The little puppy is itching. Causes of itching and its treatment in dogs. Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands

Even if the dog does not have fleas, the itching that is present causes him great discomfort. The animal itches, lacks sleep, and tries to bite off its fur.

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    Causes of allergic reactions:

    • the feed used or its change;
    • hygiene products that have entered the body;
    • substances that have penetrated from the air;
    • vaccination.


    A sign of food rejection is when the dog scratches its head, ears or tail. A rash appears on the body. This is especially noticeable in short-haired pets. In breeds such as Spitz, which are characterized by long hair, it is difficult to see. Dogs bite themselves so hard that they wear down their front incisors.

    The reaction can be caused by horse meat, milk, beef, lamb, and chicken. Often changing food provokes allergies. For example, switching from a regular dry product to premium food.

    Hygiene products

    Itching after washing occurs due to poor quality water or detergent. Not all hygiene products are suitable for your pet's skin.

    If such a reaction occurs, do not use shampoo or other detergent. The dog should be bathed in clean water for some time. This will remove dirt and dust from the surface of the skin, but leave natural lubrication.

    Release of substances from the air

    This allergic reaction is especially common in puppies. It is seasonal. This is due to dust, flowering plants, and the appearance of fluff in the air.

    It is difficult to cure such allergies, so it is better to exclude the influence of these factors. You should try not to walk your dog during the period of mass flowering.


    If your dog doesn't have fleas and is constantly gnawing on himself, a vaccine reaction may be causing the condition.

    To check you need to carry out visual inspection- part the fur and examine the skin. Dropsy may appear on the surface. This means that the body rejects the vaccine. Young puppies experience hair loss.

    Often, an allergy to medications should be considered as an individual intolerance.

    Pathology of the sebaceous glands

    The cause of itching may be pathology of the sebaceous glands. This occurs most often in cats, but it also happens in dogs.

    At the base of the tail are formed dark spots. The dog is experiencing severe discomfort. He whines, bites himself rear thighs, chews out the fur near the tail, spins and licks sore spots. To relieve your pet from itching, shampoos are used that regulate the function of the glands.


    During dermatitis, constant itching is felt. Swelling and irritation of the skin are observed. If left untreated, wounds will appear in this area.

    Symptoms of dermatitis include:

    • redness and swelling of the area;
    • increased temperature at the site of injury;
    • hair loss or breaking off;
    • bleeding.

    There are several types of dermatitis:


    Fungi are a common cause of itching. They can be infected at home through contact with another sick animal.

The dog often scratches due to itching in certain areas. Her nose, ears, muzzle, neck, shoulder, and sides may itch.

(sarcaptosis) microscopic mite deeply damages the skin and causes persistent severe itching. The dog is actively itching at night. This condition leads the animal to nervous and physical exhaustion; it cannot eat and can even die.

Cheyletiosis is caused by a mite that lives on the surface of the skin. On dark fur they are noticeable like moving dandruff. That is, if in addition to the itching, it’s worth taking a closer look at it to see if it’s a tick. If your dog is not only itching, but also losing hair, you may suspect a food allergy.

It is worth remembering whether anything in the animal’s diet has changed in Lately. This applies to both natural nutrition, and dry food. This or red scabies occurs with similar symptoms. With it, itching is often accompanied by purulent inflammation skin.

Lesions of the skin and fur begin on the outside of the forelimbs. They are red in appearance and the fur is falling out. To determine the pathogen, it is necessary to urgently scrape the skin.

What should you do if your dog’s ears, eyes, muzzle, paws or other parts of the body are constantly itching?

  • , fleas or lice-eaters, the dog, as well as the floor in the enclosure or apartment, must be treated with a solution of neostomozan, butox, and so on.
  • After treatment, 5 days later you need to put a special anti-flea collar on your dog.
  • If you suspect linguatulosis, otodecosis, sarcaptosis, or cheyletiosis, it is better to consult a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and a correct diagnosis.
  • You cannot do without a specialist if you identify an allergen or suspect demodicosis.

It happens that the dog owner notices that the pet begins to bite itself, but does not bite strong meaning this, believing that the whole point is that the animal is infected with fleas and buys means to remove them (collar, various drops that are applied to the withers). But there are other reasons, such as skin diseases (various dermatitis, dermatoses), allergic skin reactions.

As a rule, itching does not bring serious consequences, other than constant discomfort for the animal’s body, however, in rare cases, it indicates problems in the dog’s health and requires contacting a veterinarian.

You should pay attention if an animal chews and bites itself for a long time, despite flea treatment, it is also necessary show him to the vet. Even if the discomfort is not caused by a very serious reason, a pet that constantly bites itself is injured, which can lead to pain, hair loss, and infection of the wounds when dirt gets into them.

What are the causes of restless dog behavior?

Typically, there are several reasons why an animal chews itself:

Why does a dog chew its paws?

Often the dog chews on its limbs. There are the following reasons that can lead to this behavior:

  • Improper claw treatment. Often, owners forget about the need to keep their pet's claws in order and trim them regularly or do it incorrectly, which leads to significant discomfort. It becomes uncomfortable for the dog to move, and it begins to chew its limbs, trying to relieve itself of the pain.
  • Subcutaneous mite or fungal diseases provoke severe itching in the paw pads, and the animal begins to bite its itchy places.
  • Insufficient hygiene. Usually, after a walk, a caring owner washes his pet’s paws, and if this is not done, then lumps of dirt and wool (tangles) form between his toes, which interfere with movement, and therefore the animal begins to chew out this dirt on its own.
  • Damage to paw pads. You can injure your skin with anything. The reagents used to treat roads against ice often turn out to be chemically aggressive to the skin, corrode it, thereby leading to itching and pain.
  • Inflammation of the claw bed(felon), numbness of the paws (usually due to poor circulation), and joint pain.
  • Dietary disorders and errors. Often the cause of obsessive behavior is an excess or deficiency nutrients and vitamins.
  • Neurosis-like state. It is necessary to identify the reasons causing stress in your pet and try to exclude them.

How to help your pet?

Food allergies are the most common cause of scratching on the skin of pets. Need to change eating habits pet, try to remember how he ate before the manifestations of the disease, include in the menu only healthy foods or ready-made feed. If you notice that allergic symptoms disappeared, then the problem was really an unsuitable ingredient or food (take note and do not buy them in the future).

Treatment of all types of allergies is usually carried out as follows: identifying the allergen and limiting contact with it. However, if the allergen cannot be detected or there is no way to prevent seasonal allergies, doctors recommend treatment to reduce the symptoms (use of antihistamines, hormonal ointments and medications).

When you find fleas while washing your pet, most likely the reason is nervous behavior exactly in them. Nowadays, pet stores offer a whole line of remedies for these blood-sucking insects.

It should be noted that if a dog itches and chews itself, this fact cannot be ignored, but illiterate self-medication can lead to a deterioration in your pet’s condition. Therefore, it is best to show the animal to a veterinarian.

It is also worth mentioning such pets as ferrets. Keeping ferrets at home has become quite common. And their owners are no less concerned about the behavior of their pets than cat and dog breeders.

Ferrets generally itch more often than cats and dogs. But if scratches appear on the animal’s body, this may be an alarming sign. The causes of itching in ferrets and dogs are similar. Allergies, mites, infection - this can cause the ferret to itch constantly. But most common cause is molting. To make your pet's life easier, provide him with the right diet.

By scratching the itchy area, the dog injures the skin and causes hair loss. Dandruff appears and fungal infections occur. Scratching the skin may be a symptom of the disease.

And if the dog is constantly itching, but there are no fleas, you need to look for the cause. By starting the disease, you can skip the early stage of the disease. Severe itching accompanies:

  • lymphosarcoma in old dogs;
  • mammary cancer;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • ear inflammation, ear hematoma;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • fungal infections.

The dog often scratches due to itching in certain areas. Her nose, ears, muzzle, neck, shoulder, and sides may itch.

There can be quite a few reasons why a dog is constantly itching.

Causes of itching

Severe itching is also caused by mites invisible to the eye, which cause the most various diseases: linguatulosis (the tick settles in the dog’s nose), otodectosis (the tick is localized in the ears).

In pruritic scabies (sarcaptosis), a microscopic mite deeply damages the skin and causes persistent, severe itching. The dog is actively itching at night. This condition leads the animal to nervous and physical exhaustion; it cannot eat and can even die.

Cheyletiosis is caused by a mite that lives on the surface of the skin. On dark fur they are noticeable like moving dandruff. That is, if in addition to itching, your dog has dandruff, you should take a closer look at it to see if it is a mite. If your dog is not only itching, but also losing hair, you may suspect a food allergy.

It is worth remembering whether anything has changed in the animal’s diet recently. This applies to both natural food and dry food. This also occurs with similar symptoms dangerous disease like demodicosis or red scabies. With it, itching is often accompanied by purulent inflammation of the skin.

Lesions of the skin and fur begin on the outside of the forelimbs. They are red in appearance and the fur is falling out. To determine the pathogen, it is necessary to urgently scrape the skin.

What to do?

What should you do if your dog’s ears, eyes, muzzle, paws or other parts of the body are constantly itching?

If your dog is itching a lot, you should not ignore it, even if there are no fleas on its fur, itching can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Before using this or that treatment, it is imperative to determine why the dog is itching if it does not have fleas.

Scratching the skin in the area of ​​irritation not only injures the skin, but also causes hair loss; the animal’s body becomes a favorable environment for dandruff and infectious fungi. In this case, the itching itself can only be a symptom of one of the very serious diseases:

  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Helminthic infestations;
  • Inflammatory processes in the ear;
  • Breast cancer;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Lymphosarcoma in old animals;
  • Ear hematoma.


Why does a dog itch if it doesn't have fleas? The cause may be a food allergy. If the body has an allergic reaction to any food ingredients, the pet begins to scratch its ears, head, and tail.

But it’s not just food allergies that cause itchy skin, in the spring and summer, atopic dermatitis occurs in young animals aged one to three years. The dog is very itchy with contact allergies, as a result of prolonged use medicines, for example, ear drops - in this case, the dog begins to scratch its ears, and the resulting wounds become an excellent place for infection to attach.

Under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis yourself, much less give any medications as treatment. Only veterinarian may prescribe medications, otherwise you may not only fail to achieve a positive effect, but also provoke a deterioration in your pet’s well-being.

When diagnosing an allergy, a veterinarian cannot immediately determine its type, since similar reactions have similar symptoms. But for different types For allergies, different medications are prescribed, which is why correct diagnosis is important.

The process includes a special diet to identify food allergies. If regulation of nutrition allows you to get rid of symptoms, then the diet remains for life. When redness and itching do not go away, atopic dermatitis occurs. Medications are prescribed to treat atopic dermatitis.

The skin in these places may become covered with bloody wounds. At the site of scratching, the skin not only turns red, but also becomes covered with pustules.

Ear scabies. When itching bothers you, but no fleas are observed, there is a possibility that the dog’s skin is damaged by the Otodectes mite. This microorganism predominantly colonizes the dog's ear canals and causes ear scabies.

Treatment of itching in dogs

Even if fleas are not found in dogs, treatment for itching should be mandatory. Only a veterinarian can prescribe therapy after a thorough examination of the animal and analysis of the diagnostic results.

There are several reasons why itching occurs and, as a result, the dog scratches and chews itself. Among them are the following:

In most cases, the dog chews itself in the area of ​​its paws and fingers. Owners often begin to panic, suspecting that their dog has serious illnesses, for example, atopy. But you should know that the cause of discomfort in this area can be both the diseases described above and factors not yet mentioned. The latter include:

  • The deplorable condition of the nail plates. Owners often forget about the need to trim their pet's claws, which leads to their uncontrolled growth and, as a result, serious discomfort for the animal. They may even interfere with normal walking, and pet starts actively gnawing at himself, trying to get rid of pain.
  • Dirt between fingers. If the animal has not washed for a long time, pellets of wool and dirt form between the toes, which interfere with walking. As a result, the dog begins to actively chew itself.
  • Damage to paw pads. The cause of skin injury can be almost any factor, for example, contact with a reagent that is used in winter to reduce slipping on ice or even on plain asphalt.
  • Subcutaneous mites and fungus can also cause severe itching in a dog's paws, and since the animal cannot scratch itself, it begins to actively chew the skin between the toes.
  • Inflammation of the nail bed, numbness of the paws (usually due to poor circulation), as well as joint pain.
  • Violations balanced nutrition. Often, a dog chews itself and its paws due to an excess of protein on the menu or, on the contrary, due to a lack of essential vitamins.
  • Neurosis. Mental condition Dogs rarely cause this symptom, but it is still possible. If, apart from chewing its paws, the dog looks absolutely healthy and, moreover, it has serious reasons to be nervous, you should try to minimize the impact of stress on the animal’s life.

If the dog is itching, but there are no fleas, you should analyze the events of the past days. There may be several reasons for itching:

In most cases, itching is caused by allergies. The situation is complicated by the many provocateurs. In some cases, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own within a few days, while in others, special complex therapy is required.

The dog itches a lot due to various diseases not related to the skin. On early stage Itching accompanies diseases:

  • lymphosarcoma in older dogs;
  • mammary cancer;
  • fungus;
  • ear infection;
  • helminthic infestations.

Endocrine diseases are a class of diseases caused by a disorder of one or more endocrine glands. They are based on hyperfunction (increased function), hypofunction (decreased function) or dysfunction (disturbance) of the endocrine glands.

These diseases include: hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's syndrome), canine hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus.

Another cause of itching may be psychogenic disorders of your animal. They can arise either as a result of the animal’s boredom or insufficient training and exercise.

These disorders manifest themselves in compulsive licking, biting certain places, possibly sucking on bitches' nipples, and the dog may constantly chase its own tail. Eat genetic predisposition in poodles, Dobermans. The animal may also have hidden diseases (granuloma, Malassezia, mast cell tumors, diseases of the musculoskeletal system), which are also accompanied by various psychogenic disorders.

Therapy boils down to treating the underlying disease and administering antidepressants.

Heavy shedding of the animal, dandruff formation, dulling of fur, infrequent scratching - all these signs may indicate a dysfunction internal organs. Possible various problems With gastrointestinal tract(usually in young animals, problems with nutrient absorption), as well as problems with the liver and kidneys (aged animals).

In conclusion, I would like to make a small summary. Any problem associated with shedding, scratching and “gnawing” of the pet’s skin is not so obvious and may be a symptom of a more serious disease. It is better to promptly contact a specialist who will help you understand the causes of your pet’s illness. By self-medicating, you risk blurring the picture, thereby delaying the correct diagnosis and prescription of the necessary treatment.

Health to you and your pets.

As a rule, the owners of their pets in rare cases can independently determine main reason occurrence of itching. In this case, you need to seek help from a qualified specialist, since such a symptom can be caused by several reasons.

If your dog continues to itch all the time, but you do not find fleas, you need to examine his skin for the presence of other insects, for example:

  • Mites: gamas, ixodid, subcutaneous, ear, scabies, others.
  • Vlasoedov.

Ixodid ticks cause the following diseases: piroplasmosis, hemobartonellosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme borreliosis. Salivary glands, which are secreted by mites, can cause severe itching and scratching in dogs in the head, ears and neck. In addition, a flea or tick bite can provoke allergic reaction, which will lead to itching and rashes on the skin. The dog continues to itch all this time and causes various injuries to itself. Only a veterinarian can help cure a pet from piroplasmosis.

Treatment of itching in dogs

Signs of Cushing's syndrome

It is important to understand that healthy dog He will never scratch himself constantly; lazy scratching of his ear after sleep is quite normal. But if this process turns into chronic tearing of the skin with claws, then this becomes a reason for an immediate visit to a veterinarian. Due to itching, a dog can introduce a lot of infections into its blood that cause various diseases. Below is a list of possible diseases.

One of these infectious diseases is lichen. The symptoms of lichen are similar to those caused by subcutaneous mites. The dog's face and paws are initially affected. The pet itches convulsively and circular bald spots form in the place of scratching. There is no point in undertaking treatment without a doctor’s recommendation, therefore, if such symptoms are detected, you should contact veterinary clinic to accurately determine the source of the disease.

Wet or dry eczema

It is also possible to contract wet or dry eczema. The dog is not immune from this disease, since the causative agents of this disease constantly live in the animal’s blood, but they are suppressed by the immune system. Initially, symptoms are expressed by characteristic severe itching and gnawing of fur, up to the formation of bleeding areas or dry skin.

Disease of sebaceous gland hyperplasia - “greasy tail”

This disease is accompanied not only by the appearance of itching in the animal, in the area of ​​the sacrum and anus, but also by the formation of acne in the form of black dots on the skin. In the case where the hyperplasia lesion is localized under the dog’s tail, the dog, while in a sitting position, may fidget on a horizontal surface, for example, on a carpet or grass.

If the disease progresses, then susceptible to disease areas of the animal's body lose hair. At the same time, the pet’s back and sacral part of the spine are constantly itching, and acne tends to appear in the ears and in the abdomen. If such a disease is quickly identified, there is no need to visit a veterinarian; it is enough to follow the rules of caring for the dog and clean the pores in a timely manner.

All three of these diseases share a similar picture. Often owners do not pay attention to increased thirst and appetite, or the animal’s fatness (saggy belly or severe obesity). And the first thing the owner notices is the balding areas of the skin. They may be symmetrical, not symmetrical, or the animal may be left without hair at all. In any case, you will need the help of a specialist.

Endocrine diseases are serious illnesses with serious consequences.

What does the owner see? While the disease progresses in the body, the animal owner may observe increased thirst and appetite of the animal, more frequent urination, rounded, saggy belly, as well as symmetrical alopecia (hairless areas), skin pigmentation (darker areas).

Depending on the causes of this disease There are conservative and surgical treatments.

The animal becomes lethargic, drowsy, and has difficulty bearing physical exercise, symmetrical alopecia (hairless areas) appear on the body, and a so-called “rat tail” may appear (when the tail is completely hairless). The itching is moderate, but if complicated by skin infections, it becomes severe. Skin hyperpigmentation occurs. The animal begins to suffer from obesity.

Itching as a symptom of possible pet diseases

Itching is one of the most annoying and discomfort not only for people, but also for pets.

If your dog itches with alarming regularity, it's worth taking a closer look at his behavior and appearance, perhaps this is no longer a harmless scratching, but a symptom of upcoming problems.

Sometimes the causes of itching lie on the surface, and the owner does not take them into account; more often, to find out the root causes of itching, it is necessary to undergo examinations and identify the pathogen using the “test method”.

Too obvious to notice

A very common situation is when the owner takes the pet to clinics, undergoes expensive tests, the veterinarian struggles to find the cause, and in the end the dog itches even more just from the stress it has experienced. Therefore, before going to the clinic, let’s consider the most harmless causes of itching.

The first common reason is stress. Remember one of difficult periods in your life, when you went to bed and felt as if there were ants running under your skin or the sheet was covered with sand. My head and whole body began to itch, hair loss was observed, and my overall health was far from “great.” Dogs react in the same way, only their sensations are stronger.

Restless sleep and at the same time the pet's fur is coming out - most likely the reason is overexcitation due to nervousness. Provide the animal with peace and plenty of food, avoid group walks, literally protect it from children or new family members. The dog adapts, but it takes time.

Itching that occurs after washing is guaranteed to be associated with poor quality water or detergent. Your pet's skin is more delicate and more susceptible to irritation, so frequent bathing is contraindicated for dogs. If your dog has dandruff and an itchy body, skip the shampoo and give your pet a bath. clean water. This will protect the skin's natural lubrication from damage, but will remove dirt and dust.

Allergies are the most difficult deviation in terms of identifying the root causes. If your dog has itchy paws and face, skin reactions, nasal discharge, or brittle fur, there is a possibility of an allergy.

It is quite difficult to determine what a pet’s body reacts to. A set of tests is carried out at the veterinary clinic; in case of failure, the substance allergic determined by exception.

The average family living in a three-room apartment independently brings about 120 allergens into the house, including dust on shoes, and old buildings can be allergenic in themselves. If you suspect an allergy pet- stock up antihistamines and take action. Gradually, you will find the reason.

Itching as a symptom of possible pet diseases

There have been no officially recorded deaths from itching yet, but the possibility of serious complications due to blood poisoning or weakening immune system can't be missed.

Healthy dog It doesn’t itch chronically; no one forbids you from scratching your ear lazily after sleep. A pet tearing its claws or gnawing its skin is a reason to immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Brief list possible diseases below.

Wet and dry eczema is a disease from which no one is immune. The causative agents of eczema are constantly in the dog’s blood and are suppressed by the immune system. Primary symptoms are expressed only by severe itching, while the dog itches until it bleeds and chews out the fur. As a result, either a bare area of ​​dry, flaky skin in the growths or a bleeding wound is formed.

Risk areas: base of the tail, areas behind the ears, sides, armpits. Treatment is selected individually, depending on the season of the year, general condition organism and the degree of damage.

In the progressive stage, the affected areas become bald, the dog's back and base of the tail are constantly itchy, acne can spread to ears and belly. There is only one way out - regular cleaning of the pores and keeping the dog in accordance with the rules of hygiene.

Ear diseases – accompanied by itching, moist ear discharge, crusts, unpleasant smell, up to the overgrowth of the ear canal. If otitis media, neoplasms and mites are excluded, then the causes of itching lie much deeper, most likely in the dog autoimmune disease or internal inflammatory process.

Endometritis – chronic inflammation uterus. Symptoms: the dog itches and drinks a lot, leukocytes in the blood are elevated, body temperature is normal or elevated, lethargy is observed, at first the appetite and coat condition are normal. Special group risk – untied purebred females of advanced age.

The diagnosis is confirmed using ultrasound. At the stage of manifestation of the “full picture” it can only be stopped by surgery - removal of the uterus, sometimes the ovaries.

Itching can be a symptom of many other diseases and abnormalities. In combination with vomiting and increased salivation, itching may indicate poisoning. Excessive sun exposure can cause itching due to visible to the eye skin burns.

If your dog, in addition to itching, experiences dehydration, a change in base body temperature, or behavioral abnormalities, write down your observations and consult with a doctor, at least by phone.

There have been no officially recorded deaths from itching yet, but the possibility of serious complications due to blood poisoning or a weakened immune system cannot be ignored. A healthy dog ​​does not itch chronically; no one forbids lazily scratching the ear after sleep. A pet tearing its claws or gnawing its skin is a reason to immediately contact a veterinary clinic. A short list of possible diseases is below.

Wet and dry eczema is a disease from which no one is immune. The causative agents of eczema are constantly in the dog’s blood and are suppressed by the immune system. The primary symptoms are expressed only by severe itching, while the dog itches until it bleeds and chews out the fur. As a result, either a bare area of ​​dry, flaky skin in the growths or a bleeding wound is formed.

Seborrhea is a disease that can be a symptom of a disease or a genetic disorder. Due to constant scratching in one place, the affected area becomes bald, the skin thickens, and becomes covered with a rough crust with scales. Due to the fact that seborrhea is often a symptom of a progressive disease, the pet must be examined, or at a minimum, taken to the clinic for examination.

“Greasy tail” – accompanied by severe itching in the area of ​​the sacrum and anus. Within a few days after the first symptoms appear, blackheads - acne - are clearly visible on the skin. In the case of a lesion under the tail, the dog may “ride” on carpets or asphalt while sitting (the same symptom is observed when infected with worms).



After determining the causes of itching, treatment is carried out. The following drugs are used for therapy:

  • Antihistamines. They block histamine receptors that cause allergies.
  • Antiphlogistic drugs. Remove swelling and itching.
  • Chatterboxes with sulfur. Relieves skin irritation.
  • Aloe ointment. If you treat a wound with it, the healing process accelerates.
  • Colloidal solutions. Relieves inflammation.
  • Corticosteroids drugs. Reduce pain.

Treatment for hypothyroidism is lifelong. It may be necessary to support the cardiac system and monitor the condition skin and other systems damaged by hypothyroidism.

Having discovered itching in an animal, the owner’s main task is to contact a qualified doctor and not self-medicate. Only a veterinarian can tell you what to do if your dog is itching. The right approach, timely diagnosis, treatment and care will help eliminate the problem, helping the animal get rid of discomfort.

To eliminate dermatitis caused by overexertion, mainly soothing herbal remedies are used internally: Stop-stress and Kot Bayun, and antiseptic aerosols are used externally.

To counteract staphylococcal infection use external or injection antimicrobial and antiphlogistic agents, as well as immune correction. Wound-healing ointments, powders, and antiseptic aerosols are in demand.

Discontinue medications to which a hypersensitive reaction may occur. If necessary, use antihistamines. They optimize the diet - switch to ready-made low-allergenic food.

Immune stimulation is carried out after changing the diet and reducing the load on service dog. After 2…4 days, injections of medications are performed that stimulate the body’s defense system - Gamavit, Catazal or Phosprenyl.

If microscopic fungi are found in the pathological material, external and internal antimycotic drugs for cats and dogs are used. For small lesions, ointments are used - Mycozon, Clotrimazole or Yam, aerosol antimycotics - Fungin, Exoderil and its analogues. If fungal infections significant, they use bathing solutions - Imaverol or Fucoricin, or oral medications, among which Griseofulvin is the most popular.

Treatment of itching in dogs

Skin irritation from detergents

Why is my dog ​​constantly itching, but there are no fleas? The reason may also be the use of a new type of shampoo. The dog will then show increased anxiety.

Everyone detergents The process of washing off the protective layer of the skin is carried out. Slight drying of the skin occurs. In addition, there are also types of shampoos, the use of which is not at all acceptable for your dog. Their use causes unbearable itching.

Veterinarians do not recommend bathing your pet frequently. This is contraindicated for animals. But if there is presence inflammatory processes, this indicates hypersensitivity skin. Therefore, your child will need to bathe with hypoallergenic baby shampoo or soap. This action will help preserve the natural lubrication of the skin, but will also help remove dirt and dust.

Follow-up and prevention

So, the first reason that needs to be checked and ruled out is if your puppy itches, - This fleas. If the puppy has a lot of fleas, they can be seen. Turn the puppy over with its belly facing up. Puppies' bellies are usually naked, and fleas can be seen there. Or rake the fur above the tail - this is also a favorite place for fleas.
It happens that there are fleas, but you don’t see them. But flea excrement (poop) can be seen. These are black dots. They can be on the skin and fur. For researchers: If you wash flea excrement in water, the water turns red. Because fleas feed on blood and the product of their vital activity, respectively, is digested blood.

I have heard the opinion that a small amount of fleas is even beneficial for a dog in some sense: supposedly, it is even useful for the dog to scratch itself sometimes for vigor and tone. Again, there's plenty to do.
But let’s leave the author of this statement the opportunity to scratch himself enough from a flea bite, but I still think that the dog needs to be rid of fleas. Moreover, fleas are carriers of tapeworms Dipylidium caninum (Cucumber tapeworm). It is when a dog bites a flea with its teeth that an egg of the cucumber tapeworm helminth enters the dog’s mouth from the bitten flea, and the dog becomes infected.

Signs that it is fleas that are bothering your puppy: he sleeps, and then picks up and begins to itch. And he also goes for himself, and then begins to bite his paw or above the tail with his front teeth, very quickly, very quickly.

When you apply the dropper to your puppy, don’t be alarmed if he may itch even more for 2-3 days. Maybe the drug itself accumulates in the skin and causes itching, or maybe the fleas are very angry before they die. But this may well be the case: after treatment, the puppy continues to itch for several days.
Some medications in pipettes bake the skin. Using the trial method, you can choose the one that won’t make your dog itch. For example, my dogs are from imported expensive drug they were itchy, but the inexpensive Russian one (by the way, effective and well tolerated) didn’t itch.

If your dog scratches his ears a lot, he may have ear mite Otodectes (otodectosis). In any case, if a dog scratches its ears, you need to contact a veterinarian to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Many dog ​​lovers have heard about such a terrible disease as demodicosis, caused by subcutaneous mite demodex Demodex. BUT! Note! When infected with demodex mites, the dog does not itch!
