Characteristics of control system elements. Management functions are special types of activities that express the directions or stages of implementing a targeted influence on the connections and relationships of people in the process of life of society and its management.

A management system (MS) is a set of all elements, subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified (purposeful) functioning of the organization. For an organization's management system it is necessary:- develop the mission of organizations; -distribute production and management functions; -distribute tasks among employees; -establish the order of interaction between employees and the sequence of functions they perform; -purchase or upgrade production technology; -establish an incentive system, supply and sales; - organize production.

The implementation of the listed activities requires the creation of a control system, which must be consistent with the organization’s production system

Management system consists of four subsystems: methodology, process, structure and management technology

Structure of elements of the organization's management system

Management methodology includes goals and objectives, laws and principles, functions, means and methods, schools of management. Management process– part of management activities, including the formation of a communication system, development and implementation management decisions, creation of a management information support system. Managment structure– a set of stable connections between objects and subjects of management of an organization, implemented in specific organizational forms. The management structure includes functional structures, organizational relationship diagrams, organizational structures and a system for training or further training of personnel. Control engineering and technology include computer and organizational equipment, office furniture, communication networks, document flow systems.

The methodology and management process characterize management activity as a process, and the structure and technique of management as a phenomenon.

The main elements are: Purpose– an ideal image of what is desirable, possible, necessary and historically acceptable for the company. Management process– sequence of stages of formation and implementation of influence to achieve the goal.

Method– a way to influence individuals and teams. It is selected based on the priorities of the needs and interests of a person or team. Communications– the process of interaction or counteraction in the “person-person”, “person-computer” system through the transfer of information. Task- a specific problem arising from a goal that requires resolution. Law– a necessary and stable relationship between phenomena. There are laws of nature social development and public institutions (states). Laws have no alternatives. Principle- the main position of any theory, doctrine, worldview. Principles have alternatives. Organizational relationsdifferent kinds impacts on humans, including administrative, functional, patronage. Function– a job, service or duty entrusted to a person. Technology– a set of methods and processes for performing specified functions. Solution- the result of a person’s mental activity, leading to a conclusion or action. Characteristics of information support– parameters of volume, value, reliability, richness and openness of information. Functional structures– schemes of interaction of functions necessary for the successful operation of the company. Document management system– the procedure adopted in the organization for the movement of incoming, outgoing and internal documents. Organizational structure– scheme of interaction of positions, functions and subordination.

Interrelation of control system elements

The company's goals are divided into groups specific tasks, which are combined by field of activity: economic, technical, social, environmental tasks, etc. To solve problems, they form a set of functions or operations that need to be performed (accounting, labor and wage, marketing, etc.).

The selected process scheme determines the priority of certain organizational relationships. Based on the functional diagram, process and organizational relationships, the composition of personnel is determined by number and qualifications. This data is enough to build an organizational management structure (linear-functional, hierarchical, matrix, etc.).

Knowing the list of all positions, functions performed and subordination, you can calculate the technical equipment of the personnel workplace. Employees can then develop, agree, adopt, approve and implement decisions in accordance with delegated authority. In addition, almost all elements are subject to laws and regulations (principles) professional activity. From this moment the company is considered to have started work.

Basic elements of an organization's management system

A system, literally translated from Greek, is a whole made up of parts. For the purposes of our presentation, a system is a set, an association of interconnected and arranged in a certain order elements (parts) of any integral formation. Control system represents a certain organized set of elements that form a single whole, irreducible to the properties of its individual elements, in which management functions are implemented.

In accordance with established views, the following basic principles are distinguished among the systemic ones:

Integrity – the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of a system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements and the irreducibility of the latter properties of the whole; the dependence of each element, properties and relations of the system on its place, functions, etc. within the whole;

Structurality – the possibility of describing a system through establishing its structure, ᴛ.ᴇ. networks of connections and relationships of the system; the behavior of the system is determined not so much by the behavior of its individual elements as by the properties of its structure;

Interdependence of the system and the environment - the system forms and manifests its properties in the process of interaction with the environment, being at the same time the leading component of the interaction;

Hierarchy - each component of the system in turn can be considered as a system, and the system under study represents one of the components of a broader system;

The multiplicity of descriptions of each system - due to the fundamental complexity of each system, its adequate cognition requires the construction of many different models, each of which describes only a certain aspect of the system.

In general, the control system model includes the following main elements: subject, object management, forces and means management, channels of connection(direct and reverse). The control system is affected external environment, changes accordingly and thereby ensures its functioning (performance).

Subject of management the organization is an official or in a certain way organized group persons (body, division, board, council, meeting, meeting, etc.) who can and must, by virtue of job responsibilities, given powers or existing agreements (consent) to exert a control influence on the corresponding control object. Personified subjects of management at various levels are, in particular, the director of the factory, the deputy head of the department, the head of a military unit, the rector of the university, the president of the association, general secretary party, chairman of the meeting, manager of the affairs of the international committee, group leader, manager, etc. The group management entity in the organization is, in particular, the board of directors large company, general meeting of shareholders, ministry board, academic council of scientific or educational institution, expert or advisory council of the legislative body, management structure of the holding, etc.

Each subject of management, regardless of position in the hierarchy of the organizational structure, is at the same time an object of management of a system of a higher organizational level. This means that he must not only perceive the control influence of his subject of management (manager, higher management body), but also, in turn, exert an appropriate influence on him through feedback channels (for example, by providing information that is extremely important for the functioning of common system etc.).

Control object in an organization - an official, an individual employee or a team (division of an organization) carrying out activities in the interests of the organization. The specified control objects: perceive the control influence of the control subject; have relative independence in resolving official issues or implementing management functions; have clearly defined (normatively established) organizational relations with the subject of management, stable channels of direct and feedback with him. The object of management, although specific, is also an informal group of workers within the organization.

The definition and distribution of management objects between various levels, management links and specific officials is carried out taking into account the complexity, importance, and condition of such objects; qualities and abilities of the managing subject; controllability standards and some other management factors. General rules are the following: each object must have its own and preferably a single subject of control; each subject must have its own control object or group of them, united according to some essential characteristics (territorial, functional, etc.); Each subject and object of management must have a well-defined and precisely defined list of duties, rights and responsibilities in the field of management.

Managerial Impact- this is any type of mutual influence of the object and the subject of management. There are two types of it: control action and reverse action. Control action represents the influence of the subject of management on the object of management in order to change (save) its state, behavior, actions . Backlash reflects the reaction of the control object to the control influence of its subject, the control object’s own vision of the management situation, as well as detailed information about control factors in a specific area. In other words, the control object takes part in the control process.

Control forces- this is a set of employees organized on the basis of staffing and professional and qualification characteristics, united in manadgement Department, - assistants, advisers, consultants, assistants, secretaries, etc. This also includes individual, specially designated employees who are entrusted (possibly temporarily) with performing certain management functions. In practice, in small departments, dedicated employees perform the functions of analysis and planning. This category of organization employees needs in-depth management training and specialization, taking into account the nature of the functions performed.

Controls- any physical objects that allow recording and transmitting management impacts, providing direct and feedback, thereby ensuring the effective functioning of the management system. These include various types technical means- mainly computer technology, modern means communications, as well as organizational equipment (dictaphones, duplicating machines, designers, etc.).

The main elements of an organization's management system - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Main elements of an organization's management system" 2017, 2018.

Organizational management is a continuous process of influencing the performance of an individual, group or organization as a whole. best results from the standpoint of achieving the set goals.

The goals of the organization will be realized only if its activities are carefully coordinated. It follows that management is a necessary activity of an organization. The complexity of management activities and the need for its separation from other functions depend on the size and structure of the organization.

The management system consists of the following components - the mechanism of managerial influence and the totality of all elements, subsystems and their relationships, as well as processes that ensure the functioning of the organization in a given direction.

Traditionally, the enterprise management system has two parts - the manager and the managed. The management part consists of the directorate, managers, and information units that support the work of the management team. This part is called the administrative and managerial apparatus. The information represents the input action and the final product of the control part. At this level, management decisions are made, such as the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, economic justification and choosing from a variety of options to achieve the desired goal.

The managed part implies a union of various production and functional units that provide manufacturing process. The inputs of the managed part and the outputs as a result depend on the type of organization.

The control system consists of four main elements:

a control center that compares the actual and set output and, if necessary, generates a control action;

2) a control structure that measures and transmits information about the state of the output;

3) feedback channel;

4) main system output.

If we consider management as a process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, then it is necessary in order to formulate and achieve the desired goals of the organization.

Planning involves setting the desired goals of the organization and determining the algorithm of employee actions necessary to achieve these goals. Uncertainty environment helps to partially overcome organizational planning. Planning for successful implementation must be continuous, with goals constantly adjusted based on the intermediate results achieved.

Organization as one of the management functions implies the creation of some structure. Structuring the work of many elements allows you to determine goals, what tasks and who will perform them.

One of the functions is motivation. The function of motivation lies entirely with managers, whether they consciously engage in motivation or not. Obviously, as described by numerous theories of motivation, one can successfully motivate only after identifying needs.

Control ensures the achievement of the goals set by the organization. The following necessary elements (stages) of control can be noted: establishing standards; measuring what has been achieved and comparing what has been achieved with expected results; correction of serious deviations from the plan. At the last stage, goals can be revised based on the requirements of the situation.

According to the parameter direction of control influence, the organization’s personnel can be divided into two rather large categories - managers and non-managers.

Leaders or managers are subjects of organizational activity who make decisions that influence the actions of other people, give orders and control their execution.

Non-managers or unmanaged include objects of organizational activity that carry out orders from managers and do not have the right to make decisions that influence the actions of other people.

Leaders in an organization have certain functions and play their roles. The functions of managers are clearly delineated. In addition to separating the functions of managers and non-managers, it is also necessary to separate management work.

Low-level managers are managers who are directly above non-managerial employees. They control the implementation of production tasks and are responsible for the direct use of allocated resources (raw materials and equipment). The titles of lower-level positions can be: head of department, head nurse, head of department and foreman. A management career often begins at the lowest level.

Low-level work is varied. A feature of this work is the frequent transition from performing one task to another, and it also has a short deadline for completing tasks. Junior managers spend a lot of time communicating with their direct subordinates and much less with their superiors.

The middle level coordinates and controls the lower level. Mid-level positions are called, for example, dean of a faculty or head of a department, as well as director of a branch, etc.

The nature of the work of middle managers in different organizations has different characteristics. There are organizations that give such managers quite a lot of responsibility, which makes their work similar to the work of bosses senior management. The work is creative in nature and includes posing problems, discussing them, proposing options for action and developing recommendations.

The work of middle managers depends on the functions of the department being headed. Thus, if it is related to production, then a middle-level manager will coordinate the work of the lower level, spend a lot of time analyzing data on labor productivity and the properties of products / services, and discuss the possibilities of developing new types of products / services with engineers. Provided that the departments headed by the organization are engaged in external relations, then paperwork will take away most time, the remaining time will be spent on communication, including various meetings.

Middle managers mediate between senior management and junior managers. Middle management plays a special role as conduits of the great ideas of top management to lower management and staff in a publicly accessible form.

The role of middle management is not limited to this. Representatives of this group of managers are charged with the task of stimulating employee creativity and reducing routine daily activities, as well as the ability to become a learning organization and create a thinking organization.

Managers top level perform a special role in making the most important (usually strategic) decisions.

Senior managers perform a large volume of work, and their work does not have clearly defined boundaries. In this regard, senior managers cannot determine the success of their activities. One of the criteria for success is the continuation and effectiveness of the organization's activities, but the external environment is constantly changing, and the risk of failure remains high.

Thus, control is the process of influencing a system in order to maintain a given state or transfer it to a new state. The elements of the control system are the following: output of the main system; a control structure that measures and transmits information about the state of the output; a feedback channel and a control center that compares the actual and set output and, if necessary, generates a control action.

The management system itself is a set of subsystems, elements, communication of systems and subsystems, as well as processes that ensure the necessary, high-quality functioning of the organization. The management system created in the organization must be interconnected and coordinated with the organization's production system.

To have a high-quality organization management system, you must do the following:

Select and establish the order of interaction between employees - establish the sequence of functions performed by employees - distribute tasks between employees - modernize production technology - distribute management and production functions - establish a sales and supply system - think through the mission of the organization - organize the company’s activities

    1. Components of an organization's management system

First subsystem- This management methodology. It represents a set of tasks, goals, principles of management, and a set of laws, functions, methods, means, schools of management.

Second subsystem - management process, which is one of the main components of management activities. The management process includes the development and implementation of management decisions, the formation of a communications system, and the creation of a management information support system.

Third subsystem- managment structure. Management structure - a system of connections between objects and subjects of management of an organization, which have found their implementation in private organizational forms Fourth subsystem- control technology. Management technology includes not only organizational and computer equipment, but also communication networks, office furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets), and a document flow system.

The organization's management system consists of the main elements:

    method (method of influence);

    task (problem resulting from the goal);

    goal (desirable, necessary, possible);

    law (relations between phenomena);

    communication (the process of interaction or counteraction through the transfer of information);

  • document management system;

When solving problems in an organization, a set of functions arises that need to be performed. The functions are analyzed, grouped, and after that the organizational structure of the organization appears. The process of performing functions can be continuous and discrete, sequential and parallel, cyclic and one-time.

8. Management cycle. Basic functions of management

Functional structure of management (processor approach)

Planning how the function of management involves deciding what the GOALS of the organization should be and WHAT the members of the organization should do to achieve these goals. Essentially, these are answers to the following questions:Where are we currently?. Leaders must soberly assess the strengths and weak sides organizations. Where do we want to go. When choosing directions for the development of the organization, managers must assess the opportunities and threats in the environment. How are we going to do this. Managers must decide, both in general and in particular, what to do to achieve their goals.

Organization– structuring the internal elements of the organization in order to implement plans and achieve goals. Includes: - Creation of an organization management structure (selection of performers, delegation of tasks, empowering them to use resources) - Organization of joint implementation of established work.

Motivation– creation among performers of internal motivations for actions aimed at effectively achieving the goals of the organization.

– the process of ensuring that an organization actually achieves its goals. There are three aspects of management control. The first is setting standards - precise definition goals that must be achieved within a specified period of time. The second is measuring what was actually achieved in a given period of time and comparing it with expected results. The third is making decisions to adjust your actions.

Connecting processes – decision making and communication.

The management structure is like a building, the foundation of which is formed by communications and modern technological information processing systems. The bricks are the main components of management, the roof is the human resources of the organization.

Organization management– a continuous process of influencing the productivity of an employee, group or organization as a whole to achieve a set goal. An organization's management system includes the totality of all services of the organization, all subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified functioning of the organization. In any organization there is a managing part and a managed part.

The control system includes the following subsystems of elements: methodology, process, structure and management techniques. Methodology includes goals, objectives, laws, principles, methods, functions, technology and management practices. The structure includes functional structure, diagram of organizational relationships, organizational structures and personnel professionalism. The management process includes a communications system, development and implementation of management decisions and information support. Control techniques include computer technology and office equipment, office furniture, communication networks and document management system.

The management methodology and process, in turn, shape management activities, and the structure and technique of management constitute the management mechanism.

The main task management systems consider the formation of professional management activities, which are considered as a process (a set of actions leading to the formation of relationships between parts of the whole) or as a phenomenon (the combination of elements to achieve the mission of the organization).

An important point of the management system is the organization of work to stimulate the growth of labor productivity. The following theories are used to solve this problem:

1) theory of leadership selection, proficient in socio-psychological management methods. The theory is based on the fact that a certain part of the staff does not like to organize their work. Such people need demanding, powerful, tough leaders. The theory also takes into account that the team includes people with great creativity, initiative, and self-esteem. The leader must be democratic and have tact and flexibility;

2) goal organization theory is based on the fact that there are people in the team who will work well only if the goals set by the manager are achieved;

3) needs theory is based on the fact that employees are stimulated by satisfying their needs and interests; 4) theory of justice based on each employee's expectation of reward for his work.

Any organization has a mission, be it a commercial company, a veterans' union or a central bank. And this mission must, firstly, be formulated and enshrined in official documents(primarily in the charter) of the organization and, secondly, brought to the attention of all employees, for whom it should become a permanent psychological setting for their daily actions.

Any enterprise is a group of people. At the same time, the owners of the enterprise are members of this organization, and the workers are its employees. Naturally, the main purpose of any organization is to promote the interests of its members, primarily the interests of its owners. This internal goal can be achieved in modern society only through the effective satisfaction of consumer demand for the company’s products, which, in turn, is possible only through detailed study, specialization and even the formation of consumer requests. This is the external goal of the company. Such an effective combination of the company’s internal and external goals (mission) is a huge achievement of the capitalist economic system.