What does a hernia look like in dogs? Umbilical hernia in a dog - what to do? Is the disease dangerous?

Even when you purchase a puppy from a reputable breeder, there is no guarantee that the animal will be healthy. Umbilical hernia in dogs is a common disease. Some owners consider this a harmless cosmetic flaw, but such a hernia can lead to serious problems with health.

There is an opinion that an umbilical hernia is congenital pathology, that it supposedly does not pose a threat to the health of adult dogs. However, this statement is wrong. Hernia - very dangerous disease. Organ strangulation not only disrupts the functions of a specific organ, but is often accompanied by tissue necrosis and peritonitis, which can lead to fatal outcome.

Video “Hernia in dogs: types and treatment”

In this video, an expert will tell you what types of hernias there are in dogs and how to treat them correctly.


Often, peritoneal hernias appear due to blows and penetrating wounds. Puppies have a congenital pathology that occurs at the site of the umbilical canal. This pathology is caused by improper care of puppies during childbirth. Another reason is the increase in intra-abdominal pressure during labor. Occurs in bitches as a result of pathology.

Under heavy load, beagle dogs may experience increased intra-abdominal pressure, which can lead to pathology. This disease can occur with prolonged severe cough, multi-day constipation or vomiting. Since the function is weakened abdominal wall for ascites, diseases genitourinary system, then in this case there is also a possibility of a hernia.

At risk are animals that have chronic cardiovascular diseases, kidney pathologies.

Animals with a weak constitution and low activity are also at risk of the disease. In older dogs, muscle tone decreases, which puts them at risk.

According to the degree of divergence of the ring, a hernia can be false or true. The false one looks like a protrusion in the form of a ball with a diameter of up to 2 cm near the umbilical cavity. On palpation it is soft and quickly smoothes out. Later, the hollow, convex ball fills with fat.


Such a hernia is very dangerous. The ring diverges and an internal organ begins to protrude through it: the intestine, uterus, bladder. A hernia on a dog's stomach can be the size of an orange. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. During the examination, the specialist will assess the size of the hernia and find out how mobile the prolapsed organ is and whether it can be reduced.


Pathologies are classified according to the ability to return the contents in the hernial sac to its place. If the prolapsed area can be returned to its place with your fingers, then such a hernia is called reducible.

Irreversible or hard

If the contents are hard and cannot be returned to their place, then the hernia is irreducible or strangulated. The compressed organ first becomes inflamed, then increases in size due to swelling, and then tissue death may begin if the animal is not operated on. A strangulated hernia threatens the dog's life.

Depending on where the problem occurs, there are umbilical, vertebral, inguinal and diaphragmatic pathologies.

How to identify and recognize

To determine the presence of a hernia, a veterinarian only needs to examine the dog. Sometimes an ultrasound is needed to determine the size of the pathology.

An umbilical hernia can be treated both surgically and conservatively. Good effect gives massage, wearing a bandage. If the umbilical pathology was diagnosed in puppyhood, and it is reduced, then it can be glued. This method only works for puppies. Surgery is recommended for adult dogs.

Inguinal pathology is most often observed in bitches. The uterus and bladder enter the inguinal ring. If a fertilized uterus is caught in the ring, the size of the protrusion will correspond to the size of the fetus. In this case, necrotic phenomena are possible. Treatment with conservative methods does not give the expected result, so the effect can only be achieved with the help of surgical intervention.

Infringement perineal hernia and is dangerous due to the fact that the rectum is close. If surgical intervention is not applied at the first signs of the disease, the disease can be fatal.

The purpose of surgery is to ensure normal functioning of the organ and prevent relapse. The dog is fixed in a supine position. Under anesthesia, the skin over the pathology is dissected, the peritoneum is separated and the protruded organ is set, after which sutures are placed on the hernial ring and the skin is sutured. In the postoperative period, antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed. For quick recovery, you can use immunostimulants.

The phenomenon is quite common. An animal may have a congenital pathology or an acquired one. Treatment umbilical hernia in dogs it is impossible, the only way out is reduction and suturing. The problem cannot be underestimated; a hernia is fraught with serious complications, including death. In this article we will talk about the causes of umbilical hernias in dogs of puppyhood and adults. Let's look at the types of such hernias and learn what to do if a problem arises.

What is an umbilical hernia?

This is a pathology in which the animal's insides - the bladder, uterus, omentum and intestines - fall out of the umbilical ring - an opening in the abdomen called the navel.

This condition is not always to blame genetic predisposition. The abdominal muscles can weaken and the umbilical ring opens for many reasons. First of all, we will consider the causes of the disease in puppies, and then in adults.

Why do puppies develop umbilical hernia?

It is believed that the occurrence of the disease directly depends on the course of pregnancy and childbirth in the dog, as well as on the method of cutting the umbilical cord. It's not like that at all. Throughout pregnancy, puppies inside the dog's womb receive all the substances they need for life through the umbilical cord. When there is very little time left before birth, the umbilical ring - the place where the umbilical cord attaches to the tummy - begins to narrow. The baby’s entire body is preparing to receive on its own not only food, but also oxygen. You need to learn to breathe, so contractions of the peritoneum begin. But this is not a factor in the development of a hernia, it’s a matter of genetics.

At birth, the umbilical ring is still open, but within 24 hours it should shrink completely. If the ring has an irregular shape or the tone of the abdominal wall is weak, then an umbilical hernia may form in the dog in these very first days of life.

How to identify a hernia in a puppy?

If the owner of the woman in labor is attentive and caring, then he will regularly examine the babies. You do not need to be a qualified veterinarian to identify an umbilical hernia in a dog or newborn puppy. With pathology, a more convex area is noticeable on the tummy than the rest of the area. There will be a small, protruding ball on the skin.

Don't start panicking right away. Umbilical hernias often occur in puppies, and in almost all of them they disappear on their own over the next few days of development.

Causes of umbilical hernia in older dogs

If the problem arose in puppyhood, then the cause is a weak umbilical ring, and this is a congenital pathology. In adults, the problem may arise for other reasons.

  1. Peritoneal injuries, overload - do not force the dog to perform physical exercise through strength, everything should be in moderation.
  2. Umbilical hernia in dogs after surgery is a common occurrence. The complication occurs due to an insufficient recovery period. Immediately after the sutures are removed, the animal cannot be loaded in the same way as before the operation, it must become toned, do not disregard the veterinarian’s recommendations for recovery, follow all instructions and rules.
  3. Frequent and multiple pregnancies of the dog. This problem often occurs when the dog walks on its own and the owner does not keep track of the mating. Another risk group is an inexperienced breeder who wants to make money on the fruiting of his pet, without caring about her condition. If you breed a breed, then take the dog the recommended number of times a year; after one pregnancy, you cannot immediately take it to the groom again. If you don’t want to breed animals, then it’s better to sterilize your pet, this is the key to its health and your peace of mind.
  4. Frequent constipation. This may be due not only to poor nutrition, but also to intestinal pathology. If you notice such a problem, the first thing you need to do is contact your veterinarian. If no diseases are found, then completely review your pet’s menu, and if necessary, put it on a diet.
  5. The cause of a hernia can be another disease - ascites.
  6. Persistent bloating.
  7. High pressure inside the peritoneum.

If the owner himself can determine the penultimate factor by the frequent “gas contamination” of the room, then only a veterinarian can determine the latter. It is precisely because of frequent disturbances in the functioning of the body, invisible to the eye, that dogs must be taken to the veterinarian annually for examination. The animal cannot say where, what and how it hurts, and often does not even show its abnormal condition.

Types of umbilical hernias

Photos of an umbilical hernia in dogs can be seen in this material. This is a very common phenomenon, and some animals can live with this feature all their lives, while eating well, exercising and not showing pain, since there may not be any pain at all. This may be due to the growth of the omentum to the hernia; it does not fall out, but does not fall into place, it protrudes a little, which may be completely unnoticeable. In this state of affairs, the hernia can be left untouched; the dog will live without noticing the pathology throughout his entire happy canine life. Another thing is when an umbilical hernia appears in a dog with prolapse of the omentum, in this situation it is necessary to correct the pathology, suturing, narrowing, the umbilical ring. But about the operation later, let's look at the types of hernias in dogs of all ages.

If a bump appears on the tummy of a newborn, this is not a reason to make a diagnosis. Hernias are of the following types:

  1. A true hernia is a type of pathology in which the umbilical ring opens and some part of the organ passes through it. The most common organ that protrudes is the intestine.
  2. A false hernia is a type in which the navel ring opens, but organs do not pass through it, remaining in the correct position in their places. The skin pouch becomes soft due to filling with fatty tissue. With this type of hernia, the hernia is very mobile.
  3. A moving hernia is a type of pathology in which you can easily push the prolapsed organ back inside by slightly pressing the sac. The gate - the umbilical ring - does not prevent the reentry of the organ.
  4. A hard or immovable hernia is the most dangerous look a pathology in which the umbilical ring, after prolapse of the organ, sharply narrows and remains in this position. In this condition, an internal organ becomes pinched.

Hernia dimensions

If a small bump appears in the navel area of ​​even an adult animal, you should urgently show your pet to a veterinarian. It is not a fact that the hernia will remain this size; it can grow to the size of a lemon or a chicken egg, depending on the size of the dog and the tone of the umbilical ring. This may not happen at all; the dog will live its entire life without knowing about the pathology. Or it can happen differently - the hernia will “grow” sharply even with a small load, pinching will occur and the pet will simply die within a few hours.

A lump in the navel area does not always indicate a hernia. It could be a harmless wen or a dangerous cancerous tumor. In any case, the pet should be shown to a doctor, even if it does not show signs of an uncomfortable condition.

Is there a breed predisposition?

There is no specific list of breeds that are predisposed to umbilical hernia. Most often, puppies suffer from the pathology, and this is a genetic feature. If adult dog If a hernia appears, then there are other reasons described above.

If we consider females and males, then the former have a higher predisposition, because the load on their peritoneum is higher, especially when bearing offspring.

Why are hernias on the navel dangerous?

Veterinarians recommend that the hernia be repaired without fail, and the sooner this happens, the less risk there is to the life and health of the animal. Even if a puppy has a formation, you should not expect it to resolve on its own. The reason for this is obvious - the umbilical ring can close at any time, and the contents of the skin sac will be pinched. Why is this dangerous?

  1. When the intestines are pinched, vomiting begins first and the dog suffers from constipation.
  2. If the pinch has absorbed part Bladder, then urine stagnation will begin, which will develop renal failure.
  3. When pinched, a dog experiences severe pain.
  4. Blood circulation is impaired.
  5. Blood does not flow into the pinched part, a lack of oxygen begins, and the tissues pinched by the ring begin to die.
  6. Dead tissue disintegrates, which causes intoxication of the body.
  7. If no measures are taken, the dog will fall into a short coma and then die.

If the necrotic process has begun, then the animal owner will have a matter of minutes to deliver the pet to the clinic, and there he will immediately go to surgery, where the umbilical hernia will be removed.

Dogs with a false hernia do not require surgery; it is not dangerous to health unless the dog himself begins to scratch it and injure it.


If the hernia begins to bother you, you can determine this by the symptoms.

  • A dog whines as it shows its pain.
  • Refusal to eat and drink, apathy.
  • Digestive disorders - constipation or diarrhea, vomiting.
  • The animal constantly lies down and refuses to play or go for a walk.
  • When pinched, the dog becomes more lethargic, weak, constantly whines and cries, and hides from people’s eyes.


If the condition is not acute, the dog does not show its condition in any way, or the symptoms are weak, but the owner has already brought the pet to the clinic, he will be immediately sent for an ultrasound. After this, you will need to donate blood for analysis to make a more accurate diagnosis.

When acute condition there is no time to waste. Without prior diagnosis, the dog will be immediately referred to a surgeon.

Surgery to remove an umbilical hernia in a dog

There's nothing wrong with that. If the organs have not come out through the ring, then the doctor will simply straighten the abdomen carefully and suture the hernial orifice.

If there are organs in the bag, then first you will have to open this bag to check the condition of these organs. If there are no injuries or other problems, then they are also reduced, and the surgeon sutures the gate.

If there was pinching, then there is a high probability of tissue death. IN in this case they are removed and cleaned, which is dangerous for the life of the animal. Only then will the doctor realign the organs and suture the gate.

There will be no relapses after the operation. Once recovered, the dog will begin to live a normal life.

Actions at home

If an umbilical hernia appears in a dog, every owner should know what can and cannot be done.

Under no circumstances should you try to correct the pathology yourself. Your actions can lead to complications - pinching or even rupture of organs. Do not do anything other than contact your doctor.

After surgery, the dog will need a warm, dry place in the house. The wound will need to be treated with disinfectants. The veterinarian will prescribe a diet that you must adhere to! Buy your animal a bandage so that when he stands up, his stitches do not come apart.

Umbilical hernia in puppies is a common pathology. This defect is characterized by loss internal organs(uterus, intestinal loops, omentum) into the formed or physiological opening of the lower abdomen. Most often, the disease is hereditary and genetic in nature.

Umbilical hernia in a puppy: causes

The birth of an animal is accompanied by the closure of the abdominal opening, to which the umbilical cord was previously attached, connecting the baby to the mother’s womb. Usually the umbilical ring closes completely within 24 hours. The skin on the abdomen becomes smooth. But sometimes a deviation occurs, manifested in an increase in the size of the ring or a change in its shape. The result is stretching connective tissue and organ loss. This defect can either disappear after a few days or become a prerequisite for infringement of internal organs.

The main causes of an umbilical hernia in a puppy are:


low tone of the abdominal wall;

weakness of connective tissues;

improper removal of the umbilical cord;

birth injuries;


increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Dachshunds, bull terriers, chow-chows, collies, etc. have a genetic predisposition to the pathology. german shepherds, Basenjis, poodles, bobtails and Pekingese.

Types of pathology

Formations can be congenital (inherited as a recessive trait) and acquired. In the second case, tumors arise under the influence external factors or anatomical features. Umbilical hernias are classified into four types.

True. A hernial sac formed by protruding pleura or peritoneum falls into the unclosed umbilical ring. The contents of the sac form part of the internal organs.

False. They are a soft, hollow growth that fills with fat over time.

Reducible. Part of the prolapsed organ is elastic and movable, easily stands on old place when pressed.

Pinched (hard). The hernial orifice pinches the organ and can cause tissue swelling and growth of the formation.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in a puppy. Diagnosis of the disease

The formation is an elastic tumor of soft consistency that occurs in the navel area. She doesn't break skin covering and in most cases does not cause discomfort to the dog. The size of the growth varies from the size of a pea to walnut. The defect is easily palpable and perfectly visualized. With more careful pressure, a hernial ring can be detected.

To the minor ones clinical manifestations acquired hernia include:

presence of seals;

change in breathing rhythm;

painful sensations;

depression and lack of appetite.

A preliminary diagnosis can be made by the owner himself by identifying the main symptom of an umbilical hernia in the puppy - a convex, rounded area of ​​skin - with visual inspection or palpation. The final conclusion is made by a veterinarian based on a blood test (general and biochemical) and urine. If necessary, carried out ultrasonography gastrointestinal organs.

Treatment of an umbilical hernia in a puppy: what to do at home

Having discovered a tumor, the owner must take measures to treat it. Important! Before starting any therapeutic manipulations, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. In the first two months of the puppy's life, the doctor may decide to repair the hernia non-surgically if it is reducible.

Independent help is possible provided that the formation is small in size and the puppy is still small. In these cases, palliative therapy is used. The method consists of applying a fixing bandage over the growth, consisting of a coin or a thick wad of cotton wool, secured with several strips of adhesive tape. The procedure is carried out immediately after reduction.

Good results can be achieved with a firming massage of the area around the navel. The purpose of the procedure is to activate blood circulation, relieve spasms, strengthen the abdominal wall and ligamentous apparatus. Five-minute manipulations are carried out several times a day. The technique is based on kneading and stimulating the abdominal area.

First, strokes are carried out with your fingertips, which help relax the animal. Then slowly begin circular movements clockwise. Monitor your pet's reaction - if there is any pain, the procedure should be stopped immediately. Attention! Massage is contraindicated for infections, wounds, elevated temperature and inflammation.

Remember that a pet with a hernia should not be allowed to stand on hind legs. You can only pick up a sick dog under the belly.

Surgical method of treatment

An unpleasant consequence of the pathology can be pinching of the organs of the hernial sac, impaired blood supply and necrosis, which makes an umbilical hernia in a puppy mandatory for removal. The clinical picture of pinching includes:

increased body temperature;

enlargement and redness of the hernia;

swelling of the peritoneum;

rapid breathing and heart rate;

tension and pain during palpation;

apathy, nervousness;

refusal of food;

lack of stool.

If the above symptoms are present, independent or untimely help can aggravate the situation, and in advanced cases, lead to death. At the slightest suspicion of infringement, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian.

The purpose of surgery is to restore normal functioning of the body and prevent negative consequences. A simple operation is performed under local anesthesia using sedatives. The surgeon cuts the skin, opens the hernial sac, then sets the internal organs, tightens the umbilical ring and applies sutures. The procedure is possible only if the puppy is fully vaccinated.

After the operation, the animal is shown wearing a bandage. The healing of sutures is facilitated by courses of antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins and immunostimulants.

The most common pathology abdominal cavity dogs have a hernia. An umbilical hernia in a puppy is a congenital ailment that can occur in both purebred and ordinary individuals. There is an opinion that the appearance of a hernia depends on the complexity of childbirth, as well as the quality of cutting the umbilical cord, but this ailment is purely genetic in origin. The disease has a number of features and nuances that must be taken into account before treatment.

At intrauterine development puppy gets nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord, it is attached to the placenta. Immediately before birth, the placenta does not nourish the fetus, but the supply of blood and oxygen continues immediately until birth. As the puppy moves through the birth canal, its body activates the process of preparing to contract the abdominal wall and open the lungs. In the place where the umbilical cord is attached to the stomach there is an umbilical ring. Immediately before the baby is born, the ring significantly decreases in size, and complete closure occurs on the first day of life.

The main cause of a hernia is insufficient tone of the abdominal wall, irregular shape umbilical ring

If the abdominal wall has insufficient tone or the shape of the umbilical ring is incorrect - main reason the occurrence of a hernia. It is not at all difficult to detect the pathology, because on the puppy’s tummy without special equipment you can notice a convex, rounded area. It is important to note that in a newborn, an umbilical hernia may completely disappear during the first days of life. Although the opposite process often occurs - the presence of this defect in an adult or grown-up dog.

This problem is very common, although some owners do not even suspect that their pets have a similar illness. This is due to the fact that in most cases, the presence of a hernia in a puppy does not affect its behavior in any way and leads to symptoms. However, there are some pets for whom this disease is fatal, and such an outcome occurs suddenly and without any prerequisites. The appearance of a tubercle in the abdominal cavity is far from a diagnosis of the disease. There are several types of this education:

  1. True. Formed from the hernial orifice (in other words, from the umbilical ring), as well as the hernial sac, part of the abdominal wall and the internal part of the organ, usually the intestines, are squeezed into it.
  2. False. If the hernial sac is empty, then the location of the internal organs is physiologically correct. The small sac is filled with fat, has a soft consistency and is quite mobile.
  3. Movable. The prolapsed part of the intestine is inserted back by palpation, as well as by pressing with a finger with slight force.
  4. Hard or irreducible. The organ is strangulated by the hernial orifice.

The size of the formation directly depends on the tone of the hernial orifice. In some cases, the hernia continues to grow and may even reach the size of a ripe tomato, usually after some provocative actions. Some of these include injuries, severe vomiting, pregnancy, constipation, bloating, or prolonged labor. In any case, if there is a characteristic lump and bump on the abdomen, you should show your pet to a veterinarian.

Qualified doctors from special institutions for animals argue that umbilical hernia in puppies must be treated in any case, and the sooner such a decision is made, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome. The reason for this opinion is extremely simple, because such a formation of any etiology can lead to infringement of the internal secretion of the hernial sac. Fast growth pet leads to the fact that the pinched part of the intestine or other organ is pinched by the umbilical ring. Incorrect physiological location of the intestine and high blood pressure can lead to the following negative manifestations:

  • prolonged constipation and even vomiting, which indicates intestinal strangulation;
  • renal failure or stagnation of urine due to strangulation of the bladder;
  • pain;
  • problems with normal blood circulation, which will lead to starvation of cells and tissues;
  • the emergence of a necrotic process, which is associated with the death of cells that have not received a sufficient amount of nutrients, the body begins to reject them;
  • septic shock, which is associated with increased intoxication;
  • coma and death.

It should be noted that the occurrence of a necrotic process gives the pet owner only a few minutes to take the puppy to the veterinarian. The dog immediately goes to the operating table, where a specialist removes the affected tissue, otherwise the animal will die.

If a puppy has a small hernia of the fatty type that does not cause any discomfort, then he does not need treatment

Small hernias of the fatty type do not cause any discomfort and only need treatment if the owner decides to improve appearance dogs. As a rule, for aesthetic purposes, fatty hernias are removed only after two or in combination with other procedures.

For prevention, your pet should have a tummy massage immediately after eating. As long as the babies feed on their mother’s milk, after eating she licks their bellies. After weaning, care responsibilities will fall on the puppy's new owners. It is necessary to constantly monitor the puppy’s activity; increased tension in the abdominal wall during play can lead to the formation of an umbilical hernia.


In puppies, a hernia can be glued, this method only works in the first couple of months of a puppy’s life. For adults, the most effective and safest method is surgery. If the operation is carried out as planned, then it is customary to combine it with another procedure, for example, with sterilization or some other surgical intervention. During the procedure, the specialist excises the hernial sac, returning the prolapsed part of the organ back and applies a shock to the hernial ring. In some cases, the procedure is performed urgently; as a rule, this occurs when pinching is detected or a necrotic lesion occurs in the pinched organ.

After surgery, the animal needs additional care. He needs to take a course of antibiotics and painkillers. Sometimes immunostimulants are additionally prescribed to ensure a speedy recovery of health. The first days will be the most difficult for the puppy and its owner. After some time, when scars form at the site of the suture, pain and other symptoms disappear, the animal will be able to return to a normal lifestyle.

An umbilical hernia is a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment for some indications. In any case, the pet must be shown to a specialist so that he can determine the nature of the formation and, if necessary, prescribe surgical intervention.