablespoons of yogurt (low-fat) and a small amount of banana pulp.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly, distribute evenly throughout the hair, leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Split ends can be restored with the following mask:

  • Mix two tablespoons of oil with a spoon of honey.
  • Dissolve the resulting composition in a water bath.
  • Distribute over the entire length of the hair, rinse after half an hour.

Improve condition oily hair A kefir-oil mask will help:

  • Mix three tablespoons of kefir with a spoon of wheat germ oil and freshly squeezed juice from one medium-sized lemon.
  • Apply to hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • To improve the resulting effect, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a chamomile decoction.

Eyebrow and eyelash care

You can improve the condition of your eyebrows and eyelashes with a simple mask:

  • Combine half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil with the same amount of castor oil.
  • Apply the composition to the eyebrows and eyelashes using a makeup brush.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you leave the composition on your eyelashes or eyebrows all night - this can cause swelling on them.

Skin of the eyelids and around the eyes

The skin in these areas is very sensitive and delicate, so it needs to be regularly nourished with vitamins and moisturized. If you don’t do this, then the appearance of wrinkles in these areas will not take long. You can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon with the help of an effective and very simple mask:

  • Mix two teaspoons of strong tea with one spoon of wheat germ oil and four drops of vitamins E and A (each).
  • Apply to the skin around the eyes and eyelids, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

Stretch marks in pregnant women

Wheat germ extract will also help get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy. Starting from the second trimester, caring for the skin of the abdomen is very important. A bath with wheat germ oil will significantly improve its condition. In addition, it will relieve tension and help you relax. Method of preparing and using the mask:

  • Mix one tablespoon each: wheat germ oil, lavender extract and neroli.
  • Fill the bath warm water(not higher than 38 degrees).
  • Add received oil composition based on: 1 drop per 20 liters of water.
  • Immerse yourself in water for 15 minutes.
  • After water procedure Do not dry yourself with a towel, but let your body dry naturally.

Advice! You can also protect and heal chapped lips with wheat germ oil. It can heal microcracks; you just need to reapply the product on your lips several times a day.

For cellulite

Many women try in every possible way to get rid of this unpleasant problem. A variety of creams, masks, ointments and other means are used. Do they really help? No one will give a definite answer - for some, yes, but for others, it’s a waste of money. Properties essential oil from wheat germ and its use as an anti-cellulite agent has been known to many for a long time. It is used for massaging problem areas, both in a diluted state and in pure form.

The simplest and most effective recipe for preparing a mask: mix a couple of drops of citrus extracts (all that you can buy) with a tablespoon of oil. Use the resulting composition for a firm massage of problem areas of the skin.

Advice! Wheat germ oil has a whitening effect. This fact will be valuable to people who want to get rid of freckles or age spots on the body and face.

How and where to store oil?

The storage conditions for this extract require the fulfillment of certain rules and requirements:

  • the oil is stored in a shaded and cool place;
  • prolonged contact of the substance with air should not be allowed;
  • the storage period should not exceed 12 months;
  • the temperature in the room where it is stored should not exceed +15C;
  • Do not store an open container of oil in the refrigerator.

Advice!If storage conditions are violated, the oil substance may lose most of its beneficial properties and become a dangerous mixture instead of a useful one. Under no circumstances should you use a rancid extract of sprouted sprouts or one that has become unusable due to its expiration date.

The oil is stored in a shaded and cool place

For many years, wheat germ oil has been called a unique remedy that helps maintain beauty, maintain youth and treats skin problems. internal diseases. The oil is extracted by cold pressing of sprouted wheat, directly from the sprouts, which contain many antioxidants and vitamins.

Wheat sprouts - benefits

Doctors confirm that this oil has a very positive effect on all systems of the body: nervous, endocrine, sexual, reproductive, digestive. Wheat sprouts restore the lack of vitamin E, which is important for athletes and people living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

  • after complex operations;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • with weak immunity;
  • from insomnia, stress;
  • for problems of excess weight.

Wheat germ oil - composition

Wheat germ oil is especially valued for Omega-6 and vitamin E; moderate doses of the medicine improve the condition of the skin and hair, and remove toxins. But before starting treatment, it is worth checking for allergies. The test is simple: drop a drop on the bend of your elbow and wait 1.5-2 hours; if there is no redness or itching, then everything is fine.

Cold pressing preserves beneficial elements, wheat germ oil – the composition of vitamins is very rich:

  • antioxidants – squalene, octacosanol;
  • amino acids – valine, tryptophan;
  • fatty acids – Omega-6, 3, 9;
  • vitamins E, A, D, all group B, beta-carotene;
  • potassium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc;
  • palmitic and stearic acids;
  • phytosterol.

Wheat germ oil – properties

The printed bottle should be stored in the dark and cool for no more than 3 months. Recommended for massage, both in pure form and in combination with other oils, copes with cellulite, stretch marks, smoothes the skin. For prevention, it can be used for diseases of the veins, heart and joint diseases.

What does wheat germ oil do - benefits:

  • helps treat the consequences of stroke and heart attack;
  • copes with atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • alleviates the condition of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids;
  • improves the condition of diabetic retinopathy.

Having studied wheat germ oil, doctors noted the following properties:

  • antiviral;
  • wound healing;
  • cleansing;
  • antifungal;
  • strengthening;
  • regenerating;
  • rejuvenating.

Wheat germ oil - properties and applications

Wheat germ oil is also sold in capsules; it is more convenient to use, since it is easier to determine the dosage if it is prescribed to be taken orally. It is recommended for obesity to burn fat, type 2 diabetes; the oil contains substances that control blood sugar and insulin production.

Medicinal wheat germ oil – properties and uses:

  • strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure;
  • removes cholesterol, blocks the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots;
  • protects the heart and blood vessels from the influence of free radicals;
  • serves as a prevention of cancer;
  • restores hormonal balance;
  • regulates lipid metabolism.

This product is suitable for any skin type:

  1. For acne. Apply spotwise for 10-15 minutes.
  2. For wounds, burns, bruises and sprains. Heat to 40 °C, lubricate or rub into sore spots.
  3. From freckles and age spots. Mix 1 teaspoon with 2 drops of lemon, make a compress for 10-15 minutes.

But the remedy should not be used uncontrolled, especially if wheat germ oil is prescribed internally. It is prohibited to take when:

  • liver problems;
  • urolithiasis;
  • exacerbation of the ulcer.

Doctors do not recommend using wheat germ oil externally if you have:

  • spider veins;
  • wounds and stitches after ordinary and plastic surgery;
  • damage to large areas of skin.

Wheat germ oil for face

Even the ancient Egyptians knew how beneficial wheat germ oil is for the face; it eliminates wrinkles very successfully. Cosmetologists call it a salvation for problem skin, the medicine reduces inflammation, normalizes work sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of new rashes, eliminates scars and scars after acne. Processed wheat germ oil is used for rejuvenation, removes dark circles under the eyes and swelling.

Anti-wrinkle face mask recipe


  • wheat oil – 15-20 drops;
  • raw grated potatoes - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • parsley - 1-2 sprigs.

Preparation, use

  1. Mix potatoes with oil and herbs.
  2. Apply over the eyelids and around the mouth for 20 minutes.
  3. Wipe, moisten with cream.

Wheat germ oil for hair

Cosmetic wheat germ oil is widely used not only for treating skin, but also helps tidy up problematic hair. The strands become smooth, shiny, easy to style, and dandruff disappears. If your hair is split, make a mask of half and half butter and honey, apply to the ends of your hair, and wash off after an hour.

Hair loss mask recipe


  • wheat oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • eucalyptus oil – 3 drops;
  • cedar oil – 3 drops.

Preparation, use

  1. Mix the ingredients, heat, rub into the scalp.
  2. Put on the cap for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with shampoo.

Wheat germ oil for eyelashes

Wheat germ oil also helps thousands of girls make their dreams come true - it gives fluffy, long and voluminous eyelashes. The mixture nourishes and strengthens the hairs, stimulates their growth, thanks to vitamins and necessary elements, the eyelashes become thicker, softer, and bend beautifully. The oil stops their loss and makes them elastic.

How to apply oil to eyelashes:

  1. Remove makeup, wash.
  2. Using a clean mascara wand, apply oil to eyelashes.
  3. Lie down so that the product spreads along the length, capturing the roots and eyelid.
  4. Remove any leftovers after 15 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for nails

Cosmetologists advise using wheat germ oil for problems with nails; the product helps the plates maintain their structure, not delaminate, and treats inflammation under the nails and in the nail bed. Phytosterols and fatty acids are removed, vitamin A protects from fragility, makes it stronger, and enhances growth. You cannot use varnish during treatment.

How to apply oil on nails:

  1. Steam your fingers and apply a drop to each nail.
  2. Rub in until completely absorbed.
  3. The course lasts 10 days and is conducted once every 2 months.

Wheat germ oil for internal use

To strengthen the immune system, some doctors recommend giving children 0.5 teaspoons of the mixture in the morning and evening, for a course of 2 weeks. But there is also an age limit - under 5 years old you cannot take wheat oil. They drink the medicine both in liquid form and in capsules, which contain highly purified fat. But doses must be adjusted extremely carefully, starting with small ones, in order to avoid complications.

Oil is a good preventative for:

  • colitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • cholecystitis.

It also helps when taken orally:

  • improve vision;
  • protect liver cells;
  • restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • improve acidity gastric juice;
  • get rid of heartburn, constipation.

Wheat germ oil when planning pregnancy

Wheat germ oil is very valuable for women's health, as it directly affects the reproductive system. Thanks to phytosterols, hormonal levels are restored, fatty acids protect cells, and vitamins stimulate libido. During pregnancy you cannot drink the oil, but you can rub small doses into the stomach and thighs to avoid.

The name of this amazing cosmetic product does not seem pleasant to everyone. Some people are even repelled by it - germ oil... But the germ is still wheat, and not its smaller brothers. It is made using recently sprouted wheat sprouts as raw materials. Research shows that they are especially rich in beneficial substances. And don’t be surprised that the oil has found application in strengthening nails and treating them for various ailments.

How does using wheat germ help your nails?

It is not difficult to understand whether this product is suitable for nail care. You just need to get acquainted with the composition of the oil. It concentrates all the beneficial components present in wheat sprouts. And at the same time it is easy to handle, and if desired, you can add it to others cosmetical tools. Germ oil will benefit your nails because it contains the following elements.

  1. Vitamins E and B3. They have important feature- support normal level moisture in cells. The use of oil on nails gives the nails the opportunity to maintain their structure and not dry out or split.
  2. Phytosterols and fatty acids. Reduce the risk of pale spots on the nails due to deficiency nutrients. With age, these spots appear more and more actively, but the use of a product based on wheat germ successfully protects against such unpleasant consequences.
  3. Vitamin A and mineral complex. Preserves nails from brittleness. The use of this composition helps prevent nails from becoming brittle and makes them stronger and more flexible. Any cosmetic procedures then they are given easier and without side effects. Another plus is that your nails begin to grow faster.
  4. It should also be said that all the same components affect not only the nails, but also the area around them - that is, the skin. Thanks to proper care, fingers look well-groomed and the risk of developing inflammatory processes under the nails and in the nail bed.

There are many different benefits you can get from using wheat germ oil for your nails. But, of course, for this it is also necessary to carry out the procedures themselves competently. You should familiarize yourself with the recommended technology so as not to make mistakes in the future when caring for your nails.

How to use wheat germ oil for nails

No complex manipulations are needed here. But first of all, you need to purchase high-quality oil. It must be fresh, since wheat germ squeezed out quickly loses its quality. Open oil will have to be thrown away after 2 weeks. For a full course, in principle, one 100 ml bottle is enough. It is inexpensive, at least in comparison with special nail products.

The method of using the “drug” is extremely simple. At home, this will not take more than 10 minutes, which makes wheat oil an excellent product for cosmetic events outside the salon. Now let's move directly to the process, which consists of these steps.

  1. Preparation. Before the main procedure, nails must be prepared. You can get by using regular cleansers or the simplest soap. But cosmetologists recommend steaming your brushes first. So, the best option applying oil, for example, after a hot bath. In addition, there should be no varnish left on the nails when using wheat germ oil.
  2. Applying oil. There is no need to dilute the germ oil before treating your nails. That is, it is applied in the same form in which it was purchased. You can use a cotton pad, but I recommend applying the composition directly with bare hands. It smears well, so a few drops are enough to treat all nails well. You need to rub the product very carefully until it dries completely. Only if excess oil remains should it be removed with cotton wool or a clean handkerchief. True, washing off the latter will be very problematic.
  3. Frequency and duration of use. One application of wheat germ oil to your nails per day is enough. And the full course should not be very long, since local hypervitaminosis can never be ruled out. Usually the positive effect appears after about a week. Application can be continued for 10 days. It is enough to take such a course at intervals of 2 months.
  4. Additional terms and conditions. There is one specific requirement that requires in this case careful observance. So, while you are applying wheat oil (that is, for all 10 days), you do not need to use varnish. And it doesn’t matter what the composition of the varnish is. Its use will only damage your nails, as dryness will inevitably appear. It turns out that he will simply minimize the effect of using the oil.

Such simple rules if desired, it will certainly be possible to comply with to the fullest. It remains to consider one more issue, namely, contraindications to the use of nail oil. Maybe it won’t suit you at all, so you shouldn’t think about this method of care.

Contraindications to the use of wheat oil

Indeed, there are many contraindications to the use of the drug. But in this case, it’s good that they are important only when used internally. But for external use there are practically no contraindications! The only reason to refuse to apply oil to your nails will be individual allergic reaction or intolerance. First you need to check that the oil is well accepted by the body.

For the purpose of “checking” the oil is applied to an area of ​​skin in usual time covered with clothing, or on the bend of the elbow. A couple of drops is enough. In an hour it will become clear whether there is an allergy or not. If the area is not red, you can safely proceed to applying nail oil. Wheat germ will surely make them healthy.

Strong and beautiful nails with wheat germ oil

You can find a lot more information on how to use the oil. And, it was previously emphasized: this product helps nails, facial skin, and hair equally well. And sometimes it is used against cellulite and stretch marks. That is, the “drug” is literally perfect. You can learn more about the capabilities of this amazing product from the video. Madame Georgette can only wish you luxurious nails, good health and constant optimism in life!

Wild wheat grains have been known to man since the Stone Age. Their homeland is Southern Europe, Asia and North Africa. Only in the 16th century was wheat brought to America, and at the beginning of the 19th century to Canada and Australia.

In fact, this is bread - the basis of the diet of most people on our planet. But besides this, it is the key to our youth, a source of plant collagen - the protein of longevity.

The most valuable thing in the sprouts from which wheat germ oils are obtained is plant collagen

It does not cause allergies, is completely safe, and at the same time perfectly rejuvenates organs and tissues. Moreover, it does this in two ways:

  • Stimulates the production of the body's own collagen.
  • It itself rejuvenates the skin, acting as part of cosmetic products.

Attention! Plant collagen is the basis of the connective tissue framework.

The most interesting thing is that the composition of sprouted wheat is subordinate to the production of this collagen. Judge for yourself. In order for the synthesis of this youth protein to take place, many components are needed. But they are precisely what are present in wheat:

Important! Before using the oil, a skin test is required to guarantee the absence of individual intolerance.


Wheat germ oil has unique effects on the human body:

  • It contains a lot of vitamin E - the vitamin of beauty and youth. It prolongs the life of cells.
  • The biologically active substances that the oil is filled with allow it to participate in all metabolic processes.
  • The use of wheat germ oil is also important for removing toxins and waste.
  • Wheat germ elixir has a unique effect on the skin: cleanses, relieves signs of inflammation, makes it elastic, removes wrinkles. Stimulates healing processes, restores natural protection, evens out complexion. Moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Wheat oil has an anti-cellulite effect due to its ability to break down fats, smooth the surface of the skin, and improve its blood supply.
  • Wheat germ oil corrects hair structure, stimulates hair growth, and actively fights dandruff.

Important! Cereal sprout oil is most beneficial when used in a combination of internal and external use.


Wheat sprouts, the oil of which has found its use in different areas human life, demonstrate effectiveness in every possible way.


How to take wheat germ oil internally? There are several options:

Important! An overdose of oil can cause symptoms of intoxication.

External use

How to use wheat germ oil externally? Different methods:

Properties and application in cosmetology

The most convincing effect of sprouted wheat oil in cosmetology. In its pure form it is a bit heavy in texture. But as part of any cosmetic product it gives simply amazing results.


The meaning of care is to use plant collagen

Because only its molecules are capable of penetrating through the pores of the skin into its deep layers and stimulating the production of its own collagen. Most often, a unique product is added to serums, creams, and other oils and used:

  • In skin care with signs of aging. Here, an effective mask is made from a mixture of 10 ml of germ oil, to which citrus, mint, and sandalwood oils are added drop by drop. A napkin moistened with the solution is applied to the face for 30 minutes. No need to rinse off. The entire mixture is absorbed into the skin without any residue.
  • For acne treatment(acne oily skin): Add 2 drops of cedar, clove, and lavender oils to a tablespoon of the product. The method is the same.
  • To get rid of age spots use compresses from a mixture of lemon, lime, bergamot, juniper (1 drop each) and wheat (1 tablespoon) oils in the morning and evening.
  • In the care of the skin of the lips and eye area use daily care with the addition of 2 drops of wheat oil to the finished cream (serum). Or dissolve a drop of neroli (aphrodisiac from orange) and sandalwood in 10 ml of germ oil and massage along special lines.
  • Dry skin soften with wheat oil in its pure form, ready-made products with it or a mixture of oils: wheat (1 tablespoon), rose and lemon balm (2 drops each). The usual regimen: morning-evening, on clean skin for half an hour.

Attention! If oil gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with running water. The appearance of redness and burning is a reason to consult a doctor.


The easiest way to care for your hair is to regularly add a tablespoon of product to your shampoo before washing your hair. But you can make masks from a mixture of active substances:

  • For hair loss to strengthen their bulbs, mix 10 ml of germs with ginger, pine, cedar or citrus fruits, eucalyptus, thyme (drop by drop). Rub into the roots for 30 minutes under a warm towel. Wash off with shampoo.
  • For hair growth Mix 15 ml each of amaranth and wheat oil. Apply for 20 minutes under a towel, spreading over the entire length of the hair. Wash off with warm water.
  • To prevent early gray hair comb your hair every evening with pure wheat germ oil. This improves blood supply to the bulbs.
  • Brows Apply pure oil daily in the evenings. Place cotton pads with warm oil on the eyelashes morning and evening. Don't wash it off. Suction is complete.


Problem areas are treated with a healing product and included in programs therapeutic massage and weight correction:

Attention! Ready-made cosmetics with plant collagen cannot cost less than 2,000 rubles due to the high cost of obtaining it.

Cosmetic oils with wheat germ oil

Most often, the healing elixir from wheat is mixed with the following oils, complementing their properties:

  • Jojoba: It is a strong antioxidant and tonic. It is able to slow down aging and, in combination with germ oil, demonstrates amazing effectiveness. When taken orally, it exhibits properties to relieve pulmonary spasms and promote expectoration.
  • Grape seeds: filled to the brim with vitamin E, and also contains calcium and potassium - regulators of micronutrient metabolism. When combined with wheat germ, the rejuvenating effect becomes unsurpassed. Ingestion strengthens bone tissue, tooth enamel, and regulates the blood supply system.
  • Burdock: has the property of hyper-moisturizing, corrects dry skin, flaking, brittle hair. When taken orally, it increases immunity.
  • Macadamia (nut): increases local and general immunity, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, and a general strengthening effect.
  • Almond: When taken orally, it strengthens the immune system and reduces cholesterol. In cosmetology – nourishes the skin, protects from UV rays.
  • Castor: used for masks used to treat hair. Orally – treats constipation, stimulates intestinal function.

Important! Germ oil always forms the basis of the healing mixture.

Video lesson: properties of wheat germ oil.


Very few:

  • Individual intolerance, most often congenital.
  • Use caution if you are prone to stone formation (kidneys, gall bladder).
  • Mental disorders.

Selection, storage, use in cooking

Real wheat germ oil has a recognizable aroma, thick consistency, and color - all shades of amber. It comes in light glass bottles, but is stored in the dark and cool. The maximum period of safe use is 3 months. You should always pay attention to the release date of the product.

Wheat germ oil, whose properties and uses in cooking have been known for a very long time, is used mainly as a salad dressing. For the same purpose, it is added to porridge, potatoes, and other side dishes. The basic rule is not to heat the oil above 60* to preserve its culinary value.

Important! The oil is very high in calories, but due to its ability to break down fats, it is recommended for overweight people. 100 g contains 884 kcal.


A unique creation of Nature, filled with biological active substances, is widely used in various areas of human life.

This is the only high-calorie product recommended by nutritionists for obesity. It must take its rightful place on your table and in your home medicine cabinet.

Wheat germ oil

First, let's understand what wheat germ is and why there is no wheat germ oil or whole wheat oil.

As can be seen in the figure, the germ is a small part of the grain from which a sprout is formed during germination. Most grain makes up the container with “fuel”. It is like a “barrel of fat”, the energy of which goes towards the development of a sprout from an embryo. And it is from this part that flour is made. When making flour, the most valuable things are discarded - the germ and the shell. Unfortunately, these parts of the grain do not end up in bread and pastries.

To obtain oil, it is necessary to squeeze out the germ part of the grain. And in order to produce 250 g of wheat germ oil by cold pressing, it is necessary to process more than a ton of wheat grain.

Wheat germ oil has a rich biochemical composition:

Essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body (isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, methionine, valine, etc.)

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (up to 11%), Omega-6 (more than 70%) and Omega-9 (12 - 30%).

Saturated fatty acids: palmitic (14 - 17%), stearic (0.5 - 2.3%), etc.

Water- and fat-soluble vitamins: E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9.

Allantoin. Has anti-inflammatory properties.

Squalene. It has pronounced immunostimulating, wound-healing, bactericidal and antifungal properties.

Octacosanol is an antioxidant.

Micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iodine, iron, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, etc.

Unlike most vegetable oils, the amount and balance of Omega polyunsaturated fatty acids in wheat germ oil is the most balanced. They promote cleansing of toxins, waste, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, participate in the regulation of lipid metabolism, improve skin condition, and help maintain optimal hormonal balance .

Another “calling card” of wheat germ oil is high content vitamin E, and in its most active form - in the form of alpha-tocopherol. 400 mg per 100 g of oil. It is deservedly called the vitamin of youth, as it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of blood clots, and helps reduce blood pressure, successfully fights free radicals that contribute to the development of various pathologies, stops the development of inflammatory processes, promotes the elimination harmful substances from the human body, has wound-healing and immunostimulating properties.

Tocopherol is also called the fertility vitamin, as it improves the functioning of the female and male reproductive systems. Helps with toxicosis during pregnancy.

Vitamin E significantly improves the functioning of the cardiac vascular system (significantly reduces the risk of blood clots, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents its deposition on the walls blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure), and also plays a very important role in the functioning of the female and male reproductive systems, stimulates the functioning of the muscular system, stops the development of inflammatory processes, promotes the removal of harmful substances from the human body, and has wound-healing and immunostimulating properties.

Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin D, which plays an important role in the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus - minerals directly responsible for the health of teeth, bones and joints. As you know, calcium and phosphorus are needed for growth and strength bone tissue. Promotes rapid healing of fractures and sprains. Helps fight diabetes, eye and dental diseases. Necessary for full operation thyroid gland, vitamin D helps improve immunity, and also significantly reduces the risk of developing skin diseases, various cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Vitamin D is also necessary for healthy skin, helps cure psoriasis, and fights skin flaking.

Beta-carotene, present in the composition, is converted in the human body into vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the functioning of the organs of vision, and slows down the development of glaucoma and cataracts. The strongest antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and protects tissues from premature aging, is able to protect body tissues from the effects of free radicals that cause the development of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and genitourinary system.

Wheat germ oil is an excellent source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), necessary for the full functioning of the brain and nervous system, “responsible” for the good condition of the organs of vision, skin, hair and nails, which are actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of sex hormones and embryogenesis, regulating the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and muscular systems.

For normal absorption of vitamin E, selenium and zinc are necessary, which are contained in sufficient quantities in wheat germ oil. Zinc takes part in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism and the process of hematopoiesis, in the synthesis of insulin and digestive enzymes. Zinc plays an important role in the functioning of the male reproductive system. Promotes the production of testosterone by the male body, improves erectile function and normalizes the process of sperm production. Selenium, like zinc, helps increase sexual desire and has a very beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis. Selenium increases the activity of the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to various viruses and bacteria; prevents the formation of free radicals that destroy cells and reduces inflammation, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases. All these biological properties of selenium make it vital for humans and animals.

Mode of application

Inside, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, wheat germ oil should be taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Oil can also be added to various salads, cereals, and side dishes. When used for culinary purposes, wheat germ oil is not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment, as this causes it to lose its biological value.

To prevent stomach ulcers and duodenum Should be taken on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil once a day. To prevent gastritis and colitis - 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil 1 hour after dinner.

Children from 5 to 15 years old, pregnant and lactating women are recommended to take wheat germ oil 0.5 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

For healing open wounds gently apply to the affected area of ​​skin (or apply a gauze bandage soaked in oil).

To relieve pain from arthritis and bruises, massage the sore spot using wheat germ oil heated to 40 degrees.

External use. Wheat germ oil has a variety of cosmetic effects and many indications:

Prevents premature skin aging associated with age-related hormonal imbalances and excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;

Improves skin color, prevents the appearance of age spots, and also has a slight whitening effect;

Tones and refreshes the skin, improves structure and relief, increases elasticity and firmness, helps smooth out fine wrinkles, as well as eliminate stretch marks (striae);

Soothes irritated and sensitive skin.

The use of the oil is indicated as a care product for mature, aging, dry, flaky, rough, cracked, irritated skin. Also for sensitive skin around eyes. To give tone, firmness and elasticity to the delicate skin of the bust and décolleté.

In its pure form, it is used only on small flaky, rough, inflamed areas of the skin, on age-related wrinkles in the forehead, nasolabial folds, on expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, chapped lips, and on “stubs” in the corners of the mouth.

In other cases, due to its thick consistency, it is used in a mixture with other, “lighter” vegetable oils.

Also used to strengthen nail plates and hair.

Wheat germ oil, rich in B vitamins, stimulates hair growth, improves blood supply to the hair follicle, prevents premature graying, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, restores the structure of the hair cuticle, giving hair shine and silkiness. That is why wheat germ oil is widely used for hair loss, is used in the complex treatment of seborrhea, and is also an excellent remedy for the care of damaged, weakened, brittle and split ends.

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on all human organs and systems.

Reproductive system:

Phytosterols normalize hormonal balance.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have protective effect in relation to cells of the reproductive system - sperm and eggs.

Vitamin E, zinc, selenium and manganese in a complex combination actively contribute to increasing libido and potency, have a beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis (help increase the number of sperm, increase their motility, improve sperm quality).

Zinc significantly reduces the risk of developing adenoma prostate gland, and is also a powerful stimulator of the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, reduced level which in a man’s body causes various sexual disorders. It is the “masculinity hormone” testosterone that determines a man’s sexual behavior, provides a surge of male sexual energy, helps increase potency and improve erection, and also largely determines some features of the male figure (in particular, a deficiency of testosterone in a man’s body leads to increased accumulation of fat in the area abdomen).

It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, maintains optimal hormonal balance, normalizes the ovarian cycle and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Has proven itself in prevention and complex treatment female infertility and various gynecological diseases(endometriosis, vaginitis, cervical erosion, mastopathy). It brings tangible benefits to a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during the premenstrual or menopausal period.

Wheat germ oil contains vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids, folic acid(vitamin B9), vitamin D, manganese, zinc and iodine are substances necessary for the full development of the child in the body of a pregnant woman. Vitamin E protects the genetic apparatus of embryonic cells from mutations caused by exposure to free radicals, toxic substances And harmful radiation. Regular consumption of wheat germ oil is very beneficial for breastfeeding women - it helps to enhance lactation and significantly improves the quality and taste of mother's milk.

The cardiovascular system:

Improves blood composition,

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels,

Normalizes blood pressure,

Reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels,

Prevents the formation of blood clots in the lumens of blood vessels,

Prevents the development of inflammatory processes,

The substance allantoin, an antioxidant complex consisting of vitamins E and A, squalene and octacosanol, reliably protects the heart and blood vessels from the destructive effects of free radicals,

Potassium, magnesium and vitamin B have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the heart muscle (myocardium),

Calcium and phosphorus take part in regulating the strength and rhythm of heart contractions,

Rich in substances that play an important role in the process of hemoglobin synthesis (red blood cell protein), which transports oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of the human body (among such substances are iron, manganese, zinc, copper, B vitamins),

It is an excellent means of preventing heart attacks and strokes, for the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, anemia, diabetic retinopathy, coronary disease hearts, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids.

Digestive system:

Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice (vitamin B1, magnesium),

Has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect on mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract (vitamins E and A, zinc, manganese, allantoin, phytosterols, squalene, polyunsaturated acids), as well as a pronounced hepatoprotective effect (phospholipids),

Eliminates heartburn and constipation, normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora,

It is used for the prevention of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, esophagitis, dysbacteriosis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, and is also widely used in the complex treatment of these diseases,

Wheat germ oil - useful product for the sick diabetes mellitus. It contains substances necessary for the full synthesis of insulin by the pancreas (vitamin B3, tryptophan, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium), and therefore regular use can be recommended for patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

Regular internal use of wheat germ oil is recommended:

To strengthen the immune system and prevent premature aging.

For organ diseases endocrine system, central and peripheral nervous system.

To increase the body's resistance to stress.

For insomnia (rich in B vitamins and magnesium, wheat germ oil has a calming effect on nervous system, the amino acid tryptophan, which is part of this product, is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, a substance with a pronounced antidepressant effect, promoting good mood and good sleep).

When the human body has an increased need for vitamin E.

As part of a comprehensive program to combat excess weight (promotes the normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism).

During the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses or operations.

During the rehabilitation period after undergoing a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

With systematic alcohol consumption, acute alcohol poisoning.

As part of a comprehensive cleansing program for the body of toxins, toxins and heavy metal salts (detox).

Regular consumption of wheat germ oil will also bring tangible benefits to:

Who is involved in sports or fitness (wheat germ oil contains the antioxidant octacosanol, phosphorus and amino acids that help increase muscle strength and physical endurance).

Who lives in environmentally unfavorable regions.

Whose professional activity associated with exposure to factors harmful to the human body such as noise, vibration, radiation, and the effects of toxic substances.

External use of germ oil is most appropriate:

To improve the condition of skin and hair.

For injuries and skin diseases ( complex treatment cuts, wounds, burns, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne).

After undergoing plastic surgery, as well as with noticeable “sagging” of the skin resulting from sharp decline weight.

To relieve pain from arthritis and bruises.

During pregnancy and lactation to maintain skin firmness and elasticity, prevent the appearance of stretch marks (striae).

To cleanse the skin of impurities, exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and narrow pores.

Strengthening subcutaneous capillaries, preventing rosacea and spider veins.

Normalization of blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat layer, to prevent the appearance of cellulite deposits.