Clinical death: sometimes they return from the other world. Amazing stories of people who returned from the other world

Only the dead are not afraid of death. Every person has a moment in life when he thinks about death, what happens when you die and what awaits “out there.” We present to your attention the exciting stories of people who literally returned from the other world. They will share with you their feelings and what they experienced at that mysterious moment of death.

On the 4th of July last year I almost died. He flew off his motorcycle head first: he had a pneumothorax because his clavicle bone pierced the top of his lung. There on the side of the road I lay and died.

At this time I felt as if I was falling into some dark pool. Everything around me was black and the world, our real world, was rapidly shrinking. It felt like I was falling into an abyss. Sounds were heard somewhere far away. It’s strange, but my soul was calm: the pain was gone, and the world just floated by.

Various scenes from my past and images of people close to me, friends, family appeared before my eyes. Then I woke up... It seemed to me that I had spent several hours in this state, but in fact only a couple of minutes had passed. You know, this incident taught me to appreciate the present.

It is difficult to describe what is actually happening: there is no excitement or struggle for life. You just don't understand what's going on. You feel like something is going wrong, but you don’t understand what exactly. Everything is somehow unnatural, illusory.

The moment when you come to your senses is similar to when in the morning in a dream it seems that you woke up, brushed your teeth, made your bed and already drank a cup of coffee, when suddenly you actually wake up and wonder why you are still in bed? After all, a second ago you were drinking coffee, and now, it turns out, you’re lying in bed... It’s hard to understand whether you woke up in the real world this time.

About 2 years ago I died... and was dead for 8 minutes. It all happened due to a heroin overdose. Yes, it was clinical death. Be that as it may, it was both a scary and pleasant feeling at the same time. It was as if I didn’t care anymore - complete calm and indifference to everything.

My heart was beating very fast, my whole body was covered in perspiration, everything seemed to be in slow motion. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness is the guy from the ambulance screaming: “We’re losing him.” After that, I took my last breath and passed out.

I woke up in the hospital a few hours later, my head was very dizzy. I couldn’t think or walk clearly, everything was swimming before my eyes. This went on until next day. Overall, the experience wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone. And by the way, I don't use heroin anymore.

It's like the feeling of slowly drifting off to sleep. Everything is in very bright and extremely saturated colors. This dream seems to last for hours, although when I woke up, only 3 minutes had passed.

I don’t remember what happened in this “dream,” but I felt boundless peace, and my soul was even joyful. When I woke up, for a few seconds I felt like I was in the middle of a screaming crowd, although there was no one in the room.

Afterwards, my vision began to return. It happened gradually, you know, like on old TVs: at first it’s dark all around, it’s snowing, and then everything becomes a little clearer and brighter. My body was paralyzed from the neck down, and suddenly I began to feel how the ability to move gradually began to return to me: first my arms, then my legs, and then my whole body.

It was difficult for me to navigate the space. It was difficult to remember what happened to me. I couldn’t understand who all these people surrounding me at that moment were, who I was? After 5 minutes everything returned to normal. All that was left was a terrible headache.

My younger brother has type 1 diabetes. When he was only 10, he had a seizure one night hypoglycemic shock. I remember waking up to 6 doctors running up the stairs, and later there was a cry: “He stopped breathing. There is no pulse!” They loaded him into the ambulance, and already at the hospital they told my parents what a miracle it was that they were able to resuscitate him on the way.

At the hospital, I asked my brother how he felt when he was “there.” And this is what he answered me: “The sound seemed to begin to increase, it became louder and louder, when suddenly, it suddenly died down and it was as if I was being carried along, as if through the water pipes of our water park. Only there was no one nearby. And we’ll go to water park, when will I get better?

Feeling as if you are falling into a deep sleep (in fact, you are), and when you wake up, your head is completely confused. You don’t understand what actually happened and why everyone around you is so concerned about your condition. I was inexplicably afraid, as if this condition had deprived me of all courage. I kept asking, “What time is it?” and again lost consciousness. I don’t remember anything except an unbearable feeling of fatigue and the desire to fall asleep as soon as possible so that this nightmare would finally end.

It's like falling asleep. You can't even understand at what point you lost consciousness. At first you see nothing but darkness, and this evokes fear and a feeling of complete unknown. And when you wake up, if you do wake up, your head seems to be in a fog.

All I felt was like I was falling into an abyss. Then I woke up and saw doctors, my mother and a close friend around the hospital bed. It seemed to me that I was just sleeping. I slept monstrously uncomfortably.

Since ancient times, there have been descriptions of examples when people managed to literally return from the other world. These examples gave rise to legends or scares, but they always excited minds, which is why they have survived to this day.

1. Historical evidence of life after death.

The Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato was the first to describe near-death experiences. In conclusion to my work "State" Plato writes about a warrior named Er who was killed during the battle.

Unlike the bodies of the other fallen, his body remained untouched by decay for seven days. When he was already being prepared for burning on the funeral pyre, Er regained consciousness.

He told his amazing experiences about life after death and reincarnation. He talked about things that no one had ever seen before.

Er's story remains to this day the first recorded case of amazing near-death experiences.

2. Second birth.

In 1982, artist Mellen Thomas Benedict “died” from terminal cancer. Racing through the tunnel towards the light Benedict decided he had questions and, in general, that he had not yet seen the world.

He recalls that in his incredible after-death experiences he flew through the entire solar system. He left our galaxy and traveled to other worlds where other life exists.

According to him, Benedict was transported to distant worlds and saw the past before big bang, at a moment when space and time did not exist. Benedict woke up an hour and a half after he "died".

A later examination showed that his cancer had disappeared. Doctors called his recovery “spontaneous remission.”

3. Grandmothers are guardian angels.

Suzanne Omeri was 11 years old when she was running across the road and fell under the wheels of a fast-moving car. Swipe the car threw her into the air. She later claimed that when she was flying, saw everything in slow motion.

From her height, Omuri could see cars below and a crowd of people gathered to watch the accident. Among this group, she saw her two many years ago.

They both yelled at Suzanne that she couldn't join them yet. Therefore, the whole picture began to unfold backwards, and as a result, she landed on the road almost unharmed.

4. Meeting with an ancestor.

In 1989, Dan Piper was inside a car that crashed into a truck. Paramedics pronounced him dead. Piper's no pulse for 90 minutes. While he was dead, he heard beautiful music and was intoxicated by wonderful aromas.

He also met his grandfather and several other long-dead acquaintances in front of the huge gate. All his experiences were very pleasant. The meeting was interrupted when Piper began to regain consciousness.

His return to life surprised many, including the people who prayed near his body at the scene of this terrible incident.

5. The daughter returned her mother.

In September 2003, Amanda Cable lost consciousness after her heart stopped. Cable left her body, but she was stopped by a girl who looks like her daughter

She was wearing a school uniform and her hair was tied into a bun at the back of her head. Ruby convinced her mother to go back through the white tunnel to the gate. Ruby slammed the gate shut after Cable walked through it.

When Cable regained consciousness, she saw her husband sitting by her bed. He brought a photo of Ruby's first day of school, which Cable missed because she was in the hospital at the time.

In the photo Ruby was wearing school uniform, and her hair is tied into a bun at the back of her head, just as Cable saw her in her visions.

6. Meeting with historical figures.

In 1976, George Rodonia was pronounced dead from being hit by a car in car accident. His body was taken to the morgue, where it remained three days.

When the pathologist began autopsying George's body, he came to his senses, shocking those around him. But the stories he told after his return were even more shocking.

At the time of his death, he once again experienced some episodes of his life and met with different people. He had the ability and space.

He said that he met with historical figures and traveled back in time to the days of the Roman Empire.

7. Looking to the future.

In 1999, Dr. Mary Neal was canoeing on a mountain river when her boat capsized. Trapped underwater, she was without air 25 minutes until help arrived.

In her unconscious state, she experienced a near-death experience in which she was told the future. IN in this case it would be better for her not to hear this prediction.

While she was "dead", she was told that her eldest son would die. However, no details of this prediction were given. As a result, this prediction came true: her nineteen-year-old son soon died in a car accident.

8. They weren’t allowed “home.”

Paul Ike was three years old when he fell through the ice on a pond. When rescuers pulled him out of the water, he no pulse for 3 hours. Doctors performed resuscitation, and his heart began to beat.

Then the kid told interesting stories about how he had not yet reached the gate. He approached the gate and tried to enter, but a figure stopped him.

He subsequently identified this figure from a photograph as his grandmother, who had died before his birth. She sent him back, telling him that his parents were waiting for him at home.

9. Healing from cancer.

In 2006, while battling terminal cancer, Anita Moyani fell into a coma. Her organs were shutting down and her body was swollen with cancer.

In her memoirs, Anita said that she saw a doctor and her husband talking at a far distance from her hospital room. She also saw her brother flying on a plane to meet her.

Both of these events were later confirmed, but Anita could not have known anything about them at the time. According to her story, she was given a choice - to live or die, and Anita returned back fully conscious and with a miraculous recovery.

Doctors could find no trace of her fatal illness.

10. Meeting the unborn child.

When three-year-old Colton Burpo lay on the operating table with a burst appendix, doctors no longer hoped to save his life.

Miraculously, two hours later, Colton was taken from the operating room to the ward, where he told incredible stories. It turns out that in his visions he met a little girl who called herself his sister.

Indeed, Colton's mom had a miscarriage when her daughter was due, but she didn't tell Colton anything about it.

He also recounted a conversation with a man he called “Dad.” Colton was later able to determine from a family photo that it was his paternal grandfather who had died many years earlier.

Translation by Tatyana Beglyak specially for the magazine “Reincarnation”.

A Christian's story.

Do miracles happen in our time? Some do not see them at all, others notice individual episodes with strange circumstances, while others see miracles in everything, and even in life itself. But there are also revelations to individual people, when something unusual is shown clearly, not allegorically. This can serve as evidence and a reminder of eternity, of another world, of truth and justice, beauty, and of human responsibility. The main motive in such phenomena is evidence of love, of God and the meaning of everything that exists according to His Divine will.

There have been events in the history of the Church when some individuals may have been worthy of knowing something more about life and death than was revealed to everyone else. For example, the Apostle Paul was in another world when his soul left his body “... (whether in the body - I don’t know, or outside the body - I don’t know: God knows) was caught up to the third heaven” (2 Cor. 12:2). Appearances of the Savior, the Virgin Mary, Angels, and saints also happened to people. All this amounts to two thousand years of experience Orthodox Church.

The human mind is skeptical about those strange things for which it cannot find an explanation. And this is normal, since critical consciousness allows you to carefully perceive everything that goes beyond the generally accepted. A Christian can unconditionally trust only the Holy Scriptures and the Church itself as a whole, while the testimonies of individual individuals are always analyzed, compared with patristic experience and practice, and evaluated through the prism of the authority and reputation of those speaking about the heavenly world.

The story of the person we interviewed may be of interest to the general public, to believers and non-believers, to scientists and ordinary people, to young and old. So, our conversation with Alexander Gogol, who serves as a sexton in the St. Andrew-Vladimir Church of the UOC Cathedral under construction in honor of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv.

About clinical death and the presence of the soul outside the body

– Alexander, we learned that an extraordinary incident occurred in your life. I'd really like to hear this story.

“Perhaps my story will make non-believers and doubters think and gain faith in God, and will strengthen believers in their faith.” So that everyone may find faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and not perish, but have eternal life.

– You experienced clinical death. When did this happen, what caused it?

– The Lord has honored me through a fortune clinical death look beyond our earthly existence. I have been outside my body and am now more than 100% sure of the existence of life after death.

Much of what I saw cannot be compared. And no words are enough to convey all the feelings from what I saw and heard. As it is written: “...Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9).

This happened in the early 90s, back in Soviet time, more precisely, during the period of collapse Soviet Union. I was about twelve years old. I was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family, where everyone was baptized, although not churched. I was baptized in infancy, in 1979. Secretly, like most of those baptized at that time, to avoid problems at work or at least simple ridicule.

Before the event happened, I already believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, but I did not go to church, unless I visited the temple purely symbolically on Easter. Along with Mexican TV series, various kinds of psychics and religious programs began to appear on television screens. The American film “Jesus” was released in Kyiv cinemas, which, one might say, became a kind of cinematic gospel. The Gospel touched my soul so much that I believed in God with all my heart and prayed from my heart. Of course, I don’t remember verbatim, something like: “Lord! I believe in You, but we were taught that there is no God. God! You can do anything, make sure that I don’t even have any doubts.”

Children did not have computers or the Internet then, and we spent time in outdoor games - on the street or at school. My classmates and I came up with this game: several participants hold hands and spin wildly, and then suddenly let go of their hands and fly apart. different sides. The main thing after this is to stay on your feet. Suddenly, unexpectedly for me, everyone unclenched their palms, and I flew back. I only managed to notice that I was heading towards the window. Subsequently, I felt a hard, dull blow to the back of my head. (As it turned out later, it was a cast-iron battery under the windowsill.) There was complete darkness and deafness. It was as if he had disappeared into oblivion.

After a short period of time, I felt a slight dip and after that I stood up. He didn’t even get up, but soared, stood up, and at the same time feeling an unusual, pleasant lightness. I thought: “This is necessary, after such a blow there is absolutely no pain and I feel much better than before.” Moreover, I have never felt so good. My school friends stood near me with gloomy faces and, as in times of mourning, bowed their heads and looked down somewhere. I tried to tell them something, wave my arms, make some movements, but they did not react to me and my actions at all. All this looked very strange... Then I noticed that school bags and some things similar to mine were lying under my feet, and the shoes on my feet were mine. It turns out that my body was lying there, and I was standing on top of it, that is, my soul came out of it. How can this be?! I'm here and I'm there?! I began to think about everything that was happening and at some point I realized that I had died, although I still could not come to terms with this thought. I even felt funny, because within these walls we were taught that human life ends with death and that there is no God. I also remembered the words from the film, where the Lord said: “He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live” (John 11:25).

There is no death

As soon as I thought about the Lord, I immediately heard these words: “I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.” After some time, in the corner above the ceiling, the space tore apart, a black hole formed, and some kind of growing, unusual monotonous sound arose.

Like a magnet, I began to be sucked in there, as if everything was being pulled in, but an extraordinary light was pouring out ahead - very bright, but not blinding. I found myself in some kind of infinitely long, pipe-shaped tunnel and was rising upward at tremendous speed. The light permeated me all over, and I was, as it were, part of this light. I didn’t feel any fear, I felt love, absolute love, indescribable calm, joy, bliss... Even parents don’t feel such love for their children. I was overwhelmed with emotions. There are much more colors and colors there, the sounds are more intense, there are more smells. I clearly felt and realized in this stream of light the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and experienced the Love of God! People cannot even imagine how strong God's Love is for us. I sometimes think: if a person in his physical body experienced this, his heart could not stand it. “For man cannot see Me and live” (Ex. 33:20), says the Scripture.

In this light, I felt that I was hugged from behind; an unusually white, bright, very kind and loving Being was present with me. As it turned out later, it was an Angel. By external description he is somewhat similar to the three Angels depicted in the image of “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev. The angels are tall, their bodies are refined, and they seem to be sexless, but they look like young men. By the way, they do not have wings, and their depiction on icons with wings is symbolic. I talked with them and came to the conclusion that I don’t want to sin at all, that I want and like to do only good deeds.

During the conversation, my life was shown in detail from birth, kind and good moments. I did poorly at school and told Angel that it was hard for me, I couldn’t do well in math. The angel answered that there is nothing heavy, and showed me one of the institutes where mathematicians were solving some kind of problem. global problem. Now I can’t explain it in detail, but then it was all so open, nothing was incomprehensible. I'm serious there adult task I decided for myself in a second.
From there you can see through each person: what he is like, what is in his heart, what he thinks about, all his passions, what his soul strives for.

One hundred years is like a moment

– Do you mean that even thoughts are visible to everyone?

– Thoughts of course, everything is visible there, and the person is visible in full view, but at the same time one can feel the love and light that emanate from God. You look from above and think: why do you, man, need so much, how much time do you have left? By the way, about time. Our calculation (one year, two, three, one hundred, five hundred years) is not there, it is a moment, a second. You lived 10 years or lived 100 years - like a flash, once - and that’s it, and then no. There's eternity there. Time is not felt at all like it is on Earth. And you clearly understand that the time of our earthly life is the time when a person can repent and turn to God.

They showed me our Earth, I saw people walking through the cities and streets. You can see from there inner world every person: what he lives for, all his thoughts, aspirations, passions, disposition of soul and heart. I have seen that people do evil because of the desire for wealth, acquisitiveness and pleasure, because of career, honor or fame. On the one hand, it’s disgusting to look at this, but on the other, I felt sorry for all these people. I wondered and wondered: “Why do most people, like blind or crazy people, follow a completely different path?” It seems to us that an earthly life of 100 years is a decent amount of time, but then you realize that this is just a moment. Earthly life is a dream compared to eternal life. The angel said that the Lord loves all people and desires salvation for everyone. The Lord does not have a single forgotten soul.

We rose higher and higher and reached some place, not even a place, as I understood, but another dimension or level, returning from which could become impossible.

The angel hinted to me to stay. I admit, I felt great love, care, bliss, and I was overwhelmed with emotions. I felt so good that I didn’t want to go back to my body at all. A voice from the Light asked if I had any unfinished business that was keeping me on Earth, and if I had time to do everything. I wasn't worried about my body lying there. I didn't want to go back at all. The only thought that worried me was about my mother. I understood the responsibility of the choice, but I understood that she would worry. I knew that I had died, that my soul had left my body. But it was scary to imagine what would happen to my mother when she was told that her son was dead. And I was also haunted by a feeling of some kind of incompleteness, a sense of duty.

Incredibly beautiful singing was heard from somewhere above. Not even singing, but majestic, solemn rejoicing - praise to the Almighty Creator! It was similar to the Trisagion “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal.” This jubilation permeated me, and I felt like every molecule, every atom of my soul was singing praise to God! My soul was glowing with happiness, experiencing incredible bliss, Divine love and unearthly joy. I had a desire to stay there and praise the Lord forever.

While flying with Angel I felt strong love and realized that God loves every person. We on Earth often judge someone, think badly of someone, but God loves absolutely everyone. Even, let's say, the lousiest scoundrels in our minds. The Lord wants to save everyone. We are all children for Him.

I also saw the Earth from afar (I didn’t ask many questions, I didn’t think of it, maybe if I was older I would have asked more). There, I repeat, the smells are so extraordinarily pleasant that if you collect all the incense of the Earth, you still won’t get such aromas. And all the orchestras in the world will not play music like the one I heard. There is a language there too, it is multifunctional, polysemantic, but everyone understands it. We communicated on it, I called it Angelic.

We need to make an effort to communicate. First you should think about what you want to say, then choose the right words, formulate a sentence, and then pronounce it with the right intonation. Everything is wrong there.

– So they communicate there without words?

- In the next world, what you think about is what you say. You could say it's a live broadcast. And everything comes from the heart and with incredible ease. If we can be hypocritical here, then not there. The lexicon of the Angelic language contains many times more words than our earthly one. The angelic language is extremely beautiful. I spoke it myself and understood it perfectly. When this language sounds, you get the feeling that water is rustling nearby with an extraordinary variety of sounds similar to music. There is generally more of everything - colors, sounds, smells. And there is no question to which you would not receive an answer. This stream of Divine Light is the source of love, life and the absolute source of knowledge.

Everyone judges himself

– But you still returned?

– I felt some extraordinary Light from above, even greater than before. He approached us. The angel shielded me with himself, like a bird over its chick, and told me to bow my head and not look there. Divine Light enlightened my soul. I felt awe and fear, but fear not from fear, but from an indescribable feeling of greatness and glory. I had no doubt that it was the Lord. He told Angel that I was not ready yet. The decision was made to return to Earth. I asked: “How to get there, higher?” And the Angel began to list the Commandments. I asked: “What is the most important thing, what is the purpose of my life?” The angel answered: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And love your neighbor as yourself. Treat each person as you treat yourself; what you wish for yourself, wish for the other person. Imagine that each person is yourself.” Everything was said so clearly, in understandable language, at the right level of understanding. After this, the Voice of God asked me three times: “Do you love Me?” I answered three times: “I love you, Lord.”

Returning back, I continued to communicate with my Companion. I think to myself: “I will never sin.” They tell me: “Everyone sins. You can sin even with your thoughts.” “Then how do you keep track of everyone? - I ask. “How is a specific case of sinful action of the soul assessed in court?” And this was the answer. Angel and I found ourselves in some room, looking at everything that was happening from above: several people were arguing about something, swearing, someone was accusing someone, someone was lying, making excuses... And I could hear thoughts, experience all the feelings each of the parties to the dispute. I even felt smells, physical and emotional condition everyone. From the outside it was not difficult to assess who was to blame. There is nothing hidden or incomprehensible there; the thoughts of every person are visible there. And when the soul appears for judgment, all this will be shown to it. The soul itself will see and evaluate itself and its actions in each specific situation. Our conscience will convict us. You will find yourself in the same place, and it will be as if a film is playing in front of you, while you will listen and feel each person, recognize his thoughts at that moment. And even his physical and mental condition you will experience. Each person will judge himself correctly! That's the most important thing.

My stay in another world came to an end, and I returned to my body. I felt sharp drop, this was the return. Oh, how difficult it is to be in our body compared to when the soul is without it. Stiffness, heaviness, pain.

– Was hell shown or something similar?

- I haven’t been to hell. I know that there are people who were there. I don’t know why, maybe I didn’t think of asking my Companion about it then. I wasn’t even in heaven, we just flew to some place, and I internally realized that if we fly higher, there will be no return.

– All this is very surprising. Do non-church people believe this testimony? If they were skeptical about your story, did they lose interest in telling it?

– Some relatives and acquaintances believe, others think and try to change their lives. At first I told my classmates, even at the first aid station, where I immediately ended up after the injury. The doctor wrote me a certificate and said: “Go home, rest.” In childhood and adolescence, I also shared this story. She was perceived differently. In adulthood, I told it at work, some thought about it, but most of still doesn't believe it.

I don’t know how many people have seen something like this, but mostly people are wary of such stories. Being not on Earth, I thought: “I’ll tell everyone this.” The angel, seeing my thoughts, said that people would not believe. Now I remember the Gospel parable about the rich man and the poor Lazarus, when the former asks God to send the righteous Lazarus to his living brothers, so that at least they will take care of their soul and salvation. But he was answered that if the dead were resurrected, they would not believe it. That's it for sure. Until now, many people say that I dreamed about it, someone first thinks about it, and then after some time claims that it is a hallucination. I want to say again: this is not a hallucination, not a dream, what happened is so real that rather our earthly life itself, compared to the place where I found myself, is a dream.

– Could this be a state of delusion, which means a devilish obsession?

“If it were a charm, then maybe I would be an unbeliever or crazy right now.” What's the point of showing demons other world, my life for my own good? On the contrary, the devil needs to demonstrate that nothing exists; his task is to turn away from God. Moreover, there are gospel words and sermons in my meeting. Only over time, when I had already matured and become a church member and began to become acquainted with the Gospel, I remembered the words that I heard when communicating with the Angels. Many from the Gospel. What was the point of the devil making me a church person, a Christian? He needs to be taken away from the faith, from the Church.

– What was the state after death and how long did it last?

– Returning back along the same bright tunnel, I felt a sharp fall and a moment later I woke up in my body. When I woke up, I felt pain, stiffness, heaviness. I was a prisoner of my own body. The children and the teacher stood above me. Seeing that I had come to life, everyone was overjoyed. One girl said: “We thought you were dead, you were already the color of a dead person.” I asked: “How long was I gone?” She replied that she didn’t time it, but about a couple of minutes. I was surprised, it seemed to me that I had been gone for at least a couple of hours.

What else did I remember... When we were flying, my earthly life showed itself in some moments. One of them: we were given history textbooks with Lenin on the first page. I took a black pen, drew horns for him, drew the pupils of his eyes like snakes, and his teeth in the form of fangs. I don’t know why, but then I wanted to paint it. The history teacher was passing by and noticed this, and, naturally, there was a scandal. They said that I was not worthy to wear a pioneer tie. It was expected that the issue of punishment would be raised at the meeting. At that moment I considered this a very shameful act. Now we know what the God-fighting Bolsheviks did in our country and how much grief they brought to people. This episode with my “art” amused even the Angels; they also have something like a sense of humor.

– Did this event greatly influence your spiritual life?

- Of course it had an impact. If some people have faith in another world, then I have a firm conviction. There's no way you can convince me otherwise. And if I hear someone say that there is no afterlife, such atheistic slogans have no effect on me.

– What do you feel when remembering this event - fear, responsibility or joy?

- Both joy and fear. And a heightened sense of conscience, so to speak. Even then I noticed: the beauty there is such that even if it is difficult in earthly life, it is just a second, if judged in relation to that world. For the sake of eternal bliss and that unspeakable joy it is worth living, suffering, fighting. I also remember the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov and his figurative comparison that if we here on Earth were supposed to be immersed along with the worms, then even in this case we should thank the Lord for the knowledge that we will be saved.

– What would you like to say to people who read your testimony?

“Many people asked me: “Or maybe you dreamed about it?” No, I didn’t dream it! Our earthly life is a dream. And there is reality! Moreover, this reality is very close to every person. There is an answer to any question there. There the child can decide a daunting task in a split second. There I realized that man was not created to do evil. People! Wake up from your sinful sleep. Don't turn away from God. Christ is waiting with open arms for every person, everyone who is ready to open their hearts to Him. Human! Stop, open the doors of your heart. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” (Rev. 3:20), says the Lord. Jesus Christ washed the entire human race from the power of sin with His Blood. And only the one who responds to the call of the Divine sermon is saved. And the one who refuses will not be saved. He will end up in hell. The Orthodox Church has everything necessary funds for the salvation of man. And we must move towards the Lord with gratitude and an open heart with a desire to thank Him for the gift of salvation, knowing that even eternity will not be enough for us to express our gratitude to Him.

Interviewed by Andrey German

My work colleagues and classmates keep asking me about the day when I returned from the other world. I would tell the whole truth, but they don’t need to know and they won’t believe it, but here I’ll tell you. Let me tell you a little about myself: I a common person, I study at the law school, I work as a sawyer of lumber, I have loved playing chess since childhood, thanks to them I have developed a good, fast analytical mind, which always helps me both at work and in my studies and will also be useful in my future profession.

I live, so to speak, ordinary life, but there were times when acquaintances saw me in ten places at the same time, but I boiled it all down to the fact that they simply identified themselves. But they referred to the fact that it was difficult to confuse me with someone else. My appearance is so specific. And I always ask them why they didn’t say hello and try to talk to someone who looked so much like me? I'm used to it, but I still would like to see my double. This was a small digression, now I’ll move on to the story itself.

Nothing unusual happened that day, the work went as usual, before finishing work I sharpened the chain, blew out the air filter with a compressor and blew out the entire chainsaw, handed over the equipment, changed clothes, waited until the end of working hours and went home.

A woman with a child was waiting for someone behind the entrance, perhaps her husband, I thought. And the child kept running around her. Moving further away, I began to wait for my friend, he always gives me a ride home.

While I was waiting for my friend, a terrible thing happened - this child ran out onto the road, and as luck would have it, a truck was rushing along the road towards me at very high speed. I rushed to try to catch and push the child aside, but I myself understood: I was dead. And so it happened.

When I came to my senses, so to speak, I saw that I was walking along the corridor with other people, probably just like me, who had recently died, I thought.

I see gatekeepers ahead, who are recording everyone in some kind of book, and suddenly a voice says:

- For those who have just arrived, don’t worry, first you go through hell, then through heaven, and then to judgment.

When I started to approach, one gatekeeper headed in my direction and said to me:

—Marhoris, what are you doing among the new arrivals?

I answer him:

“I’m not Marchoris, you’re confusing me,” and I say my name.

He laughed and said:

- Look, I mixed vodka and beer again!

I tell him again that I am not Marchoris.

He doesn't believe it, saying:

- Well, you have a sense of humor, have you at least completed your task?

I, having a good analytical mind, understand that he confuses me. This is my chance to return, and I answer him:

- Yes, I’m Marchoris, I really had too much alcohol, can you remind me of my task?

The gatekeeper answered me:

- Of course, find people with purer souls who are ready to sell them, and then don’t think of challenging the deal.

I answered:

- Certainly.

The gatekeeper tells me:

— Then write a report to and submit it.

I speak:

- I understand and please remind me how to do all this. Due to good alcoholic intoxication, I forgot everything.

The gatekeeper told me everything with the wish not to go through things like that again. Then I went to the archive. After looking at other reports, I made my own. Taking a responsible approach, I wrote everything, but essentially nothing. There I learned that my appearance was very popular among them, so they often saw me everywhere. Then I started looking in their archive for a way to return the soul to my body, heal it, while leaving a couple of bruises, as they say, so that fewer questions happened, and get to the time when I died. I found it and did everything right. Happened!

When I returned to my body and took a sharp breath, I was already in the hearse. The police statements of witnesses were recorded, the doctor recorded my death. The fact that everyone was surprised is an understatement; some almost fainted. I asked what time it was at that doctor's office. He could only show his watch for me to see. It turned out that about twenty minutes had passed from the moment of the accident and my return. Once everyone came to their senses, the doctor examined me again, found a couple of bruises, but sent me immediately for a more detailed examination at the hospital, where I was given sick leave for two weeks.

Then there was a trial of the driver, he received a punishment, but it was clear in his eyes: he punished himself more severely. Seeing this, I had no complaints against him. The child is fine, he had a couple of scratches. They even wrote about me in the newspaper and made a report on the local news, and after all this I returned to my everyday life.

Death is a difficult and bitter experience for any family, but the grief becomes unimaginable when a person dies twice.

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014, in the United States, a family that filed a lawsuit against pathologists at a Los Angeles clinic for freezing their relative alive was given the green light by an appellate court to continue the legal battle.

In July 2010, doctors pronounced the death of 80-year-old patient Maria de Jesus Arroyo, who was admitted to the hospital with a heart attack. When relatives collected the body of the deceased a few days later, they discovered that the woman's nose was broken and her entire face was covered with cuts and bruises.

Maria de Jesus Arroyo's husband and children sued the hospital staff for negligence and careless handling of the body, but it later turned out that the woman was injured when she tried to get out of the freezer, where she was mistakenly placed while still alive.

Such cases, although rare, do occur, as evidenced by the following seven stories.

1. A South African woke up in freezer morgue after an asthma attack

In 2011, a man was admitted to a hospital in the Eastern Cape Province (South Africa) with an asthma attack. Some time later, doctors pronounced him dead. The pathologist examined the patient's body, but found no signs of life. Obviously, he was mistaken, because a few hours later the “corpse” came to life in the freezer of the morgue and called for help. Later, doctors examined the man, found his condition satisfactory and sent him home.

2. An elderly woman returned from the dead twice and spent three days in the morgue

61-year-old Lyudmila Steblitskaya, a resident of Tomsk, died twice and came back to life. The first time a woman was hospitalized in serious condition was in 2011. Doctors “failed to save” her and she “died.” The Steblitskaya family began preparing for the funeral. When they arrived at the morgue three days later to pick up Lyudmila’s body, workers told them that she, as it turned out, was still alive.

In 2012, Steblitskaya was again hospitalized. After a few days in the hospital, the woman died. But literally a few hours later, doctors managed to bring her back from the other world.

3. The child stayed in the morgue freezer for 12 hours and woke up from his mother’s touch

In April 2012, a resident of Argentina gave birth to what doctors described as a stillborn premature baby. The baby was immediately taken away, without allowing the mother to even look at him.

The baby was sent to the morgue; after 12 hours, the parents still insisted that they be allowed to see him. When the woman touched the child with her hand, he opened his eyes and screamed...

4. 95-year-old woman came back to life six days after she “died”

A woman from China rose from her grave on the seventh day after her death. Reportedly, 95-year-old Liu Xiufeng, while at home, fell and suffered a head injury, which is believed to have caused her death. The woman was discovered some time later by neighbor Chen Qingwan, who tried to revive her, but in vain.

Qingwan made all the necessary preparations for the funeral and, according to Chinese tradition, left the coffin with Liu Xiufeng's body in her home for several days so that relatives and friends could come and say goodbye to the deceased. Imagine his surprise when, the day before the funeral, he came to his neighbor’s house and discovered that her body had disappeared from the coffin.

Chen Qingwan found a woman in the kitchen, preparing food. Liu Xiufeng later explained, “I slept for so long and was very hungry, so I decided to cook myself something to eat.”

5. A man who was declared dead woke up on a pathologist's table.

Carlos Camejo, 33, who was pronounced dead by doctors, came to his senses during an autopsy when a pathologist cut his face. “I woke up from unbearable pain,” the man told local publication El Universal (Venezuela).

6. Two year old child At his own funeral he asked for water

Two-year-old Kelvin Santos from Brazil shocked relatives when he stood up from his coffin and asked for a drink during his own funeral.

Before that, he was hospitalized with bronchial pneumonia and died from complications. The child's body was reportedly placed in a sealed bag for three hours after it was declared dead.

During the funeral, Kelvin's aunt thought the boy moved, after which he stood up and asked his dad for water. Just a few seconds later the baby lost consciousness. The child’s parents rushed to the hospital, where doctors again confirmed his death, this time definitively.

7. The waiter came to his senses at his own funeral

The funeral of 28-year-old Hamid Hafez Al-Noubi, a waiter from Egypt, turned into a celebration when he came to his senses. Al-Noubi reportedly suffered a heart attack at work. Arriving doctors were forced to confirm the fact of death.

The man's relatives took his body home and began preparations for the funeral. When a doctor came to them to sign the death certificate, he examined the deceased again and discovered that his body was not cold, but warm. Al-Nubi was brought back to consciousness and treated necessary help.

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