Games to raise the emotional background “Zoo. Cool games


The group forms a line. Each member of the group offers his hand to the one behind. To do this, the players spread their feet shoulder-width apart and put their hand back between their legs. At the same time, everyone also takes the hand of the person in front. The group begins to move backwards. At the same time, the rear one begins to lie on the floor. The group moves backward until everyone is on the floor.

The group is then asked to return to the starting position in reverse order.
Everyone takes off their shoes and places them in the center of the circle, each participant puts on two different shoes and tries to place the foot next to the foot wearing the pair of shoes.
How do you respond to a person who points to his elbow and says, “That’s my nose?” Well, you can point to your head and say, “Is that my elbow?” then he'll probably show me his foot and say, "That's my head!" This a new game and a hand-eye coordination test that shows how long you can last while naming the body parts your partner just revealed while pointing to another part of your body.

Shadow leader. One of the players leaves the room. The rest of the team members choose a “leader”, who gives the group any movements and changes them after a while.

The task of the person entering is to identify the “leader”. If you are lucky, the “leader” himself goes out the door and the game is repeated with a new “leader”.
Group members open their palms and take turns speaking: “I have never...(done anything).” The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The game is good for getting to know each other.
Group members stand in a circle and hold each other's arms. The presenter tells everyone the name of the animal. After this, the presenter loudly calls one of the names.

Guys with this name should cross their legs. The others must hold them back. Best effect achieved at large quantities one of them. website

The group stands in a circle and extends their arms to the center. After accidentally clasping hands, the group is asked to turn around in a circle so that people with clasped hands stand nearby.
The group stands in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of a fruit based on the first letter of their name. An exchange of phrases like “An apple loves an orange” is suggested.

After this, the “orange” must name the new pair. If this does not happen and the presenter manages to touch the “orange”, then they change places.
The team is divided into two or more fronts and chooses a name for itself - fruit. One person stands in the center and tells a story. As soon as he uses one of the front names, the members of that front must exchange with each other.

If "Tutti-frutti" is pronounced, then all members of all fronts must change places.
The team sits in a circle and begins to pass an object around the circle, holding it various parts bodies, changing them. If you fall, the game starts over again.
The group sits in a circle. Group members place their palms on the knees of their neighbors on both sides. The group begins clapping in a certain direction - hand after hand, in the order in which they lie on their knees.

When hit twice, the direction is reversed. The one who makes a mistake removes his hand.
The group stands in a circle. Hands clasped behind back. In this case, the left arm is bent at the elbow and holds the right hand of the neighbor on the left. The leader, walking around the circle from the outside, quietly selects the “killer” by touching his shoulder. The “killer” shakes the neighbor’s hand N times. The neighbor presses the next one N-1 times, etc.

The one who receives one last handshake is considered killed and leaves the circle. The group's task is to unanimously identify the "killer". If the attempt is unsuccessful, the “killer” sends a new “impulse”.
“Your job is to get the whole team from this line to that line. In this case, everyone starts at the same time at the command of the leader. Moreover, at the same time the entire group can have five points of swing with the ground.”
The group forms a line. Each person places one hand on the shoulder of the person in front and raises one leg. With the second hand, the hind ones pick up the front leg.

The task is to jump a certain distance without breaking. ....................................

Everyone sits in a circle so that one chair is free. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Each participant sitting in a circle calls himself some kind of animal. The participant sitting to the left of the empty chair claps right hand oh after it and names some animal. The one who heard the name of the animal chosen by him must take an empty chair. The participant to whose right the chair is free must slap it and name another animal. The driver’s task is to have time to take a chair before the clap. The one who did not have time to clap becomes the driver.

"Spaghetti, ketchup, Coca-Cola"

The group forms a circle like a train, holding the waist of the person in front. Everyone walks synchronously and says the words: “Spaghetti, ketchup, Coca-Cola” - 3 times. On "spaghetti" - step with the right foot, "ketchup" - step with the left foot, "Coca-Cola" - synchronized rotation of the pelvis clockwise. The next stage of the game is to step into a circle and grab the waist of the person standing in front of you. The same words are pronounced with the same movements. The next stage, step into a circle and take the person who is in front through 2 people.


All players are divided into two teams. In turn, each team guesses the name of the film (word, phrase, etc.), calls one player from the opposing team, and tells him this. The player’s task is to explain to his team what they have planned for him using facial expressions and gestures.

"At my place, at my neighbor's"

To play, you will need a small object: a ring, a key, a button, a keychain, etc. Participants stand in a circle, arms extended to the sides: the palm of the left hand is like a ladle, the palm of the right hand is like holding something with their fingers. Simultaneously repeating the words: “At my place, at my neighbor’s,” all players transfer from their left palm to left palm neighbor on the right is a small object. The driver's task is to guess who has it in the palm of his hand.

"I am a snake"

Participants stand in a circle, one after another (boy-girl). The counselor begins by approaching someone and saying, “I’m a snake, a snake, a snake, I’m crawling, crawling, crawling. Do you want to be my tail?" If the answer is yes, then the person being asked crawls under the leader’s feet, introduces himself and with his right hand takes the person being asked’s left hand through his legs. If the answer is negative, the phrase sounds: “But you have to!”, and the clutch begins. Thus, each time the snake grows larger and larger. The game continues until all participants join each other.

"Santiki-candy wrappers"

Participants stand in a circle. Two drivers are selected. One of them, observing the conditions of the game, shows various movements, which everyone repeats synchronously, imperceptibly changing movements (let's call him a “dancer”). The second driver is taken to another room, his task is to identify the “dancer”. The game begins by all participants with the words: “Santiki-candy wrappers-limpopo.” Then the “dancer” shows various movements, the group copies them, still repeating the words: “Santiki-candy wrappers-limpompo”. The driver’s task is to identify the “dancer” after three attempts. At the same time, participants can look anywhere, but not at the “dancer”! If the driver guesses who the “dancer” is, he automatically takes the driver’s place. Game continues.


Participants stand in a circle, the left hand of each participant is on the shoulder of the neighbor on the left, the right hand is on the belt of the neighbor on the right. All participants, swaying first to the right, then to the left, sing a funny song:

Ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya-o,

Ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya-o,

Ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya-o,

Ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya, oh-ya-oh.

I-oh, I-oh, ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya-oh,

I-oh, I-oh, ti-ya-ya, ti-ya-ya, oh-ya-oh.

When the sound “Oh! ", lean forward. The game continues, but now they sing faster and faster.

“Knead-knead the dough”

Participants stand in a circle, holding hands and repeating the words together: “Knead, knead the dough, knead, knead the dough,” while coming together as tightly as possible. To the words: “Inflate the bubble and don’t burst, inflate the bubble and don’t burst!”, they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people whose knot has broken stand in the center of the circle, and they are already “kneaded”. Those in the circle have the right to help break the “bubble” with their backs. The strong and dexterous win.

"4 steps"

Participants stand in a circle, hold hands and sing, following these movements:

Four steps forward

Back four steps

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands,

We blink our eyes,

Let's jump around ourselves.

With each repetition the pace accelerates.

“Wound up and unwound”

Let's warm up a little.

Wound up (we wrap our arms around ourselves),

Unwound (we spread our arms to the sides).

Wounded up


The neighbor on the right is wrapped up (we wrap our arms around the neighbor on the right)


(etc.: neighbor on the left, in front, behind...)

Psychological games and exercises for children aimed at the formation and development of a children's team. These games and exercises can be used in the classroom and in children's camps.

On an ice floe

Target: development of interpersonal relationships in a team of participation, unity, and a sense of support.

At least 8-10 people participate. Chairs according to the number of participants.

The presenter invites participants to make an ice floe out of chairs and set sail across the Arctic Ocean. Participants stand on chairs. The presenter begins the story: “You, friends, have gone on a journey across the Arctic Ocean. A storm has begun, a piece of the ice floe has broken off, but you all need to save yourself, hold out on the ice floe until help comes to you.” The presenter gradually removes the chairs, thereby “chipping off” piece by piece from the ice floe. The task of the participants is to stay on the ice floe as long as possible and in greater numbers.

At the end of the game there is a discussion: how long how many were able to stay on the ice floe, who made more efforts to save others, who only saved themselves.

Magic ball

Target: improving interpersonal relationships in the team.

The participants of the game sit in a circle, the leader suggests, passing the ball to each other wool threads and winding part of the thread around your wrist, say the following: “My name is... More than anything else in the world, I love... and I don’t love... I want to be friends with you, because...”

After the participants have spoken, the presenter sums up: “Our magical little ball was able to

unite, now we are a real team, we are together and we are strong!”

Parts of my "I"

Target: self-awareness, attention to the behavior of others. Development of conversation skills.

Materials. Paper, sets of colored pencils (6 colors).

The presenter invites teenagers to remember what they are like in different situations depending on the circumstances (sometimes so different from themselves, as if it were different people), as they happen to lead internal dialogue with yourself, and try to draw these different parts of your “I”.

After completing the task, all participants and the presenter take turns showing their drawings to the group and telling what is depicted on them. Teenagers exchange impressions: was it difficult to complete the task, was it difficult to explain what they depicted. With the consent of each of the participants, the presenter collects the drawings (those who wish can keep them).

Magic shop

Target: awareness of one's positive and negative traits character.

The presenter invites teenagers to think about what qualities they possess. Then he asks to imagine a magic store in which everyone, in exchange for some of their qualities (intelligence, courage, honesty, laziness, tediousness, indifference), can receive others personal qualities, necessary for yourself. The “buyer” hands over his qualities, the “seller” says whether there is what is required, how much he could give in return, etc. In the discussion, the guys share their experiences from the game, discuss whether any human quality is valuable, etc. d.

“Yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”

Target: developing the ability to communicate, express one’s thoughts on a particular issue, defend one’s point of view, and give arguments in favor of one or another answer.

Pre-prepared cards with the answers “YES”, “NO”, “I DON’T KNOW” are attached to opposite parts of the room before the game starts.

The presenter reads out the question, the guys, having chosen one answer or another, stand against the wall with the required card. The facilitator asks the participants one by one about their choice. The task is to defend your point of view in choosing an answer, to prove its correctness.


The presenter invites the children to split into pairs. Couples hold hands. The first numbers think of a word and pronounce it along with other 3-4 words. The partners' task is to feel which of the words is hidden. Then the players in pairs change roles.


The group is informed that they are stranded on a desert island. Suddenly they saw a ship on the horizon. This is their last chance, so you need to try to attract attention in any way. After this, you can ask the group who noticed whom. This person bends his finger, and then they see who has more fingers.


The group needs to fit on an island - a piece of fabric. Moreover, the water rises - that is, the size of the island decreases. You can reduce it almost indefinitely.

The blind sculptor

The group is divided into three people. One is blindfolded. The second of the third “sculpts” the sculpture. Then the “blind” must “blind” from the second the same thing that he blinded from the third.

Training with chairs

Depending on the number of training participants, chairs are placed in a circle so that they can be walked around. The group needs to synchronously complete the task in the following sequence: everyone, sit on the chairs, stand behind the back, raise the chair to chest level, lower it, go to the starting position and sit back on the chair. Before the start of the training, you are given 1 minute to prepare, during which you cannot pick up a chair. You cannot talk while performing the task. If the rules are broken, the group starts the exercise again. The group has only two attempts. After completing the training, an analysis takes place.


Ancillary material - matches. The group lines up. Group members act in turns. You need to write a word using as many matches as possible. You are given 10 minutes to complete the task. The task is designed for group members to make up their minds, to be isolated from each other, to have no help, and to make decisions independently.


The whole group stands on the log in a certain order. It is necessary to change places: the 1st must take the place of the last, the 2nd - the penultimate, etc. While performing the exercise, you must not stand on the ground. If at least one person touches the ground, the entire group returns to the starting position. After completing the exercise, you should analyze the actions of the children.


A group of 14 people needs to cover a distance of 10 steps using only 8 limbs or support points. If the group is larger or smaller, the number of support points is added or subtracted (for 3 people - 1 support point).


The guys stand in a circle, closer to each other. One person goes to the center of the circle. This person should completely relax, his eyes are closed. The rest stretch their arms forward and easily rock the one standing in the center. Everyone must visit the center of the circle, after which everyone shares their impressions.

Make up a story

The presenter chooses a driver who will need to compose a romantic story together with the entire squad. The driver moves away from the fire, turns away and covers his ears. The presenter explains to the players the principle of the game. If the last word The phrase proposed by the driver ends in a vowel, we say “Yes,” if it ends in a consonant, “No.” Example: driver: “Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl, Julia.” Players: "Yes." Driver: “And now she turned 17 years old.” Players: "No." Driver: “Well, it’s good on the day she comes of age.” Players: "Yes." And so on until the driver guesses.

When I was a child

The presenter invites you to remember and tell an incident from early childhood that happened to you and could claim to be the most amusing. A baby's pacifier is passed around the circle, and the players take turns telling funny childhood stories.

Due to our line of work, we often have to change our social circle, make acquaintances, and join new groups. Often members new group in the first stages of working together they feel constrained and treat colleagues with distrust, which affects overall results. Psychological training games for the team, aimed at getting to know each other better, will help overcome awkwardness and defuse the situation.

1. Exercise “Getting to know each other.”

For this game, participants sit in a circle and take turns saying their name, as well as two of their qualities starting with the same letter as the name. The next participant must name the names of all previous names, and only then introduce himself.

This exercise helps you remember the names of new acquaintances and learn something interesting about them.

2. Exercise “Associations”.

It is more interesting to play this game in a team whose members are already more or less familiar with each other and where an initial opinion has been formed about each person.

As in the previous game, participants sit in a circle facing each other and choose one leader. The presenter leaves the room, and the rest at this time make a wish for him about someone present. After the person to guess has been identified. The presenter returns to the room and asks each person in turn different questions. For example: “What flower do you associate with this person?” “What fairy tale character does this person look like?” Based on the answers, the presenter tries to guess the “invisible man”, and when the riddle is solved, a new leader is chosen and the game continues.

The training allows you to understand how others see and perceive you.

3. "Time Machine".

The game is a little similar to the previous one in that its task is to find out the opinions of others about yourself. For this purpose, the team needs to be divided into pairs in such a way that the pair includes people who were previously unfamiliar and had practically no contact with each other. This approach gives more interesting results, but it is not necessary to strictly fulfill this condition. Once the partners are identified, they must take turns telling each other what they think their interlocutor was like as a child. What character he had, what he liked and what he didn’t, what he looked like. This exercise, among other things, helps to establish friendly relations between people who, for some reason, have not communicated before.

4. "In silence."

This is a psychological game for team building. Participants are given the task as quickly as possible (for example, in a minute) to be divided into groups according to some characteristic (eye color, month of birth, presence/absence of pets). But this must be done silently, in complete silence. After the signal to start, players tend to fuss and have a vague idea of ​​how to proceed. But then usually leaders are identified who lead the process, and the remaining participants carry out the task, focusing on their instructions.

Playing in a casual manner brings out the most proactive and adaptive employees; In addition, this is a great warm-up to lift your mood.

The most common exercise in groups is “Getting Acquainted”: when participants in a training write their names on pieces of paper, fold them into triangles and place them on the table so that everyone can see the name written on the piece of paper. Then everyone introduces themselves one by one and briefly talks about their hobby. For example: “I, Mikhail, my hobby is cooking “Oatmeal” in the morning!

Such exercises and psychological games for the team they allow not only to get to know everyone present, but also to defuse the atmosphere at the training or in the team.

Write in the comments what exercises do you do?


Everyone lies down, putting their head on the stomach of another participant and, thus forming a long chain, the first player says: “Ha,” the second: “Ha-ha,” etc. The game starts again if someone laughs.


The group sits in a circle. Group members place their palms on the knees of their neighbors on both sides. The group begins clapping in a certain direction - hand after hand, in the order in which they lie on their knees. When hit twice, the direction is reversed. The one who makes a mistake removes his hand.

“Hee-hee, ha-ha.”

Participants pronounce the count “1,2,3,4,5” by making movements with their hands (as if knocking on a door, first with their right hand, then with their left hand, first at head level, at waist level), lean forward and say “HI” 5 times, then back and “HA” 5 times. Speeding up the pace, do this 5 times, then 4, 3, 2, and 1.

"Oh la viburnum."

Oy-la viburnum – 2 r. Ku-ku. Oy-la viburnum – 2 r. Ku-ku. Rumba-rumba, touch-touch-touch Ahh, oh-oh, bang-bang, whack-bang, yo!! “Crazy” words are also accompanied by movements: we think you remember them!

Catch up with the pig.

All participants stand facing in a circle. It is suggested to imagine that a small, pink piglet is running around in a circle, grunting all the time. The players' task is to catch the piglet. And they do it in the following way: at the command of the leader, the sound of “oink” is transmitted in a circle from one participant to another, while the time is recorded on a stopwatch. The game is played several times, each time the tempo of the “oink” sound passing around the circle increases.

Games to cheer you up 2

Material from Summer Camp

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GOAL – to provide children with leisure time, to develop children’s creative potential: imagination, intelligence, to give children the opportunity to show off their wit

Progress of the game.

Children are given words based on which they must come up with a story. For example, five words that suggest the plot of Little Red Riding Hood: girl, forest, flowers, wolf, grandmother, plus a sixth word, extraneous, for example, helicopter...

It turned out to be a wonderful polyphonic story in which the wolf, at the moment when he was knocking on the door of his grandmother, was noticed by a traffic police helicopter. “What is it doing there? What does he want? - the police were perplexed. The helicopter rushed down, and the wolf ran away, straight towards the hunter.” The conditions of the game are clear, an example is given. It remains to find a few suitable words and one inappropriate one. In a small company, the game can be slightly modified: let the number of words correspond to the number of players, the words are distributed by lot, and everyone in turn comes up with a phrase.

In such a game there are no winners and losers; what attracts you is the process itself, the opportunity to show off your wit.


THE GOAL is to develop in children ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition, and imagination.

Teams of 2-5 people are organized. Each of them has its own Mulder and Scully. They will compete in creative competitions related to detective investigations of classified materials. For winning individual competitions, the team is given 4 files of secret materials. For 2nd place - 3, for 3rd - 2, for 4th - 1 file. The team that opens the most files will receive FBI badges.

Siamese twins. Participants hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. In this position perform:

1st team – lights a candle using matches

Team 2 – uses scissors to cut a circle out of paper

Team 3 – ties a shoelace

4th team – inserts the refill into the ballpoint pen.

Description of the suspect. Each team needs to be able to create a verbal portrait. Future agents visually study the criminal for 30 seconds and give him a verbal portrait.

Silent actions. A secret agent often has to penetrate other people's premises in order to collect detailed information about a suspect and study his tastes and preferences. It happens that at this time the owner of the apartment or office space appears. It cannot be scared away, but the agent has to take some necessary actions. How to do them without giving yourself away?

1 – lower the spoon into the glass

2 – place the fork on the plate

3 – close the pan with a lid

4 – remove the lid from the kettle

Who will do it silently?

Task The teams must show the detective film “The X-Files in the Camp. Who will spin the plot more interestingly? The task is given in advance.

1 – “Secret tests in the cafeteria”

2 – “Secret tests in the medical unit”

3 - “Paranormal phenomena in the soul”

4 – “Something is happening in the camp director’s office”

The presenter, without commenting on anything, gives everyone a piece of paper on which the following is written: REMEMBER, YOU ONLY HAVE 40 SECONDS!!!

1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump on your left leg 5 times.

3. Raise both arms up 2 times.

4. Read all assignments carefully.

5. Shout your name loudly.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Kiss any 3 people.

8. Turn around yourself 3 times.

9. Laugh loudly at the game host.

10. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

11. Jump on right leg 5 times.

12. After you have read all the tasks, complete only tasks No. 13 and 14.

13. Squat down.

14. Place the sheet in front of you on the floor.

Interested players, having received the sheet, begin to act. The host once again reminds that players only have 40 seconds to complete this difficult task. If there are children who are not playing, the presenter can start reading the contents of the sheet out loud in about seconds. This game can be used both in a squad, class, group, and at a large show program. Good mood you are guaranteed.


Preparation: A leader is selected, the rest of the participants “play” the “giant’s head”. To do this, the roles must be distributed as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, etc. Then you need to arrange the mise-en-scene so that a figure is formed that resembles the head of a giant. If there are many participants, then it is good to give someone the role of left and right hands. Game: The leader stands in front of the “head” and performs the simplest manipulations. For example, he can wink, then yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, etc. The “Giant’s Head” must accurately reproduce all these simple actions. You can perform the exercise at a slightly slower pace.


5-15 girls form a chain behind the leader, and any number of boys follow them at a distance of one meter. Everyone ran. While running, the presenter asks: “Boys, boys, do you like girls?” And the boys must answer in unison: “No.” The question is asked several times, the answer is the same. Finally, the presenter says: “Well, if you don’t like girls, then why are you running after them?”


Challenge: Sometimes you will feel that the atmosphere in the group is becoming tense - participants may be angry with each other, tired or bored. These games will help excite them or relieve stress.

"Japanese Theater"

Instructions: This game is similar to the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. There are three roles: Dragon, Samurai and Princess.

The dragon growls, the Samurai waves his sword, the Princess curtsies.

The dragon scares the Princess, so he wins.

The Samurai scares the Dragon, so he wins.

The princess wins the heart of the Samurai, so she wins.

1. The group is divided into two teams.

2. One participant from each team comes out, and at the leader’s signal, both participants simultaneously portray the roles they have chosen.

3. The winning team gets one point.

4. The presenter counts the points on the board.


1. One of the group members turns his back to the others, and they silently choose the “Shadow Leader”.

2. The music turns on, and the “Shadow Leader” begins to ask some kind of dance movement, which the participants repeat after him.

3. As the game progresses, the movements change.

4. The participant with his back to the group now watches the other players and tries to guess which of them is the “Shadow Leader”. He is given three attempts.

5. Then a new guesser is appointed.

"The wind blows on those who love..."


1. The leader removes his chair from the circle and stands in the center of the circle. “Now, as a driver, I will say the phrase “The wind blows on those who ...” and add various characteristics, for example: “The wind blows on those who watched the film “The Lord of the Rings”, ... loves ice cream, ... loves rock music, etc. ." Accordingly, participants who meet these characteristics (watched, liked...) need to quickly change places with someone else. At the same time, I can also take an empty chair. Whoever is left without a chair becomes the driver.”

2. The first two times the presenter names the characteristics and does not occupy an empty chair, and then, along with the participants, he can occupy the vacant seat and participate in the game.