What blood test indicator indicates cancer? Mandatory examination: what tests will help detect cancer in time. Who is indicated for preventive tests?

What specific blood test should a person take for early detection of oncology? This question worries many people who are worried about their own health. In general, timely diagnosis allows treatment of malignant tumors to begin without delay. The initial stages of cancer have long been no longer considered a death sentence.

To a large extent, the high mortality rate from this type of pathology is due, first of all, to late seeking help.

About cancer

At the first and second stages, the patient usually has a very high chance of recovery. Even with the third, today a person is often put on his feet. However, the 4th is already very serious. Here the patient is prescribed only symptomatic therapy, since the metastases that have spread throughout the body begin to actively destroy it.

Actually, for this reason, preventive examinations are in many ways a guarantee of cure, as they help detect oncology in the first stages of development.

Doctors consider anyone at risk to have:

  • there were cases of cancer in the family;
  • have bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • tissues and organs have been exposed to radiation or toxic effects in the past;
  • immunodeficiency was detected.

For other representatives of the fairer sex, the risk increases after 55 years.

Signs of the onset of oncology are, depending on its type, the following symptoms:

  • wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • bloody and other uncharacteristic discharge in urine or feces;
  • moles that have begun to grow rapidly and have changed color;
  • sudden and significant weight loss;
  • any swelling, dense lumps under the skin;
  • visible deformations of the genitals, face, breast, neck;
  • incurable dry cough;
  • noticeable shortness of breath and hoarseness.

In particular, brain damage is often indicated by the appearance of some kind of smell (burning or citrus fruits), which the patient cannot get rid of for weeks.

In principle, even the simplest general blood test can indicate the presence of cancer. It is carried out quickly and is very inexpensive. However, only a doctor should interpret its results.

By the way, it is recommended to take it regularly - once a year. If there are serious suspicions, the doctor will recommend undergoing a number of other specialized examinations.

What signs in tests indicate cancer?

The problem is indicated, first of all, by the presence of a relatively small number of platelets in the patient’s blood and a noticeable increase in the number of leukocytes. In this case, the ESR will be more than 30. However, it is possible to confirm the assumption only on the condition that the described condition remains unchanged for several months.

An increase in alkaline phosphatase also indicates oncology. A drop in cholesterol allows one to suspect pathology specifically in the liver.

At the same time, a blood test is not able to accurately identify the location of the tumor. This requires other instrumental studies. So, cancer:

  • the esophagus and stomach are detected during fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy reveals intestines;
  • lungs - bronchoscopy;
  • cervix - smear examination, etc.

Tumor markers

Today, immunological diagnostics are becoming increasingly popular. Here, the blood taken for analysis is studied to detect antigens produced by the body in response to the formation of tumors. In a healthy person, they are contained in minimal quantities or are absent altogether. Accordingly, an increase in the indicator indicates oncology.

Scientists have identified more than 300 types of proteins, hormones and enzymes, the production of which increases in the body during cancer. At the same time, each marker allows you to confirm only the presence of a certain type of tumor. Often such tests are not informative (especially in the early stages). Their more universal varieties can only indicate the development of the process and are not able to accurately identify the location of its localization.

For example, prostate cancer is diagnosed using the PSA antigen. At the same time, it is often produced in large quantities:

  • in older men due to age-related changes;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • after some procedures.

The CEA antigen (carcinoembryonic) confirms the growth of a neoplasm in:

  • lungs;
  • colon;
  • mammary gland.

AFP protein is produced by malignant tumors that affect:

  • testicles;
  • liver.


  • melanoma signals itself with the S-100 protein;
  • pancreatic disease is indicated by CA 19-9;
  • cancer of the stomach, lung, and breast is detected by CA 72-4;
  • When the thyroid gland degenerates, it begins to produce large amounts of calcitonin.

All forms of cancer have their own unique antigens:

  • small cell;
  • carcinoma;
  • leukemia;
  • non-small cell;
  • squamous.

With all this, there is no need to talk about 100% accuracy of the tumor marker. For this reason, they are taken only after identifying the main characteristic symptoms and conducting other types of research. To a large extent, they are used to track the progression of the disease, the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, etc.

A blood test can tell the doctor a lot. What is the number of red blood cells, how quickly do they settle, how many leukocytes, what is the hemoglobin level, and so on. By how much various indicators deviate in one direction or another, certain diseases can be diagnosed. A blood test for blood cancer, for example, is the most accurate diagnostic method.

What will a general analysis show?

Many patients are interested in whether specialists will immediately see unfavorable indicators if they do a blood test for blood cancer. Yes, an attentive doctor may immediately suspect oncology based on the results of the study. Sometimes it is possible to determine cancer with one hundred percent probability only from a blood test. But most often, to make an accurate diagnosis, doctors also use other diagnostic methods to avoid mistakes.

What should you be wary of?

The first indicator that should cause concern is the number of leukocytes and their qualitative composition. A general blood test for cancer usually shows a large number of leukocytes, which are significantly higher than normal. In cases of cancer, there are also many young forms of leukocytes in the blood. It is worth paying close attention to this indicator when deciphering the blood test.

With blood cancer, leukocytosis sometimes just goes off scale. An experienced laboratory doctor can even immediately determine the type of leukemia, because under a microscope one can see myeloblastomas or lymphoblastomas, which are characteristic of the body specifically in cancer. A blood test will not help answer the question of whether the process is chronic or acute. Only a bone marrow test will show this.

Reduced hemoglobin and increased ESR

Hemoglobin and ESR are two more important points that the doctor pays attention to when reading a blood test. In case of blood cancer, these two important indicators differ significantly from the norm. This should alert your doctor.

As a rule, a general blood test for cancer shows an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. If you prescribe antibacterial treatment or prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, the ESR will not decrease. If the ESR is elevated, it is still difficult to say where exactly the malignancy is located. Here X-rays, ultrasound of internal organs, magnetic resonance imaging, and fluoroscopic examination will come to the rescue.

Hemoglobin is another indicator that will differ significantly from the norm in cancer. A blood test in this case will show a reduced level. If the patient has not had recent operations, injuries, or heavy periods, he eats normally and leads a normal lifestyle, low hemoglobin should always alert the doctor. Hemoglobin decreases sharply and quickly if there are malignant formations in the intestines or stomach.

You should not make a diagnosis yourself. There are a number of diseases when there is no tumor in the internal organs, and the blood test clinic is the same as for oncology. Only doctors should have their say here. Will a blood test show cancer? This is a question to which there is no clear answer. Sometimes a whole range of additional studies is required to give a final conclusion.

What causes cancer?

Doctors and scientists from all over the world have long been trying to answer the important question of why some people develop cancer. There are a number of factors at work here, and one of them cannot be put in first place. For example, it is still unknown why leukemia occurs. Scientists identify the following factors in which the risk of developing leukemia is very high:

  1. With radiation, when the body is irradiated for a long time and with high doses.
  2. Prolonged contact with chemicals, especially benzenes. They are present in both cigarette smoke and gasoline. So if you smoke or work at a gas station, your risk of getting leukemia increases.
  3. In the future, leukemia may develop in those patients who undergo chemotherapy for other types of oncology.
  4. Chromosomal congenital diseases (Down syndrome and others) increase the likelihood of developing acute leukemia.

But doctors don’t have a consensus on heredity. In medicine, it is rare for members of the same family to suffer from blood cancer. The only exception is chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

A person should be wary if he experiences an unexplained increase in body temperature that is prolonged. Enlarged lymph nodes and frequent colds are also reasons to consult a doctor. If you often experience joint pain, aching bones, constant bleeding gums, or nosebleeds, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

Chronic or acute leukemia

Of course, the first stage of diagnosis if cancer is suspected will be a blood test. With blood cancer, it is also important to determine whether the course of the disease is acute or chronic. The fact is that acute leukemia progresses very quickly; serious complications arise in the patient in just a few months. But chronic leukemia is dangerous because for many years it can proceed secretly, without symptoms. But nevertheless, the disease, even in its latent stage, is constantly progressing. To detect it early, it is necessary to perform a bone marrow biopsy.

What to do if your blood test is bad?

Timely treatment can stop the disease and prevent serious complications. Therefore, if the blood test gives bad results, you must take bone marrow for testing. Only after the puncture can you clearly answer what type of tumor is in your body and what its nature is. Treatment tactics depend on this.

General blood test for oncology is the initial stage of diagnosis. When compiling a leukocyte formula, various pathological conditions of the body can be identified. Even with a slight deviation from normal values, patients need additional examination to identify the cause.

There is no exact definition of what an analysis should be for oncology. Data depend on the affected organ, stage of development, nature of the disease. The individual characteristics of each patient are also of great importance. But in the course of research, a general change in several blood parameters was identified, which suggests cancer.

Depending on the type of leukemia, lymphoblasts and myeloblasts may be detected in the plasma.

An important criterion is ESR level, which shows the protein content in plasma. In oncology, this indicator is overestimated. The specialist should think about it if the elevated level persists even after anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy.

In case of stomach and intestinal cancer, this indicator decreases rapidly. With leukemia and liver cancer, along with a decrease in ESR, the platelet content decreases. In cases of colon cancer, specialists may also detect anemia.

When metastases occur, anemia occurs as a result of repeated damage to the bone marrow.

Symptoms and signs of cancer

There are many causes of cancer (obesity, smoking, heredity, race, poor diet). To identify pathology at the initial stage, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • loss of appetite, and as a consequence a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers;
  • possible formation of fistulas;
  • long-lasting dry cough, while therapy to eliminate it does not have a positive effect;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • the presence of blood in the urine and feces;
  • change in the appearance of birthmarks and moles;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the bladder and intestines.

Features of blood tests for oncology in children

Cancers occur in both adults and children different ages. Children have a much higher chance of recognizing pathology at the initial stage, since regular medical examinations are provided for them.

Initially, the disease does not manifest itself with any signs, so pathology can be suspected based on the results of the CBC.

The following changes occur in oncology:

  • a significant increase or decrease in white blood cell counts indicates the development of leukemia and other types of oncology;
  • a significant increase in ESR may indicate the development of cancer;
  • decreased red blood cell count;
  • a sharp decrease in hemoglobin for no apparent reason (bleeding, surgical interventions).

Children should also be tested in the morning on an empty stomach. In infants, it is problematic to comply with such a requirement, so blood is taken two hours after feeding. Capillary blood is taken from a finger (sometimes from the heel). In rare cases, venous blood is taken.

Oncological pathologies are considered one of the most complex and dangerous, and can lead to death. It is important to diagnose cancer at an early stage of its development, which will extend the patient’s life by several years. To identify pathology, specialists perform a procedure such as a blood test. Indicators for oncology differ significantly from the norm, so it is important to evaluate them together to diagnose the pathology.

Carrying out a blood test for cancer suggests the progression of pathology in the human body, and also indicates the location of its localization. At the same time, it is impossible to make a final diagnosis on the basis of just one blood test, so specialists usually prescribe a number of additional procedures.

The dynamics of the development of cancer can be monitored by changing indicators, which is carried out at different stages of progression of a malignant tumor in the human body.The causes of cancer are quite varied and it has not yet been possible to identify the most common one.

The development of pathology can be provoked by:

  • hereditary factor, that is, oncology can be inherited
  • unfavorable environmental conditions
  • wrong way of life

In order to conduct a blood test for cancer, the patient must consult a specialist. In the event that blood counts indicate the development of a disease in the human body, additional tests are usually prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

General blood test for oncology

Many patients are concerned about the question of what the result of a general blood test for oncology will be. It is unlikely that it will be possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since the result of the analysis is determined by the following factors:

  • individual characteristics of the human body
  • type of malignant neoplasm
  • location of the tumor in the human body
  • nature of the pathology

It is possible to highlight some features of the results of a general blood test that may cause a doctor to suspect the development of cancer in the human body. When carried out by a specialist, attention is paid to the following indicators:

  • qualitative and quantitative composition

With cancer, an increased concentration is observed in the blood and most often this occurs due to their young forms. Typically, a disease such as leukemia is accompanied by a significant increase in white blood cells in its various types.

Confirmation of the appearance of a malignant neoplasm in the human body can be myeloblasts and lymphoblasts, which can be diagnosed by any experienced specialist.

Carrying out a biochemical blood test

The simplest method for detecting cancer in the human body is considered. When carrying out this procedure, the specialist first of all pays attention to identifying tumor markers - these are antigens and proteins that are produced by pathological cells. Identification of tumor markers makes it possible to diagnose an oncological disease and, if necessary, prescribe a number of additional cancer tests.

With the help of this, in cancer, it is possible to determine the content of antigens and proteins in the human body. It is important to understand that each person has their own normal level indicators, so it is necessary to track how their quantity changes over a certain time. This means that if cancer is suspected, a biochemical blood test is usually prescribed several times.

With this analysis, the specialist pays attention to the following tumor markers:

Useful video - Blood tests for oncology.

Medical practice shows that the growth of a malignant tumor in the human body is accompanied by the release of specific antigens, taking into account the organ in which it was formed.

Studying the rate of increase in the number of antigens in the blood allows one to assess the intensity of the development of a cancerous tumor and make an appropriate prognosis.

An antigen such as CEA is usually concentrated in the human body during oncology of the following organs:

  • lungs
  • pancreas
  • breast
  • bladder

However, an increased content of such an antigen does not always indicate the progression of cancer in the human body, because often a large amount of it is diagnosed in alcoholics and smokers suffering from.

Preparing for a blood test

Proper preparation for a blood test is the key to a reliable result.

Using blood tests for tumor markers, it is possible to identify special substances that are produced by a malignant tumor. To obtain accurate and informative research results, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure.

The material for the study is blood from a vein, and its collection must be carried out in the morning and without fail. In addition, the last meal should be 8-10 hours before the scheduled time of the study.

When preparing for a blood test for tumor markers, it is recommended:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse for several days before the study
  • It is necessary to donate blood before examination by a urologist or 12-14 days after it
  • after carrying out any procedures that involve mechanical impact on the prostate, you must wait at least 2 weeks before testing blood

Blood parameters in oncology have significant differences from the norm, so to diagnose the pathology it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of them.

After conducting a blood test, specialists must pay attention to the content of ESR in the human body:

  • In a healthy man this figure can reach 6-12 mm/h, and in a woman it can be 8-15 mm/h.
  • If there is a significant increase in ESR in the human body, this may signal the development of a serious pathology.
  • At a rate of 10-50 mm/h, we can say with confidence that intensive growth of a malignant neoplasm is occurring.

When studying the results of a blood test, attention is paid to the content. With the progression of cancer, there is usually a strong decrease in the level of this substance in the human body to 70-80 units. The only way out in such a situation is blood transfusion for cancer patients, which helps to somehow raise the level.

It is important to remember that a sharp decrease in hemoglobin in the human body is an alarming signal that you should definitely pay attention to.

An average increase in the level in the human body can also indicate the development of oncology, while there is no pronounced turn to the left. During the procedure, a thorough assessment of tumor markers is carried out, because some of them can accurately indicate the development of cancer.