How to understand that you need to quit. By doing something you don't like, you "sin." Financial side of the issue

One of my, now former colleagues, was very fond of repeating folk wisdom: “It’s better to regret what you did than what you didn’t do.”

True, in her case, this position did not work to her advantage. Olga is a high-class specialist, but at the same time she is a rather hot-tempered person and sometimes too impulsive. One day we witnessed a scandal between Olga and our manager’s secretary.

There was such a loud scream in the corridor that the whole office came running to watch the two girls sort things out.

Soon our boss left the office. Olga impulsively proved that she was right and I must note that in essence she was right.
But suddenly, she made a serious mistake. Deciding to take an inaccurate manipulative step, she shouted: “Valery Sergeevich, either me or this idiot!” I will not work with this whore in the same team!

To which our boss calmly said: “Quit.” The hum stopped and everyone fell silent. Olga, continuing: “Oh, so!?” grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down an application at will. The manager signed the statement as soon as it arrived on his desk.

When we asked the boss why he didn’t stop Olya, she was right, and she is a highly qualified specialist. He replied: “I don’t like it when people start threatening me.”

Of course, Olga did not want to quit, and then she very much regretted what she had done. Due to an impulsive attack, she lost a good, well-paid job, which she loved and into which she had invested a lot of effort.

Therefore, the conclusion from this story is the following: dismissal should be well thought out and the decision should not be made at the moment of momentary impulses.

And now, I will list other situations in which you should not quit.

1. “I’m sick and tired of everything!”
Such depressing moods visit every head without exception, but this does not mean at all that one should resort to such a decisive step and quit.

Most likely the most the best way out from the situation - a vacation in which you need to have a good “break away” and get distracted.

I am sure that after your vacation, you will have a lot of brilliant ideas and fresh thoughts about work and how to achieve new success in your career.

2. “My husband earns a lot, now I don’t need to hunch my shoulders”
Firstly, the husband’s situation may well change. Today he is on a horse, tomorrow he may be thrown off his horse, alas, and this often happens. If both spouses work, the family has a more stable economic situation.

Independence and success suit all women without exception. Being a “convenient” dependent is a position that automatically deprives you of the opportunity to have your own opinion, time and the ability to make decisions. As they say, he who pays for everything calls the tune.

Secondly, any relationship can fall apart - and in this case, you will have to quickly look for a job to ensure your existence.
As they say, hope for the best, but be prepared for any scenario in the situation.

3. “It’s difficult for me in this team, they are all kind of quarrelsome”
The ability to communicate with people is an important skill that is necessary in any team. Even if there are people in the team who are clearly opposed to you, learn to resolve these situations constructively.

A “convenient” team will not be created anywhere especially for you; the only option is to open your own company, where you yourself will select “suitable” employees.

It's not smart to leave a good place work, only because you cannot overcome your shortcomings.

Yes, yes - start at any conflict situations I need it from myself. By the way, there is an excellent article on this topic (on the topic of conflicts in a team), read about how to get out of difficult situations in your team. I am sure you will cope with this task.

4. “I have just a terrible boss - a tyrant”
Unfortunately, the bosses, like parents, don’t choose (we smile).
And if the only thing is that, in your opinion, he is not a professional, stupid or something else, but otherwise the work suits you, then I advise you to learn to look at your manager only as a leader and not to mix in unnecessary emotions and feelings. Maintain subordination and fulfill your “mission”.

5. “I want to devote time to my family”
Life is a short thing and if you divide it into temporary stages, here I devote time to my husband, here to work, here to children - then, I’m afraid, one life is not enough for you.
Learn to combine business with pleasure, otherwise you can miss many opportunities and remain unfulfilled only because at one time you had illusions about the correct distribution of time.

6. “Today I was offered a good place, I’ll probably accept it.”
I will say again and again - no rash steps.
Before you go where you are promised Better conditions labor, make sure that there are no hidden pitfalls that “recruiters” are silent about in the pursuit of new personnel.
Find out everything about the new place and make a decision only with all the necessary information.

7. “I decided to look the best place“I’m tired of it here - no development!”
I'll be brief here. First find - then go.

There was one case in my story when a girl, having quit her job that she was tired of, could not find a permanent job for 8 years. And this turned out to be a great tragedy for her.

Therefore, going nowhere is obviously a losing option “At random”.

Of course, all cases are individual. But you need to clearly understand what the organization in which you currently work gives you, and how priority requests your work satisfies.

Only in the case when the most (most) important aspect for which it is worth working in a particular place is missing, does it make sense to look for a new place. And if you decide to quit, do it right!

The main thing is to understand and separate the main from the secondary.

We all want to work in a good team and hold a well-paid position. Work can wear different character, it can be related to sales or to the service sector. But it happens that the job you work at is absolutely not what you would like to do with pleasure throughout your life.

But, no matter what, we never stop convincing ourselves that everything is fine, even if this is not a dream job, but in this moment everything goes well. And you seem to feel comfortable at work. But remember that such satisfaction can easily lead to complacency, which can turn into danger for you.

Complacency usually leads to excuses that you can quit in a few months, that there is no time to look now new job, and in the future it can lead to humility that, in principle, this work is not bad. In the future, self-justification can give rise to fear in you, which will only pull you back. A lot of smart and talented people settled on “normal” jobs. And when suddenly they decide to move on, it turns out that they are very stagnant, that they are not even able to update their resume, that they are not even able to talk about changing jobs. There is a fear of the labor market, a fear of competition. Self-doubt develops, and as a result, the opinion appears that it is easiest to leave everything as it is and continue working in the usual place.

Read also: High efficiency: how to maintain enthusiasm at work?

If you want to grow in professional field if you want to change your life for the better, never calm yourself down; on the contrary, always analyze your current state and compare your desires and ambitions with it. Perhaps the time has come when it's time to take a step forward?

How can you determine when it's time to seriously think about quitting?

Here are the first signs when it's time to quit.

  1. At work, you maintain the status quo. If for three or more years you have been working in the same company, in the same position, without the slightest promotion, without an increase in salary, but at the same time you are striving for career growth, immediately look for a new job. It's time to quit! Even in large companies, where it is very difficult to achieve a promotion, steps forward can be taken in three years.
  2. You are not getting any return from your work. If your boss's reaction to your work is neutral or very vague, then it is quite difficult to understand what you need to do to grow up the career ladder. A good manager will definitely take care of your career development and give advice or instructions. Otherwise, change the manager.
  3. You don't learn anything. Are you not experiencing any difficulties at work, are you not learning anything interesting, are you not gaining new valuable experience? You probably won’t learn anything new at work, but improving your skills and mastering new areas is simply necessary for career growth. You can take the initiative and ask new project, sign up for advanced training courses, prove yourself. But if such opportunities do not exist at your job, then more than likely the company is not interested in your career growth.
  4. Someone leaves periodically. Suddenly you began to notice that some employees, especially good ones, began to leave work earlier and take time off. They constantly update their resume and portfolio. These are all signs that good job there is, and she is somewhere nearby. Ask your colleagues why they decided to quit? Perhaps their answers will help you clarify the situation.
  5. Your company is constantly restructuring. Constant restructuring most often results in a company's strategic direction being shaky. Bosses change frequently. This situation creates difficult conditions for your career growth. Maybe it's time to quit.
  6. Headhunters are looking for you. Do you often receive emails Recruitment agencies call you with job offers, but you can’t find a new job? Don't ignore them completely. This state of affairs may indicate that your specialty is currently in demand and popular. Find out more information about the incoming offers, you will probably find something suitable for you.
  7. You get the feeling that it's time to leave. Trust your feelings. Do your own thing workplace the most desirable and comfortable for you.

The topic of job search and dismissal is quite painful for many people. IN modern world With an unstable economy, people prefer to hold on to their jobs, no matter what it costs them. But, in fact, by deciding to change jobs, there is a chance to improve your life, become happier and more successful, not to mention the financial side of the issue. In this article, we will look at the sure signs that it is time to quit and look for new jobs or do what you love. So, let's begin.

1. You have lost the desire to work.

Almost every person periodically faces this problem. In principle, there is nothing wrong with the fact that an employee has temporarily lost the desire to work. There can be many reasons - personal difficulties, professional burnout, fatigue. But when this condition drags on for many months, and every morning a person literally pushes himself out of the house to go to work, as if it were hard labor, this indicates a problem. Most people spend most their life in the workplace, and every person deserves to have it bring them joy and satisfaction. If this is not the case, and work becomes only a source of stress, despondency and fatigue, there is no point in wasting your precious life on it. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about any success in a career if a person has no desire to work - the subconscious will block energy sources, and the time spent at work will not be beneficial.

2. You have stopped developing.

No matter what position you are in, it should contribute to your development. Every person’s life is a path, and if your work puts a wall in front of you, driving you into a dead end, you need to turn to another path. Just think - do you want to remain in the same place and circumstances as you are now in 20 years? Most likely not - we dream of a better future, and if work interferes with development, we need to leave and move to where we can become better, thereby changing our lives.

3. You are not appreciated at work.

Each of us has our own understanding of personal value. How much do you value your work? This is an important question to answer for yourself. If your assessment of your own work and the time you spend on it is significantly higher than how you are assessed at work, quit. Why remain dissatisfied if you can find a place where you will be appreciated. Today, many unscrupulous employers are taking advantage of the economic crisis to avoid paying them what they deserve. Don't be afraid of change, but don't start it thoughtlessly either. If you good specialist, whose work is worth more than the salary offered to you, find those who will appreciate it.

4. You don't have time for anything other than work.

This is a terrible situation that everyone also finds themselves in from time to time. When work starts taking up all your time and energy, life turns into a nightmare. A person is attacked by problems from other areas of life, relationships with loved ones deteriorate. It is not right. If it is not possible to agree with your superiors on standardization of working hours, you need to think about quitting. After all, work is only a part of life, not the whole of life.

5. Tense atmosphere.

There are work teams that are not able to accept new employees. If a person does not support the values ​​and lifestyle of the team, he immediately falls under persecution. An unbearable atmosphere at work reduces productivity and, most importantly, deprives you of pleasure. To Work with constant feeling psychological discomfort is dangerous - it can cause nervous breakdown, emotional burnout. Therefore, avoid working in toxic teams that want to adjust each employee to their own system - it is better to look for a normal company with a healthy team.

6. Having a ready idea.

Many employees of large companies who have been working for years, are successful and love their work, have their own dreams and ideas that they think about at night, but do not dare to implement. The point is that when working in large company, a person gets used to feeling like just a cog in a mechanism. This is the comfort zone that is difficult to leave in order to create your own mechanism, which has long existed in dreams. If you are hatching the idea of ​​your own business, but are afraid to leave the office, because everything here has long been established and familiar, do not be afraid to take a risk. Even if you don’t succeed in everything right away, you will gain valuable experience and understand that you can be successful outside the “mechanism.” Today, many people, sitting in cozy offices, close their eyes, see themselves in something else, but are afraid to take the first step. But most of those who were determined enough to quit never regretted their decision.

7. The employer's demands force you to step over yourself and your life attitudes.

It's okay that modern companies innovating, rebranding, changing, growing and trying to keep up with the times. But often the changes become too drastic, and employees have to overstep their principles in order to continue to comply with their position and maintain stability. Think for yourself - why do you need such stability, which gives rise to internal torment, remorse and makes your entire insides resist and protest?

Do you need to quit your job to earn more? Definitely. Is it worth quitting to grow professionally? Exactly. But there are other reasons to leave. And they all fall under one broad category: “Life is too short.” It's too short to come home every day feeling inferior, working for a terrible boss, feeling like a rental item or someone completely insignificant. Life is too short not to be as happy as possible. LinkedIn mastermind Jeff Hayden gives eight reasons why it's time to stop being a jerk and start looking better life.

“Let’s say your adult daughter tells you: “I hate my job. I’m bored, frustrated and feel like I’m going nowhere,” would you advise her to find another job? So maybe you should think about it yourself?

Your contribution is not valued, if not needed.

Every person has ideas. And we all love it when our ideas are taken seriously and have a serious impact on the common cause. The feeling that all this is thanks to you is very inspiring.

But when your boss or colleagues reject or even ridicule your ideas, it is demotivating. At some point you stop caring. But life is too short for it to be all the same.

You are criticized in front of everyone

We all need constructive criticism, sometimes even a little kick in the butt. Each of us sometimes needs to be reminded that we are capable of more and told what we need to do to achieve this.

But all this should sound face to face. Life is too short to expect new humiliations from your superiors every day in front of the entire team.

You are never thanked

Everyone needs gratitude. We need to know when we do something right (and even those who don't do a very good job deserve gratitude sometimes). Life is too short for your contributions to the common good to not be appreciated.

Your boss does not work with subordinates, but under superiors

You know, there are types of managers who, instead of leading their subordinates, do nothing but follow the heels of their superiors and wag their tail. It feels like your only job is to help your boss get more praise and a promotion.

A good manager knows that if his team is successful - and each team member is successful individually - then the manager himself will be successful. Life is too short to develop your boss's career at your own expense.

You have no goal

Everyone wants to feel part of something bigger. Everyone wants to think that they influence not only overall result, but also the lives of people around you. Life is too short to come home every day feeling like you've worked but never accomplished anything meaningful.

You feel like a cog

There are no irreplaceable people. At the end of the day, we all work for money. But beyond that, we all want to work for more than just money. We want to work for respect and admiration. And with people we respect and admire.

If your boss doesn't stop by your desk from time to time to ask about your family, how you're feeling, or to see if you need help, then you're just a cog in a big machine. Life is too short to be just a cog.

You're not the least bit excited when you go to work in the morning.

Every job is sometimes tiring and annoying (I'm sure even Richard Branson is not happy about some things). But every job should have joyful moments. Or exciting moments. Or challenges. Or some aspects that make you think: “I better get to the table and start doing this.”

Life is too short to waste it waiting every day for the end of the working day.

You don't see the future

Every job should lead you somewhere. Best of all, to a promotion, or at least to the opportunity to learn something new, take on some challenges, and feel that tomorrow will be better than today. A good boss strives to improve the future of his company. A good boss also strives to improve the future of his employees, especially if some of those employees eventually become more important to the company. Life is too short to live without hope.

You think you can't do anything else

And this is the most best reason quit your job. I know what you're thinking - “I'll never find something better.” Or “where I live there are no jobs at all.” Or “I’ve invested too much time in this company/career/industry.” It's all true if you let it be true.

You are capable of the best. You are capable of many things. You just have to believe in yourself, believe in your creativity, persistence to try something new, become better, happier and more fulfilled. Life is too short to stay stagnant instead of doing everything possible for a better life. And now it’s your turn to choose.”

Caution: after reading this text, you may have an irresistible desire to quit your job. unloved job(by the way, I will tell you how to properly quit her in the next article in the section).

So, according to various sources, only 10-20% of people are satisfied with their current job. The rest live by the principle “When leaving work, I try my best not to run.”

The text below is about how to understand that it is time for you to quit and three reasons why you should do it. Of course, there are obvious signs why you need to quit your job, but we'll dig a little deeper.

1. You feel the pain of unfulfillment

You know that a person who is not fulfilled feels real pain in his body. I call it “the pain of unfulfillment.” Recently a girl, Katya, wrote to me: “I’m so tired of my work that it’s getting to the point of pain! It’s as if the soul is shrinking and tearing out. When I work, I feel pain in the solar plexus area.”

When I am asked the question “How do I understand that I have potential and that I have room to grow?”, I always answer: “If you feel “pain” and the feeling that you can do more, then there is room to grow. Mediocrity does not feel pain. Most people don't think about it at all."

For example, my friend Masha works as a merchandiser in a large store. Everything suits her: she spends her days making sure that the tea and coffee on the shelves are neat and beautiful. In the evening she hangs out with friends at a bar and everything is fine with her. No worries, no “Oh my god, oh my god, how can I realize my potential?”

How more people worries, suffers, reflects, the greater the power hidden in him. The stronger your pain, the greater the strength hidden within you.

So, a very simple question:

“Do you feel the power inside of you that wants to come out?”

2. You don't want to grow in your current profession.

When my friend Bulat’s daughter was a teenager, she constantly asked: “Dad, what profession should I choose?” And he answered her: “It doesn’t matter what profession you choose. What matters is what place you take in it. In every profession there are 4 categories of people:

  • Amateurs
  • Professionals
  • Masters
  • Virtuosos

Usually 80% are amateurs. Professionals - 15%. Masters and virtuosos account for only 5%. And we must strive to be part of this 5%.”

Do you want to become a Virtuoso within your current profession?

It only makes sense to stay in your current job if you answered “Yes.” And not just “Yes,” but “Yes!”, “Of course!”, “Undoubtedly!”

3. You don't see the point in what you're doing.

While studying the issues of my favorite business, I realized one thing: if a person does not see the meaning in what he does, he dies from the inside.

For example, at the beginning of my career, I worked as a journalist for a news portal. We wrote about stars. Moreover, they wrote such cheap news as “George Clooney’s beloved pig has died.” Now it’s funny for me to remember this, because it’s such nonsense!

And I don’t understand how you can waste your whole life on this nonsense. It was killing me from the inside because I didn’t see the point in it.

It is important that your work is filled with meaning. Specifically for you. If George Clooney's pig makes sense to you, then here you go.

“Yes, yes, I really love my job,”

4. The job doesn't align with your inner values.

It happens that work comes into conflict with internal values. And this is fatal: either for work or for internal values.

For example, my friend Artem worked for an oil company that heavily pollutes the environment. But at the same time, ecology was a very important value for Artem, and he simply ate himself from the inside because of this contradiction.

I very often see people suffering from internal conflict. And it kills them.

The importance of our inner values ​​cannot be underestimated!

And now about the reasons why you should quit your unloved job.

By doing something you don't like, you "sin."

My friend Marcel once said: “If a person does not realize his full potential, then he is “sinning.” If you don't give your best in things, then you're depriving someone of a great product! You deprive people of your knowledge, your talent, your inner light, your professionalism.”

This is an amazing thought. Imagine the genius artist or writer in you dies, but you work as a lawyer. That is, you are not just working as a lawyer.

First, you're depriving people of some amazing product that you could have created: an amazing book, an amazing painting, an amazing movie.

Secondly, you add one more unhappy person to the world.

Ask yourself now: “By doing something I don’t love, what am I depriving the world of? What product?

Tim Burton must be upset if he finds out that the director in you is dying, -

By doing something you don’t like, you are engaging in “prostitution.”

If people have sex for money, this is called prostitution. It seems to me that people who sell themselves to a job they don’t like for money are also engaged in prostitution.

Only the first version of prostitutes is even more honest, because they admit that they are simply selling themselves for money.

At the same time, “second prostitutes” - those who work about unloved work - most often provide low-quality services. Recently, I was prescribed a course of IV drips and the nurse at a private clinic, due to unprofessionalism, simply “made fun” of my veins: she either stuck the syringe in the wrong place, then scratched the skin, or simply pierced the vein right through.

It was clear that she did not like to do this. I wanted to ask her: “If you do this disgustingly, then why are you doing it? Why are you taking away a place from a person who could do it well?

By doing something you don't like, you waste your life pointlessly.

At the end of our lives, most of us will regret the most simple things. And, most likely, the first place will be regret that we were never able to realize the splendor of our soul.

There is very little time, friends!

I am sure that we are born to become great and to reveal everything that is within us. This is why you need to quit your unloved job and unloved people.

Although you need to quit correctly, and not thoughtlessly. Especially if you have obligations to other people. How to do it right? We'll talk about this in the next article.

By the way, the second part of the book “100 Ways to Change Your Life” will be released in a month. On the book page you can leave your email to be the first to know about its release.