Crystalline grid. Love will save the planet. Geocrystal. Crystal-sacred geometry of the Earth What is happening to us

V. - Crystalline grid of the Earth. What is it for?
O.-They use it to conduct information and accumulate knowledge. There is such a tool - crystals. Crystals are at the very core of the Earth. The earth is like a snowflake inside. This is her true essence. Her consciousness accumulates in the crystal.

V.- Look how many lattices, matrices, layers, structures and the like there are on Earth. Is it possible to count them?
O.- Main 4-5 lattices. Crystalline separately. This is the native network of the Earth. Some crystals were installed by different civilizations. The Earth has its own biorhythms, which form cells and networks on a subtle plane. But they don't block anything. It's just a power grid to maintain. There are several friendly nets to prevent the fog from spreading further. A network like that of Bodhisattvas. On different planes, assistant creatures hold this grid. Lots of predatory nets. The biggest problem is with predatory nets. They download energy. I see a grid, it is saturated with energy, reads all the information, and another planet is made on its basis. Kind of like artificial lands. They are made on the energy of the Earth, its information. Artificial lands can now be settled. Predators also use nets. The “enlightened ones” are called there. And some go there. Accordingly, the most “phony” people are removed from the Earth, who could greatly raise the vibrations of the Earth.
If you look further away, you cannot see the Earth at all. It is fenced off with a screening mesh. There a holographic image is broadcast. Like, here’s Earth and everything is fine there. The civilizations around the Earth are aware, but they cannot look. They see only the projection.

Q. - Why do they see the projection and cannot remove it?

O.- Someone eliminates. Many send their representatives down. Below it is a quarantine zone. A holographic grid of the Earth is sewn onto the quarantine film. Therefore, anyone who wants to remove this net will also damage the quarantine film. Is it dangerous. Therefore, many do not know what is happening and go down. Otherwise it would be very easy. I tore off the picture and that’s it. But this quarantine is like the Chinese proverb: “if a mosquito bites your balls, you can’t swat it.” And this benefits us all. All over space.

Q.- Is this mesh double-sided? From the Earth it shows that everything is fine, but from the other side?
O.- It shows us that all the stars and planets are in place. But some are there, some are no longer there. Space is compressing. But we don’t even know.

Q.- What are the criteria for space compression? There is a collision of planets, why?
O.- So as not to waste more energy on them. They become impractical.

Q.- Is everyone evacuated from them first?
O.- Right with them sometimes. It happens that those who want to evolve further must be removed. On other planets, there is almost no such mess. More or less similar people live on other planets. Usually a planet exists at more or less the same vibrations. On Earth, the scale is very wide. Therefore, someone needs to be evacuated from here, taken away. It would not be good to remove everyone. But on other planets, like attracts like. And others either adapt themselves or move. There's not much mess. It's a mess here.

Q.- What holds the crystal lattice? Is this something man-made or magical?
O.- Something natural, more like magic. Some crystals were grown.
Q. - What about the rest of the bars?
O.- It depends on who put it. Reptiles put technogen.
Q. - If these are man-made, then there are some kind of generators?
O.- Which are kept in this position? There are a lot of things, mostly re-flashed crystals.

V.- The moon helps. There is a lattice that is tied to the moon. And not alone. We saw a black pyramid on the Moon, it is connected with crystals. This pyramid is fractally embedded in the Earth's crystal. She's in the way. We also saw that GLONASS satellites irradiate the Earth’s crystal lattice (ECL) and that is why they are not allowed to go into orbit now, they cause accidents. The intelligence services are aware of this, but still continue to try...
O.- It is. People are being irradiated.
Q. - Through a crystal lattice?
Oh yeah. Because crystals should help people.

Q. - Who operates the crystal lattice? Her original engineer?
O.- Like a matrix. A lot of people. Generally Atlanteans. Many people contributed to its creation.
Q. - Who controls it today? And why are they allowed?
O.- There is not one controller. People can also control it. How to set it up. Therefore, there is a struggle for these crystals. Plus there are a lot of crystals on Earth. The crystal grid does not all work. Some crystals work, but some don't. That is, not all elements are in the lattice. Someone is building thin-body crystals in place of the destroyed crystals. And they turn them on.

V.- Is someone destroying?
Oh yeah. Some build, some destroy. Because crystals are a universal thing. There are those who grew up themselves. They were built into the biomatrix of the Earth. And they do not have one owner. Different civilizations have access to different crystals. This maintains balance. That's why we're alive. If you give it to just one person, it will be the end of planet Earth.

From a session with new hypnologists:

Q: Is there any true knowledge left on Earth?
O, sure. Are these crystals. They are protected... not only from people, not even from people anymore. These crystals are left behind by every civilization that ends its journey, concluding all its experience in it, these are like chronicles, knowledge, everything that is connected with it. Knowledge on the subtle plane has a crystal structure, it is collected in ordered chains, this technology is far from hard drives, but the essence is the same. The entire Earth is studded with crystals, because it is an evolutionary platform, they remain on it. Every civilization on Earth will want to leave its crystal. Someone wants to take it all without experience. We go through our experience and create our own crystal, so the more ancient crystals are closed from us and protected, because the purity of the experiment is above all. Sometimes we are given information in the form of gifted people in society; they have a direct connection with the subtle plane. I see how small crystals are passed on to these people and humanity begins to develop with renewed vigor. Sometimes there are simply adjustments, everything is according to the law, everything is correct. But there are those who do not want to go through this level of the game themselves, but simply want to have an already formed experience, and this is what Crystals protect from them. According to the Law, you cannot take someone else’s experience, it’s that simple.

Q: But all the obstacles that are created to humanity, these extraneous civilizations, their interference...
O: Well, why outsiders, everything is fine. This is how it should be, there are no strangers. It's a game. You just live and see nothing but a mirror, and if you look at it on a large scale, then you are simply in a jar and a symposium has gathered around you and you are being studied, observed, crowded around this jar. Sometimes they want to push their hand into your jar, they decide how and what to change. Moreover, when new viewers come, they can send their rays of attention into the jar, why not. This is evolution. I see an image of people crowding around a masterpiece in a museum, they are pushing, they want to look at everything, there are also those who want to touch it.

Q: It turns out that the Earth is like a stand with an experiment, and it is open, anyone can make their own adjustments?
A: Not exactly any, but Yes. It's like a trap in 3D, at one stage of development, you can simply get a bonus here, a new quality that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

Q: When will this experiment end?
A: Never! It is needed to gain additional points in development, players leave, but the game remains. The Dragons, the Hyperboreans needed him, and we needed him. Everyone always needs him. Maybe those who want to upset the balance in this area of ​​​​space, they just want to close the experiment, maybe they are right. Everything is twofold.

Q: And the civilizations that come here to receive bonus points can fail the experiment and only make things worse?
Oh yeah. Most fail the experiment. It’s just that the aspect of the soul gathers its own and gives up, just leaves. Like catastrophes, people die, souls take their seeds and leave this plane without completing the experiment to the end. The grooming process is something like this. When the experiment was started, no one could have imagined that the game would be so difficult, almost impassable. Everyone who came to play made some adjustments, if you imagine the scale, you understand how everything has changed from the original idea. It's like piling on top of a set of rules and laws. This is a Game, someone threw the dice, someone moved a pawn, and someone came and bought the Bank, everything is possible here. And everyone can. You have been given everything to complete the Game, you just don’t remember.

Q: Is there a way to remember?
Oh yeah. This knowledge exists. They are for a narrow circle of people. If you remember all your past lives and get only trump cards, then you will simply be kicked out of the Casino, you will lose your physical body, the Matrix will spit you out. But there are those who remain with this knowledge. These are secret societies, of course, a lot of all sorts of far-fetched things are placed on them, but they exist and have this knowledge. They are simply overseers of the game system, Overseers, but they remember everything that is needed. They exist on the physical plane. I see something like ancient monks. The top Masons may have them in their composition.

Q: Why is History kept silent? Why don't they let her know?
O: Why is it needed? Why do you need to know that Gods lived before you, and you can become them. If the previous experiment failed, this does not mean that the Earth needs to be remade again; it is easier to populate it again in the same place and come up with a suitable story. Do you really think that you will be allowed to live among the technologies of past experiments (civilizations). This is not right, this is not yours.

Q: Why then is the history of one current civilization hushed up?
A: It's the people themselves. Power, money, greed. You say that the pie is yours, if your friend left it for you, if someone wants to take it, you consider it yours, because your friend shared it with you, although you did not bake this pie, but it is yours! You eat it quietly and don’t want to share it with those you don’t know. Also here. You know whose pie it is, but others think that it is yours and you lie to them so that they will bow to you if only you treat them. This is how power works. Until the owner of the pie comes, you will rule, but the owner will not come... Because the owners of the pie have left and will not come again.


V.- Look how many lattices, matrices, layers, structures and the like there are on Earth. Is it possible to count them?
O.- Main 4-5 lattices. Crystalline separately. This is the native network of the Earth. Some crystals were installed by different civilizations. The Earth has its own biorhythms, which form cells and networks on a subtle plane. But they don't block anything. It's just a power grid to maintain. There are several friendly nets to prevent the fog from spreading further. A network like that of Bodhisattvas. On different planes, assistant creatures hold this grid. Lots of predatory nets. The biggest problem is with predatory nets. They download energy. I see a grid, it is saturated with energy, reads all the information, and another planet is made on its basis. Kind of like artificial lands. They are made on the energy of the Earth, its information. Artificial lands can now be settled. Predators also use nets. The “enlightened ones” are called there. And some go there. Accordingly, the most “phony” people are removed from the Earth, who could greatly raise the vibrations of the Earth.
If you look further away, you cannot see the Earth at all. It is fenced off with a screening mesh. There a holographic image is broadcast. Like, here’s Earth and everything is fine there. The civilizations around the Earth are aware, but they cannot look. They see only the projection.

Q. - Why do they see the projection and cannot remove it?

O.- Someone eliminates. Many send their representatives down. Below it is a quarantine zone. A holographic grid of the Earth is sewn onto the quarantine film. Therefore, anyone who wants to remove this net will also damage the quarantine film. Is it dangerous. Therefore, many do not know what is happening and go down. Otherwise it would be very easy. I tore off the picture and that’s it. But this quarantine is like the Chinese proverb: “if a mosquito bites your balls, you can’t swat it.” And this benefits us all. All over space.

Q.- Is this mesh double-sided? From the Earth it shows that everything is fine, but from the other side?
O.- It shows us that all the stars and planets are in place. But some are there, some are no longer there. Space is compressing. But we don’t even know.

Q.- What are the criteria for space compression? There is a collision of planets, why?
O.- So as not to waste more energy on them. They become impractical.

Q.- Is everyone evacuated from them first?
O.- Right with them sometimes. It happens that those who want to evolve further must be removed. On other planets, there is almost no such mess. More or less similar people live on other planets. Usually a planet exists at more or less the same vibrations. On Earth, the scale is very wide. Therefore, someone needs to be evacuated from here, taken away. It would not be good to remove everyone. But on other planets, like attracts like. And others either adapt themselves or move. There's not much mess. It's a mess here.

Q.- What holds the crystal lattice? Is this something man-made or magical?
O.- Something natural, more like magic. Some crystals were grown.
Q. - What about the rest of the bars?
O.- It depends on who put it. Reptiles put technogen.
Q. - If these are man-made, then there are some kind of generators?
O.- Which are kept in this position? There are a lot of things, mostly re-flashed crystals.

V.- The moon helps. There is a lattice that is tied to the moon. And not alone. We saw a black pyramid on the Moon, it is connected with crystals. This pyramid is fractally embedded in the Earth's crystal. She's in the way. We also saw that GLONASS satellites irradiate the Earth’s crystal lattice (ECL) and that is why they are not allowed to go into orbit now, they cause accidents. The intelligence services are aware of this, but still continue to try...
O.- It is. People are being irradiated.
Q. - Through a crystal lattice?
Oh yeah. Because crystals should help people.

Q. - Who operates the crystal lattice? Her original engineer?
O.- Like a matrix. A lot of people. Generally Atlanteans. Many people contributed to its creation.
Q. - Who controls it today? And why are they allowed?
O.- There is not one controller. People can also control it. How to set it up. Therefore, there is a struggle for these crystals. Plus there are a lot of crystals on Earth. The crystal grid does not all work. Some crystals work, but some don't. That is, not all elements are in the lattice. Someone is building thin-body crystals in place of the destroyed crystals. And they turn them on.

V.- Is someone destroying?
Oh yeah. Some build, some destroy. Because crystals are a universal thing. There are those who grew up themselves. They were built into the biomatrix of the Earth. And they do not have one owner. Different civilizations have access to different crystals. This maintains balance. That's why we're alive. If you give it to just one person, it will be the end of planet Earth.

From a session with new hypnologists:

Q: Is there any true knowledge left on Earth?
O, sure. Are these crystals. They are protected... not only from people, not even from people anymore. These crystals are left behind by every civilization that ends its journey, concluding all its experience in it, these are like chronicles, knowledge, everything that is connected with it. Knowledge on the subtle plane has a crystal structure, it is collected in ordered chains, this technology is far from hard drives, but the essence is the same. The entire Earth is studded with crystals, because it is an evolutionary platform, they remain on it. Every civilization on Earth will want to leave its crystal. Someone wants to take it all without experience. We go through our experience and create our own crystal, so the more ancient crystals are closed from us and protected, because the purity of the experiment is above all. Sometimes we are given information in the form of gifted people in society; they have a direct connection with the subtle plane. I see how small crystals are passed on to these people and humanity begins to develop with renewed vigor. Sometimes there are simply adjustments, everything is according to the law, everything is correct. But there are those who do not want to go through this level of the game themselves, but simply want to have an already formed experience, and this is what Crystals protect from them. According to the Law, you cannot take someone else’s experience, it’s that simple.

Q: But all the obstacles that are created to humanity, these extraneous civilizations, their interference...
O: Well, why outsiders, everything is fine. This is how it should be, there are no strangers. It's a game. You just live and see nothing but a mirror, and if you look at it on a large scale, then you are simply in a jar and a symposium has gathered around you and you are being studied, observed, crowded around this jar. Sometimes they want to push their hand into your jar, they decide how and what to change. Moreover, when new viewers come, they can send their rays of attention into the jar, why not. This is evolution. I see an image of people crowding around a masterpiece in a museum, they are pushing, they want to look at everything, there are also those who want to touch it.

Q: It turns out that the Earth is like a stand with an experiment, and it is open, anyone can make their own adjustments?
A: Not exactly any, but Yes. It's like a trap in 3D, at one stage of development, you can simply get a bonus here, a new quality that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

Q: When will this experiment end?
A: Never! It is needed to gain additional points in development, players leave, but the game remains. The Dragons, the Hyperboreans needed him, and we needed him. Everyone always needs him. Maybe those who want to upset the balance in this area of ​​​​space, they just want to close the experiment, maybe they are right. Everything is twofold.

Q: And the civilizations that come here to receive bonus points can fail the experiment and only make things worse?
Oh yeah. Most fail the experiment. It’s just that the aspect of the soul gathers its own and gives up, just leaves. Like catastrophes, people die, souls take their seeds and leave this plane without completing the experiment to the end. The grooming process is something like this. When the experiment was started, no one could have imagined that the game would be so difficult, almost impassable. Everyone who came to play made some adjustments, if you imagine the scale, you understand how everything has changed from the original idea. It's like piling on top of a set of rules and laws. This is a Game, someone threw the dice, someone moved a pawn, and someone came and bought the Bank, everything is possible here. And everyone can. You have been given everything to complete the Game, you just don’t remember.

Q: Is there a way to remember?
Oh yeah. This knowledge exists. They are for a narrow circle of people. If you remember all your past lives and get only trump cards, then you will simply be kicked out of the Casino, you will lose your physical body, the Matrix will spit you out. But there are those who remain with this knowledge. These are secret societies, of course, a lot of all sorts of far-fetched things are placed on them, but they exist and have this knowledge. They are simply overseers of the game system, Overseers, but they remember everything that is needed. They exist on the physical plane. I see something like ancient monks. The top Masons may have them in their composition.

Q: Why is History kept silent? Why don't they let her know?
O: Why is it needed? Why do you need to know that Gods lived before you, and you can become them. If the previous experiment failed, this does not mean that the Earth needs to be remade again; it is easier to populate it again in the same place and come up with a suitable story. Do you really think that you will be allowed to live among the technologies of past experiments (civilizations). This is not right, this is not yours.

In the dowsing environment, planet Earth appears as a crystal. This is supported by repeated archaeological finds in the form of objects that had an image of a crystalline model of the Earth in the form of an icosahedron-dodecahedron. The icosahedron-dodecahedron is a figure consisting of 20 triangles and 12 regular pentagons (see figure). The theory of the crystalline model of the Earth is based on facts proving that it is in the nodes of such a huge grid that the centers of world cultures and religions are located. That is, our ancestors knew the places where it was worth settling, where the unknown power of those places contributed to the development of human potential. Moreover, such nodes also have or had unique flora, fauna and huge mineral deposits.

There is such a thing as “places of power” that find their place in every human settlement. “Places of power” are a combination of natural forces (geopathology) and spiritual energy (place of prayer). It is not difficult to guess that these are the locations of temples. However, geopathogenic radiation has a number of properties, against the background of which being constantly under their influence is unfavorable for humans. But natural forces feed the surrounding space with their energy. That is, a force constantly acting on one or several people can cause harm, but will be for the benefit of the whole people, which can result in rapid growth and flourishing of civilizations.

The crystalline model of the Earth is a global network, which is divided into smaller grids, including the Wittmann grid (16 x 16 meters), M. Curry (5 x 6 meters), E. Hartmann (2 x 2.5 meters), F. Peiro (4 x 4 meters). The most interesting and used of them are the Kari and Hartman grids.

The idea of ​​the global energy framework of the Earth appeared when particularly significant places on the earth were connected on the globe of the Earth, and the result was a global network (see figure). And dowsing made it possible to identify smaller networks. Such methods of approach cause skepticism among modern scientists, especially since modern science is generally unable to explain dowsing. However, there are too many coincidences to ignore. For example, connecting the intersection points of key frame figures (pentagons and triangles) with lines on a geographic map shows their coincidence with planetary faults, oceanic ridges, and zones of active movements of the earth’s crust. At the tops of such polyhedra there are points of maximum and minimum atmospheric pressure, the centers of global geomagnetic anomalies. In the nodes of the frame there are centers of the emergence of world civilizations.

Researchers of geopathology do not consider the Earth's energetic framework to be a permanent structure and imply its formation as a consequence of the energy field nature. In other words, the formation of force lines and nodes occurs as a result of the influence of gravitational, electrical, magnetic and mechanical forces. The interplanetary magnetic field has an unusually strong influence on the Earth's energy. Smaller grids are formed by the interaction of terrestrial and cosmic factors.

The crystal lattice of the planet is being restored and, according to the principle of fractality, our bodies and DNA

Those of you who have seen your subtle bodies have probably noticed that in addition to different glows in your field there are also multi-colored (gold, blue, green, rainbow, etc.) grids consisting of pulsating polyhedra, crystals, and symbols.

These networks are usually multi-layered, they float and appear as attention (un)focuses. Planets, stars, galaxies and universes have the same grids according to the principle of fractality. Get acquainted, this is your multidimensional DNA, enveloping different layers of energy cocoons, and it is now unfolding more and more widely)

The fact is that the DNA helix in multidimensionality unfolds into these very networks, part of which we previously considered a crystal lattice, without fully understanding its meaning. Or rather, the mesh is folded into a spiral in the physical body from multidimensionality, because our subtle bodies and the physical are a single whole. Grids = antennas of perception, conductors through which the currents of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions pulsate. The more antennas are deployed, the more, the wider you perceive reality. The brighter and more symmetrical the grids, the more rich, joyful and multifaceted Life is; the darker, less holistic and symmetrical they are, the less energy, joy, health, integrity, and creative potential.

Each grid has its own meaning and functionality. For example, the golden one holds the frame of a person’s light channel and is visible at all levels of the body. The mesh is an instrument, strings, they can filter and concentrate work on a separate organ or body. These are the threads that go to the heart of the Creator from your heart, Spark, chakra centers.

All creatures have a set of such networks, and our task now is to patch up holes, breaks and violation of their symmetry, which arise as a result of injuries, energy breakdowns and other “attacks”, and most importantly - our own mental activity. The more fear, anger, apathy, resentment, and even routine, the less coherent your vibrational geometric pattern will be.

Some of the cleansing and restoring process occurs automatically, but conscious intention also helps. Solar halos are not only the activation of new programs of our star, but also a kind of reminder to all of us that the time has come to shine from within and with this inner light to restore our integrity, filling ourselves with emotions of joy, creativity and inspiration, because they are the fuel for Life )

A brief history of planetary grid disruption and other information in the words of colleagues and readers:

At other times, some objects like meteorites (image) were released onto the earth, which burned through the atmosphere and bodies, everything fractal. The authors are slightly different than now, but the essence is the same today. Previously, there were radiations and meteorites, now is the era of technogen and bugs in subtle bodies. People live in the illusion of movement. They used to fly with wings (and without them), but now they fly on airplanes. And yes, this is due to breakdowns and holes in subtle bodies, everything is fractal.

It seems to me that the golden mesh is our DNA strand, and it was this that was violated and changed. As I understand it, some pyramids were also used for destructive processes. I've been watching one of them at the pole for a long time. I look at the pyramid now, and it has moved from a static state to movement and transformation.

Either it opens like a lotus with golden petals, or it spins and spins along with the petals in different directions. A pillar of golden light enters it from above. I looked where the pillar was coming from, and they showed me a huge golden ball, saying that it was the sun. And the pillar breaks through the thick darkness, like a quagmire. The blue energy ball, located at the top of the pyramid, went down and turned into a state of formless energy substance. And yet, the column of light is also not static, it transforms into the form of twisted DNA.

The pyramid now looks like a fully opened lotus. Golden balls emerge from the middle of the flower, like pollen into space and scatter across the ground. That's very beautiful)))

I think everyone can see something similar by directing their attention inward to the heart chakra or solar plexus. Bottom and top, it’s more complicated there and the lotus is not quite the same, there the projection is different, multi-layered. It's like a mirror. It looks like two mirror surfaces and reflects endless corridors into each other like branches and, as it were, a lotus between them in both directions. In Buddhism, the appearance of the lotus is associated with the beginning of a new cosmic era.

A net stretches out from the lotus and envelops the earth. An identical mesh appeared on people. This is unwrapped DNA. That is, since we are accustomed to perceiving a DNA strand as a mesh folded many times over. Each one has a slightly different pattern. The mesh enters the ground with pillars of light, as if fixed. In some places it has not unfolded, but somehow through people it is being completed. These are places where any tests and explosions were carried out, where there are craters, there is a violation of integrity.

I saw a similar structure in one of their recent sessions. It looks a lot like the Flower of Life, but it’s not it. When synchronized with or overlaid on any process, it allows all aspects that are invisible, hidden or distorted to appear. How is the map in general))

I get up at night, go to the window - and there the Sun is changing. First, one, huge, covering more than half of the night sky, begins to disappear like a hologram, and then after a short time the solar substance is poured into a new form, everything sparkles and shimmers. The new one is a little smaller. Outside, the old man-made codes were still dangling around him, but they were holding on very flimsily, and as if they were completely foreign to this new Sun, they were about to fall off (they would fall off!)

The sun is changed approximately every 3-4 days in the last 2 weeks.

They changed the sun and forgot to turn on the summer mode in the settings)) in Moscow +8. There is a feeling that the number of observers in near-Earth space has increased. I think that now they would not allow anyone to do something hostile to the Earth and humanity. The time of confusion is passing.

digitall-angell.- LiveJournal

Our planet is surrounded, as if enveloped, by several energy grids. Through each of these lattices a certain type of energy is transmitted to the planet. Recently, the formation of another, new energy grid has been completed and now this grid is connected to the core of the planet. I see many rays emanating from the nodal points of the lattice, either silvery or not clear what color. They themselves can be said to be transparent. But these rays are highly reflective, so it is difficult to understand what color it is. All these rays, penetrating space, penetrate into the bowels of the Earth, and there, around the core of the planet, exactly the same energy grid is formed as the outermost one above the surface of the Earth.

Everything happens very quickly and fascinates with its action. The rays seem to weave an openwork cocoon around the core. Openwork like lace, but very durable, like a diamond. And this cocoon must protect the core of the planet from the destruction to which it is bombarded by negative energy entering the bowels of the planet and by the intention of people dumping their negativity there and as sediment from all those energy processes that occur on the surface of the Earth.

And during the transition to new outer space, our Earth also suffered large energy losses and its internal reserves were depleted, and the core itself lost its former stability and became, as it were, loose on the surface. This is due to the fact that an energy substance was released from the planet’s core (by the planet itself), which served as a protective shell for the planet and all life on it during the transition from one space to another.

And now it is necessary to restore the core itself, the very core of our planet and protect it from negative influence “from the outside,” so to speak. When the lattice around the core is fully formed, the outer lattice will stop emitting rays and people will no longer be affected by them, as is happening now. Sensitive people can see these rays, like ice or rain spokes from the sky to the ground. They are silent, they do not emit or absorb, but they reflect and change color depending on the surrounding energy.

Therefore, when these rays pass through a person, strange and incomprehensible sensations may arise for people. Internal jitters, hot flashes or, on the contrary, cold, suddenly out of the blue or the rhythm of the heartbeat is disturbed. This can all arise very suddenly, as they say out of the blue, and immediately disappear. The fact is that these rays are not static, they are constantly moving, moving in space. And passing through people, as it were, these rays can cause such and other reactions in the body.

The purpose, or more precisely, the purpose of this lattice is such that the destructive energy that enters and will enter the bowels of the Earth, reaching this lattice and under the influence of it changes its characteristics and is reflected back in a new quality. That is, humanity will no longer be able to “feed” directly from the Earth’s core and draw energy from it. Everything that comes from each person in the form of energy exchange with the Earth, everything that people are accustomed to throwing into the ground will return to them, but in a transformed form.

That is, the energy will change charge, relatively speaking, from minus to plus and return to its owner. And this will be done by this lattice that is now forming around the Earth’s core. People must become independent and self-sufficient beings in every sense of the word, including in terms of their own energy supply. In the meantime, the Earth still continues to help us all in this, but it has already stopped sponsoring us with its own energy from an internal source, as well as recycling our negativity.

New space, new opportunities, but also new responsibilities are already beginning to enter our lives. Everything changes and is rebuilt, even if we do not notice it and do not see drastic changes, they nevertheless occur. And it is all the better for us and for our adaptation that integration in the new cosmic and energetic space occurs smoothly and more or less comfortably for all life on Earth.

The Earth's crystalline grid is based, in part, on the crystals found on its surface. The crystals themselves are the rays of the star, which was discussed earlier, or the central crystal of the Earth, which we will talk about separately. Let's look at the details from the point of view of official science

Earth - dodecahedron, icosahedron and growing crystal. The practical use of the hypothesis “The Earth is a growing crystal” to explain processes occurring not only in the depths and on the surface of the planet, but also influencing changes in the living world and even the development of civilizations, was undertaken back in the USSR by N. Goncharov, V. Makarov, V. Morozov. In their opinion, “the force field of this growing crystal determines the icosahedradodecahedral structure of the Earth. These polyhedra are inscribed into each other. Projections of the icosahedron and dodecahedron appear on the surface of the Earth. The 62 vertices and midpoints of the edges of this complex crystal have special properties. Magnetic, gravitational, tectonic and other anomalies correspond to the vertices and edges of these figures. The centers of origin and development of human civilizations are connected with their nodes: Tibetan-Chinese; Dvurechye region; ancient Egyptian; center of South America; center of Ukraine.

Constant areas of hurricane origin also coincide with the nodes: the Bahamas; Arabian Sea; Devil's Sea region, north of New Zealand; archipelagos Tuamotu, Tahiti. Giant eddies of ocean currents also act around the nodes of the system, often coinciding with centers of atmospheric pressure. Bird flights to the south are carried out to the nodes of the system (west and south Africa, Pakistan, Cambodia, north and west Australia). Sea animals, fish, plankton accumulate in the nodes of the system. Whales and tuna migrate from node to node along the edges of the system.

Numerous anomalous zones of the Earth also coincide with the vertices of the crystal, the largest of which are: the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea, and I. Sanderson's Magic Diamonds. The Bermuda Triangle lies between Miami on the Florida Peninsula, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Another largest but little-known anomalous zone is located in the Marmara Sea area. The next anomalous zone coincides with one of the triangles of the icosahedron, forming a tectonic tangle where mountain systems are woven into a single knot: the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, Karakorum, Kunlun, Pamir, Tien Shan, Altai.

To explain how the Earth-crystal affects processes in the ocean and atmosphere, one should turn to the scientific developments of physicist Eduard Borozdim. The scientist used space images to detect patterns in the distribution of atmospheric phenomena around the globe. Having looked at several thousand space images obtained from meteorological satellites "Meteor", E. Borozdich became convinced that the places of origin of cyclones and anticyclones, easily identified by the pattern of clouds, are regularly distributed over the surface of the planet - they form networks that coincide well with the peaks of the Earth-crystal.

E. Borozdim suggested that the source of the impact on the Earth's surface, due to which a clearly visible network of faults and nodes appearing on satellite images, which are a reflection of the crystalline structure of the Earth, and characteristic patterns of clouds, is located not in the earth's crust, but lower - in its mantle. The continuously incoming energy from the center of the globe must also be continuously discharged outside the planet.

This occurs due to “short-lived subcrustal local disturbances.” They last from tens of minutes to several days and lead to changes in almost all known physical fields and even short-lived elevations of the land surface of several meters. On the ocean surface, such disturbances produce a much greater effect. It is with them that one can associate the swelling of the water surface that astronauts see from the orbits of space stations, and unexpectedly arising waves up to tens of meters high, which sailors talk about and which often cause the death of ships.

The idea of ​​the Earth as a huge growing crystal is part of scientific ideas that began to develop intensively at the end of the 20th century.

According to an increasingly popular view, everything in the universe is either a crystal or tends to adopt an orderly crystalline structure. The so-called spontaneous natural processes are actually processes of natural restructuring of invisible ordered crystalline networks. There are both related and antagonistic crystal fields. In their interaction in nature, processes of synthesis and analysis, construction and destruction can manifest themselves. Such a crystal is not only the planet Earth, but also man himself. East

The “geocrystal” of Goncharov-Makarov-Morozov, according to the provisions of the IDSZ theory (icosahedral-dodecahedral structure of the Earth), is the central, solid crystalline body of the planet, which has gone through an almost two-billion-year period of evolution from tetrahedral to icosahedral form and is now in the initial stage of crystallization of the dodecahedron. A geocrystal is the “engine” of the main, defining processes and phenomena of the planet, in general, in each of the shells created by it, in particular. With the help of his organized mechanism for moving the substance of the planet, the Geocrystal not only “constructs” the shells of the Earth, but also “structures” them in its own image. This explains the Geocrystal-like symmetry of the earth’s crust. And the processes themselves accompanying the growth of a Geocrystal differ from those described in crystallography for the processes of real crystal formation, only in the scale of manifestation.

The discovery was made as a result of many years of work related to professional interests in the art of ancient peoples and the history of these arts. Goncharov drew attention to the fact that everywhere, sometimes since the Paleolithic, numerous symbolic images of an equilateral triangle have been widespread, which over time passed into ceramics, crafts, architecture, into monuments of written and oral folk art, mythology and traditions; They were used to “mark” sacred animals; they were attributes of power. At the same time, indications of some territorial divisions of a triangular shape were often encountered or reported. The maximum information of this order occurred, naturally, at the “epicenters” of the centers of ancient and most remarkable cultures and civilizations. A number of patterns were noticed in the distances between their locations on the globe and the module of interfocal distances was determined - approximately 3500 km. This is the distance from the pyramids of Giza in Egypt to the ancient Indian ancestral civilization of Mohenjo-Daro. The double module was the distance from Mohenjo-Daro to the North Pole and Easter Island to the South Pole, and these two civilizations themselves were, as it were, at the ends of the same axis passing through the center of the Earth.

In the middle of the base of the first constructed triangle of the Earth were the pyramids of Giza. And the entire globe was covered with 20 such triangles, without a trace. And, as it later turned out, the coordinates of the location of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Cheops, or, in Egyptian, Khufu) recorded the only correct position of the system of triangles relative to the coordinate grid of the planet. Interestingly, the ancient name of this area, Memphis, translates as “middle of the world.” The position of the Khufu pyramid in the triangular system of the Earth is twice characterized by the word “middle”: it is located, as already said, in the middle of the base of the Indo-European triangle, and also in the middle of the giant rhombus formed from two such adjacent triangles. By the way, since ancient times this is how the Middle World has been symbolically depicted. The world of a person located at the junction of the Upper - Heavenly and Lower - Underground.

In this work, it is especially important to note the dynamics of the “relationship” of the central Dodecahedron and the two-functional frame of the planet created by it: the “growth” frame, repeating the shape of the “parent” of the dodecahedron and the frame of its “food” - the icosahedron. Their mutual exchange of matter is carried out through 32 radial channels (12 descending, 20 ascending) by 64 main nodal centers: 32 vertices of the surface frame with 32 centers of activity of the Earth Crystal.

As you can see, the numbers 32 and 64 underlie the main structures and the main process of our planet. Naturally, man, in the process of his origin, formation and development, inherited the main numerical features of his habitat. Moreover, somehow the extreme significance of these numbers was understood by individuals in ancient times and modeled literally as “strange” objects or used for divination practice in the form of early chess or the I Ching.

Russian alphabet - linguistic model of Geocrystal :

If the Human World, or the surface frame of the planet, is characterized by the number 32, the dynamic characteristic of the Geocrystal by the number 64, then the Earth Crystal itself should be characterized by two numbers. Its static expression is 21, its dynamic expression is 33! The components of these numbers are the 20 vertices of the Dodecahedron; 12 centers of faces, near which there are concentration gradients of the substance of the melt of the outer core and which must be taken into account only in dynamics; finally, the central point of the entire mass of the Crystal, corresponding to the original crystal from which the growth of the future Dodecahedron began.

This is who owns the original concept of Perfection, expressed by the number 33: the Child raised in the womb of the Earth and transforming It in the process of its intrauterine development. This is the concept, expressed in numerical form, that man strives for in his evolution, in the previously listed “details” of the design or in the processes of his formation, repeating the number of his abode - the quasicrystalline frame of the planet - 32.

In order to easily understand this fact, let us first compare the structure of our alphabet with the structure of the surface framework of the planet.

At each subpolar vertex of the earth's icosahedron at a latitude of 26.57 degrees north and south of the equator there are 5 similar vertices of this polyhedron.

In the Russian language, they correspond to a group of “hard” vowels (a, o, u, y, e) with a hard sign “at the head” and a group of “soft” vowels with a soft sign) (ya, yu, ё, i, e). That is, also 12 and with the same structure of divisions.
Further. The earth's frame has 20 dodecahedron vertices, or triangle centers. They are located in four belts of 5 peaks at 52.62 degrees north. and south latitude and 10.81 degrees north. and south latitude. The Russian language also has 20 consonant sounds. And they are also grouped by 5 letters into 4 “families”:

5 “voiced” - b, c, d, d, h;

5 “deaf” - p, f, k, t, s;

5 “sizzling” ones - x, c, h, w, sch;

5 “pulsating” - f, l, m, n, r.

Not everything in these groupings may please individual linguists. However, in light of what has been stated, I hope that the Russian alphabet has a greater right to speak for itself.

So, there is a complete structural coincidence with the same number of basic elements of the earth’s frame and the letters of the Russian alphabet... without the 33rd letter “th”. Recently, attempts have been made to classify this letter, which has not yet been taken into account by us, as a consonant. However, there is no other letter that has such a wide range of functions. It is multifunctional.

First of all, like the “pole” letters “ъ” and “ь”, this is a dividing sign. Only those are placed after consonants, and “th” - after vowels. Sometimes “th” actually behaves like a consonant. And sometimes like no other, like a letter-former: it half “owes” its appearance to 4 soft vowels - i, yu, e, e.

Truly, this letter of the alphabet is the only one that claims to be compared with the center of the Geocrystal. And thus, it should be recognized that the modern Russian alphabet, as a result of its evolution, has become a linguistic model of the Geocrystal!

Among the variety of alphabets on the planet, there were in the past (Aramaic) and currently (for example, Georgian), which also consisted or consist of 33 letters. But this is where their coincidences with the Geocrystal end. Structurally they are completely different. In my opinion, the closest to the creation of a linguistic model of Geocrystal are two related Slavic alphabets: Belarusian and Ukrainian.

How can we check the “work” of the alphabet in its new quality for us? We must assume that if Nature created a structure similar to itself in it, then it is possible that it also provided for the order of letters in the alphabet necessary for the exchange of information. That is, each letter has a numerical value necessary for direct communication with the Energy-Information field of the planet. This means that the numerical value of a word is its CODE in the EI field of the planet.

The edges of the IDSZ correspond to many mid-ocean ridges, deep faults, geosynclines, ore and oil and gas belts; edges - stable areas of the cortex - platforms; nodes - ring structures, ore and oil and gas basins (West Siberian, etc.), magnetic anomalies, etc. We assume that this symmetry is generated by flows caused by the growth of the inner core of the Earth, which has the shape of a dodecahedron. Flows and long-range fields from the dodecahedron core induce the power frame of the IDSZ, which includes a complex of forces and fields and influences all the shells of the planet: the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and magnetosphere. The appearance of IDSZ nodes is observed in an area with a diameter of 300 km (for a number of phenomena, secondary weak areas of larger diameter are observed), the appearance of edges is up to 100 km on both sides of the axis. Sometimes the edges and nodes are displaced by 1°-2.5° (in geology and geophysics, surface phenomena are often displaced from their deep source).

On world magnetic maps of general intensity, the centers of all four world anomalies are close to the nodes of the IDSZ: three positive ones - to the centers of triangles 4, 8, 54 (the territory of each anomaly is approximately equal to the triangle) and one negative one is exactly at the vertex 49. According to the vertical component of the anomaly near 4, 8, 54, along the horizontal - near 25, 41, 54. Different methods of calculating the field take into account regional characteristics and give a better correspondence to the IDSZ. Thus, in the centers of the North Asian (4) and Aleutian (6) triangles there are centers of world anomalies, their territories are approximately equal to the triangles, and the isodynamics follow the contours of the triangles. The centers of secular changes in the magnetic field are located in regions 1, 4, 9, 11, 17.

It has been written about the westerly drift of anomalies, but a number of researchers consider this phenomenon not universal and not constant; they distinguish drifting and non-driving components of the field, while non-drifting anomalies are formed near 6, 13, 18, 40. In general, most anomalies of different eras and calculation methods are confined to to the IDSZ nodes. The discrepancy between individual anomalies can be explained by the failure to take into account regional features in field calculations and insufficient data, especially in the southern hemisphere. The drifting part of the field at a speed of 0.2° per year will move from one triangle to the neighboring one in 360 years and around the Earth in 1800 years. At these moments, the centers of drifting and non-driving anomalies will coincide, resonantly activating the nodes (360 and 1800 years are known cycles of geological and geophysical activity). In a number of nodes, rapid variations in the magnetic field are observed, in others there are global centers of thunderstorms (4, 49). Some nodes are active, others are passive, alternately, with new nodes “switching on”.

The centers of atmospheric pressure are located at 4, 6, 10, 12, 19, 27, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, the areas where hurricanes originate are at 14, 18, 27, 31, 45. On the geostrophic wind maps, triangles repeating triangles are visible IDSZ. Maximum solar radiation is observed at 1, 17, 18, 36, 41, 48. Probably, the thermal “mechanism” of the atmosphere is supplemented by the influence of IDSZ. Many circular ocean currents operate around nodes. Along the edges and nodes of the IDSZ, matter emanates from the subsurface and geochemical provinces and ore deposits are formed (and oil accumulates in traps along the edges and nodes). The rise of matter along the edges of the dodecahedron predominates, especially at the vertices (i.e., the centers of the triangles) and its movement in the crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere to the vertices of the icosahedron, where it descends into the interior. Also, nodes can be “electrodes” to which chemical elements rush in the earth’s crust, as in an electrolytic bath.

The geochemical environment has a strong impact on the biosphere: a lack or excess of microelements in soils sharply exacerbates selection in flora and fauna, causes endemic diseases, etc. In the USSR, the two largest areas of intensified natural selection occupy the central parts of the European and North Asian triangles. In the 1st region, a deficiency of cobalt and copper was detected (hypo- and avitaminosis B12, anemia), in the 2nd region - iodine (endemic goiter). The forest-steppe zone stretches along edges 2-3-4, and the zone of fossil amber runs from 2 to 11. In Eurasia, “shelters of life” of plants (where they were preserved during glaciation) and centers of flora distribution are located in the central parts of the European and North Asian triangles (areas of nodes 2 and 4) and in 3.

Exactly at 4 is the center of the mountain forest-steppe, and at 2 are the centers of many plants: oak, etc. Moreover, plants spread from the centers of triangles 2, 4 to the nodes in the middle of the edges (11, 3, 5 to 5 and from the east). On other continents, the centers of plants are located at 17, 36, 40, 41, and at 13, 25, 35 the centers of cultivated plants are located (according to N.I. Vavilov). In a number of nodes and edges, relicts and endemics of flora and fauna and anomalies of the biosphere are found: 4 - Baikal (75% of species are endemic, it is believed that speciation is still taking place in the lake); 17 - California, 34 - Galapagos Islands, 21 - Sudan, 23-22 - Seychelles, 40 - Gabon, 5-14 - Sakhalin (plant gigantism).

In addition to the geochemical path, the impact of IDSZ on the biosphere is also possible through magnetic, electromagnetic, and electrostatic fields. This is confirmed by the example of whales, fish, and birds. Whales accumulate along ribs 5-6-7 and 14-15-16, especially at nodes 6, 14, 15; in the summer in the southern hemisphere - at 59, 60, 51, 53, 54, 55, and in winter they migrate at 35, 49, 41, 43, 45; turns of migration routes in the northern hemisphere around 18, 19, 14. Tuna migrate along ribs 14-15-16-17 in a figure of eight with turns at 14 and 15. Eels migrate to 18. The largest fish catch is in areas 6, 35, 25 , 14, 45, 18, 41, 11, at 40, at 17, along ribs 5-6-7 and 41-50.

All this is probably the result of the influence of IDSZ fields, although IDSZ also influences indirectly: water chemistry, temperature, solar radiation, etc. Massive strandings of whales near 17, 41, 43 may be a consequence of sharp disturbances in the fields at the nodes. Birds fly to winter in the ranges of nodes 20 (northwest Africa), 12 (India), 27 (northern Australia), 41 (southern Africa), 49 (Brazil), 16 (Hawaiian Islands), etc. Not in all of them Magnetic anomalies are detected, but birds fly there (5-12 thousand km away), which may indicate the presence in the IDSZ of yet unstudied fine structure fields, for example, recorded during dowsing.

The behavior of the insects is consistent with the IDSZ: locusts are distributed throughout Africa and South America, except for nodes 40 and 36; the codling moth, on the contrary, lives in 35, 36, 41, 48. Thus, the geochemical and geophysical influence of IDSZ on the biosphere can be traced. The radiation of uranium deposits in 41 and 40, where a natural nuclear reactor was found in 1972, could also have an effect. Exposure to chemical elements, electromagnetic and other fields, and radiation could cause mutations, which probably gave rise to speciation centers in the nodes.


Man is an integral part of the biosphere, a biological species that clearly reacts to the geochemical and electromagnetic environment, and therefore he could not avoid the influence of the power frame of the IDSZ, especially in the early stages of development. Thus, in a number of nodes there were centers of habitat for human ancestors - great apes:

Gorillas - 40 (Gabon),

Paleopithecus - 12 (Pakistan),

Gigantopithecus - 13 (China),

Parapithecus and propiopithecus - 1 (Egypt),

Australopithecus - 41 (southern Africa),

Pliopithecus - near 4 (Southern Siberia).

Avinsky noted that the nodes correspond to foci of race formation according to V.P. Alekseev: primary eastern in China (13), tertiary Central Asian (4), Melanesian (26) and Okhotsk (5), quaternary Indochinese (25), Fuegian (58), Amazonian (36). In addition to the nodes, he considers the centers of cells formed by ribs (at the centers of convective cells there should be emanations from the interior); they correspond to the primary western focus in Arabia and the secondary one in the South. Africa. Let us add that the North American tertiary focus is located in the area of ​​node 8, the Quaternary Californian and Aleutian - exactly at 17 and 6, and the Indo-Auganian - in area 12. Indigenous Caucasians are settled in the European Triangle, indigenous Mongoloids are in the North Asian Triangle, and indigenous Negroids are settled in the African Triangle.

It is possible that IDSZ, through mutations and other ways, contributed to the emergence on the planet of man in general, Homo sapiens, the formation of races, and then the development of ancient cultures and civilizations in the focal points (at this stage, the impact of IDSZ could have been indirect - the presence of solar heat, plant centers and animals, minerals, etc.). The geometry of the location of crop foci is now clear. Recently, traces of ancient civilizations have been found in 25 (southern Indochina), 35 (Peru), 18 (Bahamas).

In the centers of the European and North Asian triangles there were centers of formation of the Indo-European (2) and Turkic (4) language families. The map of the settlement of ancient humanity shows that the main “outbursts” of migrations were from areas 13 (China), 4 (Northern Mongolia), also from areas 2 (centre of Europe), 26 (Indonesia). In the North Asian, European, African triangles, migrations took place from their centers 2, 4, 21 to the middle of the edges (11, 3, 5, 40) and vertices (20, 41), in other areas often from node to node, ending at the nodes, playing the role of “centers of gravity”. Hiroa established that the Polynesian culture formed the "Great Polynesian Triangle" (Hiroa's term), the settlement of which occurred from the center on the island of Tahiti (31) to the peaks of Hawaii (16), New Zealand (45) and Easter Island (47) and to the middle of the ribs (30, 32, 46). The Hiroa triangle corresponds to the IDSZ triangle. According to Heyerdahl, Easter Island was settled from Peru.

But this is the center (35) of the neighboring IDSZ triangle, and the movements of peoples could be from the centers of both triangles to their common vertex. In the European Triangle, the tribes of the Aryans (to 12), the ancestors of the Tuaregs (to 20), and the Slavs (to 61) moved in the direction of its peaks. The general pattern of movements in the IDSZ from the centers of triangles to the vertices and midpoints of the edges is confirmed.

Anomalies of human populations are located in a number of nodes: acromicrics at 40 (pygmies of Gabon), 25 (short population of Indochina) and acromegalics at 11, 21, 58 (tall population of Scotland, Sudan, Patagonia). On Sakhalin (ribs 5-14), acromegaly of the face was noted - an increase in individual parts. In Gabon (40) the lowest life expectancy is observed, in other nodes there is more stimulation of life. In some areas, global outbreaks of diseases have been discovered (cholera on Sulawesi - 26, etc.); Probably, the fields of the nodes are excited by viruses, which, according to A.L. Chizhevsky, are electromagnetic resonators. There is a message about the cessation of seed germination and the poor health of the flotilla crew near 14, the seeds began to germinate again when approaching 15.

The force frame has a hierarchy of subsystems, to which smaller and smaller phenomena correspond. In each IDSZ triangle, dividing the edges into 3 parts and connecting these points will give 9 triangles of the 1st subsystem. Dividing the edges of each triangle of the 1st subsystem into 2 parts and connecting the points will give 4 triangles of the 2nd subsystem. Dividing the edges of the triangles of the 2nd subsystem into 3 parts and connecting the points will give 9 triangles of the 3rd subsystem. Further division of each triangle alternately into 4 and 9 triangles will give the 4th, 5th, 6th and smaller subsystems (triangles are always equilateral).

In the subsystems, the edges, vertices, centers and midpoints of the edges of triangles are active, manifesting themselves in the relief, mineral deposits, magnetic fields, features of the biosphere, etc. The probable diameter of the manifestation of nodes of the 1st subsystem is 120 km, the 2nd - 60 km, the 3rd - 20 km, the 4th - 10 km, the 5th - 3.5 km, the width of the manifestation of the edges of the 1st subsystem is 40 km , 2nd - 20 km, 3rd - 7 km, 4th - 3.5 km, 5th - 1.2 km. At the nodes of the 1st and 2nd subsystems there are, for example, the ore districts of Dzhezkazgan, Deputatsky, Nikel, oil of Bashkiria, Tataria, and Ukhta; ancient centers of cultures and civilizations: Bulgar the Great on the Kama, Central Karelia, Urgench - the capital of the Khorezm state, Dagestan - the center of cultures of the North Caucasus, etc.