Medicinal recipes from lines. Healing properties of morels. Tincture for rubbing

Unfortunately, one of the areas of traditional medicine - fungotherapy (mushroom treatment) - is not yet often used in practice, although in last years it is developing successfully. Using the example of one type of mushroom - strings (not to be confused with morels) - you can learn the enormous effectiveness of fungotherapy.

These mushrooms are not uncommon, but are more often found in the forest zone of Russia, especially in its northern part. They hatch in mid-April. When the sun slightly strokes the drying soil, the lines already show their tops - real mushroom snowdrops. They are unpretentious and happily take root in any place chosen for them. People love them for their amazing healing properties.

Stitch mushrooms: description

The height of the line is only 6–7 cm, the roundness is no more than 15 cm, the cap is intra-hollow, the surface is sinuous-wavy, brown in color. The leg reaches 6 cm with longitudinal folds. The pulp is brittle, with a specific, weak odor.

Mushrooms grow in flocks, often in pine copses and forests. They should be collected along forest roads, and especially in forest clearings and fires with sandy, non-turfed soil. Harvesting time: mid-April – May.

For information: in France and others Western countries the lines are spread artificially. For a divorce at home, a site is chosen. They collect dried wood, rotten leaves, stakes from an old fence, etc. Set up a fire pit. The lines are cut into pieces and scattered over the ash. In April next year, only a few mushrooms may appear, but in five years the harvest will be plentiful.

Strings have long been popular as a food product, but they are considered to be conditionally edible mushrooms. Before eating, they should be boiled for a long time, and then fried for a long time. You should also rinse with water before frying. They should be consumed young. This is the only way to eliminate the toxic substance gyromitrin present in them. However, under certain conditions it is an excellent healing substance.

Stitch mushrooms: beneficial and medicinal properties

The main therapeutic effect of the stitches is analgesic (pain reliever). In the old days, mushrooms were most often used for pain in the teeth, muscles, and especially joints. Scientists have proven that gyromitrin acts as a chondroprotector (restores cartilage tissue), performing the same work as chondroitin sulfate, and this is quite effective and healing (numb the joint and restore its damaged cartilage tissue).

It is most convenient and effective to use a line tincture, which is excellent for various arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis, polyarthritis, and lupus erythematosus. She is especially active in treating joint diseases. Tincture (by rubbing) successfully cures, long-lasting, persistent bronchitis, any neuralgia, postoperative adhesions.

To prepare it, fresh mushrooms must be cleaned most thoroughly, since a lot of debris, especially sand, gets into the grooved surface (and with mucus). The caps must be crushed and the container filled with them without compaction, that is, without shaking or compacting, add vodka so that it is higher than the mushrooms. It will be much more effective if you add crushed marsh cinquefoil to the lines (10:3). You need to leave it in the refrigerator for two weeks. The tincture should be rubbed into sore spots, which should then be wrapped in a woolen cloth.

In the case of pronounced dystrophic processes in joints Along with pain relief, it is necessary to take care of the restoration of their osteochondral tissue. Comfrey copes well with this. The treatment is carried out like this. Usually, after two months of using the line tincture, a positive progressive effect of pain relief occurs, which is the basis for switching to nightly compresses from the comfrey tincture. To obtain it, steep 1 cup of crushed roots in half a liter of vodka for 3 weeks and strain. Compresses must be applied for about 5 weeks (every night). This advice cannot be ignored, since allantoin has been found in the placenta of animals, which ensures cell division and cell growth. Thanks to this, the fetus grows quickly. Allantoin was additionally found in only one plant – comfrey.

And here is a recipe for using line tincture for pancreatitis. When making it, it is necessary to add an equal number of meadowsweet and lemon balm flowers to the mushrooms (10:1). You need to take it in a “slide” manner: first 2 drops, then add 2 drops every day. And so on for a week, that is, to reach 14 drops. Then you need to go in the same way at a decreasing rate up to 2 drops. Consumption: at the table. a spoonful of milk three times a day after meals (after 40 minutes). Then repeat the described process. You can rest for a month and repeat the treatment again.


Stitch mushrooms are more of a medicinal than a culinary mushroom. Some varieties of stitches are conditionally edible mushrooms and are suitable for consumption if properly processed.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse strings with edible morel mushrooms (Morchella spp.). However, it should be remembered that raw stitches of some varieties are deadly poisonous mushrooms, causing severe poisoning, so it is very important to know what these poisonous mushrooms look like and read their description.

Common stitch (Gyromitra esculenta)

Family: Discinaceae.

Synonyms: edible string, stick, mottled, veal offal.

Description of the mushroom line

The fruit body is up to 14 cm in diameter. The cap is irregularly rounded or angular, hollow inside, deeply wrinkled (brain-shaped), light brown-brown to dark or chocolate brown, becoming somewhat lighter with age. The pulp is white, waxy, thin, very brittle, with its own characteristic odor, without much taste. Leg 3–6 × 1.5–6 cm, whitish or grayish (sometimes with a pinkish tint), hollow, narrowed towards the base, smooth or folded.

A soil fungus that inhabits deciduous and coniferous forests, growing on sandy soil at forest edges, in clearings, burnt areas, along roads, and in young pine plantings. It is found throughout the forest zone of Russia, except for the Far North, singly or in small groups, not often. Fruits from late March to early June.

The line is characterized by the formation of geographical races, one of the main differences of which is a different level of toxicity. Research by French biochemists has shown that mushrooms collected in warmer regions accumulate significantly more high level toxins.

Similar species

It differs from the giant stitch (Discina gigas) by a much darker cap and significantly smaller size, from the Carolina discina (aka tufted or brown stitch) (Discina carolinensis = Gyromitra fastigiata = G. brunnea) it differs in a darker and more “brain-shaped” cap with the edges so openly unattached to the leg.

Properties of mushroom stitch

The toxic properties of stitching have been known for more than 100 years. However, due to the variety of manifestations of poisoning, many experts attributed them to individual allergic reactions or even an erroneous diagnosis (poisoning with other mushrooms or products). Moreover, there are cases where some people who ate approximately the same amount of mushrooms from one dish “earned” poisoning, but their neighbors at the table did not. It is also well known that some mushroom pickers have been collecting and preparing strings for many years without any negative effect. However, according to the latest biochemical research, the common string is recognized as a poisonous and even deadly poisonous mushroom.

Certain geographic races of G. esculenta have been confirmed to contain high levels of a toxin known as gyromitrin. Gyromithrin poisoning is extremely rare in North America and Western Europe.

Data for Siberia are unknown, but cases of poisoning are quite common in countries of Eastern Europe(to the border with Russia) and Scandinavia. In 1971, Polish researchers found that in Poland, of the total number of mushroom poisonings, 23% were in the lines. The number of reported fatal poisonings has been declining since the middle of the last century; in Sweden, for example, where string poisoning is very common, not a single fatal case has been reported since 1952. The number of deaths has also decreased. total number poisoning, apparently due to the widespread practice of correct culinary processing these mushrooms, but the average European rate of deaths from stitch poisoning is still about 25%.

The lethal dose of gyromitrin is 10–30 mg per kg of body weight for children and 20–50 mg/kg for adults. This roughly corresponds (for gyromitrin-rich geographic races) to 0.2–0.6 kg and 0.4–1 kg of fresh mushrooms. However, individual stability specific people can greatly affect the activity of gyromitrin, up to almost complete lack of response to the indicated doses.

Research into toxins began in 1968, when gyromitrin was first identified as acetaldehyde (N-methyl-N-formylhydrazone). In the body, gyromitrin is hydrolyzed to monomethylhydrazine.

The toxin reacts with pyridoxal-5-phosphate (the activated form of pyridoxine) and forms the substance hydrazone. Hydrazone reduces the production of neurotransmitters by inhibiting glutamic acid decarboxylase, which leads to the appearance of characteristic neurological symptoms intoxication. In addition, monomethylhydrazine causes methemoglobinemia and promotes the formation of methyl radicals, which leads to liver necrosis. Histaminase inhibition increases histamine levels, leading to headaches, nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain.

The main symptoms of stitch poisoning are divided into gastrointestinal and neurological. They are detected 6–12 hours after consumption, although there are cases where intoxication manifested itself after 2 hours. Initially they manifest themselves as facial redness, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Further possible tremors, convulsions, lethargy, ataxia, dizziness and severe headaches, as well as fever (the latter is not typical for any mushroom poisoning and occurs only as a symptom of stitch poisoning). In most cases, after such manifestations, gradual recovery occurs within 2–6 days.

In particularly severe cases, damage to the kidneys and liver and neurological dysfunction, including falling into a coma, are possible. With such a serious injury, death can occur 5–7 days after consuming the lines.

In addition to toxicity, monomethylhydrazine has been shown to be carcinogenic (studies on laboratory animals). And although it has not been confirmed for humans, some researchers believe that the toxin may have a cumulative effect, and sooner or later, even a small number of rows eaten can lead to the formation of a tumor.

Mushrooms stitches in folk medicine

IN folk medicine vodka tincture stitch is used as an analgesic and is used to relieve pain, primarily for various types of joint diseases, arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, foot spurs, overgrown bones, neuralgia, as well as for the treatment of pancreatitis and the pancreas, with oncology in late stages, when pain relief is necessary.

Tincture of lines

The tincture is made from crushed dry mushrooms. To do this, pour 10 g of powder into 150 ml of vodka and, after stirring, close tightly and leave in the refrigerator for two weeks. Rub the tincture into the skin of the affected areas and cover with a warm woolen “prickly” scarf.

It is also known that in the past, eyes were washed with a decoction of stitches for conjunctivitis.

Rules for collection and procurement for medicinal purposes

Young and mature fruiting bodies are collected for boiling or drying.

Despite its proven toxicity, the stitches are widely collected in many countries in North America and Europe. For example, strings are still considered a delicacy and are actively collected in Bulgaria, Spain and Finland.

With proper culinary preparation most of gyromitrin can be removed. Recommended methods include drying followed by boiling or boiling fresh mushrooms with the obligatory draining of the broth.

It has been shown that with repeated boiling, the level of gyromitrin decreases by an order of magnitude each time, while the amount of water should be three times the number of lines, boiling should last at least 5 minutes, and after each cycle the boiled mushrooms should be washed cold water. When drying in the open air on the tenth day, the concentration of gyromitrin decreases by 90%.

The sale of ordinary stitching is prohibited on markets in Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Italy. In Russian conditions, the mushroom should be considered edible after preliminary boiling with draining of the broth or prolonged drying. Used for preparing first and second courses, appetizers and fillings.

Based on the book by M. Vishnevsky “Medicinal mushrooms. Great encyclopedia."

The lines refer to marsupial fungi, which are members of the Discinaceae family. This mushroom, poisonous in its raw form, is often confused with a similar edible mushroom, the morel.


This mushroom is distinguished by a shapeless wavy cap with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, which has two to four peaks, which makes it look like walnuts or a brain. The color of the cap is brown-chestnut, becoming lighter over time. Almost along its entire length, the cap at the bottom grows to the stem. There are hollow convolutions inside the cap.

The stem of the stitch has a reddish or white tint. The width and height of the stitch legs is 2-3 centimeters. The flesh of the mushroom is light and quite fragile, without a distinct odor.


The types of lines are:


This mushroom loves sandy soils and often grows under coniferous trees. Distributed throughout Europe and North America. Ripens in the second half of spring.


It differs in diameter up to 30 centimeters, as well as lighter caps and a different spore structure. Such mushrooms grow next to birch trees. Ripen in April-May.


It is a horn-shaped mushroom with brown caps up to 10 centimeters in diameter and long flattened legs. They begin to ripen in July and grow in forests, both on the ground and on rotting wood.

Where does it grow

The lines begin to ripen towards the end of April. They grow both in groups and singly in coniferous and mixed forests. You can find stitches along the road, in a clearing, and also in a young pine forest.


  • Mushrooms of this species are valuable for traditional medicine.
  • When poisoned by stitches, nausea and vomiting occur. Severe cases lead to coma and death.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 g of lines contain approximately 20 kcal.

Chemical composition

The toxicity of the lines is associated with the presence of gyromitrins in their composition. These compounds depress the digestive and nervous systems, and also have a negative effect on the blood (they have a hemolytic effect).

Useful and healing properties

The composition of the mushroom differs in the presence different connections, providing it with the following actions used in folk medicine:

  • Pain reliever (due to hormone-like substances)
  • Tonic
  • Increases appetite
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves pancreatic function


Previously, strings belonged to the group of conditionally edible mushrooms, but are now recognized as inedible, since their improper preparation leads to severe poisoning, often fatal.

When consuming stitches for food, you need to be extremely careful, because:

  • Both when boiling and when drying, gyromitrins are not completely destroyed. And if they do not cause poisoning (due to the small dosage), they can still be carcinogenic.
  • Some people may experience increased sensitivity to these chemical compounds, therefore, even a small amount of gyromitrins is dangerous for them.
  • There is an assumption that in some strains of mushrooms the content of gyromitrins is increased, so digestion of such mushrooms does not neutralize them.


Lines cannot be used when:


In cooking

  • Such mushrooms are eaten only after preliminary cooking. After boiling the lines for half an hour, the water is drained, the mushrooms are washed, boiled again for half an hour, the water is drained, and then stewed, boiled or fried.
  • The stitches can be dried in the oven, making them non-toxic. With this treatment, the toxic compounds in the mushrooms evaporate, so the toxicity of the product disappears. Dry the stitches at +55 degrees long time. They can also be dried outdoors for six months.
  • Before cooking and drying, the stitches should be soaked in water to get rid of insects and dirt in the folds of the caps of these mushrooms.

Watch the next video from which you will learn even more about the stitches and also a recipe for making a casserole from these mushrooms.

In medicine

Stitches can be used for:

  • Diseases of the back and joints - arthritis, radiculitis, gout, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and others;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Eye diseases - cataracts, myopia, glaucoma, farsightedness;
  • Myositis;
  • Pathologies of the pancreas.

Alcohol tincture

IN medicinal purposes An alcohol tincture is made from the stitches, which, due to the presence of toxic components, is prescribed only for external use.

This tincture is rubbed on the back, joints, and chest (for coughing). Alcohol tincture on the inside is used only under the supervision of a doctor according to certain methods. Self-medication risks serious poisoning.

To prepare the setting, the stitches should be dried and crushed, after which two and a half tablespoons of the raw material should be poured with 500 ml of vodka. The sealed container with the lines is left in the refrigerator for two weeks. Without straining, rub the tincture 2-3 times a day into the right places, wrapping them in woolen cloth. Treatment is carried out until recovery or disappearance of the pain syndrome.

The name of the line Gyromitra comes from the ancient Greek words meaning “round” and “headband”.

The stitches are prohibited from being sold in Italy.

In England, the stitch is often called "elephant ears" or "mushroom brain".

Stitch mushrooms have amazing healing properties for joints. They contain the antirheumatic analgesic substance gyromitrin, similar in properties to cortisone.

Stitch mushrooms are used in folk medicine as a pain reliever for cancer and joint diseases. The polysaccharide ST-4 contained in stitch mushrooms is similar in its properties to the substance chondrotin - it is capable of restoring cartilage tissue of the joint.

The stitches are excellent for any arthrosis: radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, foot spikes, overgrown bones.

Stitch mushroom tincture, prepared from powder, is used for rubbing for persistent bronchitis, pneumonia, neuralgia, myalgia, postoperative adhesions, trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Basic medicinal properties mushroom lines:

  • Stitch mushrooms are a natural analgesic;
  • have the property of relieving pain in oncological and joint diseases, toothache;
  • restore cartilage tissue of the joint, relieves inflammation of the joints;
  • relieve inflammation in pancreatic diseases
Minimum recommended course 6 packs. Is not a medicine

How to buy

To buy dried mushrooms at the Leto-shop herbal pharmacy, call 8 929 929 03 03 or place an order on the website yourself. Come to our store or order delivery in Moscow or any city in Russia.

How to save money when treating mushrooms with stitches?

We understand that effective treatment can be very costly. Therefore, we make you an advantageous offer: buy 5 packs dried lines and get another one packaging of dried stitches AS A GIFT!

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We take care of your health. Therefore, we offer you only those natural remedies that are tested and certified in the territory Russian Federation. Our producers conduct strict radiation and toxicological controls on all collected herbs.

P.S. On the topic of health there is one very important nuance: when a person is sick, time works AGAINST him. Every day spent without treatment is inexorable reduces chances of recovery. Do you value your health and your life? Then stop wasting precious time, order stitch mushrooms right now.

Stitch mushrooms are typically sold in “mushroom pharmacies” in two different forms: extract and natural powder. When making an extract, mushrooms undergo chemical processing, and the resulting dietary supplement ceases to be a natural medicine. We offer you a completely natural remedy. In this case, the medicinal mushrooms are simply mechanically crushed, no additional processing. You simply brew the drug according to the instructions and dosage. According to fungotherapists, this form of administration allows the body to most fully absorb useful material contained in mushrooms.

Stitches dried mushrooms instructions from the manufacturer:

  • Manufacturer: LLC NPO Biolux. Irina Filippova Fungotherapy Center.
  • Ingredients: stitch mushroom extract, capsules
  • Weight: 60 capsules
  • Price: 990 RUR


individual intolerance to components. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age. Not a medicine.

Application of stitch mushrooms

  • For joint diseases: take 2 drops of string mushroom tincture with 1 tablespoon of milk, 4 drops on the second day, 6 drops on the third, 8 on the fourth, 10 on the fifth, 12 on the sixth, 14 drops on the seventh. The second week drink in a decreasing order, the third - in an increasing order, the fourth - in a decreasing order. A month later, repeat the course.
  • The preventive course is 1 month (carried out 2 times a year), the therapeutic course for joint diseases is 3-4 months.

IN complex therapy mushroom stitches are used:

  • for joint diseases: arthralgia, rheumatoid polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, foot thorns, overgrown bones, lupus erythematosus;
  • at oncological diseases as a pain reliever;
  • diseases of the pancreas: pain in the epigastric region, “girdling” pain, nausea, vomiting, loose and/or “greasy” stools;
  • at acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic, with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas.

Rubbing with morel mushroom tincture is used for:

  • persistent bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • neuralgia,
  • myalgia,
  • postoperative adhesions,
  • trophic ulcers and bedsores.
Mushroom stitch tincture for rubbing:

Dissolves postoperative adhesions, heals trophic ulcers and bedsores; effective for bronchitis, pneumonia; eliminates neuralgia, myalgia.

Strings of dried mushrooms recipes:

1 year Pour 200 ml of powder into a line (measuring spoon). warm boiled water. Leave for 8 hours. Stir before use. Drink 50g. 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

Tincture: 5g. line powder is poured with 150 ml of vodka, infused for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Rub into sore spots and cover with a woolen cloth.

Stitches (lat. Gyromitra) is a genus of marsupial fungi that appears in early spring and in August-September. Their appearance is original: it resembles a crumpled sheet of brown paper or half a walnut. This does not contribute to the popularity of eating strings, as does the poison content. Toxins disappear during cooking or drying, so representatives of the genus Gyromitra are defined by scientists as conditionally edible. There is also information about the use of stitches in folk medicine.

Strows are a genus of marsupial mushrooms that appear in early spring and August-September

The fruit body of the line looks unattractive: it is chaotically dotted with deep wrinkles and clumsy folds. The entire mushroom, including the stem, is often asymmetrical. The surface of the cap is velvety in appearance. Its color can be varied: yellow-brown, brown and red-chestnut. The shade depends on the type and age of the mushroom, growing conditions and climate.

The lines inhabit the territory of Eurasia and North America, located in the Northern Hemisphere. The most “southern” specimens are registered in Mexico. Mushrooms prefer to grow in pine forests, where there are rotten stumps - source organic matter from decaying wood.

Experience proves that specimens growing in Western Europe are more dangerous than “natives” from Eastern Europe. In Italy, due to the risk of severe poisoning, the sale of stitches has been declared illegal.

How to distinguish a poisonous stitch (video)

Types of stitches

Biologists have described 3 types of stitches. They are similar to each other, but differ in size, color, location and time of growth. Knowing this information, you can determine which species was collected.

Traditionally, he chooses pine forests (less often coniferous and mixed with a large number of pine trees). Often prefers sandy and sandy loam soils, as well as burnt areas. The harvest time for the common line is April-May. In different regions, the onset of fruiting differs depending on climatic conditions: In a warm spring, mushrooms appear immediately after the snow melts.

Diameter of wrinkled cap Brown is from 2 to 10 cm, and its edges are fused with the leg, forming a bizarre “bag”, hollow inside. The leg itself is also dotted with folds and grooves, asymmetrical, often completely or partially immersed in the ground. It thickens closer to the ground, has a length of only 3 cm and is painted in light colors, sometimes with a pink tone.

Common (Gyromitra esculenta)

Giant (Gyromitra gigas)

The giant line is similar to the ordinary one, but, as you might guess, it is different from it large sizes. Thus, the cap of some specimens grows up to 30 cm in diameter, although usually this figure is much smaller: 15–25 cm. The color of the mushroom also differs: in the “giant” it is lighter, often yellow-brown. Also a giant line, although it gravitates towards coniferous forests, feels great next to birch trees.

Giant (Gyromitra gigas)

Autumn (Gyromitra infula)

The autumn species differs from its counterparts primarily in the time of fruiting. It begins in July, August and September. It grows primarily in coniferous forests on the ground or rotting remains of trees. The cap is 2–10 cm in diameter and has a saddle shape, often in the form of “horns” fused to each other. The color can be various shades of brown: from red-chestnut to dark. The stem is higher than that of other stitches: from 2 to 6 cm, although you can also find “overgrowths” with a stem of 10 cm.

Gyromitra unfula is not very popular among mushroom pickers: it is generally accepted that the autumn variety has a high concentration of toxic gyromitrins, which are difficult to destroy after prolonged processing. But there are also daredevils who use these lines for food. It is important not to forget: if you eat a mushroom raw, big risk end up in intensive care and die.

Autumn (Gyromitra infula)

Healing and beneficial properties of stitches

The main reason why stitches are used for medicinal purposes in the preparation of traditional medicine is the presence of the valuable polysaccharide CT-4 in the mushrooms. In terms of its properties, this natural substance is similar in effect to chondroitin, which is an aminopolysaccharide.

The role of the latter in the human body is very important: it is a building material, a source of regeneration and nutrition for bone, connective and cartilage tissue. It is chondroitin that directly affects the elasticity of cartilage, because it regulates their ability to absorb moisture. Also lines are normalized local circulation , which is also useful for people with musculoskeletal diseases. Traditional healers claim that the mushroom helps with pulmonary diseases And inflammatory process in the pancreas.

About the taste and edibility of string mushrooms

There has been a debate for a long time: is the line poisonous or edible?. It is an undeniable fact that the composition contains gyromitrins - toxic substances that produce a hemolytic effect (destroying red blood cells) and inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver. Therefore, raw stitches are deadly. The question of what percentage of toxic substances evaporates during processing remains open. Despite this, in some countries, including former USSR, mushrooms are eaten because the strings are pleasant to the taste and smell.

Features of collecting stitches (video)

Scope of application of stitches

Stitches are used in cooking and folk medicine. They are dried, canned and fried after boiling. For treatment, mushroom tincture with alcohol is used mainly. It is used both internally and externally.

How to prepare stitches correctly

There are 2 ways to prepare stitches for use and make them safer for humans:

  1. Digestion. After cleaning, cook the mushrooms for at least 20 minutes. Toxic gyromitrins are released into the water, so the decoction becomes poisonous. It must be poured out, and the lines are thoroughly washed in running tap water. Many mushroom pickers repeat the procedure twice to be on the safe side. Then they can be fried and canned, like other mushrooms.
  2. Drying. In its process, gyromitrins evaporate from the fruiting bodies. True, for the poisons to completely disappear from the mushroom, it will take either 6 months or the catalytic effect of high temperatures.

Scientists say that neither method makes the stitches as safe as edible mushrooms. It is very important to prepare them correctly and eat them in moderation, making sure there are no contraindications. If your health worsens, you need to call an ambulance and tell the doctor about the meal.

Mushrooms stitching in medicine

Stitches are used topically for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. We are talking about common arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc. The polysaccharide helps relieve inflammation and tissue regeneration.

For bronchitis and pneumonia, use the tincture as a rubbing liquid. chest sick. The liquid can also be taken orally for diseases of the pancreas, a few drops per day (the dosage is prescribed by the treating specialist).

How to distinguish stitches from morels

At first glance, stitches and morels look very similar, having a wrinkled and baggy appearance. But the shape of morels is ovoid or conical, while the lines have irregular shape, similar to Walnut. The pattern on the morel cap often resembles a honeycomb, and in Gyromitra it is chaotic, with numerous and deep convolutions.

How to cook a casserole from stitches (video)

Contraindications and harm of stitches

  • minors;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with individual intolerance;
  • patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

It is better to start “tasting” the lines with a minimum portion in order to assess their effect on well-being. In 99% of cases, if prepared incorrectly, symptoms appear severe poisoning: epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, fainting.

Lines - spring and autumn - are not the simplest mushrooms. They require attention and special approach. You can eat them only at your own peril and risk, which stops many mushroom pickers.

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